This Is An Azeroth Ending Threat

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okay this caught my attention when I first saw them blizzard press kit at first glance it does look like just another wow enemy some fella will melt for a quest and never think about again this time though it could not be further from that because we have seen NPCs like this before if you played season 3 of dragonflight you've seen them in your dungeon pool and if you played Warlords of dror you certainly will know what's going on so from wad to the everbloom to Chronicle to BFA to dragon flight a story is building and here blizzard are putting their foot on the accelerator and other than the screenshot the only War within spoiler is the presence of a rather fibrous environmental detail in like two zones and of course today's sponsor in cogne where I've got an update for you so data leaks happen all the time and like vultures looking for a meal data Brokers are out there to harvest your data and that's why we end up dealing with so much spam and well sometimes worse but the good news is we've got a legal right to get that removed but the downside is that can take hours and that is where in immediately they found me in 48 Brokers they sent 42 requests and six were completed instantly I checked in on them today though just before recording this they have now sent 44 six are in progress and 38 have been taken down yes 38 and the most recent one is called crosswalk Technologies I went to their site and I got this quote dynamically monitors the digital behavior of over a 100 million consumers worldwide which uh I I don't want to be in that list that's not good and uh now I'm not in that list and by keeping you off those lists your data is more safe you are more secure and you get fewer annoyances like spam mail calls and emails and also like you know those creepy person tracking things like being verified yeah it helps get you off those too now problem is even if you do all these takedown requests yourself you can just be reharvested again incog keeps your data down by rescanning Brokers over time does that all automatically so give him a shot today at incog docomo 60% discount okay first things first what is the thing that set this whole video off this is a genesaur something that you'll remember from Warlords of dror now Warlords of dror was of course an alternate timeline while where the genosa Surs were still a threat unlike in our timeline where they very much appear to have been just killed off driven extinct or whatever they weren't there in Warcraft 1 war of dror like any alt timeline story though is showing us a threat that we narrowly avoided only of course for the everbloom dungeon to suddenly make that threat very very real indeed so that's our first bit of context that we've seen this kind of enemy before and he was tied to a pretty big threat the second is our zones the Arn of calgar were basically set up to protect and maintain the corway which essentially is Titan stuff related to Azeroth that we don't fully understand yet one sa of them lives in the city of dagal while the others called The Machine speakers reside in the ringing deeps the same Zone that we see our gusur in now these machine speakers are supposed to be down there just keeping all the Titan machines running tldr they uh basically do mechanic things and maybe they're a bit sus but the point is it's odd that we see a genesaur here because the only other place we've seen one is Warlords of dror now of course I'd like you to think of how say the roots of a tree can easily crack a pavement well Warcraft takes its plant cause destruction to a whole new level in this case a whole new level of sentience and threat so to understand why this genesaur appearing in the war within actually matters we've got to talk about the almost complete destruction of dror what I'm covering here is the Deep backstory of dror and yes while it does of course pertain to the world of to dror expansion which was alt timeline this stuff also is canonical for the main timeline like we even know that because it's directly tied to orcus genealogy so let's get into the lore during Warlords of dror we met a group called The batani these plant people who seem to ser serve a bunch of genosa Surs like this one that was a world boss to many people you just kill them didn't think about it and that's basically that what I'm going to do today though is to give you the Abridged version of that entire story so on Azeroth the world's Soul consumed the element of spirit and that led to azeroth's elements being in unbalance and likely sort of harming life on dror though there was no world Soul the world was saturated with elemental Spirit energy and so nature thrust but it was less a Serene Garden or a park as your eye would imagine and far more just pure Darwinism Rich vibrant absurdly dangerous and a little bit primed for Doom what happens then when a creature becomes so dominant that not only does it consume all of its prey but it also destroys its whole ecosystem if you add in a dash of scale and a dash of fantasy you basically have the Deep past of dror so as I said saturated with SP it full of life and a species of plant known as a Spore Mound eventually became sentient it became hive-minded and very dominant essentially imagine creeping vines with the spreadability of mold and the ferociousness of the flood from the Halo Universe now these spor Mounds dominated the planet and by the time agramar one of the Titans Came Upon dror the situation was Dire and he basically realized the world was doomed so he decided to deal with this sporemound problem by creating a counterbalance in the form of gr a colossal Elemental giant I mean just look at this art from Warcraft Chronicle it sells the scale better than any of my words could gr fought well gr destroyed two of the spor Mounds but unfortunately was basted by the final one batan remember the batani from earlier yeah they uh they like batan anyway not all of was lost because while gr Was Defeated its body fractured into smaller but still giant beings called colossals they continued the fight and eventually they ended up sacrificing themselves to destroy Spore Mound batan okay that is your big deep ancient lore the descendants of these groups though would go on to fight for Millennia I mean hell the life spores that kind of were floating about the place after batan was destroyed those made their way into our Rocky friends and turned our Rocky friends a little bit fleshy and that is actually what led to ogron and to ogres and to the likes of the mck nathal and eventually two Orcs who I mean somewhat paralleling warcraft's humans descended from sort of rock giant things of a Titan making moving swiftly on though during the Warlords of dror expansion we ended up fighting both sides the iron horde were aligned with the big Rocky ogre dudes and the batan who essentially just wanted to make more genosa Surs and eventually uh yeah get a full spor mound on the go well we fought them as well we even caught them making a genesaur out of humanoid flesh which is a bit disconcerting now this got really bad by the time we entered the everbloom dungeon because there the spores had infested the Kiran tour Expedition group and the situation got so bad that the leading genesaur ended up making it to Stormwind we put a stop to it but if we didn't it would have been bad those spores would have infected the locals more batan would have poured through the portal Fallen human flesh would have been Twisted to create new genesaur imagine the last of us but with Hive minded plant people making hive mind plant and flesh Kaiju probably would have been bad might have been an okay expansion though anyway by now you might be able to see how things are falling into place the Warlords of Dr or dungeon ever blo is the gameplay manifestation of this whole story and even though it is from Warlords of dror we are seeing creatures from it in the war within and to put the cherry on top the ever blim dungeon was part of the dragonflight season 3 Mythic plus rotation that's called foreshadowing everybody but that's not it for today's video there are two whole other things at play one is Blizzard setting up lore the other one is them making a point VI via gameplay take a look at this this is an image from the press kit um now take a look at this this we're not supposed to have but a member of the community forward it to me and um well it confirmed a theory that I was talking about on stream and what you can see here is that in the intersection of the ringing deeps and azet we have big green swirly Roots roots of what what are they why are the roots there well we have access to the area above it the aisle of Dorne and if you fly around you will see no such tree worthy of those roots and this does matter because I expected to find big Roots there with no tree to match so let me explain we are just back from a trip to the emerald dream that was the final raid of the dragonflight expansion and when we were in the emerald dream We Came Upon This story The Legend of aoon a here it's this actually lovely little tale um about an effort that a anr made to mend Azeroth when the Titans found Azeroth it was covered in this old God goop they were deeply just infested all over the place right the world Soul was in a really bad State now it turned out that aloon had gifted AAR a branch of ganir the mother tree that's basically the mother of all trees in the emerald tree and if you R A Dru in the legion expansion you might recognize that name because your artifact weapon was also a branch of that tree so an anr goes and she plants that tree the tree takes and she calls this new tree Aon air she desperately of course wants to save Azeroth Remember the Titans view Azeroth as the ultimate being of their kind and one of such power that like she's just key to their Victory if they get Azeroth they win and it's all going to be okay so to them this is of unbelievable importance so I are probably thought if the energies of the mother tree would help Azeroth and fight the old God goop great but Aman thul leader of the Titan Pantheon did not think so his voice bellowed this is not order you have infected this world with uncontrolled chaos he then reaches down from the sky and rips the tree out of the world destroying it and at this anr was distraught her tears fell to the Earth and unexpectedly her tears nourished the remaining roots and so anr was obviously quite frustrated with amanul over this but but she was a little pleased because even though he did Rip the tree out the roots were still there and she felt that those roots would still have a positive impact so the roots were nursed somehow they didn't die and even though it's not all that she wanted anr was pleased by this and she of course decided not to tell amonth of course after this point the Titans leave never to return again you know brackets until the legion expansion now are the roots that we see in the war within the same routs as Aluna here obviously I don't know yet does it seem likely though I would say yes blizzards set this up in Dragon flight's final major patch and now they are beginning to pay it off this is a piece of lore that pulls in established events since Warlords of dror and the story is centered around am th being angry at an anr meaning it also plays to the Titan Intrigue that is driving the world Soul Saga so all of these things fit together but the background lore of granor and the ever Bloom dungeon are not our most recent driving home of this threat not our most overt one anyway for that we must peer into the time ways welcome to uloth it's the mighty alternative future where the Titans Are Victorious and if you look around it's a bit weird we briefly hopped over here during patch 10.1.5 time Rift event and when you go there it's not what you would expect because rather than some Grand ordered Utopia we see Untamed Wilds all over the place and purse or Ador me this is a timeline where the Titans win where there are no old gods or void Lords or any of those things so that the Titans win yet the whole place is overgrown and looks kind of destroyed doesn't make any sense but the good news is we do find a hologram and when you click through the readout of it we essentially learn that Azeroth is a dangerous land and that the local yal only live as long as they do because they hide in caves and that the Watchers that are constructed basically get destroyed in no time and ultimately the conclusion of what we read is that they need to start making smaller and smaller and smaller Watchers so that the Watchers are able to to hide from the local wildlife and that this information must be passed on to other Watcher communities if communication can be reestablished now that's quite bad I mean everything is being destroyed and the Watchers which are beings that an our time were able to B the forces of the old gods they're isolated that they're isolated shows a complete collapse in Titan operations on the world now an Azeroth where not even the tip can get done does does that remind you of anything does that remind you of a world that is moving in the same direction as ancient dror I mean it does basically sound like the sort of world that existed before agramar created gr to save it now of course we don't know how older Roth came to pass we don't know if maybe the roots grew and that's how uloth happened or something else happened right it's just an alternative timeline that's blizzard having fun but also giving us a little bit of a wink and a nudge with their lore what is clear though is the lesson beware uncontrolled life it almost ended the world of dror the point there is that if agramar didn't stop the spor Mounds they would have consumed the whole planet and then presumably with nothing else to really feed on sort of kaput or some form of claps and then in Warlords of dror well we almost let the a bloom spread to Stormwind which could have been a civilization ending event in battle for as O A group of batan actually escaped with the myar Orcs and uh they just kind of booked it to the Barons and dragonflight we learned of uloth we learned of the roots of aloon ahir and now in the war within we see all of these elements brought together where we have Roots near the world soul and we have genosa Surs I do not think that this is the a plot of this expansion but mark my words something is up and given the edicts of the Prime designate and all the things that we've learned about today just take a look at this bit of card art from one of hearthstone's most recent uh expansions it's called strike from history and the image is just amthal battling a giant green Vine I mean I know it's Hearthstone it ain't Cannon but that's a wink and a nudge so what do you think is up I just couldn't help but notice here a foothold of life that looked like something that in Warlords of Dr war was canonically extremely dangerous and I noticed that at the same time as I also can't help but notice that there's a big light white crystal in hallof fall and how all of this is happening just off the west coast of Pandaria which is all near the Titan's most secret Machinery built around the world Soul itself and if you would like to follow a similar thread check out this video next because if you do you won't see the tomb of s Garrison the same way again thanks for watching and I'll see you over there [Music]
Channel: Bellular Warcraft
Views: 78,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the war within, the war within story, the war within lore, ringing deeps, khaz algar, dorn, isle of dorn, xal'atath, anduin, world of warcraft, wow, wow lore, bellular lore, midnight, world soul saga, the last titan, warcraft, warcraft lore, dragonflight
Id: h4nT_LC_gVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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