'I Want To Get into Ys, But I Don't Know Where to Start'

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[Music] so you want to get into the East games well you've come to the right place east is a flagship series of neon Falcon that has existed since 1987 and is undoubtedly my favorite action-based jrpg franchise it encompasses everything I feel a great action RPG should would have and excels in many areas that I hold close to me for that particular subset of game like music fast-paced gameplay enjoyable exploration and surprisingly deep law over the years it's blanketed me with several of my favorite gaming memories and I'm more than happy to sing its Praises at any opportunity I can get to hopefully bring more Curious onlookers on board and with East 10 nordics on the way later this year there's never been a better time to get involved but the question remains where do you even starts it's not a stretch to say that a newcomer could be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of games this Series has after all the general premise of East with the odd exception is to recount The Adventures of adult Christen which are told through his personal Memoirs each game is a retelling of one of those books spread across an in Universe timeline where adal ranges from his earliest years at the age of 16 to the latest iteration where he is in his mid 20s and there are around a 100 records of adult's Journeys around the known world so there's certain ly plenty more on the Shelf considering at present only around 10 have been translated to a game even so because of the Standalone nature of the games in many cases players have the benefit of pretty much starting wherever they want without much detriment though some of the entries do draw on prior events for added enjoyment in addition there's understandable confusion as the games often have multiple versions but Falcom have been taking it upon themselves for a couple of decades now to ensure that each game has a canonical version that acts as the official repres presentation of that Adventure this video will be focusing on those canonical titles and we'll also present a brief overview of each game in the order they were released as I feel that this path allows players to see the growth of the series over time though I will also mention where they fall in the timeline should you wish to play them in chronological order instead it's worth noting as well that the newest game East 10 will not be included when mentioning this timeline evidently because it has yet to release for Western fans and with that we begin with the first first collection of games East 1 and 2 now no doubt this will be the first point of confusion for some as the original East 1 and 2 have had numerous enhancements and re-releases over the years even so the one that most players will have access to will be the PC version called East one and2 Chronicles plus which is a bundle of the first two games as they effectively take place one after the other and as such they're often considered as two parts of the same game on the timeline they are the second chronologically it takes place in the land of Hysteria and adol is tasked with finding the six books of East to eventually stop a great evil the story itself though direct and satisfying in its own way is definitely a product of that period as is much of the rest of the game there's no doubt that East one and 2 will feel dated by today standards especially in regards to game players the bump system that is utilized here has its charm but is certainly un acquired taste you'll often have to run into enemies from behind or attack them at an angle to ensure adol doesn't meet an early demise and that's can be a point of contention there's also very little in the way of Direction given to the player and I must admit that the final boss of east1 can be a points of frustration however despite showing its age these two games were the first glimpse of the East magic that endures today a sense of adventure the silent yet stoic protagonist and adult the introduction of long running recurrent characters and the Amazing Music are all Staples of these two games and those themes have been mostly consistent as the series has pushed on I can't see them them being fan favorites for many new players but they give a glimpse into what the series is all about and they're also notably short both games can easily be completed in around 10 hours combined as a starting point I'd recommend this one our next entury though is another story and that's purely because till this day it's the only game that has yet to receive a remake from Falcon and that is east5 Lost kein Kingdom of sand which is the fifth chronological title on the timeline kin is often coined as the black sheep of the East series it released in 1995 for the super famicom and came at a time where neon Falcon as a company was struggling in more ways than one the result of east5 was a clear representation of that and outside of a PS2 remake for Japan only it's been mostly forgotten for the time being yet even if you are able to access it you'd be met with a game that is an East title in name only the gameplay music and overall feel of kin while a good game as a standalone was quite simply not representative of the E Series so much so that it caused the franchise to go on a long Hiatus following its commercial failure it has useless mechanics like ineffectual magic a generally considered weaker collection of Music due to releasing for the super famicom which didn't have the technology required to flesh out the game's compositions like the pc88 could and it's also notably easy so easy in fact that the game was re-released with an expert mode soon after hope remains that it too will attract its own remake in the near future but quite simply I don't recommend this one as a starting point at all [Music] it would take around a decade after kein for East to be Revisited in 2003 and Falcon knew that this one had to be good to bring fans back on board the result of their work would birth the napishtim engine Trilogy three titles named as such because of the gameplay they used and the title that utilized it first E6 the Ark of napishtim the seventh title chronologically on the timeline there's no doubt that Ark of napishtim has a veritable place in East history as it had the unenviable task of restoring goodwi with veterans while also acting as an entry point for newer players thankfully for us it did just that the identity of East returned in E6 while also modernizing the older style and in many ways it would form the foundation from which East games would evolve for the future in that regard I consider E6 to be timeless it's nothing special in the modern day especially when considering its later contemporaries but it's still a great game with adol stranded on the Canan Islands after a shipwreck as he attempts to find a way of eventually escaping control is pretty much exclusively tied to adol in this game with an isometric camera view he gains new abilities items and equipments over the adventure and it's all accompanied by a wonderful synthesized soundtrack and Charming presentation especially in regards to its pre-rendered backgrounds there's no doubt it has some frustrating mechanics at points like so-called Dash jump ability coupled with fairly precise platforming but other than that everything else ranges from decent to wonderful it's also fairly short as many of the earlier East games are clocking in at around just over 10 hours and as such I'd happily recommend this as a good starting point plus if you want to laugh check out the PS2 version after you finish for some of the best cutcenes ever devised [Music] while Arc of nishim gets my seal as a good starting point the same Rings true for the second napishtim engine game East the O and felana this is one of the canonical remakes for the series replacing free Wanderers from East and is the fourth game chronologically on the timeline oath takes place in the land of felana the homeland of adol's adventuring partner doy who is a frequent companion on many of his adventures upon visiting the land though it's clear that some dark minations are a foot and adol sets out to bring peace back to the land it plays very similarly to its predecessor control is exclusively tied to adol you explore the land there are elements of platforming and AD all gradually grow stronger through items he finds and through traditional leveling up even so it does have some improvements to keep the gaml more action focused with particular import given to the idea of keeping players out of menus and more on the action itself the aim of felana was simply to build on what npish him did well and it's fair to say that many believe that Falcon succeeded many older East fans in particular consider ofen felana to be the best game in the series representing its peak in terms of gameplay music and characters I personally don't Echo the same sentiments but I do agree that ofen Fel Gana is an excellent title and definitely the best game of the npish DI engion Trilogy making it an easy recommendation to new players especially when considering its short run time once again of around 10 hours there's also mild hope that it could come to more modern platforms too as a remaster called East Memoir the of felana recently released in Japan a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] finally for the npish Dem engion titles is East origin and as the name suggests it is the origin of the East series taking place 700 years before adol's first Adventure as such it's the only game in the series that doesn't use the redhead protagonist and instead splits the story between different characters each with their own unique take on gameplay the game itself is set in a huge tower that stretches to the sky and the entire adventure takes place within this structure with players clearing stratums and bosses on their way to the top many characters Concepts or events seen in East origin are later touched upon in East one and 2 and as such if you're going down a more story or lore focused route I'd suggest starting with East origin purely due to the background it gives for those games even so East origin is still an easy recommendation for me not only due to its position canonically but also based on personal experience since it was the first game I played over 10 years ago as such if it was enough to bring me on board I'm certain it will have the the same results for others while I feel its story is hampered by the fact that you have to play through the game three times to see it all it's the game play that keeps the experience fresh every character is controlled via an isometric view similar to npish manov and each will get various upgrades and abilities as they progress with fast-paced action Centric gameplay forming the bulk of the experience and platforming Incorporated at certain junctures too the bosses in particular are a high point though often taking up the whole screen and all of the adventure is a accompanied with the signature synth Rock style of the series and even though those multiple playthroughs are needed for The Full Experience each one will take around 8 to 10 hours to complete so it's not the most arduous in terms of time invested needless to say East origin is also a great starting point for the series [Music] la [Music] with the end of East origin it would also Mark the end of the npish dimension titles and Herald a new dawn of game playay which remained for the final four Western titles till now east7 was the first to utilize this shifting approach and would see adult travel in a team rather than solo across the land of altaro it would also be one of his later Adventures being the eighth chronologically and also Mark a shift in the overall length of the games going forward taking around 20 hours to complete now E7 originally came out on the PSP and much like the earlier games it's pretty much only available on PC in terms of Modern Hardware and that's a shame because for me E7 is hugely underappreciated my second favorite game in the entire series it encompasses nearly everything I look for in an East game and there are several elements within it that haven't been topped to this day those being the boss battles which are at their best in this iteration The Dungeons and also its story which is a level above at least in regard regards to East as a whole bringing in the best antagonist that the series has seen yet even so if you gauge The Wider opinion of this game you'll find that a fair few don't view it as highly as I do which I don't understand even the game playay despite being the first of its kind is held up well in the group based games you can freely change between members and each of them has a specialty that Praise on a certain enemy weakness for example adol slashing ability will be effective against slime based creatures while bow users are effective against flying enemies and so on plus it Remains the only canonical game till now that makes dogy a playable character which in itself is mad to think of I'd say the only downside to E7 in terms of being a starting point is that accessibility once again but if you can get your hands on it give it a wh it's one of my favorite games for a reason [Music] thankfully this next enty does not suffer from that same issue as in addition to PC it's also available on PS4 as well not perfect but a step in the right direction nonetheless it's the second of the group based games in East memories of cell seta and is the third game chronologically in the timeline much like o and felana memories of cell seta is a canonical remake this time of East 4 which in itself was split into two versions dawn of e and mask of the sun Falcom sought to rectify the discrepancy by creating their own in-house version which would act as the definitive representation of one of adol's earliest Adventures set in the great Forest of Ceta adal once again ends up Shipwrecked and has lost his memories over the course of this journey he joins several others on a quest to not only regain those memories but reaffirmed to himself as to why he became an adventurer in the first place now memories of celeta is an odd one as for all in sense it should have improved on many aspects of E7 by virtue of being a successor and while it is still a great game and can indeed act as a good starting point memories of self seta feels like it's missing something compared to the others of its ilk its group based gameplay is mostly similar and it's still got a lot of the Staples like awesome music and an intriguing land to explore but it does have some notable weaknesses mostly in regards to the balancing of its combat as range characters are just far too overtuned and the antagonists are some of the most forgettable to Series has seen yet I'm also of the mind that the story on auor here is fairly uninspired with a notable disappointing climax that being said the gameplay holds up and it's still an enjoyable experience overall for the 20 or so hours you'll be playing it I would say start with E7 should you prefer the look of the group based gameplay compared to the npish engine titles but if this is the only one you can access it'll still do the job [Music] while I have reservations in recommending memories of cell seta as a starting point I have no such issue doing so with east8 lacosa Rana which is the sixth game canonically on the timeline not only is it one of the most accessible titles being on PS4 PS5 switch and PC it's also what I consider to be the best game in the series a neon Perfect action RPG and one that I consider to be a 10 out of 10 I'm of the mind that no game is Flawless but as long as the drawbacks don't detract from the overall offering then I'm fine and overlooking them and eate while it has some small issues does everything else so well that the package as a whole is as close to Perfection as it gets it is the quintessential East game for me everything that the series is known for that being its fast-paced combat its Amazing Music its sense of wonder everything is at an extremely high level and it brings in so many unique aspects of its own allow it to stand Above the Rest like its heroin who is easily the best within the series no contest at all much like previous titles adol finds himself Shipwrecked when the commercial liner the lombardia is sunk by an unknown entity finding himself stranded on the aisle of sarin a landmass that very little has known about his role is to find the survivors of the lombardia while also working to discover the ultimate Myster of the land very similar to the other entries in that respect even so no action RPG within this series or outside of it has matched the joy that east8 gave me for all intense it's still a similar brand of Team based gameplay though it certainly feels more refined and tight control- wise but then there are all the additional aspects that add to the experience like the massive amount of optional areas to explore finding all the survivors who have their own individual stories and rebuilding a home base using raw materials found around the island all the while searching for any clue to Aid in an Escape needless to say this simple premise evolves into something far greater as the hours pass granted it's a longer game than the earlier entries around 40 hours for a standard playthrough but when the game is as good as this I wish it was double that easiest recommendation for a starting point [Music] have you ever had a dream where you weren't you you were someone else it was in this prison where my dreams and my reality once separate became intertwined [Music] rounding out this video is the last of the group based games in east 9 monstrum KNX which is also the latest game in the timeline much like E8 it is available on a multitude of Modern Hardware like PS4 PS5 switch and PC and clocks in at around 35 hours for a playthrough now monstrum KNX is an interesting game and does divide opinions somewhat because for all intense it goes against the grain of East as a series all of the titles up till now take on the theme of unbridled Adventure even if if adult finds himself trapped on an island per se you still get the liberating feeling of exploring a vast land monstrum KNX pretty much doesn't 180 on this adol is apprehended at the gates of the prison city of baluk and the adventure this time around sees him become a sort of vigilante he gains the power of a so-called monstrum which grants him a unique ability to zip around the city and he is essentially boxed into bald Duke throughout the entire game with the characters that later join him having the same perks but even so monstrum KNX excels in it exploration and gameplay because of the setting itself while I do prefer the offerings of say E8 it still makes the premise work the city of bald duuk becomes a playground for the new monstrum gifts given to the player with everything so close together the monstrum are able to utilize their abilities to the limits like gliding among the rooftops or running up the sides of buildings as such the group- based gameplay is arguably at its best here very similar to E8 mind you but the monstrum gifts bring a little extra to the table it does stumble a bit in terms of its similar dungeon design which is limited by the city of baluk itself a lot of sewers for instance and a music isn't as Stellar as other games in my opinion but it's got a lot of strong points too even with that praise though I personally wouldn't recommend East 9 as a starting point in the series it's a fantastic game no doubt but I purely say that because of its story I actually think that the story in monstrum KNX is among the best of the series but that's because it understands it its place in the law of adult's Journeys it's the last one in the timeline and as such it can draw on many aspects of adult's prior Adventures which it does on quite a few occasions no doubt if you have that knowledge of earlier games you'll enjoy it far more don't get me wrong you can still start here as it is still a self-contained story for all intense but I think if you want the best experience for what monstrum KNX has to offer you should start elsewhere and that brings us to the end of the video I hope it's assisted you in clearing up any questions you may have had about the East series I realized there's a lot to take in here but I've tried to keep it as concise as possible to give you as much information as I can without outright spoiling what each game offers if this gets a few more players into the series then my job has been done I adore this series and anything I can do to give it the attention it deserves is time well spent until then Happy adventuring and hopefully I'll see you around for when East 10 hits the shelves thank you for watching this video if you liked it please like And subscribe for more jrpg content and consider joining my patreon if you're interested peace [Music]
Channel: The Kiseki Nut
Views: 19,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ys Series where to start, Where to start in the ys series, I want to get into Ys but don't know where to start, 'I Want To Get into Ys But I Don't Know Where to Start', I want to try out the ys games but don't know where to start, Where can I start the ys series, what ys game should i play first, what ys game should I be playing first, What ys game should i play first
Id: ZaWa-aos0dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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