Baldur's Gate 3 - Patch 3 is OUT NOW! (Notes Overview) Mac & Magic Mirror..

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hello everyone and welcome back laran Studios dropped patch three for balers Gate 3 today and once again it's an insanely beefy patch but laran has given us a nice highlight section which is manageable for me to go over for you all and then anything else I'll skim through myself and I'll let you know if there's something that I feel like is worth talking about let's jump right into it and also hey thank you all for 200k subscribers that's pretty cool so appreciate all of your guys support patch three max support magic mirror and more and on the steam sheet here this is kind of like the highlights page that I'm going to go over quite manageable I think I'll talk about most of this stuff if there's any endgame spoilers I will you know find a way to warn you or put them at the end but this is the actual patch notes page right here look at this absolutely insane like just there's no way I could go over this nor would you guys be interested in 99% of those changes and fixes because let's just pick a random right here did a sound pass when interacting with one of the the statues beneath the WWI main Square so 80% of you guys probably don't even know what that is and those of you that do probably didn't realize there's anything wrong with it nor would you even notice that so back to the highlights we go hello everyone patch 3 is now live for balers Gate 3 Mac users and chronic character recreators Rejoice Friday's update will bring the full release of balers Gate 3 to Mac and allow you to change your character's appearance in game via the magic mirror so so happy for all of you Mac users out there I felt bad for you guys because you guys we're part of the Early Access phase and then you're one of the latest to actually get the game but hey now you finally got it so enjoy and enjoy your runs if you haven't played yet I am actually very very envious of you so Mac users just note that your saves made in previous versions of bg3 on Mac will not be compatible with the full release and to prepare your Mac for the full version of balers Gate 3 and minimize potential compatibility issues larion recommends that you fully uninstall the game and remove any mods before installing the latest version and also the minimum and recommended specs for Mac users have been updated they recommend an M1 Pro processor and FSR enabled to run the game at higher ultra settings on Retina Display check the steam store for more details do note if for some reason your Mac doesn't seem to be running it that well look into GeForce now I'm not going to talk about it anymore than I already have before but that's a way that you can absolutely play it on pretty good quality on your MacBook now the biggest addition with patch 3 that most of you guys are going to be probably excited for is the magic mirror so tucked away in your Camp exuding a certain we found this at a Vintage Fair and it's too fancy for our current home energy is an item called the magic mirror Tales have been told of its legendary ability to permanently alter the appearance of one who gazes into it and you know what I'm just going to show you guys in the game here let's go ahead and go to my camp and I'm actually at the earlier River Camp as you can see right here and if you look in the Southeast corner of the camp in this structure right here that really has had no you I'm surprised that larion hasn't really used this for anything there is the magic mirror and all you have to do is simply walk right up to it and voila now we can change our character's appearance what you can't change race subrace and body type I'm surprised that they didn't allow the body type change cuz I don't really know what the significance of the body type actually is I can understand the race and subrace though I think it's better that it's like this because certain races have different interactions in the game and I feel like some choices need to be more permanent feeling so choices have meaning if we're allowed to change any and everything at any time in a video game it kind of loses like choices lose their impact so I like that race and subrace can't be switched here so make sure you take your time choosing your race and subrace but as you guys can see we can change mostly everything here um scarring body art eyes makeup hair all that good stuff so exciting that we can do this cuz some people are not satisfied or some people want their character to evolve even with just something like hairstyle and makeup as the game progresses which is pretty cool like after you go to moonrise Towers you should become Emo and Goth absolutely there's also a few other restrictions for the magic mirror origin characters and Hans cannot use the magic mirror I'm still I still just don't really I haven't wrapped my head around why the hling just aren't customizable in this way it still confuses me there's got to be some reason why it's like that I don't know do you guys have any ideas why we can't fully customize the Hans because I think that was initially what most people wanted was to be able to create a full custom party not just these random hling that don't really have any significance but anyways origin characters and hling you cannot customize now larion did put a pretty big spoiler in here and I've blocked it out myself they must have forgot to block it out or didn't consider a spoiler themselves but I'm going to wave my hand and when I wave my hand it means you can come back so go away for 5 seconds close your ears for 5 seconds right now and look for the hand wve okay here we go full iths can also not use the mirror okay you can come back all right now it's time for me to read through the rest of the notes Here on the steam page and I might do some highlights from the other page just so freaking long holy crap so anyways uh yeah you don't have to look at the screen anymore you can leave the video if you're already bored sometimes I feel weird about doing videos where I just read off things it doesn't feel that creative but these videos tend to do really well and people seem to enjoy them so here we go I'm going to save anything that's blacked out for the end of this particular section so for combat fix to level four or higher Divine Smite allowing you to add Divine Smite as a reaction allowing for two Divine smites in one attack sorry paladins you're too powerful fix the Divine Smite damage increasing over the cap of 5 d8 sorry paladins you're too powerful made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy they are now reveal them being attacked or hit with radiant Spirit Guardians they will not turn invisible again if they are still in a character's C invisibility Aura in balanced and Explorer mode they have disadvantage and dexterity saving throws when invisible the range of their attacks has been reduced and they won't try to keep distance from the player in combat so they are easier to find I like when little ch like this are done to differentiate excuse me differentiate difficulties as opposed to just armor class or hit point increase or decrease fix the sneak attack damage bonus not increasing to 66 at level 11 very important fix for you Rogues out there fixed a case where multiple smoke powder arrows could be used for free while the extra attack feature was active for PS5 the colors on the PS5 controller will now match Elemental damage types more closely that is so important for performance improved performance in the lower City more to come let me know how the performances for many of you guys after three patches now how is the lower City running for you guys that were having performance problems I'm genuinely curious I do want to mention just like I did in the last patch notes as they did do some performance increases I switched from Vulcan to direct X1 in my performance got way better in the lower City so make sure you just consider that you can switch that when you start up the laran launcher before you hit the play button you can switch from DirectX to Vulcan or vice versa so switch it around if you're having problems for art made D colors more intense and more visible on some armors this will only affect newly dyed items Dragon Born characters can now select any of the Barbarian piercings that's pretty cool fix Shadow heart going blonde when equipping a hat oh I kind of like that improve the reflection in the spectator's eye in the underd dark fixed face tattoos disappearing when when zooming out excuse my voice y'all I was sick for a little while here and I'm still a little bit congested so for flow and scripting fix the bug where companions temporary leaving temporarily leaving the party example being sent to prison would forget their partnership history and act unusually cold towards you that actually did happen to me recently so I'm happy that they fixed that improve the asaran romance flow if you agreed to spend a night with him before going to Camp by disabling some less important Camp moments fix some dialogue options only showing up when talking to Withers fixed an issue causing Damon to enter combat and die at last Light preventing carlac story from progressing so Damon is a TL that you'll meet in The Druids grow very early on in your playthrough added a journal step for when the Tans leave the emerald Grove the forging of the heart Quest will also close if Damon is no longer available in the region fix the game thinking you're dating gal instead of carlac in one of the dialogues with damn it gal guys a horny bastard let me tell you guys that much you now need higher approval for shadowart to confess her sh worship to you I think that's pretty good I do think it was a little bit too easy Mishka the cat will now follow you around if told to even if you don't have speak with animals I'm pretty sure that you meet that cat in the lower City in act 3 and we have some spoilers here fixed carlac Journal mistakenly saying that you arrived in the shadow cursed lands when you arrive at the rosy mourn Monastery Trail will should now acknowledge carlac approaching him for the first time more consistently fixed an issue that caused the shadowart swimming scene to not play for some players I don't even know what that is fixed issues with a Starion discussing topics that are no longer actually I do know what that is the swimming is probably something in act three if it's a scene that I'm thinking of fixed issues with aarion discussing topics that are no longer relevant yeah come on aarion you're already quite annoying as it is just kidding but seriously it depends on it depends on my depends on the character that I'm running depends on the mood that I'm in that I like aarion it depends on the character that I'm running reworked the interaction between near and Menara near can no longer or near no longer mentions Menara in his speak with dead you can ask Menara for safe passage to moonrise if you'd heard about it she'll ask you to raid the emerald Grove first if this happens near can be asked about Menara and then Menara can be asked about near and the journals for travel to moonrise towers and follow the Convoy were updated accordingly saving near no longer creates a danger zone if the dgar was killed before clearing the cave- in so we're talking towards the end of act one here in the beginning of act two for most of that content during your date with carlac tender Hank will no longer walk away to reveal another tender Hank standing behind him staring kind of funny all right down to game play the following spells will now correctly break the sanctuary conditions if a character has Sanctuary active on them basically they can't be targeted but they also can't harm or attack other creatures or the condition will end and it looks like larion is making it so if the creature I think I'm understanding this correctly if the creature who has Sanctuary active on them casts call lightning evard's black tentacles polymorph hunger of fidar fear ice storm flush the stone divine intervention hypnotic pattern slow stinking clown banishment or Glyph of warding that condition will end so Sanctuary has been a really powerful spell this is probably a necessary Nerf to it if I'm understanding this correctly love up will now cue all characters who can be leveled up so you don't have to click on them individually nice fix some corpses never showing the empty tag after you loot them also nice fix not being able to use some reactions while in Disguise Cazador staff whoo now correctly unlocks the blight spell when equipped fix several magic items and Volos I losing their power after you are killed and revived fix the spell sniper feet not working on attack spells the spell sniper feet will now correctly reduce the critical hit threshold by one fix the idol of Sylvanas buff disappearing after long rest mummies raised through create Undead can now jump to follow you around better thank God the everb burn blade now correctly sets explosive surfaces and explosive objects a light when hit the Misty Escape feet will no longer break concentration reading shop signs will no longer be considered a crime The Cutting word's reaction is now set to ask by default and that's a bar thir class feature summoned zombies and skeletons will no longer be able to pick up Loot and disappear with it when dismissed the AER summons overheat ability is now available on its hot bar when summoned the Nimble finger gloves can now correctly apply their dexterity bonus to gnomes halflings and dwarves fixed an animate dead exploit allowing you to summon two skeletons from the same corpse optimized how the game handles object selection on controller fixed Sovereign Spa being able to resurrect Hans with animating spores we taught him to to not use this on player characters anymore and Sovereign Spa is in the underd dark in act one okay only a few more and then we'll go over the spoilers your selected trade mode and we're under UI now your selected trade mode trade or barter is now saved to your player profile added an option to the default online settings to let you automatically listen in when another party member enters a dialogue in multiplayer verified whether something is a resistance a vulnerability or an immunity in the examine window I'm actually really happy that they did this resistances can be positive or negative but there needed to be a little bit more separation it was just kind of hard to wrap your head around whether an enemy was going to take double damage or half damage and now as you guys can see they clearly label something vulnerable if it's vulnerable and also instead of just saying damage nullified it says poison immunity so good update in my opinion added a notification for when another player in your party is trading fix spells being interrupted by climbing allowing you to attack twice after climbing down from a crate updated the character sheet on controller to place active conditions above the list of notable features for level design fix some small holes in act one that weren't letting tiny characters through them definitely encountered a few of those for writing added a dialogue option to the first in-person dialogue with the dream visitor to avoid only having two antagonistic choices rewrote some spell and action descriptions that were too vague for audio fixed Raphael's boss flight music sometimes being incomplete or missing oh it's such a good song always good if they're going to touch it up though to make sure that players get that experience cuz it's really really epic fix some vo not playing in dialogues on PS5 split screen fixed audio cutting out with 3D audio enabled on PS5 optimized audio and merged split screen cinematics in the last section for like the major highlights here is cinematics improved contact when petting keck's good girl Squire I'm not going to talk about that anymore uh just for spoilers added some lovely blood spurts when Volo carries out his expert operation oh man that was already kind of tough to watch fixed Will's horns clipping into kac's face during an act two romance scene get your horns out my face bro and I actually blocked the next line out cuz I thought it was a spoiler uh larion didn't block it though placed a nice purple picnic blanket in a romantic scene with Gail and fix the camera spin if you choose or chose to prefer or choose to prefer to spend your time with on a bed fix Shadow heart looking like she's either in pain or about to sneeze in the background of a dialogue with Tula thulla I don't know how to say her name a gnome that you meet in the underd dark added some missing boo squeaks oh always always a necessity great job Lan updated cameras facial expressions and head directions to better suit the tone and dialogue with Shadow heart fix some pops and camera issues when you start dating Lael including lel's body flying elsewhere and then back again mid dialogue boo will now be framed in the shot as intended when you talk to jira after recruiting Minsk you know initially I was not even talking about like Minsk and Buu and jira but I think now that we're a couple months past companion spoilers like that that were already public from Lan's marketing I'm not going to hide them anymore but I am going to hide like endgame like real major story story spoilers that aren't public from laran or weren't part of the marketing with laran Fick scratch floating in the air while you pet him by the Post House in Rivington and then they have a link here to read the full patch 3 notes and I'll leave a link to both of these articles here Down Below in the description okay now I'm going to go over all the spoilers so if you don't want to risk anything have a wonderful day and thank you all for choosing to come to my channel for some patch notes appreciate you all right so for combat Cazador now cannot turn into or remain in his missed form if in magical sunlight such as that created by the daylight spell nice update fixed answers storm heart Nova blasting right through the ice shields you can hide behind I was wondering about that in that boss fight I was like what the heck's the point of the ice shields it just got destroyed Grim suddenly got eerily smart and was avoiding The Crucible in the adamantine Forge with a nervous laugh we dumbed him back down a little all right fix the bug letting you trade with Cazador while he begs for Mercy fix the blocker where if you knock orin's Slayer form that's a pretty big spoiler into the chasm you can't get her nether Stone okay necessary helson jira and Menara will no longer be able to undergo volo's ice pick labotomy it's just not their kind of Pastime fix not being able to cut oh it's kind of weird when I try to highlight and then I click on the spoilers let me just click on all the damn spoilers okay all right there we go much better fix not being able to cut vanra out of the hag by interacting with her knocked out body if all of her mushrooms are destroyed actually am not familiar with that part of the quest lelle will no longer tag along whether dead or alive after you slit her throat to when she ambushes you at night fix the bug allowing you to yoink the orphic Hammer right out of the so-called impervious sphere in the House of Hope if someone else in your party is in an interactive dialogue with the sphere fix the flow issue in Shadow heart's endgame romance dialogue to make sure carlac appears alone in a verice if shadowart says she'll meet her there at a later point in time all right the narrator no longer thinks you're a mind flare when you're not fixed companions talking about killing Gort after meeting Orin even if the former is already dead necessary changes and then also for the reworked interactions between near and Menara the travel to moonrise Towers Quest no longer sends you to manthara after saving near he has a liar of his own now he gives it to you if you saved him from the caveen this liar can now be used to call for the dder through the shadow cursed lands like manara's liar does both liars have new descriptions NPCs will no longer run away from anything but the dark urg Slayer form to improve interactivity in flow and then we have the last one reworked the intro of the scene when you approached the altar at the Temple of ball and fixed some bugs definitely curious about that so there you go that's basically it for patch 3 but it's not it because there's about 17,000 more fixes that I didn't talk about but I did kind of skim this a little bit and I think everything that we have here on the steam page is probably good enough for this video but if you are a patch notes nerd you might want to actually look at this laran separated all of these into nice nice categories here you have flow and scripting that divides into acts so you have act one right here with all the changes to the flow and scripting act two act three and there's all these other categories that weren't in the highlights so just not really that important to talk about you have all the animation fixes more controller mini map fixes and things like that so I will leave a link down below really the big news today is that Mac users can now play the game and also the magic mirror to change your appearance so thank you all so much for watching thanks again for 200k Subs if you made it to the end of the video let me know I need to know who of you are the hardcore patch notes people you guys are pretty cool catch you on the next [Music] one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 221,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 patch 3, patch 3 notes baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate update, patch, new patch, magic mirror, mac release bg3, baldurs gate 3 news
Id: S6cDmyABB5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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