Baldur's Gate 3 - Update (Hotfix 16) & Next Game Progress Act 1!

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so I got some balers Gate 3 news for you all today laryan Studios released a hot fix I usually don't cover hot fixes because they're usually really not that exciting to talk about it's usually just crashes and Bug fixes and things of that nature but this one actually has a couple things in it that I think some of you guys would like to know and then after we talk about the hot fix and the important parts of that we're going to talk about a tweet that Sven vinga the CEO of laran Studios tweeted out the other day that talks about the future of laryan Studios if you want to jump to that I will leave chapter markers below so hot fix number 16 is now live let me just quickly preface by saying this is the quickest video I've ever recorded on this channel I got to get going here really really soon I apologize for any quality drops that any of you may notice but whatever I'm wasting your guys time right now okay hello everyone happy New Year we're kicking off 2024 with a sizable hot fix handling multiple bugs issues and blockers have your party members been hoarding trinkets did you accidentally send manara's loot to your camp supplies thinking nobody could possibly need a loot in this day and age in this hot fix you'll now be able to access certain Quest related items on the spot even if they're not held by your current party how's that for magic Pockets this is already like that's a pretty important change right there because when I'm playing balers Gate 3 I'm always wondering if I left a quest item back at Camp because I sent it there earlier to save up some inventory space now we have the magic Pockets going all the way back to camp and I think this is a nice quality of life Improvement and larion still keeping it somewhat realistic and immersive by only limiting these special magical Camp Pockets to work for certain Quest related items Mac players were currently restructuring to ensure that future updates on Mac will arrive alongside their PC versions I know some of you Mac players are probably like about time it'll take a bit of time but once finished there shouldn't be delays anymore for the time being we expect a delay for updates of a maximum of two weeks we're sorry for the inconvenience and understand this is frustrating thank you for your patience you know a lot of companies don't release their games on Mac because it's a lot more complicated than one may think and I've actually read a few articles on this many times it actually isn't even worth the company releasing their game on Mac so the fact that larion did release this game on Mac I think is a wonderful thing and the fact that they're addressing that it's been frustrating to be a Mac player when compared to being a PC player I think is a good thing with that said it's understandable that Mac players may be frustrated because you guys are still paying customers but at least laran at least laran is addressing this publicly and they're openly you know saying that they're sorry for it so all right so moving on now we have the highlight section and of course we have the spoilers blocked out right here I'll do the spoilers after I do the non-spoiler content the cross- save functionality will no longer sync modded saves as they cannot be accessed by console players added categories to the waypoints list grouping waypoints by location that's actually a nice little Quality of Life Update right there as well as it can be a little bit confusing sometimes when you have that gigantic list and you haven't necessarily memorized where everything is and what location everything is in that's a nice little update and like I mentioned earlier in the video you'll now be able to access certain Quest related items on the spot even if they're currently in the camp chest or in the inventory of a companion who is waiting at camp and I'll go over the spoilers here momentarily but first let me do the non-s spoilers fix several issues with low resolution textures appearing after extended playtimes fixed a visual bug where certain doors would reappear briefly when destroyed fixed gals dialogue ending abruptly when asking him for a kiss enjoy the moment and that's it for the Highlight section except we still have to talk about the spoilers which I'm going to go over here momentarily but first let me just go over a couple below this this is just a hot fix so we don't need to go over everything most things in this hot fix are highly situational so it would probably bore the hell out of most of you guys but a couple that stand out NPCs on the floor below you can no longer see you Looting corpses up there remember this being really frustrating especially in act three the fire cracker shop I remember that happening all the time so that's a nice Improvement when handing back stackable stolen it items such as healing potions you'll no longer lose all of them but only the number you stole so of course that's always good cuz that was also quite annoying fixed an issue preventing some players from advancing into act three looping them back to act two then we go down here we have performance and optimization user interface improvements level design improvements art improvements animation improvements sound improvements and then writing so now we're going to go ahead and talk spoilers let's start with the writing section then we'll go back to the highlights so will is now appropriately celebratory giving you guys a second to pull ahead if you if you don't want the spoilers just pull to the next chapter marker we still have that discussion to talk about what Sven said in his tweet celebratory upon the nether brains defeat added text to the tool tip for cazador's Misty Escape ability on tactician mode fixed garang goth Thor's sublimation ability tool tip incorrectly stating that it should kill the target instantly will now has a line during the ending scene when realizing the Tad Poes are gone added an extra dialogue option when talking to shadowart in the epilogue to fix a path that only gave you one choice and fix the wrathful spirits condition saying the affected entity is immune to all damage instead of vulnerable to all damage okay going up to the Highlight section the spoilers added a couple of potions of animal speaking to the epilog carlac will now get her seen in a verus regardless of whether she's an avatar or a companion will will now follow carlac to Aus correctly fix the hide helmet option resetting for companions after saving and loading I didn't mention that one earlier kazador now has three variations of his legendary action depending on how many ritual charges he has the more charges he has the more dangerous his his vampiric swarm is and that's going to be it for the hot fix I think we went over all of the big stuff let's move over to a tweet that the owner and creative director of laran Studios tweeted out I think yesterday that is of course Sven vinka first though really quickly let me just give you a quick update for you Xbox users users laran tweeted out Microsoft have identified the cause of the saving bug on Xbox and we'll be issuing a firmware update to fix it you'll be able to update your console manually on the 16th of January or wait a week longer for the update to roll out globally although we haven't been able to independently verify this fix we're optimistic that Microsoft have gotten to the bottom of it so I know a lot of Xbox players have been running into some issues so there's a little bit of an update for you back to sven's tweet been a great morning after four months of rewriting and rewriting and abandoning ideas and then revisiting them finally figured out what act one on this thing I've been working on needs to be quote me when it's revealed to see how much of today's draft survives I suspect a lot so this is pretty significant progress on whatever project laran is working on right here obviously the initial ideas often times don't make it to the final draft but it seems like Sven has been brainstorming probably with the team quite a lot throwing things out and they finally arrived at something that he thinks is pretty damn good he suspects a lot of it will remain so this is really exciting we have no idea what this project is going to be he kind of touches on we're probably not going to know anytime in the near near future this also tells us that Lan's next project is also going to be in acts like balers gate and also their Divinity Series so probably a beginning middle and end act one act two act three have to find out one thing I learned over the years is that work done on abandoned drafts is never wasted even if you think the drafts are shite more than often you'll find you can recycle your work once you find the right story for it this type of work can be really frustrating when you're stuck but the important bit is to never give up and remain self-critical even if the situation looks hopeless creative work is the exploration of a vast search space and it can take time to find the right path very very true for all of you creative folks in the audience you guys would completely understand that at least that's what I tell myself when I feel like a failure after people have been nagging at me for months where's the effing narrative SP that said I haven't shared with anyone yet so it may oh so I guess he hasn't really shared it with the team interesting so laran Studios a lot of devs there also have yet to find out that's interesting I think it's really cool the level of control and input that Sven has over his games with other companies you of course have your CEOs and owners that of course they have you know a lot of control and input but it's more so disconnected input and that's how it always comes across with Sven he's part of the foundational Creative Design of his projects he's clearly passionate about that and it's really cool to have someone like that at the helm of a company that we've all you know especially now come to love so much so very excited for whatever he's working on I haven't shared it with anyone yet so it may be they all think it's bad and then I'll just kill this thread go sit in a corner with my dog and pretend none of this happened and press control enter and start all over again but I think I really like this one also it's not what you think this is not a teaser for an announcement just I am genuinely excited about where this is going and wanted to share some of my excitement it'll be quite some time before we talk about this so it'll be nice to get some news this year 2024 on Lan's next project but as of now I just wouldn't even plan on it it could happen but um maybe an announcement trailer will come in 2025 possibly 2024 I think laran should do like some cool cinematic trailer like they did with bg3 that just leaves us all in so much mystery but who knows when it's going to actually be obviously it's not anytime in the near near future and just to put you know game development in perspective even though Lan's next game will probably take less time than balers Gate 3 did we have a comment here that says Game of the Year 2029 and then Sven responds I was going to say very funny but then I counted on my fingers so game development good game development of course usually takes a lot of time but hopefully we get like a nice leadup period where I can dedicate my channel to Lan's next game and we can all just lose ourselves in the speculation and excitement and that's going to be it for that tweet you know not really that much to talk about just you could speculate a lot off of that not really that important but um I think a lot of you guys probably will enjoy hearing you know Sven talk about his next project so thank you guys so much for watching I don't know what scene I'm going to right now but I got to get out of here uh let's go to the tavern yeah come on in everybody grab a drink let's go and I'll catch you all on the next one [Music]
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 173,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 new, baldurs gate 3 patch, hotfix baldurs gate 3, next game larian studios, upcoming rpg
Id: kFyYJtd8WQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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