Baldur's Gate 3 - Let's Play Part 20: Vampire Lords & Politicians

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welcome back Adventures to episode 20. the last episode We rescued minskin boo from the sewers and men's cambu are currently waiting for us back at our camp and I do plan on recruiting them into our party after I recruit karlak and will and we attend gortash's coronation ceremony I already looted this room this is the room where we fought all of the cultists that were deceiving and manipulating Minsk there's one letter that I picked up that I wanted to read to you all the stone Lord skull Echoes with absence and the tadpole alone is not enough to fill it take on the Crohn's dust pocket form and fill his thoughts with old Adventures but he might smile sweetly while he Slaughters for us and do not pulp the rodent if it's chittering gives the stone Lord pause then set it aside for me so that we might give the Great Hero a final meal when his work is done they're going to feed boo to Minsk Oren is a sick sick character let's go ahead and head back to camp we still have a lot to do in the sewers of Baldur's Gate including exploring the undercity ruins were quite terrifying we went in a little bit last episode and I ended up retreating because of all the assassins of ball that were shooting down onto us from the Rocks above okay let's take a long rest still do not understand your anger do not hide behind your hamster Ranger you do not understand because you do not listen we were the first to discover the cult and if you had only waited we might have marshaled our numbers and goods does not wait for evil to button up its bridges when it offers buttocks for the smacking means Can bull grit cheek with hand that sounds like a fun evening we'll we'll say nothing Falls on our heads Minsk the city under siege its people poisoned by The Cult it all might have been avoided if you had just put your feelings aside and listened so Minsk and Jahira discovered the cult of the absolute in the past a mince could not control himself and he went running into the center of the cult and was captured and that's why Jahira is mad at him because she feels like they could have put a plan together and then destroyed the cult a long time ago or the trail would have ended there instead of leading you to Catherine the prism me hmm you know better than to believe our Victory is some destined thing I need to be sure that mince knows it too I have already pledged my sword and hamster both what more this means have to give your word Ranger the next time you will stop and think I will not always be here to tell you what to do if not here then where wherever there is means can boo will go to my hamster he will not be parted from you again Jahira I missed him too and try as you might I know you have not missed my point as neatly as you pretend so for anyone wondering how Minsk is still alive because he was a an important character in Baldur's Gate one and two which were in the 1360s in Baldur's Gate threes in the 1490s Minsk was petrified turned into a stone statue and that's how his age was preserved and I think only I don't know 10 or 15 years ago or something like that he was unpetrified and Jahira is a half elf and half elves can live for I think around 180 to 200 years of age I think you might have chasing rumor halfway around the city and back crossing the guild wading through filth the one creature of his or rodent the absolute threatens thousands the entire coast and still your wrist much to help one man I should berate you but I can only say thank you your reasons were your own but whether you meant for it or not your fight is our fight huh both of us to the very end you know even if my character was a little on the neutral side throughout this playthrough I think I've generally been fairly good meeting jihira and also Minsk a druid and a ranger I think this is like a moment in time where my character really realizes that he wants to to be on the good side he wants to be on their side don't go getting sentimental on me now Harper myself growing older as we stand here so lead the way where you're still command ask it okay I'm gonna talk to the other Companions and if you guys notice that you don't see me talking to a few of the companions is because I cut the video footage out it takes a long time to talk to everyone if they don't have anything new to say I might as well just cut that out but I'm sure Minsk has something to say thine lodgings you have found my friend is already in negotiations with the guardian spirits of this place in Boulder's Gate they are likely to be rat formed and eager to charge rent but boo shall secure a safe Slumber for all now what do you need of Minsk do you remember why you were meeting with the Zen turn so dark an alliance sealed with sentish contracts called this vows and they drug in shining horde do you think Minsk could forget you are correct I have no idea what any of that was about but we shall simply God don't know it's my soft person I am trying to once again in smaller words this truth you seek who believe that Minsk is knowing more than mince clause but it is a difficult thing there are memories of this time that Minsk does not remember and booze suggests that just as he helps with tricksome itches in awkward places you must reach what Minsk cannot the parasite you can use it to tickle free whatever truth you seek thank you you sound reluctant worm has already whipped me around the city like a slack-butt pony I have no wish to settle myself a second time but it cannot be boo who pops inside my skull for a rummage then I trust you or Jahira but she is currently possessed of an empty head mm-hmm there's no need for that mince we'll find another way I do not often go against the advisings of my hamster but as you wish perhaps you might speak to their corpses you left behind I'm sure bull can scare his soul back into it long enough to answer some questions you're quite quick to call me friend of course my friend are we not friends of course we're friends friends then you have a sword at your side and a hamster at hand whenever you need them unless I die or you die or you do anything at all to upset boo now does Boo see a question in your eye or just a parasite poking through okay no question just the parasite ah dressing when our minds mingled I saw some strange things oh the mind of Minsk is a simple place of what strangeness do you speak the memories resurface a lifetime of battles blaring into one single constant is Minsk launching Into The Fray no matter the fire be that God monster all man it seems just the barest glimpse of what the man before you has seen and done but enough to know that he has no right to still be alive I know exactly what the visions of mince you have seen to cause you such Wonder my pants in the Russia style so that a Berserker might split skulls without fear of splitting bridges too they are fiendishly complex but fear not for Minsk with training he has learned to master the many little nuts never mind your pants you've walked between planes and fought Gods well as have you no do not forget that when you gaze into Minsk Minsk also gazes into you we both fight evil wherever it is found the who and where are less important than their hamsters you meet along the way on this matter of sharing memories I see no reason for us to worry at one another's works if there is more we wish to know we can simply ask no of course a warrior speaks their mind instead of reading others exactly so if I must peer into the mind of my enemy I use an ax for friends there is ale no my friend if you fear you have a question that Minsk cannot answer then you can simply ask hey we're going to recruit him into our group after we do karlak and will level one human so we're gonna have to level him up probably to our level level ten I have to level up my character in Jahira here in a second I'm assuming that he is a ranger oh Carol background nice level one Ranger I wonder if we can I don't see boo I wonder if we can talk to boo that's what I want to try let's speak with animals I don't think it's gonna work though [Music] all right level 10 as a ranger we get hide in plain sight camouflage yourself for the environment to become invisible gain a plus 10 bonus to stealth checks as long as you stand still that's pretty sweet for my strength based Ranger invisibility ends early if you move Attack cast another spell take an action or take damage and last until long rest you get to choose another favorite enemy we can do bounty hunter magebreaker or Sanctified stalker which gives you proficiency and religion and you can cast sacred flame let's go ahead and take Sanctified stalker doesn't really matter that much just doing it for the religion skill I guess actually sacred flame might be our right to have a little bit of radiant damage if we need it and for natural Explorer let's go ahead and take Wasteland wander a cold now we're resistant to cold fire and poison damage now I have to level Carlock up from Level 7 to 10. oh man what's going on 85 HP barbarians have the most base HP and we are going to let's go ahead and give harlak the great weapon Master feat because she's a barbarian and we get Reckless attack which gives you advantage on your strike and that works really good with the great weapon Master feat then at level 12 will increase your strength to 20. we'll go ahead and do that I was tempted to do that on my Ranger I think I'm going to do it at level 12 with my Ranger if we make it there so great weapon master when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon you can make another melee weapon as a bonus action attacks with heavy melee weapons you're proficient with and deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 attack roll penalty but extra 10 damage you're much more likely to miss unless you can find ways to offset that -5 which we can do with Reckless attack okay and at level nine we get brutal critical you've trained to strike Swift and true when you land a critical hit you roll an extra damage die as well as the normal additional critical dice nice and bolstering Magic level 3 spell slot you or an ally recover a level 3 spell slot awesome now we have over 100 HP we get unstable backlash while enraged when you take damage or foul a saving throw you trigger another wild magic effect that replaces the current one thank you [Music] thank you oh why is karlak I guess I must have gave her her armor to somebody else in my group all right we'll put on Sonic Ward for now I'm not gonna have carlak and will in my group for that long I think now that we have Minsk and Jahira available her having sub-optimal gear is okay I think we're gonna be okay [Music] same with will I haven't had will in my party since he was level four so I don't really have any gear for him I think that's probably fine here we'll give him a short bow you got any good Rings no they're all equipped on my other characters it is what it is okay let's travel to let's go to let's see what will be the quickest way to the ornation ceremony the South span of worms Crossing or the basilus gate go to the Basilisk game then we'll take the exit right here can't wait to explore the city again I think we're just gonna walk right up we do have the admission pass could use this guy's self or seeming let's do that just in case like that's a better RP move anyways okay karlak is the half orc and will is the [Music] okay The Gnome that's funny I got five before we go in here who knows what's gonna happen [Music] oh they're running from my wolf what's your grunt with saluna anyway Lord gortash has been expecting your arrival please hold a moment the Watcher's presence fades but another takes its place confident dominant commanding my most esteemed guess we meet at last I Am Lord Envy gotash you are the prison Bearer Slayer of the dread General Catherine Thorne I welcome you to Baldur's Gate my city guess the sky itself didn't work in this instance your city vortash you fuck by the Black Hand I'd recognize that voice anywhere it's been an eternity allow me to invite you to my inauguration make your way to the ceremonial Hall that's too funny I didn't even think about it when I was in that conversation that I was speaking as carlak but the dialogue was clearly carlock-esque okay so it looks like okay so let's go ahead and get rid of Disguise self if I don't confuse myself seems like gortash knows who we are right now so and we'll lead with karlak right now there they are gortash and all their Raven guard do we lead with karlak or do we lead with Will let's lead with will cause that's his father Ians and dearest Duke raping God thank you for joining me on this exceptional day it's him gortash this is it I can practically taste his blood from here the fling is letting our passions get the better of her the say not be swept up in our emotions I agree with the emperor right now true wow lead the charge karlak ortash dies today I don't think that's a good idea they're steel Watchers all around us right now careful Carlock the steel watch will destroy us in one swipe if we attack gortash here oh this is going to be interesting oh man this is going to be real interesting I have one Inspiration Point left oh man I wonder if we're gonna get another opportunity to persuade her I can't risk it roll again here we go foreign but make no mistake that monkey is mine a moment please my friends an old acquaintance has come to pay her respects please call back come and say a proper hello my respects you're lucky I've agreed not to shove my beat up your ah how I've missed your colorful turns of phrase we must catch up just as soon as I've had words with your little friend as for you I understand congratulations are in order Thorne's defeat hasn't gone unnoticed you're known for who you are and for that netherstone that you carry the Quakes are a clear warning if nobody steps in soon it'll free itself from the authority of the crown I expect it'll start with turning the sword coasts infected you among them a prism of yours won't last indefinitely next The Grand Design the Mind flayer Empire reborn if we're lucky we'll become slaves if we're unlucky well not the most thrilling of prospects but it's a fake that can be avoided if you and I come to an understanding together we can still restore authority over the brain of course God has always did have an eye for opportunity sounds like gortash is trying to work with us just like Oren was Oren wants us to kill gortash why is the crown failing it's not follow new orders unless the netherstones are united to give the command when it finishes executing its current orders it will be free to do as it wishes that will be bad for everyone once it is free from its shackles I doubt will ever be able to bring it under control again I'm not interested in bargaining with the likes of you gortash the likes of you stand to benefit from the likes of me there's an old wisdom a brittle Alliance can never be mended they can only break with Catherine gone or improved treacherous balls chosen once the netherstones for herself she only cares for blood and your blood and mind are of particular interest to her true what are you getting at are in changes shape faster than you and I change clothes you know she's tricked you before she's targeted me as well I'm well protected which is extremely good at what she does if Orion obtains all three netherstones she'll plunge the coast into chaos and paint the city in blood I can't let that happen I want to lead this city to Glory not Scorch at Earth hmm now that I think of it Oren would be the last person that we would want to have the nether stones or Dash we don't want him to have him either but ortash kind of reminds me of a devil in a way he doesn't want to create you know utter chaos he doesn't want to destroy the world because he wants something to rule while Oren seems like she just wants to slaughter everything we still don't trust gortash of course going to take a lot to make me trust you I'd like to propose a pact a Divine oath swollen upon spirit and flesh I Do no harm to you nor you to me furthermore you'll have nothing to fear from my steel watch while our pact stands Thorne's stone is yours to keep when you slay Oren and take her Stone you bring it here so the three are united once again Together We Rule faerun as kings no gods We Rule as the absolute what do you say shall we be allies oh here I can detect no deceit this Alliance could serve us well and if it does not well we need not honor it true let's be allies said the Viper to the Frog he's quite the politician let's examine gortash's body language in Expressions can you trust him God are you serious no more inspiration points you look carefully over nothing that would have been nice to know it would be nice to have gortash at least think that we're working together because then we wouldn't have to worry about the steel watch at least for the time being we can always agree to these things and just not like the emperor said not go through with it we can do whatever we want in this game as allies it seems none of you can be trusted you Oren Kathryn so kathwick was ready to betray our alliance too I can't say it comes as a surprise you should know this I initiated this club I brought Catherine and Oren together to create the absolute they knew this would only work if we stood United and coordinated our powers their ambition blinded them to reason I don't suffer the same affliction in short you can trust me I don't believe him when he says that but maybe for the time being I'll think about it gortash no promises perhaps a demonstration of why you need my help will motivate you to make the right decision your Camp is compromised one among you is an imposter faceless who I can't say I'd suggest a thorough investigation you'll find I speak the truth take that with a grain of salt we're talking to The Faceless in your Camp is like a knife with your throat remove it quickly or any alliance between us would be exceedingly short-lived The Faceless in my Camp was Oren herself he took someone and he defined her even horror has a home find her nest and slay her there for all its charms Baldur's Gate has long had a cancer at its heart a hidden temple devoted to Bal that's where Oren became what she is when she worshiped and schemed and now it's where she hides from my watches when she's not spilling blood in the streets you're resourceful I trust you'll sniff it out if the trail goes cold follow the bodies you are in catharik the brain what was your plan first are in the red bloody Dagger of Bal causes panic in the streets through killings in the absolute name next the threat of the absolute monstrous armies formed by merkel's General Catherine Thor in such circumstances people crave strong leaders leaders that bring law order and protection is like me Bane's unyielding hand author of Justice you are soon to witness the people of Baldur's Gate granting me complete power over them all out of fear of the absolute next I we will declare curfew and begin infecting the masses our subjects will hear the voice of their absolute God the faithful will do anything in the name of their God [Music] and so begins your tyranny ow tyranny and we are saviors Defenders of the sword Coast our loyal subjects will love us hate us what comes next will be entirely their fault where in the nine Hills did you find a powerful artifact like the crown powerful connections let's leave it at that I've heard enough am I free to go soon first come and be witness as I make history the first Archduke of Boulder's Gate well the fifth response is I'm taking you out I'm assuming that that would turn into combat right now which I don't think is the right call even though we probably are going to kill gortash at some point I have no interest in the Sham of a ceremony then allow me to pick it for you your brain twists and stretches under the watch's Gaze the pain almost brings you to your knees before fading you will follow me and you will show due respect wonderful Patriarchs Raven guard I will heed your call a new chapter begins and the gortash sweareth thou by boldren's blade to defend the citizens of Baldur's Gate from enemies within and without I swear sweareth thou true faith and fealty to the Same by word deed and decree so that none may suffer I swear gathered guests grantee consent oh man nothing we can do right now I don't think objecting is really gonna do anything except get us into trouble in Duke Raven Gardens under the influence of the absolute right now we're gonna say nothing the council appoints you odds Duke of Baldur's Gate damn that's crazy my friends the steel watch stands ready Let its blade fall on any who would diminish our city and you honored guest will find me in my office above when you return do not come empty-handed wow so there you have it Lord and the gortash in all his glory what did you make of him seemed like an absolute fraud a very nice coat yeah taste I don't know how anyone in this Hall could fall for this charade isn't it obvious what a chancer he is when people are scared they'll do whatever it takes to feel safe Carlock and they expect these big metal monsters to tuck them in at night while the absolute knocks on the gates If Only They knew the truth the Dirt 3 orchestrated all of this and it's working I wish this city the people running it was smarter than me gortash isn't their salvation he's the monster at the gate stand ready let's take will and see if we can go speak to all the Raven guards back up my party must unite under one Authority gold touch is uniquely qualified for the Endeavor under gortash the two Will Conquer The Cult Army and preserve our city and our heritage father wants the Grand Duke now are born in the absolute game your infected Minds smolder and each other's presence my dearest boy the hells have touched you but you've come to me just as gortash said you would Father and Son Unstoppable generals together we will Usher in a new dawn my father my hero I'll save you from the absolutes they're all what is a hero my son if not an actor for the greater good freerun suffers in darkness tears abandoned us Helm's eye has strayed but Boulder's Gate will soon burn bright a beacon to light the heavens you got Ash and I will ignite the final spark my son and that is the greatest of goods don't you understand father you're infected with a lipid parasite for a brief moment uncertainty clouds his mind then dissipates the astral prism vibrates in Concord nonsense is this all right the prism Quivers once more Raven God falters help me your tadpole seizes the prism stills Raven guards empty eyes meet yours as I said Baldur's Gate will ascend tyrell's first and only Grand City and we can use our lithid wisdom powers to explore Raven guards uncertainty with Will let's go ahead and do it oh why did I quit I didn't even look at the difficulty class I wasted the dark ones blessing we got a 20. first comes a vision of Terror the city of Boulders gate taken by a lithids but beyond the terror there is hope you see a beaming Raven guard presiding over the sunlit city applauded by the people of people at peace the true Raven God lurks somewhere in this infected mind seeking freedom seeking Victory have we finished then okay [Music] this is such a good story so far gods have mercy on those hey it's Porter so there's four Dukes of the city but the Grand Duke being the the head of them the Grand Duke is now gortash ravengard was the Grand Duke before let's bring my party over here let's have a chat with Will out of the way [Music] The Raven God become his spoke with my father incredible to hear his voice speak those words like a stranger wrapped in his flesh but there's still a glimmer of him in there calling for release feel it I know it I won't let the absolute keep him this is my pledge uh you spoke to your father well okay let's take a look at Will's Quest now Grand Duke ravengar was infected he's being transported to Baldur's Gate along with an enormous Elder brain oh that's not what I wanted to click on the ceremony is over we should return to mizora so now we have to go find mazora for Will's Quest nothing progressed with carlak's quest for now harlak clearly wants to kill gortash but we convinced her that now is not the time okay check this out a little bit oh we're not supposed to go in there sorry about that sorry about that okay mazura's back on the bridge I wonder if we should quickly talk to Vortec now we don't got to talk to gore cash again I'm gonna hide carlak's Helm it's more enjoyable in the cutscenes without the helm on there we go I don't like it oh sorry about that there we go no they never did my ritual spells come here carlak seriously come on they're right there that's annoying [Music] and there's mazora what did I tell you a momentous occasion I'm sure you agree I've had enough mazura what do you want for your attention little pup nothing more and you'll be glad to give it potash has heard your father relocated [Music] relocate it what are you playing at devil a murderous one the way I hear it shit your dad's good good there's no way to save him oh is that you know something I know enough I'll be in your Camp if you want to work something out I don't know first we had Oren at our camp now we have mazura hanging out there car infernal knows where it doesn't belong of course she's dreamed up some risible scheme by all the hounds of the hells what is she planning where's gortash taking your father do you think I couldn't even fathom a guess though I doubt we'll need to wait long for answers let's make Camp when we're able Missouri will be waiting until then may my father keep safe whatever Coop he's been flown to okay ravengard's already gone might as well just push on with this so let's go right to camp how many farther can I go we're at the other Camp because we were at worms Crossing we see Missouri anywhere is the question would she hang out next to Will well met I wonder if we have to go to bed to find mazora hey it's Minsk freaking butt for goodness let's try a partial rest I just didn't see our car lock Minsk wolf Shadow Hearts we fly the camera around over here real fast there's Tahira Stables oh there's nope that's Withers [Music] Shadow Hearts okay take a partial rest oration oh [Music] thank you come sisters be my Testament no tomb sit in Bear tour [Music] no tools we've heard of such Devils sisters of justice adjudicators of diabolical contracts and Bargains Holy House interesting I don't recall sending out invitations to the sisters of Justice you when the hell's demand Witness enough mazora where is my father how do I save him how else we bargain sisters infernos contractors infernos contractors infernos contractos te vocamos contract will signed in blood forged in fire Bound in bone but Unbreakable it's been remain silent yet contractors ended without Sacro s sacrifice will Raven guard a choice is before you option one I show you the way to your father I guarantee him no harm except that from you and your allies and you pledge your soul to me and the archdevils are real in a pact eternal option two I break your pact and you are freed from your duty your father dies by his enemy's hand and baldus gate loses its greatest champion name your sacrifice bloody zariel I won't let her take will silence carlak Missouri you asshole choose what will happen to Will's Powers if he breaks The Pact addendum F the absolute must be Avenged for the soul binder's detention at moonrise the soul Bearer retains his gifts until such time as the absolute is slain this is tough because this is my character giving advice to Will that could never possibly be able to understand Will's perspective on this about in a million years what would I say to will what would my character say to will In This Moment thank you Break The Pact will you deserve your freedom you damned wretch father do it Break The Pact vieta anima Adventure didn't think you had it in you seems my boys all grown up and don't go fussing about your father you made your choice you knew the terms you know what I think I'll stick around not for the greater good you understand just for the entertainment oh I was hoping that whale would fight back a little give me a reason to persuade him to do something that's tough man there's no easy choice right there I mean basically if if Will saves his father if I was in Will's position I would probably give up my soul to zariel to save my father and then try to figure it out from there I mean karlak escapes Arielle but as well as friends knowing that his father kicked him out didn't treat him that right and I care more about Will I feel like I told him the right thing who cares it's a video game all right so Will's Quest now says Missouri gave will a choice he could agree to an eternal pact with her and zaryel she would reveal where his father's been taken and ensure a safe return or he could break his pack with mazora dooming his father to die in gortash's secret Command Center will broke the pack choosing his freedom over his father's life something tells me that's going to haunt will will severed is packed with mazura even after she hinted that she could help locate and rescue Grand Duke ravengard it would seem the Duke is as good as dead but perhaps we might still find and save him so there's still a little bit of hope we're gonna go with that all right let's go have a quick chat with Will Cherry has something to say mazora is just chilling with him right now gods spent seven years choked by Missouri's leash and I spent seven years hoping to break free and ever knew Freedom could taste so bittersweet I thought you never regretted taking the pact I didn't I don't My Sacrifice kept Baldur's Gate Safe from tiamat's Rage but that doesn't mean that the leash never chafed that I was content to lap up whatever nonsense Missouri fed me the leash has been broken and my father left for dead tomorrow I celebrate my gain but today I'm on my loss a moment past illness find a motor tranquility The Raven God name now lives solely with me I will make it count for something attaboy will your father's not dead yet maybe there's a way to save him I signed his life away before the hell's Witnesses [Music] drink the sticks down to the last drop that to alter his fate might be a fool to wish otherwise what's our next step then we obtained the final two nether stones and take back our minds and the City from the brain okay [Music] if Will's father was a bit nicer to him it would have made persuading him to save his father a little bit easier but then again he would have had to give his life up there's just no easy decision when you make packs with Devils that's the lesson that comes out of this never trusted devil all right so now we have to figure out what's next the first hour of this episode has been nothing but cinematics and it's been very enjoyable this will be a nice natural break point for this episode so I'll see you all in a few all right let's Press On I think some of you probably are now understanding what the next part of this episode is going to be and that is going to be a starion's quest I have leveled him up to level 10. and I grabbed the alert feet at level 10. we get a plus five to our initiative and we can't be surprised by Gear with the Starion is really really bad haven't been running with him pretty much at all on this run still in my Camp I've kept him around I haven't killed them but yeah we got really bad gear but I'm okay with it I wish I had a long bow though I don't think I have a long bow in my Camp somewhere and I'm Gonna Keep Carlock in my group as well for this particular part for a starion's quest and then after that we're going to switch to Jahira and Minsk man it's just so hard only having four party members it's really really hard because I want Gale and shadowheart at all times let's just stick with this party comp and then we'll figure we'll deal with the other problems later on all right we're gonna take a partial rest and we're gonna head to the czar Mansion should be interesting everybody get to take a little stride through the lower City again let's go to lower City Central wall this should be an interesting Quest casadors are the undead vampire lord of the District of tumbledown I'm also very interested in a story on story this doesn't quite fit my party on this particular run I'm out of their character I am running with a Starion as one of my main companions all right let's start off with a little see what this is my new ability hide in plain sight [Music] it's pretty cool that it goes away when you move let's go ahead and start off by casting long Strider [Music] perfect and we'll also do Shield of Faith shadow [Music] I don't really have to do anything with the Barbarian it's been a while since we've had karlak in the group got her using catherx Warhammer right now she doesn't have the best gear either okay we're right outside a sorceress Sundries yeah I think after we finish estarian's quest I'm gonna bring Gail back into the group we're gonna explore sorceress Sundries because I am so hyped to go in there I don't want to ruin it right now though I want to go with gal all right so we have to go to find the Tsar Palace we have to head north the puzzle section shrivels and dies North is that way parasites giving your own nature are you really the one to judge everybody's running from fern all right estarian you ready for this my man a group of vampire spawn attacked us during the night so that happened last episode they tried to kidnap a Starion and take him back to Cazador but fail starya will need to face Cazador if he's ever to be safe from his past I'm assuming that we go in or maybe we go to bloom Ridge Park [Music] I don't know what building this is let's check it out real fast [Music] the devil's feed look at this place holy crap a monster skull no I thought she was gonna come out and try to stab fern I welcome thee to the devil's fee where every hellish curios a rarity so Mary B and Shop with Glee oh no definitely something up with this one trust me a most excellent decision okay let's see what you got a bunch of dyes arsonist oil doesn't really have too much not much at all I could buy up the healing potions I'm pretty poor right now I'll have to spend some time at a vendor after coin and time most fought all right an interesting place that's for sure no sweethearts no I prefer the Savory this is what I get for trying to strike up conversation okay so I'm happy that we are going around to bloom Ridge Park because Cazador Azar's Mansion is in the tumbledown district which is in the outer city of the of Baldur's Gate so it's outside of the city walls and for a minute I thought they put it near the devil's feet right there and Larry and changed up the lore a little bit but it doesn't seem like they did so come back right ways is it wow look at this can we talk to these animals look like we can whoa what is she doing [Music] there's more right here too Reaper of ball oh no [Music] these are ball assassins I wonder if they're waiting for me it's only been a month Carlock doesn't do ball assassins I didn't expect the vision cone to be that close oh man I wanted to shove that person off and the good thing is oh look at fern for work what's this creature doing here Fern walks with Grace didn't expect that to put her in combat but okay put him up all right it's only carlak in combat right now let's go ahead and start off with rage we have great weapon Master now so man it feels good to have a barbarian back holy crap all right increase Armor class if we go into passives we can toggle on and off great weapon master so right now we have a 65 chance of Landing our attack with great weapon Master on that is crazy that is so good and if we do reckless attack 88 chance with crate weapon master damn man that is so good look at that keep out of this captain do not forget whom you serve what the heck just happened of course I just thought you might need assistance like are you feeling all too familiar squirm in the recesses of your mind Fest has a tadpole something's off not I we and we do not serve defective very well another offering to ball oh man okay quick must be quick this mind is more fragile listen now well this is a Starion so we're arpina Starion he'll absolutely use his lipid Powers use your parasite to explore her thoughts entering her mind is like stepping aboard a sinking ship the architecture of her Consciousness buckles and collapses thoughts yield to a flood of overwhelming power [Music] the Elder brain [Music] don't quit listen just listen re-learn we grow loosen our clumsy bindings Aid us Necromancer dead changeling and Tyrant remain at odds kill them you have a place in my grand design what happened well their brain was speaking to a Starion right there we have a place in the Elder brains Grand Design okay I don't know if I like that okay let's get everybody together I don't think I even took any I took a little bit of damage with the Starion a little bit of jump damage oh now we know Bloom Ridge Park isn't safe hey we got a mind player parasite theft what you have a defense make it now oh man there was a flaming fist Soldier perhaps some gold would make up for my little indiscretion an unwise to reveal just how much gold you have on your person damn it I don't want to go to prison oh no oh let's just puts a dent in our plans shut up Mr emperor is everybody in their own cell right now oh it's only my character that went to prison oh man me and fern okay well it wouldn't be a proper wolf heart playthrough if I didn't end up in jail at some point go ahead and start off with speak with animals I think we have a hole right here well let's see if I can do a perception check Maybe nice what's up buddy he came running in here because of my wolf you all right you can this God would prefer you serve your time in silent contemplation you just opened the door for me allowed to just uh your escape attempt has been spotted time to return to yourself well it's worth a try oh my God 2700 gold well we might be able to talk our way out of this sure um it doesn't really matter what we do here I've been pardoned the order came straight from the top 15 we got this first try easy foreign you tried your best but hear the unmistakable sound of your cell calling ah okay all right a new client what a thrill for you laterally some call me the great collector others The Merchant of mysteries but you my friend you can call me Skittle step up and Marvel at the spec ratula Wonders on offer what sort of items does the great collector collect one Cola prison his home the prison's pipes are a vegetable Maze of cracks and crannies what a rat finds a rat keeps have once and needs it is my pleasure now my duty to fulfill them Smuggler let me have a look at your stock Mercantile rodent how radical indeed my mirthful mate care to take a squeak at my fun rapstical Wares is this business ratified by the local Merchants League my Enterprise is a more Culvert sort I do my dealings in squeakeret what's for sale I'd like to take a squeak Universal resistance dimension door oh that's actually oh oh man selling some really interesting stuff here outing house safe key to wow to one of the vaults back at the counting house Where We rescued Minsk We rescued Vince from the sewers but initially he was at the counting house only have 10. while I'm in prison I can't buy anything 163. okay this is rattle that's quite hilarious that there's a rap Merchant man if I had that invisibility scroll these guys are all freaking out because of my wolf right now I'm way too big oh God the steel Watcher guys in here now too clarion's definitely gotta fix the wolf thing a little bit I understand that it might not be a bug because it's a Dire Wolf and it would scare citizens even though I think it would be okay to let that slide animal forms Like the Wolf should be fine in my opinion but like now I'm in prison like these guys shouldn't be scared of the wolf let's go ahead and just dismiss fern what happens if I send Fern out oh my God I might be to use Fern as hold on might be able to use Fern to my advantage here short choose your next move wisely okay back to ourselves all right all right I'm gonna dismiss Fern she's messing this up right now all the guards are coming in looks like we have a wall right here sturdy okay at least 10 damage I can do that by Fists what are you supposed to do in prison I just served myself in trouble now would be a good time to explain yourself I'm already in prison all right let's think here put on our DND thinking cap we have some boxes right here can't climb on those okay hold on first thing we should do is probably turn off the torture and it's darken it up a little bit and we're going to take this box put it down just not really adequate sell s Everyone subscribes to what is mine is you okay so he's watching me he is watching me there we go math is interrupted it stopped looking at me okay go ahead and hit F5 first time in prison these look like the trunks where our gear is probably being kept I could get my other Companions and have them report to the prison it's in Heap size says heapside prison we're in the heapside district have them help me get out I wonder if I can just fast travel and okay worth a try okay I got an idea it was quite fun though trying to figure this out I think we're good nobody's looking over here whoa oh wow what the heck how was I supposed to wait but it was gonna let me jump over your escape attempt has been you've got to be kidding me this a good time to return to your cell card deception check again whoa improve hard to argue with you're free to go okay you know what I enjoyed that I very much enjoyed that I think we had something going there with the boxes even though the guards were kind of glitched out a little bit all right time to skulk about let's keep your hands to yourself okay we're out of here you could probably go out the other way but I'm curious here what happens if we go into the train oh my God this is too funny we're in the sewers right now we can fast travel again that door is locked right there good to see it again the emperor is wanting me to do his quest right now thank you for bringing me back look around you'll find some of my things still intact the emperor's old home those of you guys that missed the previous episode The Emperor used to be I think a human this actually might have been his home when he was a mind flare mind flare in disguise visit the emperor's old Hideout the emperor asked us to check its old hideout in the elf song Tavern some of its old items may be of use to us okay I'm gonna teleport out because I want to do that quest with my entire party I think we should focus on a starion's quest right now [Music] in a little unexpected trip to prison there all right hey guys thanks for the help appreciate it oh you guys are just standing around that's nice okay all right yeah don't worry I took care of it okay let's head out [Music] what is this right here one of the guys we killed [Music] [Music] yeah we have a murder Target right here stay away from the gate stay away from the gates dominate us we are not ready we should heed the emperor's warning passing the gate could be the death of us okay you know what I'm gonna trust them in that [Music] not quite sure how we're gonna get to cazador's Mansion I guess we could go north at the graveyard right here let's go ahead and travel back to the lower City Central wall we're going to head back up north towards the devil's fee [Music] and then we'll go up this way for the North okay we've made it to a graveyard it's not this is not the tumbledown graveyard though Grand mausoleum nice have people no respect for the Dead fingers she loves it when people complain he gets to shut them hind fingers Keen the leader of the guild oh look at this we're near candy hollow's tombstones tombstones remembering the deceased with sympathy and skill if I remember correctly the Kanda Hollow family are a family of moon elves and they basically offer the city's burial services let's go inside I don't we can't get in right now they're also known to work with necromancers and give bodies away [Music] there's the elf song Tavern still we're definitely going to be going in there I'm still just trying to hold off though for the time being okay so I cut the video and I did some camera panning in the area and I think I found where we actually have to go this is quite confusing getting to the Tsar Palace but I think the entrance is actually right here on top of the wall I never would have expected that so let's go ahead and I'll show you guys how we get there so the wall is right up here and we have a door called the Tsar Palace South Tower so I would imagine that that's how we get to a starion's quest could be wrong though away with you this Soldier gosh man this is amazing all right so we're gonna be going in that door but let me just check down here because I see a chest and I'm Gonna Leave Fern out right now because we are heading into dangerous territory here oh my God look at this View we still have so much left to explore in the city after I finish estarian's quest and maybe another companion Quest I think I'm just gonna you know do some do some more walking around just admiring another city it's like I don't want to rush into the elf song Tavern and talk to every NPC right now because I want to feel like I'm ready for it and I can take the time to enjoy it and right now I have some of the companion quests on my mind so happy that I have most of the companions with me to do their quests they did that without even safes coming innocence Starion so they could Scout ahead okay sure thing brother vial of blood in a rib cage well that can't be good but the time is almost here you should be at the ritual hurry the palace is being sealed you must not be late you must not anger the master what ritual are you talking about it attend you the Ascension wow okay it's time I wonder if I can bring my party up here if they're not allowed up here hey we got a rat right here definitely gotta chat with him go a little bit further ahead with the Starion whoa oh there's the Bell Tower with a chest on that I remember seeing that in one of the gameplay trailers incredible foreign key right here sure we'll take it I don't think anybody's around here servant etiquette memorize these rules and do not fail to follow them do your job silently do not speak unless spoken to the master likes it quiet if you are not busy find something to do and look busy the master likes diligence if you encounter the master stand still and cast down your eyes with deference deference the master likes to be respected no whistling Chamberlain dufay [Music] okay one step at a time all right I think I'm gonna try to bring my party up right now I just don't know if it's a good idea Starion said he wants to scout ahead but he did make friends with those vampire spawn in the beginning let's go ahead we're gonna send up we'll test it out I'll send up wolf by himself we're gonna bring everybody else back here and if I have to flee then I can flee and we'll let a Starion do his thing and then try to back him up somehow there goes nothing okay it looks like we're good [Music] [Music] come on Mr bear [Music] that's a good boy okay we'll show back everybody should be coming up now and here they come out this would be a safe bet hilarious well perhaps with a hooded man standing by ax in hand wow we entered cazador's Palace we should look around for Clues keep the gang together now [Music] I love Gothic settings the master is pure his Palace must be pure no stain no smudge no taint sure okay can't fast travel out of here doors closed with Arcane lock Master historian what are you doing here why aren't you downstairs the doors have already been sealed the ritual is about to begin what are you talking about how can you not know it's the Master's Ascension the night he is reborn even more perfect than before and His blessings will rain down upon us all his children were to attend your brothers and sisters are there already he'll be furious you didn't make it oh man to unseal the doors and let me in it's too late Duty has sealed the doors and will not open them until the ritual is complete you remember the ill-tempered skeleton goading though you may wish to forget him officially he was Keeper of the palace's Kennels that you knew him as cazador's muscle beating you when the master didn't want to do it himself oh the master will be so angry with you he will do such terrible terrible things to you I'm wasting time talking to a damned man if there is too much to do too much to prepare okay the door to cazador's Ballroom where he hosted his most hedonistic nights a scene at closed let alone locked before the door is covered in intricate text that you can't see anywhere a key might fit only a small round Hollow engraved with The Sire family crest okay let's try to decipher the text on the door oh damn well it's not impossible I guess it is the writing means nothing to you you can't even recognize the script okay examine the hollow on the door awesome game easier the indentation seems to be the right size and shape to fit a Signet ring bearing the family crest only a few people wear such a ring Cazador and goatee your old kennel master okay I guess we gotta find goatee a bear you buy an eye out for anything we can find here the ballroom door the kazakura dictionary we use to train new servants on how to operate the ballroom door has gone missing and my Signet ring alone won't do the job please have the servant sort this out it shouldn't be my problem to solve the servants and I are thoroughly busy preparing for the Masters celebration get your bones out of the kennel search every chamber on the vampire spawn level and quickly find that book but we gotta find a book and also a Signet ring now okay oh these look like nice robes I'm gonna pick them up let our search continue foreign oh man the Chamberlain Diary of Antoine dufay Chamberlain of cazador's Palace I know enough about what the master has in mind with his ritual that I refuse to be to stand in for that missing brat astarian even if Cazador finds my body the potion bone cloaks sold me as promised to provide a convincing illusion of death eventually since I'll leave behind a look-alike potion of acid poison my one regret is dear luriana I simply cannot trust her with the secret of my one chance of Escape when the potion wears off Cazador will have ascended and will have need of my services or he will be no more and master of the palace will fall to me foreign radiant resistance Elixir nice pick up that book I like to pick up the books and read them on my own time oh crap um Fair chase this guy away just curious to see what that if this would work obviously according to that book it wouldn't but okay let's Press On open damn I keep clicking on the wrong thing this is me that door wasn't covered with weird magical energy his eyes are alert verging on manic as she bustles about everything's got to be right for the master everything's got to be perfect okay dark energy envelops this door it's cursed hmm okay let's see what I have here let me check my spells and there it is right there remove curse go ahead and pick that up see if this works forgot what it looks like okay very nice whoa three to 24 damage per turn First Energy drains Vitality if anyone dares get to get closer see if we can do another remove curse I love making use of some of these spells that I really haven't used much up to this point Victoria remember to read that ancient language book you'll need to know some of the vocabulary to be able to move freely within the palace go away no one ever died here though there's something strange happens I'm out of grit 50 hit points or less they have an additional bonus action sure since I don't have any gear on karlak or that gives her Constitution saving throws plus one let's give her the helmet of grit and I'll give a starry on the Constitution saving throws plus one oh that's medium armor actually never mind we'll leave that on carlak we'll give a Starion the helmet of grit whoa looks like he's in blink 182. we're gonna hide home snakeskin hat oh look at that it was a current dictionary a good thing I'm searching everything in this place book is a dictionary the ancient kozakuran language from the distant land of karatur different continent on feyron flipping through the pages you find certain words and phrases underlined open enter beware forbidden I've seen this around somewhere always forbidden from studying it okay now we just gotta find a ring I think wow look at the paintings in here is that the blood War what's going on here it is oh my gosh it's wow that's the arch devil zaryel we used to be an angel a celestial who is now in service to asmodius the leader of the nine Hells she is fighting demons and the blood War in avernus I wonder if carlak says anything but let's bring karlak in because karlak serves Arielle for a while against her wishes nope she doesn't say anything that's incredible I want that painting right there and you can see Devils fighting demons blood War so cool can't wait to do a lore run hey let's go over here 's cheapest trips behind it is that is little cell he throws into when displeased JoJo you've come home to one and come to visit Goldie in your old kennel taking everything I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at Cody child I only did my job only kept you in line tortured us days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweetly for me none of the others screamed like you did but you're home now and you brought me a tree okay a new friend for Goldie [Music] deception intimidation or attack let's try intimidation lay a hand on me and lose it bones foreign not very nice not very friendly why are you here then little one if not to see Goldie here to see the master but the ballroom doors locked give us the key no no it is too late the doors are sealed on Masters orders godi will not open them for anyone much less for you okay let's try intimidation again how about I start breaking bones keep going until I find that key 17. oh my gosh I got a 20 and then a one that's crazy oh no no no no no no Cody is not worried by your threats Cody has seen so much worse than you oh things have changed we might surprise you I doubt it little one come Let's Hear You Scream one last time let's go let's go where the heck is he oh he's over here come here goatee oh that's gonna be an easy one unless you start summoning creatures I don't even think I'm gonna need you know what we'll use rage I'm not gonna need three rage charges here I don't think don't give me the thorns nice 44 chance wow with Reckless attack and great weapon master toggleban if we toggle that off goes up to 75 chance let's do it once with great weapon on with Reckless attacks and then we're gonna turn it off okay so now oh it's still 44. oh because we have Advantage right now weapon enchantment great weapon master there we go so you want to turn great weapon Master off it goes to 75 percent you take damage or foul saving throw you trigger another wild magic effect sure that's awesome we got that recently I think on level 10 for the Barbarian yeah this guy is basically dead I don't even want to waste a spell slot [Music] that's right got plenty of spell slots with my Ranger though that's for sure oh no I have my torch out it costs an action to switch oh man all right we're gonna take uh a crossbow shot at 16 and I'll just switch weapons there we go here it costs an action oh come on estarion turn great weapon Master back on okay this guy should have the Signet ring on his body I'm assuming surgery kit knife it's pretty cool so far eat to the kennel okay and the Tsar Family ring the same is in that dictionary we found a ring with inscriptions in an ancient language we should hold on to it it may prove useful we found a dictionary same language that's on the sealed Ballroom door we're locked in here right now what the heck man the Cazador is above us right now might as well search the rest of the palace real fast enough spawn dormitory what was that check that we just did right in from something so cool though the experiencing of starions prior life this is the favorite spawns room okay I think we're good to go back up to the door oh look at that that looks awesome Shadow heart what are you frightened from okay back up we go let me hit F5 I can run my way around this place um yeah it was this way here we go okay OE BF s o e b f s the door remains sealed looking closer you recognize the writing the same cause occurring script from the dictionary you found press the Tsar Signet ring against the hollow and read the doors inscription aloud okay I guess I don't have to remember it the ring slots perfectly into place and the door sweeps open oh man oh wow what the heck tonight he changes promises will have fresh meat then let's get going thank you I think we're gonna I just I we're gonna walk in because I want to see if we get a cool cut scene here we go run away on the Master's scent is all over you we bring you to him we get his favor what the heck a little confused right now and werewolves okay see what we'll do here for our first move I got an idea back up a little bit we're gonna throw Grease oh Shadow Hearts in the battle now no anything but a wolf damn it I was trying to get wolf out of the way carlock's still not in though or is my bear okay my Bear's in now all right well everybody's in oh wow look at this look at all the rats oh my gosh this is crazy bear Guardians was a good play though yes it was okay carlak's turn only got one HP I don't think I want to waste an action on that let's just take the opportunity attack and come over here a rage first oh damn this guy's coming at us too you know what maybe we'll just kill him real fast yeah sure let's do that turn on great weapon Master nice see ya and then we're gonna run back in here gotta get as close to that werewolf as we can no I can't reach okay we'll just kill the damn bat then oh man I'm frightened right now so I can't use my shadow teleport that's unfortunate that's real unfortunate okay let's do [Music] guardian of faith and also spiritual weapon we have a lot more a lot more monsters coming here we'll put spiritual weapon right here perfect God clerics are so good it's crazy okay and these werewolves are quite smart aren't they yes they are okay 33-32 we'll focus on this guy foreign all right Shadow let's see if you can can you Shadow teleport now yes you can so let's move you to right here damn that's so good then we'll move you up just a little bit if I can do it without taking an opportunity attack doesn't look like I can okay I guess we'll just hold our grounds yeah see ya barbarians and clerics we want a different magical effect what do we have right now nice all right all nearby creatures gain temporary hit points come on Mr bear all right wolf it's your turn let's see are we able to go in now it looks like we are most of these creatures are dead so I'm not worried about holding the choke point anymore let's move to right here you know what we should just focus on one at a time oh well what did you do there we go awesome blood Fang oh that's kind of sad okay Shadow let's get you up here and do what you do best [Laughter] that's what shadow does best right there oh man that was funny oh my Bear's just getting here right now [Music] you're done sneak attack doesn't matter okay don't slip a Starion hit F5 actually I should make an actual save point I think we're gonna be uh seeing Cazador here shortly yeah there's a flute up here [Music] oh there's freaking instruments everywhere cazadora foreign okay well we haven't been in here yet we just finished looting over here first okay I think we're good [Music] another door up here too like one not a real door music really puts you in the mood the end I almost read that wrong regulated blood okay I guess we're taking this elevator or whatever the heck it is we need to deal with the werewolves if we want to delve further into the palace okay werewolves are all dealt with metal platform a beautiful but Antiquated elevator there are some scuffs to show its age signs of things dragged onto it over the years but it seems to be in good working order was in the Hills I never knew this was here this was always cazador's private quarters only here but came in here well him and the Unfortunate Souls we've brought to feed him ascending of the depths of the palace cazador's dungeon we got a waypoint too good on a platform that took us deep below the palace into kazador's dungeon how big is this place watching the house I never knew any of this was here entombing clots this door is impassable to anyone without the correct ring of Passage oh just like the door to the ballroom upstairs this door features no Keyhole it does have an indentation for a Sydney ring press the Zara Signet ring with a hollow on the door the ring slots perfect place and will open s sailing you with pungent musty air foreign the ring slots perfectly into play I don't know if I trust this something's not right here look at these cages oh wow if I had Gail with me we could feather fall down there let's go check out and Ascend wolf ahead right here despite everything we're gonna send the bear ahead foreign our structure of Baldur's Gate cazador's thoughts and concerns about the power structure of balder's gates Hazard are worries about the guild revolve around the rise of the Brash new Criminal Kingpin known as the stone man and what it might mean for the gates underworld if nine fingers is replaced meanwhile the upstart gortash is Fielding prototypes of his steel Watchers and city streets are they capable enough to detect and damage casador's vampire spawn if he controlled even a fraction of these the city could be his and no one would ever know he recorded thousands of names were they his victims or something else in time on the pillow rests a skull with a scroll clamped in its bony Jaws the skull's empty eye sockets flare with an Eldritch gleam you feel invited somehow to witness the skull's memories seems urgent all right let's let them wash over us this skull is All That Remains of the vampire valios he turned casadore gave him the gift and then taught him the rules of vampiric existence wisdom check concentrate on the memory what is veliath's first lesson valiant's first lesson is always to dominate allow none to be your equal fairly oath recalls when casadore reached out to a former friend his punishment was to watch as velioth drained his friend dry all right another wisdom check what is valian's valioth's second lesson you were distracted by an errant thought and lose the thread of valioth's lesson velioth recalls when casidal rebelled against him kazador suffered 11 years of impalement failed okay let's do another wisdom check what is veliath's third lesson like the shock of impalement allow your focus to waver and very odds words Drift Away Lost In The Mists of time veliothra calls Cazador his lessons learned killing him in the right of perfect Slaughter how they both laughed fairly odd recalls Cazador boiling the flesh from his skull then to mock him clamping his schooling scroll in velioth's Jaws the skull's eyes flash a final time and its jaws sag open scroll with all of cazador's rituals is yours felioth is no more excited unfortunately the scroll reveals a list of foul rights and rituals detailing all the ways death can be turned to one's Advantage the right of perfect Slaughter the right of profane Ascension will release you walk in the sun suffer not from Hunger throw your power beyond anything you imagine a pact has been made with the Lord of Hellfire deliver unto him seven thousand Souls each bearing an infernal Mark and you shall be free of your chains you shall know true power we found a scroll describing the ritual Cazador wants to perform he plans to sacrifice thousands of souls including astarions to ascend and gain incredible power if we take a look at a starion's character we take off his um shirt here look at his back and see we have infernal writing okay can't wait to see what kazador looks like approaching the cells you're met with hollow-wide faces physical stink of Decay and neglect is this how you used to live a Starion hardly Cazador didn't keep me in luxury but I've never seen anything like this tear what is kazador doing with them my brethren spoke nothing of this you I know you you're the one from The Tavern you smiled and choked and got me drunk you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you remember me you are handsome shy you'd never been kissed you taught me how and then you destroyed me it can't be beneath the deaths and blood you notice that every prisoner has a rune car flesh look at the symbols they all have scars found us all to his ritual gods I know so many of these faces them I conquests shoot them seduce them and brought them to Cazador he told us he was feeding on them but he turned them to spawn he turned every last one so we'd have souls of this cursed ritual how long what I've been down here they let a story on answer 170 years you were one of my first my family my friends they're gone you took them from me you took everything from me to be fair starian didn't have a choice we need to go now there's no Escape No Escape for us and no Escape for you a Starion our lack disapproves and it's your fault you take this damn you I damn you to the house I damn you to misery and who would have thought a Starion story was gonna get so deep foreign all the fools and villains whoever fell from my employees they're here sometimes the audio or the voices in this game gets really low I don't know why it does that I have my voice volume turned all the way up not my voice the characters in game if what you've told me is true of Starion that's a colossal sum of Souls there's only we'd all still be here he must need them for the ritual to the seven we must have brought in a thousand over the decades they're all Lambs for his sword and if I was to take his place they'd all die by my hand everyone whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard innocence idiots and the unlucky it doesn't matter I would need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual I thought they were dead if they are Unleashed incredible Carnage they must die better they serve a purpose we still hope for them you got out you got better beyond anything that ever happened to me it's sort of hatred will have piled up inside of them find Cazador must end it okay I'm not opening up those doors that's for sure wow I wonder if I should jump some of my party members down to that ledge that was over in the back area a previous room because they'll probably come out like right here but you know what just come right down the stairs we'll leave with a Starion where's my bear come here buddy Animal Companions are really bad at following aren't they maybe I Unchained him what is it about this place I know we shouldn't let down our guard but I feel like I could drift off and never wake up Quick Step oh man oh wow send a story on down with my character I'm wondering if we should I don't know what this is going to turn into [Music] casador czar 208 HP resistant to physical damage and chronic damage has the alert feet just like a Starion does before I walk up any further let me take a short rest I think it might be time to make use of the daylight spell I think for the first time on this run as we're facing Undead vampires probably going to be facing Undead vampires I'm gonna pick that up let's also get rid of create water maybe grab reverify okay I think we're looking pretty good there I wonder if I should use that you know what let's go ahead and try it out hide in plain sight let's see if that see what that does in a cut scene help didn't do anything before us is this truly a prodigal son Cazador do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for yourself look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be begging our forgiveness we're gonna keep back and not intervene forgiveness you've never forgiven anything every mistake every slip was punished I strove for perfection in all things even those as imperfect as you you're pity you are mounted to so little to bite my efforts no fuck you and fuck everything you've ever done to me we'll let our Starion handle this I suspected you would return to me changed never did I imagine you would be so wretched oh thankless child I not bless you with our Immortal gift did I not make you what you are you son of a bitch you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me oh you are weak my child you are a small pathetic little boy who never amounted to today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will Ascend don't forget to shoot him with a guiding bolt right now oh oh no should I try it get me out of this foreign let's give it a try oh what's going on oh no um okay 48 damage holy crap that was half my HP okay hold on we got an update on the quest here we found kazador Azari plans to perform a right that will grant him immense power he must be stopped [Music] and there's our boy a Starion that's not good thank you oops what the heck's going on here oh there we go well how do we stop this damn thing something coming out of the sarcophagus all right here we go start off with you know what I should do should have done this before Arcane yeah there we go we'll drink that that'll give us a spell slot back and then I should probably maybe back up okay where's Cazador Cazador is right here there's a lot of ads here I'm gonna go right after Cazador I have like no HP right now though hold on we'll see if we have healing potion of superior healing okay mayor Mr Cazador not sure if we can even hit that Bloody mist but let's give it a try we can very little damage nice okay we still have Carlock too I wonder if I could sneak her down right now let's see what our vision cones oh we can hey good looking Maybe let's see if we have any nice potions here [Music] see what we got these are our arrows and our potions necrotic Resistance potion of invisibility oh that would actually be nice I think we can probably just walk right in now let me give it a try sweet and then we can do reckless attack we already have advantage 36 chance really 70 chance 36 okay here we go [Music] this guy is resistant to physical damage this is going to be tough you're like a magical weapon it's worth the cost okay all right Mr bear help us out buddy help us out get right up in there I wonder if I can do anything with a Starion if I can like no I don't think I can immune to slashing damage all right we need it to be Shadow Hearts turn I gotta try that daylight triple opportunity attack whoa that's not good okay all right hold on let's check asador again sunlight hyper sensitivity this creature takes 20 radiant damage that starts its turn in sunlight while sunlight has disadvantage and attack rules and ability checks should have started off with that all right we'll do a sphere and see if I can move her oh man there's gonna be so many creatures coming down right now we want to cover as much of the map as we can how about that oh yeah that's gonna be great oh it's so cool okay Shadow's still got full HP we're not concentrating anything I think I probably want to use Spirit guardians but spiritual weapons gonna use up damn oh man don't know if it's worth using a healing word at the moment not enough HP okay I'm gonna do spiritual weapon and we'll put it right over here these are Fallen girl hunters these are the Monster Hunters that we talked to back in the Rivington District the gurs vampire Hunters oh man this is not this is crazy okay let's um oh my God I wonder if I can push oh let me try hold on pushes a bonus action be an opportunity attack let me come over here I don't mind it oh my God 100 percent there's no way that I would that would be the end of cazador's are there's no way I'm doing it whoa what just happened I don't see him in the order of turns anymore okay well we got other problems to deal with at the moment so let's um let's go kill some werewolves I guess holy crap oh you know what I can do I don't even know if that's worth it right now all right let's go help out Shadow heart seems like she needs her help the most it'll be one opportunity attack to run through there I think I'm good with that critical hit oh man I left myself out a little bit too far away you got to be kidding me all right let's do might as well do this now all right Carlock we got you raging right now I think we're all gonna stick together now I'm gonna jump her over here it's one opportunity attack and I'm fine with that probably should stay out of that mist whatever that is damn car like you're low on HP yet damn it I'm going to take a Superior health potion with her oh you can just drink it out of other characters inventories thank God I have those potions or I made those potions all right and then that leaves us to do I feel like it's not worth using an action on these freaking bats man it's not worth it perfect all right here we go let's kick some ass now great weapon Master on 88 chance are you kidding me oh man I think I just saw a nudity I have the filter on why is it showing that well if you guys see me blur any of the videos because I think some of the vampire spawns are butt naked oh that was not that good because they all succeeded in their saves most of them did foreign okay move up a little bit all right we're gonna have you attack this guy chatter teeth nice you know what I say we get right up in his face what's a starion's HP I don't even see him in the order of turns okay now it's time see if I have a potion of speed damn it that would be so good because Spirit Guardians would be amazing right now but I feel like I have to do Mirror Image first before Spirit card and ask her let's go yes yes yes or have active for Carlock right now change it nice such a beautiful Battleground right now with the plant growth and oh there goes Spirit Guardians you gotta be kidding me man really should have used Mirror Image First oh great now Chad oh man are you serious what is up with the damage oh man okay we are severely outnumbered right now don't how I do have my cleave hey what we can do drop this on the ground after we took a heal where is it I don't see it on the ground we have a bat right there you can attack a potion too I'm not seeing it anywhere hold on put this in Wolf's inventory let me pull him to the side let me test it with a greater healing potion you can set it right here perfect and then I can do a cleave attack [Music] and I wasn't close enough to it but I can move over a little bit I don't think this guy this guy might get healed from it oh I don't know if it's worth taking the opportunity attack to walk into the Mist all right karlak go you got this I think we're gonna start her off with a superior too let's just start killing things our only chance need good rolls there we go that's what we need [Music] [Music] I wish I had guardian of faith if I had all my spell slots coming I should have taken a long rest before coming down to casadore that would have helped a little bit you know [Music] critical Miss against the one HP bat [Music] nice historian it's a sprayer Frost seriously all right let's do a type of Scrolls we got here I have fire bolts Otto's irresistible dance Cloud kill is poison damage and Wall of ice damn foreign and cut off I heard it's blocked [Music] I don't want to risk it I don't know how that's going to cast these guys are nope okay let's go ahead and do Cloud kill let's get it right on top of everyone over here except Carlock it's going to hit this irelia vampire spawn too but that's okay damn that is a powerful powerful spell that's for sure okay Alice disengaged let's move a Starion behind some cover the bats are following him gotta get Shadow up here my wolf you can do it stay alive my man paralyzed that's not even funny hit F5 he tells me I might be wiping right now oh my god dude every oh yeah it's because she's paralyzed that's why they're getting Critical Hits okay it looks really cool starion's like the only character in my group right now that's like okay at the moment this is crazy all right Wolf's got 28 HP carlox got 13. both are paralyzed wow Cloud kill you can cast again it's a good thing I noticed that holy crap I might be to get it hold on this this might actually be pretty good I have to pick up Cloud kill let's see if I can get it to where it doesn't hit any of my friendlies a one two three right there I don't want Shadow heart in it I think this might work where's that caster okay let's give this a try [Music] okay I like it I like it and then we're gonna disengage and get right up in chatter teeth's face I don't see Cazador anymore even though we saw him turn into mist when I pushed him not even fair man that's not even fair all right wolf is officially dead it's only a story on the live right now Ariana's Shadow and the spiritual weapon come on I think we might be tpk in here unless I can pull off something potion of speed would be an oh look at this oh yes if I could push this guy off the ledge with a Starion that would be incredible we're gonna try it okay this is what we're gonna do ready Shadow heart's officially dead now too oh my God I do have one revivified scroll let's throw a potion this should work okay that didn't work did I miss click all right we're gonna take a bunch of opportunity attacks here just little bats we got this I lost my concentration on cloud kill come on oh damn it sorry for yelling oh God God God oh no no no no no no no how'd she just pass that come on estarion oh man okay potion of flying potion of invisibility this might save the day I love when encounters get really really tough because then it forces you to look at your I'm someone who doesn't like care that much about every item in the game or every potion that you can make but once they start getting into tough situations then I feel incentivized to start looking more into everything that I have and picking up things and uh this is one of those opportunities right now so let's see what we can do I do the revive scroll will work I'm thinking I probably want to get up Shadow Hearts although she doesn't have a spell slot for that although I tell you what I could do if I pick up Shadow heart then I could use the potion of angelic Slumber with her oh man okay hold on hold on invisibility lasts for 10 turns let's go ahead and let's Dash and let's see if we can are you kidding me are you kidding me I'm just a little bit too short on Shadow right now and we don't want to break the invisibility it ends early if the entity attacks cast another spell takes an action or takes damage okay all right so actually using the scroll level thigh would take me out of invisibility too thank you I have to go to the bathroom so bad right now this is this is too intense though detecting presents oh my God oh my God I'm starting out of the battle right now oh my God oh well some rests better than none okay hold on I'm gonna go into term I'm gonna think about this right now we have three dead companions I might be able to do something right here watch this I think I can alright let's move a Starion all the way to over here just need Shadow heart still too far seriously okay let's use move up just a little bit let's put Shadow heart back up here let me hit F5 oh my God this is gonna work this is gonna work maybe when I come out of turn based mode I'm not sure if these guys are going to here we go I'm gonna find out I think we're okay freaking intense man this is intense okay Shadow and a Starion you guys come back up here okay we're gonna go out of turn based mode let me get them up here the safety we're gonna heal up then we're gonna come back down and win this battle and I'm not even going back to camp all right so we're gonna come right here get Shadow Hearts Let's see if we can find that potion it gets called angelic there it is drink to fall into a two turn slumber and less interrupt you gain the benefits of a short rest and regain all first and second level spell slots okay Shadow heart sleeping see if I have any more revivifi Scrolls I do perfect okay so we can actually sneak back down some reason I thought I was out of those dolly can't afford to stay idle all right so we can do Spirit Guardians again too I don't have any more don't have any more rests perfect foreign go ahead and get wolf back up here I need to hold on all right buddy you're fine yep no more short rests I'm refusing to go back to my Camp right now we'll save that let's see what other potions we have could use a few spell slots but we'll drink one two I'll buy some more potions when we get to the city and three and Shadow heart we're gonna have you cast cure wounds get rid of less cure wounds everyone's level two and wolf we're gonna have you call in your animal companion if you don't mind let's call in let's do the bear again [Music] okay and uh here we go just Carlock that needs to be revived I do have one more Resurrection scroll this could be interesting I think it's going to work though because they're not facing this way it's a little bit further oh okay okay our luck only lasted so long Shadow heart's actually not in the battle this is nice I'm gonna take her and move her [Music] oh no I pressed the C button she was already crouching okay now she's in the battle all right all right asarion let's kick some ass my man let's go brother beautiful Carlock has like no HP right now and the bats went over my healing potion no more rages okay I'm gonna learn my lesson I'm gonna do Mirror Image First even it's so tempting to do Spirit Guardians Mirror Image First then we'll move up just a little bit just in case they charge me and I think I'm actually going to hold my bonus action here [Music] okay wolf let's get you in the battle my man that's right my growth is so beautiful damn man the stupid paralyzed so tough garlic is so close to being dead right now it's time for everybody to Die Here We Go so awesome I wouldn't attack Shadow heart either if I was you this guy's almost dead might as well just finish him off just a spellcaster spellcaster seem to have many spell slots left though stay alive with Starion we're here for you oh stupid bat you gotta be kidding me [Music] [Music] foreign back down from a bat and poisonous bats see you Mr Bat I hate to tell you okay now let's pick up our friends here thank you for that oh man right over here next to the nude character keep the camera facing this way 82 HP damn I should have just shoved them off the ledge [Applause] that nearly ended me you get my Animal Companions get all these extra bonus actions larion really buffed them up all right buddy I'm not putting up with you anymore see ya wow that was crazy [Music] where's the Starion doesn't have anything to say after that at least I'm gonna move away over here we gotta do some looting let's talk to a Starion to end this oh okay there's this coffin right there oh man I'm a little bit worried that we're gonna end up facing him again but I'm also worried about taking a long rest because I wonder if that would progress time I feel like now is the time these guys don't got any loot all right well let's click on the sarcophagus we defeated Cazador who retreated to a sarcophagus to heal he's vulnerable now all we have to do is open the sarcophagus as lid and finish him off okay so it makes sense you pushed him off turned into the Little Red Mist and then went right back to his sarcophagus to heal but we can't allow that no healing healing soup for you wake up get your hands off me um I'm not the one in the dirt one lost thrust and I'll be free of you thank you I'll never have to fear you again if I finish the ritual you started I'll never have to fear anyone can be a that I would allow anyone to use up me speak the words and Ascend in my place the rooms I carved into your flesh bind you and all seven thousand souls to the ritual complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included you are simply a means to an end I made you to be you get over here we can do this didn't you hear him if you complete the ritual you'll be consumed trust me it finished the ritual Starion you'll kill all these people If I complete the ritual think of the power I'll have with me by your side we can we can save the city Insight check look into his eyes try to see what's driving this you can see the fear in his eyes but also the hunger smell of blood in the air and the promise of power being so close is intoxicating to him all he can see is the power of the ritual and the freedom that power brings do anything to be anything oh man we don't really trust a Starion we're not that close to him we've become fairly close with a shadow heart [Music] I want you to live a life you're proud of a Starion you can't be proud of this you see 18. fine wow you you're right I can be better than them but I'm not above enjoying this [Music] thank you [Music] foreign is it over is he yes he's gone what does that mean for us sorry y'all I have to blur this out because nudity is showing right now and that means my video will get age restricted and not even thinking about making money off the video an age restricted video will not be recommended pretty much anyone some reason nudity is showing right now even though I don't have that box checked right so Hal Petra says what does that mean for us what do you want it to mean right here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them now that is a question I said all staff controlled everything trolls the cells too you could decide their faith these are some tough decisions like I don't know what to do with them let's release them they deserve the same chance you got 7 000 historians To Be A well-dressed flood of Mayhem at least no he's right the poor wretches and the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I lured them here oh man they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find somewhere well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of trouble bye I think we're done here let's go oh foreign centuries it's really over how does it feel I'm not sure I feel a little numb what I've lost what I've gained it's all too much oh God well there's spawn three in the underdog I need some time I think I just to let it all sink in just go Place reeks of death and I want to feel item received whoa very rare versatile yeah Arcane enchantment you gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rules when the creatures affected by your spells fell any Associated saving throws regain one to four hit points I'm gonna give this to Gail most likely let's put it on my characters to see what it looks like damn man that thing's huge bizarre Family ring and also Rhapsody Scarlet remittance gain a plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spellsave DC for every foe you slay up to a maximum of three possibly inflict bleeding when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible damn it could be a great historian weapon right there put it on him and see what he looks like light too that's awesome really cool foreign we defeated kazador and released his prisoners we should tell Alma the good news and the decisions that you have to make in this game are some of the toughest decisions I've ever made in a video game in my entire life Clarion has me emotionally invested into this game like when a Starion was crying like I felt that man the animations too were just so well done it's so believable let's report back to Alma and then we'll probably call it quits for this episode appears Alma right here okay well this will be interesting away with you because of my bear the alma is the leader of the gurs and we talked to her back in the Rivington District a few episodes ago and she gave us a side quest to slay Cazador hopefully I better hit F5 because who knows what she's gonna think right now I pray the spawn will stay in the underdog we will show no mercy if they return here is that it all that matters now is the future there are a few of us left but we can rebuild we can be strong again nice ax one vampire that released spawn have you lost all sense they were Innocents to kill them would have been an even greater crime and our children what of their fate Cazador turned everyone who brought him into spawn I can only assume your children were somewhere in those wretched cells you'll find them in the underdark although you may not like what you find this is difficult news we will need to decide what it means thank you for what you have done slaying kazador was a great Justice as for the rest well time will tell Hey look it's scoundrel but buddy everybody's running for my bear it's been a long day I'll need to rest soon okay the girl people are grateful for our role in taking down casadors are we are sure to have them by our side on what may interesting I wasn't sure how that would turn out considering that we freed a bunch of those vampires too but great okay well thank you all so much for watching act three so far has been a phenomenal experience and we still have a few more companion quests to do Gail shadow will lots of fun ahead of us I'll catch you all on the next one
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 108,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, crpg, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, lets, play, lets play, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, walk through bg3, guide, full game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 54sec (11814 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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