Baldur's Gate 3 Build: Best Monk Build For Beginners Thats Strong! (Easy To Use)

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would you like a really fun monk build that has really good options you have melee attacks you have fist attacks you have kicking attacks and we also have some spells and some really good defensive spells well stay tuned because I'm going to show you one of the best builds that I've created while testing out builds in this game using the monk I think the monk is probably one of the most powered characters in this game let's get started the first thing you want to do is you want to get the ALF race the reason why is because we get this here we also get C up to 12 meters in the dark you have proficiency and long swords short swords short bows and long bows and then we also have the you can move nine meters per turn we have half Alf and the reason why is because I like to have the fire bolt just there this does come in handy even though this is more of a fist build and Close Quarters build this does come in handy now you can change out to something else if you like like this one here Ray of frost is also pretty good so you can choose between Ray of frost and the firebot but I like the fire bolts the class is obviously Monk and we get Flurry of Blows we also get martial arts bonus we get another martial arts defy strikes here and you can pause the video or you can just go through this when you do your own build to understand what all of this actually does but it's essentially a pretty close quarters set up this one with and you're going to be using your fists and melee weapons but you can see it right here and then we get a thing called a key or Kai however you want to pronounce it and Kai is a magic that flows through all live beams so we actually use this for turns on our stuff and you'll see in a second how that all works but these are the class features now you can choose whatever background you like obviously you want to get ones with the with more plus you can go with this one down here criminal or Outlander these are the three that I would either pick but for a safe bet the bottom one you get plus five to decks and then you also get another plus five to decks as well on criminal you get plus one to Charisma a plus five to decks and then on this one Outlander you get plus two to strength and plus four to wisdom but this is the one that I'm going to be choosing for this build now abilities listen closely to this one because people kind of uh do different things here so I'm running 10 strength 17 uh 15 9 14 and then 9 you want most of your points and decks and wisdom now if you notice here it says strength is zero wisdom uh sorry intelligence is minus one and then Charisma is minus one if you actually so this is a build that a lot of people run right here but if you actually take one point out of intelligence one point out of Charisma you still have minus one you still have minus one but if you put those two points into strength you actually get a plus one to strength and do 12 strength 17 decks 15 Constitution eight intelligence 14 Winston and eight Charisma this is what's been working really well for me so level one straight off the bat you're going to have the Flurry of Blows and you're also going to have the Firebox and then this is the kai points so or key points however you want to pronounce it so I'm going to do the Flurry of Blows I mean 95 chance and we did we pretty much just we killed him in one go and then we obviously have the fire bolt as well which I can then hit him with so because firebot goes off an action and the other one goes off the key points or Kai points however you want to say it would say key points we actually had two turns there so now let's move on to level two all right so for level two nothing much really changes in the way of choosing things but we get step of the wind Retreat to safety by disengaging jumper no longer requires bonus action double your movement speed and then we also have this one here which is attack rolls against you have a disadvantage and you have an advantage on dexterity saving throws this is really cool stuff and then we obviously get some more movement here and we get another key Point level three we are going to choose a few things in here so we do get the deflected missiles this is good we get this anyway we don't choose it however this is what you want is a way of the open hand so we get all of these now we get flurrier blows topple we get flubrier blows stagger so punch twice in quick succession and stagger that Target making it unable to take reactions and then also get the push as well so push twice in quick succession and possibly push the target five meters away really good one so that is level two to level three on level four we get slow fall and for feet there's two that I would pick or you can obviously only pick one but I would pick tough because you are up close to the enemies and you get two extra hit points for each level that you are and because you're close to the enemies throughout most of this build this works well or you could get rid of tough right now and you could do ability Improvement and you can put it in dexterity and Constitution now you might be thinking why wouldn't you put it in wisdom since we have that right up the reason is because if we put it into wisdom here it doesn't we don't get a plus three but if we put it into Constitution we actually get a plus three so you can do that for three to four but if you want a safe bet tough is always a safe bet or you can just go and do this all right from level four to five we gain an extra attack you can pause the screen and read that one if you would like and we get these actions we get stunning strike which is a melee and we also get stunning strike unarmed as well right this is a big one we get key and powered strikes your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies we also have this movement speed and then we get enough another key point we get some subclass features now we get manifest of body your hands sep the key from the enemies bodies your unarmed attacks deal an additional three to six damage we have the manifestation of mind and we also have manifestation of soul and then we also have this this action which is really good regain half your key points and enter a temporary state of wholeness where you regain key points and have an extra bonus action that's a real good one right now what we're going to do here is going to use the stunning strike melee 5 to 12 damage and it could potentially stun the enemy I'll show you what that does I'll try and get a good view here but a little bit hard 100 hit rate we did a five and we stunned them and then we can also hit him again we get a hundred percent so he's just been demolished and then we actually also have another round that we can do so we'll do our flurrier blows on this guy here 85 chance oh we had a Miss there though and we'll leave and we'll come back and give them another go right now I did use this before so I can't actually use this one here but you can go try that let's do another one we're going to do the Flurry of Blows which is a stagger as well boom we killed him so that's some of the um things that we can do with this potential build we can also do Retreat to safety by um disengaging we can also do double your movement speed then we can also do the um defense one here I don't really use those too much to be honest with you I mainly just use these attack ones but as you can see even though I used this one here I still have these as well that I can use so you actually get a quite a good amount of turns with this monk setup all right next level level seven as you can see it's all starting to stack up on the side now massive stacks on this build your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells we then have this one here if you're Charmed or frightened you automatically cast Stillness of mind to remove the condition all right guys so level eight I've made a few changes here so we need to pay attention to this one we get a new key point but with the feet this time I'm choosing magic initiate warlock we are going to get two can trips and one spell and there is a reason why because we are always so close to the enemy and things like that especially with a lot of the bigger enemies uh in the game I have played this game play through and there's quite a few big enemies you can come up against there is two that I really like one is the blade Ward take only half the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks for two turns this one is really good it's a defensive one and then also this one is a defensive one that works well it says armor of Agassiz so this gives you so you gain five temporary hit points and deal five cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack these two are really good defensive skills that are that work well with this build they're probably not supposed to be in this build but they work really well and they also have Elder Ridge blast this is not particularly needed I just like this Um this can trip you could pick some something else from here I would probably actually recommend it but I'm not too sure what would work good because I haven't tried it maybe something like poison spray because you get 2 to 24 damage and you can do some pretty good poison damage so you could potentially do this in fact I am going to use this on my next build but the Eldritch blast is really good as well but probably doesn't work as good with this build because when you're using this on a warlock there's better things that work well with this to make it better but not so much with this build so I'm just going to stick to the poison for now and go to the next level all right level nine we get this movement Advanced movement thing we also get a few more actions down here so you can pause and read what these do this is essentially key resonations punch punch bonus action and then punch blast and then blast so these are just extra things that we can use we're really stacking up now with stuff level 10 we get another key point we get um some more unarmed movement and then we get purity of body you are immune to poison damage and can't be poisoned or affected by disease thanks to purifying key flowing through your body and then we go to accept again to level 11 we get another key point and then we get Tranquility all right number 12 to get another key point and for feet I'm going to do tough so now we we did the ability uh approve Improvement before we then did the Warlock magic that we added and then we did tough okay so that is all the way up to level 12. now let's check out some of the stuff that this can do all right so now we're at level 12 and we have the fire bolt that we can constantly use which is really good yeah now let's look at some of the defensive stuff so we have armor of Agassiz as you can see down here in the bottom left is giving me plus five hit points and then it's also given me what happens is when an enemy go ahead when an enemy hits me with a melee weapon they lose Health we also have the blade Ward now you probably don't need this at this point of time but it actually shows it on uh two turns here and then we have this one as well which is really good regain half your um your key points and enter a temporary state of of wholeness now the the good thing about this is you have a lot of key points anyway for these but essentially you're not really going to run out of key points because when you do start you can use this and you regain half of your points anyway so what I'll do is I'll just do some some stuff here get it down let's do some like kicks and stuff now let's do it oh we just got two more points so that is why I like to run that one so with that we've got a real good mix here of things so let me just go over quickly what we have we have the firebot which we can use as an action cool we have the this one here the Flurry of Blows where we use an action uh bonus action sorry and a key point we have this one which is also bonus action key point this one is bonus action key point this one is bonus action key Point bonus action key bonus action key and we had action key action key we have action action action action and then we have bonus action key and then action so we have a good mix of things that we can use and this is the poison so there you go guys this is my monk build that I'm absolutely loving right now go and check it out go and try this you'll have a lot of fun you have so many close combat options we have some defensive stuff if we need it which can be important it's not really as important as you get higher up with your hit points but you will be surprised at how hard this game can actually be and then we have all of this stuff that you can go ahead and test out there's no eponymy testing it all out in this video because every single scenario is going to be different for everybody else and play style go and enjoy this build don't forget to subscribe tap that notification Bell and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Sike
Views: 53,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk class, baldurs gate 3 best monk build, baldurs gate 3 monk guide, best monk build, best monk build baldur's gate 3, best monk class bg3, best monk guide in bg3, how to use monk, monk guide baldur's gate 3, best monk spells baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 classes
Id: tr6aZPTkdyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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