12 of the Most Secret Interactions You Probably MISSED in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is how to safely walk among the Biber bang and other hostile mushrooms in the underdark without activating them this can be helpful when saving Balin from the field of Biber bang mushrooms without having to worry about them activating at all and for picking up the noble stock in the same area now to get the mushrooms to not activate when you walk near them you need an item called the sovereign's key this key is described as polished well cared for and very important now the only way to get this key is by slaying sovereign spa and looting it from its corpse now there are two ways to go about doing this you can progress the quest chain against the dgar with glut and eventually side with glut which involves slaying spa and combat will end with Spa's demise or you can slay Spa immediately upon entering the miked Colony but that might cause the whole Camp to attack you however if you're good at getting away using an invisibility potion this works too if you want to get the key sooner either method you choose this key can be very helpful and even save your life when jumping on ledges covered with torch stock or Biber bang and if you like that tip don't forget to click the like And subscribe button for more balers Gate 3 videos and next up is how to get bal's benediction for your whole party without sacrificing a companion this condition grants advantage on all attacks against bleeding creatures which can be extremely powerful when playing with a tiger heart Barbarian in your group also as of patch six B's benediction persists through death and is actually a truly permanent condition now to get this for free you'll need to initiate conversation with one party member while your slight of hand character is further away so they don't get pulled into the conversation then once dialogue begins you drink a potion of invisibility on your slight of hand character and pickpocket pool drip the zealous you want the sickle of bual once you've stolen it proceed through dialogue with your original character choosing the Arcana dialogue and then tell bual that you have another offer you have just one life but can kill many in his name it's a dc20 persuasion check so come prepared but if if you succeed your whole party will get this newly permanent buff without sacrificing anyone in order to get it and next up is the blood marrow skeleton pet this red skeleton glistens with blood and causes targets to bleed when it attacks them it's also super rare because the only way to get one is as an oath breaker Paladin and you need to approach a certain fight the correct way these blood marrow skeletons are summoned by Orin in act three after you defeat the ball worshippers who are causing her to regain Unstoppable each turn once all of them are dead Orin will cast a spell called sanguin animation which summons these blood marrow skeletons from their corpses then as an oathbreaker Paladin you can use control Undead on it making the blood marrow skeleton your minion and next up is merkel's gift this buff grants 10 temporary hit points and creatures that strike them with a melee attack while the temporary hit points are active take 10 cold damage this is essentially armor of agathys this buff can be granted to your entire party which can be helpful right before going up against a boss to get this buff you'll need to head to the Mind flare colony in act two right after you defeat kathri thorm the first time and then in there you'll find the barracks with the Mistress of souls cesa bone daughter she will accuse you of being an attacker but if you pass the dialogue checks you can ask her for her blessing she will then give you this buff and any party member can go up and ask for it afterwards without having to pass any further dialogue checks it's a nice hidden buff that most players probably missed and next up is a hidden interaction with Fame death this spell makes you resistant to all damage other than psychic as well as causing poisons and diseases to have no effect for 10 turns as you lay in a protective coma however this spell is actually great for getting away with crime if you commit a crime you can cast feain death on yourself and everyone looking for the criminal will completely ignore you as you lay there at the scene of the crime now usually the second you grab something you'll be noticed but by casting fog first it gives you cover in order to commit your crime and then you can follow it up with feain death and wait out the crime investigation then after 10 turns you can get up and just walk away and you can learn feain death as a level five Bard cleric Druid or Wizard and next up is Spirit of the land this grants plus one to all ability scores and plus 2 m movement speed this applies to your whole party and will last for the rest of the game but getting this buff is actually quite rare considering how many things need to go exactly right you'll need to save hson in act one and then save The Grove in act two you'll need to ensure Isabelle lives and that you lift the shadow curse by speaking with Aro and defending the portal you'll need to then find Oliver and complete that Quest chain then in act three you'll also need to save hsen from dying to Orin at the murder tribunal it's not guaranteed that hollon gets kidnapped but if he dies here you're not going to get Spirit of the land then when you finally reach the high Hall you and your whole party will get this buff also need to make sure that hson was actually in your party at least once too in order to get this and next up is lazelle's child in Act One within the gith yanki crash is a hatchery with a single gith Yan egg if you steal the egg and keep it in lel's inventory for the remainder of the game during the epilogue you'll actually get a dialogue option to ask LEL what happened to the egg she took she'll explained that it hatched and it's a boy that she named xan which means freedom lelle explains that she's going to give him a destiny of his own choosing and that he can choose to be a warrior if he wants or a poet Explorer or scholar because she was now afforded a destiny of her own choosing and so too will he and next up is terazol now this item might not seem like much at first glance saying that it makes you move faster but in reality it is actually the exact same as haste but doesn't require an action or bonus action to use and it also Stacks with haste this is pretty amazing considering it's really cheap and easy to acquire but there is one drawback it only lasts two turns and then you get lethargic from it so if you can end a fight in two rounds which certainly happens a lot then this is perfect for those situations and you should stock up to get terazol you'll need to head to the Guild Hall in act three the fastest way there is taking the Waypoint to basilis gate and then entering the manhole just west of it from there Head West by breaking down a weakened wall in a locked door then you're there and you can purchase terazol from Severn the Guild Hall bartender and next up is a hidden spell that some of your minions actually have which will allow them to reveal invisible enemies for you that spell is detect hidden PR presence now it's not on your bars and it's not something you can use for your minions this spell is automatically used by minions you cannot control when they encounter invisible enemies similar to how NPCs will use this when you turn invisible your NPC minions will also do the same now the only minions I know of that you can summon and not control are the ghouls from dance maab but I'm sure this would happen on other NPC Minions that you summon so next time you don't have C invisibility just can't dance maab to reveal your enemies and next up is the wolf spider web this ability is really underrated it doesn't cost a spell slot like the spell web does and when an enemy gets in webbed you now have advantage on all attacks against that Target and they also have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws this means Shadow heart will finally be able to hit with sacred flame but sacred flame isn't the only can trip or spell that triggers a dexterity saving throw Fireball does half damage if the target succeeds their dexterity saving throw so web can help make your Fireballs deal more damage damage and there's a ton more like lightning bolt call lightning hunger of Hadar or hellish rebuke that all deal half damage on a dexterity save and as a secret bonus you can jump into a web from any height to prevent falling damage and since it doesn't cost a spell slot your wolf spider is kind of like a constant free feather fall and next up is how to get permanent advantage on saving throws for your whole party now this is possible through a condition called clinging Shadows this is from the shade Clinger armor it's granted when wearing the armor well obscured however this can be applied to your whole party because once you have the clinging Shadows you can replace the armor and keep the condition this means that you can have the next party member get this condition and pass it on until your whole party has this the Nuance is that you need to have the condition when you take the armor off and to get the condition you have to stand in an obscured area to find an obscured area just hold shift and it will show you a small Sun icon and when it's half filled or empty then that area is obscured it's pretty amazing considering it's advantage on all saving throws which can really make your entire party much more powerful to get the armor all you have to do is purchase it off Quarter Master tally and last Light in and last up we have Breeze Swift speed this condition grants advantage to all attack roles and adds 1d8 Force damage this is notable because it should go away after your next attack roll but when used for an unarmed attack throwing or a spell the condition is not removed allowing you to get several attack rolles with advantage and extra four Stam damage Breeze Swift speed comes from the armor Garb of the land and Sky when you use step of the wind a monk bonus action learned at level two this could be quite powerful in the right build for an extra 2 d8 Force damage per turn if used with extra attack
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 68,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, bibberbang, timmask, tinmask, torchstalk, mushrooms, bloodmarrow, boooal, boooal's benediction, noblestalk, bonecloak, bealen, soverign's key, glut, spaw, soveriegn, myconid, underdark, oathbreaker paladin, myrkul's gift, myrkul, feign death, steal, idol of sylvanus, spirit of the land, lae'zel, terazul, detect hidden presence, wolf spider, web, clinging shadows, shadeclinger, breezeswift speed, garb of the land and sky, monk
Id: Ac0iSDxvOUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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