Baldur's Gate 3 Best Class for Tactician Difficulty | Tier List Ranking of every Class in BG3

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which is the best class to play tactician on so hello everyone modern here in this video I'm gonna rank every class right in Bowling A3 but especially for playing on the hard difficulty partition bondless Gate 3 is all about choices but of course the most important choice is your class right you raise not so much if you're new to the channel guys my name is I'm a game developer I've been doing against manuals of life and especially I am focused on combat design right so I love doing stuff assessing classes and so on I love doing stuff like this mean maximum I love this stuff guys and if you're the video subscribe sub at the right left and I am really interested and hear everything about these things first of all we will discuss a little bit of the race right the best race in the game to some extent thinking the classes but the thing is that I I definitely take this video I will value the class after the higher if they're good early game okay because every class works you know at max level and so on right to some extent and I think that it's more important especially for statistician how good the Performing early game the most and somewhat mid game so you really struggling so I'm interested in here don't think about that because I think that we're gonna talk about the classes right I think it but it really matters mostly is actually Hagood order in the beginning uh and also the combination right of other classes so second thing is that in this game I think it's very important about when you pick your class very very important about regardless of the T list of whatever is that you will get companions right spoilers here this is your main companions you also have all your pants in the game right but this is also kind of guys you will find on this this cut here and what that means is that they have one class each and I would say automatically that you probably should play one another classes you don't have the course you can play the Barbarian you can play the Rogue zone right but you know yeah very minor spoiler right you will pick up a rogue you know I mean you will pick up a warlock right so in my latest played room I am playing the Paladin you won't ever get like a pattern companion here and build the game that's more value to it it's only soundtrack the board also the one right but anyway before we go into the classes let's just quickly discuss some of the race stuff and if you guys like this video please share to someone like and if you get I don't know if you've been a lot of likes or whatever I do I guess I'll race video as well but I think again speaking here race isn't that important right but in real life in this game you know but race isn't that important okay the racial stuff doesn't matter that much uh IO yeah anything that you can play any class with any race as they beat the game right and even petition and it's probably more interested in playing RP like pick the race you want to play as I would say that being said though because there are some things that are very very clear right with races so that is quickly so first of all short characters like gnome dwarf halfley right they have minus two movement speed because they're tiny and shorter I think it's a funny thing but yes they can move much water that's definitely phases in the game that's a big feel to it that being said though gnomes have this uh re-roll on uh preservation and someone which is very very powerful correspondo one a half lace has been better with the rear roll on um lucky attacks this is probably the best passive in the game so they kind of make up for it right with that and dwarves instead have better systems they are dwarf Paladin and so on so you can tank right you don't have to be that fast you can jump and stand in the tank can be pretty useful if you play like a halfling Rainier or something like that right which I am right now here then it's really good because you have the benefits you're all passive you're not moved as much anyway so you can also play you know uh warlock or whatever like range basically right then speed it goes about a huge thing works has a very good passive which they do more than the quit strike but it only works for melee attacks so I am also playing a work monk that's not my third character that's very very effective uh yeah speaking works are probably the best race for like you know uh fighter barbarians or right of course and physical guys my Paladin for example is a thief link which gives her reduced damage on fire so that's pretty good so the other races I feel they don't really matter that much obviously no elf tiefling human they kind of have you know it's like they race a bit aren't that powerful basically like oh you can see in the dark well that's useful at this specific situation when you have to see in the dark right otherwise it's useless right or you take half damage from fire obviously that's useful against a dragon based that's fire red dragon or whatever right otherwise it's useless right so half the ratio of the game at least are pretty useless because they're very situational they only work like one one every 10 fight or you know whatever right so it doesn't matter that much but of course I imagine a few really clear example I do work one is probably the most clear what works are a lot better as melee uh than they are in brain strike and lastly I say about race is that human board is probably the most versatile type thing you can be so you even have this passive human versatile or versatility and uh yeah so board a very versatile class you can pick stuff and so on right five sort of very versatile and human can do Canal at the bits and everything so yeah that that's kind of thing but anyway so that's racist then right they're pretty straightforward doesn't matter that much there are some clearly better racial benefits though for most results in the matter and of course you can mean Max a bit like as I mentioned if you're playing Paladin uh dwarf is pretty good because they got resistance to poison or like IMT fleeing fire that helps you out you know so you can pick that thing and when you pick your sub thing for your race some races you can be like oh I could either be faster or I can have slightly more you know defense points or so when dwarf has more help points right it's one of those sub races which is of course was a tank as well so there are some obvious better combinations there but they don't matter that much so now let's talk about classic and the first thing you have to say though regardless of the class is that Paladin for example drew it and so on these iographer are more valuable classes because this will not be in your normal companion I mentioned earlier in the video but here we go again right panadine and Mike Rainier Druid board sorcerer you will not have in your starting party right this makes these classes more valuable because you know you won't have I I think it's a straight government right I really think so again below if you exceeded me but I think that there's like one plus point I think easily to playing one of the classes that you won't have if you panel with right and I want to spoil too much here there are more companions than those initial campaigns in the game but still though the companions you defined right from the the crash it was big they work out your your main characters right for a long time for the first I don't know 20 30. I mean depending how you play the game but yeah obviously there for a long time and yeah you will have way more options as the playable character if you played a monk or a paladin or whatever right you play a cluster that they can't be uh definitely but anyway so I think that's a fair point for Paladin like I really probably put it one point higher for almost all of them let's talk about the pattern it's set after apparently I do think about the vessels okay and it's a very good class and you can tank it is obviously the best tanker in the game like the the heavy guy you can you can take a factory or someone too right Barb Bears or what hanky monkey can adults but uh the pad is your go-to this attack right of course you can also heal uh the self which is good you can use plastic on your tea which is really good so you have better rolls uh it's very good against Undead same with the clerics they both have the anti-under thing which is situational but actually I think that stuff in the game is less situational that's like a dark vision so dark visually oh I can see in the dark right but being and the undead is really good for both cleric and panadin because you can go to a Dandy and early game but just like I'm dead I can you can you know kill them all easily right and so on because so being good against a typical type of enemy parallel that I give it against amdel again and things right uh means you can gotta go and form them right because the way you play the game I would argue for right especially on t-shirt this video is again for practitioner right for the whole certificate is that you take the fast or easy you know what I mean so if you play a main Paladin you obviously go around and do all the quests right that are and the undead right because then you get more experience gold and so on right and that's gonna help a lot right so that whole anti-typing it's actually a fairly powerful in the game because obviously you're playing the test against you're smart enough right to go after the easier fights in the game and I think it's a big thing actually so that's also beneficial paddin's got I said the curry spotting of the word vile the mention here is that we can't only look at the class based on their house8 combat problems right so paradigms get stronger by Charisma and this means it's very good uh for I think Charisma is the best start to have right when you're out adventuring in the world is going to talk people right and coincidence whatever right so persuasion and so one is very very powerful Paladin because you have the Paladin old persuasion combos one so paradigms are Patterson boards I would say are already the best two classes but Pat and argue with the best class to have good you know roll dice against different people in season 1 which actually is very very powerful especially on again then petition or horrible because you can avoid so many fights as the Paladin by having high curious Master special white but also makes it easy to talk to them in the nuclear you know get experience overnight by talking down everyone so it helps a lot actually um but yeah I think padding is a fairly good class it's kind of good everything and like I said it also is a beneficial bonus for not being in one of the Oriental characters right so Druid so Druid is very very powerful this is me as always I got into ruins man they can do everything nobody is like the best Druid is already the best catch in the game especially I think for early game so there's one thing to make the Druid really broken and that is that when they transform into an animal you know a beer or whatever I think about borders they had a beer thing but basically right when you turn into an animal we drew it and you die as an animal the animal use you know you have food hot hydrogen yeah it is broken to me this is better broken right so basically the health ports of your animal form and the health point of your rooted character are completely separate right so this is incredibly powerful in the game because he will very rarely die then right with tanking as a druid we made the best tank basically and it's especially early game where you have a lot of these flimsy fights and you survive like five Health pointers is really good beginning of the game it's fun it's extremely powerful to have that shape-forming thing right um so yeah it is fantastic and I think that later in the game right it definitely cannot becomes weaker you can watch because then the older kids like Paladin it's a better tank you know overall but especially early in mid game the animal tanking is the best thing for you basically orably maybe the rain or break or whatever but yeah some animal summoning but now it's just amazing it's broken and then of course drew it also has a lot of environment abilities and I have to say here in the list right I value environment stuff really highly in this game this goes through which sword and warlock or someone said right there sources yeah they're very powerful to have say to do different combos right you know the greasing freezing different clouds or whatever all this stuff is but you really need I would say on partition it is a very hard I feel to use the physical characters they do more damage but most fights because you know enemies are so much stronger Edition on hormone you have to really utilize a kind of like present with the Warlock and throw on aoes but that's much more effective and then you you know you kite the enemy's tribute right that's way more effective than having like a physical fighter or Barbarian or whatever usually so um the Drew is also having a plethora of great like crowd control a bit of this right environment that basically call it and then also being this like really weirdly good tank it really feels was the best class in everything too basically especially in Arena for a while it's like oh the cat root is better than Rogue set damage or so on and also yeah Druids can you know they can stealth it's like a move yeah they can step with capital someone so yeah they're they're broken man they're broken they're probably too good everything that's always right yeah so there was probably the best class and also then the benefit of not being one of the story classes let's take monk or is it the monk I didn't find that Mike's also very powerful but honestly I think Mike's like here maybe in the end Marcus Hall because Mike is very very powerful in because the game so on Level One Max the best class in the game I've been working for like pretty easily the best in the game this will play in the game so that's a massive benefit but monk really scales badly I think you know some ways he kind of thought on the Paladin but it's over here because the Monk Is Like I said right the best class in the game on on level one because you have like double attack immediately so you can go in there like flurry one punch you basically get inside tell my every enemy right yeah the monk does so much more damage than the monk has insanely high damage basically on on level one yeah it's increasingly higher right and one game I compare it to it's seven Sega seven Sega is an old SNES game is that the hardest role playing games it's so hard at the game it's absurd okay it takes the harder in Europe instead of Japan and Japan is easier but anyway in this game then it's very DND actually you pick seven different you know classes slash creatures right and so on it's very kind of open World adventure rounds one is incredibly hard to keep an absurd uh but anyway that robot he has no items right this robot can't use any gear he's only like his own Mecca so he's basically the monk of the game and also the alien that he also has no gear these two characters are by four Asus character in this game right it's a very very typical Trend I think in Opera geese for later years right that basically the robo man cat right is the best level because he has no items so he's obviously his base stats or insane the higher than everyone else and then late game the mecca is also the best character because his skates further in the mid game is worse because you get Legendaries there right but in late game he's the best again because you know you the overscale right that being said though in the last after this game the two healers in this game the old man the wizard and the elf lady were actually the best two characters I want to spoil why but you play the game now you know if you play this game you know why yeah the last act in this game is so incredibly different that having the buffer characters are much much better but the best combo is having the robo Mecca monk robot with one of the buffers so they can buff him and that's the best combo but anyway back to Baldur's Gate my point of course is that the monk really fulfills that classic role right where well you know on level one I'm super op because I have bones or more bones damage all the stuff right and even the I don't know the first three four levels the monks did those highest damage then of course he eventually gets outscaled right because you keep you you can't find better items and so on mine can't really use much items and so then it gets well rewards right but early game he's very very powerful and then he keeps being quite powerful but I think he's kind of weak late game though but he's definitely the easiest mode for tissue because you can like one shot almost every enemy in the meals game we're like two shut up he can do several punches on the same time but but anyway now let's talk to sorcerer so sword stress in order than class you won't get in the game right normally and the source is also very powerful um they're just kind of weird I put it maybe here somewhere social is powerful but also so the way it works that they basically buff one spell that you have right and they make it better it's like it's kind of like they're they're similar to you know like the older spell casters but instead they improve a few of them so that you can do instead of throwing one fire monitor or two Fireballs you know what I mean and the benefit that's a bit High actually because you do run out of spell strikes so in Boulder skate there's the rest all the time to get this pass back and the Sorcerer is very good at like oh I can like make my Basics spell basically right or like my more you know bass spells uh better and they're more spellable so so they can have mavic for a longer time which is quite useful so that's pretty good but they have this really weird traits and you have the the key of the sorcerer which is the classic D in the the RAM for sure which all gonna be the best class for uh I'll say teacher right because you can basically randomize a fight but I find it lame but sure I mean honestly in a way sorcerer is the best class right because if you play chaotic random sorcerer with a subject of them you can basically take any boss and you hope for the best result with your random stuff right and it might be much more effective and they can just reload if you fails right so they're also the most abusive let's do warlock because the Warlock I feel is basically a better sorcerer so everything I have is sorcerer or The General insurance with spell casting is that you run out of manner you run out of books basically you don't really have man in the game in DND it's more that you have you know a number of I you can throw like three Fireballs there right they need the rest but the Warlock has a much better economy of being able to throw us better than kind of regaining it so I think easily here for that matter right the rolling is much better than wizard so we sort of like here somewhere honestly because the whistles are warlock they fulfill a very similar role in the game I think and but while also it's better because they have much better economy if it's best right and then also warlock has better reactive spells especially if it will done Sports too much but you get like I can do these Contour as well now so they have better like Contour stuff they can turn off enemies reactions and they let the AOE in the environment fixed I mentioned earlier is very powerful in the game um has slightly better I suppose an environment affects the Warlock but only by a little but then the Rolex has again then better economy right like better regaining spells and also much better passives more or less than we thought it has like all of them better so I I do I really feel the ball like is a much better Wizard and the Sorcerer I think is a better wizard because the solutioner is like like I imagine right they have the economy of the Spells and a better and so on but they don't have the much environment stuff but this is better um so yeah I feel like I play with the whistle right and we saw I almost basically always removed the rest of my partner I feel uh in my different places because even though again I think the environment effects are very powerful the whistle really feels like you have one fight with him right and division companion with name again Wade yeah and you use him once in a fight and then you use other spells right and the next fight he's like oh I can throw Fireballs if he's very much like you basically have to inner save all of his spells right to the boss basically or use it immediately and being a dungeon they have the rest you know yeah it's super annoying where the wall like is much better at actually again that reaches pass and the Sorcerer while not as good as I said as like regaining his path as warlock has better basic spells and in the end of the game we're in a day where they're gonna you're gonna spam so basically if you have a wish service or swatcher right most of the fights you're gonna spam like say Fireball so what do you ever have we saw the spam one Fireball or a sorcerer that is spamming two Fireball strikes obviously the bet is better Sorcerer of course the wizard has a better a reason so one once per rest right there so there but there's like once per time and if I want to have like five or six or ten or whatever fives before I rest right then obviously I think the restart is way worse but that being said though the research pulled it better early game because when you start playing the game you probably rest a lot and the resting I would say depending on what the class you play if but you know what I mean so you're probably the rest more in the beginning it doesn't really matter that much but yeah I think especially in pain between the mid game you start having a lot of spells certainly they wish sword and so on will last longer before you spend your better spells but still yeah then it's like you usually want to go a lot of fights pre-arresting right you don't want to spam rest all the time and someone else I think that that is yeah then the Whistler is probably the biggest bad class then we have the cleric the cleric I think is somewhere here so the clarity interesting because they are similar to The Wizard which I don't think you have that many useful spells uh per fight I mean I mean in science in the same way you know you have a few good spells but then you use them and you have to waste the whole fight after you know the whole rest period right so how do you rest a lot or you have a few specs use all the time that being said though I think they're a better Whistler because they also have environments of the AOE stuff but also can heal of course so the cleric s is pretty powerful glass because yes they can do pretty decent damage not as much as the base of the Warlock is one but they can also heal right and they also have more Buffs to have the blessing they have the the weekly blessing but it's a free extra one so they can buff you guys they can handle them they can remove stuff and they also can wear heavy armor stuff so be the tank you right if you have the Paladin class I don't think they're as useful right if you're playing a pattern yourself that's very good honestly they're gonna have a feel about the same thing like holy Matic right but they kind of like you know like uh they're a mixture between Paladin and which sort of that oh let's do rain here rain is probably up here so yeah dragons are very powerful class right so the Ranger it kind of fulfills the same role that it's all about right kind of spellcaster that's why I bring it up now right because they're kind of similar to again the Warlock and so on right because they're throwing range moves right you know they're throwing their attacks on this that's obviously the Rangers however the regular course doesn't have the weakness right that the spell castle has something I'm very but honestly I do think that you have to constantly go out of Mana basically right with your spellcast is a big issue for a game or a big issue for game I mean for you know your fire Strife especially in some fast LED in the game where you have like a lot of enemies 20 whatever enemies like a huge fight and even if you go in there rested you're gonna run out of your best spells basically after two three turns right there it is some place like that uh that being said obviously you can still kill some people and so on but I do think that it is like yeah like the rain you're just being able to shoot stuff having high range damage but basically no penalty right for that it's really really powerful because they also have their own skill strike but you know they kind of the average damage is higher than like uh whatever boost or whatever right the Rainier is powerful because you can summon an animal and they can fight for you you can recruit to them whatever like that and we fight for you and that's very very very powerful at lower level the volatile can also solve in like an import whatever so it's so much valuable but the rating is someone pretty powerful animals that actually has a tremendous value for the early levels and similar to the monk or whatever right this is much stronger early game and then definitely kind of you know becomes less as effective late to get right but it still is powerful they have higher skills of one and they also have a little bit of you know tricks and so on as well right after sleeves unless the Rainier sit with the Paladin can kind of pick your enemy I guess call it but basically they can like Oh I'm a Hunter of this thing right oh I'm I'm hunting like I don't know Beast I'm hunting demons or whatever so you picked it as well and let's say earlier with the pad in Oregon Mount that means that you can then of course go and do the quest right that are particularly good for you because you you are ranging hunting specifically let's say Bistro so you're a very good looking Beast which that means it's much easier for you on matches but but it's so easier you can have six or one so if they're easier if you plan it out the board if we can do the final classes so both are pretty good class I feel and I probably put ball up here somewhere but it's pretty powerful right so the board is of course the most versatile class I mentioned earlier if you're playing human version board you're incredibly versatile the board is like a spell Caster they can do a little bit of everything right and one thing I like about a lot is that they can use their like buffing ambidities in fighter Zone but they can also use them outside of fights so I mentioned earlier that the Paladin is very powerful in one way because you will have you should have a very high storm right Charisma you know Paladin and they can use different persuasion and so on right uh with a devotion thing and Paradise are probably the best class to get really high rolls and then in that way you can like avoid half the fights in the game as a paradigm but board is probably the second best or the better than right so they kind of equally they're both the best to workouts outside right to get get through not having to fight people which is a big thing I think especially again if you're playing on hard mode you know petition right avoiding a fight is of course even more valuable because you get XP an away and so on or you can get XP they are still kill them right but you can maybe you know set up by Hill you know you can persuade them then you enter the dungeon right and you stab the boss in the back and run away you know I mean you can do more stuff with that so yeah um this even Shore abilities are very good in this game and I keep saying it but yeah Paladin and Border two classes that benefit for that the most and taking the Border instead like I said they can buff use all right with their spells but also the same spell or basically say whatever uh can also be used uh outside battle right so you can like buff buff themselves or what an L I think about it but usually yourself so you can buff yourself and then talk to people in city right with kind of the same ability so basically increases the song is like either better for a fight or better for inside the city so it's quite it's very useful again very versatile right and then you can learn all those skills and so on so yeah the board the board is a great head I think it's um honestly probably the best spellcaster I I obviously bought as yeah spellcaster and I I probably would say the board is like the best package of the game probably and actually probably put them higher the monk especially like mid and eight game maybe even higher than Paladin but I think Paladin still fulfills One Thing by being the best tank in the game is all right and also having like the best heals basically that are cleric but the pattern healing is more spammable so actually the pad is probably the best Hitler especially the game uh but uh yeah bored very powerful I think and honestly I keep saying it but I definitely recommend you know these classes that you kind of are also no one in your part is going to have this class either so the board is actually probably really fun to play as well should I find it now I put all the new I put all the non-companding classes I really I really I really like that right now but I put all Jesus Christ guys I realize that honestly it wasn't even on purpose this was not on this was on purpose but I really I give an extra plus four if the north one of your party companions right but now already like I basically have ordered all the the best classes as the people you don't start with but well but honestly I think it's kind of true because the root is broken rain is kind of broken monk highest damage early game you know Paladin and board best character for like persuasion like a general NPC stuff and also you know good team guys someone best tanking or Best Supporting so yeah it's actually it's fairly they all kind of friendly liked it Jesus Christ but anyway that's pure accident talking about the last classes in the game I was like oh yeah like I put all the you know non-emposite classes all the best ones yeah um anyway fighter I put somewhere here okay I'm not a big fan of fighter and I feel it is a worse board so the thing is that the factor and the board are very very similar okay they're both basically like I can do a little bit of everything right and but the factor is like how to say the factory is like that but for melee right you know but for physical stuff and the board is that for music for magic right and the medical stuff is of course I would say honestly much better obviously because if I can do a little bit of every magic that's very very you know versatile right if I can do a little bit of every physical attack it's not really that useful you can just play another officer class do more damage right the fighter has this thing too that when you level them up they basically get to pick like a little bit of everything oh I can be like a medical Factor so I can hit with Maddie stuff that's a paladin right oh I can build the more tanky or I can have this thing or I can hit more or whatever yeah I can have better crits or whatever so that's pretty good if you're at work to network but it feels like there is a fit they're not good at anything really the only thing they got going for them is a double attack so you can do two attacks but the Barbarian can also do a double attack thing when you're fancying and then both the padded animal barrier and also get double attacks right on the game but of course the fight against four attacks I need to have specific usage as well but I see if it's been about and I'll say the common barrier now then but Barbarian they also have like they can throw people so on and actually enrage throwaway has a very very powerful the thing is that I feel that Barbarian fighter at many levels are roughly the same with two attack each but they're better into more damage so it's better the burn is tankier with the normal like rage thing going on like without that many good gear so you should take it anyway and then the Barbarian basically has better abilities because the Barbarian can throw people like I mentioned and the throwing is actually very powerful so you take an enemy you throw them away at them that's the one best I mean in the game because sometimes you can just kill them straight up you can grab an enemy throw them out the field you can also push it down with rolling someone but yeah that's really powerful but taking some enemies and throwing an order that also sets up your aoes for all the characters so the Barbarian I think it's like a much better fight in my opinion I think my bad is like just a lot better than a fighter and I probably put it bad and also over um the Warlock athletic monk still my better than Barbarian because they're both like physical guys but again the monk is like really broken early game yeah it's like so good to level one level two and three something like that and I know it's better but still you know if you have played this look at least right you can play a new game right you're gonna play this game for the first time hard mode tissue mode again the monk I I stand firm side of the monk is the best class if you're a new player because the monk is just completely broken on level one two and three is all yeah and that has value right you can still roll everything with the money and you you would like if you like hit everything I imagine again but basically with the Monk on level one and and you can read it right you can double attack immediately and that will basically always kill them that is incredibly broken and you can basically combo any enemy to that right that's that's really really powerful that is true for like the maybe the first five ten hours of the games of that so it's gonna make the game much easier if you play the monk right and that's not true for the fight the Barbarian or whatever it's not true with all the fighters not for the pattern either um but so the max had that going for them extremely powerful without any gear right there and like I said earlier again the monks or a typical Arc Type in a video game right which you know they they're more higher base stats right to speak so of course you're gonna be better than being at the game because you don't need gear to be powerful right which is very very good uh so yeah I think their material better than the Barbarian but then like I said the Barbarian troll was actually one of the Ops a bit in the game the bearing of the cleat because they're rich and you cannot tank it they kind of can keep going uh I like having my Barbarian with uh what's called a sentinel yeah so I don't know her name is next to her or something like that it's opportunity striking in that stuff right and yeah she's and honestly the best companion is probably her Cash Cash yeah this is the best companion if if I make a companion uh list right I would probably say that she's the best companion this is your company's right and I would I would probably say that carless she's probably the best companion I think so straight up yeah she's a barbarian you know great passives and so on yeah she's probably the best but anyway they kind of argue one thing but bear is better than a fighter and it's roughly the as good as the monk like I said I think the monk is better early game but maybe at level five or six or so the bearing gets better than the monk somewhere around yeah it's somewhere around here and I've seen people argue that a good class in the game should be the hybrid thing where you're playing either as you know whatever and then you you know do the cross thing so at high level in the game you can pick up a subclass right then you if you want to and then you can get like some of the past of this thing and but that was broken but some people argued that the best class would be Barbarian submank right so you have like no armor and you get both the bones of like you know all about them but in theory yeah it sounds really powerful so they're kind of similar yeah and last to them the Rogue now the Rogue is probably 80. they're all interesting right it's SST rest here it is like they're rather interesting because it is that the stealth King right and but I think the role is very the wrong is very interesting because honestly because it's like if you're playing as a rogue it really gives you another kind of gameplay right because the role is that character if you play as a personal role is taking a character where you probably don't want to use your competitive much right you use when I go up yourself and like stab people and do it I don't know there is a rogue course uh companion but it's like you cannot just play it by yourself right if you want to play this game and solo the game with only one with no companions which is probably doable I think I haven't tried but I would assume that the row by far is the best class right and in that sense as well as having the Minecraft the Rogues also are much better early game character okay that while everything said the monk is true that the monk is like super op damage right the role can also basically go up to someone you know backstab them right and effect over it um so of course in a lot of instance in the earlier part of the game you only have like two three enemies the road can like one shot one enemy immediately right they have two enemies left and perhaps you can kill them as well or whatever but I mean even if you can have ass stealth it right you can do that you can also of course as a role you can go in kill an enemy and then of course run out track you can escape so if you want to play that game where you like kill one mid boss in your mouth killed one mid boss and I killed the boss order taking a thing right then the role is there for you right that being said bro I think the wrong is a little bit bad casting sounds because it really forces you to play in a different way right and I guess people really like that but uh but I also think it's true that the role isn't very good in the game in a sense because you have to play the Rogue you know what I mean so if you are as a main cast you're the wrong right now you're gonna have to play everything like oh I have to steal I don't have to but the other point if you really are that you probably have to kind of play it like I'm gonna stab this regardless you have to play the game very differently to make it effective and if you like that I mean that's fine right but at the same time I would already know the draw is bad in a way because you're foolished right to play every encounter like that same the Paladin right the row gives you like basically an NPC option where as I said earlier the pad in arguably is the best class to you know persuade them right so you actually like you just have to fight them you can persuade them the wrong is that you can almost kill them yeah the role against that is like you don't you don't persuade them you just kill them instead but it's very similar right both the wrong and the padding are actually probably the best together right to avoid having to have a real fight against little bosses right because again you can either convince them to join you whatever right or you can kill them and then run away right so they kind of feel the same role there or obviously that is done very differently but I think this is quite similar uh from another effect standpoint right you know what I mean well and also very Rogue because you're better teeth and so on this is of course true for your mind because one if you have high dexterity but uh usually the wrong radiation of Steel stuff right you can like rub you can you know you can you can mug someone right on the city and take the case or whatever as well so there's a lot of benefit there too so honestly the Rogue is yeah the road is probably the best classes in the game it's like investors in the game maybe even better than Druid um don't think about it but I think there is so broken in the game it looks weird yeah I mean maybe I just have that will PTSD but I do feel the Ruby can do everything and also like I said everything that you said with the road graph is the stealth thing and so on the drill Woods can be the cast and do that yeah it's not as good but you know sometimes with the Druid you can still also do that this I can move these surprise yeah you can sleep with the captain and commit to that so now I have to give you the Druid I think that it is the more the biggest thing is that like I mentioned in the beginning of the video that it drew with Dawson Lewis health for me it's just broken man it's just so broken guys I mean yeah if you die in your beer form you should die as a druid right and maybe if the game would be like if you revert back to Druid 4 I'm into human form whatever from from animal form you would then I don't know have less life or something or I don't know but it's weird to me that you can you can set up a die that also protects you from doing mistakes and also this is overkill thing right so some boss says this is a team for nana video game some bosses will do you know insanely high damage right they will hit you for like 500 000 damage for every point they will do Insane high damage but that is overkill and maybe that is that imagine you're playing at Ruby right and you run off to a boss and the boss is one shots you and then you but you don't die right because you have two lives you have your animal form and your Druid form right so the ax is very useful because you know actually I think at the end the game you know I mean that is incredibly useful in my point it's like the only way to like rescue yourself my mistake right if you're playing Perfect all and I feel through it in a similar way there is like well this is very powerful so sometimes if your face is in a boss there is a higher level do you right in order to do really really high damage but maybe you only have the boss to fight because you killed the audience or whatever right so you're running through it right tangly Druid do it does immediately but then you all DPS the boss immediately at the same time then you win right away if you played you know with a non-ruid they will get insta kill they have one Dead character and it's super annoying yeah that kind of stuff is just it's just really beneficial plus then you know all the fungus and environment and I think the Druid is it better than the road but the road has to still be up there I feel it's either s08 here because it really does open up for the whole stealth thing you can step with autocaders too but obviously the role is by far the best stealth then it is it's like an option for a whole lot of kind of gameplay right um I feel sorry for the wish of that but I do think they wish action is pretty bad because why they have the most spells I do feel you run out of them immediately and you sit there and it's like oh yeah that's that's not good um let's say the fighter I think it's pretty bad actually I think it's the worst physical class in the game and I don't I don't think it does much more than the Barbarian does and again the trouble with the battery much better pad is better attack and I can also heal and that's a really good healer uh swatcherer maybe slightly higher I don't know I think it's pretty good it's also yeah they're kind of like okay the little better is better but not really that would uh cleric you know it's a better way sword arguably this is the Mojito one but I think the pad is a better healer actually I think the pad it fulfills both the clarity does for healing if you just want to have a Healer um Wallace I mentioned is probably the best like basic spellcaster from spam stuff right um Barbarian yeah probably the the best is Straight Up physical class uh late game and so on the monk then broken as hell right early game can I meet later but he also he has a tank and so on so yeah they're kind of but I said like you know it's the best classes also high value and the ball done is probably the best uh spare castle in the game unless they call it is a contribute for that but yeah it's like they're really good everything and Paladin it's the tank class it's the healing class it's the best MPC class arguably so yeah get a much stuff going on there and then I can watch the rain you're being the you know just like the best DPS class from range right the most the most consistent DPS platform range definitely um and just having like a tanky animal and so on animal talking you can track different things and so on there and then it's like yeah you're on a complete new game play the style thing opens up a lot of options you can steal stuff you can still like them so you can still Keys you know and even Quest light and someone's very very powerful and of course it Druid is being amazing at everything but I think it really is Catholic right I keep saying it but Druid is like uh it's just too good with everything right opposite drew it should be a little bit of everything classic Druids but it's like a plus and everything and it's probably too good it should probably build personality and then the whole animal thing makes it really broken I think so that's it guys what do you guys think leave a comment below hopefully it's happy to start playing the game right foreign but I think that especially when I was saying that we started as a bad choice for you to be because you get away so right he's a decent Mr guy but if you have two research now you don't want to have two research I think that's really bad okay like having two research means that you have very low DPS right because when you have one they have two guys that basically be like oh I will throw my spells then it keeps saying it but then yeah all right the other man immediately and then you can't do much so having two results in your team is a terrible Synergy that's what we're thinking about two because yeah I don't want to have two research I have one whistle always right I have the way to die so if I have if I want a Western in my team I pick him right you know what I mean sorcer is a lot better than that however like two warnocks I could easily see myself playing too well I've done it I mean already but I mean two warlocks the whole game they're still playable because rolling is a really good class that's playable honestly I talk myself up here okay I want to put sorcerer higher than cleric because cleric in a similar way I don't want to have too cleric in my you don't get a social companion in being of the game so if I have what if I want a sorcerer I have to beat myself yeah but shadowheart is good enough for a cleric Factor at the thing by force the worst physical class like it really is so definitely at the bottom Rogue companion that he's pretty good I mean this Rose is really good right um definitely and yeah probably yeah I mean she's a barbarian does stuff it's good um but I think it's a work team talk about too that you don't want to have to whistle you don't have to cleric I could easily giving you another CT honestly because this is like you don't want yeah honestly I can almost see myself doing this thing because I can't I just can't see I have a very very hard time seeing you building a team where you have you know you as a person right the player plus Shadow heart or plus weight and also be in their class like that's not gonna happen at least you can play Two fighters definitely is that two physical but you can play two barbarians you can play two you can play two Wars absolutely you can definitely play to Rogues yeah absolutely but you know you're gonna play like two you're not gonna play two characters to to know what's up that is definitely lower yeah but I think it's fair to say that because again this list here is mostly to like who should you play right rather than who should your teammates be that's another thing but at the same time though your teammates all shouldn't be too research I was on the same time I think even if you if you even ignored and say oh be the Dream Team I think it would be terrible having to restart on level 10. I never tried it but it sounds really terrible yeah like I don't want to have two research right or two Clarity anyway no it's like really low DPS you throw your spouse once I mean sure this was on boss fights so it's really good only thing that's good with it is that there's some boss fights they're gonna be really easy for two results because you enter and you throw your amazing area to them at the same time in combo and they all die so of course there are some benefits absolutely and there are some like huge fights a lot of enemies and if you if you have massive AOE power strike you're gonna just kill everything immediately so there is some benefit to it absolute some situations but it just seems like they have to take a rest immediately afterwards it's gonna be like okay need to go rest now it won't be able to have more than 105 per rest right yeah it's gonna be so hard to play them this is actually a problem more accurate but I do feel Source choice is wanted higher than cleric maybe I've put Resort in trash no but I I don't think anything is trashed right I don't think it's getting much has a trash too I think this is like this is this is it guys I think this is the best tier list okay what do you guys think subscribe I will have a great day
Channel: Myrmonden
Views: 281,072
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Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 best class for player, Baldur's Gate 3 guide, Baldur's Gate 3 best way to beat the game, Baldur's Gate 3 to hard, Baldur's Gate 3 what skills to get?, How does the probability math in Baldur's Gate 3 work? Baldur's Gate 3 Collector edition Review, Baldur's Gate 3 divine unboxing, Baldur's Gate 3 review, Baldur's Gate 3 walkthrough part 10, Baldur's Gate 3 Tactician, Baldur's Gate 3 very hard, Guide for best class builds in Baldur’s Gate 3., top 10 rpg, rpg
Id: I5yCmO4HMj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 18sec (2838 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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