THE WAIT IS OVER!!! Day 1 Warlock steam | Baldur's Gate 3

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let's use my phone to see if we're live before I start recording we're gonna do this like a YouTube let's play sort of deal here um okay yeah we're live sweet okay it is time we're going to watch the cutscene we're gonna get ourselves back into it let's freaking go new game let me know if the audios not good enough or I'm too loud or whatever I think I'm too quiet actually Mike A Little Closer Maybe maybe that's too much all right new game uh we're gonna do balanced I think I intend on playing this game multiple times so we can do tactician on a second playthrough so excited something about their noses I just don't like foreign version Early Access but ass that's alive ah it doesn't oh I was about to say it doesn't show my mouse pointer all right custom character for sure randomize now we're hitting custom race all right this is all different than before there's body types female male and then oh my goodness chunky mail chunky female that's cool uh let's go back to two I wonder if any of this has changed elf bass racial speed that's normal uh dark vision Fae ancestry okay that's all the same all right well let's do this let's go to our class first I think we know we're gonna play a warlock but we could look and see what's like what it shows us here wizard oh that's a cool animation um do wizards not pick their subclass at the start anymore [Music] I guess not interesting warlocks do wizards don't maybe they change it to three or two I'm not sure sorcerer's still get theirs all right subclass the arch Bay was added Bay presents charm or frightened nearby foes with the feywilds beguiling and disturbing magics which is Charmed and frightened and it shows what those things do very nice I guess you get to choose when you're doing it it's a wisdom save uh Bean gives you dark one's blessing which is 10 pit points and you get some I think this is Fireball mortal reminder I kind of like the whole Arch Faye thing I think it's gonna be neat all right let me go to canned trips we know we're gonna play Elders blast and uh I mean blade War just seems not great I feel like a mage hand is probably more useful and then yeah we're not gonna be a high elf either we could wood elf increase movement speed high elf is just you get a you get a wizard can trip uh we could go thiefling which is dark vision dark vision dark vision dark vision and hellish resistance you have resistance to fire damage that seems useful and then use Flames kind of useless so these are tier one things mephistopal is steepling already gets me Chan I don't think I want to be a thiefling though I don't know it could be a drow just be like really edgy Warlock you get Rapier sword sword and hand crossbow I guess we could use bonus actions to use hand crossbow that seems weird oh we're just gonna do a human right I think I saw this yeah our your carrying capacity is increased by a quarter I can't um I can't not take this on my first playthrough I know being a human's like kind of weird but [Music] kind of lame maybe a little bit but it is what it is all right let's see what the humans look like big big human now I think a warlock we're just kind of like this one and then we have can trips we wanted to change this we don't want that one we want this one Arch Faye yes spells um I kind of don't know that we want to start with fairy fire and sleep though I kind of want [Music] kind of want something different I mean fairy fire is really good if we're it'll help us get rid of uh what's his face oh no we gotta take hex never mind that's the obvious one and then the other one's up to us Hitler's rebukes cute let's take fairy fire and we can try and use that to take out the general for the ever burning blade I think that's probably better we can switch these up later oh and then we we wanted to be an no I want sleight of hand on this guy sleight of hand and stealth sleight of handed deception where's charlatan I like it I like it um abilities we do not want this we want 16 here we want 14 here um like so maybe we actually up our wisdom instead of our intelligence I kind of like that layout a little bit better 16 14 14. and we're changing our skills too so we have deception sleight of hand I don't really care about survival Arcana intimidation skills with proficiency skills with proficiency oh we get one of those and two of any of these I got it because we're human right this is the human thing this is the class thing all right so investigation seems good but where is charlatan so I feel like I don't know history makes sense and then perception oh there's also intimidation yeah let's do that we have intimidation deception perception investigation sleight of hand um it's I mean it's not the best skill monkey but it's like or a warlock I'm not gonna complain all right time to change appearance here oh this is so much different um well first of all we're gonna match my skin color and be like a pasty white boy where's the albino option the whitest man possible holy moly that's a lot of skin colors we can look like anything we want to let's just start there and and then like take a different face oh just generic dude the scar I like that scar I kind of wish it was just a one though crackle quantity um no thank you I have enough of those in real life maturity uh wow look at the effects vitiligo school that they have this your voice let's do next this hell be wary there's wretched things sealed where to what was that let's hope the locals health it's opened I wonder what's back there let's go with that one all right we need to get some here oh I love that you can see this you just have to guess what it is orc screws no while there is a lot of options [Music] precisionable all the the Clive haircut [Music] get that Final Fantasy 16 going a fancy I'm a fancy boy in keeper braid okay we gotta make sure we name our character too it's a very easy thing to overlook a rap skillion I don't rub scallion yeah I don't know what a rap skillion maybe we should change the color also not digging this hair at the moment um it's more elf to me we're human we're just more human I mean this is like isn't this asterians here just like literally [Music] The Duchess Coronet incredible [Music] some Viking here myth maker you know what here maybe the problem is this maybe we need a beard [Music] we need a big beard um can I make it like a little more a little a little more thicker please [Music] beard is not not enough that one's a little too much you know what maybe it's just [Music] I don't know goatee means I'm evil I'm not planning on doing a straight evil playthrough let's do [Music] let's do this one let's go back to here yeah we're gonna spend forever in character creation kind of not surprised here highlights and blue highlights is that a thing I haven't see it oh highlight intensity oh my gosh okay well Blue's not not the answer all right I don't hate that okay that's just can't the wild cat incredible we're gonna find one here eventually but it needs to be right this no I'm so picky knife on owned and I got the details with his hair so I'm Huntress a fairiled trickster uh the Mongoose tail yo what I was at the braid in it I don't like the braid maybe we go for a big ponytail look though the top knot I don't hate no I'm not a fan of not a fan of this oh here's the actual top knot no that's not it one of these bohemian uh one day we'll find one that I think fits close might be as close as we're gonna get [Music] because we want The Innkeeper brain those are just the wind swept Hmm this is Baldur's Gate three it's a crpg um [Music] Dragon Age Origins Divinity original sin something like that ah I cannot find a hair style Mongoose tail oh that's right it's got the braids damn struggle [Music] struggle is real no that's too much too all right let's just go with like [Music] very it's not the one oh geez always be a fancy boy oh man all right that's too good [Music] that's too good what if we [Music] Black Raven [Music] was like some ginger highlights oh my gosh it's too much it's too much you can't all right can we change his eyes the teal I like that he said they should be green though because we're like the FAE makeup we can be goth by art oh there's so there's so many tattoos they're like small tattoos [Music] I don't like that but now [Music] I want the scar on the other side [Music] maybe that's something they'll add in the future [Music] cool yeah I'm gonna be playing for many hours we're gonna we're gonna be chill here um I think I'm down with this [Music] it's going good man how are you [Music] all right we got our stats all right we did everything good [Music] pay presents we have hex we have Elders blasts all the necessary stuff we need I was gonna Name the character it's the hardest part trying to spend all that time making him let's see what well there's no random name generator that's rough too we're just a human you know what maybe it's just Jeff [Music] yeah that's that's just fine whoa whoa this is new you need a guardian choose one all right do we make a hot half elf lady to elf lady drow lady human lady I'm just gonna randomize oh good Lord okay could you like lock one of these in maybe no okay well all right we're gonna try and not take too long no not that boys follow your oh there's only two okay let's um give me some freckles a little bit of freckles a little bit of freckles uh a little a tiny bit of maturity and some actual hair I feel like the hair is gonna fit the girls way better than the guys so she looks like a badass already I don't know why these newer games the girls look a lot better also I like that they're [ __ ] they're like covered up to like this chick's a badass and we did basically nothing [Music] um ret no I said red red there you go um it's important that we make this character look decent because we know this is kind of a horny game because of larion there's at least one scene where that bear sex so you know she could also have facial hair but I think we're gonna do that I think she's like pretty decent already eyes makeup I don't know I think it's just like good to go just like that shoot you need a guardian choose one all right that's our Guardian I've seen time foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's everybody's type um dark Alliance 2 is such a good game I think it's on Steam now if you haven't played him the champions of Nora norath games are the follow-ups and they're very good too although this is more based on Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 which were only computer RPGs imagine you're just like around it's like oh there's a flying space Squid and dragons attacking it in the sky it's a bad time yeah this is like a follow-up after sent to a furnace supposedly you know we'll see but I assume there's also some connection to the old games where involvers take one and two you're basically ball is your father it's kind of about the war between all the ball spawns [Music] this is like 150 years after that my understanding is correct [Music] game is pretty [Music] I know a decent bit about act one but who knows what's changed foreign [Music] 4.1.1 nice wish the beard was just a tiny bit thicker in a nitpick where I can because I feel like I'm gonna enjoy every other part of this game all right we are here we have our actions we um magehand cannot be cast while you're in new parasite adjust to your mind and Magic ohm Center camera oh thank you tutorials are completely different too yes still left click to see things all right we're gonna see picking up everything so we can win this first fight where I Believe by just jumping might I think there's also a pathway back up here and I think my strategy through the game is because we're gonna do multiple playthroughs I'm not gonna pick up like every Quest we're just gonna kind of like have our main quest and then as stuff we find along the way we'll decide if we want to do things can I pick this up please that's my plan anyway see how long that lasts all right that wasn't amazing see if we uh take damage ow it's fine we get to heal oh I feel better the sphincter wow this game is horny yeah this game this is gonna set the new standard for RPGs I feel like for the style of turn-based RPG we only have a dagger oh that's a bug [Laughter] oh my characters I think it's because we're on the elevator wait if I go back down you see me face bombing right now okay can we get like okay it fixes so if you amazing amazing all right let's see if we can get ourselves a little friend yes I've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in expectation please before they return they return a newborn who knew from this husk you know no creature like this one that is more brain than person is the dialogue loud enough because we're gonna be turning this body make this a YouTube from this case free us like series my whole Blazers Beyond just the live stream um we have dexterity investigation they're both the same I guess we could do investigation first oh here we go see what type of run it's gonna be should have just we should have just pulled it out oh okay United's edema a swelling of the brain causing pressure where it strains against the shell of the skull it looks like we have advantage because I'm seeing a green here oh yeah this is I'm looking at the like bottom part but it says Advantage yeah let's just advantage on medicine here foreign a little bit louder okay oh that face the brain lifts from the skull do you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat no he's a friend we help our little brain friends [Music] oh Freedom Is Us friend the creature pauses listening I see I see recognition we all need it wow there's so many dialogue options now uh all right let's go I don't I don't really need to ask questions about this part followers some allies May temporarily join you you can directly control their actions yeah all right so let's go to options go to audio voice is low um I'm gonna turn up just the master volume and then turn everything else just down just a pad and we'll just have to see how it goes can we loot this guy newborn I thought there was there used to be a chest up here too [Music] interesting things have been moved Eldritch tablet a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more Flash behind your eyes what happens if we sit in this chair sure I wasn't sure if that door might open okay [Music] let's go add lizelle to the party and let's do our first battle this part looks so sick God damn why would I eat it he is a friend we're gonna need his help to kill the uh crops a Visions rushed past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes the crazed thing is when you guys are like joking about eating the brains I'm not gonna know if that's like a thing you could actually do blesses me this day together um mind players sounds like a slur whatever you say lady we can do nothing until until we escape that must be must be priority no you're good I I like legit you might be able to eat the brain for all I know but you might have to be like a certain background or something it will remain believes we are throwers it may be of use in the fight to come this is new [Music] I was straight into combat you don't get the surprise attack then this time funeral tutorial get ready to fight combat happens in rounds yeah I'm worried about that your turn show your actions oh this is different bonus action action now can we like oh I was like wait why do I have so few I I'm the I'm the brain right now [Music] this looks in completely different as well I'm gonna move him over here no I'm not a dull moment here we go 90 no no I I thought I was um [Music] I thought I was controlling lizelle there my bad whatever it doesn't matter not gonna use the healing potion that's my luck again all right Elder's blast oh that's satisfying as hell um you proved surprisingly this is completely different than before it's time to pick up everything a light crossbow let us equip the light crossbow what is this keychain Alchemy pouch open keychain oh yeah yeah it's all good stuff I'm gonna quick save we're gonna I need to remember when you do that a lot oh this is so amazing short sword and simple room the equipment um we're I'm not professional Solutions okay sure whatever do we want face cam do we not want face cam that benefit if we're gonna do that I might have to mess with some stuff here I would need two um uh a Logitech that's the one it's like what app am I trying to open right now [Music] darker and then close it and then I'm gonna turn the webcam on for a second it's gonna say no I don't like that and then oh it's because um in uh the graphics driver updated so what is the name of that app that I use this video or touch it it's not that experience come on thing [Music] I gotta say I don't like Windows 11. some things are neat but other things are just outrageously less intuitive forgive me while I find it did it like uninstall what is this Nvidia broadcast good Lord oh my brain it don't work all right if this opens while the game is up that would be good we'll see though it may choose not to if it doesn't we will it's immediately crashing that's fantastic all right um FaceCam next stream I think does yeah it's not working nothing without knowing it oh there's a backpack watch that okay these things look the same for the most part let's go in here full key scimitar [Music] dazed woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you okay come on she can continue and continue not noticing me I'm gonna push this button and it's probably gonna turn her into a mind flare as he place your hand on the part you hear something presence connected to the Pod commanding the person inside to change whoopsies [Music] I wonder if we would have found her later changed to the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate yeah let's let's make that not our face let's go over here to this guy and he's gonna have a room rude we'll leave mine what a slave mine just a brain [Music] found a brain oceans of healing this is all good newborn mind flayer stares at you weak and dazed and I don't bother you're barely dented okay well you know what I had to try for science it's another dark mind over here what's the manuscript necklace umbrella query oh I like that use the gold key it's gonna be useful later all right let's see if we can get her out of here the console appears dormant yeah it's a mind player ship you got sucked up as it went over Baldur's Gate it's a tutorial area but what is its purpose will it free the captain or transform her like that other unfortunate Let's Roll that was that was not the best oh the best role nothing in the appearance it could even transform the occupant of the pod like what happened before all right we're not just gonna do it anyway it should be fine suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head the parasite and another sensation washes over you connection Authority wisdom will the Pod open we need it too so anything but a one the biomechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it runs across your mind oh the armor looks insane too it's not how you want to fall hey shadowheart she is gonna be part of my party I had already determined that I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts a gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gift with you you keep dangerous I don't like the noses either it is what it is Fair Point looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you get off the ship and watch each other's backs along the way I'm Jeff let's get going love it one moment naming character Jeff was perfect nope oh yep she's got the McGuffin trust me you're enough of this [ __ ] liar we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on they're lying like that flickers eyes but he seems totally unaware of his surroundings indeed um he is he is out so can we not um if we were to hide breathe quiet okay well he has nothing to steal Maybe I went to pick up this thingy out here trying to steal from dead people once inside do as I say who put you in charge I'll Trust Me Oh it skipped the other part that's what's different hi shoot how's it going yeah they put so much love into this game I I played it I did a playthrough and it came out three years ago in Early Access uh it was good but it didn't have the dice rolling it didn't have a lot of like cool features a lot less accessible it looked a lot worse um I did a recent play through a few months ago with a bars as far as you get Early Access oh my God it looks so much better I should have changed spells um it should be fun [Music] yes we must escape now do it we will deal with the cake after we escape connect the nerves nerves so there's a few ways to like cheese this whole situation here [Music] we want to kill this guy because we get his sword and like a lot of experience you're gonna run over here to this thing he saved of course he saved it's fine um I think the best thing we could do if we can win each I don't know that we can promise fairy fire [Music] takes oh let's examine him low wisdom I mean low technically he doesn't have any Force resistance is 18 AC and he's kind of a monster we could let's go and take out these guys I guess or just roll one that's fine what should I do good Shadow heart what do you have equipped inflict wounds guiding bolt Shield of faith I would like to I would like to run you over here and shield [Music] and then we're gonna say good blame this guy turned him to Ash you're gonna run up in actually I'm gonna do this I'm gonna jump behind him I'm gonna jump behind him good deal good deal okay he's still hit that's terrible 14 turns remaining until it crashes [Music] we can say we can [Music] let's see if we can just do it the old-fashioned way I think I think we can all right so we're gonna Dash and you're gonna run up over to here we're going to attempt oh come on mind player why are you being like this [Music] Find A Way Forward I would like to [Music] um foreign [Music] I don't know what the Mind flare he's probably hitting intelligence cool others blast 40 yeah can you come over here and can you throw this no but you can pick it up jump over to here no you can't all right we just got anymore this guy nope it's not gonna work [Music] we are way behind on this flight right now uh um maybe we'll hit him I don't know [Music] I feel like we're not getting the kill on this guy I think he's stronger than he used to be we must take the transponder that's worth looting okay I could ignore him what if we what if I continue to just miss when I go [Music] everything's missing all right it's just not meant to be I guess hit him with uh you want to do a long sword no problem strike him no yep yep okay we hit him for three hits the ground went dead he is still hexed foreign [Music] hurry before they strike all right some damage all right you need to start like taking out these guys though lacerate everything's a miss [Music] all right I need that mind player to do some more work um we are threatened huh [Music] I would like to shove cool still this are we now no disadvantage um yeah wrecked best be on my way still trying to get up here anyhow no you do kindly thank you thank you thank you just stand right here Fury I am death you are you can you hit him once no okay okay well don't fiery bolt on me and I lost concentration unbelievable critical miss good good job we should get a high Advantage from being up here yeah we do keep up it would have been nice if he didn't break my concentration how dare he try to walk away oh the Mind player's almost dead that's bad I think we're just I think we're on the not killing the commander plan right now which is fine like whatever it's a little bit of XP but I'm not say you scumming it um with that being the case let's just run yeah he's just missed the entire time twin Keith Elders blasting him from up here but concentrate Dash let's get out of here the Helms alien transponder the scent from averness first achievement grab the attack let's put them together foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we've made it to the beach as you wake the tadpole squirms in your skull or check yourself for injuries action you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure you need a cure okay let's do game is currently saving yeah I know brand new save oh it still has our old save that's bad I thought I deleted them hope that doesn't cause a problem Beach play through one beach moving in give me your loot all right Shadow heart welcome to the party you gotta Gizmo look her up trying to befriend her or not make her hate us immediately I'm alive how is this possible I remember the ship I remember falling than nothing no I don't recognize this place but anything's an improvement on where we just came from we need supplies shelter and most of all the Healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads he's got little Jack we need each other and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company perfect one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me you're welcome it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that I feel like she got crazy eyes um okay one thing you can do in this game that you could not do in uh or that you can't do in tabletop is right Mouse button to open item con oh no I know about that Spellbook you can change your spells freely without resting which is kind of crazy for example get out of here um Shield of faith hello bless um I think that's all we need for now actually yeah get out of here inflict wounds and hello command I should just put command on make the guy drop his weapon that was dumb but I wasn't supposed to start the fight like that so whatever let's get going anyway yeah that's a cool thing you can do in this game that is not on tabletop left alt yeah a pouch I'll pick up a pouch let's go more top down here or healing potions an old floppy hat and we equip the old floppy hat oh my God we can equip the necklace does it show uh I don't see it I'll take the hat off but I I like what that means h um do what what oh Alchemy oh boy oh boy there's a whole Alchemy system shanties for the [ __ ] Queens somewhere nearby butter golden and Apple is it still the same as before yes yes it is if I wasn't still like getting over a cold I would um sing The Shanty but the idea no you need like the she needs to be a higher level cleric she's only like level one and the tadpoles in her brain so we're gonna want to pick up all it's gonna be like a collect-a-thon here with a materials and whatnot I want to find oh do I actually want to get in my party right now I don't even think I want to go in that door yet I think we want to go pick up our other two characters more of those fractures a fight here a fight that can actually Game Over You vicious still best keep some distance these are spells that's unfortunately it becomes easy these days we level up that is important [Music] nice where do I go from here 90 versus 95. good good I'm glad I gnore the one there oh my dice choice but to keep going I notice Shadow heart's a little low but I think it'll be fine he's gonna miss all right he's just gonna attack me what okay this is what I was talking about rest menu rest short rest yes yes one day I'll catch them one day I'll catch a break no I didn't mean to click on you but we'll talk later all right level up oh this is new you can also multi-class if you wish uh we are not doing that we are getting a spell probably um sleep probably just armor that's fine choice is pending okay in vacations is what we need we need agonizing blast and we need a repelling blast level up oh leveling up healed you I guess not she is going to be the same I am going to respect her once we get that option though because I don't really care for uh short rest I think feel that one later because um trickery domain clerics kind of feel like she should be killed this could be so much more oil of accuracy okay potion of speed like to pick up an alloy tank I guess we can grab a Starion Starion and then we can like let him be but he'll be useful for now so I don't know makes sense Steve's Tools roped who knows if we need that oh block pick it add bonus I would like to add guidance all right we have I'll I don't think we need all of this yeah we passed by a little bit here cool leather helmet quip is hide helmet an option it is fantastic something the matter no I didn't want to talk to you I'm gonna be doing that a lot all right he should be right up here yeah hurry I've got one of those bring things corners in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others I know he's trying to trick me it's okay can you see it rude so rude not a sound not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours and you keep your distance no need for this to get messy I need him alive Stow that blade or I'll show you just how messy things can get oh promises promises but I have other business I'm afraid now I saw you on the ship didn't I nod Ed but the elf no I'll just splint it and now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks did to me don't lie to me I yeah your mind twists on the streets try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on Warlock melee attack whisper a canned drip to burn his hand wow yeah let's do that plus oh no I didn't want to bless I didn't need to do that okay maybe I did maybe I didn't no I wasted Spells a Lot I thought it was guidance not bless oh well ah damn it I soar into your mind they took you just the same as me and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards apologies indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself I don't like them my names are Starion I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me when I get this fancy hair is that so we clearly move in different circles all right maybe just an [ __ ] so do you know anything about these worms of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time well yes of course but first things first you know almost ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know all right temporarily I accept lead on very temporarily so you don't have to go through all that again there is um loot down here there's also a scared boar deep grooves in the mud around that rock not enough strength can you do it Target is too far there we go stayed interesting Harper's notebook speed 10 gold a 90 okay this got significantly reduced in value however okay Harper's map marks an area called moonrise tires with a small e Crescent sketch the nearby Forest below the Crescent is a decent swallow hidden cash not so hidden right now is it I wonder if the deal seems pretty to me I really like the art Direction I like that we have Superman jumps it's a nice touch okay we want to go we're gonna come back to here we want to go this way I think yeah the Mind flayer that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured let's be careful yeah I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna Elders blast everyone death is too good for it I'm gonna go this way and pick up Gail what's going on approach the sigil on this Stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically as malfunctioning this is new it looks slightly dangerous touch it touch it a hand anyone I think we got this barely whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick oh hello I'm Gale of Water Deep apologies I'll be better at this shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance say but I know you don't I manner of speech will speak you were on the nose load as well and I can only assume you too were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it's a process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most clerics no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone all sighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor level up level two wizard [Music] he can be any subclass oh we can see what the subclass features are illusion [Music] soap spells and cast a minor illusion as a bonus action transmutation experimental Alchemy you could root two Alchemy two alchemical solutions instead of one when combining extracts interesting divination you can use dice to change uh interesting enchantment unless you have hypnotic gaze conjuration minor conjuration create water app duration is the same and necromancy Grim Harvest kill a creature with spell your gain hit points we could date evocation but I'm kind of interested in conjuration here oh and we get two spells um ice knife this wasn't in the game before I will start by Seals in one d10 piercing it explodes until it's two default anyone nearby you lose an ice surface that seems insane um I find familiar is pretty decent could also take I don't hate color spray I mean magic Missile and burning hands are both quite good just take burning hands let's take all the evocation spells and not be navigation wizard it seems like a plan all right um now that we need to live in more interesting times got some number of party members [Music] uh see the sales over there I guess we can go rescue her we'll just get unlock all the characters and then decide what we're gonna do zoru was right yellow is a toad twice as ugly the things dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stare her lips don't move yet you hear her voice get rid of them I can deceive them would like to add guidance yep we successfully deceived them he's right let's go we need to check out that blast you didn't hear it shook out good so we came for a look and we're just getting all the answers for us Northwest look for Nettie whatever you're wound she can mend it and be careful everywhere the Neti thing no Mesa traps come enough gawking gets me down please never [Music] observe and listen you'll hear goblins before your feet as you say where's the thing to interact with to actually get her down I mean like I know we can like shoot the thing but also am I blind potentially ashes of Dragon Age mushroom maybe we have to shoot the Rope I thought there was a s ort all right it's too far get me down foreign but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage you may as well suggest a wyvern bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice his thanks you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior very well but heed my words the horned ones mentioned a camp one there this zoru has seen GIF Yankee been air I must interrogate the story our very lives depend on it I will be at your Camp she's just too much keep me waiting like calm down lady see you again this is the overgrown ruins I don't want to come in here until I have Carlock that is my plan anyway so we're gonna have to continue this way and we'll come back [Music] I hear shouting up ahead we should check it out but be careful yeah this is the fight open the bloody gate cephlos orders that pack of goblets will be honest any second what's going on goblets are on our tail open the gates therefore now open the gate goblins here here no oh no it's goblins I got nine Hills open the gates open the gates both of them to assume they could lift up that gate damnable Roach provoke the blade suffer it sting oh hello [Music] oh we just add this up right here that's great starion's turn all right well be alive you're just gonna make a sneak attack [Music] oh yeah yeah this is the one Mist in the 94. Does it show the dice roll of attack I didn't see it I'd be curious I'd like to see that but it's okay um all right I'm I didn't notice there was a Tracker there that's awkward all right let's um [Music] um that's not the one all right let's hex this guy they learn what is this it doesn't really matter I guess hex wisdom so many options and we just started I said hex wisdom all right and then just uh situational actions you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability feature condition it will remain at the side of your hot bar until the conditions yes now I can bonus action reapply hex kind of good he blew the horn [Music] [Music] oh yeah it shows dice down here I kind of wish it would just show like the [Music] like the actual dice roll over here but that's fine um let's do something about this tracker huh I get right dummy my sickle and sword strike them down [Applause] hey don't grease me uh outrageous actual audacity of them all right Gail I didn't change your spells but I feel like it's gonna be fine which why do you have these things shall be done [Music] Mage Armor we can Grease We can sleep [Music] that's so weird [Music] I was about to say if he just walked over and woke that person up oh they did it huh interesting AI all right um I would like to hide foreign [Music] let's go reapply hex on you foreign [Music] punch him please he's asleep yeah that's good that's good and you pass your turn [Music] just spamming all of your all of your spell slots I will [Applause] Ray of sickness you hit me with Ray of sickness I wanna conjure some water looks like it has to be right in front of you okay [Music] why don't we just what if we just fired [Music] pretty decent I would say all right and then you're going to hide again [Music] I probably should have moved closer all right we had to reapply hex [Music] and then it's so much damage we are so powerful kind of um he just like sacred flames or something sure foreign ly working your way down [Music] all right Gail and do something and then uh I think I have to actually get the whole action to activate it again oh no he it died so it doesn't matter it's left just him thank you that's right over inside all of you more may follow open the gate open the garage okay yeah that's fine but before we open the gates it's very important that we loot um everything when I say everything I mean anything and then close the gates on us it's true the ritual staff actually not bad I didn't do a crime I'm just looting this guy Jesus [Music] calm down game gloves of power um on a melee hit it's gonna be good once we go get our other character but currently it doesn't really do anything for us we must leave everything I wish there was a mass loot button I think that's on my small short list of complaints right now uh what I'm going to do now is Crash because I am exhausted I haven't slept 12 hours I've slept two hours in the past 30 hours something like that I don't know except two hours in the past day it's bad um warlock I just say Jeff to Druid grow because that's where I know where I am and then I will be back later for sure if anyone still watching thanks for watching appreciate it um I'm gonna edit this up and it's gonna go on YouTube so we'll have a whole playthrough it's gonna be insane but yeah thanks for watching everyone see you later bye
Channel: Gaming With Jeff
Views: 2,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, gaming with jeff, bg3, bg3 warlock, bg3 lets play, bg3 let's play, baldur's gate 3, crpg, larian studios, larian
Id: MSNWiDk6vpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 5sec (6185 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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