Baldur's Gate 3 - 26 Tips and Lessons I've Learned!

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[Music] hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video and today I like everyone else in the world have been encapsulated by the new game Baldur's Gate 3. So today we're going to talk about some things that I've learned in some tips if you are new to the game or if you're waiting for the PS5 release and you're about to get the game additionally there are a couple that aren't really tips there are more or less things to just let you know and kind of ease your mind as to some of the gameplay mechanics in the game they could be interpreted as spoilers so I will give you a spoiler warning on those I personally don't find them to be too spoiler-ish but if you want to go in completely clean slate you don't want those tips you can skip those now if you find this video helpful hit the like button your engagement is a massive help to the channel and also comment Down Below on if you knew any of these things if there's anything I didn't mention that wasn't obvious to you or you think would help other players you know let's let's build the community and let's help each other down in the comments if you don't have anything else to comment just comment your favorite emoji down below your engagement really helps out the channel also just as a bonus comment your build like what did what race and what class did you go with I'm just interested in what other people are picking in the game alright with that out of the way let's go ahead and talk about 26 tips for Baldur's Gate 3. all right tip number one and I've gotten burned by this a lot save all the time just save and if you're ever wondering if you should save save the autosave does not save nearly often enough in my opinion and trust me getting ambushed and then having your party die and then having to go back 30 minutes nah thanks save as often as you can now tip number two is one that you could consider slightly spoiler-ish so go ahead and skip this one if you don't want truly any spoilers about the game alright you've been warned so we know at the very beginning you have a mind flare parasite implanted in your brain this was something I worried about and a couple of my friends that played worried about this as well is there going to be some sort of Fallout 1 doomsday timer something to where if you take too many long rests are you going to turn into a mind player and then just die or have a game over for a better question is is there a reason why I shouldn't long rest like is the Mind player parasite going to affect me the short and hopefully spoiler-free answer is no there is no doomsday timer if you take too many long rests you are not going to turn into a mind player so so don't let that prevent you from taking long rests when you need them in the game's defense this is something that they spell out pretty early on in the main quest but if you're like me and you just start adventuring and exploring and doing some of the side quests you don't learn that at the very beginning of the game and then you become afraid of how often you can take long rests so tldr take long rests it's okay tip number three though is that there are time sensitive quests in the game and if you long rest during those it is possible that you will fail the quest one example for me was I was in the underdark doing a quest I got really messed up in combat I had used all my short rests I had to take a long rest if I was going to continue after I come back from my long rest all the NPCs in the area were gone I went to where I originally started the quest and like the boss was just laying there dead and the journal entry was complete like I completely missed out on the entire Quest again in the defense of the game they did warn me and they did say hey we need to do this like pretty quick like this person could die if we don't do this pretty quickly I did not take the hint I did not realize that yeah the world goes on without you even when you're not there so time sensitive quests they do exist but they do give you that hint now tip number four is also a slight spoiler warning so again if you want completely nothing about the main story and the mind flare aspect of the game skip this one as well alright you've been warned so now throughout act one as you come across true Souls whether they be dead by your hand or environments whenever you investigate those corpses you find tadpoles in jars you can actually activate those tadpoles and you can get new ill-lifted powers and you actually have kind of a skill tree for the enlisted Powers I learned of these illicit Powers that's really cool but then the natural next question came up of is there a consequence of using these lipid powers and again the short spoiler-free answer is no using lithid powers does not turn you into a mind player any faster or anything like that there are social consequences of enhancing and using your lipid Powers but I'll let you discover those on your own for tip number five the Character Creator in Baldur's Gate 3 is phenomenal but don't fret if you pick a class and you're not sure if you're going to like it you hit a point in the game where you can actually respect at any time and that point is pretty early on in the game you meet an NPC which for 100 gold can allow you to respect any character at any time this can help you with some fomo or if you made an upgrade that you really just didn't end up liking or maybe it just works for the role-playing aspect of your character maybe you rolled a warlock and they want to sever their pact with their deity and they want to become a paladin I mean you can make that happen tip number six is a quality of life one if you hold the ALT key on your keyboard insert whatever the shortcut is on controller to do the same thing it will highlight items and corpses that you can activate throughout the world very helpful for seeing items that maybe you're hidden by the environment or knowing which corpses you've already looted similarly you can hold the left shift button and that will highlight cones of visibility from all NPCs very helpful if you're trying to sneak tip number seven also quality of life is you can hold the left shift key when you're in your inventory and select items to add them to your wares you can then whenever you're trading just opt to sell all of your wares related in tip number eight is the ability to balance out a trade if you just want to sell all of your wares you can hit the sell all Wares button and then hit the balance trade option which is just going to add all the corresponding gold from the trader so that it balances it out and then you get the amount of money that it is worth now I will say one tip that I learned regarding this is if you are using a character my main character holds all the money any others maybe have like a hundred gold just because they picked it up along the way if you are trading with one of your non-main characters that do not have all of the money and you're buying something that's more than what you're worth and what money they're carrying whenever you hit that balance button it's just going to default by adding in all of that character's money into the trading menu but not actually balancing out the trade this is worthwhile because if you don't realize that's happened and you go ahead and hit barter you're going to ruin your relationship with that Trader they're going to become angry with you this is easily solved by just hitting the balance button again and then it brings in the rest of the money from your main character don't make the silly mistake like I did tip number nine may be an unpopular one among men Masters in the community but pick the characters to go with you that you like not the optimal characters for like combat whether it's by using good strategy or by turning down the difficulty to me personally it's worthwhile to travel with companions that I actually like if I had to keep lizel on my party at all times just because she's a fighter I might not finish the game because I can't stand her so for me for most of act 1 I took around Shadow Heart Will and Gail and I had a great time because I don't really care for either hysterian or lysel and I was able to make it work tip number 10 though while you're bringing the companions you like with you use them for their appropriate actions if you like a Starion and you're bringing him with you and there is an option to pick a lock maybe have him do it again this game isn't like Skyrim it's very unlikely that your character is going to be the best character to do everything in the game additionally there are going to be some interactions with characters that your companions are going to want to do themselves sometimes they will just take over but just give them the chance they have their own stories to tell in their lives to live too you know now tip number 11 is there is relationship maintenance in the game this isn't Skyrim where if you piss off one of your companions or if you take items and they don't agree with it they just won't help you you can actively make your companions so upset that they will either leave your service or they will outright attack you and initiate combat your companions have feelings so make sure to listen to them or just play the darker toot needs companions really tip number two is pretty optional but I have found personally that friends and guidance are two incredibly essential can trips to have in the game friends gives you Advantage whenever you're talking to someone that you aren't in combat with and guidance gives you a 1d4 on any skill rolls tip number 13 you speak with the dead and speak with animals whenever you can the ability to talk to animals lets you find out how big of dicks some of these animals really are and they also let you talk to like the goodest boy ever are boy scratch speaking with the dead can also give you a lot of insight to the world around you to some of the quests and if you accidentally kill someone that maybe you needed some key info from it might be the only way that you're going to get that now the good news is you very early on get an amulet that allows you to speak with the dead at any time until you take a long rest and then will because he is a warlock can pick an Eldritch invocation to speak with animals whenever he wants so really there should be nothing gatekeeping you from doing either of these two things it's also worth noting that if you cast this as a ritual spell it does last until a long rest so if you can't speak with the dead you can recast it as many times as you want until you take a long rest and then it's replenished so you can just speak with the dead whenever you want it is deactivated though if you die tip number 14 be wary of high level areas when you are a low level party I'm looking at you underdark in act one you can go to the underdark as early as like second level but don't just just don't or do I mean it's the India to your adventure just prepare for it to suck now tip number 15 if you're not used to playing something like Dungeons and Dragons and you're used to RPGs just being hack and slash experiences may come as a shock to you but in Baldur's Gate 3 it's not all about combat if you see an area with just a bunch of enemies don't initially just go and try to set up the optimal route and then do a surprise attack don't be afraid to engage with and talk to people that group of goblins that you're trying to Ambush could end up being your friends and you could allow them to attack another enemy oh you see that really really strong boss that you think if I don't surprise them they might just kill my entire party maybe you can convince them to fight with you to defeat everyone else it might not work you might roll a critical fail but in the words of Matt Mercer you can certainly try but in general if you find you are having difficulties with combat remember don't be afraid to just talk sometimes you can just completely avoid combat in general and you do still get experience points for avoiding combat by using your words tip number 16 again completely optional but when you're on the mind playership at the very very beginning you know that super cool flaming sword that you see in the boss fight right before you finish the Mind player ship you can get it and you can keep it and I'm gonna to tell you 10 out of 10 would recommend get that sword now for number 17 there are some video games and RPGs where if you have an item with which you're not proficient like if your character isn't designed to use heavy armor if you try to equip it the game won't let you do that Baldur's Gate 3 is not that way and it's not even necessarily always obvious if you're equipping something that you're not proficient with there are negative effects if you are using something you are not proficient with so read the fine print some of these just mean you don't get extra bonuses but some of them like if you equip Gail with some medium armor he can't cast spells anymore so like a warlock pact make sure to read the fine print and don't find yourself in a sticky situation when you enter combat something else that's interesting about Baldur's Gate 3 which if you played any other game and that's not DND like like divinity original sin 2 or anything else you have spell slots in Baldur's Gate 3. whenever you cast a spell that utilizes a spell slot that spell slot is gone until you take a rest of some form depending on your character for example a warlock is going to have two spell slots but they recover them at every short rest a wizard on the other hand can restore a couple of spell slots throughout the day but really they don't restore them until the long rest but if you have like a cleric they're kind of out of luck until a long rest they don't restore any spell slots it's kind of like that hoarding mentality that we hear to in RPGs use spells when you really need them don't don't go wasting Fireball on a second level Goblin tip number 19 we learned this from episode 3 but use The High Ground it really does give you an advantage it gives you a higher chance to hit enemies in combat with ranged weapons and it allows you to hit people that are outside of your normal range just remember if you try to hit someone outside of your normal range you will suffer a small penalty because they're outside of the normal range this I found very helpful in many scenarios usually if you play like me like your main character is the hoarder of the group they have all the Scrolls they have all the books they have all the weapons and they just kind of give what they need to your other party members when they need them and hints when you're in combat you might find yourself in the scenario where your character is not the one taking a turn and someone else could utilize a potion that they're carrying or could utilize a scroll well I come bearing good news you can switch back to that other character even when it's not their turn and send items to other characters in your party without using an action number 21 while you're in combat there are some spells that use what's called concentrate meaning that the Caster has to well maintain their concentration for the Spell's effect to continue examples of this could be hold person or hunger of Hadar hey Dar I don't actually know how you pronounce that someone will correct me I'm sure if an enemy is casting a spell that requires concentration just have one of your companions hit them they will have to make a saving throw if they don't save then the effects of that spell stop immediately just remember your enemies can do the same thing to you all right I think we've made it to tip 22 I've lost count at this point but if one of your companions goes down and they're making their death-saving throws or have made their death-saving throws an easy way to bring them back up is to either heal them with a healing spell or you can just throw a potion at them if they're down it will bring them back up or if they're still alive and you just need to give them a little heal you can toss a healing potion at them just remember throwing a healing potion at them isn't guaranteed to hit your you could have bad aim Injustice tip 23 you can cheese at many times throughout the game and by cheese I mean just literally shove entire bosses off the side of the map and win but you are definitely gonna have to get lucky with this because that is that's gonna be hard to do oh I'm actually quick save okay okay hold on are you ready for this here we go that was very creative I gotta admit it's incredibly fun but just remember there is a cost of cheesing bosses and that is you don't get to pick up whatever it is they were carrying a lot of times as you would expect bosses are carrying some very high level very valuable Loot and by cheesing them off of the side of the map you don't get to pick those things up anymore but you know if you went down to the underdark as a second level party you may not have a lot of other choices if you want to survive tip 24 you can turn on turn-based mode at any time throughout the game this can be helpful for a variety of situations like one if you're trying to catch a small object like an animal that's running that you want to talk to through on turn based mode and then you can interact with it it will stop them from moving there are some traps or environmental items that you are going to want to turn turn based mode on so you can move around them without them blowing you up another thing I found valuable is there are some spells that you'll want to cast like featherfall that have a certain number of turns that work I have found myself in the situation where I turned on featherfall I jumped and one person the party just like didn't jump with me they were out of the range to cast the spell again and if they were to jump they would kill themselves I personally will Now cast featherfall turn on turn base mode and then have them all jump one at a time during their turns so that they all actually jump and I don't lose the power of the spell number 25 is remember you can manipulate traps and the environment outside of combat if you see a trap laying on the ground and you're out of Trapped disarm kits you could use an error or a cantrip to destroy it if you see a person standing underneath say a chandelier you can probably hit the Rope on the chandelier and have it come crashing down on them keep an eye out for your environment and then finally our last tip tip number 26 I don't know if you need to hear this from me but I'm gonna say it anyways and this is really a two-part tip one you are not a bad person if you are safe scumming in the game now if this goes against your role-playing rules then buy it by all means please don't save scum but if it's something you're okay with and you're not sure what the implications of a choice are you're not a bad person for saving seeing how it plays out reloading picking another path I'm sure some people will say that's a terrible idea but but here's the thing I've seen people take up to 150 hours to complete this game I'm sorry I don't have the time personally to play through 150 hours restart and then go back and change that choice if I want to know what's going to happen I personally am fine with just reloading and finding out just to save my curiosity the other is this and hopefully you don't need me to tell you this it's okay to play on easy difficulty you are not a lesser person I know there is a massive stigma in The Gaming Community with playing games on easy difficulty but Ballers K3 can be kind of difficult even on normal difficulty don't let the difficulty of the combat or if you're not used to this style of combat don't let the difficulty of it ruin the experience do not be afraid to turn the game on easy mode there's nothing wrong with you it doesn't mean you're bad at the game it doesn't mean you're not worthy to play the game and here's the thing if anyone gives you crap just lie just say there is you don't have to pass a persuasion check in real life to say oh yeah I beat the game on normal I don't think anyone's gonna argue with you as much as I would love to fight the hag for like three hours on hard difficulty I would rather just maybe reload twice and win on I only have so many hours to play this game right all right guys that's 26 tips for Baldur Escape 3. hopefully you found them helpful if you did let me know down in the comments did you learn anything from this video or did you just like know all these already again if you have any other tips let me know down in the comments let everyone else know down in the comments we're all just here to help each other out again if you don't have anything to say just comment your favorite emoji your engagement is a massive help to the channel it helps other people find this video while you're at it hit the like button the Subscribe button and the notification Bell to get notifications for new videos like this we will see you in a later video I'm gonna go play more Baldur's Gate 3 now so have a good one guys enjoy the game we'll talk later [Music] thank you
Channel: Gaming Your Own Way
Views: 99,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate, dnd, dungeons and dragons, mind flayers
Id: GzsoW0kZ7Dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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