Baldur's Gate 3 - 3 PERMANENT BUFFS, NEW DRAGON WEAPON & OP SPELL - 12 Act 2 Secrets You Missed!

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hello and welcome back to rise gaming welcome back to Boulders Gate 3 after the recent Playstation release of the game we have a pile of new players getting into the game for these new players we made an important things not to misguide for act one but now we're here for act two we aim for these videos to be as spoiler avoidant as we can make them but we will be referencing important areas and I will warn you ahead of time and hopefully whether you're brand new or you've been playing for a while this video could be both interesting and useful to you with that explained then let's begin we'll work our way through act two in terms of location that you'll come across in reasonable order starting with the one all new players are going to need to know which is the first thing you deal with in the shadow cursed region the invasive mechanic that you need to overcome using Moon lanterns and other methods however by carrying a moon Lantern you need to hold the thing which can be invasive on the game itself thankfully there's a quick trick you can do to bypass all of that in the curse itself using your first moon Lantern which will likely come from the Convoy Ambush south east of last light after you first reach the last Light in and meeting the leader there you'll go back over the bridge you used to enter and speak with the guards there they basically direct you to the Ambush location go there and defeat the Ambush one way or another and get the lantern then just interact with it you'll find that there's actually a pixie tra within it free the pixie and have it repay you by giving you a bell which is just now an item you can click on and use to mitigate the curse for you and your whole party in the form of a buff it's much better than holding a lantern you just need to beg the pixie to help you in the future uses which is no big deal after that there's two people I want to mention in the last Light in are itself the quartermaster and the blacksmith firstly the quartermaster she sells some really good gear but one item that's ridiculously good and somehow a green is one I never noticed in my first playthrough now obviously she sells the incredible Shield of devotion and the incandescent staff both are clearly good they're purples and both have strong effects you're most likely going to want to buy and use however it's one of the greens down below that's truly insane the cloak of protection by wearing it you get a plus one to your AC and your saving throws which is so strong cuz anyone can wear these cloaks with no real downside so any build or party member should be benefiting from that perk and since it's only a green it's really cheap for how good it is on the other side of the yard then you've got the blacksmith that you met in act one now he's got access to a better Forge he offers you some more services including making the hell dusk armor set but what it really means is the flawed version this is the helm chest and gloves and honestly even though they're flawed they're really good especially the gloves the issue here is he wants three in iron to make all three pieces these items you find all over the game but you can find an easy three in act one and even more in act two once you have three you can immediately use them to craft the set but here's how to find three in Act One firstly there's the easy one in the blighted village it's just in the blacksmith Cellar found in a chest on the ground within this room the second would be found in the goblin Camp the leader that red Hob Goblin he has this stash of loot behind him behind a gated room and if you steal the key from him or just kill him and loot it you can go open up that and then loot the stash which again has that next iron in in it finally there's a hidden sort of thief zenin base to the northwest of the Wilderness by wen's rest head into the small building on the northwest side of this area and work your way down into the cellar deal with the people within through conversation or combat and ultimately make your way to the end of the cave on the North side there you'll find multiple lock rooms and within you'll find that last iron that you're after you might have found more in act two yourself but again the moment you have three you can take them to the blacksmith and get all the gear moving on from that there's one weapon that I missed in my first playthrough the ritual Dagger of sha it's a magic dagger that deals necrotic damage if you're not in direct sunlight which can be very strong in various sections of the game and it's just found in a Sharon Sanctuary hidden in the middle of The Wraith win town There's a big statue with a secret underneath you need to interact with the plates around the statue's base and pass three checks you'll reveal the stairs down to the room below which then has that massive statue of sha you'll see the dagger just there but it's a very good idea to use Shadow heart to interact with it if you don't have someone with like history or religion to identify what's going on here Shadow heart will know that she needs to make a sort of cut and blood sacrifice to satisfy the situation and that will spawn in some extra goodies some useful Scrolls and Potions which are well worth having and obviously it's very easy to get as well as the dagger which when you pick up you will trigger a fight once you clear that you can leave with all the loot in hand at this point you know there's a bunch more things I could talk about in the open region of Act 2 but I have covered them in a variety of video so I'm going to move on to the moonrise Tower Secrets now moonrise Towers is an important story location at the southern point of the map we can simply enter by pretending to be an absolute speaking with the NPCs within before progressing any combat story it's important to make the most of this kind of brief period of pre-combat so let's do that firstly upon entry in the hall there's two vendors a bug bear and a gnome that sells some really good stuff the main two items I want to highlight though are the halber of vigilance and the Drake throat glaive which serve a very similar purpose to one another in short though the halir is a popular and recommended by many item and is worth getting but it seems that the glaive is arguably better this is due to the fact that it has its own ability to enchant itself to a plus three weapon up from a plus two and then add a one to four element damage on the attacks you think this would require say concentration but it just doesn't so it's kind of insane and overshadows their still very good halir by comparison after that there's a well-known thing that I need to include in a video like this and it's the potion of ever lasting Vigor which results in a permanent buff to your strength for whoever drinks it not something you're going to want to miss and it's gain by simply talking with the strange blood interested NPC on the ground level araj you need to bring aerion with you because she becomes very interested in him talk with her and agree to let her take some of your blood and then she'll want to talk about aerion convince him then to drink her blood which she somehow wants and she'll reward you with a potion for that plus two strength permanently just be sure to convince him well and apologize after if you want him to still like you next we have something I completely missed in my first playthrough a potential permanent buff for Gail or just just a useful summon in the secret room of balaha The Necromancer on the higher level of the moonrise Tower there's a green skull sigil on the table to get in this secret room you need to find the heart in the room and place it in the pedestal that reveals it but then have Gail interact with a green sigil on the table and choose to erase it Gail will now be buffed with mistress benevolence which is a buff that causes Gail to have advantage on concentration saving throws which is going to be really good Gail is always casting concentration spells it's very good obviously you'll be using haste all the time it's one of the best giving him a way to keep haste buff and Dodge the concentration breaks that's going to be a good thing however there's an issue with this buff it seems like it's meant to be permanent but it clears after a long rest with that in mind you might want to do this buff right before say a big fight it seems like something that should be permanent or lasts a lot longer and there are reports that this is actually bugged so we'll see if that changes alternatively you could use a dead Pixy in the room and a broken Moon Lantern you find in there on the sigil combine them and craft a new moon Lantern which ALS also results in an interesting summon another thing I missed myself that shadow Lantern wfe summon once per long rest you can summon it it makes for quite the strange summon so this is a choice you can make but be aware that mist is not going to like the one way you make a monster finally for the pre-event moonrise stuff there is the basement below the prison if you choose to free the prisoners within you can get yourself an outrageously good magic robe for casters you need to get the Hammer Of The Gnome who requests it so he can break into the caves behind their cells and Escape at that point you need to defeat hold off the guards so well that everyone important makes it out alive resulting in maximum rewards if you successfully kill the guards it somehow won't actually cause any alarm for Moonrise Towers so you can do all that without any major consequences anyway save everyone and go back to the lights in where you'll find the people you save The Gnome when you speak with him gives you some gold as a reward while the tling she'll give you that incredible robe the potent robe okay the last section I want to highlight in act two would be under moonrise Towers this means it's right after after the main event that's going to push the story to its conclusion in this region so big spoiler warning so after fighting Thor you'll expose the secret that is under moonrise The elith Colony within that Colony you find a variety of interesting things but there's two I want to mention first the permanent summon O is a little brain thing with legs that you find in a chamber in the middle of this region a mind muddled slave sort of tends to these horrible creatures and he mentions that there's one that's not sort of Behaving right it's not obeying him so if you convince him to take it away he'll just let you free it and have it and as easy as that it becomes the ability on your hot bar to summon it whenever you want which works as a useful meat shield with some useful skills second and last down here that I want to mention is the permanent buff that results in permanent Advantage with intelligence saving throws which is another thing I missed you'll find in one of the main rooms of the colony a head and an interface next to it this is the Mind archive interface and to use it you need to find mind items like waking fresh dark or true minds and insert them into the console you can get some interesting conversations through that but we care about the one near the blade of oppressed Souls room basically you need the waking mind found after completing the necrotic lab puzzle which is basically having you connect all these colors together on a sort of big brain revealing the room behind it where you pick up the waking mind with it in hand we can return to the Mind archive interface from earlier and using the waking mind will'll end up speaking with a monk who begs our help do what they ask and Purge their mind and you'll receive the Mind barrier a buff this is what results in that strong as hell buff and is certainly something that you'll want rather than miss out on in that area but there you have it act two and it's variety of important things not to miss with some incredible items as well as some potent Buffs for your playthrough a good chunk of these I missed myself so I do hope it helped you if you guys have more things that you think people should not miss that are secret somewhat in act two then drop it in the comments maybe you'll help someone for now then I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching and we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 93,464
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 drakethroat glaive, baldurs gate 3 githzerai mind barrier, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, baldurs gate 3 side quests, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, act 2, baldurs gate 3 act 2, act 2 secrets, act 2 guide, baldurs gate 3 us, baldurs gate 3 potion of everlasting vigour, potion of everlasting vigour, best weapon, baldurs gate 3 alfira, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: 20bwTrN4RmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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