Baldi's Basics In Warfare - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS)

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it's not fair the puns hurt me the most if anything i should be getting revenge against all of them it should be everybody from fishing food it's me raining down pain but i'd still kind of like this holy crap that cat can take a punch oh a fruit punch no it's such a good pun [Music] what's up guys welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator where for today's episode we get to do one of my favorite things in this game which is beat up dumb stuff that you've made now some of you guys might remember that last episode i played through a little bit of a custom campaign called tabs random games which has now been updated to say captain sauce was here yet no full 2132 oh 51 really just rolls off the tongue but they're correct i was here i i am here point is we're going somewhere else today because this was really cool you know it brought a whole bunch of different games into tabs with stuff like undertale and minecraft and among us stuff that i've never really played on the channel before if at all but fortunately we now have tabs random games sauce edition which is looking a whole lot more familiar [Music] so it looks like we've got baldi as well as jump rope lady skipping girl i can't quite remember and the bully i think it's really hard to tell when they're far less poorly drawn and lumpy i really doubt i'm gonna be able to find a tabs unit that lets me close and lock doors it's been a hot minute since i've dealt with baldy but i think that was his one weakness he may have a slight allergy to dynamite however most people do you never know a little anaphylactic explosion might go a long way wishful thinking possibly but i'm sure we'll get a quick answer as to whether or not this works uh it didn't work damn it okay guys come on he's just a skinny dude with a ruler uh and there's also the bully i suppose you really shouldn't grab a woman like that and throw her you know like women are like bowling balls there's a time and place for fingers to go in holes before you you chuck em we're off to a great start today this might be my most evil plan yet i think we can use the two students against baldi we don't necessarily need to kill him we just need to get him fired and nothing says you're fired to a teacher like loving a kid again the worst start to an episode i'm so sorry but cuba can you get the job done maybe yeah baldy okay here we go now you probably want to spank these students don't you okay um am i going to prison for watching this kind of thing i mean it's working we haven't lost many cupids and uh that is definitely a pta meeting's worth nightmare you think they're gonna kill each other i hate the smooching sound they're lit to lip right now that bully is getting way more than he bargained for in punishment today oh wait she's dead okay so we got rid of one of them oh crap wait oh it worked i was about to say i don't know if cupid can kill everybody just get down to one and then the last one standing is gonna be loving themselves but i guess both their hearts exploded i've got good news everybody we're not going to jail it turns out that wasn't the bully who was making out with baldi it was the principal the bully is actually that thick cut of meat and the bowl cut over to our left and then to the right we've got somebody called arts and crafts who i don't remember just kind of looks like casper's penis wearing boxing gloves but it can't be that big of a deal this level is also called dead duction which would make it a math pun so i extra hate it do you think giant skeletons would be able to stomp out little skeletons i really don't want to use a whole bunch of units here because then they have a a high likelihood of jumping off the edge okay um turns out this thing is up faster than i thought and we're gonna have to take it down to pound town oh no don't don't fall off the edge what did i just say okay well um oh you killed it and you can get back up because you're not tiny ingenious why are you on fire you're made of bones stop no okay so it turns out the skeletons are the bigger problem not necessarily the bully and baldy and the fact that again you're somehow burning what's burning it's like a rock catching fire well if they want to sit back and shoot fire arrows at us then we should just bum rush them and like again i don't really like relying on the wobbly horse to make tight turns there's a good chance that some of them are going to take a dive but i just need most of them to get through and cause a little bit of mayhem is that asking too much can you guys just toss some bones around no dives yet okay this is exactly what i wanted i mean i know for a fact you guys can't swim even if you're made of rubber you don't float i just don't want you to end up dying and getting turned into glue why is this thing sucker punching my dead horn i've heard of kicking a horse when it's down but this is excessive gunslingers are usually really good against skeletons right so they usually they're all close together there's a lot of them just rain down bullets they fall apart we can whittle things down to the three main targets we're gonna have to deal with using clearly a ballista or two i'm willing to bet that baldy can't survive being impaled on a sharpened telephone pole and then the other is i mean maybe just hop lights i i need a unit that can both survive a fire arrow if need be but also deal with hand-to-hand combat spear to ruler combat you know what i mean now it's very important for you to shoot the skeletons and not oh okay yeah they managed to take down the ectoplasmic pisser that's good i think it might have been the ballista but either way so long as you guys are buying time for the ballistas to fire their shots into stone pillars then we've got a whole bunch of disappointment ahead of us come on this thing is the size of grimace how could you miss it there we go okay perfect now it's just skeletons left skeleton left you guys could shoot skeleton right i know you're made of wood and fire is a problem but oh my god that thing got evaporated well it feels real good to move on to a level called smartypants but i can't figure out why it's called that snuffy was never a straight a student by any means and there's no amount of fabric in the universe to cover a dumpy that thick with pants how about we try a little show and tell in class today you know all the present elves are coming back after christmas break having not opened their presents yet so they have no idea what's inside but there's gonna be something to show and i i hope it's something strong because you guys aren't gonna get a second chance okay there we go we got thor which was probably good enough but i i think the time controlling mecca angel should get the job done yeah let's see add and subtract from that oh no we're moving on to cursed camping with baldy and friends i'll put you this way this far out into the woods in the middle of the night with not many witnesses i'm just hoping that it's only the vampires who want to suck on me well i can guarantee there's no tabs unit that can swim so i really don't want to make an army that has to move around a whole lot this water is a hazard to say the least maybe i can get a couple of gatling guns on the high ground just rain down bullets on the enemy and then buy as much time as possible with oh opposing teachers yeah maybe the teachers would be willing to step in and tell baldi to stop getting weird in the forest with students no no no gatling guns i want you to stay very still i need you to shoot the bats and then the people preferably in that order they're okay those are big tornadoes what the hell are those things i don't care shoot them dead shoot them super okay that's a problem i didn't know they had floating things that are right up my butt what are they change of plan we're gonna actually use these explosive barrels as bait or more specifically the barrel roller as the bait and the barrel is the reward if we can get them all to converge in the middle and then just wipe out a whole bunch of the enemy units right off the bat that'd be great my army will be further back waiting to fight and made up of thor primarily i think thor can take out some kind of strange ghost sweepy thingy and i also really do want to get a couple of dead eyes just just to pick stuff up i feel like they're really strong and maybe cactuses because they can survive the fire arrows strangely enough you wouldn't think i dressed like a plant would be very good against fire but that seems to be the case on you guys got this oh okay thor stole glory from those stupid barrel rollers which sucks because now he's gonna get sucked and parted on but it's okay he's still alive he's still alive we're good you got this thor i was the one that said you could send those weird little broom guys into the depths perfect it's just a whole bunch of skeletons left thor loves smashing skeletons oh crap oh crap yeah this is where the barrel rollers would have really shined ladies could you maybe back up just just back up a little bit they're not going to miss every time we were on to something there that that was better felix thor is the only one doing a good job here so how about we just get thor's two thor's three thor's ah yeah something like that and then the barrel rollers can come in a little bit later if they really want to but he should just blow up bendy baldy have i been saying bendy this whole time hopefully not benji comes later baldi is incapacitated i think they shocked him so hard he himself and had a stroke oh yeah that's a stroke sound if i've ever heard one are we good i mean baldi's not going anywhere anytime soon so long as you could take care of the skeletons and we're living on easy streets oh yeah oh yeah no problem at all save him for last if anything you just hang out over there we can finish off the real threats and then move back to teaching that guy a lesson i love it come on guys yes there we go now he's the only one left oh okay i think we resuscitated him and then finished him off the norwegian gods have answered our prayers and finally dealt with baldi so we're moving on to a different game called cuphead where cuphead is looking pretty good his brother mugman however could not be found before the making of this video so we're stuck with juice box boy so this is a level called beginner brothers where i'm seeing a whole bunch of mini bosses and bosses from the game scattered around this field and we need to help cupheads and juice box boy i i don't know if we have any food based units but i do have candle head that's close-ish kind of it's like the chinese knockoff but we get a lot of them that's a whole lot of ghost splooge going towards our enemies who are bigger and stronger than i had anticipated oh god it's the flower no okay can we can we maybe kill it could we may just burn it with ghost fire that'd be good i'll push it off the edge of the map i'd be okay with that no just don't don't start ignoring it there's so many of them why is it raining boulders where's cup ahead of juice box boy they just screwed off they left me with the freaking candle heads oh no there's cupheads he's still in the thick of it getting absolutely ruined these guys are all like 12 feet tall all right then so we're not gonna bother going with anything thematic and just set up some ballista in the hopes that they can pierce these stupid idiots i'm thinking we might also want just the shield bearers cyrissa's the world's loosest phalanx ever made something like that just just to buy time or more specifically catch boulders because i don't want my poor ballista to get smooshed flowers not getting up from that one i don't even know where it went it feels good okay that's exactly what we need just keep keep firing keep okay uh this this one's getting a little too close that's not good oh it's the carrot oh i thought it was a strange pineapple creature they're stuck on the corpses of our allies don't let it okay i mean we killed it are you dead you're dead nobody takes a flaming ball to the nuts like that it gets back up okay this is fine this is good cuphead is actually winning the game i never thought to look at what you were doing i was too busy at my ballista but yeah turns out they can you know do the whole shooting stuff out their fingers hurting the enemies way to go i don't know if these levels are making me nostalgic or depressed because we were supposed to get cuphead dlc at like the beginning of last year two years ago i really wanted to play more cupheads i remember the clown boss how could i forget and i remember the genie i think there's a couple more poked around here but there's a level called inkwell massacre doesn't sound good for us hey snuffy how do you feel about stomping on a clown just turn them into a funny little puddle and the spear throwers can deal with the other ones i mean to keep trying spear throwers more and more because their projectiles are a lot bigger than regular old arrows so i think they do a whole lot more damage they're just underrated because they're such a primitive looking unit so it's just a guy with a rock on a stick in a loincloth but you throw that at a genie's crotch and you're bound to have some kind of effect okay um yeah not quite what i'm looking for snuffy's could you could you maybe work together could i get three wishes oh or not yeah i guess the genie just gave up what the hell happened i reviewed the footage and my best guess is that the genie got a good whiff of snuffy and decided no amount of lamp rubbing was worth this but i gotta say these levels are bringing back so many good memories we've got the mermaid with the fat deep sea titties and the giant robot this is definitely one of those scenarios where it feels like anything i send out there is going to be underwhelming you know could i really send out an army of cavemen to take on the 100 foot tall robots maybe in m1 abram's tank i don't think cuphead and juicebox boy ever had access to those but could be interesting yeah okay that guy can definitely suck it i like it good good um we may not want to piss off the mermaids the gorgon whatever she was because then i think her head will separate and oh she's got crabs clams she's got clams right she she's got deep sea creatures okay nope for a second i thought she was throwing stds at us but we're all right that is one very dexterous giant robot he's dead though oh oh crap is the tank dead no the tank lost all of its riders and got chucked into the air but the people inside the tank can still operate it i don't think i've ever seen that before i should have known it was only a matter of time i mean it's the name of the game of course we're gonna have to deal with the devil and his craps dealer or his pit boss like king dice what is your job i honestly don't know are you just a casino monarch or do you actually have a role here either way we got to beat both of them up and they've got the high ground so at the risk of pulling an anakin i think i'm gonna try the divine arbiter we might be able to shoot them off their little perch oh oh they're just gonna come right down wasn't expecting that now we're gonna blow our selves up or not who would have guessed that the devil was actually a huge biting a cat in a hat with a harpoon gun wouldn't be the weirdest thing that i've done on this youtube channel but this is the cat from fishing foods it's a crossover we're playing a level called appealing fight and i know what you're probably thinking does that mean it's a food pun yes it's a food pun and the food is pissed they want to peel the cat or skin the cast i suppose we're gonna have to come up with a way of defending him oh maybe we could try poisoning the apples and and then i could get uh seven halflings which are like chinese dollar store knockoff dwarves and just like that we have oh it only got six of them crap no i can't count i was gonna say we could snow white them but apparently that's not an option you're actually fishing for the foods really all right then this is uh probably not gonna go well i don't think the hobbits have what it takes they're more bite-sized themselves in comparison to the food we're getting overwhelmed damaged oh no uh yeah maybe it's a good time to retreat to the ship i i don't suppose captain melon is up there and he wants to help no oh my god there's so many of them all right well this was a good idea in concept i was really proud with the whole snow white approach i thought that was a good joke but uh now we're getting the produce pounding that we deserve it's not fair the puns hurt me the most if anything i should be getting revenge against all of them it should be everybody from fishing food it's me raining down pain but i'd still kind of like this holy crap that cat can take a punch a fruit punch no it's such a good pun i hate everything about this game just drown the cat please please just put him out of his misery i'm in friggin tears here god this game is dumb back to the drawing board okay i was proud of the snow white thing i give it up even with the puns it was good one but we might need to try something a little bit more aggressive a little more fruit ninja even though i can't use the ninja because they throw stars they don't slice stuff up i want to slice the fruit okay i want fruit salad on the beach okay here if it gets sandy come on samurais you're actually able to fight unlike the hobbits it's hard to tell if anything is going your way you just kind of have the body slap into one another and then i mean you can actually pull that that's a samurai you don't want to fish for samurai come on now you went there we go we got ourselves an orange or a carrot it's hard to tell after it's dead either way uh i like the fact that he's retreating by the way that that's always welcome uh i mean this went a whole lot better but i don't think we're winning we only got a couple of samurai left come on you guys can pull this off you want to be heroes then dice up that pumpkin come on swinging a miss oh my god strike two oh i got it the third time i ah you crap okay i guess he's out is i get dead don't tell me the cat drowned again where did he go oh okay 1v no 2v1 that's not good you're gonna get tag teamed all right i mean that's a little inappropriate so the samurai did a good job there but i think we do need to bring in a ninja if we wanted to be fruit ninja plus we now have a ranged unit which can actually kill stuff so long as he doesn't have a concussion you're alive please get up hello he got struck by a wayward banana and now he's crippled no how do you shatter a ninja's spine i mean i know oh there we go it's not the cat's fault okay the cat didn't see him you can't see these guys but at the same time like this is going much better we can kill units now way to go ninja i knew that rehabilitation was gonna go well now finish off the fruit suck it banana oh right fishing foods not fishing fruit there's a lot more food like angry hot dogs and cheese and chocolate bunnies well there's one thing that all these food have in common is they don't fare particularly well when you freeze them and then reheat them so i'm gonna try a couple of ice mages as well as a couple of dragons and then hopefully that will either melt or crack or i guess piss off the food oh they're just kind of diving right in there i don't really know the special abilities of hot dogs and pickles off the top of my head but apparently making dragons fly is one of them you're gonna be kidding me right now why is my life so difficult uh oh you might actually be in a decent position i don't know if they can get to you over here because you're well kind of broken to be perfectly honest if you could aim the chin down just a touch that would help a whole lot then you'd be okay now all right um yeah that really sucks i don't know oh yeah i i know i constantly rant about type advantage in this game but like what's the type of hot dog's cheese and pickles the reaper might actually be really good here like the cat can pull them in and then the reaper can shish kabob them and then we can back them up with vampires i don't know if too many vampires that are on this kind of diet i don't know if they're gonna be particularly helpful but that's fine oh the cat is wearing a different hat that makes sense i'm constantly changing the hats in the game i i like that but we need to focus on crim okay grim you got this you can slice them you can dice them you can turn them into julian fries or turds oh that's a cake yeah it's got a little slice on top of his head there's really a chocolate chunk chunk chocolate chuck chocolate chunk i don't know man my mouth is watering at all the destruction all right you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of totally accurate battle simulator guys and i gotta say i got about halfway through this campaign today but i absolutely love playing them and not just because it's a tailor made for me even though that is a big plus but just because it encompasses the history of the channel now all these games that we played together and all these memories i just love seeing it again i think you guys really enjoy watching it too so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave like this video leave a comment letting me know and maybe i'll return for i think the other games were stuffed like bendy and battle cats and maybe more breaking hot dog spines but thanks much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,001,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totally accurate battle simulator, tabs, totally accurate battle simulator funny, tabs funny, totally accurate battle simulator funny moments, tabs funny moments, tabs custom units, tabs workshop, tabs epic battles, tabs popular games, tabs game characters, tabs other games, tabs fishing food, tabs baldi's basics, tabs baldi, tabs cuphead, tabs captainsauce campaign, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: ebfVzrUx9Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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