Using CURSED Weapons in Minecraft

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we've been kidnapped by a mysterious figure our captor wants us to fight to death using new cursed weapons only one of us will Escape will it be me choose a weapon and save yourself from Eternal imprisonment oh gosh what is that thing down there get it off my screen wait we have to go over here we have to choose a cursed weapon which one are you going to pick I'm going right oh I'm going middle I'm also going right oh you copier wait why W you go left no I don't want left is left bad sword a sword that gains two permanent damage on kill right oh is bad wait where are where are you guys boys press your press your uh your leaderboard button we all have zero kills currently uh whoever has the most points by the end wins the cast weapon and is uh I think not imprisoned anymore um where you guys at who wants to fight what is that I need more cursed weapons what where are you guys I got to mute I want to see what this sword does it says right click to teleport behind people so I can increase the damage on this sword infinitely oh stop it you have a you're cursed wait you have a cursed bow say the full thing there you go cured Bo where are you a cursed by the way wait what hi okay I never even saw him go to me wait did you did you guys keybind the uh the the see-through thingy the oh I have a keybind of your keybind Cur go what is that c go C yet you won't be able to catch me in here Le two oh two times one so every weapon that you get it increases the multiplier on your score I have two score right now hey you guys haven't gotten a kill yet so not even on the leaderboard yet I'll be fine oh yeah and of course dud do the things like the video show some love so we can dab you know what I'm saying just Do It How far does my teleport go oh my God no no no no tell me that I almost can we not let Sundy win like one why why why why and then the more you die the longer respawn time is sigil already has a point I need more weapons hold on let me see my damage on the sword is 15 wait what how much 15 have 15 ow how do you one shot where do you even come from so I didn't read the rest of my sword to you guys and I'm not going to so no you have to you have to yeah you like this you like this bow does your bow go through walls you don't even know where I am you're just let's find out am I hit in how did you what what where no no no no no no no he's cheating he's cheating he's cheating I'm not I'm literally not I'm literally not do you hear my ball what are you shooting I got to go I got to get more cursed weapons I'm going to get more cursed weapons so I get the multiplication multipliers okay where's the first Cur oh get away with me I one shot now it does 25 damage so if they don't get armor I one shot bi wh slay no I got to stop I got hold let me see if I can teleport cool sick man can you just let me live I'm trying to find the new cursed weapons where are they yeah me too leave me alone no I'm going to find them you're ugly are they in this chest you're ug no no none okay I have literally been everywhere o this has got to be something this has got to be something what is this you need a skeleton key to open this door okay what is that pluck a chicken from the 10 am I going to get a cursed chicken weapon what is this oh gosh what the heck is that what the heck is that why is it shooting things out of its mouth why can't I kill it wait hold on what is it what did I just get in my inventory key fragment one a key fragment from the red target oh he shot the the door and that gives me the key fragment I got to make a key I got to make don't shoot the doors wait no shoot the doors shoot the doors hey and then he shoots that out okay so I need to get all of them before I die okay can I teleport to him I cannot shoot the door no shoot the door I said easy dub come on shoot Biffle got wait what Biffle has taking the lead hold on how did you take the lead so I got all these put that in there oh I got the skeleton key wait what do I do now pluck a chicken from the pen a chickens hi chickens you're built like a chicken sorry oh gosh I can't say that um no what is that no no no no no no no no no no no no what is that no no no no what is it guys so I can't actually know what it is you want to do you what is this cursed chicken words what oh that's what Z had for lunch that's true okay all right well what does this do it fires sticky eggs if someone walks near an egg it explodes yep that's cursed oh my gosh okay so they're fighting I just see them fighting what does this do yeah you like the ghost what no I don't they're smelly chicken wait you just took my kill I did not Sunday why do you have a chicken why is it look like that what don't make me spam I figur out a new Strat what is the most cursed looking I have ever seen cool wait what does this do do they just I don't I got you a oh the eggs are mine cool awesome there's just a billion can you not steal my kill Sunday Z you know what I'm going use my new sword come here my skeleton sword okay or not I just won't oh wait I got another weapon that means hold on did I take the lead I to wait 13 * 2 is 26 quick MTH somehow I killed bipple that's cool good job is that what the chicken does wait no what are you talking about hold onine come here here for where you I'm take that cursed chicken red egg you talking there's a lot of eggs on the ground I don't like the eggs I see you see who I'm coming how you get rid of the eggs I'm using my hammer you have a hammer yeah it's Hammer Time [Music] baby why show up any where did he go where where did he leave did I make him rage quit you made him hey guys uh keep in mind that the the the eggs are going to be there forever so uh just keep that in mind you can't jump over them either I tried cool can I eat them no I like scramble egg dude you just can't do anything they're more sensitive than about it oh stop it what's up what's up ghost attack ghost attack ghost attack I'm dead you shoot out ghosts okay that's cursed I said the thing nice you said the key word time I'm I'm ready this time are you where are where are you no how here have my roses Su why do you have roses what is that well they're my roses why don't you come through the doorway yeah no thanks fine I'll come to you I don't like do you want me to read the second part of the sword that I didn't read in the intro you finally read the whole sword please uh a cursed sword that gains two permanent damage on kill it has 37 damage right click to teleport behind people people hey surprise I'm behind you made you look Sig was behind me yeah no you actually got s killed you actually got s killed you idiot okay well this sword's broken um I just going to lay more eggs I'm just going to lay some more eggs why does the chicken make that noise when it [Applause] shoots I I need more okay uh you all have to I'm winning you guys are not doing good um okay what is that bow what does it even do it's a good bow let me use my skeleton sword come here what does that do come here come here come here come on stop shooting your eggs stop shooting why that's just op and stupid and I'm mad GH attack I got to get I got to get more stuffs I got to get more St I don't think you need more stuff I need more I need more curs weapons okay I need to find more I need to find more I only have a two times multiplier if Biff or if sigil gets a three times multiplier and like two more kills he's winning I have to continue my lead is there anything in here no I'm going to put the key in there they'll never find it get out of here stop it no I got to go what does that thing [Music] do that is so stupid that is so dumb what is that PO what does that hammer do B I need to find more Bann weapons Curse weapons you don't say curse St B give me the Cur weapon please let me just hold come here I just killed sigil where do I go oh I just killed Z too yeah I saw this too Pest Control okay what's back here nothing nothing nothing up here it's got to be up here right here no nothing is it up here where is it oh right here termite po okay what is this infest a tree with termites what how does that give me kills okay I got to go infest the tree I don't oh Biff just died okay here's a tree what do I do Fest a tree oh gosh oh gosh that is cursed there's termites in the tree that looks like turs what does that even mean bi did you see that in the Le what is this stop it okay hold these Fireballs hold on what is that no no no no how are you shooting no no no what is that you just killed a sheep I'll do hold on Biv come here uh stand next to this tree while I infest it no I I got in I got cursed sticks can be woven into a bow oh wait a bow no I'm not going you don't need a bow you going you come here stop it stop it look at it there's termites all in it look at why is it jiggling like that a sorry was that necessary I thought we had well you need three sticks for a bow right so wait so I need string does anybody have Cur string I'll I'll trade you for 10 of my kills stop taking my kills Sundy okay I'm sorry how did he get to kill bro I don't stop killing me Sundy sword only does 51 damage so that's cool what excuse me what I don't know I got to go find bow I got to go find bow and arrow string I don't see any cobwebs no string there's got to be something huh last place I looked great cool all right um I need three three that's how you make a bow right it's got to be there we go crafting table oh crafting table okay here we go uh so we are on a timer death grip bow hitting a creature with an arrow makes your next Arrow insta kill so if I hit someone every shot after that is an instakill hold on what is this are these hands these are hands look at the two fingers oh that is disgusting um okay let me shoot it let's see what happens when I shoot it does that go through walls hold on it goes through hold on Z how did you just die did I kill you with the eggs or was something else the egg yeah no shut up I want to talk to you okay your eggs are everywhere and I'm sick of it okay um well I have a new cursed weapon um yeah me too so come here hey Sandy hey what I have something you're not ready for what am I not ready for hi take the power of Zs what is that what is that what come here wait can I hold on me Cindy did I hit you B did I hit you I'll spam down I'll spam down there I will oh no wait that was wait why isn't my bow working hold on hold on hold on hold on your bow oh my did I hit those what are you trying to do what is that bow where are you you're in a wall you're in a wall hey that was a really good oh whenever it's charged it's red look at my I like you hey bi no Hey listen uh Biff I'm behind you wait behind me where me you behind me how did you kill me it's red it's glowing red that mean what is your head my arm uh my hand bow is glowing what what my dragon suy what I'm behind you Sig where I don't see where is it why is there so many eggs on the ground there's not just avoid them I'm above you I'm hiding see you wait what do you mean you don't see me he's around I'm hiding I'm genuinely afraid okay L where is he guys I don't know what he's doing what what is that time is fleeting make sure you win or you are forever mine no who is that guy it's my mama wait I think you got I think you got to stop moving whenever he says that wait I'm not moving why why do you want us to not move what what do you you just randomly know that I think okay I I saw a beam of light enter my face through a wall don't sniping through walls don't stop moving red light green light red light no I'm moving no guys mov don't stop don't fall I red light I red lighted I red light he almost com saw him fly across my bow isn't glowing anymore it's sun says come on just like Simon says uh do you guys want to see my bow okay z z truce truce for 5 Seconds come look at my bow every time I truth with you I die come on down or S come on down what is that Dragon oh do you like my dragon look at my bow do you see the hands e why do they wiggle hey thanks for the charge thanks for the charge what do you charge why would you TR hey s remember how he said a truce for 5 seconds I think 5 Seconds went by I didn't know we were counting and then wait what's the score who's got the most score who's got the most score oh wait Biffle Biffle will you have four weapons Biffle wait if you get five you're winning F boy stop B stop him Take My Hand of Justice stop it Hand of Justice stop it what do that me Hand of Justice I forgot Su take my power what is that why is there more Z that take my blad the he still has the weapon that can teleport around yeah I think you are banned from that you should not use that anymore no I'm not banned Dr attack oh we hit those we hit those you really dragging things on over there you doing sigils the sigil no no no no dragon come back kill this no stop it every stop it I'm going to hit standing this thing behind you what wait what thing okay this I'm literally standing still please don't hurt me fful fful thank you I finally oh I almost hit those no stop it stop it dude this bow is so difficult to use oh it's charged it's charged ow ow why are my heart blue yes come on that mean hit them those where are my things I'm trying dude this bow is too difficult I'm going back to the sword oh no oh got to go got to go got to go got to go got to go got to go got to go I'm still wi bi do not find another weapon if you find another weapon I am going to find you and gut you what so to be honest why did you say that I said sorry oh my God where did he go does anyone see him oh he's shooting at me he's shooting at me and I'm dragging him down why do you have a dragon to the why do you have a ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I you I have get out of here get out of here I have half a heart I need more weapons okay I need to find more I need to find more where do I go there's got to be something in here down here I saw this earlier hold on this is it knuckle spikes warning requires three weapon kills uh I have 42 Biff's zud is C how does zud have five every kill he gets he's getting five points that is not good okay I have three what is this uh knuckle spikes the only way to take out app what what is that uh can be used to dash I can Dash wait how oh look at me wait how do I Dash what is this enter the cavity of your mind let your mind wander what does that mean open the door to the villagers of the past set them free what in here oh gosh what is this oh gosh hey guys I think I'm going crazy I'm I think I'm going crazy I don't know what this is call the villagers wait what what is happening wait what oh wait I got I have to free them I have to kill them to free them no hold on oh look at the score oh I got to get a high score to win oh this is creepy you oh my mom hey s's mom no um um Linda what what is it it just sends me flying okay no no 81 I got 20 seconds what are you doing I don't know the villagers they look insane I'm freeing my mind right now are you cursed I don't know this is a cursed weapon I don't know what I'm doing right now your mama's Cur got him what I'm at 70 got him 71 72 73 can I do it no you freed enough villagers here is your reward for your efforts your knuckle spikes can also Dash anywhere now wait what did he spes anywhere spikes SP stop SP what is wrong with you stop spikes okay you know what uh I got a new weapon this is called bear trap helmet cast on use on someone to bind them forcibly to an area hey you know we can hear you right uh I'm hiding I'm going to go find a house and hiding bye let me see the score let's see who's winning I'm hiding wait how did you guys get so I wait I should have four weapons wait no I should have four why didn't that go up oh it's cuz I got to get a kill with it I'm hiding as soon as I get a kill my score is going to multiply through the roof where are you boys that don't worry about it I don't want to fight you we're both dead yeah Z just keep doing that hey man hey oh just keep I'll let you run go ahead you can run now R you run go ahead go ahead and run I'm running I'm running you can't do anything what is this what in the curse is this if you run out of this circle you die I don't think that's going to [Music] happen what just happened boys where you at where you at let's do it let's do it stick together what he's behind us he's behind us roses are red violets are blue I'm shooting at you yeah hey I'm in the Trap don't leave the Trap your stay there I'm I'm I'm going get him get him get him yes at least get him one time oh no I got to go I got to go I have half a heart I have half a heart I have half a heart I got stop it it's not worth leaving the Trap I'm in are you in the Trap you are I can see you I'm telling you right now it's we're both trapped who's behind me what do you mean nobody's behind you I don't know you're talking about who's behind you know what I'm going in this house hey hey suy you forgot about my dragon why don't you C over here and bring your dragon with you come on come on I can spawn the hands I can still K I can I can wa that means you're sitting ducks hold on huh oh keep moving stop it I'm trying but I move too much I'll die I'm scared ow you got to strafe inside the I was trying to strafe but I'm scared this is like a whack-a-mole this is like wacka wait stop it I'm just going to keep shooting quack if you think about it wait where's World of Tanks too the end approaches 60 seconds why is there so many EGS over here but I'm close to winning I can win boys let me kill you are you hands of Justice y how' you do come on where are you guys did you did he just easp you did you just I'll get you out of the Trap why are you in there Sig I'll get you out Sig I got you no I got you no no you don't get I'm out oh he got no no where's z z wait where are I'll fight you fight me and my Army my Army of Zs get up no not Army Of Z I don't think reach I don't think come here why did my head change here all right no no please are you guys farming each other oh there's 10 second wait wait what's the score we got to see what the score is we got to see what the score is awesome yeah man this he where' he oh behind you I wonder who your time is up wait who wins who wins who wins who wins who wins who wins who [Music] while suunday has shown to be the most worthy there's one last test You Must Escape the nearby boat at the lake if the rest of you stop him he'll let you go instead of him what kill him him I got trapped again where is he I got him boys why is there so many boys don't him get to the river so many eggs where do I go where's the exit where's the exit where's the exit where the exit I need to find like a rat where are you I don't know where the exit is I don't know where the exit is is it that way oh you guys spawn at the exit yeah we do wait what oh puppy guard puppy guard guard the puppies hold on will this [Music] work oh my God wait he's here he he keep hold the line the line no what is that come on here to let's go let's get him of Justice if we will hand you take the army of Zs dead my dragon hey guys I was still respawning where's the exit where's the exit where's the exit where's the exit here's the exit got to go going get get him get get behind stop it dare tra me don't you care taking i j i jamed down I'm going we hit those I will parkour you come here you're not you can't you literally can't I what do we will behind you I'm here okay come here come here on I died again sorry ow the eggs are so stupid they won't kill me though I'm too strong come here you are dead you are dead Z what did you learn learned that I'm almost there I'm almost there Z almost there I'm out of here boys suy has escaped meaning the rest of you are mine forever no wait that means I win you guys lose yay hit the like button subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,808,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AhnC59OItrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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