TOMAHAWKING SPIDERS FOR TRESPASSING | Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (Reupload)

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earth defense force 4 is a japanese recreation of me finding a spider in my shower he's learning a valuable lesson about trespassing on private property i'm going to remind you that this is your first and only warning that there are giant spiders in this video oh god back in june of 2017 god decided that earth was taking up too much disk space in the solar system and chose to uninstall it by hitting select all on his worst creations and heating them into the earth okay this is a bit much even for god code name the ravagers these robot alien bug lizards mean business because typically when an invader brings giant lizards and a literal genocide gun they aren't looking to negotiate oh god you're getting hit with the mcdonald's thankfully even the wrath of god is no match for the united that it doesn't states by carpet bombing them out of existence it's a bird it's a plane oh no it's lockheed martin but this edf desperately needs people to pull triggers and call out coordinates which is where you come in playing a guy with gun girl with gun that can fly i guess guy that has no gun but can call his buddy that has the biggest gun and last but not least i try not to look him directly in the eyes i want my 30s [ __ ] so if you'd like to see mankind attempt to uppercut god in all of his lizards that have absolutely no legal relation to the trademarks creature godzilla then i suggest you stick around i'm gonna be honest i don't have a permit to kill this nondescript lizard or you can close the video now and save yourself a headache because my squad and i may be the very best that the edf has to offer but that's not saying much it's morbid time doctor tried to give me tylenols that are perks so i punched him in his [ __ ] face this is what europeans think american recess is like yes don't kaiju this is not a food don't worry man i used to eat a lot of [ __ ] dirt back in the woods 10 second sponsor before this bomb explodes game herself by my energy drink guacamole gamer fart 9000 and use code badger for 10 off it's got caffeine it's got vitamins it's got minerals have you ever mistaken the end of mankind for a practical joke this prank [ __ ] sucks my brother in christ you are witnessing our extinction welcome to edf 4.1 and i hope you're comfortable because there are 89 missions to go and all of them involve me getting shoved in the forever box by giant insects i'm getting [ __ ] by a billion ants over here yeah yeah this is going great suck my [ __ ] dick as fun as an 89 mission lore crusade sounds edf is better explained with flow charts oh boy do i ever love basically the ravagers aka god throw something at you you blow his head off so they throw either a [ __ ] ton more of that thing at you a variant of that thing at you a bigger version of that thing at you or make you fight that thing in the dark yeah giant spider's not hard enough let's do this [ __ ] with our eyes closed then once they realize that thing isn't gonna kill you bang they throw in the next thing sometimes this graduation is logical like oh you beat all the ants well here come the spiders [ __ ] face are you calling a satellite on that one spider yes other times it's not like oh you beat all of our robots and lasers well i hope you're ready to fight the entire dragon population of skyrim i don't know what's happening anymore in christ you are the dragonborn occasionally the ravagers break the close shard and throw some random [ __ ] at you like uh not a script blizzard uh don hector they can spam all the [ __ ] lagoon creatures they want because we've got something they'll never have discretionary spending in case you're unfamiliar with the final boss of planet earth known as america we have a yearly allocation of money approved by our head mage and council of elders informally known as defense department demo dollars these give us the right but not the obligation to send any creature on our planet back to god for any reason at any time you can't parry that [ __ ] you dumbass so the ravagers think they can enter american airspace without consequences i've got 778 billion reasons why they're wrong i'm done playing with you oh my god i'm not playing with you to remain more accurate it technically is the earth defense force and not the united states but it's canonically headquartered in north america and is basically a japanese flavored nature hey isn't nato the one that drone strikes weddings no that's the us that's us but the us is part of nato yes but you can't just blame that i can't believe nato would do something like that us edf kawaii nato whatever your preferred pronoun is for the exterminators we're the ones with the discretionary spending and i'm about to blow 99 of it on napalm we're just in the end of a marvel right now this is what goes on inside of a marlboro cigarette to deliver you maximum [ __ ] flavor 825 weapons across four different classes are at your disposal and you can rest assured that 825 of them are [ __ ] stupid the thruster can damage me i just leveled half this building this is the dumbest [ __ ] weapon on this planet before picking your stupid weapon pick your stupid class ranger is stupid stupid wingdiver is weird stupid aerator is stupid overpowered and fencer again do not look him in the eye every class is a solid pick because the one stupid thing they all have in common is that they're all stupid fun that's not actually a laser that's just a big ass physics gun from gary's mod ranger is babies first edf class that's essentially man with gun so if you greet household pests with a barrel of a 12 gauge this guy is a no-brainer i hope you like back blast because you are forced to use a rocket launcher if you're playing on any difficulty higher than journalist and the reason why is simple s to the c to the a-l-e because the ravagers have been here all of five minutes and they've already smoked half of the human race that's not hyperbole that's canning race has been destroyed you've got to remember how big and how many of these things there are for the majority of the game you can close your eyes while shooting and suffer zero decrease in accuracy why the [ __ ] does edf even have a crosshair i don't need this [ __ ] you're facing a mountain of insects every mission and you move mountains with explosives because ars that firepower shotguns black range sniper rifles like rate of fire and before one of you smart asses says missiles are superior to rockets they're not i'm getting my dick munched by a spider every second of every round i don't have 20 minutes to lock onto a target and another 20 to wait for an explosion i need that [ __ ] low tier god now i might get it i might get it i might get it i'm gonna get it now i get it come on oh i got it i got it he's [ __ ] don't kill that guy sir sir sir oh my god so if you want to play ranger you've got to be a rocket man there are just too many [ __ ] bugs for you to use anything else seriously guys i'm at my [ __ ] limit please stop spotting water bring the shotgun secondary is a wise choice because there is a range where rocket launcher should not be deployed and i'm far enough you can get away with using a grenade launcher like the splash or stampede blasting 30 frags per shot but the odds of you clearing a mission without killing everyone including yourself is virtually zero let me see how this works i couldn't oh my god you can be ahead of me all you want me my [ __ ] i'm not swinging literally bro oh they all came back i don't even know where to go now wing divers are a special forces unit comprised entirely of fictional creatures called women specifically designed as a secret weapon against giant creatures which is why they spend all of their time getting clapped by giant creatures apart from an arsenal based in laser beams instead of jacketed hollow points wing diver has a massive movement advantage over ranger that she uses exclusively to get stuck in spiderweb but that's okay it's nothing that a direct impact from an m202 flash can't fit rangers lead the way also how are you still alive if you can avoid playing like an npc wind diver has the mobility and firepower to vaporize every last bug on this planet very big if though because much like all women her armor scaling sucks so if you don't meticulously manage your ever depleting energy levels the insects are going to snap you in half like a ritz cracker she also gets bonus points for her rollerblades and quirky weapons if you pick me up oh my god it's just what my gun does aerator is the only class that can be played on the highest difficulty while eating a bag of doritos and i mean that literally friendly airstrike i love ranger i love wing diver but aerator is something else that is like the ultimate form of spawn gaming like much like q-tips are designed for your ears aerators aren't designed for damage but in both cases i don't care if you want me to play a support class as a support class then don't give me a tomahawk cruise missile as a primary weapon where is that missile is it coming down or not theoretically aerator is designed to have a vehicle spawn helpful support item and sticky bomb launcher for emergency self-defense but again i don't care what it's designed to do i care about what it can do i gamble away all of my personal safety in close quarters so that i can triple up on items specifically designed to put stadium-sized craters into the earth that and besides there's no written rule anywhere that i can't use a hammer of dawn at point blank range i'm not scared i'm not scared i will use this as a close quarters weapon i'm not scared these weapons are so catastrophically [ __ ] powerful it is nothing short of an insult to call aerator a support class i'm not here to support the violence i am the violence my face when playing a support class yup definitely a support oh my god i almost just fps rushes myself with that spider no matter if it's carbon bombs orbital lasers or tomahawk cruise missiles there's so much damage to be done over such a wide area that the hardest part is not killing all of your teammates and yourself all right no no no no the beam the beam would be don't go that way oh [ __ ] why are they already here oh trust me they're not oh you blocked my throat stretchy i want you to know what you've done we can't even escape it now it's already even oh god oh my airstrike get me out of here get me out of here oh [Music] this brawn is amplified when you combine it with brains and i was more than happy to show these [ __ ] insects what that looks like because the difference between having 200 000 neurons in your brain and 86 billion neurons in your brain is an airborne flamethrower that even physics is pissed off about we are learning a valuable lesson about gravity today i'm not done abusing this chasm of an intelligence gap either because if you think a flamethrowing helicopter is cruel just wait until i strap 20 high caliber turrets onto my rotors and a clever maneuver called engineering okay this should work yeah i'm starting with one going to my goodness okay okay okay okay hold on hold on this is taxed because this is the tax we're doing it we're doing it but the best feature of aerator is not his helicopters or his air strikes or even his orbital laser that can make any crab based enemy dance like a stick bug you can make what was that it feels like that stick dancing it's the gundam which they call a belong but we're punching nondescript japanese lizards in the face here it's a gun oh it's going super sad oh you can spawn this thing non-stop if you kill enough baddies and i'm not gonna say it's better than her guinness which is their name for the giant lizard damn he hit me once and i lost two-thirds of my health oh god oh god but it's your best shot at knocking this oversized iguana flat on his ass and apart from skipping the knockdown animation by spamming the taunt animation this thing is completely self-explanatory accelerate your mass to maximize the force of the impact just punch him in the face i don't have the legal permission to say that i killed the trademarked creature godzilla but there were several hundred reptiles honked in the making of this video the only thing stronger than this monster is japanese copyright lawyers harry this stupid [ __ ] lizard god i landed 86 hit combo he hits one haymaker and i just [ __ ] die no the mcdonald's [ __ ] and how could i forget the fourth and final clap spencer is just ridiculous and we just got done with aerator who makes dick cheney seem like a nice guy so i don't even know where to start with him literally a gundam with two box cutters that's coming up against the entirety of the insects in florida he's supposed to be the heavy class with extreme firepower and jacked armor at the expense of turtle slow movement speed there may be some civilian casualties but that's a sacrifice i am willing to make but by exploiting his dash cancel mechanic you can make him the fastest class in the game if done correctly even wing diver can't keep up with it be honest i don't think heavy classes are supposed to work this way which means he's super tanky super powerful super fast and he's got twice as many weapons as everybody else but aerator this guy even specializes in melee combat i don't know who the [ __ ] sees giant insects swarming a city and says to themselves oh boy i better grab my hammer cowabunga it is the vulcan hammers like a nuclear bomb on a stick you have failed the vibe chat i just don't play him because spamming shift in space all around to maximize his wave dash gives me arthritis so i leave that [ __ ] to heavenly or her boku they both had fencers so power leveled that inviting them to my party was like typing sv underscore cheats 1 in the console yo if aliens are real i was about to ask you is that going good all right get your glasses ready wait oh i live nope the risk of that weapon is not friendly fire it's that it will crash your game to desktop for a second there herbo i became that meme of that dude sitting in a fast food restaurant just glowing no matter the class you choose progression is the same and grind doesn't even begin to describe each class is entirely separate so leveling up one does absolutely nothing to another and you don't level up per se you just get better [ __ ] picking up red crates increases your armor stat picking up green crates gives you a random weapon tutorial complete it's a grind but it's a fun grind because the more you build your armor and weapon stack the more you can play on higher difficulties hey man what's that hard mode like and the top tier weapons you earn later on are 100 worth the effort every class has at least something outrageous the rule of god is incoming what's the blast radius on this [ __ ] yes that's that now i know what you meant by the blast radius is yes making it to the end of the campaign will grant you the honor of killing god or at least blowing up his brain in a level that consists of every laser ever created being beamed into your eyes lasers aren't real don't bother trying to understand it because i fully comprehend every bit of the story and that [ __ ] doesn't add up hey we got the queen it's like uh did you get the queen or a queen good thing it doesn't matter because edf 4.1 the shadow of new despair is one of the greatest arcade games i've ever played it's worth the 20 demon dollars and playing it with my friends made it downright unforgettable holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] clown bro me and the remodeled mcdonald's adding select all ingredients to my burger what about that mother [ __ ] 43 oh yes the ultimate trait in a sniper rifle a glaring lack of accuracy i've seen an entire cluster of ants move a rock before not a big rock but like a decent sized pebble for i saw them pick up nebraska [Laughter] just before i go shout out to always has been and loot x for making the kick-ass map that you saw in this video magic for helping me fix some of the bones on some of the models and most of all you shout out you for letting me borrow your eyeballs for 20 minutes but if you want to do me a super super big solid please buy some guacamole gamer fart 9000 it is a real energy drink it's not a joke and it happens to be the greatest energy drink in the universe but don't buy it for that reason buy it because i make money off of it and i always need more money do it for that reason and do it for me after washing that back for a second i kind of sounded like a psychopath for a split second there but don't worry about it that's not really me [ __ ] it could be i don't know thanks very much for watching and i'll see you next time goodbye [Music]
Channel: TheRussianBadger
Views: 10,877,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earth defense force, earth defense force 4.1, earth defense force 5, therussianbadger, edf, earth defense force gameplay, earth defense force 4.1 gameplay, earth defense force 4.1 review, earth defense force mech, edf 5, earth defense force 4.1 multiplayer, earth defense force 4.1 multiplayer gameplay, earth defense force 4.1 pc, earth defense force 4.1 the shadow of new despair, edf 4.1, earth defense force 4.1 pc gameplay, edf 4.1 review, earth defense force 5 mech, gameplay
Id: cyRmxjhYrmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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