Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court (Ep. 19)

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oh nice okay Chad vote yea or vote nay should we trade all of our heirlooms to get the bank because I've got a lot of money right now might not be a bad idea while you're doing that I'm gonna put together my courtyard team because we're almost certainly gonna be going into the courtyard here oh you gotta be kidding me I didn't even see she's come on it why are you gone why do you have to be gone now god damn it everybody says we have to trade for the bank so I agree let's do it let's trade like everything six seven [ __ ] eight that's it right that'll do we need one more there we go all right Bank time yep sweet okay yeah that basically takes care of my cash issues assumedly so long as I'm not overspending every week all right well that's done cool yeah it's crests are pretty cheap too that's true so I can I can trade those off pretty easily all right man well you know what [ __ ] it I don't even need them I don't need no stinking árboles let's just build a different team let's go with flatulent leper bounty hunter Vestal that's actually pretty good well throw the leper in spot one this is good why don't I just do this this is fine yeah this is strong this is doesn't that the marx energy that the other team had but it's a good team frontline tank is strong double heals bounty hunter and spot three has advantages especially with a bleed synergy I like it all right there's our team cool uh let's make sure they're all set go to the guild real quick grave-robber instead of bounty hunter out of the grave robbers rank five so I can't take her sadly that would be a decent option though I I'm gonna have to look at the stagecoach again - there's a Hellion bottom tier does not have a lot of well really a lot of options at all anymore I also probably want to commit these two mmm could save money though I could get rid of this antiquarian completely there I just pooped that's wonderful wreck site good news I don't think the I don't think the fanatic can show up in the courtyard no I'm pretty sure you can all right let's just go to the gill that was gonna be my first option here let's make sure this is all said judgment doesn't really need it bounty hunter does need a lot of love let's upgrade Cal trips I guess with the extra bleed chance one's been too much cash though we're mostly pretty well taken care of here in fact that one might be worth it but maybe not yeah I don't really see much need to change a lot of these he's gonna be using this group I don't think he's gonna use her claim actually I think I'll you suffer endure might not be a bad idea either hmm just heal them it's worth if you think so the vestal what is you what do you have now love interests won't go with a brothel I guess that's okay let's go ahead and toss her in there real quick and then Dave guy and 22 salad fanatic is a heck and useless vampire hunter goes after the people wandering around and not the big courtyard full of them fair point fair point you also have a certain [ __ ] condition don't you alright fine you're not getting you're not getting saved then don't save her she don't wanna be saved don't save her she don't want to be saved don't save her she didn't want to be saved what am I gonna do I could give you the fortifying garlic that seems like a pretty good option I don't think I need to upgrade to much no camping skills I think we're good I am gonna take this off because I'm finally got her I've finally got him up in the front I will use intimidate again the fanatic is probably not invited I agree last Raven feel like a rash tear vessel for having to- resolve checks but i did tell you that was a highwayman at heart Thank You Raven for the 4/20 appreciate it buddy grab a highwayman instead of bounty hunter crunchy in the milk is available oh yeah you're right about that the Tim but Timmy but Timmy welcome to the bear pile thing if it's twitch prime sub um bounty hunter over highway man or highwayman over bounty hunter the highwayman does have bleed synergy but so does the bounty hunter I would be taking off playing playing shot for pistol shot I probably wouldn't even use the Wolves advance probably go grapeshot blast um no I'm gonna use bounty hunter I'm happy with this I'm gonna come and keep this team together let's see start off with leper actually has one of these badass no she he did have one before it got stolen that's right that's right I keep forgetting about that these bloodsucker trinkets though are gonna be wonderful so let's give one to maybe the best of them to the drink welcome to the Bearpaw button thanks for the subscription appreciate it let's give one to the vessel and let's give her juni his head as well I'll switch up a cut for flashbang yeah good call yeah let's do that instead that's probably better that way we get a pretty decent stun chance up against these guys flashbang actually yeah it's a pretty damn good one great in apposition shuffle team that's yeah that's true but I don't know how worried about that I am right now great stun chance on the flashbang yeah that's a good choice let's do that there and then we'll give him the mirror I'm gonna give him the coven's Signet as well Cove and Signet flagellants eternity scholar not all that great I'm gonna wait again till I've got martyrs heal for that one heart burst hood is pretty good though yeah you know what actually now I think I'm gonna go Sun cloak instead fortifying garlic I want to use that on her I don't know if it's gonna really work out that way tweeting the quickie mode oh nice awesome yeah I'll check that out thanks buddy got to make sure we use the mercurial selves here I think I'm gonna give that to you and then I think it is gonna have to be fortifying garlic for my vessel because I would not feel good if I ended up having to get a crimson curse on her as well blood thirst ring is not the greatest choice I don't think I think I'm gonna use resurrections collar let's do that and then I got this second Sun Club which it would be silly not to use well throw that on him cool that's pretty damn good this is looking pretty strong Shapley mom the bear pile thing for the twitch Prime subscription this is not bad at all great team great team this will do it man let's do this [ __ ] lowered bleed skills a bit risky but yeah it's probably fine two of those two of those two of those bunches of blood probably six is enough and I almost certainly will get more as we go through here I think there's a chance for the need for anti-venom I don't need more torches than this there are a few holy water interactions in here and I could get rid of some debuffs this way I've already got one anyway look at this team we're gonna do great thanks Lucy oh yeah every provision right here we got to get let's just fully stack them why not we have a little extra money right now more blood you don't think we'll get more I feel like we'll get more I feel like we'll get more 16 torches might be overkill yeah I feel like I've brought more than I need of those so maybe we'll dump those those off laudanum I think we've got enough more everything especially a lot in them really I've only three left reconsider the collar they say lowered that bleed skill chance yeah you know I don't disagree I definitely don't disagree I could give him warriors bracer accuracy stone I could do the opposite of this and give him the bleed stone and lose a little bit of speed let's do that why not not that many shovels I actually agree with that too now that I think about it these I've over provisioned with quite a bit more blood really yeah all right you say so that's a common sentiment kind of enough to make me think it's good we're pretty deep into this so I really don't know how much of everything I'm gonna need I think I'm pretty happy with this inventory at the moment let's roll with this I think this will be satisfactory okay just like the button let's do it courtyard stack the blood keys are apparently like totally useless in this place I don't think I've even found a single use for him already craving oh that's right we left right before this doors so there's something right beyond here I would guess another fight with a crocodile if I were a betting man let's go find out cow guns still Gunkel welcome to the pile my friend thank you very much no I do not want tip somewhere to go please hold off wow that's big huge loss of damage right away I'd love to kill you before you can actually do anything the Bounty Hunter will almost certainly be able to do that judgment maybe there we go and now we can flash bang hell yeah get that extra stun chance baby blood suckers okay I could maybe you know I don't think I'll actually be able to one-shot you this is still a good idea leper will definitely go for this guy I'm gonna hit him with the bounty you're done damnit maybe you should've given him an accuracy trinket man starting to feel the effects of that already alright let's just make sure I don't fail to heal might even want to equip his restoration overtime just to make sure that I don't [ __ ] that up we're gonna let the vestal get a nice big heal off hopefully yeah I should use the torches for the accuracy bonus you're not wrong there we go alright he's already dead right yes we can just go ahead and try to stall out for a little bit more healing suffer I'm gonna swap suffer with his heal over time for sure pretty damn sure that's the way to go and he lit up that's alright that's alright that's alright success so clearly and beYOU I'm getting rid of that or is it merely a trick of the light and oh thank god there's actually more beyond that oh hello an anachronistic mixture of both rotted and fresh victuals adorn the card I know how to handle that mop a torch real quick just in case this is another big baddie empty room they're really fooling me with this [ __ ] man this map this map though this map though this map though god damn never noticed what the chevalier is standing on the little rock or something he is that's the big like men in black slug looking [ __ ] isn't it oh I missed the curio [ __ ] my bad I totally ignored it yeah sorry I'll go back I think we might have to go back anyway there you go I must've been looking at chat or something my bad hey dirt move what's up buddy stun it up never mind okay okay Wow oh wow great is the weapon that cuts on its own and he activates the riposte okay he is scary as the fiend pulls blossoms I was saying this map though over and over that is that that's right that is what I was doing I forgot wow he just killed himself at 32 holy [ __ ] I've got a massive bleed on him as well I might be okay to just go ahead and heal myself yeah I'm gonna try it what do you do how you do thirst now okay that's actually kind of bad right yeah I forgot about that whole self healing thing that sucks but you can probably still kill them there we go all right a trifling victory not too bad hold on I'm gonna go check this little wine card out gala Bay going good man are you doing wine card hello some of the bottles are still intact try the herbs nothing anti-venom a pleasant vintage Oh stretchy oh that's the good old thaumaturgy on the alcohol trick here we go yes yes there we go shovel use a shovel shovel use shovel use a shovel spoiled spoiled spoiled spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers motoring evidence of a society's depravity give it the blood okay give it the holy water nope give it the shovel what sadist put treasure in its skull finding this stuff is only the first test oh that's good I must be carried home gimme gimme gimme gimme give me all the portraits yes well actually wait those are not nearly as valuable anymore I just totally forgot we just built the bank yeah well [ __ ] it shovel everything apparently shovels there IOP is hell in here we go this shorter way first I'm not worried about the stress now thank you oh they significantly shorten the amount of time those bark steak thank you Red Hook thank you for listening that is so much better that's like a third of the time well probably still need some portraits for other district upgrades anyway so I'm glad we have those going yeah dungeons got a long in it so now I know damn well that I do not want to allow him to use that one particular move we're gonna try to kill him as quickly as possible prevent you from using infallible servitude on him and now all the damage goes to you this map though leopard shop for the win Cal trips are okay when you can combine them with other bleeds obviously it's a lot more effective by itself it's decent for dealing with the back liners you're probably next right oh my god how via lots of stress lots of stress we're dealing with now bucket their formation is broken maintain the offensive I could reclaim here and the ply stun to this guy lovely now to expect it love this two men did you get the patch that lowers the stacks of blood I did yes indeed I did and I'm sad about it I want to stack this up but I can probably kill him with this move or at least get close to it oh my god all right not bad not bad pride precipitates I'm just not gonna worry about min max in the [ __ ] in here I'm just gonna worry about making it where the hell is this Scout ending up I can't even see the damn thing there we go take all the short paths if you insist chat oh wow that's why you were yelling and screaming at me okay well I'm glad I found that out holy [ __ ] that's significantly important okay let's see let's just give you some blood take that alrighty so use a shovel on every instance of line that's why it's giving me so much food clearly beyond and another shovel awarded to the brave and the foolhardy of life I could have another meal man why not don't need a camp yet but wow we got a campfire that is amazing there's still so goddamn much I hope it at least connects a little bit I don't know how much backtracking we're gonna have to do over here hunger tiles totally fine let's get our accuracy yeah I know let's not worry about it let's just keep our torches available I'll give her a shot sure before truth waiting to be spent garbage gotta hope for at least like a rare trinket from her I think shovel is pretty dams to holy [ __ ] if only treasure could staunch the flow what how is this a thing now oh my god we have two campfires that's a big old hallway damn okay I mean why not I can camp out and I'm just not gonna bother with you I'll take a shovel to your face or literally do nothing that's probably my best option I don't really want to use any more precious blood let's gain some instead and how about we move you to the front how's that sound thanks still got to deal with your [ __ ] but actually I probably should have shuffled this one because I could talk dazzling light maybe the other guy but then again maybe I couldn't have let's at least attempt to get rid of one first there we go he's gone then I'll put him in his spot where I still gonna get it off okay Oh beautiful [ __ ] yes there you go back her and you shovel you go back and shovel her right now she deserves to be shoveled luckily that riposte is not extremely threatening at all I think I might want to let the leper finish you off I kind of doubt that he's gonna do that skewering repartee again mostly because he's dead chubs is ready to get picked up yay chubs we don't have to miss chubs anymore go get him if your inventory is full you can wait on the shovels you're backtracking a lot I see yes yes yes okay he's done do I wanna bother with the heals I don't think so these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can't be beaten again I'm really not gonna worry much about my gold management in here I'm more concerned about making it through obviously well goddamn just keep giving me that Wow okay I mean I still want to keep everything obviously so how about the Cresswell I need heirlooms now - I'm pretty low on those so that's a stack of a thousand gold though that's really tough to say no - no and don't need the key obviously that is a trap he's got 95 seriously cruel imaginations bring to life okay it's my connect this might connect back over here which would be lovely ex-cons yeah my god oh that's a negative quirk there are a disease which I resisted thank you oh yeah I don't you stand the little rock there isn't he look at that that's kind of cute the courtesan is probably the most threatening of the bunch here that's an unfortunate shuffle though I think I'd like to I might suffer maybe not the best idea what's the one that does the removal of stress is that Endor yeah that's Endor which I don't even have equipped unfortunately I could reclaim that's a pretty good idea too yeah I like that I like that now look at their they totally have a party member dovi yeah that's hilarious I had no idea those things stayed in the background like that while the while the fight was going on that's pretty great yeah that totally does look like a fifth enemy that's pretty good I should've got it with this shovel yeah you're not wrong I missed my opportunity there now she's gonna buff him up stack the restore baby or help her Oh God and there goes the GAR there's a pretty big buff with that too for protection I might have to intimidate this guy oh my goodness hey reindeer hey welcome that's good these more-or-less gonna cancel each other out I guess which is probably fine I should stun you yeah stun EU and they cannot dodge anything nor can he prevent anything further stacks further racks give me that and intimidate is really tempting here but I could probably one-shot this guy seems good man seems good keep it the bounty on her alive against their wishes yeah that could be bad that's horror isn't it probably time for laudanum uh my good old Bounty Hunter here and maybe even a bandage if I feel like it and I do I definitely do and let's deal some [ __ ] damage they're all bloodsuckers in here that's right that is right can I kill you probably long as it doesn't hit for five right and gets the bleed which it did not super duper let me heal you again they just do not stop attacking him holy [ __ ] knock it off the poor guy I've been healing him the whole damn time they will not leave them alone do I get another big heal here I do indeed don't I come on now it's time to redeem boy there it is that'll take care of it don't need the light so let's go for the crit let's go for the crit again and do they smell blood they smell the fear they smell him dripping as well with a craving the craving for the blood better optimal Behr optimal all day long more blood for the blood god sees this momentum I want those two the tasks and I'm not gonna take him and I'm gonna give you the blood I'm gonna worry about the bleeds I'm not gonna shovel her in the face as much as I want to believe you me I want to do it I want to say that weird need for you to smash shrews with shovels chat but it is tainted your request is tainted you call that the bear taffy syndrome leave them with one health yeah that sounds about right I should probably camp because that is an option now let's do it yeah [ __ ] it certainly had a thought I would be doing this quarantine is pretty good I'd love to get an encourage or two on you I'm not gonna take any of his I don't think he's the only one with the courage to sadly I doubt there's gonna be an ambush but maybe I'll regret that scout ahead is probably not necessary I think I might take this is how we do it then what reflection isn't bad bloody shroud not bad either pray praise not terrible I think I'll do this because that is a pretty substantial buff for those two helps him out a little bit too and then let's go for you don't have anything right besides the curse pep talk sure oh come on it well and the world's worst shuffle they've got a gun oh my god ambushed in the courtyard rip it's dark I'm gonna get dark there's a ghoul Jesus this is terrible that's a little better what about you you got anything cool no all right don't die oh boy okay let's start healing him because everything in this place wants to murder my bounty hunter that that is very clear to me now every enemy I've run into wants to murder my bounty hunter shovel should I shovel this true man that's what you get she's summoning these folks stack another restorer I don't think it's really necessary at this point but I also don't really have a better option I guess a bucket you do that I think I'll move the Bounty Hunter back now actually resisted it okay and there's a stun I may just deal with this I think on him I'd like to remove it just because he's so high up already all right and now we're looking a little better let's go for that good [ __ ] I don't think I'm gonna stack that anymore I think I'll just punish still a little bit too much stress going around the crew nice that's a spicy Weiner spicy Weiner indeed bonus damage judgment calls for biggest size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade sweet alright get rid of that take that extra food I think I'm just gonna eat that with you take the debuff amulet cool good [ __ ] that was unexpected you are bandages right that is indeed bandages debuff charm disease charm no good no good Adam good evening how are you that connects right it's got a it's got to connect connects to there I think I'll go here first debatable oh my god how how is this happening that was that a thing I needed to bring more food man I mean that's why they're giving me all this [ __ ] curio interactions to go I'll have food okay you're obviously first good start not as good twenty-two solid we got Wayne and a Waner but what's the way missed the ground quakes that would be the Wayne the wayna stuff laners all the one shot I can't actually scroll out far enough to see the whole map cynic that's how [ __ ] big the map is I literally cannot zoom out that far nice more food well I don't think I can take it though I'm gonna have to consider whether or not I want to drop off some of these extra [ __ ] to make room for more campfire food though I can also eat minimally and just take the campfire buffs but then I'd have to worry about the ambush obviously or the Sun again I think no bleed on that one that really sucks never mind 52 geez I want a double stun here I'm gonna go for the flashbang and then the dazzling light they try to prevent the transformation I believe you mean this map though I believe I do indeed mean this map though bonus damage right there close let's finish him maybe we'll get another crit 452 huh about that come on chef come on shop not bad yeah sure is a pretty thick crit indeed they all hate him so much what's your beef with my bounty hunter yell come on now as victories mount so too will the resistance another branching path holy [ __ ] don't forget to leave them at one health point that's right that's right you guys [ __ ] it there goes the last one alright I doubt I needed a third campfire to be honest so I'm not gonna stress that too much I must have the blood well start with this one these guys might actually cause some issues I probably want to try to stun a few of them constantly the whole time stun forever it's most likely the best play but I could also more than likely kill this guy before he gets in action here exact damage beautiful maybe you should prioritize provisions instead of money and heirlooms I might have to cappuccino yeah I very well might have to I really think these stuns are gonna be the name of the game here got a lot of potential control of this fight I might actually oh man yeah I got the bleed I could get the leopard damaged again come on plus the judgment Oh she gets to go second fell that's fine that is more than fine that is beautiful in fact you are not quite dead I think I'm gonna give you the judgment for three perfect all right well we handled this pretty well I can still flashbang you it's actually still a decent chance this is against the bloodsucker as well and there we go and now he gets the big guy doesn't quite get the big heal [ __ ] okay well wait till next turn and then he'll get the big heal up on the leper more than likely if I group heal that will take away yeah that'll take away his ability to give the big one off in the library so we'll just let him do that and then depending on turn order we should have this more or less taken care of I'll probably Cal trips here oh I can't hit him with that that's right one more time holy [ __ ] actually worked that's wonderful withstand yay this is beautiful so much better cred he'll even nice and he's dead good [ __ ] this expedition at least promises success new trinket fidgets spinners dude what is going on oh speaking of which what is going on we need a red key need a red key on that padlock okay I had to do an emergency script mind you an emergency script urgency at the highest level for fidget spinners who's like for craziest finished fidget spinners you must see like they just they just spin around shovel the door I don't even have a shovel so the red key is probably not like directly adjacent to this area right which means I might be safe not even going this way but my curiosity is getting the better of me that's bad I need more I need more food somehow I had a ton of extra they'll need that for sure man am I actually gonna have to come back again I mean I could just leave and then come right back with more provisions one more time Oh give me the food please dammit alright yeah there was absolutely no point to that I lost the shovel of Destiny yes when do we get a bear taffy fidgets minute that's them that's the logical follow-up question to what I was just talking about man this thing is stupid [ __ ] how do I get myself to market it to my to my audience how can I sell this dumb thing slap my face on it BAM done look more wine let's smash it but I'm fun Adam there you go there you go don't worry don't worry something tells me that Center room is a danger zone I'm looking at this yeah thinking this is more than likely gonna be our our destination oh that sucks okay never mind we'll go with a long way folks buckle up Oh yo I did not see that okay that was lucky oh hey whoa yo hey no shovels rip hey shrew see you later see you later camp twice leave then come back fully provisioned it's the tempting offer but I feel like I'll probably be okay he's going up this way okay let's make damn sure I actually interact with this trap this time where is it it's hiding from me very dis the blade I come bearing gifts let me give you something better than the quarterman fresh out of exposure that's all good man I'm getting plenty blood for shovel I don't think that's an actual thing is and I'm pretty sure that shrew basically only gives out trinkets for blood which is why they will continue to sit there forever you'll be a happy camper before you get rekt I might have to I'm thinking I just take a a cheap camp before I go either to here or here gives me a little inventory space too but never mind so much for the campfire yes oh my god how did this happen I didn't I definitely had not anticipated getting to fire woods out of this that was not my plan I can still eat half yeah if I want to but I really want to go here I really want to go to this room so I'm gonna hang on to my food until I'm sure if I need a hunger tile or not if I need it for a hunger tile I mean there we go come on come on come on come on come on what do we get what do we get it's a little tough actually well tougher than I expect it anyway I think I might try to stun control him if at all possible and then try to kill these guys quickly now throw a flashbang his way there we go that for the kill missed it not a good start keep targeting him there we go right there right there that's your boy that's your boy not that one that's a that's a lady what a fine garlic I did nothing it did nothing god damn it god damn it god damn it leave them with one that's how you do it the garlic has forsaken us see garlic's they did nothing it sucks so much curse die come on leper who exact sweet remind yourself that overconfidence this is slow and insidious killer I'm taking this that's not a bad trinket least I get something out of this right oh goodness we're not even to the empty room yet unfortunately let's go for it though look at this [ __ ] thing [ __ ] nonsense I want to pop a torch real quick too cuz we definitely have not been using those look at that map though Oh on the pull forward digging off a flatulent god damn it let the beste go first please come on nope uh what we're doing this then and maybe even healing or something I might just have to move forward all right no you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do that gonna have the flatulent bleed himself I'm gonna have her move backward then he can do whatever the [ __ ] he wants okay you might even flashbang quite a bit from back there oh my god stop it please it needs to end especially when they sell feel and the resistance this is actually torture there we go oh right yeah I forgot about that one that was fun this shuffle around this is why you always shovel the shrew I may be learning my lesson here this is less than half right this is annex and 1/8 give it to me the dance with the corpse yes no stress he'll sadly she's a 97 man holy [ __ ] I'm gonna go ahead and throw it with stand on here all right all right he is dead I might be able to get one more heal on someone even though it's not really gonna be that all that helpful and it doesn't matter Ruby in place of what laudanum anti-venom anti-venom has been basically useless I want that what 1250 gold that's pretty good for you anti-venom for this literally nothing I probably should have left that just in case we could have come back for it later but I'm still holding out hope that we I probably should have gotten rid of the campfire to actually yeah I'm so confused by what the proper procedure is here it's pop a torch again for the accuracy buff it's [ __ ] locked man it's locked it's all locked I'm out of food can't even camp I got a shuffle yeah there's the resolve check and frailty finally claim they'll do and is it ever gonna end I must have like missed a key somewhere come on I believe they make you walk all the way back after finding out that's a hot [ __ ] door oh my goodness okay we're going this way we're gonna check out this room probably get another resolved check on the bounty hunter he's the blood once we're out of blood I mean obviously at that point I got a bounce I can't really stress you'll know I need to hang onto the the food in case of a hunger tile because I'm continuing to explore further if I get caught without the food for hunger tile I will be totally [ __ ] totally totally [ __ ] god man I I'm gonna have to like remember where the gates are or just cheat and have you guys tell me I'm gonna leave this here too just in case we can find food with it later to Esquires shirts if I were you to ease the pain thank you buddy I need it because that is a terrible shuffle terrible terrible shuffle flageolet needs to go forward I probably need to go ahead and move that guy back kill him all right not bad I can't get the fledgling up oh that is just a god-awful shuffle all right everybody's gonna be hurting after this both move forward though and at least they're not doing their repost I don't know if I've seen what they have once they transform I'm pretty terrified of that and they might both move forward which would be terrible yeah that's what's happening oh wait no he stayed back good all right flatulent hits this guy with the Cal trips probably won't stun him but the bleed might be significant enough if I managed to make this count no I did not nor did I bleed that's terrific that'll do all right I might want to try to one shot him that's a pretty good chance there we go the thirst again unexpected but acceptable debuffs himself like crazy accuracy is pathetic now [Music] I'll probably have enough damage here there we go that's good stuff do I get selfish greedy I don't think so you still have a stun chance or a stun resist as well so let's heal up let him do his thing I guess oh that's not good lots of leads you are pretty low - I might have to I think I'm gonna use restore maybe try to prevent his resolve check we got a stun there now yeah that seems like my best bet unless I get a big fat heal here which I did not not even a little bit bleeding more than I'm healing unfortunately I'm still only able to do this alright alright man one more big one there we go should I would stand again yes yes I should flatulent please get a big hit with the punish okay really risking letting him move again Oh yep yep yep yep yep that was certainly questionable I'll just flashbang one more time though and everything will be okay never mind judgment not enough that was [ __ ] cool I should kill him before he commands reinforcements here yeah all right more blood too so I don't know what's in this chest let's find out it's a key yes green key dispose of the holy water take the key I guess we didn't need the camp fire actually yeah the holy water might have how to use there's another fight god damn it okay hold on a real quick question if I if I leave now will I keep the key vote yay vote nay if it will disappear or I have no idea what will happen actually like I could camp now twice for stress removal and then bounce he stays campfires won't alright so we use these right now and I guess just banned a job okay let's double camp out with a happy then in the dark I don't may yet be one and stress heal the [ __ ] out of everybody sounds good to me probably sanctuary as well let's just make sure I do that this time actually she [ __ ] refused it great fantastic that seems good we'll do this too and there it goes oh thank god alright man really good man pretty good lots of stress gun pray would have been good too not as good anymore I think I've got to accept that I need to commit this Vestal which means I'll probably just reflection sanctuary again and encourage the lever bounding out it probably needs to be committed as well all right cool that was not terrible I suppose let's get the [ __ ] out of here yet again leading failure the campaign is long and victory so you say Wayne so you say all right yeah I guess I can come back with the árboles now that's true like a phobia sucks clumsy is even worse all right yeah at least we didn't lose anyone that's not some optimism who will know the tragic extent of my failing wonder chef is back all right all right then well first of all let's get this sorted out rearrange my level here and let's commits first of all the fighting chick who can only go to you second of all antiquarian who can only go to the bar also fantastic look at all this curse look at all this [ __ ] curse this is absurd man so we could go back we could go back right away if I wanted to do something like well Eric I should probably commit as well it's fix Eric cash first with the cloister all right so yeah I'm gonna wait till I've got my Vestal in my bounty on her back so let's burn through a mission real quick bumper crop would be good and that would give us free provisions on the on the courtyard now we're gonna do one more mission then we'll go back Jack a Levin yeah now let me know about the campfires obviously I'm in a different position but let's do a quick mission here really wish I could do another antiquarian run but let's let's actually see if there's maybe oh you know Shrieker if we survive but then I uh I don't want it I don't want to like sacrifice somebody against the Shrieker I really can't afford to be losing people like that so no that's what I'm not gonna happen sharpening sheep is not bad bumper crop would obviously be helpful in the commander's orders are okay I could kill a boss I could go kill the [ __ ] necromancer no baron yet no swine Kings sanguine snuff Wow that's a pretty good trinket who could be taking this we could take wonder chef now we want to build Marc party and that's not really available right now or actually it kind of is kind of is sorta not really maybe I'll just do the gather grain sacks and get the bump bumper crop is good let's just go get bumper crop that'll work we'll do a Hellion to the bear rum bread welcome to the pile buddy thanks with twitch brian sub appreciate it joey badge animo dude let's do got probably bring john rebel out and then maybe bring the ARB list I don't think she'll rank up above four but I could avoid that risk entirely by not bringing her out at all - should I go with I could throw her in the back and I could do something like highwayman in spot three I [ __ ] the fanatic I believe three times now and it's gone fairly well the last couple of times although I have lost some folks this is probably okay actually let's just do this man I wish I could bring out the the antiquarian with the steam now I would repost everything this is pretty solid not too shabby a cult this wouldn't be bad but this does the job let's just bring this squad out rank them up a little bit get them ready to go yeah third slot of Colt this isn't great but it's not great for the Warrens or it's not bad I mean to say but it's not great for the Warrens upgrade John rebel almost all the way in fact yeah I might as well give them everything yeah well it's not that good [ __ ] it let's not even worry about that let's do get ourselves some improved stunts chance riposte is not entirely necessary I got to make probably well opened Vania is a good idea I'll use that upgrade pistol shot grape shot blast definitely not my first choice but I might actually use it this time because he's in the back when we use tracking shot more than likely as well so let's upgrade that fully - we've had eight deaths so far dinghy which is not all that good could be much much better expansive upgrades on the new vestal alright what fun time to overspend and waste the bank hooray you know it you [ __ ] know it baby alright so we are looking to prevent curse probably gonna go ahead and still use these mercurial options Sun cloak is still a pretty damn good option - I think I give the vest old genius oh you know I do have that profane scroll now I got to consider that for the future rampart shield for sure on you and let's give him Sun cloak as well I want the Hellion to be hitting pretty hard mark of the outcast we could use that this time that's not bad more death blow resistance for her finally let's do that mark of the outcast for my Hellion highwayman these Slayers ring is good let's do that and give him just a straight-up damaged stone maybe yeah that's giving mercurial self now I'm gonna throw the bloodthirst ring on my vessel again I've really enjoyed the bloodthirst ring written lately she does have the curse I could give her the Kevin signet but I think I'm better off with this alright good stuff let's make this a fairly quick one I think we're more or less ready to go this shouldn't be too tough I can use cross here as well I think I'm going to I'm gonna trade off Bella for defender and then she's got I should use bleed skills for her let's do a if it bleeds do I rank that up slightly higher chance is probably worth it alright and then we can use the bank to at least a slightly useful extent I'm gonna bring a few blood this time not as much food full stack of those this is the warrants will bring a few extra a couple of each of these and no laudanum I think we'll be okay that'll work that'll work let's go they bluffed they they bluffed it they buff the bloodthirsty ring a little bit yeah it's a little bit better now they changed to the what was it was it like loss of dodge or something it's now less healing received even the fiercest beast will lay down when it is not eaten see their food 22 solid steel that food you almost nailed it man and my quarter thank you they bluffed it yeah they did bluffin ancient drops why and wait wrong books [ __ ] [ __ ] the Bucks take the pages of the books and you [ __ ] em you [ __ ] up your main kind of light-sensitive those bolts suck but what do you have flatulent in shocker you know what I'm gonna fix you up John remove flageolet nice take a fancy right away you can stun them and we can Yap these two actually so let's go for the back liner whoever that ends up being which is you now we should probably just kill the ones that are transforming first but now that Jaap is even better nice curse resistance come on good dodge oh great shot not very good unfortunately uh okay it's got to be the upright that takes away two thirsts one of which is from an untransformed entity so yeah this is seeming pretty good I like this as well Maximillian on top are welcome to the pile my friend thank you very much for the subscription appreciate it twitch crime thank you thank you kill you now we're in range of rampart can also maybe kill you nice perfect not too shabby get the crush kill now do I want to keep doing this advance on just in case I need to move him forward might not be a terrible idea Chris Archie keep having dreams that my testicles are getting twisted and falling off any advice I didn't realize we'd become the dr. drew show all of a sudden sounds like you got like something you're stressed about if you need to get something off your chest there you are not the father due to testicular torsion congratulations uh-huh the wound is starting to fester the flesh around it is gray flaking and rigid almost scale-like as I write this my breathing is taken on a hollow timbre and is more labored my kin Patriots are laughing and telling me not to worry it's just the salt mist in the air that pervades these caverns all right you got to die you got to go ahead and get killed buddy before you do anything thank you for targeting her okay inconvenient no more table scraps for chubs he's obese he's obese oh no poor buddy how's this self-confidence doing we can't take him to the beach anymore he needs his bikini bod oh god I hold on let me blow my nose again [Music] it's what his paperwork says he's obese oh no poor thing great heels baby welcome to the pile my friend thank you very much for the twitch Prime subscription see it sneezes man this is this is disgusting nostril clearing say anything you want to get be listening into I don't think sing go have some - my man does that mean dough in another language thank you very much for the tip I appreciate it for the ten bucks much obliged we do have deck of a nose blow at some point I do agree with that that it was a good blow oh you know it chubs is beautiful no matter what they say that's right does not need your validation chubs does not need to conform to the standards of society he is a beautiful animal goddamnit he's just living according to his namesake and there's nothing wrong with that it's admirable in fact let me take take care of this highwayman for a second he's a little low I also do have quite a bit of potential of dealing with the the curse here unfortunately kind of hoping to get lucky with that da go positivity that's right I'm making the Baron very upset by throwing away his invites I should I should be more considerate of his feelings - were clearly interested in creating some safe spaces for these creatures today time to heal time to heal up this is starting to suck hard good night dragon max thanks to the support today buddy you up do it can I kill you please let me do so with that obviously but the riposte is certainly gonna help us out and maybe the pistol shot will do well great dodge come on now give me a big one here do it Oh God it never ends the madness man stunned my guard as well there he goes okay I am [ __ ] I am [ __ ] I should have given her the extra stun chance against the bloodsuckers that might have been a good idea I can also maybe bleed you with the open vein so I'll probably try that I need to heal my highwayman but I keep putting it off in favor of this extra damage and now I can't even reach him with the [ __ ] open vein but I can leave him with one hit point that's an option too antivenom time open vein sure all right I got to give him a solo he'll it's listening to me it knows I got it me I got a knock you out mama said knock you out knock this out - fine have it your way now it's rental in rush big heal from the vestal what God did I piss off seriously some variant of eldritch one I'm sure I'm not saying we need a chubs training montage but we need a chumps training montage set - gonna fly maybe get him working out I guess I guess so here's number 1 see a journal page you got the torch light here - we're looking good not really scouting very well unfortunately try it out there we go that's the kind of team I want to see goodness let's prevent the stress damage if we can and also kill that guy die thank you know it might even grapeshot blast if you can believe it feeling like a wild and crazy kid man doing all this this unconventional weaponry here yours alright grapeshot show me what you're made up not bad definitely time to heal you you simply can't believe it I I don't know what to tell you man welcome to the pile okay Elise yeah all right and I'd be nice to him then hmm I've already taken action so I might be able to course it probably stun somebody right let's stun you and then keep spreading out the damage forever sitting gear with a buddy reciate the subscription welcome on in with twitch where our sorry now a standard sub pardon me I wanted this credit you spending the currency appreciate that very much thank you just can't help myself man I got to keep doing it he's done I might stun again ramparts not a terrible idea on you but the kill with the retribution against the gore oh he's got the protection that's right [ __ ] so let's just do this and miss completely how many around the dam pile a shitload man way more than I ever thought possible a totally ridiculous number and why do I keep doing that why must I be so foolish all right there we go gotta have enough damage next turn to be able to finish mop right only into round 5 not too bad people on the bottom of the pile are starting to firm it's it's nice bear with bear pile line going this momentum who's wrong to the tasks end Wow ok sure let's take him uh-huh we'll surplus of portraits there cool there we go [Music] I think I might need the food so maybe not with the tier 2 subscription Zach thank you very much for the $10 sub I appreciate that a lot welcome to the slightly elevated bear pile you get to look at all those fermenting bears on the bottom with pride and disgust simultaneously thank you so much for that that's very generous I appreciate a lot do you have for this hell yeah not bad not bad you can't wrap this arm 255 95 yep welcome to the bear paws hackles string a sub Sorrell you guys thank you very much for the continued support I appreciate a lot port cackles welcome to the pile as well and 22 solid bear and a thing you'll taffy I have been consoling the Baron for the past hour why don't you accept this invitation this poor Baron just wants to play with his bear more grapeshot how far are we from a thousand good question we are currently sitting at 915 915 subscribers a ridiculous amount the ground quakes as I mentioned just totally [ __ ] ridiculous Wow well done well done Louis poopface you continue to astound brick Studios whether the pile with twitch prime as well as Raven with a tier 2 sub most tier 2 is coming up strong thank you guys and we have to come up with something to give you I've got a few folks in that tier to pile now thank you very much so when we get a thousand will you stream yourself petting an actual live bear yes that will be the end of my channel we hit a thousand subs I go find a bear in the woods and then I mauled to death rip bear taffy all right we're gonna kill you before you do anything else right that's exactly what's happening there it is somebody heal how about we stun and how about another heal here I think I've got it to the bear play on Ausmus all the Krantz has Victory's mouth now so too will resistance oh man I'm gonna have to camp out here where's our third quest location where is it where is it it's nowhere [ __ ] play an ass miss welcome to the pile my friend thank you very much you should stream in a bear onesie um might have to be a stack of these portraits I'm afraid I'll go for the deeds first you only need one more we totally don't need to go this way let's hold off on the torchlight a little bit too welcome to the bear right perhaps just rez welcome to the pile my friend thank you for this magnificent subscription as well thank you so much totally unbelievable of just y'all hear me say it but I it it actually just doesn't feel real it doesn't feel like I actually have that many subscribers it feels made up and like until maybe I see the check from twitch I'm a still might not believe it it's absolutely bonkers crazy to me so thank you so much and maybe I need to reward y'all with a sham blur fight here we go but it's exactly how I feel I know right I know want to get this all taken care of first and then I might have to go back and have some fun spicy sea gambler open veins sure and I am going to retribution actually and then assume he's gonna take a lickin here and then let the Vestal heal him up hopefully iron swan will get the one-shot beautiful nyah lated yes magnificent wake up you're still in VR oh no the whole last two weeks it's all been in virtual reality I knew it no need for double stun let's just kill open vein is good please don't oh come on now hey hold on a second you weren't you weren't supposed to go yet old stock though God the bleed stack please stop it please I can't lose yeah it's gonna be death storm an perfect hunter with the 50 bits calling my name I'll have any bandages oh oh [ __ ] whoops oh God gotta heal them up there we go all right I could have gone better so we'll just camp out right now right then mosey on back over here after we've taken care of our issues grab that food as well obviously I don't want to do a wound care but I might I also don't want to prevent the ambush I want to take the Buffs Second Battle trance and get rid of the debuff from that and I'm almost certainly gonna do that tactics is wonderful more dodge on everybody five left at that point clean guns is amazing on the highway man but I can bless and encourage as well furious Brailler hey thanks buddy drink the blood if you're bleeding yeah you know what I don't think I'm actually gonna fight this sham blur I don't think I'm gonna do it just because I can't afford to lose any one man so I'm sorry for misleading you but this team is not really great and this is a veteran level sham blur and we've got the Baron coming up Thank You cynic blaze it's very kind of you I think I've got a I do you know why I've got to repost that's a fair point riposte four days would be good and we got iron Salon we've got like we could kill it but the thing is like the the the risk reward is very difficult to like there's way too many risks in the rewards or few is basically what I'm saying here I can i could get a sham blur altar which is we're not a sham blur all through a sham blur trinket which is really not that great in in many many other circumstances I would totally do this but right now I'm pretty sure I've just got a bounce and we got nine portraits so that's you know that's kind of cool I don't mind on a phobia though the reward is maintaining your respect which is now gone okay so nobody is gone right yeah we got all of our squad sweet let's go sort this out again back to the courtyard free provisions baby it's gonna save us some money now who do we send basically the same squad I'd imagine right erich koch unfortunately has a little bit of damage a little bit of stress damage but i think we could go full-blown mark party here marked for death I like it no stress he'll besides the hound master if I want to swap them but this seems pretty good marked for death often seems pretty damn good how do you feel Chet you like it I think I like it hard to feel wrong again about this team let's go ahead and use them let's do it let's upgrade them as well I think I'm gonna be missing having the flatulent bad plan bad plan no good don't like it hate it Barry you dummy why are you doing this Barry you're the worst person in the world whoa I'm not sold on it all right let me just let me throw this one out you here then how about a flatulent R bolused maybe a maybe you throw a crusader in the mix I'm thinking like well hold on you know I think I think I'm gonna do like I think I am gonna put a vessel in this team even though the fighting chick is a little bit too much stress I think I want give the good heals want to make sure I'm gonna be well I could do a cultist actually instead of instead of vessel here that might be okay and then we could throw the leper up front and then we've got a tank at least this is pretty good probably want to put him in the front then we got a lot of curse of course I can self stress heal the leper and I can take stress elsewhere this isn't bad yeah I like this let's do this okay this is better so do they need any help first of all do they need any upgrading whatsoever I'm gonna give them basically everything a lot of people are saying repost I'm assuming that's minor spoilers though for the for the boss fight so I'm gonna just pretend I don't see that I should consider upgrading my mark still but I don't know if I'm really gonna be using it I'm gonna buff the blind fire speed buff and let's look at the flatulence I could I've been putting off these upgrades and let's upgrade that as well this one - this one - [ __ ] it this one - not that all the way that I'm not all the way and then that'll be enough maybe I don't know what skills I'm gonna go with my with my colt is just yet make sure the nipples are upgraded yeah full strength nipples for the martyrs flesh so he will almost certainly use this kit actually yeah a vulnerability hex will be the way to go you'll use the reclaim I suppose along with the punish and then your two stronger skills might need this the endure but will wait on that for now intimidate obviously upfront and then she's got all she needs okay so we got lots of heals here obviously welcome to the pile thing you very much for the subscription appreciate it I do have my ambush prevention as well I've got a good amount of camping skills and I mean people would be too worried about that all right all right then let's worry about our trinkets up front we got to use these bloodsucker trinkets mercurial salve will be a good option dazzling mirror we should give to no one I guess yeah we don't have any stuns oh we don't have any stuns holy [ __ ] that might be a problem that sort of sucks huh maybe it'll be okay we'll do Sun cloak times two for these guys up front a little bit more dodge on my flatulent all that well no hold on I don't want him to have the Dodge I want to give it to my our bolused I think we'll do this I'm gonna give her the mercurial salv as well well now hold on fortifying garlic let's do fortifying garlic for her and then we'll do uh give the leper maybe the mercurial salv and let's see well wonder it I don't think I want to do blood thirst ring I'm just gonna bring a shitload of stuff cuz it's all free so I'm gonna over-provision like crazy and then you can take I could do resurrections collar but I shouldn't I shouldn't nerf myself like that oh yeah accuracy on the leper might not be a bad idea we could do that in place of the mercurial stuff and then give the mercurial south to him but I think that overall damage bonus is actually better used on him on the leper you might want to consider revenge on the leper really let's do this what two things am I gonna give you man damn it damn it damn it damn it oh you know what steady bracer steady bracer for you son cloak on my fledgling like I don't like giving him the dodge because they kind of want him to be hit but I guess it's good either way and then Warriors bracer maybe I get I feel like this is an okay option I guess uh yeah let's do that okay okay really I don't know man I'm not loving this I'm not loving this build the debuff stuff probably not a good idea I've been giving him the Warriors bracer a lot but that 10% bonus doesn't really seem like it makes a huge difference it's like one point of damage so let's just do this I guess this is probably fine okay let's set it up take all the right skills revenge on him huh maybe I don't want to spend the money to upgrade that though oh I haven't even give him giving him a second friggin trinket yet I should maybe give him the coven signet instead god damnit this is tough this is really tough to decide I [ __ ] I think I'm gonna do the damage stone man there we go we'll give him that okay all right cool that'll work let's go let's do it baby oh it just gives me the key right there okay cool all the shovels tons of food one stack of torches all those all those all those don't actually need that and then the blood I'll bring six blood I think six blood might be enough with just three folks I don't know for sure Sophie to be honest more food yeah I'm thinking maybe more food let's plug it yeah let's just bring the full stack food is free yeah more herbs yeah you do have there's just the one there we go keys are unnecessary that's probably good for the torches got the herbs keys are free but they're unnecessary I probably just end up tossing them I'm thinking we're good to go now let's do it let's go baby perhaps I will make it through after all today perhaps just maybe I'll have a chance get that blood so right away obviously go into here to take care of this battle we've got the green key I've also got herbs for this lovely now obviously we're looking for some campfires as well start with you yabba roscas this will definitely be the last run for the day final attempt at getting to the barren man it's been tough she is dead slowly blind fire now to avoid further confusion and because I don't feel too bad actually asking this question just because it's an issue of memory at this point the will hold on let me make this yeah okay there we go the green door is right here right that was this one and then the red door I think was down here so green doors here vote yay I'm pretty sure that's where I need to go okay cool that's what I thought so we'll do that first maybe even find the red key in there that's secretly what I'm hoping for but obviously if I say that out loud that means it won't actually happened to rip me I guess I need to shovel the shoe yeah that's a fair point too I owe it to you guys smack that [ __ ] in the face whoa bear all right man look we were just goofing around they get a little misogynistic about it let's just let's dial it back a second you got to calm down buddy come on come on Wow bear unsub thank God stuff your face with food bear you got so much now hold on hold on it just Rica next to that but wait a minute wait a minute did we find him have we done it oh goodness this seems like a great time to fight why not yeah let's go I could like the only thing I'm thinking is we go try to find a campfire and then get campfire bus but that risks being in a much worse position than I am right now why not let's find it here we go I should use the torch for sure the Baron oh alright there's our torch Bob these things prevent healing they're eldritch bloodsuckers oh hey pal Baron boys like whack-a-mole yes seriously so let me go ahead and confirm again as far as I'm aware this is also me this is the the second I shall be confirming this is indeed another one of my performances how'd he go pretty low for this guy okay okay all healing skills are locked man I think I have to knock out the eggs first but I'm kind of happy doing what I'm doing so far whooping ass a dizzying blow to body and brain alright alright you're hideous and I love it thank you I'm pretty ugly ain't I does he bleed himself with that attack over here okay the horror luckily that does put him below 50% gonna have to use some laudanum here forced enthusiasm big buff oh snap 22 solid Beachbody bear though mm-hmm baby I think I must have stacked the bleeped high enough didn't I yeah that was the that was the flatulence doing do I even want to bother marking him I'm pretty sure that's not a good idea he's not out roots unfortunately I thought he would be given the the way the eggs were behaving nice Dodge I can still intimidate here I'm gonna go ahead and use these two things as well make this a little bit better for myself get a kill here - why not he was buffed buffed up pretty substantially now I wonder if the blind fire might be a good idea Mac I like the damage on the Baron the second act back into the egg all right so obviously I don't want to open up too many because that would create more enemies but I imagine also that if I destroy all the eggs I'd be able to heal again he also might have like a surprise attack that he uses if I don't find him first sort of risky though yeah one of the time might not be a bad idea han sama well one of the pile my friend they can very much for the subscription appreciated I wonder which Aggies in yeah what a mystery oh my god I'm just now realizing that's why he can't examine eight oh that sucks okay so let's try to maybe kill all his friends first and then maybe the Baron will just hang out hopefully he's not like healing in there or something that'd be pretty bad we'll see I guess alright doing fine oh there we go okay broken bring him out now maybe we can Excel we can nice that's perfect they need it he didn't heal either he was just chillin that is kind of strange I thought for sure he'd have like some sort of advantage being in there but I guess not all right oh [ __ ] he's gonna transform though oh never mind oh so sure you would oh well oh yeah punish them again more bleeds that's working pretty well dodged it again it doesn't relie have room to move around anymore either look at how [ __ ] strong that bleed is probably time to heal there's the third act all right all right I need to I need to fix myself up let's go for the back first oh [ __ ] whoops okay well I guess I'm not healing uh let's try it I guess I can still sell all I can't sell feel that's right [ __ ] oh that's a problem well we'll give them the blood at least and intimidate you know withstand it's not a bad idea but intimidates also pretty effective because it's gonna have more or less the same effect if it actually lands oh that sucks um let's get rid of the debuff I guess well it doesn't really matter actually nevermind let's just do this we'll take out the one oh that's not good move forward right got the curse on her god damn it I even had the garlic again you know I might need to just go ahead and hit him with this yeah oh no they're big boys you got to do them one at a time eh oh my god this sucks this sucks this sucks lower the damage I guess now we got to focus on those back two because that's really awful moves himself to the front at least that's a minimal physical damage it's gonna buff all his buddies here blind fire is really tempting right now I'm gonna try it and hopefully not hit the egg okay as long as that doesn't crit it's generally not too bad I've got to knock this guy out and then we're probably gonna have to oh my goodness stop hitting the leper thank you for the dodge lead that'll do go first not quite there okay intimidate again is not bad I could also would stand here I think I'll do it he's gone he's coming up yeah riposte definitely would have been a good option here I gotta remember that for the future although I don't know if I'm actually gonna be fighting him again Stein the árboles shoot nice dodge beautiful dodge really wish I could heal that's okay left them with wine left them with wine [Music] no I'm not dropping frames actually I'm good oh the horror again if the bleed going I really want to get this last egg so I can heal up a little bit but I also might be better off just going straight for the Baron gets me of the horror again all right I gotta use everything here everything I can to make this better get rid of that dodge debuff hit him with the crit no max damage though laudanum again anything else I can use no nothing really makes this better I could mark him but I think I need to just go damage okay first [ __ ] that's door I gotta be able to heal myself I'm pretty sure I need to do this okay we're risking it oh it's an esquire oh no please get her get her back to me come on come on buddy please oh my god come on now damn it's even one shot the Esquire man well there's our big heal for the for the leper at least and I'll probably try to heal the occultist here too just to keep them alive nice help now how big is this bleed really big that's gonna heal us a little bit at least red heel on the occultist it's really at the rapture it's okay there we go so much horror mangies i don't think i actually need to heal anymore not yet anyway it's Lana oh my god you've got to be kidding me with that everything everything goodness really that is quite enough oh my god are you kidding me I probably should heal vehiclethis actually the how risky this is right now he's gonna take so many actions he keeps going for the [ __ ] occult this - come on come on man don't roll zero that's good that's good I need the leopard and not getting moved back again please don't do that all right that's acceptable not a lot of them still got bandages though I can do this okay there goes all the bleed he's landing everything now that's acceptable Oh God these bleeds are making a difference there's three actions per round or brutal though man heels again heels for 18 dude doesn't want to take it son of a [ __ ] [Applause] God come on please that's good I just need the leper to be able to hit man that store Oh God come on I don't know if like [ __ ] [ __ ] please please you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me man I could probably self-healed there right but this is so terrible [Applause] come on come on come on no exsanguinate but I can punish oh there it is you actually set it up for me remove the debuff we'll print crime lords molars [ __ ] it god [ __ ] course this another I'm not going here what's in this room what's in this [ __ ] room [ __ ] this place what's in this goddamn room tell me tell me tell me before I go there I'm not losing any more characters tell me what's in there treasure red doors key red doors keys in there will [ __ ] that nope ha [Music] God the virulent clowns hey hey alright the heirs of the estate feel not only how agreeable once again we did it curse removed [ __ ] I really feel like I shouldn't have lost anyone I really do like I think I could have saved them both I probably could have welcomed to the suit size small welcome to the pile buddy thank you very much for the subscription okay well it's not all over yet but one buy count the Viking invites you to a loathsome dinner no more infestation the pie counts spices trophy interesting yeah we did win we won at least there's that yeah okay that's gonna do it for this for this session y'all
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 63,324
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy, baertaffy crimson court, darkest dungeon crimson court, crimson court
Id: 3FjQtHOaF70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 40sec (6940 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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