Almost All Frostbite | Covenant 25 Ex Stygian/Ex Umbra | Monster Train - The Last Divinity

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hello welcome back to monster train in today's episode it is 2 30 p.m yeah i know i'm actually starting this recording before today's video went up but i don't know i've been i haven't sitting here today i got up like an hour ago maybe and i've been sitting here and i've been like huh because i was supposed to have a meeting today and that was supposed to happen 30 minutes ago and that was going to be the big thing that i did today for school but that got cancelled and i was like well i really feel like watching a lecture right now i'll watch it out a little later i guess i'm just going to record an episode of monster here we are well also the big thing is i want to i've had an idea for a little while now that i haven't been able to act on i want to record like two episodes of monster train outside of the normal series and have them ready for like if i have a day where i just don't feel like i have time to record or something like that i kind of back up episodes it's weird because of the win streak but you know an episode out of order in the win streak would probably be better than no episode at all right that's my feeling anyway so i'm gonna try and get some episodes just recorded as backups but we'll see well you know when i uh went into that recording frenzy because i was going on vacation back in may i felt like after that i was going to spend more time recording episodes ahead of time because it was kind of cool to just go five days without recording but that was not the case and also like these videos have that sort of i ask you a question then i usually read the comments and respond and it's easier to do that if i remember what i asked you the day before but i guess it's not really that much different because i can just read your comments anyway let's start the run who are we today yesterday was i should know this i played it less than 12 hours ago ah these guys right right that's right it was apex him that run will not stay in my memory for long that run was you know but today we're soulguard which is exciting oh boy and it's a plank a great way to start my day i still got my coffee with me thought we'll be pausing occasionally i got to finish this coffee before it's uh gone or like warm i guess that's gonna be your question for today you know i like to i make my questions somewhat related to what i've done for the day at least i try to and the only thing i've really done for today is sit in this chair and drink my coffee so uh how do you feel about coffee what do you what do you how do you take it i guess i've been drinking iced coffee for the last few years i used to drink hot coffee but i realized i like cold a lot more than hot for these drinks even in the winter time i just i don't really like drinking hot liquid it's not for me but yeah i've been i drink just like a bottled cold brew coffee i've been drinking uh stoke recently or dunkin donuts one of those two brands whichever one i see and i've been drinking that and i just have like a pre-made creamer that i pour in and throw in some ice it's real simple which is the big idea i could make it more fancy with like some syrups or something but i just do not i don't want to i this is good enough i'm very much a this is good enough sort of person this isn't like the top tier highest quality coffee i could be having in the morning but like it's good enough i like it enough so anyway maybe you don't drink coffee maybe you have a different starting your day idea let me know what it is let's begin shall we uh don't forget to like comment subscribe as well even though this one is going up at 2 30. hey did i say today's video to upload one sec let me just double check that too i just got a you know i had a few days where i forgot and the video was late so i'm just gonna yeah okay my video is live let's roll it's explosive sigil day to us failure arc is patience seraph ice tornado packed morsels and drain this is a lot of discard to have with ice tornado you know six discard i guess it's just early game we're gonna probably not play our discard cards all that much because ice tornado is good and then late game we're going to discard ice tornado a lot that's my expectation i like abandoned antombra here a little bit because this opens up playing [Music] uh what's his name outlet construct however allied construct and soul guard have negative synergy these two units do not play together and i think i would rather play around soulguard we have plink which is fine i'm gonna go token of a traitor i i don't hate token of a traitor it's an early game take for sure but i don't hate it now umbra cold channel if i remember correctly it's been a while i'm fairly certain yeah revenge just triggers when damage so there's no synergy between this and damage shield so we're just gonna play titan channel i've been having troubles with mr soulguard in recent memory i could have taken that money i think that's a bit of an oversight but i'll take this money instead giving spikes to apprentice of light it'll be fine because soul guard kills everything here i'm confident i just have to make sure i don't put any morsels down that get free damage shield yeah the soul guards still cancel ember drain he does okay i thought they changed that but they fixed it for a different card which card was it it was i'm gonna play fortn power actually now if i just like if i wait ice corner kills that next wave for free which is better which it was uh proud spike not shot spike uh commemorative spike is the card that got changed relic i guess i call everything cards you know they are they do kind of get presented to you as cards these upgrades but that's neither here nor there that used to bug the game out though if you remember take them over to a spike and it would just completely cancel the ember drain it's pretty cool or unintended and bad depending on your perception this fight's pretty free though i should probably have 100 more gold here than i took however it's okay i've been i've been playing maybe a little too passive but you remember we go through like a cycle where i go i'm playing too passive and then i just play over aggressive and kill myself a bunch on daedalus and then i go well i'm playing too aggressive and we just loop through that i like flash freeze i've come around a lot on flash freeze lately i thought it was pretty worthless post dlc but i think i was wrong trade is a really good card to put on the soul guard it's just gonna give him yeah i really like the mortal trait here two ember drain is a pretty cheap price for soul guards immortal for four turns it's in the name space prison is pretty good too as a plus one space but i think a mortal trade is too good to pass here and um assault that one's also there that's also a card on that set of cards endless would not mind seeing a hot shark here excellent uh siren would be cool as well ideally we play siren of the sea however endless plus 25 hot shark just sitting there for me can't really complain can you pretty crazy to me how the sweepers and stygian feel so bad like they feel so bad in comparison to every other clan i'm gonna buy 15 pack shards for a nice tornado extreme or maybe an extreme plank actually extreme plank is better because look at it right you go from 60 to 150 for 3 or you go from 2 to 62 for one the increase is much better how do i how do i explain this it's like this right ice tornado right now already does okay as three hits deal 20 each hit that's gonna kill enemies in the back line basically no matter what there's a few exceptions to that plink as a deal one damage twice doesn't kill anything after bell or nfl uh talos with an extreme stone on plink this card becomes relevant we're basically adding a third damage spell to our deck instead of making one of them a little bit stronger i think that if ice tornado were [Music] a little if it were targeted in the front like ancient synergy would better it would be better served on the ice tornado but it isn't so it's not i can take this trial like because like tornado splits its damage a lot of the damage that it puts down is wasted is what i'm trying to say because a lot of its damage is gonna go into enemies that would have died when it cost one instead or when it did when it was one does that make sense when it had one uh like when it was unupgraded that's what i'm trying to say the word the one the number one should be replaced with the words unupgraded all right got there you thought that did you think that just because i'm recording this at 2 30 i was gonna be more uh able to put my words together don't be ridiculous i'm probably worse now than i would have been naturally okay plank sure i think we're pretty pretty well on our way though here realistically if i just sit here and upgrade all these planks i'm gonna have a pretty strong set of cards like if i take every plus 10 or plus 30 on the plink i can that's gonna be pretty good we clear out the train stores we cut out like three organ powers we add in some unit that encamps and that's the that's the run basically i messed up my my hot shark by killing that enemy got a lot less frostbite know get back in there buddy all right i do need to see a playable unit now that's our big question mark i like builder here lots of random discards for it to be hit by i i was i dunked on perils last time i took it even though i did a lot a lot of good stuff i'm gonna click on carols again if you play hold over perils like if i so if i don't get hold over on this perils it's just a free card that i play on a morsel most likely if i do get hold over on this perils i get to open up any other ember drain card into my deck i there's nothing at the steel shop i can take and i don't feel like this umber banner is worth anything so i'm gonna go left wing technology that's really that's something wing technology i is i'm gonna take a little sip of coffee for this one so if i skip this i'm basically cutting off any option of playing a umbra based line in this round am i okay with that that's the real question because it's so what could we do here we could play allied construct top floor with wing technology and then we could play soul guard and a shark on a lower floor soaking up those incants right that's one of the ideas here however if we don't play that line and i think specifically that line it's worthless wing technology does nothing it like makes my morsels live but i don't really care about that i'm not going to generate that many morsels i think that if i had taken abandoned antumbra and i had committed a little more i would go wing technology for sure here but lost luggage is a pretty hard card to pass up on see they are presented as cards too look i'm not clicking sketches firestone housing is pretty good sadly i don't have a unit that i really make great use of this with and forever flame is kind of tempting but i'll go power stone housing it's fine another plus 25 on shark even is i don't need bone dog we're gonna be strong until we take 140 into combat i don't feel like i want to take bone dog he slows me down quite a bit that's minus one card draw on a turn and it's minus one and can't because he doesn't even can't all right a lot of interesting choices you can play a very different line with the knowledge that you have now i mean i guess not really there hasn't been a number unit offered yet there's no guarantee because wing technology and that umbra banner to our right are mutually exclusive so maybe it's not that crazy yet i don't care if i lose ice tornado here i need to in can't and yeah you may as well drop in wait who do you attack oh that's right because these guys frostbite takes down at the end of the turn i thought he was going to hit daedalus but really he does nothing mr stew i think i'll just dodge this 10. there's not really a reason to do it yeah i mean i guess i play rubble morsel and then play foregone power or perils doesn't really matter yeah and that lets me have 45 more damage go to the boss which is a little better if i didn't get that more so though it would be better not to do that save the pen i don't think that you have to do a whole lot of thinking on these runs though like i'm not on these runs but in this position you don't have to do a whole lot because you have endless hot shark and he basically used endless plus 25 hot shark more or less kills daedalus for you especially on a turn like this he gets a lot one of those points that daedalus that's actually fine yeah i mean one siren takes this run all the way without the siren i don't really know what the game plan is though that's the important thing i don't know what we're doing without siren a long time thinking here is to drain forge disciple i don't think i kill the front one maybe i do with like a nice tornado in here maybe i do we'll see it's uh it's close with that enemy being 21 i think i can kill this now watch yeah look at that it's for 20 killed off by token of a traitor how nuts i play into that and i had the extra energy to keep playing shark even if i didn't i would still uh like we we don't ever lose this fight yeah he dies here even that's quite a bit of frostbite yeah wow that's a lot of frostbite we take those all three of these cards are strong for different reasons umbra stone conventionally is very good but i i'm betting a lot on umbra stone here well i'm not batting a lot i'm making a reasonable assumption that i'm going to pick up a unit to play umbra stone on however i think i'd rather play ice empire because we can kill the divinity by just killing all of the enemies with spells and letting soul guard 1v1 him alternatively we can kill the divinity by spamming three siren songs a turn which is something i haven't actually tried before now that you mention it but you could just like triple siren song hold over that would probably win right you have to find hold over but i think that we have a lot of good lines proposed to us here which one do i like the most i like i've been wanting i've been itching to play siren's song i've been i've been really wanting to try this card out lately yeah i'm going to do it i'm going to click siren song here maybe the sleeper pick i don't want called kayla icy silla fight nor crucible warden now with lost luggage draw is less important i do kind of want to take energy however if i see i'm not going to hold over perils at this stage though i'll take draw still i don't think i'm going to hold over pearls i think i'm going to hold over siren's song we're going right right yeah i don't really need to enact this plan and the stygian banner is really good yay okay nameless sign that's solid now it is nameless siren into patient seraph with titan channel soul guard which has a little bit of its own challenge involved but we'll see let me let me keep the temple first i just noticed every time that i've played this game recently i've had the night filter on that filters out uh light the game looks real different i just i just looked at the the shop there for a second i went hey this doesn't look right i can tell what this is easily weird i'm gonna keep extreme stoning blinks every time they show me extreme stone i'm gonna throw it up blink i want blink to be my damage spells now the minus one i wanna do minus one hold over two multiply or two duplicate siren song that's the idea the perfect world is hold over double stack maybe actually could i just play double stack on it instead six days is a lot i would have three of them if i have seven draw it's expensive though too i don't feel as good about that idea i don't feel as good about that idea i'm gonna leave this on upgraded for now though i don't i don't want to make a commitment either way let's put a minus one on ice tornado and i'm going to plus 10 o'clock as i said i don't have anything that consumes don't look at packed whistles okay we're going in on hold over iron song here now do i want to hold over minus one or would i rather hold over intrinsic hold over intrinsic makes it so my siren can't die which is pretty good however there's a downside to that which is if i want to play three hold over intrinsic siren songs that's all of my energy gone i don't think intrinsic's as important too because i lost luggage i'd rather go minus one and i'm pretty sure three of these cards just onesie the game pretty sure i guess we'll see right that's what we're here for now i've been i've been talking about this card i've been talking about siren song i think maybe not a ton but i've been thinking about it a bit i think i can take this what's our future like one big downside of this idea by the way is i will not get to duplicate self-infuse i don't care about the nameless siren i care about the shark he's maybe i do two siren songs six times 40 is 240 so that's pretty close to what i want i'll probably do two and i'll give one to the shark okay either way i think we're good to take spell shield 2 here that's actually kind of scary with 190s i'll take it i'm not that afraid i can just not play it right i can skip the siren song if need be what is it it's 10 now yeah it's 10 now i'm gonna try to get soul guard working i feel like it's best to not mess around with my incants here skipping five in cans to try and stop one curse is wrong the end yeah we're we're all right i wish i if i had slightly better duplicate luck but actually you can't have better duplicate luck really use a mortal tray for the incan here there's no way that i can have siren song see a magic shop and see a duplicate from the position that we were in it's not possible there you go there's also of course you could hold over perils and that's another idea you could take trample stone hold over perils and there's definitely something there rain became a lot worse with this idea though worth mentioning because draining an enemy that gets siren song isn't very good however a prospect an enemy takes quite a bit good ice tornado here play out these first in the ice tornado as well so he's dead i guess there's no reason for me to siren song this enemy up then because i can just throw a life steal down siren song isn't it's not my main idea here i guess right siren song is like either way i do this actually maybe this is better because i get one more and can't okay either way you do it though this enemy dies i guess i could have gotten two more in pants i don't know it's a strange one because if i i move this guy up or i don't move him up it doesn't make a difference right that's the thing that's strange here i want to play a mortal trade for the life steal i feel like minus two minus one energy over the next two turns is worth having the lifesteal for these are all decisions by the way that i'm like i'm talking out but they don't matter in this combat they matter in later combats it's important to kind of suss out how we're going to play these later combats out though that's a lot of the thinking process here what are we doing later on because right now it's like it's not close right soul guard crushes 82 80 to attack siren behind him all i can do to lose that fight is siren's song even then i'd probably live i would just take a lot of damage guardian stone i don't need it crystalline seeds it's okay it's a zero cost in can and it's frostbite actually you know what i'll click it uh frostbite got a lot better as an idea when we took the siren song because it effectively extends the attack of your pyre when you have frostbite on an enemy let me go right and grab the steel shop here we have the firestone housing so we have a lot of liberty love sigilled seaweed endless plus 25 throw another plus 25 actually maybe throw one at the siren just to give her 35 base hp more hp on an endless shark isn't that important i'm gonna put it here multi-strike cool me i'll leave her other slot open for damage or armor in can armor too and then we get a value stone i don't particularly care for the value stone let's take a look ahead we're at effectively 65 and taking these two boons the siren song has nothing in that but i'm going to take 25 because i'm going to duplicate hot shark and then infuse them here so that's 70 80 90. it's like 10 here over here so i want intrinsic not particularly no you could have intrinsic hold over perils on this run though which is also interesting okay so effectively i don't i don't want to take any packed shards because i will go 55 here duplicate shark and infuse here which puts me at 80. i'm at 90 here i take 10 at this temple and we're chilling okay in that case i'll buy a removal real quick cut out the steward that's fine and let's roll multi-strike is actually pretty good for us it makes shark do more damage in a single round i like it yeah we're at a pretty comfortable deck size here as well in theory it would make shark do more in a single round than i should say yeah overall i would say firestone housing just for plus 25 was a pretty nice investment and you know what plank you give if this point kits i get yeah i get pretty big value because i get to play two in cans and i get to play all these spells out now great job playing good thing nothing [Music] yeah this is worth i it that's worth it and point like this is this is one of those runs where you get to go wow look at how good plink is right and i mean i guess and prince i still hate playing gone principle but it does do a lot for you on this run just becoming a starting card that does 62 damage with a little investment not too bad i'll give it to you blank tornado that guy i should play out these pack morsels i might even remove that card because i don't want to have to think about it too much oh yeah i forgot that these healers get that revenge trigger on them silence is pretty cool for that what a card what a play and this goes through spell shield it's like i think it's pretty stable i think this run is a winner the game gave me everything i needed to see we get to do something exciting with siren song your mileage on the exciting part may vary kind of depends on how you're feeling and the big the big idea though is that siren song like look here right good good example this guy normally this would do 90 with 22 frostbite on him this does 52 51 50 which is instead enough to kill him that's your that's your main idea here and that's why self-infusing the shark is very important let me just play out a mortal trade it's like one of those runs where everything comes together but i actually planned ahead a little bit on the ideas i wanted like the immortal trait for example i went yeah this will be nice because i have a unit with a lot of health and a lot of attack and he's a lot of health a lot of attack and it's a single attack so one immortal trade gives him four rounds there's no unit in the game there's no wave in the game that can one shot soul guard 210 is too much health i think maybe if you take enough pack shards but on the divinity it doesn't make the enemies any stronger more frostbite's fine rules of containment did i see this i saw i saw these two and then i took crystalline seeds this is a drain instead of crystalline seeds uninterested whack beast i don't want it this isn't a run where we just need as many in cans as possible we have a pretty good setup for our incant ideas so i think i go right here there's a specific i would like to see uh what's it called the plus one upgrade slot for spells light stone casing yeah light stone casing i'd like to see that and we can also see double in cans or frostbite doesn't decay that's three ideas for relics right there i'm gonna cut drain i think this is worse than foregone power generally speaking i like going to trinket shops if i can think of three or four relics that make the run significantly better yeah like cuddle beard and also boone of the blacksmith but cuddlebeard's a little better pedobear's like a self-infuse on the shark i'm going to still self-infuse because then it becomes 10 frostbite aoe every hit which is absurd you can get sap on play or for the greater good i kind of want to just take for the greater good here why is that i don't know it's fun i melee weakness on strike on the siren is fine as well but then she doesn't get in can armor two and i think that i guess our health bar doesn't really matter because we have this hold over siren song but i don't know i'm gonna look like for the greater good not because it's better i think melee weakness on strike on the siren is better you killed divinity a lot quicker but this is more fun so i'm gonna click that instead and that's the end of it and yeah this was a really good path i think that event is maybe the strongest one in the game i don't know which event do you think is the strongest event in the game i really i think it is for the greater good this shit's wild i don't get to play spells up here sadly god god uh if you're ever in this position never forget very very interesting thing you can play firebound spells empire that is kind of the idea i suppose so if you need to hold over on a higher bound spell but you can't for whatever reason sneak on up to the pyre that's why it's firebound apparel's an immortal trait even i mean basically i've just spent my whole life being extremely hard on perils for no reason there is a reason i think that the card is dead if you don't if you don't have morsels to play it into the card doesn't do anything and i don't like that but here it's fine i shouldn't be back there i'm feeding him anyway like i'm not gonna ever drain myself for three rage you have to have a unit that uh you have to have something that either goes away like a morsel or you have to have a good reason to play it i guess is what i'm trying to say yeah the good reason being hold over i suppose you're not scared this run runs into a little bit of trouble in the next combat before it gets the the second siren song and then once it gets the second siren song i think it's fine i think we have so much frostbite though that it doesn't really make a difference honestly we have just a crazy amount with rules of containment cuddle beard hot shark this is so much it's so so much what happened to you oh he must have taken all of the ice tornado hits i wasn't looking too closely at that ice tornado once the numbers shift a little bit though this will get a little more scary not really i should play the life skill there we're definitely taking energy here if you're wondering multiple reasons for that but i'm sure you can suss out go get em morsel pretty i mean i guess with upgrading the planks it's not that surprising that i have so much more generation right yeah upgrading these planks to be extreme stone that's the other thing you have to keep in mind is these planks will probably fall off i guess not since they're gonna like right now they kill frontliners and in the next run or in the next combat they will just kill backlines but that's still fine this run feels like an older i've been having a lot of runs that feel like an older style this feels like an old school frostbite petha sort of run boss is walking up with a 100 frostbite i don't have tattoos though which honestly thank god i don't know if you've noticed but i've been making a very important decision two turns before the boss goes up to my floor i've been stopping playing siren song so i don't accidentally kill my run because that is a really s really sad way to lose the run uh or crosstalk g you could make use of this here if there were ever a run for it now how do you make use of our frost fiji here welcome aboard let me explain it to you the shark on a turn will put down like 50 frostbite to each enemy on the divinity and then you can frost all of that to the divinity to do one hit of 150 that sounds really bad when you talk it out yeah that sounds awful i'm just gonna skip like i said we're taking energy here for a number of reasons i have to go left we're gonna follow the plan as it was written i think you could deviate a little bit if you wanted to but i don't really want to go ahead and we're gonna go shark in the shark this run has four intrinsics as it's uh plus tens that's a lot of intrinsic uh was there a relic over here no it was removable relic was over here i guess i'll take intrinsic and we can just throw it down on i don't really care nothing's particularly good to intrinsic here let's do it on [Music] it doesn't matter i guess we'll do it on flash freeze oh you know what let's do it on crystalline seeds yeah sure this is a non-choice basically none of those are particularly good maybe the best thing to do would have been to put it on a foregone power and then remove that card maybe maybe actually probably titan channel 3 of course it's a little awkward to get 15 spells but i think we have enough in cans to make it work and we crushed this combat i'm pretty sure although 50 health on the purifiers is a little frightening hey before this combat starts i'm actually going to pause the recording real quick i need to go to the bathroom if you don't mind my routine's all messed up because i'm recording this at a weird time i'll be right back i mean you won't notice a difference all right if i didn't tell you that i was cutting the recording you probably would not have noticed because there is no audio in this area which is the only way you can really tell from what i understand anyway am i going to take this armor trial you do 20 24 frostbite every turn so i'll take like yeah i can take this it's probably worth it it's infused ones will live and that's not that scary yeah 24 frostbite mostly the crystalline seeds if you want to play it here which maybe i will play a flash freeze on them it's going to be two rounds yeah that was a waste i guess that's not really a waste not much i'm gonna do otherwise with it right it's not like i'm in the in camp for that one i couldn't can't top four but i'd rather try to stop this curse which i can do and that's fine yeah after even recordings man it's uh what a world i don't know if this is going to become a regular thing most likely i would imagine it won't but i was feeling it today i used to record everything in the afternoons but i stopped i especially in the summertime you hear some weird noises in the background i used to look like metropolis was an afternoon recording thing you can go back and watch there was i don't remember which episode it was but there's an episode of ratropolis where some my neighbor just takes out a tree and you can hear their chainsaw going it was i thought it was really funny but it was also extremely strange uh i play ice tornado x tornado and then 50 50 on the crypto there is fine just trying to turn this soul guard online yeah he's on next turn so it's gonna be like three to it's gonna be about four turns to get soulguard started which is okay the shark dies on the one turn where he could have done something here but our pyre effectively does 64 64 x 3 kills you siren song gets them on out of there blink i have to i don't have to immortal trade here he's online next turn it doesn't make a big difference yeah this is not a run that is particularly carried by our strong units or our strong spells this is one of those ones that's carried by by our strong hop shark and our strong relics and full frostbite even though it doesn't kill the divinity himself it kills all of the units up to the divinity and soulguard kills the divinity works for me i think i yeah i messed up on this steel shop i should have recognized that my siren wasn't getting another steel shop upgrade but i did not so she's just gonna be minus one i ultimately what i could have done is i could have taken the melee weakness but you know i talked about it ooh do not ascend spike's enemy and take a bunch of spikes damage for no reason very not worth not very cool i guess i play these why not now ah one turn to stop four i'm gonna throw these foregone powers down here i mean none of our choices matter from this position this boss is very dead i think with lifesteal he's very dead for sure 100 yeah the siren's only doing like 140 damage which is not much but this isn't something we have to worry about on the divinity because we have this holdover siren song and on seraph it should be no problem as well plenty of money i think i could have yeah i saw cuddle hex at every single possible card draft right cuddle hacks here here and here we saw three no i don't want cuddle hacks thank you for the offer except i lied i hate it please stop showing me cuddle hacks you could take crucible extension there it does something what does it do i guess i'll tell you it makes it so you could put hot shark on top floor if you needed to for sarah relentless but i think i need to ulti loader is pretty bad here hammer chest plate doesn't do a whole lot i forgot what the other one was already that's a joke it's forgotten name i'm aware before you duplicate you want to check magic shop i want to check if there's a light stone casing stubble stack idea here there is not okay l's banners is pretty good i guess not a whole lot of excitement here faint of gems is awkward because i'm gonna mess it up it just messes up my shark makes it so he has two less hits on turns which i don't like i guess we do minus one hold over for the greater good or it's fun why not and plus 10 points time to shine holy moly bad no light stone casing but we do see double stack oh yeah honestly 18 frostbite not interested 20 frostbite yeah you got my attention i mean it just doesn't matter it's a waste of money either way which is why i'm not going to do it the car did i want to kill from this deck pack morsels i don't know it's kind of nice i'll kill one of them big a deal put a minus one here kind of want to do like a plus 20 consume ice tornado idea let's go grab our second siren song and take this one home siren song i i guess we'll see right it's how important is it i'm not going to buy another removal i think the decks have to be where it is it feels like this run is just i hit some frostbite relics and shark is killing everything but the siren song is also here and it's doing something i'm trying to gauge how much it's doing particularly i'm not worried about rallying sarah here he's going to be very dazed i think i do want to go all of these up here though i could put frostbite on sarah i mean i guess off last reason that's a lot of that 10 frostbite adds a lot 72 not decaying damage is quite a bit oh you died that makes sense anyway now you put down you put down the nameless iron doesn't matter about the rally because i'm just going to perma days sarah up here and kill the ice tornado he's going to come up like maybe he's not going to be permadazed i guess but he's going to have so much cosplay i really don't see this being an issue i struggle to see a world where sarah has any impact on me whatsoever here i even get a builder yeah we have two in cans guaranteed getting the 15 in this deck is surprisingly easy which is interesting because i feel like a lot of runs really struggle with it or a lot of my runs have struggled with it lately but i guess it's just lost luggage doing its thing plus it's not really getting to 15 it feels easier here because it's not as urgent right that's what it really is there's nothing particularly scary hitting me on the early turns i'll swipe for the greater good these guys are just going to perma chump lock which is ridiculous too i'm going to have a bunch of just a ton of boys just hanging out in front of my bowl guard the front line for him to the point where lifesteal might not even do anything which is the real funny part he doesn't get a rally for this does he i don't think so i guess you go i'm not sure i guess double siren song here is fine right it's 240 plus it's like it's funny you go up and you follow them up and they die yeah and if i can do that for that wave even with a half shark kit i think that's going to be plenty the damage shield wave can maybe offer a bit of a problem probably not though this this feels kind of like endless egg where i just keep making units it really does it reminds me a lot of endless egg actually i'm just gonna fill up the whole world with for the greater good there they all are there's the team hope you like the ah hopefully i did that sound justice i think i did you know a little ah don't know no real way to make that one better i could have done something about that to make it a little bit i could have played the for the greater good first but yeah i was very dead this run is on the books i would say this is a pack at all pack it in go home can anything kill me on the next run or on the next fight i mean i don't think so i just realized i didn't double check if i was at a hundred of a hundred i just trusted myself which is scary coffee's gone let's get rid of the divinity now okay i mean exceptional turn one it's easy to have a good turn one when you draw half of your deck on turn one though i feel maybe that's just me though it's so the sound of two of those going off it just feels like it's getting funnier to me every time i hear it there's gonna be some awkward turns for the shark where he just uh whiffs he doesn't do much but i think on those turns we'll have things in the wings like double siren song the only thing i really have to worry about is mini bosses actually you can't double siren song those up and be okay hey the silence look at that would you be so dead if you didn't get the freaking remove that debuff effect you hate you wow great silence fidget seaweed everyone ladies and gentlemen scheduled seaweed does it again does that say 84 is that 84 frostbite that this guy puts down here it seems fair he puts down i cannot stress enough how much frostbite this shark puts down i actually should have given him the other plus 25 i guess a bit of an oversight on my part but the other plus 25 would let him put out even more frostbite i think does he take max oh he actually barely dies there that's pretty sick oh sigil seaweed i'm telling you if you're sleeping on scheduled seaweed it's time to wake up samurai i ascended an enemy with spikes there goes my perfect foolish i can say that crust oh that's okay oh wow these guys this triple heavy wave that is pretty notoriously scary goes up at 82 12 12 hp [Music] good job blink i don't want to save the melee weakness if i can i think i messed that up though i could save the melee weakness but it's not it doesn't really do much anyway this guy's only got 40 attack i don't know i guess i'll save it it's just like non-decisions though the boss is gonna die we have plenty of damage for him maybe it's a little close not you guys sick and stealth wow oh how funny would it have been if that stealth actually messed it up would have been not very funny would have been very not funny is your answer right would have been terrible tragic horrifying to see by the way uh i think that i think that i could have double siren song that boss and killed him he had 43 frostbite or 33 33 or 43. i only had like 400 health and he would have six days six times 43. i know he would do damage to me never mind my math was wrong i made an error in my calculations meanwhile the divinity has 30 days and i have a full for the greater good for this is this is a combo idea for you to try out in your own runs frostbite doesn't decay self-abused hot shark double siren sun it's a living oh yeah now now i get the spikes effect hilarious i i wasn't really looking for that but i think we've seen all of them then right so let's let's review what we learned from for the greater good in recent memory shall we there's healer heal you're four to four there's give everyone stealth one and pretty low damage really there's quick on death give everyone plus five on the floor there's uh just a five health unit that gives an enemy's melee weakness one on death and there's quick 25 times three right oh and then there's the spikes one i think there's six total options on for the greater good and i think we saw them all in this combat yeah quick i think this is all of them right healer melee weakness buff yourself stealth yourself spikes front liner and quick 25 times three spikes front liner has 50 attack i believe or 50 health i mean i think the weakest is probably the clergyman i don't feel particularly good about that quote human five health but he really doesn't do much yeah goodbye divinity good fight gg i think that's all of them all of them that i can think of anyway i think the quick 75 damage one is probably the best one or the spikes one those both seem very good two damage taken unacceptable absolutely absurd yeah really good run uh i saw the siren but i think without the siren this run was winning which is cool because i don't i don't think i mean really the siren didn't do anything new record for days to play too how about it i'm gonna have to write this challenge down somewhere because it is not i'm not uploading this right now how the hell do people do it how does anyone who records more than one monster train video at a time keep track that's ridiculous let me just find a notepad and write that down all right cool thanks for watching uh if you enjoyed don't forget to leave me a like subscribe if you want to see more i'll see you in the next one have a good one
Channel: Voyix
Views: 1,323
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 38Yk3jjWlP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 8sec (3068 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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