Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 28)

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yeah that's what's gonna say I feel bad because we've been raffling off this position but I don't think we can bring out his shield breaker there's the last suddenly brought out a character with imposter syndrome it was a disaster it was an unmitigated disaster so I'm sorry I'm sorry we can't do it I wish I would have noticed that earlier but it can't be done there's no way I'm bringing this character out for this run we'll keep her we'll keep her around that yes but I got to get rid of imposter syndrome first rigged rigged I know keep that out of here all right um I mean we can still ride sure let's draw a winner for the raffle that means nothing but winner is gnarls B congratulations sorry but also congratulations on winning nothing we'll keep you in mind how about that everybody remember Gnarls poor old Gnarls next name is yours buddy you got it if chat holds me accountable which I hope they do all right then well in that case since we're not gonna be bringing out a hmm I guess just another leper unless maybe I want to hold on let's have a look then at the stagecoach one more time and see if there's no no it's got to be able leper of the plague doctor for sure let's just do Nik I guess because I really like having the disease removal as well and then embolden linked vapors of course is gonna be massive double jester I don't think so I don't think that's the way to go I think this is the way to go yeah all right let's do it let's do it gotta be done and yeah let's give her the accuracy I think this is actually her best trinket and then lowering dodge for her is not a huge deal I'd say well hold on blasphemous vile may be added stunned implied skill chance is pretty good in the react Yura C on the range skills and that's extra stress but I guess I'll just deal with it Yanis seems get them welcome to the bear james pwned welcome to the pile thank you for your subscription bear hugs please appreciate it mike maunder please my shield breaker he is very sick whomp-whomp ok anyway off we go then i guess let's do it a Bluto mania doesn't really make that big of a difference tone-deaf is unfortunate but what can you do she's still spiritual at least alright alright man let's go time to get this [ __ ] done we're gonna overstock on all this stuff of course full stack event puppies maybe even two of them and let's go with that apparently the keys can do something with the supply curio so I'm gonna bring some of those as well this time and then I guess we'll bring the age of scales as well might make a difference alright then I guess we're fully stocked let's go give me a bear yeah if we're looking good here and I'm gonna crack open my delicious source of energy all the bandages I could be persuaded to bring another full stack why not [ __ ] it there we go what's the blue powder I still have yet to really use it because I believe you have to spend shards to actually acquire them so I've been hesitant alright let's do it after the farmstead to begin the day thanks for joining me again folks we're nearing I think it's like part thirty or so of the VOD over on YouTube so that means we've been going for like a month or so now for this campaign so you just want to jump in and say hey thanks again for watching it's super fun to do these campaigns and I'm really thrilled that so many people still enjoy it so bear-hugs how about just a swarm of bear hugs this is a feel-good moment there thank you everybody for watching really appreciate your time let's do it ill feelings weird gross how getting to start with the buffs again always feels nice the more bear hugs you type the better person you are that's just that's another one of those scientific facts we love to talk about here on the bear taffy Channel speaking of which scientific fact aluminum foil isn't improved in quality in the refrigerator Rob Wow alright see the game agrees with me why is my boy need to have it aluminum foil in the fridge doesn't make any damn sense anybody got a justification for it I'll hear it what is the difference between characters with them without the shards around their level indicators these are mercenary characters so they take a 10% cut of all the shards that we get in the farmstead area but they can also only go to the farmstead mission of course I'll keep doing that he said it's cuz of roaches all right you know what fair enough then I'm not gonna hate on that to protect yourself from roaches makes it easier to mold into hats that's why it needs to be in the fridge okay you know that's actually a much better reason you told me that first it would feel better but stress kill her I guess good god that's becoming a problem immediately isn't it Marcus been a long time lurker loving the dark dungeon chef thank you thank you very much love the lurkers say hi lurkers give me a good old hi chat from the lurking squad don't wear tinfoil hats tinfoil actually increases the power of mind control rays good God when will we be safe when does the madness end apparently never since we're in the farmstead there's the hi-chan there's the lurkers beautiful used to be more of a vaudeville always nice to see the lurkers turn into or not I didn't mean to say something that hold on hold on don't misquote me America market is Walter the bear pile will thank very much for that support appreciated I was gonna say nice to see the lurkers turn into chatters wasn't gonna say nice to see the lurkers turning his supporters that's that's miss that's misguided that's inaccurate that's obviously how what I mean obviously the lurkers are supporters because they're here appreciate that very very much don't misquote me here never misquote me how did you have one head ah goddamn it I did say it it's just out of context well yeah I'm [ __ ] I guess yeah you got me yeah thank you Mark well c'mon in always happy to see new chatters that's that's the bottom line of that far too long of a sentence to get to that main idea there but one ringing Joe wandering angel well c'mon in with the pile as well thank you for your Twitter Prime subscription I appreciate that support to goodness shame thank you thank you very much oh that crits for you it's not pretty well oh goodness yeah and that's the one with the Fairweather fighter right or was the impostor syndrome one want the one with fair weather level look real quick nice to know I'm indeed doing well hope you worked yeah this is the one with fair weather okay so we got to make sure we keep her in maximum health whenever possible oh my goodness then she can crit for 41 Thank You angel appreciate that it probably is so you're getting in there while the getting's good I know how long bear Taffy's gonna be in style it's a new fad new hotness y'all been peeping that bear taffy tasty still tasty stuff is it madrenas just cold coffee in a can aren't you just warm blood in a bag excellent chat interaction hey got you there aren't you just a hot sack of flesh madrenas copy hmm so we're all just puss sacks waiting to die I'm gonna keep pushing the edges of advertisement until we can figure out what's acceptable and what's not one of these days [ __ ] is gonna show up and say hey wait a minute there stop employing nihilistic advertisement strategies I don't think it's really up our alley another abomination cleansed from our lands Sarge I'm sad why I cannot partake if the apparently delicious madrenas coffee I do not like coffee and if yet to find one that is palatable ironic for a barista you're in the long run up the long line of work that's what I meant to say copper what be quick you're in the long line of work Sarge how you gonna be a barista and I'm like coffee that's like it's like being a twitch streamer you don't even like video games that make any sense it's like being norman lion and just kidding he likes games he likes Isaac y'all heard of that Isaac game making a board game out of it welcome to the bear the Lionheart that is an animate and if it's not an anime it needs to be welcomed to the pile my friend thank you very much for your subscription appreciate what if they like making coffee they like making coffee but they don't like drinking it yeah all right you know what fair enough I'm willing to give you that I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt there that perhaps the process is more important to you than the product right fair enough I like making seamen says by kantha Brett so I've been kantha Brett I wouldn't wanna misrepresent you here are you actually like a participant in that or does it just sort I feel like it just sort of happens none that I don't think you have to really be involved unless you know something I don't know [Music] done here yeah and I also like drinking it Wow hmm interesting quite the lifestyle choice I love the smell of coffee but not so much the taste I used to be there with you until I was introduced that the delicious taste of delicious madrenas sorry I broke straight up broke for a second there I'm mad for madrenas you know it doth I need the stress heel i doth indeed hey teens are you broken try madrenas it will fix you that's a 100% guarantee from the pair toffee Channel it's not a guarantee it's not a real guarantee nothing this is guaranteed it's all fake [Music] bear toffee has been subverted by the government give the tinfoil out of the fridge now no I know I'm legit you can trust me your friendly neighborhood bear taffy bought out by copy companies you know you're getting the real deal I also love this music is quite good may would you do DD very nice at Futurama episode but with bear instead of fry running around putting out fires and saving folks that's this house it's our household life let's know that's probably not the right thing to do let's do that that seems fine and that seems good cuz you're dead and you're dead don't have to worry about that you're still yet to expose yourself so we gotta wait on that I did not see the new Marvin sale class now I'm sure I'll look into that eventually still very wrapped up in our basic playthrough here of course slowly this is a strange setup that works surprisingly well the played doctor in spot two something I did never really consider as a top two your choice until I saw it in action and yeah it's good it's real [ __ ] good she's got a decent great chance on their own like I am blown away by how much I'm digging this Vijayan Mamiya when with a bear piloting for subscribe with twitch prime appreciate it yeah rogues sorry they know they know the shipping cost is an issue and it's something they're continually working on it's gotten better over the years like they didn't used to even ship internationally and now they do they've got like ways to help you out there if you've got you know high costs for that like usually even just like if you contact them like if you go so far as to be like hey this price sucks for me can you do something about it they do sometimes help you out like I know for a fact that a few people that have talked to me and said that very thing have gotten you know a better deal so maybe worth it ice princess I give it 150 bits appreciate a nice buff right before rest see the thing is though it carries over would have been nice to have that little bit of stress feeling sure but we carry this buff over to the next fight so it's worth why don't you stream at 1080 I've tried it it usually just ends up lagging like hell for me and I I just I don't know it's not a huge upgrade in my opinion I think you look fine at 720 but maybe one day I do stream at a much higher bitrate now I hope that's been noticeable at least it worries grish usually is the better idea to stress Hill right before the end obviously but fartin stays a little different I would have been fine really I'm gonna keep a much heavier focus on keeping that shield breaker at maximum health now that Fairweather fighter buff is massive like 20% damage just for keeping her at maximum health that is totally worth it worth attempting anyway a male tornado welcome back how you doing and yeah see we know I think we're in a pretty good spot here I just keep buffing up we'll keep stunning if we can sue on that stinks see how like even now I don't know like it's probably better to get a stun or even to maybe go for the kill on this guy with a crit would wow I wouldn't even really get close so yeah let's do that mash it like with her going for the impale though I like as I was just mentioning it was maybe even the better play for me to heal her however I did then also run the risk of this guy attacking her or attacking her right after the facts of may not have made a difference but the impale being boosted for 20% clearly would have been nice but still doesn't really end up mattering all that much anyway quick bear ice princess has no sound embarrass her okay what's second we all just started talking about ice princess how wonderful they are and how much we appreciate their contributions to the chat right that would be a bummer if she couldn't hear that and she came back and it turned out we were just goofing on her that would be embarrassing hmm I don't like you I don't like you enough to prevent your attack Thanks you come on back up to the front wall and pail you later sound good sound good man yeah get goofed on you don't show up around this channel unless you're ready for compliments and warm feelings am i right Chet these people don't even understand what they're getting into though man we are crazy up in here we will tear you down and build you up again you tell them that's right I'm also really hot so I'm kind of worked up it's very warm today maybe I'll be a little loud out of nowhere baby Wow you give me a towel Thanks uh-huh okay please don't murder her I'd love for her to stay alive right now hey there we go knock it off oh oh that's better thank you shouldn't even when I come close to me that's how gross I am right now gonna toss it in from the doorway miserable creature is your sweat rag me feel ya also this is horrifying yeah stress is still fine wondering whether or not I want to set up a finale at some point here - how much do you sweat isn't an abnormal amount or something I think it might be I think I have a problem [Laughter] I'm also just you know I like that twitch streamer life pop-tarts in the morning and zero exercise all day that's how to guarantee you've got a you know proper respiratory and hydration system going on in your body is the crystalline jester trinket worth it I got to see what that is again I gotta remember been a minute since I looked at the stage goats for those definitely need to top off health again Pop Tart are batshit though you know I I got hooked on him again I hadn't eaten them for quite some time and then we went on a vacation a couple of months ago and I grabbed some just to get some quick energy and I was reminded oh man these are these are made of crack these have these have the drug crack as the main ingredient in the recipe or something because Wow that is extremely tasty and makes me want more of it right away what's my favorite flavor of Pop Tart bear I bet you could guess I a hundred percent guarantee you could guess actually I'm a simple boy you know I'm a simple boy strawberries actually you know like given the way I phrased that strawberry is the correct guess but brown sugar is also the second correct yes yeah well done brown sugar is that crack flavor yeah crack flavor straight up yeah I'll [ __ ] around I got right boy I need smarts are good too I'm actually a big fan of s'mores oh this is this is quintessential bear taffy twitch conversation right here what's your favorite pop tart flavor Sarge in order that examination can be considered a virtue if you're a blood donor hail true that it's like finally kind of understand the meaning of those words this is enough of this nonsense that'll do Thanks sorry bear I never realized you were a pop tart plebeian ah there's even a [ __ ] phrase for it no I've been addicted to cookies and cream lately though I've been not been eyeing those I think maybe I might make a swap swap [Music] I don't know if they still make the fudge sundae flavor I think I've seen that around still - yeah that one's also tantalizing bit on the add grind for these bits thank you our Meehan big boys are here to ruin you bring ruin to your family an Australian I don't understand pop-tarts whenever I have had them it's like having doughnuts for breakfast that is I'm realizing as I get older that American breakfast is dessert in most other places straight up like we eat dessert for breakfast all the time we have like pancakes cupcakes muffins sugary cereal pop-tarts obviously I forgotten ultras lock it again damn it this early but I mean no I'm not complaining about it obviously I'm a fan but yeah when you when you look at it truthfully that is pretty much the case hey Sookie how you doing inside approach ya either protein or sugar basically you got like your to give yourself the excuse of hell if you've got like your bacon and sausage on this yeah I mean I'm eating meat I'm eating stuff that's good for me let me take a big old bite of this doughy bread mixture with sugar poured on it and yeah I'm feeling pretty healthy filled with blood I don't know if I've heard that one that's a tasty Waner I won't deny it though Lucky Charms are pretty good yeah I got a big ol family size box of Lucky Charms to my cabinet dude I'm right there with you I will I will wear that badge of shame with pride honestly with with an irrational amount of pride that I continue to employ my 12 year-old dietary restrictions into my early 30s nearly and cannot push in my age a bit there aren't I still 28 I'm still I'm still a young adult we got a little ways to go it's all right bear I'm eating kraft mac and cheese for breakfast nothing wrong with that that's even better that's an improvement over everything we've just discussed I'd say anyway you're getting some what are you getting out of that you're getting some calcium right there you go holy crap I'm older than bear my life is a lie yeah you'd be surprised I mean you would have been a lot more surprised I'm sure three years ago when I was doing this and everyone was like you're 25 what the [ __ ] you're a little baby boy what are you doing here a little baby boy you're supposed to be at school that's what Austin gets all the time now he is actually 18 years old though so it's I think it's warranted for him will you wait your baby bear I'm old enough to be your dad huh yeah probably not too shocked by that I guess I'm gonna stun you yeah you know hey makes you Bertini do we do brand-name video games youngin gonna be a shine to learning the ways of the world keep the waste of your cam in here with these video games we saw my god Elise if you're in checking vouch and verify for me on this one but we saw this this vehicle on the road yesterday with stickers that just made you immediately realize they were such a friendly person there's on the bottom right I remember it pretty vividly actually on the bottom right you've got a sticker that is two fishing hooks forming a heart so okay I'll - a pretty good start they like fishing probably a couple it's cute then on the left side bottom left side you got one that reads fishing because memories aren't created playing video games and I was like hold on now excuse me miss I believe we've entered conflicting territory now why are you why do you gotta throw us under the bus like that why you gotta be like that fishing lady that does that's just unnecessary how would you feel if I said something like fish or video games because fishing is boring as [ __ ] but where that sticker on my car how does that make you feel gamers rise up that's right I don't know man it seems seems like you could probably just like your thing and not have to tell other people there things stupid little silly to me then on the bottom of their license plate frame it red I'm a girl I fish get over it at that point I realize we're not dealing with it we were not dealing with a swell person here are we this person this is it's not a great person there that's not a very nice person I don't think so I know yeah I don't want to you know uh [ __ ] with her I don't know that much now have a very fun memory from my Latin when my little brother and I used to record us playing video games using an actual camcorder there's there's the days he knocked it over and it fell on his foot so you can just see a black screen and then hear him that's great I would like to see that how dare you fish is a woman that's how I felt obviously I was the most offended by that how dare you don't you know it's a man's sport Oh shame she was she wants to see her manager whoa oh taystee impale that'll do that'll work and I can't get to Vera okay yeah okay I have memories of my mom and I playing a game and it was on the old NES before auto-mapping mom had a graph paper it wouldn't map the dungeons as I went through that is so adorable door bells [ __ ] this door was flat man yeah that'll work that'll work that'll work used to watch my brother play Final Fantasy games growing up he's 11 years older than me yeah holy cow that's that explains why I didn't let you on the controller right my brother a year and a half my senior would have me play Sonic 2 with him as tails man let me give you a little spoiler alert their tails wasn't a playable character in Sonic 2 [Music] that was the extent of my inclusion what was it no he was it wasn't I thought it was sonic free but you can move tails maybe it was sonic one of them thinking of that he couldn't move tails all right it was no I know that was a game that you could play as tails I was distinctly given the controls for the one that you could not so maybe I'm misrepresenting that but I I know what I didn't play that's for damn sure it was no tails in Sonic 1 though I'm just a [ __ ] liar then all right you got me full of [ __ ] twitch police are coming out this is all of this stories alive fabrication take away his partnership but default in Sonic 2 was Sonic followed by tails for 1 player mode okay so oh no no okay so this is what it was it was like you could be Sonic but this screen didn't move for you right so like or not sorry not you could be tails is what I mean to say so you could play as tails but you would just like move around in the background and the scrolling would stay locked on to Sonic I think I believe I'm not misrepresenting that and please immediately call me out if I am but ooh there we go yeah that was that was the extent of my participation sure he wasn't playing Sonic 1 and there was a sticker of tails teeth the teeth well that's the other thing I would do too is when he was playing against the harder bosses I wouldn't be allowed to touch it instead my role was to draw the number 777 times on a piece of paper and then put it on the top of the TV for good luck that was what I was supposed to do and it works every damn time it was foolproof [Music] bears not commented on the game for a while he's reached an automated state of farm stick I mean I don't even know what to say about this at this point this has been pretty standard stuff farmsteads miasma gleams how long was it before you caught on I was just the so willful willful participant I had my job and I did it well you were the real MVP that's right yeah for this particular one I think I want to get them a little bit of healing there let's give her the crits and the accuracy bonus as well there's no disease except for the rabies which I could get rid of if I wanted maybe maybe it's analyzing offer here praise not that good I think it's gonna be some buffs from the shield breaker weirdly enough although armor piercing is not that great I'll take snake skin that's quite nice let's see leeches I guess I could do to heal oh wait no he has two experimental vapors in heal her up and then buffer healing received for four battles that's actually pretty damn good nice and then I'll work wound care I guess or just encourage the gesture that's fine too there we go cool here we go remember when my friend Fredrick and I were playing lost vikings on SNES we got really frustrated by a stage nice splendorous since I always play the sword and bow Viking I started shooting the bow and anger and when Frederick swapped back to his Viking the arrow followed the camera and hit the button we could not reach solving the puzzle our friendship our friendship stronger that day that's a strong strong friendship he didn't let you help in the one time tails was busted bosses get bent by tails since he's invincible and can deal damn oh my god we were missing out I had no idea that's this whole time I could have been cheese in it I could have been super cheese in it well that's a bummer and pale crit voice activation suicide tails was the way to go I mean I think I've even seen that done you know Jesus Christ that just ain't a whole pint of rocky road oh no that's a lot of ice cream man not really the only thing that I that can sneak up on me in that way these days is well it's always been this is that jelly beans because they like they're four calories a pop man you just keep going Bam Bam Bam Bam then all of a sudden your belly's half jelly a pint you gotta get those numbers up those are rookie memories don't quote Matthew McConaughey in regards to bad diet [Applause] the abyss returns even you want to go by that oh my goodness never got any appeal of jelly beans I get that alive makes me feel like I'm a bit of a weirdo for not ever for being such an atom and fan but I love them man jelly bellies in particular like get all those tasty flavors you pour that 49 into the bag and you got just a a myriad of deliciousness at your disposal oh that sucks we do have a shield breaker here though luckily come give me a but yeah give me a bear nee or a bear yon jelly beans just the overall here I want to see what we're looking at for your global twitch equivalent Jelly Belly phenom there we go inadequate gamer thank you overall yeah yeah yeah okay there's several mates so many nays basic [ __ ] skittles are my candy of choice so vote nay though they're similar though jelly bellies are just better skittles yeah they added permitted term basic [ __ ] skills [Laughter] holy [ __ ] nice the bairn a lady does look pretty angry doesn't they yeah I will not have this I won't stand for it why is that automata Auto mods got some interesting interesting weights given through different words for some reason yeah I guess I'm just letting that run its course on I'll heal up here be good to go I remember a high school band named basic [ __ ] skittles it's weirdly specific oh that's fun okay you know what he's gonna die from blight so see ya buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies are pretty great though topped okay give me this give me this breakdown right here the top three Jelly Belly flavors for those of you who are on board with me here this is for Jelly Belly fans only non Jelly Belly fans get out top three flavors go I'm hitting you with toasted marshmallow I'm gonna put tutti fruiti up there because Elise has converted me and then oh man see this is gonna be tough buttered popcorns pretty damn good I don't know if it's gonna make my top for eval red apple orange green apple is the best Jelly Belly is pretty pretty decent selection that's like it's like a healthy arrangement of Jelly Belly's what are you doing the [ __ ] did I believe this guy what the hell even mean to do that please don't miss just miss you so many bandages here so many big boys too many big boys too many big boys on the dance floor the Kiwi flavor is pretty damn good - yeah watermelon I like as well I like since iesson thanks for the hundred bits appreciate it buddy if only I had Battlefield medicine it'd be really nice here I'm just gonna go ahead and bandage that for sure though and then I guess that's what we're doing I'm killing you too many big boys we need some small boys not the size of these boys absolute units I do have a numbers advantage with the big boys I suppose that's true yeah valid point we need some dago's need some little friends and spiders gasps healed up man fourteen each time and it's lovely just lovely no bleep no bleep no bleep couple bleed all right that's acceptable why it's too many big boys all these big boys aren't gonna fit need some small boys goodness so no no no no no no okay all right he's dead right seven in four oh my god oh nice though all right um yeah that 52% crit chance I wanted to take a gamble on it let's just kill him like this and then set up a finale I guess which I've really yet to do um yeah give a shot I've not yet checked to see if milkers Lockett interacts with Mildred now and I completely forgot to bring it this time actually which was a bit of a goof I'm kind of doubting it does though at this point like I don't think I don't think there's a lot going on with that here we go I need to worry about this please let's top everybody off my chats just basically confirmed before us now yeah all right um yeah Hey all right this is going very well welcome to the bear Rider gaim been a while since I've been to you game welcome to the bear pile thank you for subscribing once which primed I'm appreciate it hi I like you great I'm gonna fight the Miller now no I think actually 174 yo are you Camry so you had a lease Chet I ain't think you I can hurt any the poplar no I like look you can confirm me to [ __ ] when we will you we're getting yo-yo we're getting down to the bottom line of this you I converted you to Jelly Belly's I think yeah I mean yeah [Laughter] like chat misses you you should Wow Wow jet you'll never believe what she's oh my goodness I love a chat oh no she was mean to you guys exchange there I guess if a Jelly Belly problem this is an intervention is it gel Jelly Belly in her belly Sarge friend who streams her boyfriend has an unusual pattern of laughing hysterically whenever there's a serious and somber scene that's great little reaping there I'm guessing that was a reaping I still goddamn alive that's tubelight not gonna be enough I should probably go ahead and do that looking to set up a finale again of course with this and group he'll well you know let's do that first whoo there we go thank God she didn't say something about fishing good having a heyday here another two hundred biddies thank you very much appreciated he goes that whitened bleed that's fine now we have the Internet we can stay mad forever I believe it was the Miller where a locket if you have a locket in the inventory I think he just wears it all the time like yeah he's wearing it now an individual healing the plague doctor coming up next I think I'll go ahead and actually not I'll just let that run its course I'm sure and let's kill his friends I think although that is decent damage coming from this spear no matter what you gotta help her out let's I think I'm gonna worry too much about the stress yet see if I can get a little greedy create another crit opportunity here for the plague doctor perhaps and let's go ahead and use a lot in them on her as well as the holy water to assist in this god damn damage over time just like that apparently he heals before the blight ticks off that's cool that's fun there we go ouches oh come on now are you [ __ ] kidding me what in the world give three barks for that yikes well we will do that of course it's fine hmm speed boost yeah [Music] oh let's kill us here please thank you it may be popped another holy water on everyone think it would have made a difference hey and back to zero I'm sure for the reaping yep thank God okay still gonna have an action here so that's probably nice Oh Lord this is terrifying hmm jeez I'm gonna try to get her away from the damage so she's targeted less at least and then she can stun but probably better off getting the kill and see what we got to deal with I guess almost certainly gonna be at least one reaping that's fine if I could impale and kill that thing that would be marvelous create on the back end plague doctor still at zero of course what's this looking like not a chance not a chance in hell so that's what we do take away another opportunity for them to kill us finale it's looking ok could be better that would move her forward again - let's put it off one more turn top tip there have you tried not letting him hit you whoo I should work that into the strategy maybe it'll be a little more effective there we go okay lower the resistance as well and then accuracy is down a bit as helpful at least and then to a master beckons come on boy oh boy okay nice a little bit of stress healing won't be nice I think I'll finale now I guess maybe we'll just get up certainly lucky here six to ten one to one with a chance to blight which would be for 714 is not enough I got to go for the bleed kill for the crit he's not gonna bleed from that you got to be [ __ ] kidding me don't do it come on no no no oh god okay come on now Wow Wow we god oh my god oh my god ah [Music] all right all right we did it yikes Oh coolster Muntz pause the symphony will soon continue I will fix you good okay holy [ __ ] um eat up holy water holy water yeah oh boy I forgot I had the age of scales there too I probably should have gone ahead and used at least one but whoo that was scary gesture already has one of those tambourines equipped so we can't equip two there's a quick stress accrual burrito rheology and there's the stress check cool yeah I love being able to do something about that yippee and the work on that I guess maybe I should have pretty eyes should have definitely healed her and prevented the check on her as well cuz that's gonna be horrible if she ends up getting a Wow okay that's good thank you I definitely still need to heal mmm I just gotta hope for a crit on something this is really bad nice can't target him the bleeds not gonna help us out up got to do this gee bear if you'd just gone first he wouldn't have had that happen clearly your own fault for being a gentleman unless letting them go first I gotta stop being so cordial in this game man coming back to bite me that's that imposter syndrome sort of effect we were trying to avoid yeah the passing the turns begins boy oh boy yeah I'm not gonna embolden you if you're not gonna do [ __ ] maybe I need to though maybe I need to unbolting myself even though that bleed is not gonna help us but something I have not played octave path traveller yet it looks good has anyone played it in chat got any opinions to offer it's it's tempting it seems like it might be the kind of game that's uh Elise and I would be able to get into for show console play it's amazing really really fun my girlfriend's been nuts about oh damn all right then very positive positive outlook it seems alright yeah I watched the trailer for it yeah it definitely looks up my alley oh my god that's obnoxious [ __ ] stop it please I gotta kill those guys they're not gonna stop doing attempting Galvan on her naturally about a switch just for that game holy [ __ ] great finale really useful stuff [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I hate these things Jesus Christ it just doesn't stop they're just gonna give her a [ __ ] heart attack and I can't do a goddamn thing about it [ __ ] yourself forever God what do I do I have no options and she continues to not give me them Oh naturally that doesn't die either [Music] it's rigged sure enough if you [ __ ] kill her disappointment [Music] all the decadent Horrors I have seen pale in comparison to that final crowning thing I could not look nor could I look away okay you gotta get rid of that Oh flatulent finally huh that's tempting see you rigged those without the stomach for this place must move on cool I should probably go try to take her on the bike hunt now I guess I've got a lot of people with the curse and we're making some decent progress there got level 5 of everything now so it seems okay a little bit stress on this squad though cuz we haven't even progressed a week so I mean I can still do the basic team Bam Bam and even throw Matt Skaggs in there now I don't have any curse removal yeah I guess this is fine okay let's go level up their defense I think their skills are all good to go for the most part I haven't really even worried about his transformation I don't think it makes a big difference all right yeah they're all said Hewell can't be skills are good all right that works let's go get a good result Crusader up front still has the option for the non-euclidean hilt although I still don't even really like it that much going into this place so maybe not this first choice grave-robber does she's got the absence still which also is not that good I think Osman chains and maybe even a focus ring for him is probably the way to go and then for you well let's do you first the easy ones genius head in the ancestor scroll well now let's yeah let's do ancestor scroll Crusader I'm gonna give now you know let's get the Crusader the ancestors scroll that's the better choice for sure and then we can give her a reticle passage I guess and maybe even not give her that let's not make her a super healer this time let's make your like a little faster with a feather crystal what's making her slow I guess just iron hole isn't it okay yeah let's do that the grave robber I don't know up here at the front I think I want to give him just straight-up damage I'm still leaning toward the knight I think I'm gonna give him the non-euclidean Hill yeah let's give it a try I'm there there's blight Abel stuff in there well actually now let's give him the candle cuz I know I'm gonna get the benefits from that permanently and then let's give him the give of the dismisses head over here over to here and I'll put the coat on her as well I couldn't do Baron's lash debuff resistance speed she's already really fast though I could give this to her let's do that let's put a feather crystal on my dog or my grave robber alright all righty there we go good good I'm not gonna blight this time I guess let's go with the lunge the lunge shadow fade combo again just so we can correct if we need to and then I'm definitely not gonna use ball walk this time of course because we don't need the torch lights so let's unlock the holy lance that ranked up and swap it off in case we need to move around a little bit more and then we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good let's do it I don't need that much I'm a full stack of ease the full stack of torches this time and I want to Beach of those those for fun and all the blood all the blood cool laudanum - not that much blood there we go not that much holy water either maybe more blood okay all right all right I think I'm good let's do it the vikon has set the table and I'm on a reset I'm on a full reset right now in my head and it's working mmm I'm ready to get [ __ ] done now feed mother here we go there we go and there we go good good good back down we go long trek back down to the bottom oh boy later around Irish yeah I didn't bring herbs either nah well there's not a lot of interactions we get with herbs in here are there no but I can recall anyway need to get the crystalline jester trinket it's apparently boss model really glorious crouched bits for the crits thank you very much appreciate it I'm doing fine I'm fine I got to get better at losing man it's gonna happen to the bear every now and then the games just gonna decide that I don't get to win and that's all right yeah mono the ever-shifting that sounds like a magic card like one of those what are they called are the eldritch in magic as well I don't know why that word immediately came to mind but like the know they're all drazi that's whether there's the Eldrazi characters they're creatures I guess and sounds like a male drazi creature Yamano the ever-shifting hey Dan I do it if a PhD in losing look all I want is to win every single game I ever play online only Chantal hey you thanks for the sob bear hugs stun up just watch the overview trailer for octopus might have to get a switch soon it looks good it looks like a lot of fun Holland's new job after a long time searching via these really helpful uh but just to the full time work thank you so much for all that you do and hope here enough to subsea yeah thank you so much appreciate that congratulations gesture tricky gives stress skills buff 25% damage against the husk and 25% damage of laudanum and inventory ooh damn yeah that makes the gesture a tank done that that would make finale ridiculous we [ __ ] of course I think I'll transform into a rake here just a knockin both out assume he gets first action no he doesn't alright well it's still like an rake I think get them both just don't let him go thank you worth it worth it are you kidding I can leave a little qu to hang around for a minute yeah that sounds like a hundred and eighty damage finales on the miller yep that's definitely what that sounds like miss it alright doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo here we go fix her up another stress he'll will lunge for fun hooray and try to stun it why not just wanted to drop the sudden leave got to catch up on the youtubes no worries Iman thank you much appreciate it yes stress Hill for 15 from the Crusader is nuts that is wacky and I'm not gonna stun him here so I guess just help the kill help the kill along and I don't need to do another stress he'll since I can proudly stress heal from that or not pick to the face is still the best name of an attack it's up there it's pretty straightforward pretty blunt zealous accusation I do enjoy as well that movies yelling at the enemy which I suppose there's a few a few moves that are yelling at the enemy particularly bellow it was quite literally yelling at the enemy blunts unlike the pic to the face right yeah there was something there I didn't know why it was that you found it and yes the barbaric yawp as well we're finding at all fun all those fun new words that mean yell you personally like hook where it hurts I always imagined that to go straight to the groin yeah that would hurt that's why the Crusader wears a cup yup hello goodbye have fun begging oh that's a scary one [ __ ] the power of the blood that is powerful thank you that hook hit anywhere it would hurt probably true yes done on you perhaps oh come on man what's the biggest priority here actually is it I think it might be the ghoul yeah I think it's the ghoul especially considering our stress I think we can deal with health damage for a minute here wow that sucks alright and it's done chance come on now I don't have as non-euclidean hilt equip that's why I'm a doofus okay that hurts that's a bit of bleed what can we do I'm just gonna keep boosting accuracy I think an out for crits there we go hmm not gonna stun you know with manacles I guess just cannot stun this [ __ ] thing [ __ ] all right give me the big smite hit nope stop doing that definitely stop doing that [ __ ] not cool ah she would've actually had a result check word not for herself he loved the stress okay now we need to heal for sure oh my god I should have brought extra bandages as well obviously okay this is bad it real bad here nice here we go that helps I think this might we'll do hoping anyway hmm nice oh yeah do it [ __ ] you oh my god no oh thank you thank you very much help help me stop this realize that stress feels pretend normally that's really good flippy nips oh I can't reach him there we go that's a boost no please come on come on come on okay that's great thank you thank you very much down 2-0 holy [ __ ] how did you do that it's impressive this is miss oh my god I can't reach back there no Fred yay just would you miss something okay that's fine he's just never gonna miss your bleed either now at once do it die thank you holy [ __ ] Aaron Jesus he's not with me today you're not wrong he doesn't like me all right I don't know what I've done to disturb his good graces but clearly I've made a mistake keep healing here all right how about some stuns yeah yeah yeah there we go pick through the face baby keep targeting him that's perfect all you want right there on this bad boy enemies get a scaling accuracy increase in the same way they get a dodge increase and need to dodge north of 70% to get really safe dodge spam in your favor nice good old scaling accuracy I guess okay ease I know I got to do this no matter what it's not gonna stun this guy we picked up a face is still the best play here maybe even want to let him or let her have two of them to take care of that tried a stress he'll assuming that's not a double stun it's a single stun she cannot dodge anything it can't be done this is a bleed to three okay so that's actually pretty much in my favor now all I get to do is desperately recover this round I can't dodge well when I'm stunned either it's usually tough all right thank God we actually got that kill thank you and I please heal her for the love of God thank you these guys are dicks these guys are definitely dicks not gonna kill him all right what we can deal with another kid dies was zero dodge I guess just she's got me this husband dies that would do it that's why I guess I probably should have used the nerve that I didn't have holy [ __ ] hell and no stun please die thank you I'm not stunning him yeah that's not happening now she can dodge Oh so can he apparently yeah I suppose they should have been targeting the person with no dodge right but Oh fine yeah have it your way definitely what we needed stretchy oh please - 100 Dodge she runs chic she goes out of her way to be hit by the attack of - 100 dodge yeah all right we're doing pretty good now least absent of those egregious offenses holy [ __ ] see we get for the Scout branching paths all right fair enough I guess we lost these okay well we'll take that and I guess the Ruby as well probably over the crests runner over that yeah okay all right yay marbles oh boy what fun even if I had herbs I'd just be mad at how many times they were preventing me from using them but that's nice finding the stuff is only the first test and it's very nice you know what I'm gonna get rid of this portrait I don't need that probably go ahead and camp out pretty soon here in fact probably after this one assuming things go a bit sour let's just see this quick resolve check here oh wow bring him forward damn it alright let's see let's lunge now let's thrown dagger from here let's get let's try to kill the Chevalier first if at all possible obviously he's gonna be the one dealing the most damage stuns on these will be fine too yeah alright no I gotta try to kill him marked the grave robber which means he's gonna skewer her for sure yay [Applause] it's like a guarantee oh thank you for the no stun though at least keeping her in the back nice stun or a nice crit very very helpful there stun him with I kidding okay that's fine very good Oh how are you resisting No oh thank God he was just a vet bleed yes he's just got protection 80 vs. 130 come on thank you there we go I'm gonna go thrown dagger judgment on the back line oh she can't do it from there though [ __ ] I gotta do that that's okay I might actually allow me to kill him with the crusader nope basically the worst possible result there hell yeah what fine glorious Crouch ow don't bleed her ah oh thank you thank you thank you chance to kill come on come on thank you he lit up Jesus Christ land this hit yes yes keep her alive oh thank you for that corpse clear as well it's quite helpful happy to do this whoo there's some herbs that I don't have any value of her didn't eat I'm no longer in need of let's do this keep it I guess along with these dumping crests all right now no disease wound care would be helpful on her if I want to do bad but I don't think I've got anybody else that's got it damn it let's remove heard mortality debuff I'd say I don't necessarily need to do direct stress healing actually zealous vigil now we don't need to prevent the ambush that's right so that's unnecessary chance could be nice on my crusader as well as prey I just want to do pray yeah I think I'll do that and we get a little bit of protection and hmm gallows humor that doesn't really work anger management could be fine also really unnecessary how about eldritch blood Eldridge blood in the quickening I like that and we'll just get rid of his extra stress as well all right some stress on the vestal I'll hopefully be able to address great rhymes let's do it yeah no ambush in the court all right off we go do the battle first got to help out that grave robber really quick obviously man these fights are not fooling around anymore good surprise attack at least though okay so that's very helpful why would you do that we got a shadow fade now okay well actually you know what that's fine that's not a bad a start for us here that is good night okay somebody do something worthwhile please here get us a kill close now we just got a deal with it here we go good start miss miss miss miss yes oh my god yes what a start Wow yay kind of handing me this one thank you game appreciate it yep oh here we go Wow I can't believe that is just a normal goddamn attack oh it's so ridiculous he's gonna bleed and he repulse it's absurd ah yeah definitely sell feel it's a big bleed - it's a huge bleed guess we're even now yeah I suppose [ __ ] hell hey that'll work thank you try a stun maybe on him - I guess probably my best play hey there we go nice there's a lot of damage there - I another self heal another big heal from the vestal please I'd love a stress heal from the Crusader that on this one and I think I might actually be able to get away with it oh but she passed her [ __ ] turn okay okay fine do as you will Wow that sucks all right you know what then [ __ ] you [Applause] we're gonna fix up a little bit even more apparently yay yeah I know I got to give her some blood I'm looking at it it's done please hey there we go so [ __ ] creepy looking give me the crits give me the crits the miss he's stunned he wasn't even moving goodness kill him there you go more blight or blood I mean yay I kind of want to start her in spot 2 now to allow her to shadow fade immediately and see how that goes ok that's another campfire in that holy [ __ ] yeah it's very very good I wish the creepy eyes blinked independently that would be pretty goddamn creepy wouldn't it [ __ ] that's nice and a few more of those how many a few more of those curios please and no trail my god what the hell okay thank you just abused that I guess we need a key god damn it all right back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up back it up and we're gonna go down back it up back it up back it up well I went out all I hear whenever you need to back up is the beat beat me I totally hear it yeah that's crass they're almost certainly gonna go I'm thinking of doing some half eat camp outs to alleviate our concerns here although we do still have some per battle buffs going on that I'd like to take advantage up to this may be actually just gonna be another locked door here hopefully not and stress is looking good all of a sudden those couple of curios made a big difference knocking out 60 from the Vestal the good old half eat campouts fond memories so lovely I have no shovels anymore goddamnit I just use the last one on a curio you know what I'm just gonna knock it out I think I'll just go ahead and use that half food campfire here as mentioned since we are looking a little bit worse on stress at this point you know let's go ahead and do it and we'll do Gela speech myself anger management this time as well and I'll try gallows humor I did not go well [ __ ] whoops no well Oh ambush what okay merrily you can get ambushed in here it's back there yeah it's pretty great I like that I'd still like some blood please if you haven't forgotten whenever you're done just hand it over please stand it up do you do here I will strike for blood okay oh good shot buddy well done impressive [ __ ] selfie Oh smashing it was the old lady who ratted you out bear god damn it well I can holy lance him at least please do not miss this attack I'm crying I'm crying on the inside I really am weeping just incessantly Jesus Christ do not pass your turn I wanted the holy Lance man overkill crit for 40 I guess works too it's done Stein yes yeah bear is dazed reeling about to break whoo thank you yeah oh my god think the ancestors scroll actually affected that cool I'm gonna go ahead and do this it's gonna be the little bit of damage I needed to kill him watch you just [ __ ] watch it's a guarantee Garen god damn T crit [ __ ] no no come on do not give him another howl do not thank you Jesus ly triumphant pride precipitates you know you've been patient Thanks thanks for the garbage all right cool hey that's helpful let's let him do it since the abomination can self heal wow that's nice I think the scroll actually does impact that that's really good Annie oh please connect please connect for me connect for for me thank you for the blood here is some literal garbage I found a fair trade yes oh goodness it's done it's done hey that's nice well he's probably gonna get off his attack unfortunately but oh well maybe maybe come on for damage for damage where's it coming from don't let him do the first we're just gonna kill it yes yeah I am running out of blood - I'm aware of that all right cool nice holy [ __ ] that was a good result Oh even better lovely okay we can let that play out let's go for a stress Hill here and then we'll self kill with him as well and being good shape baby good shape another stun oh my god big time players making big time plays who's that accuracy stress shield the vestal this is looking good [Applause] looking good looking good goodbye and I was a lot of stressing me right at the end there to success so clearly you oh nice dodge or is it merely trick of the light there we go yeah the tide turns quickly indeed Connect connect oh alright though check this out I still don't have herbs I guess this doesn't really matter before truth waiting to be spent it's low six holy water somehow and hearing is another interaction there thank you alright get to get that food at least I can survive two more hunger tiles along with getting a another camp out here nice oh my god the stress heels damn it I really wanted to kill him first oh well at least he's transformed and we can do that [Music] yippee-ki-yay mother mm-hmm I almost want to stress you'll again and I think I might bring our boys down to zero baby I'm doing it getting it done their language this is a Christian Channel I'm sorry I keep stupid so dumb sell fuel for sure no [ __ ] swearin goddamnit nope no of course of course it's got stack that up whoo that'll do that'll do not gonna stun go for the self-heal maximality is looking good baby yes let's top her off to you why not come on just you know you want to do it there you go ah damn might reach can't get those key dammit cool thanks the abomination loop meet can I move the map please what the [ __ ] thank you that I really have to do that to proceed alright yeah happy with that I guess still looking oh wait that connected down there what am i doing I'm an idiot [ __ ] I don't even see that so I was waiting for the whole damn time not too big seriously this map is too damn big and who gets to interact with it this time it's you oh boy and there's that hunger tile I've been dreading all right so that means we got half health again or 1/2 food again for the campfire actually I probably shouldn't camp out again does I need the foo for food for the Hunger tile maybe I'll get lucky I'd like to try to lunch to kill one right away nice and I can still attempt a stunt on her maybe even a tent - yeah probably just a tent - nice there it is not gonna stun you nice dodge let's go for this might one-shot excellent great start pre-digestion probably coming up yep decent chance to star crit him off that move coming up pump that blood and go for the pic to the face for sure for the protection come on crit alright I think that corpse is bigger than the mosquito itself you're probably not wrong now I wanted to crit there - damn it alright well we get one at least assuming all goes well here come on smite nice got a heal her up next turn oh goodness yeah big time ouch ouch oof anti-venom shadow fade get out of there get out of there little lady it's actually not that great of a setup for the next round but hopefully it's not going to bite me in the bud very concerned about the hunger tile coming up the inevitability of it wrong dagger is pretty good here I think I'll go for the back yikes that's not good nice okay gotta try to stun actually a kill here is likely there we go unexpected boon [Music] and I've got to try the stun on her 85% resists let's see it it's good damage with that - heading for 10 off the stunning blow still shocks me I'm probably self-heal oh snap that work yeah let's pop a selfie all in the Obama real real fast and in better shape and then hopefully maybe even get a one-shot kill here damn - been up for about two hours now and goodbye nice I love the unfed courtesans hit animation onto the tasks how dare you even be in the same area as me I will bite your nips off and I should no clue today Kinzie no clue ever feels right really how can she slap she doesn't have my arms port she couldn't slapbox mm would have her would have her number four arms are not long enough well we need this blood sorry pala need it more mister I'm gonna consume it in front of you just to make it worse oh I'm missing the impale right now that's for damn sure it'd be real nice in this moment a jukebox how you doing I've not run into the fanatic at all in this campaign the single strike weirdly enough links hey there Shue how are you that was a bad round that hits there they all got to go first - geez okay so I can stun these guys pretty easily let's go for that I think I might want a stress heal as well there we go pass yeah let's pop this real fast it's back down into that safety zone and let's go for a lunge on the back all right yeah that's gonna be all right now yeah he's being guarded yes oh you're the one guarding her that's right but he does have a massive protection bonus as a result so that means let's try that just in case I get lucky hey nice man we probably don't need to heal at this point so let's give that a whirl Basques thank you yeah I appreciate that I have gotten that comparison a lot I don't mind it goodbye considering darkest dungeon have you ever spent some spent time on mordheim city of the Damned no I've never even heard of that actually I think I need to spend a little time looking around and seeing if there's anything that I might be interested in as far as you know darkest dungeon lights are considered darkest dungeon likes are concerned it's probably an area of the gaming world I've yet to really dip into too much jingling dips speaking of dipping jingle e dips welcome to the bear pile thank you pursue the the Twix time subscription Eric bear hugs I can speak bear hugs please in the chat get him cozy thank you come to me pray yeah let's go to lunch where I won't have consistent internet would you pause for about an hour for me yeah I could probably do that let me finish this one up here [Music] little pause will pause for a now away from Jake to come back everybody I don't worry no one I'm gonna miss out bored I'm is inherently broken and unbalanced I have 150 hours in the bow huh that doesn't make it sound too cray although I guess the 150 hours part does provide a little bit more incentive all right well the stress is a problem again I think I'm gonna go ahead and pop these laudanum Stu or at least the one for him connect there yay we did it and then I camp but I'm terrified of a hunger tile so I think I'll just let that go see what's going on there's the hunger tile up there is just kiddin that's a trap okay you need to go first nice good [ __ ] good [ __ ] let's try to stun you nail it up heal it up buttercup baby don't you let you die that kind of sounds like that Alex Larabee guy who made a cool rap EP oh wait a minute now hold the phone there buddy I think you might be talking about the same fella healed up yeah golden kappa check real quick i get it golden have a check guys we just got to make sure who's got to make sure sometimes help oh yes thank you and oh man still not gonna do it dududududu there we go yeah yeah yeah I could probably it away with that again Brewer whoa part of me we're all in the midst of a golden Kappa check in here I am the disgusting I didn't mean to interrupt that goodness Wow hey now why don't you calm down there sailor oh yes beautiful that is fantastic thank you game that will provide us a no goddamnit no I mean that's gonna let us camp out but still [ __ ] locked all right bear burp on par with sir explains yo you want to start competing that was child's play that was me being polite I will blow your ears out of your skull with these belches don't even get me started really don't it's pretty disgusting that's something I should be that proud of Bry of indigestion really bag it up it's the longest burp you've ever done asking for a friend yeah but who would win but while yeah the thing is saying that I know for a fact that I am I myself would be immediately outclassed by my wife who would put us all to absolute shame she belches with the power of a thousand verbs the crown quakes a bear bear which approaches now five I got in an endless I've gotten 146 kills and that was in my charity run I have yet to get beyond like 130 in this file it's tougher than I expected man and I've gotten some some bad hands dealt to me by rnjesus as well so it's it's been tough but one of these days we'll make it through to the degree I'd like to anyway 10 gusta knows welcome back for 15 months buddy appreciate it thank you very much for the continued support I might connect there too huh yeah it's certainly looking like it interesting I'm gonna take these anymore I feel like I'm just wasting my torches on unnecessary interactions yeah I think I did 130 for the other day that sounds right that was my farthest in the current campaign before we got whacked we got tonight elated stun please wowie that's a good amount of damage for that attack holy [ __ ] [ __ ] how about another stun nope yeah it can't get Maul throwing dagger there we go leave her with one perfect hmm man I knew that was gonna miss - is something about it that didn't feel right I gotta expect to check probably someone reskin the formless flesh into the bear pile please I would like that I would like to see that we'll anti-venom here for sure hey there ghost Lancer how are you goodbye manacles for sure and then this is tempting for the crit chance but I think I'd rather do that you got a lot of that bitch-slap attack yeah that always feels good here's her resolve check ok add 2 expect it sorry Matt never mind that's a happy Maddy buddy the focused grave robber [ __ ] let's go I'm reborn he increased his own stunts killed chance that's weird even though that thing could stun nice that's what you get for being focused right there that's the reward Oh baby that's a nice feeling uh-huh thank you for the blood too you can have that take whatever I can and there we go maddening whine stuns when he's transformed oh my god yucky I don't like that Tom Ben hey welcome on in again get bin bare crits yes sir we're gonna need to start considering dumping off some of these less valuable things like the laudanum oh my god Wow okay let's go this way first and then go down that way once we connect back and yeah I really should stop using the torches on those things it's just not worth it okay oh well we might have to bounce and come back to this section later maybe even with the same squad actually if we can get their stress down a decent amount but she is focused so I kind of want to take advantage of that oh yeah we have another secret room here too it's good knock that out I guess well now let's go this way first that's another oh my god that's another campfire I should go back to that when I've got a shovel secret room get him first never kill him first oh yeah [Music] and yeah man hey there we go thank you thank you I wish there was a campfire ability to sense not some of the inventory stuff to base like some sort of weird rope and pulley system that they could rig up that would certainly be interesting I'm really not doing this how I had intended to do it but it's working I mean mr. Howell I guess he got his revenge here but apparently it's doable airdrop cash back to the hamlet yeah where's our courier that's what we need just have a class that's a mailman [Laughter] well yeah how master could do it uh yeah I could send the dog back that makes sense that's actually logical okay I should probably use the laudanum there let me stress healer one more time to since I can't hit him and yeah II that judgment calls let me pick let me pick there we go I can't even [ __ ] reach him are you kidding no no damn you okay alright then how about we get a little greedy a wee tiny teensy bit greedy here see what it does nothing Oh terrific thank you yay no need for that alright I might camp here oh yeah the Bloods gonna be an issue as well I don't have a key do i they're guaranteed le hick stunts please there's one - here we go and you got to go for her oh I keep leaving her with one off that [ __ ] crit no it always misses geez Beauty do what she get she gets the thirst of course back to eleven oh boy hopefully we get some blood from this there we go nice bear lever with one taffy that's me that's me all right fifty-eight percent not gonna happen I'm just gonna heal her nice I'll pull miss it [ __ ] definitely smiting here probably gonna go for uh you know I get some manacles she's gonna be killed right nope sure isn't just back up to full health is all no problem no problem at all yeah that's fine that's what we need oh my god no okay thank you can we stun her for the love of God please please please oh thank you you got to die beautiful you got to be stunned you got to be stunned I said so you you breaking the rules there you go try to play fair a little miss courtesan alright no blood garbage all the garbage trash nonsense I don't want [ __ ] I'm gonna go for one more room here I'm gonna leave that there and hopefully we can come back with shovels and be able to get more useful campfires there was stunned believable bear hilarious stun manacles right there manacles right there it's gonna stun this guy it's gonna stun him I can't keep them I forget every time like right immediately after I [ __ ] throw that dagger at her of course leave her with one just gonna leave her with one no God why please I'm not gonna one of my thinking he's got massive stun resistance I'm stupid whoopsie hey big snake if I had any sort of AoE any at all that would have been nice goodbye hey cool kind of helps I'm gonna stun you hopefully no I'm not that was a lie that was a lie what shot [ __ ] miss it miss it nerds missed again yeah you never miss do you hey that's good though might be enough Hey holy [ __ ] well done abomination very helpful Oh Baby yes group heal please I can't believe you just lied to me bear can't you apparently common now there we go what do we get what do we get what do we get connect those right connect these right here just connect them just connect them you know you want to yeah no you got to do that okay steel gray so much heresy in this game let no heresy live purge them all for the glory of the Emperor of mankind whoo yes yes he's magnificent we must murder the maggots yeah stress either kind of sucks pretty sure connects we'll find out only I can could stack those damn things only I knew these would be completely useless connect for me please we definitely camp here yep that'll do a moment of respite yeah whatever doesn't really matter okay we're gonna do zealous probably even just vigil as well and then it could do anger management's and that'll do all right cool sweet let's get out of here goodbye yes am I the only one who pronounces respit as rest bite I just go with what Wayne Jun says I assume that Wayne June knows the pronunciation for every word in the English language robust replaces daredevil okay fair enough passers-by lots of people are thirsting for the blood it's a bit of an issue let's commit to stress relief here as well let's get that routed and there you go you good and get rid of that dear mmm-hmm I actually didn't want out of that have a look another the back the tragic extent of my failing I wanted to have a look at that gesture trinket everybody was going off about which is right here is it this one dirge for the devoured where stress kills more damage laudanum in the inventory and added stress okay yeah it's decent at least that combined with the with the bright tambourine of course would be quite effective for him plus 45 percent stress skills yeah that's really nice hey teens have you tried thirsting for the blood it's the hot new craze everyone's doing it man alarms at the mercenary levels kind of tempting too okay well I'm gonna take a quick break here y'all just a few minutes and then we'll come back we'll do some more darkest dungeons so thanks for watching appreciate your time stand up stretch do what you got to do go grab a drink and I'll be back in a little bit then go get hydrated baby yeah we'll be back with more darkest times right after this
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 34,054
Rating: 4.8892989 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: PhCG-5VkhUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 30sec (7470 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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