Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Butcher's Circus (Ep. 5)

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let's try out this slightly adjusted team and see if we can't plummet some buffoons today appreciate the hundred biddies as well buddy thank you thank you thank you it seems like darkest dungeon might be good content warming yeah I should maybe pursue that we'll see how it goes Metroid thank you for yourself as well appreciate it buddy oh it's a no-name er that's always spooky man I want to know who I'm playing against this is a mystery person welcome the ultimate to the fair and see he's kind of messed up getting pulled forward actually a knock-back pretty good to the bear I should probably just start with my Cal trips it's almost always a good idea welcome thank you again so much everybody for all the subscriptions welcome back in for another day of BB fun see if we can do well we'll give it the bolster [Music] so we don't have focus yet which is what I might have to start trying to do actually I'm starting to think like I've had a pretty consistent approach in the beginning with this build with the Cal trips and the rain of Sorrows and that's a you know that's good but I'm thinking in a lot of circumstances I'm probably just gonna have to start oh wow he's going all in on the box man I'm probably just gonna have to start like going for one individual target and just trying to rain down [ __ ] destruction on them I'm pretty sure that's gonna be the way to go and especially marking a target is gonna help me out even more so let's see what our chances are our chances to hit or actually boots they're pretty damn good here that's great we want to go for him that twenty-one damage goddamn dude he hasn't even taken that turn yoke and he probably won't this turn unless he wants to try to heal it George may not be a bad idea Rico converting your subscription thank you friend he actually does decide to go for the healed fast he's in bad shape already oh no oh oh I'm sorry pal that one hurts yikes okay let's see now bringing him to death's door is pretty damn good because he can't actually heal to the verb an occultist again right yeah and then we should have a guaranteed kill with the Bounty Hunter the next turn [Music] that's only a self fuel right I'm reading that goddamn alright up the batter in there we go it's all dug new league series that's it that's a flummoxed ever seen one yeah damn right Luton back damn right woof a to the K 50 months on the pile buddy thank you very very much oh hey we got the upgraded Vestal trinket just in time for me to not be using her anymore perfect great all right let's go I mean that was a pretty strong start for us admittedly he went he went all in on his buffs and I was just like nah [ __ ] that I'm gonna kill you and it worked for me pretty well choo-choo baby thank you guys again so much it does make my heart warm to see such an outpouring of support right at the beginning in the stream Bank first again I know that's a crime probably pond jugular thanks with a thousand bits friend you she ate you all right let's see if this one goes longer than two turns it's like you might go for a starting slam I'd be pretty smart okay that's good for me I'll start with Cal trips again their bleed resistance is pretty low across the board that [ __ ] is not a big deal nice little debuff resistance my mouth really a big deal I say we go ahead and pull forward the occultist though in fact actually now this might have been one of those instances where that was probably the better idea especially now yeah I think that this was one of the teams where I should definitely focus on pulling forward first okay noted hmmm I think I bola right now nice nice okay that makes things slightly worse for him takes away a couple of options go Hellion first probably with a breakthrough at us I just seem to be them in the right spot from that flageolet unfortunately is not really what I'm looking for let's see I think I like rain of Sorrows more than punish here now let's keep focusing the heli and then we should be able to focus a guard here or force a guard here I mean the blithe lead stack that's really good she does have adrenaline rush equipped but she's dazed right now so I think he's gonna have to guard oh he didn't it doesn't even have guard equipped I know he does he does he has defender okay but this still seems pretty good so he'll probably hit well no he can't adrenaline rush with her if only that I've actually brought her down to death store that'd be huge I'll probably bola again real quick hopefully we resist again nice yeah let's go ahead and pull it again get it down to death's door real quick and get us into the right spot oh that's really good would be coming on wow they're shuffled Oh third spot so we've got a guaranteed kill if he doesn't go for the heal so he's forced there and about taking the occultist turn I guess he could guard now yeah he could guard that would work that's that's not the play that's probably not what I would do if I was him I gotta say that's not that's not looking great Rico Jean wackos the thousand bits insert toasty you've got a good look for the buffoon so far today man uh-oh picked up another achievement real quick when any 10 matches without losing a hero ooh I might have to take a peek at bad yeah we might just gotten a little bit better Rico think of it a thousand toasty I saw your message in the discord actually yeah it went on a tear yourself Congrats one that's pretty sick yeah it's got to be better than what we have on him right now right for sure all right let's keep going there's no one know what the bounty hunter does I mean I see folks that certainly seem aware of it and then I see folks like that that have that have apparently not been exposed to it yet at this rank which admittedly I'm not that high of a rank yet but I don't know man it's just you got to be prepared for it now add your sketch 500 biddings again thank you guys so much for the support really appreciated nor first alright so this has got to be one of the instances in which I should pull forward the occultist so I'm gonna go for it that's got to be the way to go here cuz if I actually managed to get this that's like it the the the amount of pressure that I immediately placed on him is massive like he almost has to respond first turn to that and he chose not to so I will punish him immediately for it there you go and fast or expire oops all right yeah there you go got to heal him up huh good job all right so the chances I get the right amount of damage with a punish are pretty slim and he only has a restore for an additional heal so we'll try to put him in a position where I can actually get him killed by the punish here and then if that doesn't work out then he's probably gonna be screwed next turn anyway the only the only way he can get out of this situation is to restore with the antiquarian wow that's pretty good [Applause] I can still rain a sorrows he actually just made that better for me no I can hit the antiquarian with it too okay so he's got a he's got a pop a restore but even that's not gonna be enough I've got a guaranteed kill next turn I'll blame him for doing that I think he's just kind of accepted to stay there free tissue give them no quarter 115 percent death no chance again [Music] all right we'll definitely pop a heel real quick July's the patch up to hopefully benefit any additional heels on him I'd even pop a battlefield bandage immediately on them as well to take advantage of that right away because they'll probably stack the festering vapors yeah that's convenient that's really convenient thank you game and let's see it met any no I'm glad this guy didn't quit yeah let's try to let's try to outpace his damage a bit it's probably going to go straight for the stress the big festering vapors adds a little bit too let's see popper we claim here that would put us into it sank when a territory next turn chances a hit here pretty good I can plead the mantle arms up pretty well too let's do it so Norris thanks appreciate it I'm having a great time I mentioned at the top of the stream I think I'm enjoying this a little bit more than I expected to actually I'm loving how much variety we're still seeing an enemy team compositions man like you'd think you'd see a little bit more repetition so far at least in my experience there's been a really good amount of variety and I love it let's pull forward the antiquarian all the crit restorer he'll hell yeah she have to resist up she's just getting lucky got a mark on her though so that's gonna be pretty brutal it's gonna be death's door which will actually heal us up [Music] I think I can get greedy and just push the push the issue a bit shut off the Nets door I can just hook for the death's door trigger again yeah pretty much like ghosts there is still healing available though the are Buddhists and the musketeer both have the bandages equipped and the musketeer actually adds a bonus to healing received two targets so our healing isn't completely sacrificed we have a restorer on the flashlight too so actually this is this is a really good team it's an extremely good team teetering on the brink racing the abyss now probably going sanguine ain't here even though I'm tempted to go rain of Sorrows just because I haven't taken a debuff to my healing skills yet it's probably the way to go get a bunch of damage overtime on him right there but she has no way of addressing either so that's good all right so he's probably gonna guard the árboles the harvest the antiquarian which is fine I want to do here I can uppercut the Crusader that'd be pretty good does he have a move resist is that 25% I think I can do it yeah there we go two days them too okay I'll be an exciting one a territory again with the fledgling which I might eat I might end up taking just to stack more bleed onto the mantle arms I can also slight men-at-arms from the antiquarian right now and I might do that since he's getting pretty low seems like it might be worth it yeah let's do it it's got the protection of so he's gonna be difficult to get through but with the amount of DLC that we've got we can potentially put him in death's door territory too it's gonna be by like six or seven eight injury and despondence set the stage for heroism hmm oh Jesus Christ okay yeah I think I'm gonna go ahead and do this again nice land the bleed right didn't get the bleed got the blight though that's good he's definitely on death's door next all right so we're looking pretty good here from becoming gone Wow yeah no heals up cuz he didn't end up going on with a restore so he's just gonna sacrifice the man-at-arms and go for the Bell oh that's that's an admirable play it's the right call okay there he goes man we're just crushing it today this new team seems really good bloodthirsty delight raised well learned abomination huh all right I'm cruising man yeah at least that guy's stuck it out for a while the ring drops down to a challenge our bear you fought me and I didn't leave it said you left really well I didn't and as you can clearly see that's on there's a new bug where it says opponent left on 99% of the games and gives both people a free win oh I thought I was just a god but it's Oh No oh that's terrible that sucks man I mean if everybody's winning what's the what's the harm I guess right I can keep playing happily you and your friend while you were playing man we were waiting all three games to be fair yeah we were pretty dominant position for all three this is an interesting column let's pull the árboles forward Oh snuffbox very smart okay about you now let's go Cal trips now we're not moving that our bolused 80% resist you can just hit her about and it works I'm gonna do it slam again alright none of us dispensation salt block thanks for the five bucks starting your own BD series soon awesome have fun buddy go ahead and do this since mine all right well this is the the first time that I haven't felt like I was at an immediate advantage in the first round Cal trips are looking nice but they kind of mess with our positioning a little bit and ya know that's kind of complicated things in it you can only restore from there that kind of sucks I guess I should have taken the flagellants turn first now he was he was in spot three already so we already screwed me over well let's see what he does and then I can restore in kind or restored in response I mean that's pretty damn good don't one Fergus Valley Hunter first is a pretty damn good idea - especially cuz he doesn't have a ton of heels and assuming he's got a battlefield bandage it's about it though those for the mark on the bounty on route de interesting hard counter his attempts to mirror my strategy for she'll break me you've seen we've seen actually a bunch of show breakers conveniently not on death's door at least see reveling through on demand portion it just got to do this this is a little weird I probably actually I think I should have put them yeah I should have put the Bounty Hunter on death's door there because he's about to do it so I'm gonna have to take the restore activation and then go for another heal maybe or something I'm not sure he's probably just gonna race me here I think I made the wrong decision with that bowl yeah and brick from becoming on wow he still got his finish him so there's no way I'm taking a chance on this unfortunately the only way that I can prevent him from being able to use it is with an uppercut that's good didn't days him unfortunately that would have been really good hey Andy how you doing well he probably has to battlefeild bandage that which we can respond to with the heel of our own on the Bounty Hunter and that might help us out a little bit I don't know if I can out heal his damage though I don't think I should go that strategy I think actually my best bet is to put more pressure on the AR bolused so I'm gonna denounce abortion I'm gonna do this that sucks minimum damage no this feels sketchy shield breakers pretty weak already - I mean they're the damages spread out a little bit unfortunately [Music] it just keeps repeating what I'm doing to him mmm that bounty hunter being in the back still is really good for me I hope that doesn't knock back god damn it no the truth test not a feeling it was gonna try to do that too he [Music] [Music] I would do shield breakers got 15 health I might actually be able to kill her and he can't use finish him let's try this there we go okay now he's got to make a choice if he tries to kill the abomination here he sacrifices his shield breaker a hundred percent and even if he keels cuz he doll Serpent's way I didn't think about that the clever girl okay let's see I think I need to bullet into exsanguinate and give him a chance at the death's door activation at least get rid of one of those blocks which is helpful this is PvP yeah all right we got a gamble at once and I just really hope that we don't sacrifice the flagyl and as a result because that would suck ass he has like yeah 80% death's door resistance so we're deathblow resistance I should say not to mention he can't use his bounty hunters finish him though so his best chance of actually getting this is probably taking the árboles shot that would sacrifice his heal he's gonna pass turn though it took too long oops it's an oopsie bud all right there's another desk door oh [ __ ] Wow I think that's just cheats he right there man holy hell oh that is a huge swing oh my god I think he was actually thinking that one through as well I'm pretty sure he was just considering his options there that's unfortunate he's gonna take that solution which I don't think he can he doing about that in the front he can't do that in the front okay all right a little bit of come-hither action on the herbalist maybe prevent her prevent her heal oh wait he's got the move resist I forgot [ __ ] that is a mark though at least so that that keeps stacking the pressure I am probably gonna have my own bounty on around death's door of course he's still got his wrist restoration so that's fine no not quite it just really puts me back in the proper party order oh good babe found a black skirt excellent glad to hear it alright let's go ahead and I could actually bow low again here to get rid of the last block but then should probably just serve and sway again let's just do this then he might actually just heal the herbalist I don't think it was really a wrong move for me they're like bola would have been fine that sniper shots fine the sniper shots probably not the greatest I actually think the bola was the best but again he could have just serpent swayed again so he can just prevent that so that doesn't seem like it would have been best either oh no it's interesting interesting to me okay he's really trying to save that shield breaker that's curious well I can step up the bounty hunter on death's door and then more or less lock that in no let's just do that teetering on the brink facing the abyss and I still have a chance at getting the herbalist kill here too in fact it's tempting to just go for rain of Sorrows but I should definitely take the finish him if I get the chance try to leper Crusader bill that was okie leper purges ope with a mover system comes to 90 percent damn oh you mean with like the moves skill boost right not with the move resistant [Applause] looks like he's trying to set up a trade here but that's not gonna work obviously because I have my restorer [Applause] there we go yeah he's in bad shape got a good chance of killing that arbol is still too I might even go for the abomination though depending on the biggest sell feels again really trying to get that Bounty Hunter resist the stun all right so death little chance 25% deathly chance 25% this doesn't really matter that good chances the same - all right got a blight on him anyway I couldn't tell you specifically Yami if that team still a thing there have been a couple of patches to the PvP though to improve the experience there's apparently a bug happening right now that's causing players to quit early but haven't seen a lot a lot of specific things that are trying to like address any kind of gimmick it builds or anything like that we're finally back on death's door with the Bounty Hunter probably a little late in fact let's not take any chances go for it there we go all right now it's just a matter of time props to you mangy for sticking it out to the end always got to give kudos to our opponent having the courage to fight on all right let's try and I think to myself is there a way that I can do like multiple hits with a character no there is not and yet again we're not gonna take any chances here although we actually should I should heal with the musketeer to give him the buff that's definitely the way to go we'll be healing for like 12 now inspiration patchnotes nerves bear taffy win rate percentage we felt this has led to too many early disconnections of that being bear taffy was too powerful hurts to hit you wouldn't have said that on day one man you've been watching my day one content even we would be singing a different song humming a different tune let him win the heels BM I want my prestige points dammit I want my +4 I want to level up we got the resolve check about that past turn are you [ __ ] you're up flatulent God okay thank you yeah save me the trouble buddy appreciate it a company of bloodthirsty tonight raise well yay you did it cruising through that baby let's keep going this team seems real damn good we were hurt in a bit there at the beginning and pull it out no problem it's Bayer taffy good at this game or is he asked is there no in between can't I be okay at it driving the best you're terrible that's just the world we live in it's that's a similar composition the one we've seen before it another one quite vulnerable to a pull forward ain't you oh it's the same dude hey welcome back to help ah [ __ ] well that's my game over rip last May executed he did I go antiquarian first this time he'll probably do the protect me about if I do that with a guard one of the other I didn't have a checking out visit he is not have to be the guard which is still available mmm if I crit damage alright then I still think that's the right play though she's got a ton of pressure on her already those for the buff super buff boys back oops goddammit that sound off them again what all that [ __ ] alright let's see I think I try to pull forward again 85% chance today now I didn't do anything for the expansion gray there's nothing really new in the expansion it's all like the same content just put in a different context okay it's way better for me obviously yeah that's pretty good oh [ __ ] besides the music yeah of course yeah there's the music actually it's kind of disingenuous to suggest there's nothing new because there's new music artwork Bo new way neurs so yeah that's completely wrong really not only new music is fantastic yeah it's excellent so this is really good for us again we're gonna be able to uh I mean not only did we put them on death's door twice which is getting us a little bit of extra stress but we're gonna be able to actually trigger the death's door once for sure with a rain of sorrows cuz he doesn't have any way to prevent it unless he defends and a sacrifice is a man alarms through hell plus I can lead and light that guy now ha 77 damage of two shots yeah that's that's tough to heal from man like there's not a lot you can do about it you just gonna have to take the damage so no chance for finish him yet I like rain of sorrows to start with actually Cal trips yet no no I didn't do couches yet I should do that oh wait that's only gonna hit three though I can uppercut yeah I'm gonna do it what I didn't know that worked oh man I'll be so mad oh [ __ ] oh are you in chat you mangy wait no this isn't your mangy this is the star seizure your module is the last one wasn't high you mangy how you doing watch out trips that's crazy oh he helped um run out of time here I guess I'm gonna punish the man with arms I can't let you just a reign of Sorrows though if you want to do that yeah I'm gonna get really greedy here ah no that's what I get punished punished immediately aioli works even against guard if both the guarded and the garter are hit at the same time ah of course yeah I knew that yeah that makes sense all right all right festering vapors also works as a killer skill yeah and Hounds Harry and well bellow this Bella - no Bella doesn't dealing damage right I think Bella yeah it's a - Harbor sense in everything no not not all AoE because there's some AoE attacks that don't actually do any damage all right he's got the guard up again which means I can do this for some direct damage to him the punish in the reign of Sorrows is going to be the best way to get through him he's still going for stress which is it's just gonna be way too slow at this point way way too slow is that gonna bring us down I think it is nice yeah impale does it for sure I think if I hit him with everybody we might get the kill if I hit him with two Snipes and the finish and I think that might be enough now I don't think it is actually I should still probably do it though injury and despondence is at the stage for heroism cuz the SyFy batter bola and that's all that's really doing is just less damage to the target that I'm actually going for it I guess I D buff them that's pretty good and it's stress yes not bad actually Oh a not smoke sorry what am I thinking of hey that'll help alright so that is enough to get into that store off the activation that's fantastic woo uppercut on him is actually pretty good too but can I get now I can't get a damage that way so let's try that resisted the day's unfortunately would have been kind of helpful but it doesn't really matter all right we get some resolved checks got that throwing the bounty hunter on the brink racing the abyss rapturous oh there he goes goodbye self-preservation is power at any cost yeah is that the bug prophase Oh yours to claim a shed that's frustrating man oh look at that it's an interesting one interesting one for the herbalist nun the musketeer gets one too well she can cure blight whoa interesting ah affliction causes the bug on both sides it's so weird [Music] tincture of iodine I don't think I want that I think I'm good with what we got that's a tempting Opera belt that would bring her heal up to like well it's like 7:00 to 9:00 right now right so if you gave that a 33% boost it would probably bring it up to like 8:00 to 11:00 I guess around there like 8 to 12 it's a pretty significant boost not to mention the blight cure but I haven't really felt like that's a problem so far we'll get him with his sham blur header huh we snap another fairly similar build okay does he have get back he does not he would be upset I presume by this he does have the snuff box I might just do this actually instead of doing the antiquarian but this seems like it's probably gonna be better thank you what a name right yeah felt Mars fell Mars just tech cuz Erica it's probably not even close that's uh what is that buff that does dodge and stress taking yeah okay so her dodge chances through the roof right now but we get extra accuracy right no I don't but still fine sadly not enough to get into deaths store right away sorry to hear that magnet that he could be here too that's unfortunately a total waste of a turn on his then to be fair I apparently also wasted to turn on my end not anticipating a musketeer crit shoulda done that what happened whoops well he doesn't have a heal anymore so this is a problem it's kind of smart drops the boundaries accuracy in a desperate effort to try to stop that kill is probably the best thing he could have done there how master here is probably just gonna Harry you can't imagine him doing anything but that yeah alright sorry bud oh it worked out for you and an 80% chance to hit that dude goddamn okay he's still in it I still got a good chance of killing her of course let's finish the job musketeer now all right he still hasn't heal I can't believe he's not healing this is a very aggro build honourary yeah this this one we've got is extremely bad Grove I guess he was just expecting that okay fair enough well she still marked and she still has to take her turn but she can wait till the end unfortunately I've invested so much in her already that I've not been able to do anything to anybody else she probably go for hound master next let's just make sure she's on death's door again all right 45 percent death low resistance not to mention I've got my Bounty Hunter's action too he'll probably flash powder again though that would be what I would do if I was him to try to prevent the guaranteed thing if he does that again I might have to change my strategy next to him though because I kind of just have to assume the bounding I won't be able to actually land on land ahead that's good for me okay seventy percent even less god damn this is ridiculous that's good panty bladder oh that's terrible alright well let's stop investing everything in her now I should be able to kill her with pretty much anybody's action so I could bold I guess that's not a bad idea we go just a little bit actually doesn't leave up that much of a shuffle but it crits nice yeah we got a little bit of stress piled on already so the ha Master has got to be the next priority that actually no actually I like that I like this I'd like to shuffle they're the shuffle they're worked out for me because I've actually set up a reign of Sorrows deathblow attends 55% chance most resilient antiquarian anyone's ever seen good God hey zombies I'm having a lot of luck with this composition so far I've got right here going pretty well for me all right just let me kill her please thank you goddamn got to keep her from taking her turn at least 28 [ __ ] do teep my corpse is gonna be gone in a minute like we mark you pull this next I have to just accept some resolved checks hey laughs you just let me feel like streaming it's unfortunate that we do overlap a little but I guess on games gonna crash how do you know what are you looking for oh the resolve checks right yeah I forgot that'd be a bummer but I'm gonna just shoot the occultist now I should pull forward let me go let me go let me go oh it pauses that to that that's good 1:10 sometimes Oh all right we're in great shape now I'm gonna give the musketeer okay yeah yet again a company of bloodthirsty tonight raised well free winds it's a it's a bug right now thirsty [Music] that stinks I am winning these games to be fair so like I don't feel too bad about it but it does suck [Music] was cruising up the levels man yeah winning isn't fun unless it's hard that's not always true I do like stomping on randos every now and then as much as the next guy it's more satisfying to win when it's difficult though that's for damn sure no gesture no he always does have the bandage okay I was gonna say if he has no bandage there's no heals on the standard maniac all right so he's not gonna be too impacted by move skills you probably start with the couch ups here [Applause] yeah that's a finale gesture if I ever saw one nice and quick Shay I mean all Jess there's gonna be finale jesters in PvP you gotta gesture and it's not a finale gesture I don't know the [ __ ] you're planning its he hasn't activated his riposte yet so rain of Sorrows feels pretty good here you think your rate of Sorrows is good imagine arena sorrows with blight [ __ ] try that one out little late on that he's gonna try to set up the finale immediately but it is it's at least two turns away so I should try to kill the Jester whoa oh that's huge he has to bet he has to bandage he cannot not bandage here [Music] goodbye [Applause] joke's on him yeah all right buddy you got another one yeah thought so kill the clown I'm Sookie pop it up dude [ __ ] it why not oh my god that's got to be upsetting no he doesn't even have a mark that's just base level crit chance that's insane what's he doing Dirk stabbed yeah I think he's committed we're gonna lose that guy that's it sorry clown oh damn we put focus on one guy it's only a matter of time it's only a matter of [ __ ] time from a mix of a phone we'll heal that teetering on the brink facing the abyss cattle they should actually got musketeer there so I could battle up the advantage obviously but oh well whoa dude this is demon bear now I feel bad we're wait that's just unnecessary good lord this is like PvE luck that crits only from now on I could probably kill the highwayman I'll just take the repose dude [ __ ] it this is PvP now tell me truthfully how long you've been watching before it took how long it took you to find that out criteria just just play along with me about 15 minutes okay that's not so bad ah I guess I don't actually want to go for the highwayman anymore I think I'm gonna go back line because I can kill her pretty easily too I'll come here that would have been better though yeah I should have come here first that was stupid miss miss play especially going with the Artemis first Alice about that bad turn so I can still do it is in bad shape though oh the riposte is gone here we go perched at the very precipice of oblivion I think that's a dead highwayman I might have to risk the bounty hunter for that yeah I honestly appreciate how many people stick around for the end of it flux excusing glitch from today of course good and typically people stick it out to the end mad respect thanks for the host vampy all right we should be able to put her on death's door if she takes her action which would mean if she were to attack and not land the death blow that would be a guaranteed kill for the bounty so that's that's probably my best move he can also act with flageolet first I guess which would be an opportunity to do it but then I can just heal if he misses it I haven't lost a character all days not a big deal really sweating it dude this is this one two three and you still got to take this and he can't actually I'm not he can battle to advantage her right Jenny I think you can I'm not sure I thought so but I should still be able to get the kill unless oh no I'm gonna blind fire that's a little inconvenient [Music] he sucks [Music] this little exsanguinate to get the flags linked back up [Music] might even redeem actually here I wouldn't be too shocked to see a huge heal pretty damn I'm sure the exsanguinate is the best play though all right so the heck do I do it's probably just bandage her it's gonna be another death story though Jesus I'll bring her down no no it well okay we're good this actually got a little interesting here didn't it I gotta be a little concerned about this oh she can't bandage from here either oh my god okay saying what ain't is a pretty cool word isn't it I should probably just bring them both off that store repeatedly nice cause I think he's making the right moves healing I'm gonna have to take another chance at this alternatively I could just let the musketeer heal again but then I actually really want the are bliss to be gone so hopefully she doesn't just die here it's unfortunate that he's been able to keep the herbalist in the back because if she was in spot two she could screwed she's got the extra chance but just the first time every time come on god damn it all right [Music] yeah they brought it back [Music] that's good so he can't actually do anything from there and she's kind of screwed up front too so oh all he can do is Bolin now oh wait now he's got exsanguinate never mind he's also got rain of sorrows wants to try that you did get a billion prints this game I'd take the first chance death blow over the three crits every day that's not a good idea he had debuff healing skills on that and that's smart Wow that's massive all right I got a little lucky - I'll admit it he's got one more sanguine eight no he's got two more exsanguinate this is an interesting near-match isn't it I think I want to keep stacking his bleeds up and the blights and he'll just have so much DLT you won't really be able to deal with it not to mention he can't heal anymore he's debuff 100 percent or 50 I guess now but it's still pretty damn ineffective wow that sucks that corpse shuffle really screwed me [Music] you won't want more chance to get back in the third spot that's good [Music] yeah I love the hero corpses too it's good stuff all right God like saying one-eighth of my own pal I'm tempted to do that but that can't be the right there we go there we go okay okay [Music] yeah this dis árboles by himself or by ourselves is going to be a bad shape course Crandall strike buck shine injury and despondence is at the stage for heroism and I still exsanguinate despite the debuff I think yeah it's the word alright dude I think we got this one that was he made it interesting but I'm pretty sure we've got it all right DG [Applause] Fiji as teams looking good looking real good how are you able to blight with the flagellants at rink we've got a quick ton on this one here inflicts blight on melee attacks and rain of sorrows which I thought was a ranged skill is also a melee attack along with punish so he's a great candidate for that trinket I don't think the opponents are really getting tougher so far ago I've not noticed really a big difference in player skill level so far ran hound master with finished and crushed hemlock four pounds airy multi-kill plus do tease that does sound really good oh hey rematch hey Zaphod welcome back let's do it again let's kill that clown again I'll try to improve upon my previous performance how much you want to bet that someone's gonna make a trinket mod that allows you to use the circus trinkets in the main game that'd be cool as long as it's not something that people can use to cheat the cheapy online you know like this to start off with actually and still mark though how do you know which members of your team have a gun yet you see that little gold bar their vertical gold bar next to them that indicates they haven't taken a turn oh damn nice that's pretty good enjoy Oh a [ __ ] [Music] yeah I'm not surprised [Music] same plan man good this guy may actually think I'm cheating I did nothing but crit Lasky [Laughter] Oh No oh my god Wow no that's that's fair dude I'm not even I'm not even gonna judge you for that holy [ __ ] that's nuts you forgot to turn off Saul crits in the menu I keep man I can't find the option I don't know where it is Jesus Christ we achievement that was for killing an enemy in the first round the ringmaster demands a challenger man that's nuts I hoping I'll get the poor guy again I'll be might be pretty bad there's got to be more than gaming there in the arena today right don't show me Zaphod on the other side don't do it oh thank Christ okay you might be done for the day Vestal shows up again all right I've got bounty-hunter of his own to definitely pull that vessel forward actually kind of prefer going second with this build you gotta pull forward townships start okay all right here we go you like he moved position I irelia from the computer to somewhere else Dodge's that's nice I love to see it we're gonna musketeer first just in case I need to do a battlefield bandage rescue heal on somebody which I seriously doubt on real dude it's like it's a 40% chance I know but still Jesus [Music] it's ridiculous oh I might be able to punish that like literally punish that and then a sniper shot would probably does have an additional chance - yeah does I think this is worth it I think this is it's a greedy play if I hit her for seven though okay it was worth a go worth a shot I would have set up another round one kill for sure okay okay okay well I will bola here to force a keel oh and put the fest Howlett front right in the front spot that is very very good all right so he's got a heel but he can't he's dead he can't heal he activated her oh man and he's realizing that he doesn't have the option and the vessels dead here we go your team's like a damn laser beam when we I was saying it earlier man when we focus at target it [ __ ] dies it's just a matter of time [Music] I think I might go for another Yoink here where rain of Sorrows that's pretty good too actually oh it's up in the sanguine a anxiety Prime ah god damn it corner bits for crits apparently funding a Dodge for the other team thank you all right so she's going for the big time flights tax heal my flatulent a little bit I'm a little scared I'm a little worried and then we're probably okay I'll probably go bounty hunter next he doesn't have any dodge that's fine vini Utley she hasn't moved yet Oh baby here we go and I think I have to be going Howard found master yet because the damage is already there Christ loves that do t dude I do I'm number 73 Ribbit's jurian despondence has he done it he's done it you did it dude successfully it is successfully fueled the crit well done thank you actually I think that might have been anxiety Prime's crit so I think we've got one more crit in the bank all right so you'll probably try to kill my herbalist but I definitely will actually no I don't have to I can't heal her though I was gonna say I don't have to actually sacrifice her right now but I can't heal her anyway so I don't think it really matters I just go for this poor sad dog open I think I gotta wait one more turn until the exciting when I could be back to a proper yield to so oh nice oh that's kinda inconvenient but does let me heal her that's good obviously she's gonna go back to that store as soon as she takes her turn but that makes things a lot better for you right now I'm gonna go ahead and extend my night again just to make sure that he doesn't go back on death's door next turn oh that's awesome he did resist the bleed but that's very good still flagyl he's back in business he's got one more exciting when I left for later on the vest of course should proc horror on people it does look pretty bad man those vapors are nuts these has been doing nothing let's stack that [ __ ] so I think we just do double bola no actually I can do a come-hither into a sniper shot into a kill maybe he does have the chance of course to kill my bounty hunter from that oh my god come on [ __ ] bad all right he might come hither to try to kill a bounty hunter here we're actually not in great shape he's done pretty good here that helps me though so unfortunate for you pal be coming on wound [Music] no bad resolve there we go get we good that's not gonna be an immediate death store again I can heal her so much dota dude this just got it extra healing received she'll be a 1 HP perfect perfect and then I got to wait on the exsanguinate here he'll be at 1 hp as well good okay so he gets a festering vapors at activation to try to kill the musketeer I probably should have just attacked with her now that I think about it yeah that was a wit that was a mess that was also a Mis that's good now what do I do those who covered injury find it in no short supply can I stop you from giving a deathblow opportunity I don't think I can what I can do is know I can because if I go with her no don't waste your turn please that's fine that's fine there now nobody's done that story now he can't actually try it you know hopefully still wait one more turn to do is exciting what I had to we might even just be able to kill him this turn that's smart that's a good move [Music] I have to call rink he's just to give my pledge lint an opportunity to deal some damage that's unfortunate that he's at one that's good they clear the corpse though all right now I think is the Depot clear is that still here for one more round dance still here I think I'll still just do this Wow holy hell cool I think that was a crit that we had overdue from the bids all right so he will get to try to kill at least one of us all right here comes the festering vapors for the kill mark is gonna clear off next round - oh wait is that no it's activating one more time okay I know it's gone yeah [ __ ] all these days right I guess I just attack what if she just kills all of us though [Music] raid boss antiquarian yeah no I don't want to take any risks especially because we can now heal her damage for sure no reason to no reason to put ourselves in harm's way and yeah we're a pretty high stress on folks too out of exsanguinate oh my god there we go that'll help we do [Music] that was his last action probably yay good old flagyl endued good old flageolet all right let's see if this antiquarians like the previous ones and refuses to die they get out 15% so I'm gonna have in that time probably I just go ahead and heal my herbalist again yeah that's not gonna be a heart attack right from the festering and I play not quite there Wiley's Maya bomber my flageolet probably not yeah there we go very good very very good okay give him a chance to finish it off my GG foolish horrors and driven into the mud another W for the day a company of bloodthirsty tonight prays well that's pretty good that's really good Wow dungeon drew welcome three months on the pile think buddy glad to hear it always feel good about that thank you for sharing those kind words I pride myself on being an effective distraction from reality and if I'm doing that for you today well job well freakin done let's go and do this team has been incredibly good I expected it to do well but it's doing really well thank you very much bit Spurs applaud then we go I don't think we drop the game today have we I mean of course the glitch is happening so there's not really a lot to be said about that cult prologue Yaya way it'd be cool if you could name your compositions when they like that a culture Rollag beyond salt all right I am going to pull forward the vestal for sure don't stun my Bali Hai Thanks [Music] that's okay actually because he did that I'm gonna start with that because I won't be able to do the round one kill more than likely because I don't have my árboles so I think instead we brought probably just our better off couch shopping the lot of them oh the double stun team huh okay very interesting a bomb is pretty useless rank for yeah so that was certainly a temptation to pull forward the Vesta but we can always do that round two as well it's not like he's gonna be shuffling his party intentionally not to mention knocking back the Crusaders can be pretty good too so yeah shuffling him around he'll work out pretty well if we can get an opportunity triple stun Jesus Christ then that is maybe obnoxious that's a quad stone isn't it yeah Jesus - it's ridiculous the quad stuntin he's literally just going for stuns every man every round he landed three but he's gonna put resist on him for at least one round but then of course it doesn't matter for him cuz he's gonna be attacking that round and blight will do some damage hmm yes I just hit the back line I'm really a problem of doing that I kind of want to go for him too though buddy's got her post up so a good idea so he's got a keel here but then I just get him back to death's door again it's pretty good the squad is planning to residentsleeper you to death yeah another war of attrition party his new healing we could another one teetering on the brink facing the abyss so that's our turn but he's in bad shape all right that's fine oh man I wish I had cow trips still go for that kill I'd be sick so much thank you now we should have anticipated that I want to try to heal my Bounty Hunter a little bit cause he doesn't really have a lot of damage I can probably out heal the damage that he puts out and heal herself again more stands this time I think I will go for this and see what he does [Music] this is interesting now it's it's kind of just depending on what the abomination does it make as if he gets her if he gets his riposte up again okay now I go for him that's inconvenient but now I definitely go for him almost a death's door she a mom wouldn't really make a huge difference but it's really just a matter of putting some pressure on anybody on his squad this he's in the lead right now good God new stunning blow from the third spot now I don't know about an uppercut though it doesn't really seem like it's gonna help all that much yeah [ __ ] it damnit really come on good lord [ __ ] landing stuns every time but I can't get a days [Music] yeah I hate stun compositions it's just annoying she's deliberately annoying it's like I said the other day it's like playing against blue control and magic real fun stuff dude hey it works that's what the [ __ ] blue control players say before all their friends leave them forever Terry abatement all right [Music] we injury and despondence at the stage for heroism or cowardice the guard is gone let's try to take advantage I got a chance at it next to him especially cuz she already acted abomination can only heal now he can move he can do a no he can't do what the hell is he doing he can't do anything from there you can only move great that wasn't very smart oopsie all right well now's as good a time as any to land that big old crit lady that works too does not have a crusader he'll equipped this is looking good for me only going rapturous soon emerged at the very precipice of oblivion deaths during the bounty hunter this stunned flagellants but I'm oh wow that was convenient didn't even think about that good oh is it the glitch oh come on dammit dude we had a good game there I mean victory I did it [ __ ] you get the glitch for about five matches not geez I don't know what causes the glitch people have been telling me they're trying to like speculate different things all day long I think it might be afflictions coming true wow it's so bizarre just randomly for whatever reason it shows up as both opponents having left and it gives each player a win so everyone's just this just like shooting up the [ __ ] ranks right now I'm super like literally no one's losing how is the system even dealing with that what's the what's everybody's ehlo ad [Applause] as policy coldest okay or enough that no you all right hmm this is bad he's got some mark bill going on - this is my mark early pretty bad gonna stun on the obamas well it's an interesting composition I kind of like it we're in big trouble right now of course he's putting on pressure - got to be a throne dagger right it's a lot of damage and see manacles of gether who will get her anyway um my heels gonna do nothing for me here and I'm pretty much committed to a buckshot on her turn which means I kind of want to do this I almost want to just put more pressure on the abomination hitting the occultist with that would have been good admittedly in fact that would've been enough I think to bring him to death's door off this term did he argue that was a better play all that being convenient that helped him oh man damn it all right well I don't want a buckshot first then [ __ ] causing some issues dude drinks are breaking yeah it's bad [Music] and see I have to start with a buckshot here cause like he'll okay um [Music] I'm just going to move my fledgling forward I really want to try to land the hook on the coldest again I feel very strongly that that's still the best play okay that puts Bounty Hunter 8 rank 4 which is great for us too I don't think he can even shadow fate from there so that means the only way to get him forward is to move that's great that is wonderful okay let's go ahead and do this and then if we can bug shot into rain of Sorrows we'll be looking good that's my first that's fine even if we shoveled them we'd be okay you have to look at one chance for the pole to actually kill her unfortunately and he'll almost certainly go for the pole because even if he doesn't get oh my god what Wow damn shitty so he can't actually hit rank 3 though he can them yeah with rage and sucks okay fair enough lighten the bleed on the coldest it's good I'm probably gonna lose my muscles here here see I have the additional deathblow chance it is not so we're looking at 75% he slams the flageolet tests really fast okay huh the pressure on them right away good teetering on the brink facing the abyss good they're forcing you to choose between heals and reordering not necessarily though because we can flip the script here by putting the pressure on at the very precipice okay he appears to be trying to set up a trade which I'm okay with because he doesn't have a bounty hunter finish and I do [Applause] the offensive sadly that removed the corpse of the Bounty Hunter's spot three now sand now he does have the finish him I was inconvenient [Music] Wow what Oh no way holy [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] okay I'm gonna do this this is greedy it's greedy but it allows her to heal this turn if I perhaps get extremely lucky again that's fair take whoever's got the highest chance to hit he resisted both and socks got very little percent chance to resist that - it's a bummer all right we got to go bounty hunter next if the abomination that hit that bleed I probably gone for him but obviously the Bounty Hunter is the most threatening of over the last three year that's not too big of a deal árboles might actually be able to bring one of them down to death story that to be a grit okay it's pretty good since the resist is dead store again unfortunately so that's probably a finish him unfortunately - so nothing I can really do about that damn oh well now well finishing I can't believe it Wow Wow dude it's ridiculous I feel bad for him I'm still not in great shape right now he does deserve to win yeah he's he's been all my kill he's been winning the whole time [Music] I better keep trying to kill him that's life vistas of emptiness reveal themselves still by far the most threatening he doesn't really have any heels now no he's only got the self feel in the abomination oh my god if this works this isn't this isn't gonna be fair if this works okay that's I didn't deserve it I truly didn't deserve it now I should die come on I need to die here there we go it would not be right if I resisted that again that would not be okay yeah we'll just go for this it's an even fight I've got blind-fire marvelous - so come pretty good whoo [Music] all right their second exsanguinate up be a depth or for him yeah I think with the fact that we've got a flageolet at the end here our odds are pretty good wine fire in the flageolet up front we'll be okay all the time masterfully executed yeah that's almost a result check on the abomination too but you'll have to do it anyway to get the heel off there it is worthless a night away perspiration more destructive than a hundred canons this is her death story Hill I can examine it again all right see you later dude DG that one we sweated a bit bloodthirsty tonight throughout to vent tear one very good no I think that was I think that was an actual surrender that was it that was a good game though yeah it was great fight he was definitely in that one all the way to the end there he got screwed actually to be honest with you he got completely screwed I can't believe those finishings didn't kill me that was unbelievable like if I if that had happen to me I'd be furious do you ever lose not while there's a bug preventing me from doing so that's helping a lot today surrender is when they quit upon it left is the bug slash disconnect okay gotcha you think you can make darkest today if I keep playing yeah I don't know I honestly don't know how good the players are at that rank so it's possible once I get to a certain point that I might just keep getting my ass kicked I'm sure there's some darkest dungeon gods out there that could hand me my butt on a platter and is a vestal pole for sure I can kick your ass if you want I believe you I'm veteran 1 right now and it's a it's a good start it's a smart play let's see [Music] this is usually a good start to who's got the bull fanner and the darkness banner oh snap alright so we're playing against the real deal here hun he had a great first start or he had a great first turn to a smoke scroll look he's so clever he's making such good plays dude very interesting we didn't bola him that might [ __ ] him up a little bit but I think I'm probably better off just going for some damage got 95% we're fine [Music] doesn't actually have heels anymore this turn although I do have a stunt I have to deal with so I get matter there we go all right pressures off not what I expected but I guess it makes sense this both the D buffs there that's pretty good for me Chinese characters thank you for your subscription welcome to the bear pile sorry I have no idea how to read your name [Music] I guess I could go random sorrows again now I should probably just pull it forward now I don't want to waste the opportunity for the Bounty Hunter's not actually oh that's not at all what I wanted [ __ ] oops well oh well hey I miss quick grab the herbalist instead of the Bounty Hunter gluey he recognized it was in Chinese so kudos yeah I got that far with it right nice taste that ah [ __ ] I should probably just pull her forward still especially now actually I wonder you know pulling the muskets here here might be a little bit better okay yeah he's really on the backfoot now he's desperately trying to keep her alive oh you're actually Taiwanese oh my bad but those are still Chinese characters right or am I just totally ignorant he's good I thought I did well but baby I'm just okay they are good hmm he's running a Dodge cop yeah look at this [ __ ] man no the bolster the he's trying to reduce accuracy to on our part but can't really do that to the point where I'm affected all that much by it unfortunately for him Musketeers in bad shape not too hey Mark do male don't give me back that kudos if you earlier yet I got your toasty okay really trying to hit that resolve check very interesting so if I go rain of Sorrows here he's just gonna respond with a group he'll which is fine with me honestly that works for major that's gonna give her it's gonna get our stress added on it's gonna add more DLT to the man of the arms at more dat to the musketeer it wastes his turn and I probably just shoot the musketeer twice or I could pull the musketeer hmm cool I can also catch ups right now I still actually I should save that maybe let's just shoot her twice I'm pretty sure that's the way to go that's a shooter twice that's death's door and then he's got no way to directly heal I know he's got the Musketeers heal but he has to do it now [Music] I'm forcing his hand on every turn which is great for us but she does have a healing received buff now - I gotta consider so what do I actually need to do now the reveling thrown around I still think this is the right idea because I can still hook her and then I still get more result or more stress added on from that death's door activation she's up to like 60 already okay so now I get to focus the vestal again look it up or get the hell you might be pretty good invest is up front now ohoho this is good all couch trips is well I forgot and he didn't heal I can still all good stun though smart stun nice I know it's not a stunt that's a dazed alright Cal trips time didn't get her did get a death story activation though that was worth trying that was definitely worth trying right there and then he's forced on the fuel again he's been on the back foot for like two rounds now he's in bad shape let's see I think I'm gonna do another rain of sorrow we've just been stacking a ton of dota on this mantle arms that was not the greatest result unfortunately I think we'll snipe the Hellion now he's on the back foot but so far pretty even I feel yeah we haven't really been able to take advantage of it all at all because he's done really smart things to keep his team in the game so kudos to him for that for sure and Taylor thanks very much for you two months in the pile welcome back buddy appreciate you I think I can hit the vestal twice again maybe even I asked you that that's pretty good they'll probably heal with the musketeer again I'd assume teetering on the brink facing new and unfortunately don't have an AoE that can hit her oh god dude [ __ ] all right well he has to heal first turn and then he asked the ill secondary his heels are just getting more effective with these buffs to although they don't last that long thankfully [Music] rain of sorrows again it's pretty good but I think a snipe snipe might be better now hold on let's do this first [ __ ] musketeer is the real Vestal yeah I think I can still kill her because especially now that was so smart though okay yet again kudos to him for doing something intelligent he'll guard the vessel again if I try to go for her to is the thing so I've got to change my approach I got to change my approach a bit here let's put pressure on the Hellion - you can't guard them all not to mention the DLT is really starting to work the man-at-arms down I'll probably up to hit him with a punish next turn to keep that blight up [Music] was the expected move [Music] I probably see an adrenaline rush here if I bring her down far enough minimum damage [ __ ] that's stunning the bounty on her that ended up working really well for him so I'll see a Jaap here yep so that'll be a double-check now Bella wouldn't be Bella wouldn't have been good there but he needed to do the guard human mind he had to do the guard into the yacht because otherwise he would have been too exposed he would have easily been able to kill this one next our together I still might be able to just kill the man alarms here though which is what I've been talking about doing right now because if I can land that punish and get that light to keep stacking now along with the bleep we've already got that might already be enough damage to get him down the Hellions already really load too sadly not enough with the bleed there that would've been nice but right there if we can kill this man in arms we'll be in real good shape and the light in the bleed please resisted the bleed but the blight was more important there anyway looking at 12 they'll probably activate the men-at-arms yep that's the smart move before the death store can trigger from the d-o-t Oh No come on we had a good game god damn it man mom it was a good wine this is frustrating man son of a [ __ ] I think I might just have to stop playing today that sucks yeah that was the lug so it showed up as me leaving on his end - I mean Jesus do this admittedly this looks pretty good for me hapana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 game winning streak yeah you know that's a nice little ego boost but the fact that it's coming up with the bugs back is just really depressing man it's a yeah no this is this is not good for a for a system where they want to have like ranked ladders it's really bad for this kind of thing to be in place so I hope that they can fix it anyway yeah unfortunate I think I'll probably just end today though because I don't really want to just keep winning by default it just feels gross wow look at that dude in a fancy new aura yeah one more Pepe hands alright alright the ringmaster do you want more vod's over on youtube by the way make sure you go check them out I'm uploading further war I wanna say today miss any of our battles thus far you can catch them over there yeah that's the only thing that's still making me hesitant about that toasty I guess it wouldn't be that big of a deal right like padding Steam friends is pretty easy so theoretically all I would have to do is add people on to my lists play them and then remove them right which I could do shouldn't be too bad this is another great opportunity to pull forward especially cuz she doesn't have to get back we should have the snuff no now resist either hit chance is pretty good here we go any PvP if in the same steam group now I think you have to has to be steamed for anything pretty sure just limit it to the people you know aren't likely to be crazy about it either yeah now I might I might actually do that today I think I could probably make that work just go for the antiquarian [ __ ] it [ __ ] I've been loving the frequency with a Dodge cops man they don't work but I love that so many people are trying to now I haven't lost yet today which again to be fair there's been the glitch going on that's been forcing people to quit but also haven't lost yet no one has won't some people have that some games that keep going all the way through I've had a couple of people actually surrendered to me today should've started with that I don't know what I was thinking trying to shoot with the árboles first that was clearly a mistake I should have hit the antiquarian with the musketeer that would have been better okay so horrified the antiquarian retreats to the back line unfortunately for it I still have guns can't finish her unfortunately because she's in the fourth spot now I'll probably still just shoot at her look at this triple riposte bill dude I [ __ ] love it the cheese the super cheese I'm gonna I'm gonna hit him with the Cal trips and my Bounty Hunter's just gonna [ __ ] die just dies instantly let's see so even anything I can do I guess I can pull forward he has probably fine come here all right she's now at 0% I belief I think that was three he's billed as nutty dude sadly for him the abomination spot four is going to complicate matters yeah that's a little inconvenient innit that should do it there I he's probably as we're posts trinket on here - yeah I know he doesn't he's got a boost arrange skills that's interesting interesting choice with the riposte build all right let's see abominations really the only vulnerable one I kind of want to try to heal up my Bounty Hunter a bit just go for the double heal here [Music] this music so much it's so so good I'm pretty sure with the buff from the musketeer I'll actually be able to out heal his damage so if he wants to just stock it stack it all on the Bounty Hunter that doesn't really matter to me he'll probably slam ya flatulent that's an interesting call I just moving forward then or even he'll actually a bad idea and I can Bowl the next turn yeah flageolet loves riposte he doesn't you didn't mind that at all not a problem for him that's just deal some damage I guess sure that's pretty good I don't think so shadow I'm pretty sure horrors affected only by things that's specifically the note that they're impacting horror [Music] all right no more DLT on his end guess they just start with bullet now I don't want to give him a free repost hit there's gonna be the only really effective way that I can do that so I guess I have to do it tweaks yeah that's not a big deal that's fine he'll probably go for beasts bile here to try to get the trip over post up again [Music] you can pop another musketeer yield I'm a bounty hunter in better shape does this actually impact the restore let's see if that's tonight instead of six it'd be pretty dope I don't think it does and that's fine forward Plus he'll usually affects restore damn that's really good then it did didn't it yeah give me plus two but I had the blight no no no wait a minute no I think it only did six yeah it only did six okay that's fine I shouldn't do cow chips either let's just go for her finish him on this guy like saying when a ready I'm gonna go for the death story here which is dumb she'll be always smart look at him go I'm still just gonna do this anyway now the to test fast expire very good why no cow trips there's only one we're post-its the little late in the fight for it anyway I feel like I'd rather just deal the damage especially cuz it doesn't have a healer except for the self heels in the abomination I guess this is just a this is a race that he is doomed to lose it feels like I'm trying to be safe though I could still get myself hurt pretty bad I guess I just bola because his repost damage is gonna be very much at all once he crits me of course and that's a problem yeah they've literally hasn't been enough time since that became a channel point reward for able to get that many points have even most someone has right now is like a hundred thousand stole ways away it's gonna quick bear but check while we're on the subject jakers got a hundred thousand I mean no that much toasties at 42 zouk and 47 Robin is 66 goddamn the big absolution Gayle should she have a heal buff no let's help her out sixty six forty one thousand fifty six thousand fifty six thousand goddamn that's dope thank y'all appreciate it I can maybe do couch ups now I'm pretty sure I'm still just better off doing this though like he's gonna heal himself but I might be able to just out damage him especially with the d-o-t is getting done we're getting stacked up from the flatulent 68 hip oh damn okay okay teetering the lip bring currency of singly abyss can you even hit the backline anymore he can't so she's fine I could get super greedy here and just shoot the highwayman alternatively I just healed the herbalist and let the arbol issue died away man Bravo it thanks for the five months buddy welcome on back and appreciate your resource crypt he should be focusing Bounty Hunter yeah I mean again I don't think he really has a chance here props to him for sticking it through but I don't think you I think there's a realistic way of him winning this fight especially not now good god yeah he's [ __ ] at this point Matt crit was a big one only nine hundred ninety seven thousand four or nine hundred ninety seven thousand four hundred to go you're getting there why you getting there pretty sure he's playing for the bug yeah I don't blame him that's why everybody's going for the stress bills right after luck yep well here comes the bug so it's not surprised develop a bounty hunter of all peoples and expert on actually killing people yeah it makes sense thematically right I love it let's see I can probably get you down to that story game I'll probably just be another kill though oh wait no he's dazed nevermind bolas good good oh I don't have bullet client fires finally guess fine whatever that's an inconvenient turn he does have to do that which means the coerced absolution again unless it wants to sacrifice the abomination and the ways to turn I guess it doesn't really matter what I do here so I have to be bounty hunter next anyway oh all right fine maybe your way there we go all right so he's got another four step solution turn the flower him I'd probably keep bellowing yeah desperately hope that the bug triggers again come on game those who covet injury stick through it here and digit no short supply this is my turn let's go with yes this is fine well he's gonna heal anyway might as well try to stack some DLT on the mantle arms as well old man shouts his way to victory yeah PvP is going really well for us so far today Yuki but I've been hindered by herd not have hindered I helped along by the glitch this dude is really playing for the wind still big time props he's in this to win this double buckshot time see you [Applause] might as well snipe just blows marx herself quick tan on the mantle arms alright a punished ought to be enough with the d-o-t to get it down or she should be good do you think we got it [Music] all right this is his last chance on this resolved check well he gets so lucky I think punished hits on all yeah you're right punished as a deposition pre-academic greatest sorrow unfortunately it's the one going to be enough damage especially cuz he doesn't have a DLC anymore but I think what these two will get enough to sniper shots I think will be enough to get through 11 there's that many buffs to protection either not that he could we go yeah I know I'm sure he wasn't actually going for the bug we're just being stupid Oh God come on you well I gotta use my cow trips I gots to use Macau trips we go well I'm very glad we didn't actually see the bug this time you have to play this fight all the way through don't jinx it don't come on don't just do it now that'd be a be really mean game if you really mean to do that oh my god [Music] come on you can do it Wow the 22% lands all right GG is suggested eto gg as victories mount so too little resistance you want to go you want to throw down towstee all right let's do it will do I'll do I'll do exactly free viewer games will start out against toastie since I'm pretty certain he won't be a weirdo about it and then I'll add two more people onto my Steam friends list I'll direct challenge y'all so first of all toasty if you could just go ahead and add me on Steam that'll probably be the easiest way for us to do this know if you have already and I imagine I'm not too difficult to find alby's by far the easiest way for me to do it so there you go you just did it awesome alright that toasty just again just to make sure you're aware I'll accept this I'll be accepting this request I'm trying to accept the request but it's not doing anything eyes are not doing anything when I click the green check do you have to do something on your on toasty you have to accept that I accepted the friend request that you sent is that how steam works there's nothing's happening it's just it's just showing a checkbox filled in now I mean I could show you like look this is what it looks like why why does it look like that what do I do because all that happens when I click it again is that this isn't going to work than I guess but my friend code in the discord he could try that you can do friend codes I don't even know that was a thing now I don't think my friends list this fall I'm pretty sure my friends list is always a confirm button okay I didn't I scrolled down there's a confirm button underneath all that [ __ ] that I didn't realize was there okay I got it I got you invites in my pet my bad I'm sorry that change in steam all the time damn it freaking confirm button I know [Music] all right let's do it I'm ready to fight [ __ ] you better be too you have chosen this foe I like the banner a little bit of [Music] we'll have a nod to my own work on you son of a [ __ ] this looks familiar goddamnit you did tell me your cough last night I guess that's fair come on here we go oh look at you with your snuff box on the vestal - he's so smart so frigging smart all right Cal trips start don't you do it too can you donate bits for toasty crits if you want my wrath unleashed upon you you mashed up we need to do yeah I ain't even reading those toasty can shout those into his echo effect [Music] let's go news goddamn right you should be it is a vengeful wrath yeah do that yucky Nicky caca poopoo Britt from becoming unwound oh I think I know what you're gonna do here sneaky little [ __ ] I never mind I had no idea what you were gonna do let's see [Music] God dang it all right still worth still worth it hee hee hee [Music] he's expected now that's pretty good okay Thanks these toasty bits actually worked yeah [ __ ] I better be careful oh boy yep teetering on the brink oh you've done very well here you've done very well yeah nope there's nothing I can do all right all right all right then let's see Hey yeah there's no reason not to oopsie oopsie weren't ready for that one now it'll change things up desk our dues it's compare grits good lord I mean you might still get it you might still get it oh boy okay goddamn dude and the crits are a foot man I've been on the backfoot in a minute turns out the team that I've been playing with it's pretty good all right that's good now she's still coming into death's door immediately so I think this is my best move very good it's from the gravy master yes caboose you got it dude a little late on the activation but you nailed it yeah the musketeer in the herbalist are pretty much clones of each other there's just small differences in their skill skill sets seventy-three just kidding I'm not reading that that's that's a garbage cheer I don't mean anything [Music] let's do this yeah that's that's gonna be good and it's gonna be good [Music] now just slightest lapse and concentration Ali Ali Ali damn we each get a crit okay Oh No towstee oh no what do you do about that yikes buddy say goodbye crush this advantage give them no quarter an extremely meaningful shuffle there thanks dude welcome as dad thanks very much for your recent scription there sorry for your new subscription with twits prime went to the bear pile fella appreciate you support bear hugs if you got them please thank you thank you [Music] I would not mind going for another kill here maybe try set that up Mustard's 65 flipping months on the pile buddy thank you very much for that and bearded Goblin with the 26 as well we got a good old height train going god damn thank you all very much for that I keep saying it but I feel obligated to continue saying it's been awesome to see so many folks out with the darkness done about that so thank you all for being here hope you having a good time I trust that you are all right why did I not do rain of sorrow was there oh my god I just was was it brain for it whoops totally whipped on that damn it all another hundred thank you buddy appreciate it all right makes sense but do you think I'd probably just hard commit to that a lot of problem with that it's bids for supercritical fluids damn Bagan got shot back thank you very much again buddy welcome back to the pilots appreciate you all right my bounty hunters in the bad shape real bad shape holy [ __ ] ah look at you you know oh no never mind I was gonna say he's gonna force the trade here but he can't [Applause] gifting a sub that a ZX welcome onto the pile pal one tear falls thank you as well another gifted subscription appreciated buddy the pile thank you guys yeah the d-o-t is pretty significant here that is pretty big I'm gonna be allowed heal that so well it's a good idea I might actually just go rain he now let's keep doing this Wow okay and Bella another three gifted welcome into the ballet all thank you again gifted subs appreciate it and pillar thank you for the support the difference between three versus four turns in to versus 4 turns feels really big I bet yeah not that I would know that's awesome good to hear I'm in a bit of a pickle here I'll shed oh no never mind I'm a good as life ebbs terrible businesses of the nozzle repeal to December 8th way were the good negging for the hundred biddies into the pile or sorry not bits I should appreciate that but bola yo start Fisher they just keep coming another five gifted from Starr Fisher thank you so much thank you thank you I'm gonna pile everybody to the bird appreciate it a lot [Music] he's gonna be on death's door I don't know if there's anything I can do about that yeah I think I just had to accept it couldn't hit him with one more damage unfortunately so I don't get to finish him there oh yeah Oh uppercut uppercut of course it's brilliant brilliant bearded Goblin another five gifted thank you very very much you guys incredible generosity today thank you very much I was going to at least not go over for yes sorry dude I got up I gots to play optimal he knows I gotsta welcome to the bear yes you any of these corpses out here any gonna do it still got you being a sniper oh never mind there goes there it goes blind fire time god damn it man go away there we go Jiji buddy one last throw of the dice thanks for playing these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can be beaten alright is there anyone else out there that would like to play ler if yeah I know I saw you wanted to play let's do it me and you let's go add it up just add me on Steam I'm assuming you'll have the same username or a similar username when you've got here right I'll keep an eye out whose ad bear tapping on Steam just keep in mind I'm gonna remove you after the streams over don't be hurt I think toasty actually did me a favor and removed me himself now he didn't welcome to the I gave you unnecessary kudos there yo but I should give you props for that toasty welcome to the victor the spoils will thank you friend quite kind of you appreciate the five gifted subscriptions that gets us all welcome to the bear thank you very much Larry could be already out of me I'm keeping an eye out for your invite same username on steamer yep I don't want to get ourselves a into that what's that I don't know if you'd call it a logical fallacy but what's that situation we're like two people are trying to do the same thing because the two generals or something like that I think somebody actually even mentioned it earlier I don't want to be sending you the request and waiting for yours at the same time a [ __ ] yeah there's a better way to do it - chickens crossing the road right oh you gotta add Mealer that's what I'm waiting for I'm waiting for you to add me on Steam that's the best way for me to do it because y'all y'all that like it's it's a it's a privileged position I'm in for sure but I I have to assume that it's gonna be easier for you guys to find me on Steam that is gonna be for me to find you so hopefully that works there you are okay gotcha and I'll confirm it this time I learned how to do that confirm there we go great all right let's do it but invite sent let's get it back to darkest dungeon Chris we've been killing it for the last few days been loving the PvP it's a good time all right let's go you have chosen this and this song is so good man it's so good Google she'll break or double healer action okay okay good luck to use well-worth now these people with their snuff boxes man they're too clever they know damn well what I'm doing so it still seems like a good gamble there's gonna take one of his own okay okay [ __ ] just immediately messing us up a little bit [Music] it's gonna mean mine isn't as effective but it still go for it different at you get a win streak with this squad nice it looks pretty solid having two heels is almost always gonna put me in a position where I have to get two people down but if I mean for me to ever be able to actually take any out man yeah this is kind of ugly for me too I can really focus anything yet if I just crit every single attack that I used then I'll probably end up in a pretty good position okay okay it would be big well that's a problem you're gonna want to take care of that we've run on a similar squad with two heels and AoE stress found master and highwayman he and me Messina tana hound master seen a lot of hound master with good reasons he's quite good no one's gonna want to face you if you have Auto crit on I know yeah I've been thinking about turning it off thank you again for that height training I appreciate the huge support he's a lot I should just go ahead and do this again the odds that I don't get it back down to that store pretty slim there and he's almost forced to heal again forced to gilliguy me that would be a be a silly a silly decision not to do that I gotta say even with you an earshot laureth I'm going to tell you that that would be a bad choice not to oh my god I'm sorry that's the Wow good god I'm sorry that's right it shouldn't even be happening that was such slim odds oh [ __ ] okay this is this is a good bill this is smart I like this team a lot [ __ ] you up to [ __ ] you think you're the only one who's got moved skills huh that's right that's right uh nominal it says God knows more bare crits gimme-gimme-gimme num-num-num-num-num oh ouch okay okay here go it's for you yeah I mean it's your turn I guess that's fair that's not fair you can't fuel your own crits that's cheating all right let's see a shuffle here is still actually pretty good nice all right now he has to group he'll probably now he might might stun or oh no he's got options he's got options here 73 not cheating if I fuel Earth's Christmas very Oh now that that is interesting because that sets up my caltrops into a snipe shot yeah like I see why you would want to do itbest just not know about it in that specific circumstance [Music] okay well I've got some problems I got a couple of issues I got to address yes DLC soundtrack is fantastic it's top top tier it's been a good match keep me on my toes this damn movement dude this is killing me I think I do to start with this get her up again damn the music is great but I enjoyed watching you freaking lose your mind to the dicey dungeon soundtrack that one was just oh man I mean I get pretty happy about a good videogame soundtrack and that was the next level home I was just bang or after [ __ ] banger in that soundtrack it did not miss bolla actually might set up a finish him we're not full of buckshot chips l yeah she's fantastic I listened to her stuff before that game even came out and she's got really good stuff you can get virtues in PvP it starts as I think like a 1% base chance and then there's some there are some trinkets oh no glitched ah dammit dude I know that could happen in the PA and the direct challenge do you that's a bummer yeah they really gotta fix that to you that's a killer that's really killer let's go one more alert [Music] we only got a few rounds into that I think we had a pretty balanced affair going on there so I I want to try that again maybe connections not the best now I'm pretty sure it's just the Gaines issues I don't think it's on your end it's just the glitch we have right now we're dealing with unfortunately you get that uh invite of play again where another five gifted subscriptions thank you very much yet again 30 on mover star thank you buddy Laura do you would get you're gonna accept the challenge here again screening on you bud welcome to the bear bear Hunnicutt like that name welcome to the didn't get it let's try again set me one so that I think welcome to good name oh my god hang on shouldn't it be connecting now masses I thought that this would work now that you will not be both oh there we go canal smacking I also really like not that it's new but using it again so it feels news in this to support no egg let's try that again my turn he who pulls first wins no new bear hugs yeah we need to get some barrows there's been so many new subs and we can get a few thank you for all the support you've got to make him feel the love and the pine need to think think right away yet again no surprise no surprises there might get pretty lucky it's still pretty good still pretty good if you're looking for more of the bear pile - I highly encourage y'all hang out with us in the discord discord GG / bear pile becoming more and more active head on over drop a line say hi don't be afraid you don't bite much I think I'm gonna go for a pretty a pretty similar approach it seems very much like I should I was mirroring what we did the first time I'd be able to get a cow chips out here too [Music] heeey I would do probably still do this just to force his hand and brick from becoming unwound of course his hands breath from becoming unwound I thought Riesling meant coming up for air that's been the Lord Wow Jesus Christ I'm pretty happy with that still being our understanding of things you treat subscription is someone god I couldn't break down there I'm back yeah yeah yeah these pits can decide who they crit all right sweet I hope they I hope they like me oh boy I like bowling again here actually even though it's not now let's do that that's for the best and another sub immediately piles on top of the reefs of exactly god damn it man stop this [ __ ] leave them where they're at they're there where they are for a reason [Music] Oh oh that hurts ow [Music] okay [ __ ] that's bad [Applause] thank for the $2 you've thrown the glove it's a pricey glove so he didn't want to drop it on the ground you know it's not pricey right now or in the blind 4 is currently 75 percent off on Steam oh [ __ ] hell of a deal dude for a legendary video game New Year's vision empathy and approaches okay I don't think I could gotta do it I think I Wow yeah he got me didn't you you got me nice it's really in a position where I can do much there I'll play it's the resolve check to there can be no hope in this hell okay now heal that bleed either man oh no she got herself a death's door trigger oh my god that's not good holy [ __ ] imagine if she died from that I mean she might die from this she probably will yep this is no place for the weak [ __ ] man I'm in trouble I'm in trouble [Music] all you do have to finish our clip okay I think we can get odds are in your favor they're worth it maybe I'll get extremely lucky here for 10 damaged of it had to be a crit though that's unfortunate too I really didn't want that to happen [ __ ] yeah this is looking pretty grim for me thanks for the shuffle yeah I know I'm doing you some favors too definitely didn't need to do that yikes okay to be helpful so either one this is definitely the way to go but no tests no yet I works fast works fine yeah this is looking good for him come hither no I have the move resist on the snuff it's enough it's nuts enough brink facing the abyss yeah I like this comp a lot see this is good the shield breaker is so good it's so effective a little bit of DLT here - yeah this is good solid cop that's my I'm gonna have oh Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] I just pulled my microphone off the arm hold on hey Lee hear me for a minute what I said is you're not gonna be able to hear me for a minute hold on oh he's cheating he's cheating he knows a marble god damn it no all right I'm back I'm ready I guess I'm doing this goddamnit [Music] yeah they playing it really well to lure you a man or woman is that a fair question to ask anymore I just caught myself thinking is that is that an exclusionary question welcome man okay thank you bearded Goblin they gave me the five gifted yet again dude appreciate it so much welcome I guess I gotta keep doing stuff like this it just doesn't feel very good you're asking for their sex not genders and okay yeah I just want to make sure and nor in between yeah I thought like that wouldn't make it up to you just like to be careful welcome to the bear [Music] yeah I got that's probably better isn't it Deborah yeah what pronoun do you use that's that's that's easier I'll probably say that we know that's not true either morrow yeah I think the intention of the question really should be what matters most to simply the pursuit of information now I disagree Robert I'm done being I'm being the minimal level of courteous I disagree with the folks being leg y'all you're being too safe baby you're gonna have to you're gonna have to be careful for everybody's feelings I disagree completely those who covered injury find it in no short supply I gotta try to get her in the back it just feels like the only chance I've got right now ouch dust I should Sam that extra death love chance crushing all right that's all I've got - huh shoot all right all right we're for heroism there's something so profound about that line that's tor activation from the vessel there to those funny damn that do t dude he it doesn't feel like I can even I don't think I can win this is this is wild this is such good sustain the result checks may help me out I guess self-preservation is paramount at any cost it's a very good match yeah before b2k yeah now that I mean certainly being down to at this point it's gonna be a massive disadvantage but that should be the case of course we're for heroism is basically where's your God now but cooler very true hmm bad like it I guess this makes sense this may be one of the very few ways that I can actually do it it's still gonna be a tall order though holding out hope for the glitch yet that's very well put anxiety yeah exactly said it better than I could this is fun [Laughter] oh man yeah this is about what I was hoping for [Laughter] no me I'm gonna kill I get to kill one yeah all right the affliction actually worked out okay okay the DLT back there is not quite good enough I think I should do this though instead of wasting tutoring because the course will clear eventually they got a rather I take advantage of setting myself up there a little bit better now for perfect RNG for three more characters yeah exactly here we go here it comes and I wonder if you can mod the subtitles that when Wayne says haha subtitles as lmao oh that's a bummer alright well let's see it survived abilities wild on the steam man I love it it's crazy I have seen a virtue proc in the match yeah I think I've actually seen a couple now can I heal that bleed no probably not it's pretty significant but I'm gonna keep trying anyway I mean I guess I am matching it so that's good help me at all those wait for the corpse to go away now you can consistent virtues with a crusader his consistence purchase can be in this mode so you can get like a plus 25% and a plus 30% or something on the crusader right would you put about like a coin flip just you know pretty good for this mode would be an interesting kid oh god damn it I have to do this for a chance to keep him alive cause he would have been in death's door no matter what if I have done it without it without trying to deal it but I think you can punish and just get the bleed off anyway oh no he's gonna take the extra deathblow chance that's smart yeah all right he can stab from the front that doesn't do me a lot of good oh no all right that's probably it I had a small chance I think I had maybe a chance at this but I think that's going to do it [Music] balls stab them do it and me all right [ __ ] you ready for the raid boss you ready for the real deal now getting serious we're gonna have an exciting whenever your own ain't you yeah the gears yeah no I agree I think he's okay I think he'll be alright he's got two flies one of his own - yeah that's just unnecessary I think I'm gonna wrap up after this one by the way also this is just an FYI I'll probably play more viewer games though because this is pretty easy to set up so I wouldn't mind doing it again just just to say thank you all again so much for tuning in so much fun having a blast with the PvP looking forward to more in the future [Music] no bounty today I know it's crazy friggin miracle you don't have to be advertised to again I was history right here and my back tomorrow morning them 10:00 a.m. Pacific all week long we'll be playing PvP games it's a good time I would imagine in fact I'll be back if not tonight I think I'm gonna try to work in an evening stream this week because I want to play more monster train the darkest dungeon PvP came out right in the middle of our foray in a monster train and I haven't really played a lot of that game on Twitch or as much of that game on twitch as I would have liked to so I would expect that to happen as well the monster trains really good such a good line always [ __ ] man I love it love it well alright there you go we got a 100% debuff anyway on that yeah when the matter wouldn't matter Gigi do it do it do it light guide me do it do it you son of a [ __ ] kill him oh my god keep hitting me keep hitting me I'm loving it feels so good it pleases me [Laughter] try again okay fine all right the bed's appreciate it appreciated all right he's done it thanks again everybody big-time support today thank you for watching pretty damn good day I'd say Bo D up over on / beritasatu darkest dungeon butchers circus playthrough so far you can catch it over there slash bear tab is where you want to come back to 10:00 a.m. tomorrow
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 38,551
Rating: 4.9237189 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon the butchers circus, baer plays darkest dungeon the butchers circus, baer plays the butchers circus, the butchers circus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 14sec (11354 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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