Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: Modded Campaign (Ep. 1)

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back yeah thanks for being here first-ever stream what should I be expecting well let me go ahead and tell you all about it shall I this is gonna be well according to my save files this is my fifth playthrough I guess but believe it or not it's actually the sixth like deleted one shamefully I might add because I didn't realize that I had way more save file slots down here but we're gonna start up I believe what is our sixth campaign doesn't even really feel like it honestly I'm I'm not soiled on it at all it's it's still wonderful for me anyway it's gonna be a modded run I have looked through the community mod list which is getting better and better as the as the weeks and months go on especially with the crimson court out now and I have picked what I deemed to be the best of the bunch at the moment and don't let me disparage any mods that I didn't select by saying that I I know there's quite a few out there still that I may not have chosen right now and I'll probably get around to them eventually but these are the ones that I've gotten for now a lot of these are made by the same two guys you got Marvin say oh I believe is how you say that Marvin sales Falconer class mount up there of course which is a highly recommended one a lot of people said I had to check this out so I went ahead and installed that I Salus I think it's his name he made these five and he made another one too but apparently that one has like an animation glitch or something so I'm holding off on that one but he made these five character class mods here as well which all look really fantastic so I'm excited to check those out and then we have a few made by Anthony Jack I want to say is the other guy I think Anthony Jack made Ronan he definitely made pit fighter in cannoneer and I'm fairly certain he made these three things as well these are additional enemies for The Cove the Warrens and the ruins so you got the Kraken which I'm really really stoked to fight actually this look and this one looks awesome the house full of piggies which looks interesting and then the army of Bones which is going to be a custom but sort of look like a bone banner desk fight for the ruins so it should be fun you really want to be a cannoneer yeah we should be renaming all these folks as well as similar the same way that we have been with moobot all throughout the other campaigns so that'll be a ball Ritchie caused me to delay my gains dude I've been delaying my games for days now I got to get back in there anyway I assume we're talking about the same thing I don't know what you're talking about let's go ahead and get started mods goofs gasps and laughs no bear class mod no not that I saw anyway I was considering a couple of Reese kins but I figured I'd stick with you know like the the core stuff for now we got new character classes new enemies to check out a couple of Reese kins for the areas might have been nice to keep things fresh but not a big deal two months of laughs thanks man appreciate it welcome back to the pile thank you thank you I think we're ready let's do it and I don't think we need to watch the old road again do we do we do we really I don't think so I think I've had enough I do enjoy the old road but we've seen the cutscene before it's okay hey they're rumors are you doing this will also be on YouTube yes yes yes you can definitely expect it I whipped up a fancy little thumbnail for myself blood rush welcome back buddy thank you very much for the resub but yeah we shouldn't expect anything to be different here with rain on business it's needed to kick off a fresh estate I'll be I'll do I'll just give you my interpretation as best as best as I can recall it okay arrived around let me try again you will arrive along the old road there is much to be found in forgotten places it is a place filled with debauchery and shame this is very difficult to do because I forgot that Wayne talks a lot during the tutorial it's kind of kind of by design this might not be as easy as I thought you arrive at the estate filled with debauchery and madness and shame and you realize that amidst all of your sex and depravity you have awoken an ancient monster the likes of which has never been seen before to vanquish this beast you must venture into the depths of Hell itself you will also get syphilis from a rock occasionally starved to death or did your size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade but you must not falter well we shall prevail against that heart of darkness spoilers spoilers if this is your first time that's not the final boss I was just using you know just like a general descriptive term for Ana dammit I ruined it didn't I [ __ ] sorry sorry new people just the worst it's trapped chests by the way trapped chests and I'm too smart for this stuff I'm getting out of here hey wirless how you doing great save bear good job how could you you monster can you believe it I got out of the tutorial without a hundred stress what kind of weird run is this welcome home such as it is this squalid Hamlet these corrupted lands they are yours now and you are bound to them oh and don't read books you know like ever just avoid that until you build the district for it anyway women and men soldiers and outlaws fools and corpses all will find their way to us now that the road is clear alright so first and foremost we have got to increase the stagecoach network and the hero barracks heroes can be found even here in the mud and rain we can easily make a trade with our portraits for deeds all we need is that all we need is love let's be honest but we also need this word is traveling ambition is stirring and distant cities we can use this it'll be on the tubes for sure yeah yeah yeah welcome to the bear why were the pile buddy thanks for the subscription appreciate it yes we're supporting with twitch Prime Margo's Ambrose as well the subscription welcome to the bear man of madness and morbidity your work begins Red Hook let's do it steal their food let's do tutorial miss let's go ahead and knock it out why even why delay later this why huh when did that happen I'm not get out of here you I'm not playing raga Lee right now what is doing this is this this is not like a base game change is it I don't know also milkman Kellett and citrus peppa : thank you guys for the subscription in five months in a rail respectively appreciate that very much it must is this a goof it looks like it's by design this doesn't look like it's a glitch or something that's kind of weird that's from the oh that's from the enigma alrighty I guess that enigma does this interesting okay I don't really remember exactly what provisions I need for this one it's not even bother with torches let's see how good we can do in the darkness fight a sham blur right away enigma Auto implements the supply mod I see okay cool yeah got you got you well bring yeah like a couple of each of these you do have Battlefield medicine right yes we're good to go hey man thanks for the invite appreciate it maybe another time a little busy right now I should you know what I need to make is a command in moobot for the mods that I am running I totally forgot to do that it should have done that ahead of a stream I will do that for the next one for sure but in the meantime if there's a mod that's feeling super ambitious or really anybody at all that's feeling super ambitious welcome feel free to put together a list of the mods we're running if you can remember them all and I'll fill you in if you forget a couple but yeah that would be awesome so I'm sure that question will come up a few times it's mostly character class mods though is really all it is and pop pop thank you for the subscription as well appreciated we're come to the pile okay unduly DeLeon let's go no need for torches let's just go easy there's always time for Rocky Bear taffy I mean you're not wrong in my world all righty nothing fun or fancy yet but I assume we may actually find one of those new character classes like immediately upon completion of this you know I [ __ ] the darkness hoes much worse welcome to challenge man why not see how it goes when really I will rename the characters after the first dungeon as well totally forgot about that we'll see once the first stagecoach is cleared out what options we got sweet what's up evil blazing how you doing imagine if they accepted the invite yeah you know we don't need to do this anywhere this is play rocket League play rocket League everybody just wants to play rocket League right that's fine oh sorry I'm sorry Ramsey I'm gonna keep making it a separate thing to the bear I just like to you I like to make it a special claim for the zones I also totally forgot to bring shovels so it's testing my capabilities there welcome to the pile thank you for the sub I appreciate it thanks very much for the support smithy I know and walking yeah so far so good man is great I like to I like to keep it exclusive to subs the opportunity to die a horrible gruesome death in front of hundreds of people I can understand your desire to make that a part of your life but sadly I'm gonna keep being selfish about it boo me master hold on hold on [Applause] welcome to the bear shiver as the double didn't want to waste didn't want to waste valuable foot energy having to hit the pedal twice thank you very much for the double sub with which prom guys appreciate it thank you thank you thank you man hype hype hype we've got some mana campaign action going let's do it we're gonna go to curio root thank you very much appreciate it Josh stallion thank you for three months as well goodness thank you so much thank you for the big-time support early on here tons of subs Ward darkest hype yes indeed no you know I just I like this whole stun shovel business yes with you I don't know what's going on with the twitch store listing for darkest dungeon they've goop that up basically since the Crimson Court came out and they haven't fixed it so I just have to tell people hey don't buy it on the twitch store cuz you're paying way too much money much cheaper up elsewhere you know the place where you can support me by purchasing it but not dead don't do that one though because it's bad whoops oh goodness well this isn't going great is it I should probably heal you I guess things evil blazing okay zealous we'll do it right there we go there we go fix him not gonna lose this missing tutorial dungeon one we're gonna take him down to man they were going for it dude do I need to make excuses rumors this is like I understand the question it's a logical conclusion to draw based on my position but this is just genuinely like one of my favorite games that come out in the past five years I still just find it so entertaining beware a triumphant pride precipitates but dizzy is a phrase that uh Ryan used on the podcast that I've co-opted from him now emergent storyteller there's a lot of games that are good at it but this is one of the best in my opinion that just giving you the option or the opportunities for emergent storytelling is so intrinsically with the weights of the characters is is so easy to feel when you've committed so much to them you know what I'm saying fruit quick shout out stallion lows plays for size Kiros and demon protector goodness thank you very much for the recent scription z' holy [ __ ] thank you thank you thank you just realizing drinking coffee there's not much oh excuse me pardon me I believe you have made an error and I'm gonna go ahead and fix that there we go go left please so we go left you go left oh yeah that's right I do it did I forgot we don't have a shovel yeah I probably should go I can go left then making that bling yeah dude whose god is it maybe you know it's probably Hugh isn't it yeah I am so excited to see who we get dude looking for the stagecoach one more time there you go spread it all around that's the ticket all right both heels maybe a maybe an herb as well which class am I'm most excited for a lot of people have really sung the praises of the the falconer I'm looking forward to that one quite a bit all the character class mods look really interesting though and I'm not just saying that to be impartial it's genuinely very exciting to me to play them all do they do that's too much that's too much it's the hit new game show that's too much random contestants analyze pictures of water and decide if it's too much we've officially run out of ideas for entertaining content that's too much that's too much man Bojack great is the weapon that counts on its own oh my goodness another one where - where - dammit come on what if you just went ahead and ignored the rules for me huh could you do that yeah we're deaf you know who trap for you you're good to go no problem problem left sumac thank you buddy that's too much game about trying to see how far you can test everyone's sanity by throwing them into hell sounds about right century man how you doing party order I got it I got it I got it I got it hmm don't worry don't worry we're prepared this is darkest difficulty Robin I didn't do Radian mode all right well yeah probably some other things just get out of here welcome to the mr. Romulus thank you very much for the subscription well compiled appreciate it okay hype hype train posting the chat right now which class you would like us to see the most in the stagecoach personally as I mentioned I'm hoping for the Falconer nothing when compared to the condition of surrounding acres alright let's see it lets see it moment of truth rip rip alright well we'll do another week that's fine let's just take them all I guess that's just a bad roll man I have to assume that that the mods are working we'll just have to go on another short mission I guess welcome back to the pile - and three months respectively thank you very much guys appreciate it thank you very much for using your recent descriptions with those twitch prime tokens by the way - appreciate that a lot those don't auto-renew so if you're subscribed with twitch prime you might want to check the little subscribe button above the player and see if indeed your token has expired you might want to re reopen that my my characters took like four runs together ok Minnie Mouse world famous darkest dungeon youtuber indie mouse boys and girls go ahead and go over to slash any Mouse and make sure to leave a negative comment on every video non darkest dungeon related he loves that he needs reminders make sure he stays on track we should go ahead and I guess rename all these characters to while we're at him to the Bearpaw and decay welcome to the pile thank you very much for the support appreciate it it suddenly twitch prime okay real quick let's go ahead and do this I'm gonna set up a run while we do it but let's get this raffle going so I'm gonna reset I'm going to turn on sub-only mode and open it up there we go all right type exclam raffle in the chat if you're a subscriber and you will be entered to be renamed as a character in the estate I'll do all eight of these guys really fast but right now let's look at where we're actually gonna go so obviously the runes is our only option we don't really have any trinkets at all besides those couple of protection stone so that's not really gonna be that complex let's just do I let these guys heal up their stress so we'll bring Zhu Bert that's a fun name I'll bring similar are bolused I think a crusader up fronts probably smart and then I think I'll just throw Dismas in the mix again - okay there we go cool doesn't that point blank shot unlocked nor do we have the guild so I guess I gotta stick with what we got she's got only mace patch but that's okay she's got both heals at least and then she's got sniper shot as well so she'll be good to go back there cool all right that'll do it throw a protection stone on you and I'll do the same with him I guess you know a little bit of loss of speed sort of sucks light resistance is totally unnecessary so that's not even worried about that okay we'll start with the characters in the roster drawing our first raffle winner mr. Romulus thanks for the tree fitty dude Dunstan's to beat the game for the first time as so many of them are amazing they look really good yeah I'm excited to check them out first one is Templar Knight fitting name Templar 907 there it is Congrats buddy you are our first member of the roster next Decker Decker welcome in I guess you know it's just I'm just gonna start from the top down actually it's gonna be a lot easier so we'll go gecko right here is our other crusader there you go next up sit for evangelists I think I've been calling you sir evangelist but I just noticed the s ifr not sure how you'd like for me to proceed there but you are now our highwayman congratulations buddy plague doctor shall be da da da Zephir ty 46 months in a row from Dekker thank you dude thank you thank you very much Zephir 762 our plague doctor trying to make this click sorry all been Birdland is gonna be our Vestal been Birdland Congrats buddy are bolused Simnel renamed to slaw king duh this is all rigged by the way a high percent rigged every single selection rig rig rig Gnarls be our vessel go ahead and get your raffles in while you can and our last rename at the moment lightning electron lightning electron bandit a they do they do lightning electro good enough there we go alright roster all set let's do it provision up get ready to go bring shovels this time like a like a smart guy a couple of keys that'll do that'll do still no need for torches we're we're big tough folks let's do it oh and sweet freedom sorry hold on there you go y'all welcome back you're live let's do it face out the halls of your lineage once familiar it's about three-fitty time please also do a nightmare musketeer musketeer we worked good as Falcon because red Hook's design originally the musketeer wasn't that just that reskin for the our ballista was the muskie I never played the musketeer even really saw what was going on within I always assumed it was just a herbalist reskin for the most part Margo's gotta save enough for the tree fitty later donating in Virginia tea taken in one day her Ralph Morden Bank a dungeon thank you very much my friend is shady eyes with the bits as well goodness thank you guys Mitchell in two months in a row thank you thank you thank you full credits to welcome and star feet dusty how you doing I missed too much we have have done a lot of a lot of housekeeping here to start off it tends to be necessary but also sadly have not written run into any of the new character classes yet that we've been stalled Oh Harry there's something new though alright I didn't real [ __ ] you're just summon a new one huh buffs its Dodge alright didn't realize we could actually run into these guys already we got new enemies in the ruins the skullet so this is one of the mods we installed we installed three enemy mods that include common enemies that apparently can spawn in anything anything from an apprentice to a champion dungeon as well as new bosses I believe in each of the ruins the Weald and The Cove I want to say so we'll be running into those throughout this campaign little baby bones I know three months in a row my twitter prime sub last why didn't you remind me every 30 seconds that could happen that's might be you know that's on me that's I apologize I won't forget anymore and let's do oh he doesn't have the zealous accusation well [ __ ] let's do this thing easy torchlight here don't necessarily have to Google 50/50 nope I'm curious enough to like see a bit of what they do but also not necessarily curious enough to just let them stay alive seems like they don't have a lot of offensive skills Booth's is dodged a little bit with that attack every time oh yeah sweet yeah they didn't really seem all that tough I imagine like combined with oh my god yeah I knew stuff already dreads skullet so that's like a slight upgrade bone assassin interesting hmm he's got a little dodged reduced that with the illuminate we're gonna have some stuff in the MSP dungeons model you take a look at that mod when it's ready yeah I don't want to commit a hundred percent to any particular one but especially if you I don't know if you're saying that from the perspective of the person that making it I assume so but if you are the creator emails from the creators of the mod are very likely to get my attention that's actually the first thing that got my attention on the falconer mod too them fill of dread Allen uh been Birdland the vessel renamed didn't go through here's something for you to remember me oh damn it whoops thank you for the reminder appreciated thank you for the $5 tip that's I feel really bad but pay me to remind me to give you your due diligence they got a bone to pick with you oh man I have so much torchlight from this team the mspaint mod is amazing for a light-hearted Biddy run that does sound pretty great resistance is actually not that high we could probably debuff that enough to bleed those guys but really cared to speaking of really caring to apparently I want to maintain the torchlight a lot more than I expected night comes stress attack whoo oh wow that is not a bad movie killed himself that's why a little bit of a trade-off there yeah neat if only treasure could staunch the flow of a suicide bomb attack okay then slaw King he was afraid of my crits makes sense killing it so far you know Voltorb self-destruct a little bit hello der freak hello fellow gamers hello kids what are we up to today enjoying some video gaming I myself do a bit of video gaming why just the other day I was using my Nintendo Wii you know grandpa things like four years old it's ancient have you seen the YouTuber macho skater he starts with hello fellow gamers does he say it like I said it hello fellow gamers welcome welcome to YouTube century man yes yes bo DS will be on YouTube yes indeed confirmed oh it does oh well okay don't let me make one of them more power to him for years in it for years is apparently ancient yeah man that's it's the new rule it's what we've established here mr. Scalli all this time under the bear pilots rendered me into a fine paste Congrats I'm meeting the CC Thank You mr. Skelly go ahead and resurface for air buddy thank you very much hmm oh man intense choice anything older than 24 hours is old news that is that is actually the case on Twitter though these days now there's no checking man yet for the mods mods I have install but there will be soon for the next session I'll have that ready to go that was that's one thing I thought I thought of everything before I started up today but I did forget a couple of things and that was one of them I'll get a check man going though don't duel this advance but I can still kill him I guess um there's Mir psychologist with the list yeah thank you buddy there's I believe that's all of them actually I'm not using pitch-black dungeon I do have that in my list but other than that yeah I believe that's all the mods that we've got going right now character classes and enemies that's the gist of it to do going back oh [ __ ] I didn't even realize this is a unique enemy the wine taster he's got a horror attack neat take a sip and drink up the wine taster yeah he looked really similar to the Goblet guy didn't they yeah I was fooled hey I knew it the Hat was different can't fool me get him him exhale it's just got a new model are you talking about the the fury welcome right go ahead and heal my highwayman hold on I can do this smoke with a pile thank you very much for the support I appreciate it enjoy pageant emotes the Schrom thank you for the bits much love I guess you can eat I guess is the model is posted on Steam what I think you can do actually unless my profile this allows it which it might because I'm a I'm a private man I believe you could go to like my Steam page and you might be able to see which mods I'm subscribed to I don't know for sure if that's the case oh hey cool resolve check bear stress bear scratch bear stress Schramm you're just gonna throw quarters at me like if I'm if I'm busking on the side of the road and you're just hugging quarters at my face is that what you're doing here now you're actually gonna do it alright well that's fun thanks buddy thanks for just hurling quarters at my face let's see I it's the only way I can well I'm gonna be able to do the battlefield bandage I guess so yeah it's just buff him up a little bit bam bam nice alright stayin alive ah [Laughter] stayin alive stayin alive I need to be able to heal though game a prodigy welcome to your first time how you doing you managed to say my name really well greetings from Argentina good I'm proud I did my damnedest okay we got to kill some folks I am just allowing the stress to pile on and there we go alright I want the opportunity to use our new emote come on come on damn it more stress oh that's stressful Oh God the darkness closing in haunting the hearts of men paradox can throw quarters to thank you for throwing quarters at me oh my god a dollar you can't throw a dollar as well as the quarters but thank you for the dollar thank you for the bitty biddies why does the music sound like it's corrupted or something like that every other stream there is like one person for whom the music is weird and I have no idea what causes it or why it happens but it's been consistent so I apologize that is you you are you are our sacrificial lamb for this stream apparently you are the one that has to suffer that consequence alright this is going great I am gonna do this to lower the amount of stress though separate model for CC trinket to not break the game must be tears the whole standalone class of new skills nice and the furies bug is fixed not cool well there we go that's everything appreciate the tip - all right let's do I can say I appreciate the bit song all day long y'all but let's maybe like throw less quarters in my face thank you yeah no heart attack potential we're getting there luckily this is like basically it in fact I think this is the end yeah that we ever good no problem thank you very much appreciate it welcome back to the pile okay let's get out of here let's go get new characters please I want new characters please please please please damn hell yeah Gnarls okay great early quirk I like it alright come on now courtyard unlocked blacksmith guild now available come on yeah there we go nice let's start with prodigy whoa Sydney the secret prodigy has the humble mask and the worn garments oh cool spirit shift in defense he changed to offense lose one stress you heal one stress and there's only a 40% chance of it the trauma may give the bits an offense debuff yourself okay I see positional stirred yeah positional changes and I am assuming you can only use these skills in particular stances right like abomination style maybe reptile from Mortal Kombat kind of looks like it right yeah all right they're paralyzing palm has a knock-back buffs himself pretty good just standard attack looking thing right there he moves with like every single skill is the thing every skill he has moves him around the party that's really interesting this is a knock-back target's two characters in the front line buff's is dodge and speed all three of these buff his dodge and speed that's awesome as [ __ ] marks the target more damage against humans can only target the front line with this one paralyzing palm seems to be like his primary move yeah movement seems like it's gonna be a little bit of a pain so I guess yeah blue must be defensive moves and then the orange is offensive moves it seems like he can only use this from spot two that's only in spot three that's only in spot four and that only you can only target the frontline from spot forward with this and it moves him forward three spaces it's a stun with a plus 10% damage mod that's a hell of a move but very conditional changes outfit oh yeah look at that neat I like the red one that is cool let's check out his camping skills encourage wound care pep-talk fortune cookie ten percent chance to do all this stuff oh it's a 10 percent chance to prevent the ambush with fortune cookie what a weird one RNG crazy gem stash gives you a random gem that's kind of neat serenity - 69 stress hell yeah all companions wow that cost six though they lose a lot of damage but you can just take an herb for that that's neat solemn training really nice camping skill right here actually that looks good okay taking him of course awesome Ronin rustic katana tattered robe flashing blade can target the front three a little bit of a crit mod buffs and buffs his own damage with that that's cool hey beat it below yeah this is our modded run just getting started finding our new character classes swift cuts you can only use from the back heavily debuff targets everybody and debuffs himself pretty heavily you lose a lot of speed with that that's interesting this is a bleed skill with a little bit more damage a good crit ma DD buffs the target target loses 30% protection that's pretty huge that's a very useful skill buffs himself for speed but he does lose damage and accuracy you'd have to bring a lot of herbs with this guy calming Zen has a chance to stun himself that is a really interesting skill would be a little LP I guess if he could just self heal stress in health with like very little drawback ok swallows return moves him back one severely lowered damage he buffs himself considerably after the skill that's pretty good hmm only ten percent based on resistance on the character oh yeah ouch no fun guard stance activates the repost debuffs his own damage heavy protection skill there Shin gone no damage will to the bear sloth boggle are welcome with a bear pile thank you for subscribing appreciate it buddy debuffs the target for dodge crit chance and protection yeah how master of yet one can't reserve the names man but thank you very much for the three fiddy appreciate it I do want to make sure those are all raffled off okay cool well there we go let's check his camping skills real quick mediate I don't know if that's supposed to say meditate but it's it's mediate just some stress relief I guess buses melee skills you can use it twice that's pretty cool I like that a lot kendo practice oh that's neat it assumes that he's training or sparring with one of his teammates so it buffs the Companions melee skills I like that that's cool way of Bushido lots of dodge of speed buffs melee skills HS school welcome to the pile thank you very much appreciate that oh my god I didn't even notice his base level damage that's crazy or is it oh it's not that good it's pretty good it's pretty good compared to a lot of others I thought it was a lot better than it was oh whoops that's not even right a guy but I'm gonna grab him anyway alright here we go Scourge last new one here nothing to it they're infested greatsword murky plate I guess I could've had a look at the new calories of the Ronin as well oh just kidding no again this scourge let's do it infectious offering transfer blight huh if I'm blighted I transfer my blight to the enemy very interesting noxious rays lower damage as a blight chance have a very high chance to blight myself ooh I like where this is going excoriate another blight transfer more damage versus blighted targets and i debuff my speed this targets three in the front oh [ __ ] you can only use this one once per battle big crit mod double damage versus blighted targets almost certainly blight myself other heroes stress heal or no they add stress hmm interesting yeah it kind of looks like a blight flagyl in ha a little bit he's got two skills you can only use once per battle unfathomable torment has a thought 500 500 percent base level chance to blight on everything for 6 rounds no wonder you can only use it once but it blades blades literally everything it blades all the enemies in every hero and it blights your heroes for only one round luckily but oh my god that's hilarious 500 percent purge heals cures bleed and blight transfers blight debuffs the target lowers their blight skilled chance huh interesting ok Deathlok plights himself guards allies buff self for protection debuffs are damaging blight skill chance this is a very strange character interesting I [ __ ] it up that time I'm sorry the animations the class the guy who did it took it serious they don't look pretty good don't they yeah I appreciate that quite a bit the other the an idle animations of those characters are impressive dude I was this [ __ ] face I'm not gonna have it for much longer so I have to enjoy it while I can I don't have anymore I also [ __ ] it up didn't I I don't think I have it anymore oh no oh no I'll have my line too even faces anymore they're gone it's all over my subs are gone rip I was watching people attempt to line up the faces though it was pretty great the abilities in battle take him to one mission at least with the last ones the scourge probably not wrong about that okay let's do this that was fun well first of all we got to rename these guys let's go ahead and kill the lion demon faces and enter sub-only chat reset the raffle Vegas sir thank you for the bits turn this on x/x clam raffle if you would like to be entered into the estate here let's go ahead and do this and let's let's like use every single new character shall we if I have that option oh you northernlion thanks for research grabbing 37 months in a row that's a it's a hell of a hell of a streak listen it's nothing it's nothing personal we unsubscribe from everybody we had to reset our subs it was a necessity we'll get back we'll get you back I promise I'll keep my streak up welcome James thank you for helping me to climb out of that pit Rick James 1690 welcome to the pile alright let's do this for goodness dracula fetus 44 months in the pile thank you man appreciated thank you very much for resource grabbing we got our new folks here it is first one porpentine frets oh you didn't capitalize that f what am i doing i got to be true to your name there dude i swear to god i just thought of you that was creepy actually the way you did that I just was gonna do it here we go I got you I got you Ben Ben Birdland right there right there committed done done fixed thank you for the reminder welcome to the bear pie opt pass well to the pile thank you very much for the subscription and kapu Congrats kapu 1178 that's not how you do it one too many 7s bam cop who you are our prodigy congratulations and finally our ronin finally are Ronin blood rush blood rush 192 there you go buddy get this sub mode out of here there it is and let's set up the team what kind of nonsense are we running here the prodigy is just gonna be shuffling all over the place so I guess I just leave him in the front for an hour and maybe spot to let's keep him yeah is keeping me in the middle will be easier to move them around like that and then the scourge probably needs to be up front right what is he gonna be using anyway infectious offering is probably pretty necessary for his build maybe noxious raise his blights gonna be useful I might have to take him to the guild real quick we don't have a lot of money though Ronin Ronin can probably go in like spot three flashing blade only works in spot one and two though hmm let's go to the guild real fast let's get there I want to get like all of their skills unlocked no mistake we will face ever greater threats our soldiers must be ready actually let's go to the stagecoach real quick just thought so I don't waste any precious heirlooms here because I want to make sure I get the new classes often as I can so let's make a trade for deeds and do that real fast bam and bam and then I don't think I could actually afford to upgrade the guild now can i no I can't close actually you know what let's do it well let's do it let's do that make a cheaper regimen this power amount if one is to master the brutal arithmetic of combat and then you need all this stuff and he's already got all his ships that we're good to go ok cool that'll make it more fun truce comes lining up the ball diamond he's done it he's done of a Gaul God fancy fish that's horrifying bear 1 Bear 2 lion demon 3 line demon for that is there's not meant for this earth that is ungodly Ronan spot he's not serving this algebra what what really just types another eldred's deity Z's religious excuse me to the bear pile Richard one in the pile thank you very much for the twitch Brown subscription appreciated buddy scourge will consume you well damn it I guess we're just gonna rock these two then we'll use him next time that's not fun that's kind of lame oh well and I got way too much stress still to I'm gonna have to commit a couple of folks let's well do I have another vessel available actually the pews set straight the Abbey calls to the faithful I do yeah Chandos okay let's just grab YouTube's cards and Curtin grooms promise solace to the weary and broken alike one more subscribers run let me reset this raffle real quick and we'll rename this vessel and she'll probably be the one that we toss into the into the roster here as well and let's use that and Decker Decker will get the holy Lance yeah girl get the holy Lance he'll fix him up alright yeah will change the skills for sure neck right neck right welcome back to the estate you've earned your place once more there we go you calling it it's gonna be Riggs when is it not five soon just think Tommy right close thank you for the bits okay let's set their skills I like football trinkets voted ah that is oh cool prodigy only less chance of being surprised more scouting chance a little bit more stress I'll totally take that that's cool protection is mana now I'll use that on these two I guess blight charm doesn't really matter it's a [ __ ] thank you for the bits dude and no pressure right yeah we're fine we're fine no need to worry about that swallows return for a back one let's use these for for now and then maybe we'll swap off the skills throughout the dungeon we'll see how things go you definitely need the holy lance though so I'm gonna trade zealous accusation and I might not need bulwark but we'll keep it for now and then she's got all well she doesn't actually have really anything that I want her to have [ __ ] but I've got to at least so we'll use those I suppose see what happens she might end up in spot to I don't know the The Prodigy I imagine is going to make things really interesting and complicated for the entirety of the dungeon so we'll see we'll see we're ready though let's do it probably won't be too tough I don't know if I wanna go in the darkness Anessa Sara Lee that might be a little too much when I bring a couple of those you have a couple of holy waters already keys are good he does debuff himself a little bit so herbs make a lot of sense even though they're kind of expensive let's get one stack of torches jesting chase just in case man we got the illumination in the bulwark from him if I want to use it but actually you know what I'm gonna start him here I can't I can't I do that why can't I do that why can't I do that why can't I move him back do that do that that's gonna be better that's gonna be better okay right right yeah definitely definitely one two one two one two three four one stack call that good okay let's do it new classes finally finally let's go let's get a little a little hype just how much just take a little oh hi pin the check just a touch she must be brimming back and what better place to begin than the seat of our noble ah just a sprinkle just a smidgen yeah I have the check man for the model list next dream for sure I'll get that fixed up it's fifty sixty seventy and give you a shot at it would be our chance to see the animations for these guys at play too and they look really really good so far it's almost impossible to discern them from the eye from the others it's very very impressive yeah I am really happy with that actually that and that animation is top-notch you can tell they paid a lot of attention to that hi pry in the hi chat years for fortune waiting to be spent I think the ronan uses Hellion animation now that way makes sense then okay oh you know what it looks very similar now that you mention it yeah yeah very very similar to the war spear the Hellion holds alright that makes sense now I understand so to begin with he's got this back one and then we could change stances and use that insane back to front move might not hate that idea what can I do to take out the madman though I've actually got a lot of really good options here this is a another back one move actually all of them are a back one move this is fun I already like this guy a lot he is a human as well so I'm getting bonus damage against him no matter which I choose and they're gonna knock back for sure so let's try Hallowed kick nice bust the dodge and speed okay and now Shingen D buffs the entire enemy team buffs himself for accuracy and crit chance and marks himself as well I believe guard stands for the debuff but buff dodged and protection with the rip post we'll try this out could be fun nice squared Polar's room that kick animation was really solid yeah oh that's neat yeah I got to pay attention to all the little details for sure I try to kill you get a bowl walk up to you get the torch slide up okay let's see just how good this is well hold on if I do this do I get another action I do oh cool okay so it is like the abomination transform and then we can divine haymaker let's do it the Stein that was cool continent imposter hey there man all right let's try let's see flashing blade seems good he's got a huge variance in his potential damage I guess that's sort of a the the gimmick with this guy isn't it Shingen still no guy I guess we try this out nice saddle man welcome go ahead and heal up a little bit more username great name great name welcome to the pile thank you for subscribing with twitch prime oh but then okay so we do have to spirit up front which only applies a debuff when you shift back down to this formation but it is only one round so I mean it's not really all that big of a deal anyway we move back every single time this is gonna be I think my strongest move besides the transformed options I guess really enjoying the prodigy so far Ronan's been pretty awesome to actually on the back line I want to see what this looks like probably a lot cooler when there's more enemies pretty damn good I'd say keep the light up for now didn't let me sneak it in bone backstabber he's got two actions okay start with the hello kick again oh geez the whiff I gotta realize those buffs are only being applied for one round two he's got another action man that's interesting Shingen will get rid of his protection all their da jman that's actually pretty awesome to start a fight with oh I thought that was targeting everybody yeah okay so that's not as good as I thought I'm probably gonna swap that one for something else actually welcome no profit coma thank you very much for 7 episode learning skills need to be swapped up a little bit he's not looking like he's in the best position he could be here thanks for three months man appreciate it welcome back yeah I guess we spirits shift but then oh I'm in the back and I don't think I have anything I can actually do here can i I can hey maker the front liner but it's not really all that helpful huh Oh deep hmm Rico Rico thank you very much all right all right I see you I see you enemy team heavenly charge more unholy damage d-bus the targets damage and crit missed completely good stuff looking great goodness help need some help now how we're looking better yeah though this is not this is not good huh [ __ ] so these shifts he still can't do anything from the front he has to transform down so he can do the righteous palm and stuff okay yes we got to do this now the front liner of course not the house kick either I guess it's the palm this time and I'm gonna hit ya oh nice crit three months in a row thank you very much back to the pile Luers welcome good to see you getting good dodges at least not totally screwed feels better guard stance may not be a terrible idea swallows return would give us well a small chance of killing him I guess I like this though and please kill him Ando you live again thank you very much for the Rhys absque ripshit appreciate it welcome back on in resurfaced for air and those d buffs - damn D buffs kill him that's a good amount of damage right there actually faso thank you for the bits and dizzy with these monk movements the post is doing good damage to man all right think we've taken as much advantage of this as we can here Trevor a crit all right you're right ah this momentum push on to the tasks and that's new more dodge less Healing received who could use that right now probably Ronin sort of dangerous I might just eat this food right now nobody's got a bleed skill chance either unfortunately and give you that nice alright yeah I should have gotten rid of klepto I would have been better oh well oh boy well this is um not as smooth of an operation as I was hoping for we go ahead and use a herb to get rid of that to that now the 40 dodge on Ronin wasn't permanent that was just from his guard stance which by the way we are going to swap these now let's try to do it soo big bleed with that we I guess we could actually give him the bleed stone then if that's the case calming Zen seems really nice as well I'll keep guard stance take off swallowing swallows return we'll try out calming Zen he's gonna stun the [ __ ] out of himself isn't he totally gonna happen I want to use swift cuts too but I don't know how often he's gonna be in the back well try it in place of guard stance for a couple of fights later on with Eve have a good night or day what have you give that a shot looking fine looking fine oh yeah I guess in the ruins that's gonna have a hard time bleeding anything isn't it especially with a 60% bleed chance that's really not all that grade but I guess I might as well give it to him I'm gonna do that we'll have a couple of human targets I'm sure that we'll be able to try that on 50-60 he's still 70 there we go more stress healing I forgot one more I do not have one more holy water but I'll try this out yay bestest group heels locked I believe actually yeah I don't have that I should have taken them to the guild as well oh well NBD full Scout on this mission I got torchlight for the majority of it as well it feels good even the cold stone seems bent on preventing passage okay I'll put my mind at ease a little bit I'm gonna go down here and use the shovel and knock this out well give her a chance to disarm all right bad choice really terrible actually goodness hoping to not enter with new things already well you're actually not too deep into it Emperor Floyd we just acquired these guys and this is our first dungeon with them so you are experiencing it about simultaneously with us one more shovel to use there and then we'll be good to go hey skull it's okay give that a shot he's pretty good need to heal he's gonna get less healing of course he needs a calming Zen so if I could go ahead and try this out on somebody get the move back going that's a big ol hit that's a big ol hit right there and I need to heal badly die kind of wanted to take a bulwark here too I might try for it I'm gonna get my heavenly strike on this [ __ ] though the divine haymaker I mean there we go I love that sound that is very very satisfying well we get to do this damnit what's waiting for it I was waiting for there it is hell of a skill though man what the deathblow resistance it's kind of nice to all like that is an interesting skill for sure interesting skill yeah the skull let's do seemed mostly stress oriented I'm assuming that they're gonna be like combined with other enemies later on to make things a little more interesting noise Ronin with the 21 damage goodness hit him with the hallowed kick boom good [ __ ] moves the courtier to the front I love it love it love it love it but stun shall we yeah it seems good and then murder him I didn't install the falconer yeah indeed I did now there is a limit on how much you can buff your death blow resistance there's a threshold that makes it so you have to be able to be killed I'm just gonna go for the divine haymaker why not I can a holy Lance oh never mind about it good no stun no stun nice man that is really good when it doesn't stun him damn son you won't it does stun him it's not bad I'd almost trade the around especially if it's like at the end of a battle of course that would be ideal yeah the cap on the deathblow resistance is not that tough to hit like the flatulence is pretty near to it just at a base level anyway let's try to get one more heal that looks good one more here too yeah why not the crits and you can stack that too yeah my god ah [ __ ] yeah it sounds about right I think he starts around like 70 or 80% the fledgling he's really high up there it's nuts I know I'll Bakke they are awesome really well made character class mods we're really into digging them so far we're a triumphant pride precipitates a busy fall sweet okay easy peasy digging the new ronan skills here for sure - you know what I'll try it again no 81 [ __ ] no no no no fifty-fifty come on please why do I do this Mako's art why do I do this advocacy on witnessed by his own eyes stress Oh God why you do this to me bear no no emo we still haven't gotten the chance man one of these days one of these days we'll get to use it hey some blood portraits to it like that should I have just enough torchlight plus the campfire to make it through and be good to go neither one shovel two shovels leftover more skull it's surprise them you can check in the community workshop you can see all of the oh my god all the skills and all the different details for these class mods that were playing with yeah kill yourself that's all I want thank you really wish I had judgment probably should have gotten that first they don't have corpses all right one more why not fully fixed up near to it anyway maximum damage there it is this expedition at least promises success this sounds his skills make are extremely satisfying I'm a big fan of those big big fan try to use the offensive stance in the monk in position to and grade ok we'll give that a whirl we'll switch this time convenient seems like accuracy bonuses are key for the prodigy yeah I might end up being that's the case in the champion dungeons later on and he has got like the potential for lethal damage right away up their sacred strike more damage against the unholy has a stun chance moves them forward oh yeah look at that that was really solid let's roll with this then Crusader can holy lance the backline guy nice I love The Prodigy he's so versatile that's really cool who haven't done Swift cuts yet we'll try that moves them forward debuff their heavenly charge available this time oh that's perfect that's awesome full debuff Schloss of damage and crit chance he's so cool we've been doing like the same thing for him every time we haven't thought to switch the stance this build is really good evening at sea player how you doing not tortuous not quite now I decided to not impose such needless restrictions upon myself I'm a little more focused on just enjoying this content now might do some torch this friends just to spice it up though later on later on floors don't worry about it we're good most of all speed in Dodge I can reach him right there we go really enjoying the prodigy now starting to understand the Creator Brian that's gotta be a welcome back isn't it I feel like I've said that name far too many times for that not to be a welcome back to the pile thanks buddy Joey badge emotes let's uh we do have to fight both of these room battles unfortunately so I guess camp and then do the armor so we can get both buffs probably not gonna get rid of her stress let's check their camping skills serenity 50% chance to remove 69 stress tempting solemn training is quite good accuracy and dodge could be useful kendo practice really nice as well sharpen blade for him to make his oh my god could make his melee skills nuts hmm I almost want to try that I almost want to try that let's do kendo practice with you I love the way he looks at the campfire man some menacing damn damn and we can do that all right feels good see the ambush no way is lit the path is clear will require only the strength to follow it he's feeling pretty good Jesus Christ he's in a good spot two torches this is good it's enough and you're the one with the most damage it's not just like one round either that's for battles bone chopper huh okay interesting see I did you know what I could use right there's another buff I'm glad we glad we took care of that blue you know I think Hallowed kick is just too good not to be here chopping block marks the target buffs himself for 75% damage Wow googly chopped up died mmm yeah Oh blood rush grown in the monster still just gonna have to launch forward with the haymaker here I think but that's fine here at the corpse may be still holy Lance he's got 43 dodge so yeah he should be avoiding that stuff do it yes very good very good still got all of his buffs everything holy crap gonna have him for both fights another wine taster I'd like for you to be dead that's stun you although I am actually gonna make this switch here again and attempt to double stun move nothing from the take a sip sacred strike love it you gotta remember I can be doing that pretty friggin effective calming Zen not really necessary Ronin is a god right now the match is struck a blazing star is smart that up alright alright alright let's go finish her off I guess not too bad been loving this start I haven't gotten a single opportunity to use bottle jutsu though that actually has the chance to one-shot these guys which I can't pass up and now that I know that this is an option same explanation sacred strike no stuns that's a bummer try it on him and I think I'm gonna try a holy Lance on the back line or even though I could easily get a kill here then again having seen what I just saw maybe I should prevent the Vestal from getting killed do the smart thing 8 to 15 damage yeah I got to do that ok jeez that's just awesome man and that puts him in spot 2 to be able to do his magic fanciness sound effect is great I know isn't it hold that debuff too he's these two are great man decided to see the scourge but I'm very pleased with the prodigy and the Ronin so far die yeah why not don't have a mod list yet we'll have that for the next dream though just totally spaced it for this one the Ameer psychologist has been keeping this covered with it though thank you buddy he'll for one hell yeah does he have a bonus damage against stun targets thing that I'm ignoring as Victory's mount so too will resistance I got a bing bada boom finding the stuff is only the first test yay now it must be carried home take that eat the food boo boom and we are out of here return to rest Devil's remanded to their abyss baller double-edge pendant kind of used Lizbeth oh well experience for our boys eagle-eye for Kapoor I don't know if that actually he's gonna matter on a Holy Slayer Decker pretty good pretty good okay in time you oh [ __ ] tragic extent of my failings the marine lives of the Cova rallied up by an unknown menace the drunken sailors are all abuzz with tales of a giant man-eating monster full of tentacles and malice a Kraken they whisper slay this beast the survivor can only recount the horrors of the load of the deep once unleashed the Kraken will all but dominate the sea it must be stopped kill the Kraken oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] first of all first of all Falconer tell them boys oh goodness we've done it we've done it yes we need more roster space though so who's who's getting the booth has anybody not been renamed I guess I should have considered the possibility that I might not be hanging on to everybody can I upgrade my roster space almost if I traded the bus I could yeah let's just do it there we go that makes it easier okay let's pick up probably get a mantle arms but let's look at which one of these falconers is better it's probably gonna be this one as I hate both nervous and fragile so let's just not deal with her and go with mewls The Seeker Falconer different outfits for this one that's a fun purple quick shot good crit mod more damage against the marked target buffs her speed diversion marks herself buffs her dodging speed Big Mike the haas welcome back to the pile buddy thank you very much for two months in a row i fief that's that doesn't leave a lot to the imagination does it that's a move where she sends the falcon to rip the eyes from the enemy lowered dodge marks the target t buffs the targets accuracy that makes sense flurry shuffles target debuffs moving stun resistance and nineteen in four months in a row respectively thank you guys very much appreciate it okay spirited cry clear stun woo minor stress eole buffs the target speed stun clear I think that might be the very first time I've seen that mechanic volley fire actually does decent damage though is the crit mod though fleeting escape moves her back three that's awesome nice D boss the target and buffs her own speed a little bit lower damage on that okay alright I understand so let's do it grab the falconer [Music] survival is the same repair persist and overcome now I'll just go ahead and snag a man arms right now let's rename these two sub mode on we set the raffle open it up exclaim raffle in the jet and I am gonna take a break right now folks so go ahead and type exclaim raffle and we'll rename these characters once I return and then we will go see about a Kraken apparently so thanks for watching so much I appreciate it thank you for being here I'll be live of course with more of our modded campaign right after this give me a few
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 171,676
Rating: 4.85777 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon mods, mods for darkest dungeon, best darkest dungeon mods
Id: PHtke7-63k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 0sec (5820 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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