Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness (Ep. 13)

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[Music] welcome back everybody sorry for that little bit extra long break said to stuff my face with some food for a second [Music] thank you very much for sticking around appreciate your time let's continue through the color of madness brussel sprouts are gross broccoli is my favorite vegetable that's the conversation we're having huh broccoli is the best vegetable steamed broccoli with ketchup I know I just drew a whole bunch of Dan's games out of that I know I did but it's it's tasty man it's real good that's what I grew up on anyway American cuisine I know good old meat sticks bear taffy here with that elaborate cultural palette of his growing up I just woke up bear guy bro face man good to have you for Oscars how you doing we have been going for a couple hours here the state's looking pretty good I've got most people addressing their ailments as it were a little bit too much curse at the moment let's see I don't think I'm gonna grab me every I don't think I'm gonna be looking at the stagecoach anymore for a while here sorry to those y'all that are hoping to be raffled but looks like we probably got our squad for a minute but if that's gonna be the case I should probably well you know I do kind of want to just to go right back and try to get the Baron because we're doing pretty good at that I've probably got another team for it right now cuz I don't have to use the flatulent even though it does seem like a good idea I could do a completely different squad like well then again it could be time for another antiquarian run a lot of stress on the fly zone yeah and I might even have to commit him twice what if instead of all that we go for the something like the fulminating profit but before I do that I gotta hydrate hydration hmm I just hydrated hydration bond but thank you I'll I'll just keep it going inside water I could probably be performin ating profit oh you know what I shouldn't I haven't even really considered I should look at the districts and see what I need to build here cuz building the bank is definitely a good idea obviously having the sanguine vintners is also really nice I've got two blueprints I should work on trying to get the heirlooms necessary for this stuff and this isn't too far off so let's work on getting some more busts then you have completely forgotten about that element of things let's go kill the fulminating profit and hopefully get enough bus to build that granary is deep granary is decent as well yeah I always called it granary when I was growing up granary here plus 15% healing when eating some food is great to free each week yeah that's really nice they're all good apart from these ones that are particular to the classes they're all not all that great but before that yeah they're all pretty worthwhile not to mention these new buildings as well of course the mill which is phenomenal but we need 10 memories for that I believe is what you need then gem inventory stacking increased by one is kind of nice those things for holy water or holy water and laudanum also good yeah so it's it's worthwhile but anyway off we go to kill the fulminating prophet I suppose and I don't want to rank people out of their ability to help us in the courtyard so let's try to build with that in mind I guess like the shoe could definitely be a member of this team let's see man-at-arms seems pretty necessary I think I'll go with an ARB list and then how about just a vestal to round it all out and then : our rank out unfortunately but I think I can manage that cuz I do have another vessel that's already been committed right or do I not oh yeah no here here she is this kid Spindler ok let's do that yeah I think that's fine into the ruins we go don't have a stress healer yeah but I think we'll be alright yeah this is good I don't know about bringing an antiquarian that seems like it it's a bit too risky I think this team is really solid straightforward just gonna take care of business just gonna handle this don't want to around let's go get some upgrades - he is weak weak as hell I'm gonna take this actually yeah a sharper sword a stronger shield anything to prolong a soldier's life indeed that is not worth these are all set to go guild for stay hydrated bot who has not seen a lot of action lately you are gonna use defender retribution rampart and crush unsurprisingly let's go and upgrade all those there we go yeah that's the one and then for the vestal you're already set arbol this is good to go what am I using with her bola yeah I guess that's probably the way to go what is this upgrade do more crit chance more accuracy of course and there goes all the money hooray I love being poor look away look away chat you don't you can't see this oh I did it oh god is there is it going to take care of business every day taking care of business every way you know it you're goddamn right okay toy soldier very good we will use it dismisses head is almost certainly gonna go on the ARB list here and along with the bullseye band in and that takes care of that of course I'm going to continue using Osmonds chains and let's see into the ruins I'd say what their string for him maybe recovery charms not a bad idea for the men-at-arms as well I kind of like that actually let's do it yeah let's do a bloodthirst ring here well actually you know what he's got a decent amount of Dodge let's give him feather crystal in fact let's do that I like it oh wait no I haven't even given the vestal anything yet uh well I mean that one's pretty self-explanatory too may be swift cloak but no we're good we're good we're good that'll do got to bring the holy water again of course but we are gonna bring those for the ruins anyway our bliss has all our skills ready you're good you're set let's do it profit time all dims a couple of dams do that a couple of those stack the food up not that much um in fact let's be conservative because we are bringing the bluff there's two ringing out right or are we not one now we're not okay nevermind no let's get a little bit more a little bit more of that a couple keys and that'll do that'll work that'll work right I think we're ready for the profits this raving creature had to be silenced but doing so approved maddeningly impossible how had he survived the stockades the icy waters and the knives I delivered so enthusiastically into his back how had he returned time and time again to rouse the town folk with his wild speculations and prophecies her heroine us hopefully I said that kind of right thank you I appreciate the kind words the echoes of his mindless tittering reverberate maddeningly good night to you sending greetings from Lithuania I appreciate that very much thanks for watching for so long let's go kill a prophet one two three four five six one two three four yep gotta be there all right off we go mow it down bosses today no kidding yeah we're just on a tear we're going with pretty good teams for the most part I mean one time we used an antiquarian that was questionable but I'm pretty confident in this squad especially going up against the Prophet I think they're particularly strong against him let's go this way I have no herbs but I must activate No Wow oh they really got it in for me this time oh boy didn't even get the stun thank God come on now Oh run away run away welcome to their papaya Dewey executed with impunity excellent names seize this momentum push on to the tasks and bear hugs please for a bag of Dewey welcome to the pile thank you very much enjoy your badging emotes in all fairness if I saw giant maggots and spiders I would be terrified no that's completely fair it's horrifying legitimately that's why I scream in terror every time damn hard oh yes yes sir thank you kindly let's just get a kill please or not looking to prevent the stress early on of course because that's really the only thing I'm worried about with this composition I've got so much healing so much defense only potential problem is gonna be stacking stress on the vest lose already experiencing some issues here and I got some damage to unfortunately but that's clearing that there we go a little bit more stress healing - holy that'll work the enemies that are shrouded that stealth mechanic is a new thing in the color of madness DLC that it's pretty self-explanatory enemies can't be hated when they're stealth until they're revealed you fat do that do that do that then fist goodnight my friend thank you very much for hanging out appreciate lo how you doing and my band is this we're good we're set I thought it was from sure I was questioning myself when I said it out loud whether or not the stealth was from color of madness you're right it's from shield breaker yeah my mistake my mistake because that was the that was those snakes that are in her dream that's right yeah that's right sneck oh and saint roll how you doing green goo be good to have you better now that you're off work good to have you as well yeah there's some snake O's in the ambush that is automatic when you can't put the shield breaker there spooky spooky snake oohs stun chance is pretty good here we'll take it damn cool much more unlikely I think I'm just gonna go all-in on the damage here and that four might even be the difference maker with a crit from the árboles right that's what we're gonna see come on come on Oh should I actually I should probably just try this yeah 130 you got 70 is a better option there we go and now we get a crit anyway now we get a crit anyway because that's what the game wants right nope wow that wouldn't have even been close to killing him if I got a damn he has a lot of health holy greetings from the land down under how you doing best banana buddy I knew how shoes came in today now all I have to do is try to keep them away from the dog that got my old pair is that not your dog that sounds like there's just a dot a stray dog running around in your house grabbing shoes that's a bigger problem that you have to address buying new shoes every time isn't gonna solve that issue you're gonna have to get rid of the dog at some point you don't buy a new lawn every time the grass dies that's a bad comparison but maybe you do who knows I don't know how to judge your life sir Bayer taffy or noble quests in these dungeons that caused me to finally buy the Xbox one version of darkest dungeon how do you make it look so easy by spending 500 hours in the game prior to you seeing me broadcast it is the majority of the source for my proficiency he is not dead how he is how do you use the abomination effectively I've never touched him while playing darkest dungeon I've got a level that one from the courtyard secret room when I try using them now they give me run with religious characters of the light I am h o my humble opinion the abomination is very good in a blight specific composition if you do it with something like the plague doctor the grave robber and you know pick pick XYZ fill character he's quite good at that mostly because this beast pile does reduce blight resistance on targets as well and he can even work pretty damn well in an antiquarian bill because of that but usually when I end up running the abomination I almost never transform with him it's the thing like he's fine and just as stunned blight boy he never needs this stuff it's just good to have his like a fail-safe and when you do need him for that he's very useful I recommend trying him like it's it's a good character it's just the class was restricted heavily by the fact that he had that religious restriction imposed on him for so long but now he doesn't silver ray Annie's a meat shield right yeah it can take a lot of punishment obviously just healing sour juice spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear like any character that can perform a self heal and on top of that perform a self stress eel is the way is it very useable clear we require only the strength to follow it that's why the Crusader has always been viable the leper now has been become extremely viable yeah another abomination cleansed from our Lance bitters yeah boy I should heal on good evening Denson how you doing that'll work okay foolish Horace brought low and driven into the mud cool yeah in radiance may we find victory all right in classic fashion we go all the way down the hall make sure no surprises await us as we go back to use this campfire and buff up prior to the boss fight I am gonna feast I was considering not doing that but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have enough food to backtrack anyway if I want to and after doing so I won't even need to stress you all or anything like that so I'm gonna be able to buff freely here which is phenomenal so restring crossbow always seems like a good choice especially going up against the Prophet here psych up is nice although we do have a religious companion that would be freaked out by that and his damage is not nearly as necessary as the others party dodge and crit chance increase seems really really nice and then I might even just maintain equipment here and call it good yeah fine with me I don't care if I get ambushed either I can deal with it yeah that's not too bad I might even just transform real quick to deal with the quicker that's unfortunate because it's gonna be like 30 stress yeah but that is probably the gist of what we're gonna have to deal with here and hopefully I'll be really lucky and get some nice big shots on these boys I'm gonna stun for sure to prevent further stress hopefully just kill that guy obviously with an armless shot here we go and another stun here I guess is probably the best move kind of had to expect the surprise I guess had a 26 percent chance to crit that my goodness then buffs though huh rage socket okay I'd love to yell again there we go I'm gonna get a small stress field I believe still at the end of this - we have such a high crit chance on everybody that's awesome you're in excellent shape for this I don't have any more herbs though so hopefully those d buffs go away they will not it's for three battles oh well I think we're ready let's do it let's go abomination is great for a fight like this - of course because if it gets double prognosticated he can just take the hit and absolution himself - a better condition although I can also consider doing a slam here if I wanted to move myself forward and allow the man of arms to take the damage but I think I'm gonna do Reiki instead I think I'm gonna try to destroy both of these pews prior to doing anything else in this fight I'll have any anti-venom oh that's gonna be a problem I just realized hmm oh well help out here I'm gonna be real greedy with the way I'm doing this but I'm gonna be able to get through both of these in like two or three turns and that is perfectly acceptable especially without stunning anybody and see what we get that's fine that's a bad rate and now I can well actually no defending him I suppose isn't gonna do me any good now is it so I should probably retribution then that's the best move here probably just crush that'll help I do still get the protection buff with my guard but I don't think it needs anymore he's already got 40% I think it maybe just be overkill at this point all right still defending sadly still lands some stress on her and I got the stun but it shouldn't make a big difference who okay the obamas hurtin but I did heal him before that so that's good she's just gonna have to take that I think not a lot I can do about it bolla will kill this let's heal my man alarms let the abomination maybe self heal next turn or the CV enzyme needing it at all and we go okay thanks very very good and another stun resistance thanks to that no problem okay we are handling this effectively and now I definitely defend my a-bomb I don't have to heal him here I don't think either I'm pretty sure I can still break we're actually gonna deal damage to him now oh boy and now we do this still don't want a group heal until she takes some actual damage definitely do that hopefully he doesn't get stunned again that would be obviously problematic this seems like a good choice right now I'm getting a little risky with the way I'm playing this abomination at the moment nice that's awesome and the resistance beautiful Joe oh my god magnificent ideal result yes yes I love it I love it and the healing buff - baby okay so now we'll defend her let him take the hit bola again nice my goodness all right that might be some flight here okay okay got a deal with it only takes four damage look at this protection holy alright that's a problem abominations almost certainly looking at death's door here if I let that head rake is devastating right now nice holy wow thank you thank you not today blind fire speed buff oh my god it's over ji ji grievous injury you can smell the desperation on his breath and the Dodge just the icing on the cake steals the prognostication they've done it they've absolutely done it no need I'm gonna heal greediest and immediately rewarded for it oh my god and queex absurdity just completely ridiculous completely ridiculous judgment crit for the kill okay fine that's incredible what the what in the man what an incredible fight just destroyed this guy we're using cheatengine bear I don't even know how this happened no crit self heal unfortunately all right that'll do that'll do I guess yeah his own demise I can't so long as he remains dead unreal oh my goodness I don't know if I'm gonna get greedy here I'm gonna dump these dump these for sure get rid of the crests I guess I need but lusts and know that I'll take the blueprint obviously let's do that yeah cuz I don't love either of those great okay get a little bit more greedy here to you it's back up ten food I've got the I got the resources it's just the torchlight mostly that's gonna suck ditch gold for pews I suppose is maybe logical but I don't think I necessarily need to do that yet sham blur let's go I think this key team could probably handle it certainly make quick work of the profit after that free fight you gotta get greedy seriously it just handed us that one so many crits let's head of the treasure room and then well we know we don't have a key actually so maybe just the battle disarm and gain a little bit more stress back maybe yeah I'll try it sixty seventy there we go worth heading into the darkness here so let's believe that's I think just probably ended at this point can't even take those damn um I'm gonna meet them I don't even know what I'm looking for that if I don't even have the inventory space maybe I should just bail it'd be dumping the holy water I suppose which will happen maybe after this fight it's done for the stress prevention risk aback welcome to the pile my friend that sounds like a name that was made back in the risk of rain days in like 2014 was it he just can't stop crying he can't stop Vestal can oh my goodness the actual mad people mad man and woman you got about risk of rain they're making a 3d one wrap your head around that just literally can't stop printing what is happening oh my goodness so many crits Oh beware a triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying 4 I truly don't understand it anymore shed alright I have to keep going feel his hydration continually meal and the crits no punishment ever never again will I be punished for my failures or misjudgments oh I spoke too soon decisive time to be punished games of wrath more crits more crits 4 more bits after this I gotta hydrate hard no kidding oh my god he didn't crit genuinely shocked by that is the magic over has our reign of terror drawn to a close didn't crit fire his ass fire him out of a cannon into the Sun useless piece of trash bot where's your crit listen they twisted bits for crits yes that's more like it what I'm talking about as victories mount so too will resistance okay now eat the food eat the food Tina Tina eat the food eat it up no no no no do not take those take these do not take that take this there we go do it BAM none of that none of that now greedy greedy gumdrops terrible idea oh good lord here we go worth it oh no he's gonna how we're gonna get that Jack definitely get it yet there it is well I mean given what he's done so far I'll be okay preservation is paramount at any cost oh man I guess I guess sooner or later we had to answer for our crimes didn't we god damn it I'm not wrong right yeah seriously like based on what we've seen so far I was fully expecting it moves himself that's terrible nor is that a good decision I'm an idiot it's not he'll that's definitely the right choice with my are bolused at half health in a mark pretty damn sure the correct option is to get greedy and try to kill an enemy same here try again okay son time alright that'll do and now we maybe heal her maybe maybe if she deserves it I think she does but then again she does it it all falls to me I mean it kind of does can you take care of this please been real lazy you've only been creating eighty percent of the time I can't believe how much we've had to rely on you please hey that's what I need thank you for letting me go beautiful greed overwhelming now we got it we got it ten damage right here from the crush or six that's not gonna happen nice that's right that is right that is right mmm-hmm remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer man I really don't even need that but hey we did it we killed him I should leave I should I should definitely get the out of here see Wow oh yes hmm I can't even slam from there so you know what it I don't eat him he's an unnecessary component of the team stun please oh he can't be stopped he's selfish and he's still a monster my god um am i blind fire here I'm okay with that yeah the lights turned on that was nice let's see odds are not in my favor here 138 get out wait a minute hold on though I don't have a stun amulet I thought I did but this is still worth a try or torch light anyway all right that's fine um I should move forward at this point yeah kind of foolish not to [Music] crit him dammit oh boy I could be bad it's not too bad okay acceptable also acceptable I'll be time to pop a group heal real quick actually you know we go yeah group heal for sure just to be safe and I think I could reach back there with a rampart right now I'm not quite oh all right I guess that's fine Oh wowie poor little our bliss back there oh geez it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere we go with the man-at-arms mace smashing you in the face it's Koretz mess I guess I could have hit him with that no idea why didn't totally an option I had there it is Christmastime array what fun Christmas oh let's do that I mean anyone in name nnn him lying a proper good he's done it he's actually done it the greed is sated one small four digits eyes alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade worth it worth it okay um get rid of these for that easy and I actually do kind of like this hood even though it's a common but I don't like it any more than I have or than I like anything else in my inventory so we'll just go ahead get rid of that and see what's in here it's trapped okay that'll do good dungeon very very nice decent amount of money and a blueprint of course it's quite nice to : are up there at level 5 on exert as expected stress faster is awesome yay nervous is bad though the worries we'll have to get what rid of as well robust is pretty good some nastiness but not too bad once our estate was the envy of this land okay first of all : are the treatment world Ward will get rid of nervous it's a pretty bad one medical ward for him the worries goodbye let's see here nobody else says disease sorting by stress we're looking at a variety all rather and then like the shoe doesn't really need to be committed I think I might leave him out cuz I got to be a little bit more conservative with my gold still really enjoying finally casket live got to do that gym thing do your thing baby absolutely thank you for hanging out a little while appreciate you so I'm sure we've got our squad ready again to hit it head into the courtyard let's go ahead and do that shall we I am loving seeing me I love these new emblems by the way for the champion and of course the legends that will be having soon I really like the way that they updated those all right let's do it where's my flagellating my agilent oh there he is synthetic mouse there we go let around my Fox wonderful evening can you camp if a nun helping chest is in the room and then still be able to open it after the camp I believe you can yeah in fact yeah my honor because I'm positive you can do that alright yeah I think it's just gotta be the highwayman on the vestal right I'm wondering what a heavens him and spot to or spot 3 definitely throw her in the back I mean I could do this this is pretty damn good actually with the incision plague doctor again and I can use these two pretty effectively and maybe even use embalming vapors instead of play grenade that sounds fun actually I'm gonna do that this lineup looks good we've got some cash to upgrade them with as well we'll go ahead and do that into the guild we go let's unlock this that really doesn't make a massive difference to upgrade that does it that's sort of disappointing that's give them the pistol shot upgrade flagellants looking good and vessels looking good as well how close are we to this black Smith level 4 32 out of 35 and off also of course we're still working on the bus for this district here particularly with sanguine vintners oh we can buy the granary now but I think the granary damn it I have a crimson flatulent I thought I did where is he it's extra steel but that's a level 2 fledgling I don't think I want to bring him yeah I'd rather bring this guy that's okay all right bring him or no balls I've got I got too many balls dammit alright let's set this up pretty self-explanatory flatulent trinkets for the most part thus far we give that and then the hood which I almost brought on that new new hood but I'm fairly confident that I made the right choice not doing so dismisses head for you oh wait now we're going melee build aren't we so let's keep going with the sharpening sheaf and dodgy sheath combo actually you know what I think this is gonna be better for him a little bit more damage and then we'll go with dazzling mirror on my vest again along with the heretical passage bloody herb and bloodthirster ring is unnecessary let's go with feather crystal maybe the sanguine snuff but that's probably not a great either let's do feather Krystal for her that'll do rotgut sensor that's pretty good too I don't think she needs that well does she does have yips let's give her that cuz I need her to land her attacks oh yeah this ain't oh she is just not looking so solid for this anymore but I think it'll be ok we'll try it out let's head back to the bear and baby yes yes off we go I don't think the fanatic can show up in the courtyard no I don't believe that's a thing it's the full stack of add a few shovels a few torches no keys this time I finally learned a couple of each of those thing I bring like a full stack of bandages actually and then we obviously need the holy water for that curio or not the curio the uh well we need blood oh my God we're like out of blood that's bad no wasting heroes in town fortunately but oh goodness let's bring that for a full stack of shovels a few more torches I guess cuz what is it what's the harm I guess I'm bringing a full stack in fact out of blood kiddo blue buoy no words let's go don't forget to bring your cheats don't forget the game shark mm-hmm might I suggest sanguine vintners I definitely will be getting that as soon as I can clearly necessary ok drops us right back where we left off here let's go ahead and back up and head north I guess really is the only logical choice at this point so off we go craving immediately that's bad I need to run into everything please all the battles all the blood that you can offer I will take it happily and that's fine that's actually like down to zero for him that's beautiful alright deftly maneuver through there and if the nastiness except for this time when they sting and bite you Hickey so I got these damn keys I'm aware pile of shrooms yeah I played before and we're definitely looking for that results to clear the curse of all of our characters and more blood Thank You warded to the brave and the foolhardy like any blood I can get please at this point I'm desperate I also love for my attacks to land obviously if you wouldn't mind stress is fine well actually stress is not fine stress is the last thing I want stress I would love to avoid and these guys issue it in droves which means they need to go immediately stunt I'm definitely unless I don't click the thing I think I've got a cheap mouse okay I got a cheap shitty Mouse I need to replace that doesn't click things sometimes and that was a very convenient Dodge he's gonna bleed out not before everybody else gets to act apparently that sucks so it that'll work nice this expedition at least promises success yay that's good to hear Wayne I was worried later on her but wonderful evening thank you for hanging out glad to have you I think this is a dead end if I recall correctly oh and that's helpful don't do that oh god yeah all right why miss click cuz I meant to do the stun another judgment I keep clicking thinking I've clicked and then turns out I haven't all right stun control again or maybe just attempt to prevent the thirst with the damage I can't hit the backline with a lot of stuff with this squad okay sure yeah thanks that's helpful let's do that later on thing whenever goodnight alright he's done it's the transformation for her anyway at least it doesn't actually impact her with the crit yeah at least she hit the flower at least to get the flageolet it's kind of helpful his own stupid-ass way there we go holy he's kind of made up for it already top everybody off it's Christmas it's Christmas time is restored seize this momentum push on to the tasks and 28 you got it he redeemed himself the madman pop the accuracy buff for a battle I really do need a Christmas album there it's a good theme I like it please tell me this connects to something and I want to have to walk all the way back through this damn hallway indeed stun nope slice yeah good there we go and rivaling victory that's a victory nonetheless use the torch on the net I was wondering if there's an interaction here yeah sure enough tax what yes supply oh my god we need to bring more torches to this place clearly that is very very good more blood please why am I not getting any why did that have to happen is that kill nice I wanna try to get another kill here alright I don't even know if I went for the right person honestly but I think this is definitely the right play and then I want to allow him to just move forward that's good he's gonna die anyway definitely do that alright considering the start there that was pretty damn good just assume assault Allah welcome good to have you miss broken another stuns fine I'll do I'm not even asking for him at this point I'm just reaping the rewards man fixation solo how are you I can still shoot him from here right yeah we're good that is not enough bleed though so probably just use the judgment or something to finish him off let this blight play out of course to lower him a little more yeah there we go oh man if is a little bit of AoE here be perfect oh well you definitely don't need to heal nice good guide the crits have been out of control that is excellent I knew this was a goddamn dead end uh it was even saying it the whole time but I did get some blood out of it at least that is that definition Oh watching love having it thank you for being here yeah shuffle the party back good call I gotcha I gotcha well I'll take this backtracking opportunity to say hey thank you all very much for being here of course I have been mentioning this quite a bit but the return to darkest dungeon has been wonderful for me it's been invigorating getting me back to my grind and so many people coming out to see it has been awesome so thank you all so much for your support for your continued generosity you're all wonderful why shouldn't I really shouldn't you really shouldn't do that really shouldn't do walking's good for your health that's optimistic glad to hear sunshine yeah and a lot of people have been mentioning they love the return to darkest dungeon it's been I think the I think we did it well I think waiting for a long time to get back to it giving us like a few months off it's been ideal and provided me the right atmosphere the right headspace for it I mean we're not supposed to do that definitely but okay finding the stuff is only the first test cool how it must be carried home we know that can happen but good yay indeed free keys that I'm happy to Arthur penguin hey there that's for him right yeah and I can keep the loan holy water we've hunted to the old lady we did that was terrible I'd say it's worth attempting I'm only really concerned about hunger tiles right now okay yay what fun what fun this will be oh she's crying - give her some blood anything I don't even have that skill equipped the nice he's done one down and that's perfect thank you [Music] yeah that's fine and then definitely exsanguinate oh goodness oh did I forget to switch the embalming papers that explains that then yeah complete dominance complete and utter dominance we're in better position or in a better position at the end of this fight than we are when we started it that feels nice and we got blood which we so desperately need still please give me more that's not good this is obnoxious I think that's my correct play cuz I might just be able to out damage this team but I have to deal with a few maddening whines I'm sure please put her in range for the highway man perfect yeah almost no stress either right until this very moment there she goes at least does he get the first action oh come on Deadeye here you bear cheers to you my friend thank you that I very much for another 2,000 bits thank you thank you for the support and res say the bits for crits let's see if you get lucky buddy yeah should have healed her actually that was definitely the better play oh well double stun for sure yeah I didn't I didn't switch this up for embolden Ling vapors I totally forgot I should I think I still want to do that hey there Dino how you doing he is not gonna die anymore unfortunately I should just pistol shot though make sure I get one stun resistance here you're done now he's definitely dead hopefully I can get first action here too but I would like to get another heal on her even though she's she's feeling the stress - jeez that'll do it nice brownie thanks for the bits more blood as victories mount so too will resistance I am going to get rid of that take this call it good cool still curious about the curio help skills hold on got it damn BAM thank you and I'll let her relieve some stress as well she'll let me do it there we go perfect damn we are in good condition here this is nice never mind it all sucks mind that such missteps are the exception and nothing did I have that side that scouted didn't I such a goofball doofus face another bloody a I just like the I like the confusion that not remembering the map provides Cigna I don't have to min/max this I like not knowing where I'm going again money sandwich good night my friend thank you very much for the bits we're hanging out appreciate you okay totally acceptable man that sucks still gonna try to kill him oh that's unfortunate well definitely tracking shot here then to make sure that I don't waste an opportunity for that perfectly fine and even better actually cuz he's marked to just get both of them well both dodge alright definitely do that oh my goodness indeed you're getting your face is blocked off can't spell man good luck to you die thanks more stress relieved - that's the face I like to see that's the face that you fill this chat not lying demon alright cursed cursed image get it out need more fair face to bat the lion demon get that constant image out of mine site are you eating a lemon in that face he mowed it certainly looks like a donut why am i spreading this damage around like a cotton-headed ninny-muggins like a big dumb doofus man I guess it doesn't matter there we go not just kidding makes all the difference in the world I'm Oh clarified in a single strike why oh my god oh my god okay we're good yay whoa remind yourself that overconfidence yes and insidious killer holy-shit getting the goods baby okay let's get rid of this man do that and then we're good hot-diggity-dog he does have the death story debuff yeah you could see it applied there with the resistance oh you're right knock tonight's actually a good call I meant to do that there we go all right I probably should have expected that was another dead end I suppose we have two more food tiles that we can surpass got to keep that holy water of course only three torches two shovels left what does that item it's the battered la man's badge exclusive crimson court trinket for the hound master and if you set bonus it it those amazing buffs it's quite nice wrong way times two hoorah he's done it thanks to the normal curse still get the bloodlust so got a lot of stress I need the holy water for this crystalline trinket that I have on my vessel she's got this one here the heretical passage which gives us more healing skills if I have that in my inventory very handy all right almost back almost ready for action again this is at least a useful bit of exploration I suppose good to know what's there it didn't cost us too much anyway and I'm in great shape apart from the highwayman stress pretty much really the only big issue I have yet to address maybe I'll run into another one of these that's not what I was looking for but I'll take it can't take any of it never mind I won't take it looking good in the curse off some blood array thanks Evan it's been nice oh speaking of nice that feels good that'll relieve the stress a little bit and no need to heal it's just control we're not let's make my way to the store to make my belly happy it means I must pardon myself from your stream in this love the community goodnight barosky's have a wonderful evening thank you very much for your time golden Chevron buff that occurs whenever you land a crit so now an increase bleed skill chance for a round courtesy of that crit buffs are unique to every character now it's phenomenal I love it it's an excellent addition to the game more water hydrates consume hydration decimated good good I'm gonna pop his heel if I have it available I'm not sure I do I think I might just have to examinate a corpse I do perfect [Music] excellent excellent news oh my me oh my [Music] beware a triumphant pride precipitates but dizzying fall well thank you a la la I appreciate that I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly another one huh okay it kind of feeding them early with that I guess but I just really want to make sure it's not forgotten I suppose but suppose like it also beaten to wasting but then I'll get the bloodlust buff and I think about enough for now that just immediately safe their needs Wow self-healing a stress there thank you know the maze doesn't reset it saves your progress every time Oh fair enough then yeah pronunciations hard who's died oh man that is just everything we could have asked for that Jill Reeve gave his moobot raffle win to stay hydrated but and I think it's definitely proven to be the correct choice we honor him forever for it executed no kidding holy crap Matthew Roy bear-hugs please for the newest member of the pile Matthew Roy thank you very much for your subscription my friend I appreciate and enjoy your bed you're emoting the love from chat welcome to the pile as well that doubles up thanks for using twitch Prime appreciate the support everybody that is very kind of you like a ruby obviously and I guess it's worth one the Sapphire I don't know why get rid of that either welcome papa Steph triple subscription papa Steph welcome on in thank you very much I appreciate it I'm getting real greedy now real greedy oh and I'll take that too it all in a fortune waiting to be dumped that those sub count we're sitting at like 850 now which is unreal thank you all the pile continues to grow the Berbice hideous mass of flesh and fur before okay nothing welcome to the bear pile toolbar that's better thank you very much for the subscription do about a quad sub holy cow we got a proper trainer rolling all night long Sankar tom holy crap first of all holy crap the damage from that trap and yeah that's good too but thank you son cart are welcome to pile as well thank you for the subs by the subscriptions all in a row look at him go watch them flow I no longer have bandages please die so I don't die myself I don't want to be killed here I don't want to be killed here don't hit him don't hit him I said room 27 and someone say subs lots of them did lots of people said that lots of people on the pile thank you all very very much for your continued support very kind of you I certainly appreciated help him help him live oh my god of course don't you do it let me heal Oh God that'll do that'll do that'll do alright more blood hooray change that up all right we're good hello you're not worth it I'm sorry all right then one more of those puppies I'm sure this is just another dead end but I had to do it yay bingo trinkets and baubles paid for and blah so rude to that old lady it's what I do it's what I do I think we're actually gonna be able to make it through another gate this time shockingly consider dependent upon what this is I suppose whoo I'll give you this yeah definitely yay and I need a torch for that no problem you're good you're good to go baby let's just take care of that real fast in oh I've got the blue key yeah I have this yay progress Oh God all right then yep well let's speed buff to start off with I guess yep yep yep yep he does not move forward and fortunately so the flatulent continues to be hindered let's see here let's do maybe an accuracy buff for this fight I'm sure I'll leave after this so let's just do it and then tracking shot for sure just to get the buff going and then maybe embolden invaders that's probably a damn good idea actually okay you don't want it we'll give it to somebody else come on up buddy there you go sounds like fun doesn't it come play with your friends and grupe oh I'd errant assume I'm ever safe against this guy want to make sure I am topped off whenever possible if we can oh that sucks Battlefield medicine for sure I'd love to move him forward here I think I might oh you know what now I'm gonna leave her there I start dealing some actual damage speaking of actual damage Jesus we couldn't help her out there we go welcome to the pile my friend thank you very much for the subscription enjoy a bad dream Oates I need something else on him god I wish I had an option I might have to end up making him rapturous which might be okay oh you idiot why why why let that happen madam I'm damaged this isn't looking great that's good though okay let's keep embolden I'm pretty sure that's the way to go especially since that stacks for the battle that is the only remaining use I have please don't move forward thank you oh my god so he'll definitely move forward now we got apex predator coming up let's move the Vestal back finally we got to do this I'm just gonna welcome it I suppose and keep stacking as speed buffs oh really that was really lucky that we didn't get blood there right or does that blow that might not bleed actually okay never mind apparently not bad hurts though that is a powerful hit okay okay that's acceptable I don't have any bandages anymore though can finally hit him yes long time coming back now let's take one holy water to prevent further stacking of the bleed and that still allows for the healing buff makes it a bit stark fury crit chance is a little higher with the slice but obviously stacking the bleed is a little bit more important and getting that amount of damage really helps to nice that's huge okay please leave her alone you've got to be kidding me bleeding her as well with a big bleed on the crib we know what we're doing now Val do Big Time health somehow didn't get it resolved check and still hit with the flatulent but I need to move back I can't afford to with him nice strike that's huge damn it's she's got to heal herself can I stun decent odds didn't get it damn probably gonna lurk again okay it's fine that's acceptable please let me do this good good good bleeds almost gone that's a check for sure got to be that's fine and frailty finally claimed one big hit that's all we need small hit with a bleed okay how about one more from you and it'll be big that is nearly there next turn Oh perfect he'll heal though we need 11 damage not gonna happen there 32% chance to hit I'd say that's got to be the smartest move and then the chance for the incision 50% chance to hit if it lands it's not quite enough it needs to hit for maximum damage and bleed animist alright alright here we go so got that bleed at least nice dodge let's go it's over you're outmatched whoo battle Vestal oh oh I say enormous ly enjoying Co I'm with your radio moderator voice on top beautiful glad to hear it thank you wowie all right that'll work I think we're getting the hell out of here I've got enough food to make it go down to the door so maybe I'll press my luck you killed that sweet swamp puppy you monster you paid me for it who's the real monster thanks for the bits down we go Bay let's get greedy more doors open more opportunities present themselves what awaits us more stress certainly we know that much so got this damn red key for whatever that's worth monster where here we go here we go baby we shall see what lies beyond the golden gate some object of divine deliverance I probably should have expected a fight didn't think about that whoops luckily it's not too bad easily manage this as long as he doesn't get a heart attack there we go sure yeah best farmstead run currently 146 but I haven't had a lot of them admittedly mostly was focusing on doing that during the color of charity event yeah this is the only thing I have to worry about and that was pretty much the worst possible result but we're still okay still alive he's dead now pistol shot on him will probably do it give her a quick heal to make sure she don't die yeah no problem no problems god damn it okay all right all right we're fine totally fine what blood - all right use that Scout it out and we are getting the out of here and we really want to go to that room it's so close it's so close to us what if I just do this just to food a little bit of bleeding a little bit bleeding no big deal let me get more food here sock URI oh god damn it dark fury thing with the two dollars really be a member of the cultists of the Crimson Court I choose whichever doesn't make banana curry pizza the is that oh my god okay worth worth it done out we're gone let's go nailed it you cannot learn a thing you think you know 10,000 gold though and a couple of crimson court trinkets on top of that not a bad result ashin sucks Nancy's bad too let's get rid of that stern poet you will know the tragic extent of my failings stunned by the apparent value of the thing concealed the midst at the putrid feathers onlookers wondered if a trick to its perch might not be an order first of all bamm-bamm know hold on do that boom got it shriek er huh champion shriek or you say probably not gonna go for that cuz I'm gonna have a champion team yet I don't have anything close to a champion team yet actually alright then well let's commit a couple people and it's all for you you know paradox into the cloister kit Spindler will head to the bar there you go how's our stress on everybody else looking pretty good stay hydrated bot needs some love toss you to the brothel friend over here again to the abbey with : our boom got it done stealth claw maybe no alright alright then cool I'd say we got one more here today so let's go for like a lower level one just to take it easy and set up a nice Warren's mission next time maybe another antiquarian run might be nice I think we'll do this for the animalistic shrines we'll go Bam Bam boom and kaboom sure looks fine looks fine I'll take it maybe a Crusader actually it's got the curse though thirsty for love I'm at a flatulent actually flatulent leper combo up front just full force domination the damage up there is gonna be madness let's do it I like it how do you like the musketeer she's fine still just pretty much a reskin dar bolused only minor differences and works for me all this into the guild we go full force domination yes yes spend all the money flatulent up you go up you go pal we're gonna keep it moving spending all the cash on these boys there we go there we go there we go good all right now I know I've got some decent stuff for the leper I'm excited for that actually we're gonna continue to give this guy the go-to items for him though leper berserk mask last will and testament more health more protection seems good I like it lowered deathblow resistance almost certainly doesn't matter I'll give her the candle of life and probably the feather crystal maybe the bloodthirst ring actually to save us some resources and then finally crystalline and oh man we could have done battle vessel this time but let's do feather crystal all right cool looking good I'll take off for to festering vapors in place of nervous stab here get down definitely make sense with this team I got to make sure these guys gonna be able to stay in the frontline and then let's use revenge we'll take off his self heal and maybe use it later and this all looks good to me I'm gonna get this gnat though there's been in my face the whole time I'm doing my best to ignore them but sometimes they get so annoying go away there's apple cider vinegar over there you're supposed to like that that's why I put a jar of it on the windowsill for you to eat it and then die please just listen to reason Nats unbelievable okay herbs Keys torches bandages venom shovels food let's go to the warrens Nats are good for you eat them I can't catch them if I could catch them they'd be dead they're evasive oh I didn't bring blood well that was nice having that guy I guess great way to end the stream just go ahead and get a flatulent killed oh wait maybe I'll get some here that'd be awfully convenient bear killed you I'm getting close to it clearly I'm gonna try this dog fury just getting weirded out by the mention of eldritch feats of black widows have been showing up in food shipments to Canada any tips also congratulations on the Matt kill you murderer I didn't even know there was a question in the last message I'm sorry we were talking about black widows earlier why are those all of a sudden increasing in prevalence on forgiving who let the widows out hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Oh bear honey really does work better than vinegar they get stuck in and die oh that does sound better something's got to be better better than vinegar clearly ah just keep stabbing this keep stabbing and just keep stabbing bear can you sing poop to scoop I can't even if I knew it I'm not sure I what I would want to what's the deal with Kanye poop tea scoop do you whoop-dee-doo no thank you get a kill well done please die almost yeah hey hey there please don't die just wait till we get the blood right now yes I knew it I knew we'd be completely fine and never punished for my failures why would that ever happen well I right then let's just eat by 8,000% calculated you know it no shrine well hopefully he doesn't die you're probably gonna have to go to a courtyard mission soon and go get some blood or maybe I'll have enough bus to get the vintners soon that's clearly going to be the first thing we buy with the blueprints torch it up shrine please no that's really bad I didn't want to waste any time considering I need like luck on my side to basically get through this dungeon at all but I'll get another blood I might be might be screwed the promise of safety let's find out oh I need to switch the party up again to don't I yep here we go another torch thank you yeah that's not too bad surprise tax even better see if a hue knocks out both of these guys when we go for a reign of sorrows for once good blood shaggy Jacko wow that's terrible usually that goes well with bits involved shaggy thank you for the bits again appreciate it yeah he is dead this guy's nearly there good stuff good stuff alright Oh would I rather be part of the cultists or part of the Crimson Court oh man hmm would I rather be burned alive or frozen to death neither I guess can I pick neither I'm gonna go with neither I'd rather be the ancestor so I can feel personally responsible for the entirety of this destruction that's my motivation that's my anti-drug more bus please hooray and I have herbs for this cool goodie and a rare antique let's do first of all eat the food there we go and get rid of that no let's do that there we go okay cool man lots of fights do that again let's not hue this time let's try chopping instead see if that serves better okay lets you actually let's nervous stab and then chop next time too not too bad if you pick neither you will be burned to death by freezing fire flesh cultist or bloodsucker I guess bloodsucker there's some sort of weird sadistic optimism Envy in being a vampire right like hey I may be dependent upon you or your blood for my sustenance but at least I get to fly at least I get to never go outside at night or only go outside at night I guess I guess I get to be in Twilight movies oh god never mind I want that i want the flesh thing i want to be a cultist help help don't let sunny pictures sign me house victories mount so too will resistance no it's too late I have a movie deal oh god how could you guys let this happen to me [Music] you'll be the Werebear though not the vampire holy what is this hallway I guess it's where I'm going no bandages yeah I also just bit my tongue out hey if it were bear in a Twilight movie I might watch it well someone's getting ideas gonna be Sonic the Hedgehog Scott buddy in the new Sonic film never have I ever wanted to roll more that I didn't realize existed until just this moment such blockages are unsurprising these tunnels predate even the earliest settlers goddamn flatulent can you imagine the darkest dungeon vampires showing up in the Twilight movie you know what we actually need is a darkest dungeon anime or darkest dungeon cartoon similar to the Castlevania one that's on Netflix we need that with Wayne Jun as the main voice talent that would be so good to life the darkest anime I would watch I would watch it 40 billion times and hopefully be in it I would give everything in my life to be in it I want it to exist though I feel like that is so it's so prime to work the comics are fun yeah I really like the comics I've seen for the the character backstories that they do like they almost have it set up already there's lore for these characters deep lore ideally with more than like three episodes yeah that'd be cool it wasn't over before it even started needs some more Castlevania too how did y'all did you check that out by the way I'm curious I've heard mixed opinions about the Castlevania Netflix series you've seen it what do you think it's a good result so far you like it I like it so yeah and it's so soon yeah too short yeah I agree loves what we got though at least here we go uh sixty sixty fifty then no one here can do this must have been a test to see what people thought that seems like it's the case for sure yeah I know animated shows in general it's just so tough to get off the ground and clearly it's gonna be a lot easier to do with an existing property like Castlevania I suppose they have to do a little bit of testing to make sure that it's even going to be viable to keep it going next season this year though yeah that's exciting directors said that we could be either have three long episodes of green normal episodes with more later this year okay again yeah like I expect Foley that it will take quite some time that's why I'm giving forget one punch man so damn long I just got through watching that for I think actually the sixth time god I love that show so much it's so good you made a party bringing how you doing welcome ease down Quan punch Minh yeah you got it hey how was it good [Music] Fabio that's my wife I like her compassion is a roofie and the fever dad says hi she says hi nerd decisive humbly hey this guy loves his wife what a loser process so clearly and beyou or is it merely a trick of the light I think it probably isn't and I think it's a trick of the light campout a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against the coming Horrors yeah all right that's not too bad actually I will take it and I just get rid of that food yeah no need let's see and pop that one sanctuary and then and encouraged cool oh my god yay holy that was convenient oh good thank you Thank You bud for the vampire the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow it very good keep getting greedy he getting greedy a we did not have holy water I keep doing that bringing this crystalline thing out without only holy water okay avoid the curse Boyd the curse the invitation is not even actually the priority here weirdly enough but obviously allowing him to leave is suboptimal but allowing them to give me the thirst is also not exactly excellent so sort of a double-edged sword here good good good good maybe you'll die yay what fun didn't even move forward for me what a sport what a trooper making it easy eldritch bits for the curses did he get lucky no he didn't no you certainly did it you little scallywag you little scamp boom it is done annihilated yes another invite sees this momentum push on to the tasks and now hang on to it for now I guess almost certainly dumped it later alrighty still got torches still got the food why not that's why not mother keep her going keep it going keep it going baby no problem ancient traps lie and wait unsprung thirsting for blood bear can you sound like that narrator no one can that's why he's him that's why he gets the big bucks never read that's the lesson we learned from this game all right last torch let's give reading another chance never read books only cause pain look just break open boxes instead it goes much better than Babu's paid for and Blum never read never in your life never open a book not once good lord books buck forever let's see nervous step and miss completely miss it completely that sounds like a blast alright well he will bleed out next turn anyway that's horror right yeah gotta do it gotta do it look um we're it misses ah it goes back from that nice dodge that was unlikely actually a disease I'll take it I'll take it let's see if we can get enough from that close stab ought to do it definitely this nice seven damage from the leper I'm sure we can get it thank you for translating with a madman says bear I do my best nice come on static time alright maybe even get a heal here yeah if I get forget these nightmarish creatures can be felt they can't be beaten oh that's just a buff huh okay uh yeah I'll keep going I got enough for one more Hunger tile two more hunger tiles actually and then I've got the blood for that obviously not all oh yeah the powerful antiquarian nominal hiddens from the raving massive intervention for bears it's come to our attention that a popular hashtag that being hashtag books has recently arisen in the bear pile and we offered a counsel for anyone feeling uncontrollable urges to have intercourse with leather-bound paper it's always nice to have these resources available to us in twitch thank you for the $2 tip intervention for bears yes yeah leather-bound paper I'm not gonna question that drift mark well were the bear pile my friend thank you for subscribing I appreciate it and thus they will crumble like ancients dude see what's them crumble yeah that'll work good lord be wary triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall sick one more hallway one more curio one poor book pile one more try Hey look at that let this be a lesson you just have to read four books till you get to the good one alright let's get out of here [Music] pretty good decent antiquarian run decent amount of experience there all my goodness yay that's not that bad either okay then cool oh I got a gift oh yeah y'all I am excited actually for you to see I got a new shadow of the colossus screenprint I love it I love it love it it'll be the background for round table very soon okay anyway that's gonna do it for me today everybody in a fun time thank you very much for hanging out with me again I certainly appreciate your time here on slash bear taffy please follow me if this is your first time here be notified when I go live next which will probably be tomorrow morning actually I think we'll go ahead and continue this then so again thanks so much for watching for all the tips the subs the bits tonight certainly appreciated up to 850 members of the bear pile right now thank you all so so much for the incredible overwhelming support every single day that we've been back here into the color of madness it really means a lot to me thank you very much of course I want to say a big thank you to my new sponsor better help you want to go to the link provided by exclamation point help in the chat moobot will direct you to it it's my new sponsor I've been using myself personally it's an online therapy and counseling service they have accredited counsellors professional licensed therapists that are there to help you out and provide you 24/7 accessibility in a manner of speaking with it being online therapy it's a kind of a common online journal apart from it being a way to of course talk directly to a therapist as well with phone and video conversations so if you've ever considered something like that I recommend checking out better help exclamation point help and chat will take you right to it also of course madrenas confidante comm slash bear taffy use the code bear coffee sixty percent off on anything on the online store every single stream here is sponsored by madrenas coffee thank you for watching appreciate you allowing me to show to you for a few bits here as well of course and let's see if I can there's a couple people live right now if I'm not mistaken let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see hmm no he's not really anyone all right well let's go let's go Invicta playing some heroes of the storm slash scene victim go hang out with him us in the love that way send the bear hugs send the bear raid love messages in the chat makes Invicta feel it if you wouldn't mind here we come city I'll be back tomorrow y'all thanks for watching I'll see you then you
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 65,021
Rating: 4.9364405 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 3sec (6243 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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