Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers! EASY!

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila right on that camera hi Shelly today I meant Kroger's picking up some jalapeno peppers because we're gonna make jalapeno poppers today stuffed with some neat ingredients I got my jalapenos and then I got over to the cheese section I'm kind of looking around at some different cheeses and a guy comes up and says hey don't you have a cooking show on YouTube I said yeah cooking with shotgun read me and Sheila he said can I get a picture with you and we become great friends and he had a pretty gal with him named Renee Sheila remembers all those ladies names I can't remember half of that stuff but I do remember his name because it's James Dean just like the actor years ago I thought that was really pretty cool and what he said is he used Monterey Jack and cilantro and we got a little salad seasoning that we're gonna give it a little sprinkle to it too but let's get started on this recipe with jalapeno poppers we're gonna do them on the grill today and you're gonna love the recipe and Sheila as much as she shied away from hot and spicy stuff these are not hot and spicy the ones in the jar are all de stuff but the ones on the shelf they're just kind of genetically modified now by growers so they're not so hot and Sheila loves them let's get started on this recipe and do some cutting here two ways that you can cut these things up you can cut the top off it cut it in half clean it out or you can cut it in half and just go slightly off to the side of the stem so you get one that doesn't have a stem and one that does and leave the top on so the cream cheese don't run out this in not that it really will on the grill but that's the way I did it I cut it in half left the stem on left the top on even though that's pretty hot you can eat up this far and quit but I got just off to one side like this left the stamin and the other part I took a little teaspoon and it just does so nice and when you get down to the small end I turn this teaspoon sideways because I don't want to tear that cap off of there or that little pointy end and then you just kind of go along with a teaspoon and clean this out turn it sideways now and you can do you can save some of these seeds and put them in your mixture and it'll really give it some kick I don't like to do that because Sheila doesn't like stuff that's really really super spicy but thank goodness the growers that make these know that a lot of people use them for jalapeno poppers and put them in recipes these are nowhere near as hot as the ones in the store you can eat this I mean I've crunched it on camera before and they're not super super hot like you know your mouths gonna be on fire because growers that grow jalapeno peppers have turned the heat down I don't know how they do it genetically but they do it and we're gonna put these over here in our seeds and stuff over there and I'm going to take a little break here I left this one together because I'm only gonna use six of them I got six of these cut in half so I got twelve little poppers we're gonna make this was just for to kind of show you what I was doing but I'm gonna go and wash my hands right now because if you wipe your hands I don't care how hot these are if you wipe your hands up against your face or get near your eye you will be crying for a week so I'll be right back soon as I get my hands washed all right I got James Dean's Monterey Jack here I chopped up some cilantro and I got to tell you I got my feet to the fire on this because I was wrong those little containers of cilantro in the store they're okay in a real pinch but I tore one open fresh the other day smelted unless you chopped it up fresh out of a bunch on the shelf there is no flavor like fresh cilantro the stuff in the little containers I got to tell you doesn't hold a candle to this so but first of all let's start out with our cheese here's our mana ray Jack over here and I'm gonna put in about 1/2 a cup I think it'll be enough to mix up with this cream cheese now Sheila put this cream cheese in the microwave for about 10 seconds then I let it sit there kind of like gum to room temperature so to speak and she put it in there another 10 seconds and we let it sit there and kind of you know come to room temperature some more that she put it in there another 10 seconds and look how nice it is now it doesn't matter if it gets kind of extra soft because we're gonna pop these poppers so to speak we're gonna pop these poppers ain't that right Sheila we're gonna pop these poppers back in the refrigerator why we get our grill going and I use the charcoal or lump coal grill out there so mine will take a few minutes at least a half-hour to get right with the world now we're gonna add cilantro and I got to tell you James Dean he said man I like cilantro in mine so we'll do the same thing about a half a cup of loose cilantro in there see he told me about the cilantro and he told me about the Monterey Jack but he never told me how much he just kind of threw that recipe at me and thought I'll watch him struggle on TV here on YouTube and see how he does and I think I'm doing great what do you think Sheila oh yeah it's one little guy over there I was gonna get him I knew he was down there I was kind of trying to hide him with my bowl so nobody's seen it but apparently that didn't work you spotted it on camera so now what we're gonna do here is we're gonna load this into a ziploc bag get that in there now that we got it all mixed up and move our poppers back over here take a pair of scissors and cut the corner off this little plastic bag right here we're gonna move everything down to that corner and see if this won't help me a little bit I'd have to wash my hands again but stuffing these peppers that turned out pretty good didn't it get over there I don't know how many we're gonna get out of this but that's the quick and easy way you can also just peel it off the brick so to speak with your fingers and smear it in there but I kind of like this I need just a little bit more out of this and that would be about perfect six jalapeno peppers cut in half we'll take a brick of cream cheese and a half a cup of Monterey and a half a cup of cilantro to fill every one of them perfect I know there's some more I can nip out of the end of that put it in this one now let me go wash my hands again and I'll be back to wrap these with some bacon see you in a second I'm getting ready to show you one more little ingredient that I'm gonna use in this recipe but I got to tell you I left this cheese section and I went over to the produce section to get some other stuff and I ran into another guy he says don't I know you from somewhere you got a cooking show and I said yeah he introduced himself his name is Trey and I remember that because if you got a serving tray and you got a thousand people in a ballroom that's what he does he actually has a cooking thing that he does where he prepares meals and you pay him so much to go see and he cooks whatever and he said what I do with my jalapeno poppers he says is I put a little bit of dill in there he says and I put in What did he say salmon and bacon he said they're outstanding so I said well now I'm gonna have to do another recipe in the future with salmon and bacon but right now this also goes out to Trey how you doing Trey thanks for the thumbs up and I found this seasoning in just right in the regular seasoning section over there with regular everything salt and pepper and all the stuff that's on the shelf how would you say that Sheila is that saison or Susan or something but it's an all-purpose seasoning and I do this in the store I rip these open tear the label off because I'm gonna buy it anyway it smells so fantastic now remember your bacon has smoke flavor in it already and I probably won't use any smoke chips out there but I'm just gonna give this just a pinch of this seasoning because it looks like they use it in a lot of vegetables and salads and stuff maybe like a salad because you got the jalapeno here I'm just giving a little pinchy it does have a cap with a few holes drilled in it but I just feel better putting my fingers on that seasoning so I can get exactly what I want and I'm gonna put I don't want to overpower the cilantro or anything else but I want that extra little spice and they have that at Kroger's I don't know if you have a Kroger's where you are all over the country if you're watching this but I'll bet you you can find this seasoning online or in your store alright that look better Sheila with both plates where you can see them she's got to have everything front and center she's my little director girl we're gonna start with the big end and wrap this bacon around here perfect now when I cut that little fatty end off the bacon it turns it into like a center cut bacon and you really gotta keep moving when you're going down here just barely cover the edge of the last wrap or you'll run out of bacon the way I did it that's not too bad and like I said I start up here on the big end of it and get it all wrapped up so it'll come around and cover see that's just enough to cover it all you don't really want you know bacon ten times around it anyway so we're gonna get these all wrapped up and when I get the bacon and all these poppers with that seasoning and cilantro and cheese these are going in the refrigerator while I start the grill so it'll be in there at least thirty minutes 45 minutes and when it gets right with the world then we'll pop them on the grill at about 350 to 400 degrees not over the coals now if you've got a gas grill going in like a four-burner turn two of them on high and put all your jalapeno peppers over on the other side where it's off and let it cook in there for about an hour because it's kind of like the old saying when the bacon is done the recipe is done let me get these all wrap be right back with you all right and here's the very last one you notice we didn't use any toothpicks I'll explain that in a second and looking here we got two slices of bacon left so one pound of bacon thin sliced in most cases we'll do one two three four five six poppers cut in half so we got twelve little half poppers so to speak wrapped in bacon and that worked out perfect for our eight ounces of cream cheese are half a cup of this other cheese over here that you know that Monterey Jack from that James Dean guy and then a half of cup of cilantro cuz he really likes that in here and I love cilantro and soda Sheila so this is going into the refrigerator right now and we're going to go fire up the grill and we'll be back with you to get these on the grill see you in a second all right then cools are getting pretty hot in that little starter tube I'm gonna go out there and flip it over and move the coals off all the way to one side and put the grill on top all right we got our coals all fired up there on the back half of the we're gonna grill on the front half I'm gonna spray that front half with his weber grill spray for nonstick grilling the only non flammable grill spray you can spray this stuff right where there's an open fire it will not flame up I love this stuff by Weber all right let's spray this stuff on here see it doesn't flare up I love this spray coat this real good then I'm gonna get these babies on there our little jalapeno poppers hey Sheila take a peek at this screen or viewfinder make sure you can see what I'm doing here will ya I need my little director out here how's that look on camera can you see them all okay try to keep them back away from the flame there and I might have to rotate them if they get too close to the front they're too close to the fire I should say I'm gonna keep them towards the front and this is the last one right here no the back half is where all the fire is so let's go ahead and close this down it's pretty hot in there so I'll check it once I get it tone down to about 350 to 400 we're gonna let this sit in here for about an hour or until the bacon is done we'll see you then alright there you have it fresh back from the grill jalapeno poppers I got the recipe from James Dean over there in the cheese section that's right see Sheila she always sticks up for those girls hi Renee and James D and then I get to the other end of the store and I run into another guy Trey who has a kind of a cooking show thing that he does with people to come in and they pay I got to get to the bottom of that and find out about what he's doing and he says put salmon and bacon and some dill I think he said dill and some other goodies in there but either way this recipe right here goes out to James Dean what a coup and Renee because they gave me this recipe which has the cream cheese and the Monterey Jack and the cilantro and we even gave it a little pinch of that salad seasoning whatever that was and we're gonna give this a try here look at that she'll have me take them off the grill a little earlier now this is ranch dressing with a little bit of shaka sauce in there hmm hmm I got a double dip cuz we're at the house here hold on mmm what a delicious treat I really hope you give this recipe a try and I want to say hi one more time to James Dean and Renee I Renee she says and also Tre a guy I met on the other end of the store hi tre thanks for your idea about salmon and bacon and some other goodies in there we'll get to that on a future recipe but we hope you enjoy all of our recipes especially the one today and we hope you subscribe to our channel little shock and rinse face will pop up over here in a little bit when it does slide the pointer up there click your mouse and when it says subscribe and you've got a little check mark there right next to the word subscribe will be a bell if you click on that then you'll be notified every time we come out with a brand new recipe we really hope you do that we'll put up another playlist over here with some great easy to do recipes like this one right here man jalapeno poppers Sheila really loves them we hope you do too and are they the best that James Dean ever came up with if they ain't they ought to be so I'll say bye to James Dean and and Renae and Tre and all the nice folks that I ran into at Kroger's we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red I got to get one more could don't
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 115,575
Rating: 4.9208827 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred
Id: 5PW7c-tFhXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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