How to Make The Perfect Blooming Onion! (Made 2 different ways!)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout interpreter and just a country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila hi Sheila today we're going to attempt to make a couple of different styles of bloomin onions now if you ever ever tried to use one of these little machines or try to make a bloomin onion cut and it just didn't turn out welcome to the party because they are difficult at best but we're going to show you a couple little tips that might help you get a nice bloomin onion done or maybe not even do it that way we're going to do bloomin onions two ways today come on over here and we'll get started what I do is at Kroger's I buy sweet onions that are already peeled and they've already trimmed but left the root end there but they've trimmed it off and trim the top off so it's ready to go then you can do the same thing let me get my little corer out here cut that down about half way or two-thirds of the way then give it about six or seven turns like that pull it out I just leave that core in there doesn't matter now we're going to come down about a half-inch and cut all the way down about a half inch down from there you don't want to cut up here because you'll you'll cut the petals apart they'll fall apart so about right there and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go almost like an X here half inch down go in and cut it half inch down cut it now we have four cuts and we're gonna split the difference on these we're gonna cut that in half make sure you find out where they are cut that in half and so on and so forth I like this process cuz you're cutting down away from your hand you're not going to cut yourself this way okay we got that all done now we're going to half it one more time get up about a half inch from the top there cut it and every one of these we're gonna cut these petals to where we cut each one of them in half you really want them small if you want that thing to open up properly and we're almost done here I think this is the last one yeah now we're going to turn him over and see how we did looky there with our big onion oh don't that lay out a lot nicer like that then this thing but believe it or not it's worth it to buy this to get this trust me now that we got them petals laying out like that we're gonna actually cook this one we're not even gonna cook the other one because this is turned out so nice like that by a big onion because the weight of the petals who will open it up for you the smaller the onion doesn't have any weight to do that then we're gonna go in the middle here and we're gonna cut that core off because that's where our little dish is going to set and there's something else I actually bought a cutter and how they cook these at the big steak houses is they cook it all just the way it is and then when they sit it down then they cut the middle out and put it to the pieces they're already just ready to fall off in your hand but this is ready to go now we got a need to make our batter let's do that okay we're going to make our batter then we're gonna make our breading starting with the batter we're going to put in 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of buttermilk now most of the recipes out there on YouTube for bloomin onion recipes have you just put 1 cup of milk and then they sit there and struggle and try to get it I just rather have a little bit extra and they asked for 1 egg I put in 2 just that simple we're gonna whisk that together and you know what while we make our breading I'm just gonna set this guy right down in there let him start soaking up the goodies looky there and here is our breading we're going to start out with 1 cup of flour and in this little cup that I'm going to dump in here we got like cayenne pepper paprika regular black pepper oregano thyme cumin and we're going to mix it all together and I'm gonna put the amounts in the description box below so you don't have to mess with any of that you know what I'm gonna put in another cup of flour in here and the same amount of spices and I'm gonna double them because I like to have plenty of stuff to work with see you in a second alright I got another cup of flour in there so I doubled the spices and I'll list them in the description box below cuz I didn't even tell you the first time what it was so at least now I'll get a chance to tell you here we go we're gonna take this rascal get plenty of juice on all the little petals over here then we're gonna shake off the excess you try to get one hand a little bit dry and I'm gonna make a little well in the middle here for him to sit ok now the key to this is to try to get breading down in between the petals down towards the base because that's going to hold them petals open for you try to drop it down in there take your time instead of just throwing it all over the whole thing I actually take the time to go row by row and get it because we can always do the other part later if you've ever struggled with these that's kind of the best thing to do I I think is to get a big onion oh there's something they do in the South called double dipping and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna shake off the breading here a little bit we're gonna dunk it back in there and get another coating on there and then back in our breading again we're gonna coat it one more time see if I can move this bowl out of the way cuz I'm gonna need all the help I can get now all right now I'm gonna sit this on this plate fan this out just like that I think we covered it up really good and you know you know what we're gonna do we're gonna take this we're gonna put it in the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes and actually freeze it until it's frozen a little bit then we're gonna drop it in the oil see in a little bit I got another big onion here and I've already made all my cuts and now I'm going to do something that you can do that'll make it so much easier for you at home and that is stand it up on edge cut the bottom off and now look what we have we've got all these wonderful easy to bread easy to batter petals now I really like to buy this kind of onion chopped the top off stand it up and make all those cuts now you don't have to do that if you just want to cut the bottom half off as well cut the onion in half and lay it down and then you can just cut in from the sides and you're going to get the same petals then you can make them as thick as you want and kind of cut in a curvature instead of just cutting straight down kind of follow the curvature of the onion and you'll get the same petals that you did when you had to sit there and goof around and make it every other one just kind of cut start at an angle and then walk your way up over the top like so now I just wanted to show that to you because that's one way that you can also make the petals for your bloomin onion petals but let's move on you know the turkey baster idea was really a good idea but I forgot to do it when I was doing the bloomin onion but let's get back to the petals we got our little petals here and this is a easy way to do these because these get coated really good you don't have to separate half an onion that's trying to bloom open in the middle of the process and we're just going to stir these around here this is the easiest way to do this ha look what I got so I can put these in here shake the excess flour off I'm gonna actually move these over to here for a second see if I can get this to clean off of here yeah it's doing alright perfect put these over here and we're actually gonna double dip these as well so back into the stuff just for a second then back into our breading to help dry it off that double dip and that really makes it crispy it gets all kinds of extra breading chunks on there you'll see when it's done you won't believe how good it turns out we could do another batch and I might do that off-camera but I think right now I just want to get these in the fryer for you so you don't have to sit there and watch me tumble them Rome they are turning out really nice you think double dipping these would be a problem as well but that's not really alright good enough we're gonna put this in the freezer we'll be right back with you okay our oil hit 350 let's bloomin onion is back from the freezer I got him sitting about halfway on this Little Dipper so I can set him in here now some people put them in petals down for the first two or three minutes and then turn them over but I ain't really into that because I think once you get them in here come on off they're perfect just leave it alone man that'll settle down in just second soon as that gets done warming up to that oil temperature but I'm kind of into the theory and thought that hey once you put it in there don't be messing with trying to turn it in hot oil just to crisp the top I guarantee everything that's in there getting crisp right now and we're going to cook that for 10 minutes about two minutes after and we'll see it 12 minutes after I had Sheila turn the camera back on because you wanted to see this not as much as I like to peek you really shouldn't lift these bloomin onions out check them in and put them back in because they get soggy if you do that and you want to be nice and crisp now I didn't do this these come up just like everything else we deep fry fish chickens turkeys everything as they start getting done they start coming up and it's fun to watch the little tips of that onion come up out of the oil on its own and see here's the thing - here's something else if you pull it right in the center you'll notice that it drifts over to one side that's because onions are magnetic and they drift to magnetic north no I'm just making a stuff up I have no idea why it's tripped on the one side go on onions are magnetic I hope they didn't run the route of the room tell somebody that before but it's kind of funny I'm pulling clear over here it just doesn't want to stay in the middle I guess that's just because the heats coming up from the center of the burner and pushing to the outside and it just kind of naturally shoves it over there we are right at Oh about seven minutes so we're gonna let it keep doing its thing it's telling us that it's getting close to being done done because it's floating to the surface but we're not gonna lift it out in peak well see in three more minutes all right we're at nine minutes so that gives me one minute to tell you this then big steak houses they cook them petals down and they spin them when they put them in they don't freeze them they kind of take their hand and right over the deep fryer and spinning but they got a big deep fryer they can work with and then they turn them over later but we're going to take this guy out and doesn't that look absolutely perfect our bloomin onion came out bloomin good I can tell you that and you want to move this over here to a paper towel and let it start draining and why it does that I'm gonna start loading these petals up for our blooming petals now if you don't want to mess with one of these little machines and you don't want to cut all them slots upside down and then fan it out and do all that stuff just do this just cut the onion up in half lay it down and cut around like I showed you earlier double dip them in the sauce that we gave you the recipe for and the batter to put them in and put some of these in give them a little bit of a head start here there you go boys come on hop in there perfect kind of want to get these in right at about the same time so I'm gonna hustle here just a little bit there kind of get these into that way I'll bet you anything these all float to the top just like the other ones and then we're gonna have our bloomin onion petals we're gonna set this on a plate we're going to cut the middle out of it and put our sauce in then we're going to surround it with petals and a couple more little dishes of sauce and we're gonna just look good in the neighborhood we'll see you in about ten minutes with these guys well it's been nine minutes on these little guys too and you can see they've all floated at the top and I want to address them you might have noticed that the oil had a little color to it that's because it came out of my deep fryer outside and I like to use the oil out of that deep fryer because it's actually from Bass Pro Shop and it's cottonseed oil and that's what they use for frying turkeys and everything but it doesn't transfer any flavor so you can cook onions french fries fish Turkey and you don't taste onions in your next meal so to speak because the flavors don't transfer with cottonseed oil you don't have to use it you can use canola oil or anything else but I always fill up my fryers with that cottonseed oil that's sitting right next to the deep fryers at Bass Pro let's get these little pedals up here and if you don't want to go through the hassle of buying one of them little teeny machines or doing all that stuff you can always just cut an onion and have cut it around like I told you and look what you get isn't that fantastic but you got a double dip them you got to put them in your batter and back in the washed and back in the batter all right well here's where Sheila and I go separate directions on this recipe she said it looks great looks massive just leave it the way it is and set some dipping sauce on both sides and leave it but that's not the way they do it in those big restaurants so what I'm gonna do is step over here and I'm gonna at first I was going to use one of these which is like a biscuit cutter and I've got a thing coming that is for cutting the center out of these it's got a metal cutter and a big tall handle so you can shove down and these pedals don't get in the way then I got thinking well what if I use a glass that'll work as well now here we go I'm either gonna ruin this recipe or I'm gonna do it the way they do it and kind of quickly shove down on there I did it I absolutely did it let me get this stuff back in order just a little bit and here's what it is that's what it should look like like that Sushila well there you have it a bloomin onion done two different ways if you really have to have that big bloomin onion look to serve your guests you know how to do it if you just want a bowl full of them petals so that you can have the same taste that you get when you twist one off and dip it you know how to do that - real easy you got the recipe for the batter and the breading and we hope you enjoyed this recipe in fact if you like our recipes all you do is look at little shocked and red-faced when it pops up over there click on it you can subscribe to our Channel and once you click on subscribe it'll put a little check mark and right next to the word subscribe we'll be a little bell if you click on that bell it'll give you a drop-down notification box and what that is is if you check it and hit save it'll notify you every time we put up a new recipe if not you'll just get a few of them I don't know how that works like that on YouTube but you have to do that if you want all of them we hope you do and over here we'll throw up another recipe that you think you'll really enjoy but is this the best bloomin onion recipe and easy way to make it if you have to buy one of these you do I like it just because I got that thing out of the deal I hope you enjoy it and is this the best bloomin onion ever ate if it ain't it oughta be Sheila did we do good we got through about 16 different versions of how to cook these things now let's only show them one way on how to eat them we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red I've already had about half a dozen these why she moved the camera they're fantastic see you next time
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 533,548
Rating: 4.9079938 out of 5
Keywords: How to Make The Perfect Blooming Onion, Steve Hall, cooking, onions, blooming onion, deep fried, how to make a blooming onion, blooming onion machine, outback steakhouse, onion blossom, bloomin onion, appetizer, vegan recipe, how to amke the perfect blooming onion, how to make teh perfect blooming onion, how to amke teh perfect blooming onion
Id: Y5pvnf2fOx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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