Chicken and Sausage Gumbo Recipe! (Perfect Roux Every Time!)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with beautiful miss Sheila running that camera hi today we're gonna make chicken and sausage gumbo this recipe goes out to all you folks out there that have never made a gumbo because you thought you couldn't do it or you didn't want to mess with that Roux thing and what is a roux it's 50 percent oil 50 percent flour there's some ruse where they use butter and bacon grease and stuff but if you're gonna make a gumbo you use vegetable oil and all-purpose flour 5050 a cup of each in a pan for a long time standing at the stove and you hear all these threats boy if you walk away for one minute you burn it you ruin everything and you do it maybe that's the reason you've never tried to make gumbo you're gonna make it from now on I'm gonna show you how to make it really easy and how to make the roux so you'll never burn it let's talk about that rule like I said the traditional method of making a roux is taking a big cast-iron frying pan and they put in like a cup of oil a cup of flour whisk it together and then they stir it with a wooden spoon and they stir it with a wooden spoon and a half hour goes by and 45 minutes and to get it dark enough to make a delicious gumbo sometimes they stir it up to an hour I'll show you some pictures here of how I did it without stirring it over an open fire so it's guaranteed not to burn I took a cast-iron frying pan and I did the same thing cup of oil cup of flour all-purpose flour vegetable oil mixed it all together and I put it in the oven at 350 degrees this is what it looked like when I first mixed it together now this is what it looked like thirty minutes after it been in the oven and I took it out and stir it because you do want to stir it every 30 minutes this is what it looks like another 30 minutes in the oven right here and of course this is how it looks when it was dark enough to actually make a Gumble with it now you'll never burn it if you do it that way in the oven only problem is when you make a traditional room after you're stirring it around and you stop mixing it you'll notice that the oil floats to the top and your frying pan even all them people in Louisiana that make it will tell you that all that delicious nutty flour is on the bottom there's about a quarter inch of clear liquid you can stir it together again ten minutes later it's separated and the real problem is is when you put a traditional rule in a gumbo cook it almost everybody online you show up you see them skimming the oil off the top of their gumbo before they serve it why because that roux separates and all that delicious nutty flour stays in the in the recipe but the oil floats to the surface so there is really no taste to oil and there is no reason to really use oil in making a roux so instead of making a wet roux get this we're gonna make a dry rule come on over here and let me show you what I'm talking about this method is gonna knock you out you're gonna love it what I got here is one cup of all-purpose flour in a pan that you can put in the oven obviously and I'm gonna kind of spread this out so it's about a half inch thick that looks pretty good now I'm gonna put this in the oven at 425 degrees for 45 to 55 minutes I'm actually going to set the timer at 40 minutes and then I go peek all the time and let me show you what this looks like just flour nothing else in the oven at 425 degrees for 45 minutes isn't that incredible look at that doesn't that look terrific that has such great flavor if you wet your finger and take a little taste it has that nutty delicious flavor that Roux traditional rule with oil has but it's dry it was just baked in the oven Sheila says it looks like cocoa powder I think it's kind of like a cross between cinnamon and brown sugar but the neat part is and this is cooler I wouldn't be handling it obviously I made this about two three hours ago and then I cooled it off and i sat it aside so I could go ahead and shoot this this recipe and show it to you but now we're going to put this in a bowl and then we're going to add some chicken broth to it before we put it in with our gumbo and look this you don't need to stand and stir roux I know I'm probably gonna upset half of Louisiana that stands there with a beer in one hand that wouldn't spoon the other hand for an hour you don't need to do that because that oil is just a carrier it's neutral flavor it doesn't contribute anything to the flavor of the roux and it separates and floats to the top anyway so all you want to do is turn flour dark chocolatey Brown you can either use oil to do it or you can use hot air in the oven and it never ever ever burns you'll always be able to make a delicious Gumble by just popping your flour in the oven at 425 degrees kind of start peaking at about 40 minutes about 45 minutes to 15 I took this out at 45 minutes at 55 minutes it even gets darker than this because it really starts getting dark fast the last 10 minutes so kind of keep an eye on it but now we're going to move this back to a bowl and I'll show you the next process and one other thing to remember after you bake your flour and it gets nice and chocolaty Brown remember this pan is 425 degrees so don't take it out and sit it on top of the stove because it'll keep cooking the flour and it'll get darker and darker so when it reaches the darkness you want take it out of the oven and pour this in a separate Bowl get that flour out of this pan that way you can kind of tumble it around in whatever Bowl you put it in it'll cool off and then you'll have that perfect color now let's start with our gumbo all right first thing we're gonna do is pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil and while that's heating up let me tell you about these veggies I got some onions some celery and some green bell peppers and everybody in Louisiana knows what I'm gonna say this is called the Holy Trinity down there because they say it comes from God's green earth and it provides all the nutrition you want but it's used in so much Cajun cooking those three ingredients onions celery and green bell pepper you can use red bell pepper if you want but green is traditional now this is starting to heat up down in here so let me start with the onions get me a little wooden spoon over here start moving this around we're gonna put in our self this is just one great big and you know me I like those sweet Vidalia onions one big sweet Vidalia onion all diced up to full stalks of celery and one big green bell pepper all diced up the three of them no we don't want color out of this because we're gonna get plenty of color out of our roof our dry Roux that never ever burns ever I'm telling you what I can hear some people out there saying you know what I'm gonna make me some of that gumbo now that I know that I won't burn that Roux ever do they just bake the flour in the oven and what's the difference either you cook the flour with the oil or you cook the flour with hot air in the oven the flour is the flavor not the oil that's the key I will never stand there and stir oil and flour for almost an hour to get it nice and dark again you know what I did I put that flour in that pan I put it at 425 I put it in the oven I set the timer at 40 minutes decided to come back Pete a little earlier and I went in watch television till the timer went off on the house on the oven isn't that the way to make a roux and I went in there and Keith kept peeking and boy when it hit 45 minutes it was nice and dark like that I'm gonna turn this down to medium now that I kind of got it kick in here pretty good you get to stir it up a little bit got our veggies nice and soft no color just nice and soft now we're gonna add a tablespoon of minced garlic a teaspoon of sweet paprika a tablespoon of thyme half a teaspoon of salt half a teaspoon of black pepper and I'll put all the ingredients rest that didn't get out of there there you go now put all the ingredients below the video you never have to go to some blog or some website to get any of our recipes they're always right at let me stir this a secondary right underneath the video where it says show more just go down there and click on show more it'll drop down the whole recipe because when I go back and edit this video I'll type all the ingredients in there for you then we're gonna put in a eighth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a 1/2 a teaspoon of Cajun seasoning that's right I said a Cajun seasoning in there know some of those things cross because you know cayenne pepper is a red pepper and cajun seasoning has red pepper in it as well and paprika so I'm kind of just blending the two of them so to speak we're only gonna stir this for about a minute boy it smells fabulous I'm telling you what now that you know that you can get that Roux perfect every time I'll bet you're gonna make some gumbo aren't you and you're gonna just absolutely love this recipe every recipe almost on the internet they stand there and stir that roux I know there's a lot of guys down to Louisiana they gots it down and out the backyard on their cooker they got a beer in one hand that the spoon in the other and they stir that roux for almost an hour then hey it might be a reason why they want to stand out there in the yard you never know anyway so I got a glare from across the room there I'm not sure what that was all about now we're gonna put in two cups of chicken broth which will slow that cooking process down on those vegetables just a little bit man look what we got going here we're gonna chuck in a couple of bay leaves in there and this is just me I've never seen this in any other recipe but I I chopped up some green onions to go on top of the gumbo when I dish it up and I'm gonna put a few of those in here just a few of them green onions not a lot maybe just oh eighth of a cup or so let them kind of start happening and then I'm also gonna put in some seasoning over here now I already got that thyme in there but I want to add some parsley from our little grow box out back here freshly chopped not a lot just about a heaping tablespoon of that parsley in there kind of get that happening now we're gonna add our chicken and what I did is I went and bought some chicken thighs packaged about that big had six nice big skinless and boneless chicken thighs I cut them all in half then I took him in the kitchen I know she's got the camera right here so I can show it to you and I put salt pepper onion powder and garlic powder a little olive oil in a pan in the kitchen and I got a nice little sear on them and that's what I like to do let me get my Katara's over here and that's what I like to do is put a nice sear on anything instead of just a lot of recipes they show that you put it in here raw but I just like to have that nice sear it adds some flavor to it we're gonna get our six chicken thighs all cut up whoo look at that juice in there from where I pulled him off the stove here about half hour ago actually but I never cooked them all the way through cuz I want him to finish cooking down here in this broth can you see that Sheila Wow we look at that oh that's such goodness mmm mm-hmm I'm gonna cover this up and we're gonna simmer this for about 15 minutes now normally if it was raw chicken you'd cook it for about 20 minutes but because I've already kind of precooked it a little bit I checked my watch will only need to simmer it for about 15 minutes let me move this up to a medium high so it kind of comes to a simmer and we will see you folks in about 15 minutes see you later oh yeah I almost forgot the okra hold on a second honey all right all right it's going in there right now all right I know you like that slimy green stuff all right it's all going in there okay folks you get that okra in there it helps kind of thicken it you'll really enjoy that you have no idea how good it smells in this house right now I will tell you that I stirred it a little bit about half way and I found these two little bay leaves so we can retrieve them and get them out of our way and then we want to take our chicken let me set this over here we didn't get our pieces of chicken out and I'm going to turn this off just for a second and I'm gonna take this chicken let it cool off to the side a little bit and now once I get this chicken out of here it's going to be time to pour in our Roux that we sat in the living room and watched NHRA drag race and why it was cooking in the oven I didn't have to stand over a hot stove and stir Roux for an hour and if you want to keep doing that wherever you are out there saying that's the way you traditionally do it I'm not gonna get in your way but I guarantee I'm never doing that that way again I'm going to make sure that I can just pop it in the oven and it's foolproof it'll never burn you'll never burn the roux and I just know that there's a few people out there that have never made a Gumbel because they didn't want to burn the road Roux not knowing if it was burnt or not put it in and then everybody goes who cook this so now we're gonna make our roux I'm running this whisk around in here to kind of break up any little teeny pieces of flour they pick up moisture and kind of make a little ball once in a while you got to kind of break them up now you don't want to pour this right into this hot gumbo because it will lump up and you also want to make sure that this 2 cups of chicken broth that we're getting ready to incorporate with this wonderful nutty tasting delicious dry Roux is also at room temperature so she'll if you'll hang on to the end of that bowl is there an end to a bowler would be the edge I don't think there's an end yes hang on now don't let it slide around they're doing a very good job of holding it still I'm an old man I might want to slide it back towards me just a little bit and that's one cup huh okay I can get it here did you bump into the camera that's alright if you bump it that's right let me knock this out of this whisk here look at this would you look at this is this the roux that you tried to make in your frying pan and stood there for an hour then burned it look at how delicious and super dark dark almost like dark chocolate that is isn't that fantastic Sheila it looks absolutely great wait'll we put this in our gumbo let me finish mixing this up a little bit yeah it does kind of dumb it didn't I tell you look at this now you tell me if that isn't an absolute fantastic dark dark chocolate Roux you want some Gumble that looks fantastic here you go wow-whee is that incredible or what what an easy way to make your roux a dry ruin the oven you don't have to mess with nothing it'll never burn I know I keep harping on that but it's one of the most incredible things I think I've ever discovered in four years of cooking on this show I think that's terrific cuz I've been cooking Roos for a long time stirring and stirring and stirring hoping it didn't burn for a recipe now we're gonna put our sausage in there and what we have here is some andouille sausage and I got a picture of it right there for you I'm gonna have Sheila move back over to this pot for us while she's doing that I can go ahead and show you the picture of the sausage it set and ooey sausage right there ma'am you want a dark gumbo there you go time to add our sausage in there that's that package of andouille sausage and what does andouille sausage it's a spicy Cajun sausage that just makes this recipe wonderful what we're gonna do here we're just gonna simmer this for about five minutes let me turn this back on again we're gonna simmer this for about five minutes and while we're doing that I'm gonna prep my chicken on come on over here and I'll show you what I'm gonna do all right this is cooled down enough so I can handle it now you got a couple of choices and this is up to you because it's your gumbo you can shred this like almost like cold pork or you can do what I'm doing and I like to cut it up in little chunks kind of like little baby bite-size pieces and it's gonna kind of half shred anyway as you see so and you could actually shred some and cube something that's totally up to you but I'm telling you this is a deep dark rich flavorful roux because of that process in the oven have you ever seen Roux that dark that quick Wow that one there and didn't take me long to look at a horseshoe let me let some of these cool just a little bit more I thought that was long enough but why our sausage is simmering over here I'm gonna cool this down and I'm gonna cube them all up and put them in this bowl see in a minute once this cools down a little bit all right that sausage is simmered in there for three to five minutes I finally got this chicken cool enough where I could cube it up and again like I said you can shred it or cube it however you want to do that we're gonna dump that back in there then they look fantastic okra okra sinks honey it's down at the bottom it's down at the bottom anyway and at this point we're gonna do one thing here we're gonna give it just a pinch of salt just a little pinch of salt and don't tell anybody I did this but I'm gonna put in a teaspoon of white vinegar don't tell anybody that went in there it's gonna make it fabulous and this is just ready to dish up I got to tell you how to dream about this last night because I stopped at Kroger's and I got this neat bowl to put this gumbo in and it's traditionally served with white rice and potato salad so I had Sheila hunt me up this little container and I just packed rice and they're like crazy thinking about remember when you were a little kid and used to have a bucket down at the beach and you packed it with sand and turned it over with this work if I just went like that look at that man I had a dream about that last night it turned out absolutely fantastic and that turn out perfect man oh man now looky here I don't know what to do because I don't want to get this out of the camera shot can you still see it yes because I want to put this gumbo on either side of this rice man I got a little bit I didn't want to get any on my rice but it's just gonna have to be you tip a little bit of that juice out of there but that look cool at first even though it's not you can't really see it anymore but then that turn out cool that little flipper flopper thing then it was cute wasn't it thank you one little piece of sausage thought he was getting out of there hmm-hmm-hmm here we go and here we go and here we go hot sauce let me move this stuff out of the way so Sheila can take a picture of what we did today we think Sheila man and we got a roux that is delicious and dark chocolatey and we didn't have to do nothing but just go and watch television can you see all of this how does it look now I'm going to show you one other little tip too that they do down in Louisiana is they put potato salad yes in their gumbo so I'm gonna put that right on top don't count me out yet hold on a second just wait wait wait wait wait wait I'll put the spoon back in there maybe hold on you remember those onions that I cooked in there looky here is that perfect wait wait wait I'm just gonna put a couple little drops in here okay I'll just smell you're left-handed so I'll just do the right side okay okay a little bit of hot sauce and we got to take a picture before I even taste this so Sheila go ahead and snap a shot of this tell me what you think fact I think of what I'll do here is maybe I'll put the spoon well no I'll just I'll just take it out of the way mmm what do you think okay great job had just a little more broth all the way around and it's time for me to see what we will see Oh drop the spoon fantastic outstanding if it could use anything it would be a touch more salt but you can always put it in but you can't take it out it is fantastic I love this gumbo and there is that little pinch of salt that I promised myself you're probably thinking potato salad in gumbo yes in Louisiana that's what they do they take their potato salad which is traditionally served with gumbo and they put it right in their gumbo they said until you've tried it don't knock it they love it that way and I hope you love this recipe and now that you know that you can make a perfect rule every single time by baking the flour you won't have to stand over a hot stove you can make a gumbo for all your family I hope you enjoyed this recipe share with all your friends if you like it in fact I hope you subscribe to our channel as well little shotgunned Ritz face will pop up over here in a little bit when it does you click on it you can subscribe next to the word subscribe you'll see that little bell if you click on that and then you'll be notified every time we come out with another recipe I'll put some other good recipes over here but is this the most delicious non-burning Roux chicken and sausage gumbo you ever ate in your life if it ain't it ought to be I guess I mean my mouth is so delicious if it ain't it oughta be that's what I was trying to say and Sheila's probably gonna tell me that all the ingredients are right under the video you don't have to go to a website or a blog just click on show more it'll drop down you can copy it and paste it you'll always have the recipe if you stop back here and again we always hope that you sneak over to shotgun and look around we got some neat stuff over there some videos of our live performances on DVD and of course the shock and red dolls and all that stuff Sheila are you ready to eat have I talked enough all right when you get to the bottom of the bowl there may or may not be okra in there folks I think I'm in big trouble we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red honey I can throw some in I'll simmer some say I'll make it just especially for you you'll love it trust me
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 410,932
Rating: 4.8456068 out of 5
Keywords: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo Recipe, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, Gumbo, seafood gumbo, chicken gumbo, chicken and sausage gumbo, gumbo recipe, cajun recipes, how to make chicken and sausage gumbo, authentic gumbo recipe, gumbo, how to make gumbo, chicken meat (food), chicken and sausage, chicken adn sausage gumbo recipe, chicken and sausage gumbo recipe youtube, chicken and sausage gumbo recipe easy, chicken and sausage gumbo recipe cajun, cajun
Id: wIzf_b5Gy7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 48sec (1608 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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