Lunch Break Episode 15: Jalapeño Poppers | recteq

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[Music] lifestyle set it and come get it till the Sun starts to wind which one what do you need this okay alright hey everybody welcome to my home here we are live in Evans Georgia we are not at the rec tech grills worldwide headquarters we are here at my home meet my son John Dillon he's gonna be helping us out today say hey John Doe is your buddy shirt say hey he is the best helper let me tell you thank you guys so much for tuning in again this is lunch break presented by our friends at rec tech rills hands down some of the best pellet bills out there in America so we would really appreciate you guys to go to rec tech grills calm and check out those amazing amazing products John's cooking show that's what it's all about [Music] thanks man I couldn't have said it better myself John Dillon that was a heck of a job buddy but today we're hoping to bring you some normalcy thank you we're hoping to bring you some normalcy as well as to break up your day with our lunch break content again if you can join us live Monday through Friday 12 p.m. noon eastern standard he just goes yeah I know sorry hey gang uncle ray how are you doing Reiko so hey yoke away say hey look away we got our new salesman uncle ray he's right here we're a boost in amount we're giving getting them some knowledge but today we're gonna be bringing you guys jalapeno poppers I encourage you to watch this live every day Monday through Friday live right here on the REC tech girls Facebook page to get yourself some amazing ideas and some amazing recipes speaking of recipes John Dylan thank you for saying that you guys can check out rec tech girls calm a forward slash lunch break for each and every one of these amazing epic recipes that Chef John chef dragging myself from bringing you live you guys should start seeing some recipes roll it in if you're already signed up that's a great week this week if you didn't already know we're giving to Artie 340s that's right - Artie 340s no just like I got to talk to the people yep all right - Artie 340s and if you stay tuned we're gonna tell you how you can win yourself the Big Daddy The Boss Hogg the Artie 700 the grill behind me say if you stay tuned to the end of the show I'm gonna tell you how you can win yourself an rtii 700 but man happy easter everyone we had a great day here at the planting in household there was a storm that rolled any wine bottles but we had a great Easter we went Easter egg hunting we cooked a glazed ham spiral ham with all the fixings and it was absolutely amazing and thank you to everybody who tagged me and their post over Easter showing me their amazing hams and their amazing cooks you know you know that we absolutely love that chef Greg and chef John also appreciate you guys tagging us how you really do appreciate that but again if you have any questions please put them in the comment section down below I'll try my darndest to get to them here on the hot pad but one thing I have been noticing is you got to be kind of slacking on the questions lately so I need you to hit us hard with some of those hard-hitting questions because you can actually have yep you can actually have your question featured on a rec tech girl's email on one of those lunch break recipe emails so please put it in the comment section we really would appreciate it and then what would you guys like for us to cook you know we have a lot of great ideas at least we think they're great but we do obviously need some help so we don't repeat things so please you know want to see us cook something you're curious about if you'd like to see how something is done in a different way please put in the comment section down below we really would appreciate it hey I need to I need to answer some of these folks questions you know how to work this thing wait you good but I set my notifications here on Facebook so I know when we go live and then BOOM look you see yourself there we're live right now and I really do appreciate each and every one of you guys in the comments section it's already hitting us hard with a really good question what is the highest temperature rated for the cooking mats and that is a great question we actually went over that this morning in our company meeting but 400 degrees is really the max you don't want any direct flame up whatsoever but if you're cooking on the RTV 380 bullseye I encourage you to who not jack it up above 450 degrees because you're gonna get a lot of that direct flame action and it might actually burn them that up so you can't use it on the wild side no direct flame cooking on the amazing stick resistant cooking mat if you guys don't know what I'm talking about this thing is a lifesaver for me anything that you don't want to fall in between the great you know that the mat is great for its stick resistant it's also dishwasher safe now it doesn't last forever in the dishwasher if you use it in the dishwasher but you can't hand wash it chef Greg likes to hand wash it and of course they last much much longer when you're hand washing but this amazing accessory is available at rectangles com highly suggest you pick one up I actually put my Boston butts on them anything to like we'll put our jalapeno poppers on them today but anything that you were following the grate or bunch of items like a spear against oral muscle sprouts carrots any vegetables work great shrimp also work really good on this but I would encourage you to check that out and it works great on any grill or in the oven as well so check that out at rectangles comm but I really really do think each and every one of you for joining us today of course we want to send a special shout out in a bunch of love to all of the frontline workers the police fire medical EMT nurses doctors even the folks that clean up the hospital the janitors trash workers power professionals that keep our power going they're really to appreciate each and every one of you guys for getting up we're going to work every day keeping this country going we also want to send a special shout out to the folks in the southeast that were affected by the tornadoes and storms last night we're all praying and thinking of you guys so don't worry you know we'll get through this just like everything else we're Americans so anything you throw at us we can we can handle maybe about our our thoughts and prayers go out to those folks affected we do have a lot of folks locally here in the CSRA that were affected by those storms so our thoughts and prayers go out to you we're all thinking of you it really sucks that if you kind of had double dipped on the crappiness so our thoughts and prayers are going out to you today but nonetheless let's bring you some good content we're gonna do jalapeno poppers today what about favorite things it's a great tailgating recipe this is a great recipe that you can make your book say you like chicken more than anything in the world a lot of how many chicken here but you add chicken to this recipe let's say you know you're a crazy vegetable person you can throw some vegetables in this bad boy as well so this is a really cool recipe to make your own it's also a really great recipe for the kids to help with besides the jalapenos you know be a little spicy this is a great recipe that the kids can help with so I would encourage you to get out there and teach the kids how to cook and get out there make some memories with your family because I mean that's the one thing that we all have in common man we all need to breathe and we all need to eat so we really encourage you to get out there and make some memories you're not stuck at home with your family this is a blessing in disguise I promise you everybody in the comment section thank you so much ray car is the owner of wreck tech girls out there buckle right I really appreciate you watching us so bewitched afraid or myself please put them in the comments section Bob already hit us hard with one of the good questions but I already have some jalapenos done and I do need to pull him off I want to go ahead and show you [Music] but that stick resistant cooking man who really did an amazing job for me I got a couple of different variations but check these delicious-looking bad boys out well let those cool down a little bit we'll cut into those and I'm probably gonna eat about half of them live on camera with you because they are so good but it couldn't be easier the tools that you're going to need for this delicious recipe Charlie we're what about shrimp Charlie I got shrimp here buddy don't you worry I'm about to show you some sprint buddy happy Monday Tamara thank you thank you for always watching Tamara we see you out there Texas is in the house what's up Robin eggs what's up Christopher long Linda more Linda you always watch and I really do appreciate you for doing that thank you so much Linda you were the best Jim she Malinsky Jim you're always out there I really do appreciate you Andy Strasser he's always out there Nicholas Dalton of course you guys know him Christopher Wong Rob Arocha bull horn barbecue champion pitmasters in the comment section thank you so much for watching Rob bill the saft what's up bill what's up right Ray's out there answering questions already see y'all hit us hard with those hard-hitting questions remember you can have your question featured on one of our amazing emails for these lunch break or recipes so let's dive right in what we're gonna need for this recipe is a force stick resistant cooking mat a cooking device that'll get 350 degrees you don't have to use the req tech room you can use any type of grill oven or any apparatus but of course we're gonna use that RT 700 today that's my personal grill it's gone through many many miles so I know it's it's gonna do the job for us but we're gonna need us some jalapenos you got these awesome jalapenos today I've got some little Smokies here got some cooked shrimp I have us some delicious cream cheese now this is not like a normal cream cheese this is like the fluffy cream cheese by Philadelphia it's a guesstimate kind of turned up a little bit I've also got some pimento cheese last week was masters week so I wanted to give a little shout out to be Vesta National for the pimento cheese and then of course we got the the one ingredient that you always need and that's bacon delicious jalapeno poppers turned out for me today so the first step one of the most important ones is to get these jalapeno poppers cut open and we need to get the seeds as well as all of those veins out now please forgive me is kind of dirty let me clean it up a little bit from when I did it earlier but again what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut these jalapenos in half now you can see I got a beautiful stem on there that stem is actually gonna help us out later on it will actually make it look a lot cooler and make it a little bit easier to eat but essentially we just want to cut this bad boy kind of at a diagonal diagonal line like that okay dying so that way we get a really thick one and then we get one that we can actually use the stim to eat it with so we get your spoon and also gonna need a spoon and you don't want to go from the top down you actually want to start from the bottom and work your way up to get out all of those seeds and veins and that's where all the heat is located of course you guys all knew that but that essentially is how we want our jalapeno popper to look that way we can stuff it full of some good stuff and again if you see some ingredients here that you don't like you don't have to use those ingredients you guys can make this your own I've seen a lot of folks out there tag me and a bunch of cooks making a recipe that we showed them even better so I encourage you to take these recipes and turn them into a family recipe and make them your own janna know that's gonna be a good one I can actually get get all up in there and I know I can get that thing in my mouth give me something to hold on to but again start from the bottom and work your way up why don't you want to start from the top and you work your way to the - to the down silly why don't you want to start from the top and work your way to the bottom because I found that the jalapeno will drip a little bit easier they're a little bit easier to work with when you go from the bottom to the top you don't have any um breakage ripich ripping these things but I encourage you put your comments in the comment section down below and we will hardest to get to those amazing comments and answer any and all questions that you do have remember we're doing this live every day Monday through Friday 12 p.m. noon and the REC Tech Rose Facebook page we're also doing this live Monday through Thursday 5 p.m. eastern standard live on the REC tech Rose Facebook page so I encourage you set your notifications that way you guys know when we go live that way you can just every time all right I'm not going to do all these doesn't feel amazing but I'm gonna do to two to three different recipes for you today couldn't be easier 350 degrees for about 25 minutes all we're doing is we're browning up that bacon okay so with the challah I'm gonna start with the cream cheese a little bit right here with our spoon put it inside a spoon just spread it on out there look at that even coverage is what you want what because you want that delicious cream cheese in each and every bite that's what you want it's also gonna balance out some of that a little bit of that heat coz you're gonna give a little bit of heat from the jalapeno so but it's gonna balance out so we're gonna do four of these with cream cheese in them and then two with now we can we're doing three different styles but shout out to all you folks watch them all three hundred and something of you I really do appreciate it four hundred cheese and crackers alright so we're gonna start right there I'm gonna play some a little smokey again all this stuff is cooked guys so you could essentially eat this raw if you wanted to essentially we're just making sure that that bacon is cooked to perfection here we've got some tail on shrimp now I'm gonna leave the tail on because I if I don't have a stem this is gonna give me something to hold on to when I eat it so look at that that looks gorgeous you know I gotta pick these up at Kroger shut up Kroger this more in and I just straighten them out a little bit that way that tail ends up where I want to end up now these other things we're gonna make it a little bit more simpler a little easier there's only gonna have two ingredients we're gonna put some of this delicious pimento cheese already made for us these would be knock-your-socks-off good if you've actually made that pimento cheese but I wanted it be easy for my folks out there in facebook glance so I just picked up a little bit of that firm in our cheese and again nice even coverage why cuz you want to taste it and each and every bite that's why you got it alright now let's take us some delicious Smithfield bacon shut out our folks our friends out there Smithfield nation take some of this delicious bacon tikka jalapeno and then you're just simply gonna wrap it up just like my boy smokey on what's up movie I can't remember wrap it up be well that's kind of that was kind of nasty but make sure they're nice and tight so everything stays in there but again any bacon I suggest you guys use the thin cut bacon that way it doesn't take too long to cook and render out but essentially we just need to get that bacon cooked that's all we need to do and what's the time attempt for bacon Jody well 350 degrees take about 25 to 30 minutes for how I like it 375 degrees to take about 15 minutes how I like my bacon I like it with some color on it you guys can see the finished results over there looking smashingly beautiful you just want to make sure these things are nice and tight now I know if some of you folks out there were like oh no you just put that we're going backwards I did I apologize just wrap it up bless you John Dylan wrap it up nice and tight again I wish only all of you folks out there had an amazing Easter and then my family and I did it was great day ramping it up and then this last one now I encourage you to make these your own men add your own spin on this if your family know that bacon kind of crapped out on me but I encourage you to put your family's spin on this you know if you're a family that likes mostly vegetables and not so much meat look at that bad boy up some veggies you'll be just fine look at those yeah we're gonna use our stick resist I could have built these on the mat which I probably should have for y'all but I didn't we'll just place them on the stake resisting cooking mat again this can be used in your oven be used in any kind of pellet grill you just don't want to use it with direct flame because it'll burn up on you okay and it's a teflon-coated fiberglass mesh material but it's FDA approved and safe to eat off up so I'm gonna take my mat grill it's been sitting at 350 degrees took 15 minutes to preheat I'm burning the ultimate blend pellet a mixture of red oak white oak and hickory that oak supermom Hickory is gonna give me a good smoke flavor it's those three woods blended perfectly together to give you an amazing amazing flavor I almost forgot a very important step go ahead and hit it with some of that dirty girl Bloody Mary rub this is just gonna jack it up even further the been tempered ups it's also amazing seasoning to use heck you can even use that Chinese Asian persuasion give it a little extra kick or any other seasoning you just don't want to put too much on that season so I'm gonna give that bacon some amazing just gonna go in 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes it's about how long I like my bacon to cook questions somebody's up in just a second questions out there or there's not too many questions that Rey Karns didn't get into huh-huh it's looking a little grainy out there so I do apologize see here I was talking about some pheasant poppers those son absolutely make it amazing you know during our wild game episode a fun day Friday we did some dove poppers those were off the chain good - Chris long said he sold his brother-in-law on the Stampede and he let him get some pellets from his bundle Jeff Wilford says his veggies need a rep check you gosh darn right Jeff visit Rick tech girls calm you guys always ask about my awesome barbecue apron I get it from I got it from Atlas 46 it's made in the USA it's a cool apron you guys visit them tell them Rep tech jodie cinch it with the guys at wrecked extension andy murray doc I shoot you out there watching shout out to all of the media team out there you guys been killing it working from home break cars is killing it out there in the comments section miss Ashley Hall guys if you were looking for an amazing lady to follow out there on the internet actually haul-out is fun to follow she'd have some amazing cooks she's always out there hunting something and she's got a heck of an amazing husband as well so you guys follow Ashley Hall thank you so much for watching Ashley we really do appreciate all you do for us the end says he wants us to do that bacon wrap well that's cool what exactly is a smokey very good point a cocktail wiener is what I call a little smokey it's just a teeny-weeny one of those that they put in the beans as well Smokey's potato beanies you know they usually are surrounded by barbecue sauce and in a crock-pot and you use a toothpick to get them out they're already cooked they're delicious shoutout to Tracy right thank you so much for watching oh michael says Swiss cheese brings out the flavor okay Costco red court says cascos selling some amazing pimento cheese is right now all right here's a really good question for my buddy Jason berry he says which rec tech do you recommend for a small family we cooked for two to four people well Jason let me get up on my soapbox real quick all right that was me getting on my soapbox it's just my wife and I and then we have two small children and you can see we have the RT 700 we also have the RT b38 now when my wife and I when we first got the grill it was just us and she obviously had the concern man that is just that's just gonna be too much real for us but it absolutely wasn't you know we're not just cooking our proteins in this room we're also cooking our vegetables we're cooking our sides we're baking breads we're doing pizzas we're doing desserts I made peanut butter cookies with bacon in them last night recipe to come soon mm-hmm you guys make sure you stay tuned I'm gonna be doing cookies absolutely baked cookies in this world but it was just my wife and I we got the RT 680 and it totally met our needs I can't tell you how many folks get a smaller group and call back and say man I should have just went ahead and got the big why because you find yourself cooking more you find yourself expanding your culinary horizons so if you're on the fence man I would definitely encourage you to go bigger but for a family of two to four the RT 590 and Artie 340 will also you know suits your needs just fine my family we do really big turkeys and we do really big hams and I like to eat briskets and leg of lambs so the art I'm gonna scroll up see if we can get to more some questions Jeff and Julie stouter out there Tamara said she got her first tri-tip that's awesome Tamara hopefully you got it from the New York butcher shop but we did a tri-tip for fun day Friday and boy that was a fun episode it was also a delicious episode as well we did try to two ways we reversed seared it well actually three ways we reversed seared it we stuffed it we regular seared it so I encourage you to look back you of course these delicious jalapeno poppers got one right there two right here with pimento cheese we've got two right here with delicious scrimp ease in them and then I've got two normal ones now normal by normal I mean stuffed with a little smoky and some cream cheese but it couldn't be easier guys 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until your Bacon's done if you want to do 375 and live your lifestyle a little bit faster that's fine not a big deal but essentially everything but the bacon has already cooked you know so we're just waiting on that bacon to get them and this is a quick and easy recipe it's great Gale gates you know if you're gonna do a whole mess of them like 50 you know it does take a little while to kind of prep them but you know you're really gonna impress your family your friends that you've never done anything like this before come in here camera erect a family oh oh look at that right oh yeah that looks absolutely delicious these are cooled down enough to where I can actually enjoy them you can see that that pepper has been cooked a lot of that flavor is starting to come out is coming out of it all those natural flavoring from the peppers if you grow your own jalapenos this is a great way to use those up hmm that's got I mean the heat hmm the heat is not overpowering it is just right there it goes away kind of like wasabi it doesn't linger because we got rid of those veins we got rid of all the stuff on the inside we got rid of the seeds all the stuff that kind of carries a lot of that heat for the jalapeno mmm and the more sugar you add to it you know the less heat cuz you're gonna get out of those but man that was some good stuff now let's get all up in this one with the scrimp you guys know I love my shrimp oh yeah if that dirty girl rub you know it also brings a level of flavor to the table you know that you really want this is this is hands-down my favorite shrimp cream cheese bacon I could eat a mess of those y'all this is the reason why you gotta sign up for lunch break emails so you can get incredible stuff like this so you can just knock this out of the park you know mix it up you got some time nowadays let's just mix it up let's do let's cook some stuff we've never cooked before oh man look at that little smoky right here no they have different flavors a little Smokies they have different flavors of cream cheese so you can really toss the flavor around heck I even love to see some you guys know I love pepper jelly or a breakfast jalapeno popper put you some eggs more bacon sausage in there heck you could even like cut oh man think about this make yourself some french toast and put the frig toast in there and wrap it and bake it oh my gosh I just blew by bringing up the back side of my head and out begin I left that little stem on made it super easy for me either I've been oppressed myself sometimes cos this is absolutely amazing so I can't let the shrimp not get eaten so forgive my favorite hands-down it's gonna be that shrimp cream cheese color pick up excuse me bacon you can also do both of them you can put a little smoky shrimp and sausage in here you guys remember when I made those awesome sausage pinwheels where we mixed up ground sausage and cream cheese you could do that mixture on the inside of these bad boys the possibilities are endless if you're a chicken person put some chicken in this bad boy you're a poor person put some more pork in here you know veggies go great in here this is just a great all-around little snack to enjoy I wouldn't like to do that freaking delicious a chef bread Greg would say this does not suck all right uh listen send some shoutouts to you guys for watching you have to do is stab her out there pitmasters from the REC tech Academy we appreciate you guys for tuning in you guys are looking for hands down one of the best barbecue cooking classes and just backyard cooking classes I encourage you to sign up for that rec tech Academy we'll see in the back of the throw out there we enjoy some delicious Shiner Bock to wash that all down with what we've got right tech Academy classes available now if you're looking to expand your barbecue knowledge or your backyard knowledge for your rec technology or any kind of room knowledge I would encourage you to sign up so that it makes a great bachelor party gift it makes a great Father's Day gift it also makes a great gift nonetheless we've got some ladies coming in as well so guys don't sleep on it it's also a great gift to get your ladies shout out Brandon Dudley he's always watching out there benoît something oh he says it's looking really good now I don't normally eat jalapenos on anything but this is the only thing that I will enjoy a jalapeno on where do you sign up for the lunch break that is an amazing question I would encourage you to go to rectangles comm forward slash lunch break and that site is where you can actually sign up for the lunch break emails you can also just sign up for the rec tech girls email just by going to any page on rectangles comm scrolling all the way down to the bottom where it says sign up for the news you know in there hit the return key and you're good to go it'll send you an email confirm that good stuff and then you'll be signed up you can also win some stuff on with the emails as well we can give it away stuff all the time to people that subscribe so I encourage you to stay subscribed those iNOS as well got smash that share button for me give me a like give me a love we really would appreciate it I know there folks out there that want to know how to cook hands down the best jalapeno popper ever and Johnny Flanagan your rep techgirls expert just did that for you alive right here on the right check girls Facebook page now we see a lot of folks out there going live from their their Facebook pages now and we really really do appreciate all of the love that we're seeing out there people are tagging us in their posts and stuff there's also other girl companies out there copying us we see you we see you watching us all the time other grill companies but Rae Carnes the owner of Rhett tech roses in the comments section down below so you have any hard-hitting questions and we haven't it put them in the comment section we need your questions guys to help this show continue on we also need all of your suggestions on what we should cook to help this show go on if you want to see more episodes live of lunch break of After Hours a fun day Friday you guys got to give us the content so we know what you guys want to see mr Bridges is asking what kind of fish have y'all cooked son we've done trout we've done branzino we've done mahi we've done salmon we've done bass we've done tuna we've done shark we've done man we have done all kinds of fishies check out wreck tech girls comm the recipes on wrecked Eccles come for all of those amazing recipes then also sign up oh my boy Matthew Snowden he actually put probably can't see it as very Glary but he actually put the lunch break link in the comments section so make sure you hit that Jackie says it makes a great Mother's Day gift or birthday gift hint hint hint hint family of Jackie Bill Foster my boy what's up bill how are you bud hopefully you're doing well Lucas says there's actually other grow companies question mark that's right Lucas we're the only grow company why cuz everybody's playing for second cuz we play for keeps this ain't no game there's more I always forget the third game set match everybody's playing for second they say no game but Bubber Reeves Bubba thank you so much Bubba is a police officer thank you so much for doing what you're doing Bubba we really do appreciate you being out there and taking care of everybody here Matthews all the way from California will sup Matthew Jeff Nichols wants to see us do some pizza's done Jeff we're gonna do some pizza's here soon it's actually on my list Nicholas doll he wants to see deep-fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we're going to do some peanut butter jelly egg rolls Nick Dalton I want to see you do that tag extended buddy Thomas is asking hey why don't you guys make a second rack for the r/t 700 man that is a great question Thomas let me get on that right now all right took me a couple of seconds but I made one look at this this is now available at rec tech girls calm this is the second she'll tell Archie 700 goes on the inside just like so now let me show you something really really cool my buddy Jeff Williamson showed me how to do you see that shelf okay you see it flip it upside down oh you're a genius you can load up the jalapeno poppers on this bad boy use these handles mind-blown my boy Dave Williams to showed you back but again the large second shelf there's also a smaller second shelf available at rec tech girls congas and it just so happens to fit right there on the hopper so hey John Dylan welcome back thank you so much for joining us today what was your favorite part of the show me good that's my favorite part of the show too I'm just joking guys smash that share button for me give me a like give me love please follow me on my social media and just to give you a heads up I changed you earlier you want to eat that you don't okay that's fine I teased you earlier we are gonna be giving away an RT 700 okay we're giving away an RT 700 head on over to the rectangles Facebook page see how you can win yourself this amazing grill that I have six year warranty forty pound hopper PID controller that's gonna hold your temperature perfectly you can walk away and you don't have to worry about it fluctuating in temperature like the competition or a gas or a charcoal grill this one features the pro floating shelf the competition cart stainless steel as far as I can see that's right get out of here bug it's got the ceramic ignition system that mean for you as a customer that means it's going to start every time it's not a metal igniter rod like the competition uses this man with nine rods go out all the time you have to swap them out you know got a mess with that you know but it's got all of the amazing components the number one thing makes us different is their customer service our build quality and you get the personal cell phone numbers both of the owners as well as the general manager when you purchase something from us we also treat you like family you guys are here laughs at my house my sons running around I let you in my front yard just to cook with me not every grow company health care is gonna do that guys we encourage you to share this video like this video would help spread that reck tech love don't forget we gave away to our teen 340s last week watch the previous episodes to see how you can win yourself in our teen 340 we're giving away an Archie 700 a wreck Tech grills Facebook page so make sure you head on over there and check out my buddies Chef John and chef Greg they'll be going live from their homes later this week you guys follow us on social media we also good alived sporadically chef John actually goes live late night doing some stuff chef Greg will go live on the weekends we all have business pages as well I encourage you to follow shift Greg Muller rekt X chef John and then Jodi Flanagan BB cute dad all on Facebook that's where you're going to be getting that exclusive content you sign up for the newsletter share this video and go win yourself an rtii 700 by heading all over to the rec tech girls Facebook page guys we did jalapeno poppers today for a lunch break it couldn't have been easier shoutout to John Dell and my son for helping me out shout out to all of you guys shout out to my neighbors they're watching Wow from there a driveway what's up guys the Hustons out there killin it thank you guys so much for tuning in god bless up and thank you so much to the front-running workers we really do appreciate it all of you guys that are going to work each and every day thank you for keeping this country running we're thinking about you guys in the southeast that were affected by the storms but just hold your heads up America we're getting we're all in this together so god bless you god bless the United States of America we'll see you [Music]
Channel: recteq
Views: 3,553
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: REC TEC, REC TEC Grill, best wood pellet grill, wood pellet grill, best wood pellet smoker, wood pellet smoker, Jalapeno, Jalapeno popper recipe, Poppers recipe, Lunch Break, Lunch Recipes, RT-700, RT-590, RT-340, Bullseye, Wyldside
Id: Zxwn_ePYw8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 36sec (2556 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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