Baked Eggplant Parmesan! (Don't forget the Mozzarella)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout interpreter and just the country Cook Steve all here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila running that camera hi Shelly today we're gonna make baked eggplant parmesan but it doesn't only have Parmesan cheese that has mozzarella and basil and marinara sauce and oh man I've got a couple of eggplants that have already sliced up come on over let's get started okay I bought two eggplants at the store because I wanted to slice six evenly shaped pieces out of the middle of each one of them here because I'm going to do six of them but it requires two slices of eggplant for each serving now the first thing I want to do here is I want to hit both sides of these with some salt and put them in my little colander over here it's one of those things that requires sitting around for an hour and waiting but it's going to have to be what it's got to be now you can lay these all out on the cookie sheet and salt them and flip them all over but I just thought I'll do it in my hand put that salt on there what we're trying to do is pull the moisture out of these and then we're going to rinse them off with cold water and Pat them down then we'll be ready to bread them but I got 12 evenly sliced pieces of eggplant and you can see how thick I slice them a little under a quarter of an inch all right or maybe right at 1/4 I don't know but about that thick we're gonna put these in here okay I got those out of that eggplant then I'm gonna get these six right here and salt both sides I sliced them up before we got on camera make sure that that would happen this is really a delicious recipe wait'll you try it I haven't had eggplant done this way before I'm looking forward to it and it's gonna be really really good a lot of cheese and marinara sauce and all kinds of stuff happening all right almost done here I've got these sitting in this colander here over here and it's gonna sweat over the next hour and we're gonna help it do that in two ways one of course with the salt that we put on them here and we're gonna take this saucer right here and we're going to set that on top for weight and then we're gonna set it in this bowl so the moisture doesn't go south on us all right we're going to pop this in a refrigerator let it sit for an entire hour and we'll see you then because then we're going to take them rinse it off real good Pat it dry and it should have pulled a lot of moisture out of this eggplant see in an hour all right our eggplants are fresh out of the strainer they're in that salt for an hour we rinsed them off and blotted them good with paper towels and before I throw this away I want to show you this look at the liquid that came out of just these twelve little slices in that hour I want to show that to you before I threw it away I thought that is truly amazing what salt will pull out of something like that now what we're going to do here is I'm going to try to switch places with this I've got three or four eggs that Sheila ran through the blender and then instead of whisking eggs up in all my recipes I love to use the blender in the kitchen because it just makes it so smooth and so uniform if you try to whisk it you might get a little more yolk over here a little less over there now it's just absolutely uniform all the way through we're gonna dip our eggplants in there and into Italian breadcrumbs now you can use regular Italian breadcrumbs you can use panko you can use whatever you want and we're gonna lay them on a cookie sheet now we're gonna pop these babies in the oven we got it preheated to 400 degrees for about 10 minutes on each side until they get nice and brown and then we're gonna stack us up a recipe that's gonna be so good you won't believe it let me get these all from the egg wash into the Italian breadcrumbs and onto the cookie sheet and we'll see in just a couple of minutes thank you Sheila and here is the last one look how nice and uniform that egg is you can do an egg wash for any they put it in the blender forget that whisk it just blends it up so nice it sticks everywhere perfect there we go even though the tips of my fingers are biggest quarters we are done with this process we're gonna pop this in the oven at 400 degrees for 10 minutes each side and get them nice and brown then we're going to start building our little delicious baked eggplant parmesan for dinner tonight right she'll see you in a little bit fresh from the oven our eggplants look just nice and golden brown on both sides but I got a tip for you I had him in the oven at 400 degrees and after about 10 minutes they still weren't getting brown on top so I jacked it up to 425 went to 15 minutes and they were starting to get a little bit Brown but I got a little nervous I thought wait a minute I took a pair of tongs and I turned it over and the bottom was nice and golden brown so don't be watching the top if you wait till the tops get nice and golden brown the bottom will be burnt so I turned them all over and give them about another 10 minutes at 425 and they're just nice and golden brown so come on over let's get started on building this delicious baked eggplant parmesan dish all right we got our glass 9 by 13 baking dish here and I got some marinara sauce just whatever was on the shelf at the store and we're gonna coat the bottom of this so there's a layer of this sauce on here first I already poured about half of this in a dish over there and I'll show you what I'm gonna do with it let's get this on here so we got a base for our eggplants perfect about half and half let me see what this is this is a turn this roll this is round it's a 24 ounce jar so by a 24 ounce jar and pour half of it over there and the other half can go in the bottom of this dish here perfect now we're gonna start building this delicious recipe we're gonna put six of these babies in here because we're gonna go double-decker with them I cannot wait to try this dish I'll bet it's outstanding yeah this is Sheila's kinda vegetables and goodies now we got six of them in there and remember we kept six over here because we sliced from the very beginning we sliced up twelve so we'd have an even dozen of these because this works out perfect now we're going to put a little more sauce this is that other half that we reserved over on the side in between here if we have to Rob some out of the pan we will but I don't think so I think we're gonna be about perfect now here's where you got all kinds of options when it comes to cheese the recipe that I'm going off of actually calls for mozzarella cheese to be sliced and laid in here and a little bit of parmesan put on top but I found this at the store can you see that Sheila mozzarella and parmesan both blended together in here it says pizza blend but it's still mozzarella and part this way that better okay because if it gets a reflection it won't look good Thank You Sheila but it's got mozzarella and parmesan both and it's not sliced but it is shredded fine so I'm gonna pile it up and if some of it runs off into the sides so be it we're gonna pile this nice and high on here and then kind of push it down this is kind of our quick and easy sliced mozzarella and sprinkled parmesan done right out of the bag you know me when it comes to that easy-peasy stuff now we got to put some basil on here boy that basil smell it's so good I was chopping it up here check this out a little bit of basil oh yeah it smells just wonderful Wow we go a little heavy on it not too much but enough so you can tell it's in there and here's the key to this we're gonna double-deck it but we're not gonna put basil on the top till after it comes out of the oven now we got that all set and again you could use sliced mozzarella and then parmesan but I just did the two of them out of the bag there we're gonna put this on top of there almost like making a little eggplant hamburger in there and there's our full 12 slices of eggplant with all the moisture pulled out of them and all the doctrine that we did to them and some more sauce on each one that looked terrific sealer what you know it you know we're having for dinner tonight hurry up Holly take your time hurry up she says alright ok now it's time for that cheese back on top each one of them I got one other little surprise that I kind of got thinking about now get this on top of here now we don't want to put basil on top and tell it comes out of the oven so it has fresh basil sprinkled on top and look at that that just about used the whole bag that I bought at the store was perfect I'm sitting in there trying to figure out why these things won't turn brown and right in front of me is staring at me is some beautiful Roman tomatoes so I took a little pepper no salt just a little bit of pepper you know me I love pepper and a little bit of olive oil and I coated them and I'm gonna lay these down in here they have nothing to do with this recipe but I don't care don't they look delicious Sheila laid in there but I want a little bit of baked tomatoes with it and it just so happens that I have the right number to feed in there on the edges look it there while we need to turn him around so he does the right thing that way they all look exactly the same get him turning out kicking out there we go look at that does that look absolutely wander for a what and again no basil on top just in the middle until we bake it now we're gonna bake this in the oven at 400 degrees for 25 minutes now this should be easy to watch when that cheese gets all gooey and melted and starts to turn a little brown we'll bring it back here and we'll dish it up see in about 25 minutes oh man look at this Sheila's that look wonderful or what now it's time for that second little layer of basil then tomatoes look good in there that's not even in the recipe I was just sitting there and those roma tomatoes were staring at me on the counter I thought you know what there's gonna be a little bit of that extra marinara sauce around these eggplants that don't have anything to do I'm gonna give them something to do they can help simmer those tomatoes so we can have that as well and while we what do you think babe a little bit of basil on the tomatoes for that matter in that just wonderful Wow all right that little pause right there was because we were taking some pictures for the thumbnail for the channel and you know what I have decided that Sheila has done enough dishes for today so I'm gonna sample it right out of here instead of plating it up and giving her another dish to wash I've got to try this this is very hot so I'm gonna be very careful look at that let me let this cool off for just a second okay I blew on it for about a minute so it's good to go here we go let's give this a try wow that is so so delicious and I'm gonna try a little piece of this tomato over here some of this cheese ran off to the side I see a little bit of marinara sauce and a little bit of a baked tomato floating around over there doing nothing hold on say you see look we have to end this recipe cuz we got to plate this up and have dinner tonight you will love this why it's still nice and hot and delicious it is terrific okay thanks a lot Wow I've been nibbling on everything over here why Sheila moved the camera some of them tomatoes some of that eggplant you've got to try this recipe it is absolutely delicious so I'm gonna end the recipe so we can eat this I hope you enjoyed it and we really hope you subscribe to our Channel little shock and rinse face will pop up over here in just a little bit when it does just click on it it'll say subscribe and next to the word subscribe we hope you click on that Bell because then you'll be notified every time we come out with a new recipe we'll put a recipe up over here that I hope you really enjoy and is this the most delish just baked eggplant parmesan / mozzarella / tomatoes in there yeah berate if it ain't it ought to be it's absolutely fantastic I'll tell ya and all the ingredients and the process of how you do it everything are right below the video just go below the video it might even say show more because it only gives you like one or two lines when you click on it then it all drops down you can copy it paste it you never have to go to a website to get any of our recipes there right under the video but if you are out snooping around take a look at WWE and red comm because we got a lot of neat stuff there where you can find the wine in that we have shotgun red wine in Tennessee only I'm sorry but it also has some shag and red dolls and videos of our live performance and a lot of neat stuff check it out but it's not necessary to go there to get the recipe it's right here underneath the video man I'll tell you this is terrific did you enjoy this recipe Sheila yeah it is absolutely fantastic we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red thanks for subscribing to our channel give us a thumbs up all that kind of stuff say goodnight Sheila oh man you're gonna love this it's so good I think I'll just eat out of the dish
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 74,050
Rating: 4.8813634 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, eggplant, eggplant parmesan, baked eggplant, cooking with shotgun red, casserole, eggplant casserole
Id: xZYCLtluvjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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