Jalapeño Poppers

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hi cat's cradle here today we're going to be making jalapeno poppers they're not your traditional jalapeno poppers these are something special like every video I make for you I try to show you the best of the best if I'm gonna make a jalapeno popper for you it's going to be the best I've ever tasted and that's true today I'm using this rather off-brand of sausage that was on sale at my grocery store I will give you all the details about the amount of ingredients in the instructions in the show more section below if you just click on that show more section it will give you the full recipe instructions couple of tips on sausage when you go to your sausage counter you'll have a variety of brands there if you will squeeze the sausage those that are the firmest have the most fat those that yield the most to your to your squeeze or the leanest so take that to heart when you go to buy it if you want a sausage that's fattier then you want the one that feels really solid when you squeeze it this one when it's cold in the refrigerator it's still soft that lets me know that it's pretty lean okay I'm going to show you the best way to get sausage out of here to me if you're going to just brown the entire pound of sausage I go ahead and I wash this wrapper because I don't know who's touched it in the packing plant but the stalker in the store touched at the cashier touched it I touched it and I'm going to be squeezing the sausage out of here so I want to be sure I'm not squeezing any contamination into my food so I'm gonna take a serrated knife and cut off the end now the fatter the sausage is the easier it is to cut because it's really hard this one's pretty lean alright so I've got this let me move this right here I've got you can see how red the sausages it's very lean so I'm going to hit go ahead and just what's in the cap I'm going to put into the skillet and then I'm going to pinch this little part right here that's been stapled and I'm going to squeeze it out pulling back on the wrapper okay now I'm going to grab it from the ends so I get every little bit out there we go this is really extra leaning sausage okay now I'm going to go again because I can tell that there's still some in that wrapper I'm gonna squeeze it out there we go and this way I'm not having to cut open the whole wrapper and contaminate everything in my kitchen with sausage meat and I'm gonna get that last little section out there we go now what I'm going to do is I'm going to brown this meat and when I get it browned and all broken up I'm going to come back and I'm going to have some chopped vegetables to show you and just give me a minute to do that I'll be right back alright this pound of pork sausage cooked up very very lean as you can see there's just a little bit of fat in that pan I wanted to wait and see because if you add your raw diced vegetables to a meat like pork sausage and it renders up a lot of fat that you're gonna get rid of and pour off you're just losing the flavor that has come out of your vegetables so really now that I know this brand is very very lean I could have just sauteed my vegetables with my meat but I didn't know that so here we go in goes onions I've got some pretty finely diced white onion this is a bell pepper that kind of turned orange on me it was green but it's fine I'm gonna use that and I diced a small bunch of green onions I'm just gonna put them mostly the white part in and save the green part for the very end now you can put garlic in this as well I'm just going to use a little shake of this freeze-dried garlic which are like a lot that's probably about two cloves worth you could certainly leave use fresh so I'm going to wilt up these vegetables and then I'll bring you right back as we finish seasoning this up alright let's go ahead and season this up the vegetables that I put in have softened I'm going to put in some seasoned salt use your favorite brand this just happens to be the one I'm using today but it doesn't matter this seems to be the best thing because it's kind of a good all-purpose seasoning I'm gonna put a little bit of Worcestershire sauce to me wish your sauce makes meaty things tasty meteor then at the very end I'm gonna put in these greens which are the top of the green onions and some chopped parsley finely chopped parsley that goes in now still has cheese in it so I'm putting in my cream cheese scrape that in a minute I'm also going to use a little bit of cheddar cheese that was left over for prep race omelet this morning and I'm going to put in some Parmesan cheese now this is an occasion where you really do use the inexpensive green stuff it seems to be so now all I really am gonna do is incorporate this I'm gonna let the cream cheese melt in I'll give you another little tip as well in fact I'll show you this in a video sometime everyone talks about not being able to freeze cream cheese when I'm doing something like this I actually find it preferable because once you freeze cream cheese when you thought out it becomes crumbly it's not creamy any longer but the great thing in a dish like this is that I don't have to work so hard by poking and prodding and trying to get my cream cheese to melt all I have to do is crumble that brachot block of cream cheese in here so if at Thanksgiving time or Christmas time around holiday baking when they run cream cheese on sale do not be afraid to go ahead and buy plenty of it and put in the freezer because it's perfect for times like this it's also perfect to crumble into your your your nice creamy winter soups I start my freezer full of it you just don't want to use it for likes writing on a cracker because it will no longer spread once it's been frozen so give me just a second to get this all incorporated and I'll show you what it looks like alright this is how it should look the only thing I didn't show you was I always put a little bit of cracked black pepper usually it's something like this I'd add a little bit of red pepper except the jalapenos are gonna offer plenty of heat so the black pepper was all that's needed caution when you add salt I don't know what kind of cheese you're going to be using and I don't want you to get too salty so I recommend that before you add the salt that you taste and then if it needs more salt go ahead and put the additional seasoned salt in now I'm going to do something kind of weird here I'm gonna get this out of this hot pan and put it on a cold plate and a plate may seem kind of strange but I want to create a lot of surface area here for it to cool and I'm gonna find a place to put this in my refrigerator and let it firm up just a little bit so that my peppers are easier to stuff so I'll come back when the peppers are when I get ready to clean the peppers I'm gonna get this dished up and put it in the fridge all right here's the least fun part of this process of making these jalapeno poppers this I consider to be an essential element of my kitchen it is it's gloves disposable gloves they come in all different sizes you can buy them at any big-box store you get them from small to extra large I think these are large I probably should have gotten extra large but here we go if you're going to be messing with how opinions I highly recommend that you have a pair of these gloves okay the tectal of the feel of them is not as good as working with just your hands alone but it's worth the sacrifice these peppers are almost over the hill you can see the stems are turning a little bit brown but they're still firm enough for me to cut and stuff so I'm going to use them prep race home from college for the weekend and want some stuffed pepper that's what we're doing okay so all I do is I just cut it down the center oh yeah they're still nice and firm I love it if I can cut right down the stem so I get I get a little handle for my jalapeno popper on both sides sometimes it works one does it doesn't this time this side got all the stem okay and then I take a smaller paring knife I come up at the top just cut around and I want to to make a place for my stuffing I also want to get the rib out of my jalapeno and the seeds because that's the hottest part and I have a feeling these are gonna be pretty warm anyway they're pretty mature they're into season jalapenos okay there we go that's what the cleaned out pepper looks I hope you can see there that I've made a little trough there where I removed the seeds okay I'm gonna do one more I'm just gonna put these back in my container over there I cut this one a little crooked so I can do the next one little better it's okay it's still gonna stuff just fine come down cut the cut the center section out if you bang it you can get the seeds out pretty good that's still stuffable let me cut one see if I can do it better and don't worry if at the end of the season let me see if I can show you better here yeah don't worry if at the end of the seasons you get these little striations on your pepper if if they are baking in the Sun it's really hot and your weather's a little dried they're gonna get that and these were picked a little late so it doesn't hurt anything at all these are gonna go in the fryer okay I'm gonna try to do this a little better coming straight down the middle okay I'm gonna turn it around and come back up the stem and some of these stems will come off they're just too old see I got a little piece of still here this one's very mature it's turning kind of pink and orange on the inside that's just fine come up at the top cut that membrane and then you usually can just pull it right out now I'm gonna hit it get the seeds out it's a pretty clean pepper doesn't matter if there's a couple of seeds in there and then that's ready for stuffing I'm gonna go ahead and finish these peppers then I'm gonna come back and show you how to get rid of these gloves all right I am finished cleaning my peppers here's how they look I just put it back in the pan where I had them there's a few little seeds but it's not a big deal okay so those are good to go here's all the ribs out of the center of my hell opinions and the seeds that I'm going to throw away I would normally take this to the trash right now and use my gloved hand to wipe it off into the trash but I want to show you how to do this right here what I do is I gently pinch right at the rest of my glove here and then with the clean inside of this go up I grab by the wrist here turn that in so now that's all ready to go to the trash I want to show you something else while we're here once I stuff my peppers I'm going to dip them in an egg wash and so in order to beat my egg up a little better and this is a tip for you if you'll just sprinkle it with a tiny little bit of salt if you look at salt granules under a microscope they have little sharp edges and so it really helps to break up an egg when you're trying to feed it up I'm going to put a little bit of water so that I'll create a little bit of steam when I cook my peppers I'm gonna beat this up I don't need very much I just want enough moisture on my peppers to make to make my bread coating stick so I'm gonna leave that I'll beat that a little more in a minute and we'll show you one other thing in this bowl I have some panko breadcrumbs now these are not very expensive you can find them at your big box store most of the grocery stores now now carry them they make the crispiest coating if you're going to fry something so in this little shallow dish here I have panko bread crumbs with just a little bit of flour so I'm going to dip my I'm gonna stuff my peppers I'm gonna dip em in egg dip them in the panko bread crumbs I'm gonna let them sit to dry just slightly so that the coating I put on them is a little bit dry then we're gonna drop them into hot oil so let me go get my filling there's something I want to show you about that and then we're going to be ready to start the process getting really close to having some jalapeno poppers okay my filling has cooled significantly the only thing I need to add now just to tighten it up a little bit is some bread crumbs now if you're following along very closely you can tell I'm really making like a dressing to go in these peppers a little more I want it pretty tight because I really wanted to stay in there you can use seasoned breadcrumbs or plain breadcrumbs you can make them homemade you can buy ready-made it doesn't matter I want it to be a little stiffer the Italian breadcrumbs are fine because oregano is used widely south of the border so that's fine and there's so much flavor going on in this that no one's gonna say oh that has Italian breadcrumbs in it okay all right that looks about right to me it really is pretty stiff okay now that looks good to me what I'm going to do at this point is I'm going to put a glove on one hand I might still get a little jalapeno on me but I'll be sure to wash my hands really well and I won't dare put my contacts in tomorrow for sure alright so let's go ahead and glove this hand here we go now I'm gonna be very conscious to pick up the peppers only with this hand now you hold me to that because sometimes I've been known to to reach and pick up with the other hand okay so here we go there's my pepper I'm going to take a spoonful of the mixture I should have got a smaller spoon it's alright and I'm gonna fill this pepper to really stuffed reading this really for our dinner tonight so I want it to be substantial okay so that's good if your filling is if you're having trouble getting it to stay in there you can put it back in the refrigerator or freezer for a little longer or you can stuff your peppers like this and put them in the refrigerator let them get cold so I'm gonna stuff my peppers but I'm gonna show you the whole process while I have you here here's the egg I beat up with just a touch of salt to break it up and some water okay I like this this long low dish right here my bread crumbs are sitting right beside it so I'm going to turn this face down in the egg I'm gonna roll it over so there's an egg on all of it then I'm gonna dip it in the bread crumbs and with my dry hand I'm going to cover that pepper with a bread crumb and flour mixture okay now since it's coated I'm going to pick it up with this hand and I'm going to set it on a dish now this is perfect I love this good coverage and I'm gonna let it sit in the open air just at room temperature for about 10 minutes so the egg will harden up a little bit and those bread crumbs will hang tight to that pepper before I put it in the oil somebody go ahead and step on my peppers I'll come back when I'm ready to fry all right we're back I dropped a little bit bit of breadcrumb in the oil to make sure it's hot enough and if it's floating to the top and sizzling around all like that then I know we're good to go so I'm gonna drop these peppers in there we're gonna talk about a couple of things I used the word dropped loosely I'm holding some tongs and I'm going to set it down like this yeah that's what you want to see you want to see that good sizzle I've already got my landing pad ready a rack that has newspaper under it to receive these it's not going to take very long I do stuff my peppers pretty full especially we're doing when we're going to eat them like for dinner I do want to overcrowd my pan so maybe one more the more peppers you put in the more it lowers the temperature of your of your oil right now I'm just using a mixed vegetable oil I usually like to use sunflower oil you can use any kind of oil you like you just want to be sure it's really hot at least up to 350 degrees but you'll know if you put a little bit of the batter in there and it starts to sizzle and floats to the top pretty quickly you know you're hot enough all right let's talk about this a little bit the only thing that is uncooked in these peppers is the pepper itself so the filling is completely cooked I have enough probably do to 12 more peppers so the recipe I'm going to give you will do approximately 24 large jalapeno peppers this is totally cooked I could put it in a container and put in the freezer right now and do it another whole batch of peppers you know in a few weeks or whatever I wanted to what else could I do with this well think about it it's like a cheesy meat dressing with all these delicious aromatic vegetables in it bell pepper onion garlic parsley last week when I had some left over I also had a baked potato from the previous night leftover I cut it open put a big scoop of this and the baked potato and that's what I sent with pallidum prepper to work he heated in the microwave and said it was fabulous I can also step a milder pepper like a bell pepper I could stuff a poblano pepper that you'll find a lot of uses for this it's delicious but it's totally cooked so you don't have to worry about you know any kind of raw food in here now I first tried to meat stuff pepper look they're they're doing great they're just sizzling away they're taking on a little bit of color they will float to the top of the minute the first time I had a meat stuffed pepper was long before anybody ever knew what a jalapeno popper was it was at a local fair very small festival in Southeast Texas in the local lions club decided that they would try something different instead of selling corn dogs or hot dogs or something like that they were gonna serve stuffed jalapenos and everybody thought they were crazy including me because I didn't think they would sell well the guy who had the idea made up a chicken dressing type stuffing to stuff in these hell opinions it didn't sound at all appetizing to me but in order to support my father-in-law who was a member of that group we stopped by the booth and bought some well we went all three days to the festival just so we could go get some of those stuffed owl opinions because they were absolutely fabulous so the point is that you can use another kind of meat in here you could use ground meat your home canned chicken would be fabulous that's actually the original meat stuffed jalapenos that I had was stuffed with the chicken which was the best I've ever had so let your you know what's your imagination soar you don't have to use cheddar cheese you could use mozzarella cheese you could use a Kobe you could use a mix there's just lots of things you can do with this I hope I hope this has given you an idea for a springboard for you to do some creative things on your own okay these are looking pretty good you can turn them now you're going to think you've done something wrong because you won't see much breading on the back side of your hell opinions because that is the shiny skin part and just to be quite honest not much sticks to them that's why I mix a little flour in my in my batter I'll turn this one over so you can see see I see the shiny spot but I can also see where the flour has stuck to that so that's why I mix the flour in my breadcrumbs so that I can get a little something to stick to the back of those really slick jalapenos these are looking really good you do want a pretty Brown if you stuff them full because you want the inside of that pepper completely done you would think these would really be miserably hot but there's something about cooking a jalapeno especially deep-frying it that takes some of the heat out of it the other thing is dairy takes the heat out the capsaicin is is the chemical in the pepper that makes it so hot and anytime you can mix dairy with the hot pepper you will lessen the intensity of the heat so the cheese in these peppers is going to help and also we're going to dip them in a dairy based dip which has sour cream and milk in it and that will take some of the heat away too I can eat three or four before I before I feel the temperature rising just a bit when she says keep him in there till they're all the way done she means each other all the way heated through because remember the the meat is already completely cooked Thank You pepper right ok these are looking really really good I'm just about ready to move them to this to drain Wow I can't even begin to tell you how delicious these are I'm really anticipating that this video will shoot right to the top of my list and once people try it because they are fabulous here's one of those cute little red red jalapenos ok thank you ok here's we've got this great little strainer here we'll take a couple amount that's exactly how you want them to look fabulously golden brown I'm gonna move them to my baking sheet we'll show you that in a minute not my baking sheet my what do you call that rack I like to drain them pretty good oh look at that oh man I am Telling You what I can't even wait the great thing is the stuffing is so nice and thick with the breadcrumbs that it really stays in the peppers even though the inside of the peppers are moist of course okay let's get some more in here I think I did go seven last time this is really kind of on all at one you've got all these vegetables in here you've got the meat in here you've got the cheese in here you've got the bread crumbs in here and I'll tell you about four of these is plenty satisfying I'm gonna get this last one I know I've got a couple of here I'm gonna wait yeah my just got two more [Music] come on get under there there you go we made it okay I'm gonna wash off my platter so I have a place to put them to display them for you and we'll be right back the second batch of peppers are out of the oil and they're draining on my little setup here it's just a rack and under it I have some paper towels and then under that some newspaper so I just leave them there to drain if I'm going to hold them for any length of time I put them on a platter an ovenproof platter in the oven at about 170 degrees just to keep them crisp all right here's the first peppers that came out of the oil and I want pepper a to take a taste here and I'll give you this for you to dip in this is really as yummy as it gets here here the crunch already that is by far the best jalapeno popper I've ever had I told you you were gonna love it I've been working on this recipe a little while developing it until I was certain it was perfect and I don't want to show it to you until it is perfect and I think we got verification that's pretty good well that's pretty phenomenal all right guys you don't need to tell me if you don't like things that are hot I get that I've told you the options put in the bell pepper put it in a milder poblano pepper I understand not everybody likes heat this is not miserably hot it's just deliciously warm I hope you're gonna try this if you liked it please give a thumbs up and let a friend know who would like the recipe also we'll post a link in the show more section for my ranch dressing mix as well thank you so much for watching until next time this is cat's cradle and prepper
Channel: katzcradul
Views: 25,708
Rating: 4.8586721 out of 5
Keywords: Texas, cooking, jalapeno, appetizer, h'orderves, football, superbowl, hot wings, jalapeno poppers, jalepeno, party food, party, buffet, peppers, spicy, tailgaiting, recipe, easy, pot luck, cream cheese, sausage, dressing, ranch
Id: AEodqEUdM-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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