Bacon Wrapped Salsa Poppers Smoked On The Weber Kettle

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today we're gonna take a classic appetizer which I like to eat as a main dish sometimes and we're gonna put a little twist on it because we're gonna be making smoked bacon wrapped salsa poppers [Music] yeah salsa poppers we're gonna stuff jalapenos with a salsa cream cheese mixture wrap them in bacon and smoke them out on the weber kettle so let's get our filling made what I have here is 8 ounces of cream cheese it's been sitting out for about 20 minutes to soften up a bit and to this we're gonna add 12 ounces of a restaurant style salsa that I drained I put it in a strainer and I let most of the liquid drain out over about 20 minutes we're gonna get these two together and we're gonna mix it's gonna take a while here this is fairly similar to a party dip you might have made for tortilla chips dumping a jar of salsa over a thing of cream cheese we're just gonna mix them all together and we just wanted to get some of that extra liquid out of the salsa if you really wanted this smooth and creamy you could run it through a blender or a food processor I want it a little chunky all right that's about what we want let's move on to getting our jalapenos ready so what I've got here are a few jalapenos there's more off to the side but I want to show you how we're gonna get these ready some of these here and we're gonna start with this one the first thing you want to do is go down to the end that's opposite the stem and we're leaving the stems on and you want that sort of curly part of the stem aiming up then what we're gonna do is down here maybe about 3/4 of an inch to an inch from the end just make a slice not quite halfway through the jalapeno then I'm gonna go ahead and at the corners of that slice we're gonna slide our knife through just like that and then make sure you have connected with that slice at the end there then being careful don't cut yourself we're gonna come back towards the stem and cut the top of the jalapeno ah that's what we're gonna have the top of the jalapeno separated from the body of the jalapeno so we're gonna set that aside for a second and to make things a little cleaner you might want to get a little dish and we're gonna take just a regular table knife and we're gonna start scraping out the insides now you may need to use a little spoon also you may need to use the sharper knife to cut some of these ribs but the idea is to clean out as much of the seeds and everything inside that you can and just scrape it into your dish got a little spoon here and I go right down in here and scrape some of those ribs away turn it over knocked everybody out of there if a couple seeds slip through the process it's not gonna hurt anybody that one's looking pretty good you want to do the same to the top that we took off just sort of scrape it down get any of those seeds and ribs off there so you end up with a clean piece like that because once we fill this jalapeno we are going to put our top back on and wrap it with bacon so that's what we're looking for I'm gonna go ahead and get the rest of these jalapeno is cleaned up and then we'll get on to stuffing them alright so we have two of our jalapenos that we've cleaned out we have the little tops here for these little kind of like jalapeno canoes so I'm just gonna set the tops aside here and let's start with this one we'll fill this one first just gonna start by taking a spoonful of our cream cheese salsa mixture pushing it down in there take your time and if it gets a little messy don't worry you're gonna put the lid on it's gonna be wrapped in bacon no one's gonna see the mess they're also gonna be too busy eating it you just want to overfill it slightly so that that space in the lid can fit right on it just a little extra there so it's a little bit of a bulge and we're gonna take our lid put it on there so it's like that now we're gonna wrap it in some bacon now I'm using thick-cut bacon because I want this to have the time out on the kettle to cook and let this jalapeno soften a little bit let that cheese inside melt a bit use thin bacon it might cook too quickly and the bacon could burn so I'm using thick cut we're just gonna start down here near the end and we're gonna wrap and you want to stretch as far as you can but you're not going to get the whole way probably and that's fine just like that and we're gonna take a toothpick and we're gonna run it through wherever the end of that is that little tail to hold it so it looks just like that let me do another one we're gonna fill this up with a generous amount push it down there into the nose of the jalapeno overfill it slightly take your lid get your lid on there get a piece of bacon and start wrapping and then once that Bacon's wrapped around as far as you can get it get your toothpick find the end and stick it through pin it in place and if that pokes through the bottom a little bit don't worry these are gonna be sitting on the grate on the kettle so that little end of the toothpick will be able to sit there so there are our first two I'm gonna go ahead and get the rest of these filled and wrapped up and then we're gonna put a little bit of sauce on the outside all right so we have nine bacon-wrapped salsa poppers here and what I want to do is I want to brush some barbecue sauce on the outside just a little bit I'm gonna be using a Bob's smoking southern barbecue barbecue sauce just want to give them a little bit of a glaze doesn't have to go all the way around mostly on the top and sides it's just gives it a nice little extra bit of flavor all right our bacon-wrapped salsa poppers are sauced up let's get them out to the weber kettle all right the kettle is that 242 shooting for a temp somewhere between 250 and 300 today it's gonna range in there and as soon as we get the lid off that temperatures gonna shoot up with all that oxygen flowing in so let's go ahead and get these bacon-wrapped salsa poppers on so today I have the kettle set up with one briquette basket I have the Mallory cast iron grate in there with one of the wings removed we don't need it and it allows good access to that briquette basket so let's go ahead and get these poppers on I want to go ahead and spray some canola oil on the pool side of the grill here just where these poppers are gonna go I am just gonna start placing them and we will rotate these after about 20 minutes so that the ones in the back get up to the front right I want to put a little bit of hickory wood on here for some smoke flavor today with that bacon [Music] all right our Hickory is catching I'm gonna go ahead get the lid on we're gonna smoke up these bacon-wrapped salsa popper meet my bottom vent today is in the two thirds open position and my top vent is fully open today as I said we'll be rotating the position of these poppers in a while the total cook time today is really just gonna be by kind of eyeball looking when that bacon is just about done I'm guessing it's gonna be somewhere in the 30 to 45-minute range but we'll see done when it's done I'll see you in a little while all right we've been going for about 20 minutes here want to give these a check and we're gonna rotate them cattle temps been holding good right around 260 ish let's check our poppers those are looking pretty good that's what I'm gonna do here is I'm just going to shift their positions I'm gonna move some of these back guys up to the front if I don't forget which ones I moved I can already see some of that cream cheese leaking out nothing wrong with that all right we're gonna get our lid back on and then thinking about probably 20 25 minutes we may be close to done our we've been going for a total of just about 43 minutes I think so 20 and 23 so let's give these a look how those look good can see how the skin is starting to wrinkle on the nose of these jalapenos so we just want them heated through we're not trying to char these like peppers and that Bacon's looking good if you want it crispy or you can go longer but people who watch enough of my videos know that I like my bacon cook to IFS acceptable floppy state this is probably a little bit beyond that but that's alright so we're gonna go ahead and get these off get them inside and have a taste [Music] all right I have got three of our bacon-wrapped salsa poppers here first thing I want to do is I want to get the toothpicks out just twist them and pull them they should come out fairly easily and then I just want to cut one of these in half I know that's not normally the way you need it I kind of want to see the inside so let's let's cut one in half first oh yeah look at that nice that cream cheese is nice and melty there oh man the smell of these is just killing me right now that means it's time to taste now I'm keeping my gloves on for this taste test because of the jalapeno juice and everything that can get on the hands and I've had a burn before where you have it on your hands you touch your eye just not a good place to be so if you're working with jalapenos and you got gloves use them so I'm gonna go for a taste here of a full one I just want to get a good bite in here let's see oh yeah that's a little messy the jalapenos are not softened like they would be if you charred them they still have a little bit of a bite but they're not as hard as they'd be if you hadn't done anything to them and that's really nice because it helps maintain the structure of these you know it's not bending over like it's totally floppy this is really good perfect amount of heat in these sometimes you'll get jalapenos that are a lot hotter than others got lucky this time has just enough heat not overpowering the salsa in there is mild you could really punch this up by putting a hotter salsa in that cream cheese mixture just a great combination here right down to the stem that's what you want to do that's why we leave the stems on and of course I have the one that I cut in half I can't like not pay some attention to that so let me get a taste to that one too I wonder if it'll taste any different no it doesn't taste any different it's exactly as good as the other one man these are awesome so if you like jalapeno poppers and you've never done them on the grill give it a try you don't only have to deep-fry them or do them in the oven you can wrap them in bacon stuff them with what you want and you're gonna and amazing snack meal whatever you want to call this through the color [Music]
Channel: Cooking With Ry
Views: 26,623
Rating: 4.9518652 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooking channel, cooking with ry, ryne pearson, ryne douglas pearson, jalapeno poppers, snack food, snacks, appetizers, charcoal grilling, bacon
Id: _gVaMNDcBX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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