Grilled Bologna Sliders on Texas Toast with Tennessee Chow Chow

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter a just the country cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty miss Sheila right on that camera hi Shelley you always do such a great job on that today we're gonna make Texas toast grilled baloney sandwiches with Tennessee chow chow and here's something that just knocked me out I was horrid Kroger's and every time I do a Texas toast recipe I think one of our recipes on our channel is Texas toast french toast made with Texas toast and I always go over to the bread section and I find a loaf of Texas toast it's real thick sliced bread but the problem is it's like three dollars and fifty cents for a loaf in and when I come home and make a recipe for you nice folks we only use about three or four slices for the recipe then what do you do or the whole two-thirds of a bag of Texas toast bread you got to eat it up or freeze it or do something I couldn't find the bread this time in the bread section so I asked the one gal I said where's your Texas toast at are you out or something she said did you check the freezer section and as much as I've used Texas toast at all all these years in my entire life I've never looked in the freezer section so I go over to the freezer section and by golly they got regular they got garlic they got three cheese they got all kinds of Texas toast it's only about a dollar eighty nine to two dollars and twenty-five cents there's eight slices in here if you leave it in the freezer and it goes from the freezer right to your griddle or grill it's perfect that way I can make some stuff for me and Sheila and I'll take those extra slices and freeze them it's just perfect let's get started with Texas toast grilled bologna sandwiches and get it out of your freezer section let's open this up and get started I'll get to our Texas toast in just a minute first I want to prep this Bologna now I bought a package of thick sliced Bologna and we want to take those little rubber bands off the outside there actually that's the casing if you stand it up on end they stuff a big casing like a chub at the factory then they slice it up and they pack it up like this so we're gonna open this up here and get our thick sliced baloney out I'll tell you what I'm gonna do with this to prep it for the griddle I'm gonna make a cut right down this side to start with which will help me get these little Bam's off of here all the way around I haven't figured out what you can do with them yet but it's got to be some troll for catfish or something huh we'll get this casing off the outside then I'm gonna line them cuts back up and what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go about a third of the way in from the center to the outside and just make a cut all the way down on all four sides we think Sheila I got to do one other thing because Sheila told me earlier what you tell me to do with this baloney she wants me to make a little hole in the middle so that when you griddle it it doesn't dome up like a hubcap now we got our Bologna ready for the griddle and with those slits it'll fry nice and flat instead of turning up like a dome you know let me unbox this garlic toast here and I've got to clean this up for a C in a second now I mentioned I was going to unbox this garlic toast this Texas toast is garlic flavor because I wanted it for this recipe but they had regular and they had like three cheese and a bunch of stuff and I haven't opened it yet it came right out of the freezer Sheila just brought it to me lookee here one two three four five six seven eight slices in there just perfect and these go frozen right onto your grill right on to your griddle I just need four of them of course you know I got that video on that vacmaster machine I'm gonna pop these other ones in a back bag and freeze it in the freezer and these are going on the griddle now I got to kind of get the griddle out here and get it all started we'll see in a second now I got to tell you one thing I am a little bit disappointed that these are so small because the Texas toast I buy in the store is bigger than that so I'm gonna go ahead and Grill up all eight slices here but I was really shocked that they were this small they're great for you know serving alongside a spaghetti or whatever else you want well we're gonna make sandwiches out of these and in my mind's eye I'm thinking nice big piece two or three slices of Bologna we're gonna have to go a single stack straight up to get this on these little guys but we'll get her done but I'm just gonna go ahead and cook all eight of these slices or at least grill them up let me get them nice and golden-brown and I'll turn them over and show you that in just a second but I am a little bit disappointed that they're this small inside that package because I open that package up right on camera with Sheila running that for the first time I had never looked in that box before but I'm thinking Texas toast would be about this big like the bread that I buy it and that's what you might have to use if you want to make a bigger sandwich but we're gonna get by with these little well which we call them Texas toast sliders that would be pretty good when the Texas toast slight Bologna sliders that's what it is it just got renamed right in the middle of this see in a second you know at first I was unhappy that they weren't that big but now with our new name our Texas toast grilled below knee sliders I'm glad they're only this big that's kind of perfect all right look here aha how did i do there Sheila these are a lot softer to try to pick up because they were frozen when I laid them on there and of course now they're not frozen any longer you get this say oh it smells so good man perfect perfect look at that in that beautiful now we're gonna brown up the other side a little bit but step over here with the camera Sheila I want to get a shot of this alright I got a little bit of mayonnaise in my dish here I'm gonna add a little bit of brown mustard in there because me and Sheila go over to Firehouse Subs and I love their ham sandwich and it has that combination of mayonnaise and a brown mustard so I'm kind of making this replicate that and another reason is we're gonna use provolone on one of these I'll give Sheila choice on her cheese but they put provolone on there with that ham so there's our little extra sauce we're gonna put on now let's get back over here and get our little teeny Texas toast slider Oh perfect time to get them off there I'm just gonna lay them right here right now don't move the camera Sheila I'm just gonna get them off because I don't want them to burn and then I'm gonna go right to putting the Bologna on here all right I love the sound of sizzle we might be able to get just exactly what I need in that something we got eight pieces of bread which means we're gonna make four sandwiches and we'll put two slices in each one just worked out just perfect and they get these nice and brown on one side we're gonna get them crispy along the edge and then we're gonna flip them over all right why our Bologna is getting right with the world let me give a little bit of this mayo mustard combination on the bottom of our backs we're gonna put it on the top and the bottom it looks like if I go on every slice I think I'll do that no I'm only gonna put it on the bottom so I only need it on four of them to the top is gonna get our secret ingredient all right perfect let me go back to flipping our Bologna here all right let's give our Bologna a turn all right that's a nice color on there I should have probably cut them little slits a little shallower not quite so deep into the Bologna slice but that's all right keeps it going flat here get some nice color on the other side we're gonna plate these up okay I turned off my grill but I'm gonna lay some provolone on half of these she'll on your half you want provolone or do you want mild cheddar okay all right she wants baby Swiss they're the words high-maintenance come you don't want any provolone on there with it uh okay all right there's some baby Swiss on there for she she we're just gonna kind of let that set and soften up and then we're gonna put it on top of our Texas toast we'll see in a second all right it's time to get serious I'm gonna use some leaf lettuce here and what I did I kept one piece together so I could show you I tear it and take that little stem out of the middle there and then I kind of tear these into just pieces about the size of oh I don't know a coffee cup or so and they're so soft and they lay so good on a sandwich thank you you can put on as little or as much as you want I love this leaf lettuce especially for hamburgers it just gets on there perfect now let's add the star of the show these are gonna kind of hang over to one side there Sheila's baby Swiss --is she gets two for each little slider we might need a bigger plate when we get done here here's my provolone double-decker oh it looks so good it really looks good we're gonna have some meat hanging over the side which is just fine let me move this front and center and finish this up all right let's give these a thin slice of tomato on each one this is that tomato I had leftover from the other day well it's time for the secret ingredient which is made right here in Tennessee they make several different ciaochao is all around the country but this is Tennessee chouchou we love the mild they make a mild in the hot and you know Sheila's you don't like real real spicy stuff and I love the video they did on this factory here in Tennessee where they chopped up all their own cabbage and they put in all the sugar and the vinegar and the ferment it and they jar it up right here in Tennessee it's so handmade and so delicious now on our channel we have a barbecued Bologna recipe I'm gonna put it at the end of this video it's so delicious and right now it has over 300,000 views and it's marinated Bologna chub and then it's done on the barbecue and then a smoke it's just phenomenal but I would kind of remember something moving to the south here that that barbecued Bologna recipe has coleslaw on top of it and I got thinking this is a recipe from a restaurant down south here and I got thinking in that something here we are with Bologna and we're putting kind of a coleslaw on top they love to mix their slaw or in this case Tennessee chow chow with their Bologna whether it's grilled whether it's smoked barbecued whatever how am I looking Sheila that's a good combination might have to turn the camera off so I can get a spoonful this stuff it's so delicious and I love that fried bologna for breakfast man and on these little sliders here and that is our secret ingredient Tennessee ciaochao then we'll put a little lid on top of these and this is hanging over so far I can't tell which way the bread is going underneath but I think I'm right look at this kind of twist them down there a little bit wow you know me I love to mash stuff because I want it so I can fit it in my mouth of course I got a big mouth but I still love to have it so it fits in there pretty good what do you think Sheila the head does doesn't it we're gonna cut them in half and we get ready to eat them but let's take a picture of this so we can put it on our YouTube channel as the thumbnail picture okay all right Thank You Sheila for doing a great job with those pictures now here's the thing Sheila always had me cut corner to corner but on these little sliders we're gonna cut straight across is that okay Sheila just on this sandwich all right cuz it's hard to go corner corner on an oblong piece of bread map it just feels so nice down through there and take a look at what we have here we got our mayonnaise and mustard we got our two layers of thick-cut Bologna with cheese in it our tomato and most importantly our Tennessee chow chow I gotta have a bite of this slider now I'm gonna have to turn the camera off because you're gonna hear me smacking for a while but I'll be right back hmm I gotta talk with my mouth full because that ciaochao is the first thing that hits your palate man it is so delicious Wow time for another bite I love nibbling the little extra meat that hangs over the side hmm so you can square it up with the world that Texas toast is so crunchy I was gonna make a great big Texas toast fried bologna sandwich but they turned into Texas toast baloney sliders hmm one more bite but we'll go to a wide shot see you in a second Wow no your baby Swiss is here and here you think I would yes thank you this mine is provolone here and here in baby Swiss is here in here no I didn't eat your baby Smiths you okay every now and then we come out with a recipe that is really tasty and this is one of them whipped up a little bit of that mustard and mayo combination to put in there got some of this Texas toast out of the freezer section at Kroger's that even know it was in there don't be shocked when you find out it's only this big around which is perfect for making Texas toast grilled baloney sliders and don't forget the Tennessee chow chow use Tennessee chow chow if you can find it if you have to you can use another brand but once you put all those combinations together I think you're just gonna love this recipe I hope you enjoy our recipes and we really hope you subscribe to our Channel that's easy little shotgun Rebs face so palpable here at the end of the video when it does click on that and a little bell will appear next to subscribe after you subscribe click on that that way you'll be notified every time we come out with a new recipe and I know exactly what recipe I'm gonna put right over here our barbecued Bologna over 300,000 views on it right now because it's so fantastic this whole blowy combination thing with the slaw or the chow chow it's got me sold on the southern cooking ware girls come up with all this wonderful stuff Sheila that's what I thought is this the most delicious slider Texas toast grilled baloney slider you ever ate help me out Sheila if it ain't it oughta be we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red remember the ingredients are always right underneath the video don't forget to check out our website at shotgun red comm if you have to be snooping around our fish breading is on there it's out of this world we now have that available and a lot of videos and stuff and some goodies for Christmas that you might pick up and watch us do our performances we have DVDs and all that I'm just talking too much I need to go back to having me another bite of this Texas toast grilled baloney slider see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red thanks again Sheila bye bye for now
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 257,566
Rating: 4.8930364 out of 5
Keywords: Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, grilled bologna recipes, grilled bologna sliders, Texas toast bologna slider, grilled sliders, best sliders, chow chow, tennessee chow chow, bologna sandwich, fried bologna, texas toast, baloney sandwich, fried baloney sandwich, fried bologna sandwich
Id: e6Kb_3UU-6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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