ARE YOU CRAZY?! | The Evil Within - Part 1

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the evil within another triple a horror game much like alien isolation that came out during Halloween time with the intent to scare the pants off of me and I'm very much ready to roll now that may seem like a high brightness but actually I cannot even see the middle thing in there so I'm gonna go forward with oh hello well then for the weak and fearful well that sounds like me but I'm gonna go standard difficulty for now just to see what I can get myself into now I don't know how much that Mouse is gonna be in there if you can even see it but I'm using a gamepad for this one because I heard that it was better designed to be used with this instead of a mouse and keyboard so I'm gonna give it a try okay 104 copy code 3 eta three minutes that's pretty cards I know you're just coming off the case but I'm afraid we're to have to make a detour that's alright sounds serious is it a riot is that me calling out just before I picked you up said it was multiple homicides half a dozen units already on scene yeah maybe it's the ghost of that doctor who went schizo and chopped up all those patients Oh what happened some patients disappeared some kind of scandal yeah still gives you the creeps then then no not really Joseph you think there's a connection no not at all it's a possibility I believe the records were sealed dispatch this is detective Castellanos in 184 what's the situation Oh wolves rumbling oh my goodness that's another reason why I wanted to use it because of Rumble do it say on the road you jackass oh this is gonna be fun what I heard about this game I really got outlast vibes from it because it seemed to take place in a hospital setting and obviously the intro no any thoughts oh thank you very much you're very helpful so like I said this is made by the developers of the original Resident Evil series early said least the main developer guys from that series but he made this with the intent of really making a visceral gritty horror experience which is something that I'm looking forward to cuz I mean outlast was like a hidden gem it was out of the indie scene but it came from developers who had experience in the genre contact dispatch and let them know what's happening Joseph Kidman you're with me we're gonna have a look around god boss I gotta admit it looks pretty but that might just be a pre-rendered cutscenes but here we are in the game let's go into the abandoned hospital and for once I'm not alone which is an interesting thing chapter one an emergency call oh come along my police amigos yeah this is probably why it was better with the gamepad than mouse and keyboard because it's gonna be third-person perspective throughout the entire game as far as I know now whether or not all these police cars are empty for a reason I'm gonna assume that some psycho guy up in there is already murdering all of my brethren so this is gonna be fun charge right in da my me ding-dong anybody home Oh smells like blood oh yeah stay sharp okay I like this guy I'd like the best look on him what kind of energy looks like me don't let anyone else through this door I can be an extra set of eyes we don't know what's happening here you're a backup good call let the girl stay in the back she obviously can't help at all anyway this is not good most assertedly bad what happened to here whoa hello did you hear something yes I did the banging and clattering do you mean you didn't okay how do I run alright he's just gonna scatter oh hi there okay good to know you were just intentionally pacing me so that guy would come slouching down on me who's there oh that's totally out are you injured what happened here did you do this yeah it might impossible move Vic I've got it the security cameras might tell us something they might indeed I'll go check it out and then venture off on my own so that I can be kidnapped by the way I'm a handsome son of a [ __ ] there's some kind of stereotype here being a detective and a handsome murder case oh yeah that'll work whatever you're shooting at I'm sure it's gonna die whoa okay it's the hidden up in this [ __ ] hello oh it's Alastair okay bye that's totally the head I knew is gonna be the hidden well this is gonna turn out fun for me I'm just an innocent detective oh no [ __ ] we're right into it oh holy crap hello this is the scene from the demo that a lot of people saw he'll love us aroud please don't drink my blood it's probably not good for you given that I'm a stereotype detective it's probably filled with alcohol and cocaine all right come on come on man you're gonna get eaten alive oh hi are you the guy that's gonna eat me alive you're pretty oh well at least this game got right into the thick of it is that body just jiggling dead or is it actually someone no that's that's a dead body oh okay oh come on come on now what are you doing what are you doing over there oh that's okay I can't exactly see what you're doing I can only hope that it's good the sound is splattering wet stuff hitting the ground you're cooking spaghetti I don't know oh you're not cooking spaghetti are you is that tomato sons okay it's weird because the bodies here just slightly wriggling and that guy on the left looks like something I've seen before oh okay I got it I know what I'm doing here oh I'm gonna grab it or something I don't know I want that knife come on almost got it oh boy the music is still relaxing come on come on I'm gonna stab this guy or I'm not gonna step I'm gonna pull it out of him the reverse stabby I'm not you feel used to that okay oh all right well then he took my trench coat the douche this guy's gonna pay all right now we're actually into the game I actually really excited to play this like I haven't had a chance to play many of these games and then alien isolation comes out how do I I know there's a way to crouch I don't want to do there we go okay okay all right then I'll just stand straight up excuse me sir would you please oh yes caress my hand her head with your head so is there like a cover mechanic in this game I've never played any before I tried to play a sample of it at a PAX Prime but they wouldn't let me play like it was like oh come on man I just want to track it up a little bit hey I haven't YouTube channel in 1:9 it's like nope now I ain't gonna work alright so I'm grabbing these keys I'm guessing don't mind me oh I want to get out of here I want to get out here let's go back dude dude first death first death of the game oh oh good is that my dead body please yes okay so obviously I was supposed to get the keys but I was supposed to do something else to hide or I didn't get them expeditiously enough so that I could get back I'm not sure exactly what I did wrong there come on stop hitting him he's eviscerated enough then I follow right behind he'll never know I'm like a shadow in the night oh my me you'll never know oh I'm so stealthy if you could just not spend ten seconds putting it in your pocket we'd be able to get out here I'm assuming that I need to follow me I'm glad the physics system is working in this game yep take your time no rush at all no not in a hurry okay squeak as much as possible yeah that breathing's not worried some you know horror games gonna be good when it's got all the sounds ready to go I'm glad because this guy was so talkative in the beginning now he's gonna being nice and quiet not even talking to himself hello say you I like how the camera system work that's actually a benefit to it because most of these things especially when the old resident evil' people know that the control scheme was not very good very stick figure is when you walk run run oh hey run faster I can see him I know this is specifically designed to be the dull look back looking back is bad wait what why oh why the slip-and-slide of death build this place one of these hospitals all always got to be filled with nightmares I know it's in my mouth live all right moving on up to the east side let's get the hell out of here let's go meet my clone of markiplier outside I wonder if he's okay probably not if I got stabbed by the douche when he was right behind me maybe he was the guy maybe they're all in on it maybe the extra set of eyes from the lady would have been great help why not that guy was fast zip-a-dee-doo-dah fast this is a nice dance you're doing maybe we could be serious about our escape for two seconds I know I know I know your leg hurts I know suck it up and stop being a baby am I even going the right way I am NOT am i so something over that I need some secret that might tell me that I'm not an idiot and went the wrong way okay no I wanted to go this way the whole time don't mind me totally know what I'm doing as with most of these organs I'm trying my best to figure out how to well alright then there's an angry sewer monster somewhere around here what about sir is this amnesia all over again was that it has to be a water never mind climbing up anyway I have no idea what I'm saying totally forgot so I'm just gonna keep rambling on until I circle back to what I was talking about I have no idea Oh with most of these horror games that I play oh hello who are you I usually don't know exactly what I'm doing but I have a good inclination of horror instincts to know when things are bad alien is isolation through me because it made me go really slow but for this one I want to make sure is the exit are you asking him are you asking me I don't know where's the engine where are the other drugs going all no from sewer beside the locked gate at the far end of the sewer there's a ladder which would take you to the old ward if you could make it through there you would find an elevator leading outside you would be the one who escaped you might be the one who survived thanks buddy ah you're so friendly Oh we'll catch up another time never so have a good one god I gotta admit it's really pretty a lot of people were worried when they saw previously this game then again this is on PC so the graphics are basically unlimited up to how the game engine is but I gotta admit this is really pretty and from playing so many of these you know Unity engine horror games and they may have been good in gameplay but in graphics they severely lacked to see something actually triple a quality game come out of a studio and know it's like all about the horror oh I love it so I must thoroughly try to enjoy this to the best of my ability and I'm climbing a long ladder that doesn't feel good oh good I'm still in the hospital just did a secret dungeon a part of the hospital you know every hospital has it all right maybe I could just camp out in this jail cell and I wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore no no stem system operation test begins success confirmation of brainwave synchronization losses minimal continuing experiment agent collects the data anomaly occurs not with the subject the sonographer claim they weren't feeling well and then fell into a coma for reasons unknown doctor orders the stem system terminated to applicants complaining of nausea and falling unconscious one after another those who can still move plan their escape from the hospital but for unknown reasons are unable to though the stem system should have been deactivated subjects maintain brainwave synchronization with the hosts oh good is it the wall Rider is it Billy Billy Bobby hope Billy hope I agree on what his name is Billy hope I believe hmm Oh hammer does that mean that it's saved over on the right I have no idea also I got a mitt it's really weird cuz his whole game is like in two three five widescreen give us it a very cinematic look although my floating head in the corner may look a little odd placed in here but I like it nonetheless I mean the film Graham added kind of gives it that movie style feel and I'm still probably bleeding profusely out of my leg was that pp that is dripping from the ceiling distinctly yellow whoa oh that's not good look at that that's bad Oh God hide oh yeah he doesn't know come on come on yeah he totally did not see where I went no way he's gonna come in here was I supposed to like block off that oh god this bad the heartbeat is started was that necessary was unlocked oh yeah I speak his language whoa whoa temper dude you're the one who decided to play with your food you lock me in that weird carnival of Horrors okay thank you not gonna leave killing till he can't hear is breathing but he's being very angry somewhere else did not realize I was still running away from this dude it's the music is he coming back oh god is this one of those he doesn't go away situations early don't like that ow oh god he's coming back Oh Oh God don't don't dude don't make me look bad okay so he's just patrolling around here oh god this is not gonna end well for me yeah yeah I'm totally in there yeah rage rage against the machine reigns the person who put you in that face cage yeah just me and her over that way totally calmly yeah yeah well how's about some moves yeah yeah okay I just kind of wait till he turns back the other way I didn't know that was loud dude calm down bro I know I get it whoa whoa whoa hey you didn't see nothing yeah I know get it you've no need to talk to yourself you're not crazy just yet Oh whoa whoa this is my guess do I go back in there yeah what do I do [Music] okay whoa flipping through the wood I didn't know which way he was gonna go I didn't know he's gonna waltz out the door oh good lordy that's mannequin too sick sorry I'm bad at this I'm gonna get better at it I know don't go in there stop hiding the closet come out of the closet oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah this time no screwing around this time do it for real all right come on come on oh damn it I missed my opportunity turn around turn around you big weirdo look up this way no no no no no no no no oke stop he ain't coming out these are just and weirdly in the doorway yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all cool bro it's all good it's all good I know okay is he gonna come out that door what's he doing god this camera angle I praised it a little bit ago but I'm already like oh I don't like it as much [Music] okay he's coming out so I'm gonna go this way now okay cool I'm out I'm out baby I'm out I'm out I'm out of you baby there's a hiding space but I don't know why oh god damn it you gotta be kidding me I gotta go in there what a dick bag oh what the hell why is he in there I'm not in there what a [ __ ] Oh what am I supposed to do I am bleeding profusely exactly everywhere Oh Oh God why no no no no no no no no no no no no that is the dick EEOC's done yet wait is it so hard don't come back again dude Oh got it Oh God about over there cutting uh yeah yeah I'm over there yeah don't worry about me over here ah the real means over there was there the whole time wanna tear whoa good golly I better be out of here that was actually really challenging not gonna lie and stressful as hell come on come on come on let's get out close it good good good good good work good work buddy good work pal check popping get away from that psycho creepy guy okay that's just as bad ominous ominous thing over there come on come on come on get to nail there it opens for me oh this totally normal forget you we're done he's gotta be a chainsaw so he's gotta be a psycho with a chainsaw can't be someone normal yeah you're fine buddy totally out of the woods you've lost almost all of your blood you're fine the guy just had to maim me where'd you get blood in your mouth go through your leg up to your mouth really you try for a cigarette you are the worst stereotype I've ever seen of a detective [Music] it just turns itself [Music] and [Music] yay I'm so excited oh god I'm so excited dad if that was just the intro sequence I can't wait for the rest of the game this is gonna be so cool how's it like doing that brah yeah cinch it off with a pack of cigarettes and you're good to go all right well that person's dead this is where oh this is okay it's old building coming down why was there a giant explosion oh now I'm in a hurry flip through some sings I'm out of here baby totally free what okay okay oh come on don't drive off without me that's traumatic what the hell there's Alistair there hey assassins crew who the hell are you hey where's Joseph yeah I'm sorry but you never came out I waited but go back oh man did Michael Bay director that's not voila see how do you have even know knows that he just kind of glanced casually up I was like then I won't question action movie stuff so since we're in it all that that's not normal oh that's what's happening what's gonna happen to California forget the conservation of momentum man that's weird okay all right then I'm not gonna ask any questions all right there's some good devastation here I'm guessing I'm just guessing the name of the game is evil within there was that document talking about how patients were going a little loopy felling into comas and the stem system was supposed to be the activated ring everyone must be dead of course everyone just a few bumps we're fine I guess covered in blood is totally funny once we're far away a little further and we'll be fine the stem system [Applause] Oh beautiful well that was dramatic holy Hannah oh it's awesome totally illogical but awesome oh hello chapter one yes I'll save the game have you not been saving my game this far yeah I'll take that oh okay good enough for me yay next chapter I didn't expect it to be so loopy insane going out of there but that's my assumption the game is called evil within it's all about in the brain whoa hi there who the hell are you oh this is the real me huh where's this after I got out of the ambulance I'm I guess this is the real me and then I'm gonna wake up you gonna tempt you just gonna believe me where nurse okay whoa what was that well no no I saw something hello hi you're pretty you're handsome do compliments not do it for you you're just gonna okay you did alright then I'll I'll be here I'll be right here passing out this is that stem thing that I've heard so much about oh oh oh god this is so messed up awesome what's watching me through the cameras this is me playing okay so I gotta end this episode here I don't have enough time to go on I have to get up early tomorrow but either way this is awesome I cannot wait to continue playing this game absolutely amazing let me know what you think of this game in the comments below if there's anything that I'm missing out on once again please let me know down below but do not put spoilers down there just in case people are reading obviously I will be reading but then again I'll be playing this big chunk so I'll be ahead of the curve but just let me know what you think of this game in the comments below let me know if it's a disappointment to you if it's good go to bed let me know either way thank you all so much for watching and you can check out outlast in the annotations below and compared to this or in the description below and as always I will see you in the next video the entrails of the Fallen on their face [Music] come back here I got some question for you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 8,084,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Evil Within (Video Game), Evil, Within, Gameplay, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Scary, Scary Moments, Jumpscares, Chase, Resident Evil, Part 1, Playthrough Part, Let's Play, Markiplier, Evil Within Part 1, Evil Within Gameplay, Evil Within Markiplier, Let's Play Evil Within, Evil Within Playthrough, Evil Within Walkthrough, Scariest Game Ever
Id: nmsiQJjVY2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 14 2014
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