Mudlarking The Beachside Dumpsite With Nicola White Of Tideline Art

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hello hi yeah back out again we've come back to lime regis where the dump site comes down and sends on to the beach hoping to find some nice bits including some fossils today but today we have a very special guest we have the queen of mudmarking herself nicola white hello hi welcome to dorset thank you very much it's a real pleasure to be here it's just so beautiful it's just stunning like the thames at all it's really gorgeous yeah it's a stunning place yeah what are you hoping to find today nicola well i don't know i mean apparently i might find a really lovely old fossil maybe some bottles some kind of some kind of history that i can research anything would be a real bonus but it's really beautiful being down here it's a bonus being down here so it doesn't matter we don't find anything exactly so let's go enjoy the day let's do it nicola and jackie are finding stuff already we're just coming up on to the edge of the dump site if you look at the ground it's absolutely littered with glass and shards of pottery oh that's nice i wasn't expecting that it's just everywhere but we had a huge storm the other night with 60 60 mile an hour winds battering the coast so hopefully it might have uncovered a bit more right it's an unusual bit of glass here we've been picking up blue um and green and this is purple look at the pattern on there that's lovely okay so just wandering on the beach we've not really got to where we want to be yet but look at all this beautiful glass we'll turn around i'm in my shadow as usual there's just so much here if i was glass hunting i'd have a bag full in minutes look at it all lots of colors and lots of blue which is really unusual okay bottle number one isn't that cute little cure bottle yeah the mud like i said it's been down here there's another one in there but i don't know if i'll be able to get that because i don't want to do too much damage here and that takes me back to my boyhood it's a piece of meccano i remember having these in my old meccano set years and years ago nicola and jackie they're having a root around but we're just now at the edge of the dump site where it all falls down part of an old electric motor i think we've pretty much dated our finds from here from to date from 1910 up until 1960 and you can see it you know all inside the cliff face but further on down is where we had the better find so we head down there just cleaned that bottle up a bit or a bit that doug helped me and it's got on it peter we think it's beering or rearing so we'll investigate that when we get home i'm loving that one it looks like it might have a coin or a button there is something on the back yeah i think it's a button no detail on it still a nice find [Music] but look at this i think it might be a bit of a razor but there's some writing on it so i thought i'd have a look when i get home just to see if i can find out what it is any ideas i think it's a bit of an old razor but i could be wrong okay i just dug this out how many of you had those at school the old parker ink bottles and it's obviously old but not that old because it's a screw top i'm gonna keep that because that's a bit of a memory from the past okay i found another little bottle which i'm just trying to get out now and while i'm looking down here can you see it a paste jar let's hope it's whole i'll come back to you i've dug them out nice bit of blue and white there i'm gonna try and retreat that's nice oh it's double-sided as well definitely a keeper that one okay after much digging i've covered around standing mine chad again i got the paste bottle oil and i think it's still got paste in it i'll give that a clean out later and the other little bottle unfortunately is a screw tap i don't know that because it's still got its lid on which is still quite cute i don't know if there's any writing on it i don't think there is but until i find anything better i'm going to keep that and the last thing i just found was a little bit of an old spoon which i might be able to do something with so i'll keep that as well well it's a day for me i know that this little bottle here which i will give a clean up i've just literally found lying on the ground so i'll go and wash it in a minute but i have found i'll try not to sing get told of singing my first whole paste ponz jar look at that it's huge so i know it's a screw top but it's a pond's jar and i'm going to go and clean it out and have a look at it properly so i'll come back to you i'm trying to train my eye to stay away from glass and crockery at the moment because i want to find other stuff i'll just notice that down there can you see that there there's a little ammonite nice little fossil a few million years old with a lady we're just talking about what we've been looking at and right by my feet it's a thimble and that's literally that far away from the sea eyes open it's a nice old uh cooking pot lid there enameled one i reckon that date into about the 1940s just caught my eye in a cliff face it looks very much like a lens of some sort way too thick for spectacle it's not wine glass space you can see there's a lens because it's con effects maybe it's off an old car like that's what i'm thinking um you can see the cliff face is just buried with tile something old and brass there looks like an old lock bricks glass porcelain plenty to choose from you see a little interesting round thing there maybe a little button let's have a look yeah it's a little old button yeah that's that's an older type i would say that's victorian pattern i can use that though cool i just spotted this there and it feels like it may be whole let's do a looks like some kind of jug it looks very nice if it is let's try and keep you on camera a little bit pasteur there trying to do a nice easiest attraction oh my shame the handle's missing and it's broken on the back it's not something i did because you can see derek inside the crack one nice thing that would have been what a shame well it's definitely a day for little bottles look at that one again it's still got the lid on and it's got stuff inside it view but i'll leave it as it is for now i did find another one i'm going to leave it here purely because of even though one it's a screw top and you can only take so many of those away looks lovely from that side but it's been melted in the fire so i'll leave that for someone else leave it there just found a whole jar little one we'll normally take these but i know jackie's got a project in mind for these yeah unusual caught my eye this here looks like ceramic and bra so i'm guessing it might be light fitting or oh that no that's an old it's like an old radio knob that's right up my street that is i like things like that something interesting here it looks like a bottle stopper but it's white and it looks to be ceramic so is it a bowl stopper i don't know let's try and find it is a bottle stopper and it is ceramic i wonder if that's a salt pot it looks like it's got three holes in but no they don't go all the way through that's really nice unusual i've never found one like that before anybody know what kind of bowl that would be been from let me know down in the comments so you're just having a look around in the gravel and look at that look at that beautiful fossil isn't that stunning how old could that be even older than me those of you who find lots of insulators is the brown ceramic ones this hopefully this puts you in context of how they used to look they go inside the metal housings there that looks to be an old drive shaft coupling but yeah insulators we'll find plenty of them just having a look to see if i can find anything decent buried in the cliffside i think i spot a little bottle up there i might gonna have a look up there i'm just sitting here admiring the view jackie and nicola are both up there still searching um just sitting here like in this pile of stones got some really nice molten glass and it looks like it's got a bit ceramic molten in with it i really like that so that'll be coming home a fossil another one it's more molten glass bitter pottery it's so interesting down there such a diverse range of fines um we've had a few nice finds nothing spectacular yet jackie had a nice what looks like a late victorian thimble yeah we're having a nice day look at that for a nod your sea glass that's almost gem like that's gorgeous double-sided leave that on the rock for someone because we've got lots of them hold ones they're quite easy to find here they just wash up with the jingle uh ty's coming now so i'm gonna head on back a little rain shower here and there as well you have to see out there gorgeous view from it so i'm going to show you my fantastic finds from lime regis and i found fossils it's the first time i found these beautiful little fossils like this these ammonites aren't they gorgeous it's really exciting for me to find these and i just think they're such a they're such a marvel of nature aren't they such a little miracle they are really beautiful so we've got a few fossils here and i've got and you said that it's got the thrift on it from thrift plant yes the thrift plant so i've got a threat can't quite see the year is that no i can't see it i'm afraid um but it's got george on it another little sixpence here i have a nice little array of cutlery bits and pieces i'm rather liking this because i think it's going to make quite a nice piece of art maybe a bird could be a bird head um i've got some spoons i've got this rather fantastic burnt bottle which is a real treat um a key i better put it down a key um a handle a little pot lid and my star find for me today is this little anchor here which is undoubtedly a a cat badge and then weirdly just afterwards i found another little anchor so it was an anchor cutlery and fossil day and um yeah so i'm really really pleased about that so thank you very much for inviting me and also i didn't find any clay pipes and it's been a long time since i've been out anywhere not finding any clay pipes but i do have one to give to you guys in my pocket um here it's it's a really nice um it's going to be late 1600s this pipe so there you are thank you very much they're still oh my great pleasure and you just gave me this bottle stopper here this vulcanite hamilton stopper so thank you so much for that because it's one that i've been wanting for my collection so thank you you're very welcome and thank you for the pipe i do have something else for you i don't know do you yes they're coasters i've made out of some of the seaguars oh they are really really beautiful they are really beautiful before they fit fit well in your studio they're perfect they're absolutely perfect gosh thanks for those oh my they're amazing oh they're really beautiful you're very welcome thank you for coming all this way oh my my huge pleasure thank you all right we're going to do a roundup of our finds we had lots of crockery pieces and bits and pieces and blue glass and the glass nuggets as you saw earlier but these are pretty much our favorite finds of the day and jackie found most of these little bottles that one's still got some stuff in and so is that and she found a whole ink bottle it looks to be a newer one it's even got parker written on parker yeah um this little bottle which we think says peter hearing it's a nice little bowl would have been a cork top that one another little bottle that's an ink bottle as well that's an older one another ink bottle jackie found her first whole pace jar and it actually says shippums on it nice jar lid that she found no markings on it and we think this is a bead it does look like an older bead and a whole pond's jar and we'll compare that to the one i found which has been melted by fire and i think the favorite fine for me of the day is jackie's thimble it's very nice a few other bits and pieces a nail file a knife a butter knife that i found which actually says butter spreader on it jackie found a coin there's a queen elizabeth the second 1964 penny my bottle stopper which i'm pleased about a few ammonites and these ones got a nice brass goldy color to them my melted poison bottle which i thought i find kind quirky so i'm going to keep it i just like it the lens i found keeping that because jackie has a use for that and finally part of the clock that i found it's a shame i didn't find that hole that's really nice all right that's it for today just as the rain comes in we've had a fabulous day it's been an absolute pleasure to have nicola down with us as well we've had some interesting finds um we'll definitely be coming back here again we hope you enjoyed the video and we'll catch you soon on the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: SouthCoast Mudlarks
Views: 35,406
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: beachcombing, beachglass, mudlark, mudlarking, mudlarking thames, seaglass, treasure, mudlarking with nicola white, mudlarking nicola white, nicola white mudlark, nicola white tidelineart, bottle digging, bottle digging, bottle digging 2021, bottle digging uk, bottle digging videos, treasure hunting
Id: lerV2A82hKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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