Aoe2 Coaching Ft. Riot Dash [1250 ELO]

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please destroy him back so like this is a session nonsense to go game like this there's no bath here basically there's no math in this game at all it was just all over the place yeah I mean it was literally that was the moment I decided to start spending resources in the military right it was like I had those resources floating yeah yeah exactly a 10 minutes prior aye aye sir did that game showcase so much so much good stuff actually okay I'm having to game to here so this is the Chinese when you're talking about and uh all right let me know when you're in I'm in alright play at the normal speed and let's see what's poppin okay I can already see why you're gonna house by the way cuz you said all the bills to the TCD didn't build one house at the start was she supposed to build one house which is oh yeah see I already have it wrong I thought I supposed to go immediately to sheep and then after you have seven on sheep your next bill builds a house okay I mean that is optimal but let's be honest here we're not playing for optimal gameplay we're playing for and also it might be optimal but I don't even do it yeah watch I go on sheep extend things to wood and then go em house yeah exactly so like there's just from now on house first then sheep and then at least we fixed that mistake yeah I could already see the damage happening here okay so we got Chinese dis Byzantine normally we're gonna analyze sorry I'm spitting up this that's my fault nobody want to analyze this it match up but I kind of want to see this darkish first off so so let's talk about the maps with golden pits um Chinese good for you bad what do you think in here uh I'm thinking good because golden pit generally is a fairly easily wobble map and so you know a castle yeah I could either wall and go fast castle with Chinese and Chinese are so flexible I have the option of either going you know archers or C there's my house archers or I could you know I can go archers or expose or Knights but I'm still in that mindset of like I want to be aggressive so I think I just decide I want to try and go archers again okay now I don't actually I don't mind archers on the snap and especially that like lower levels like anything that's not like 1800 plus I think like you know aggression doesn't work on this map because yes your opponent may be early walt and he may be doing fast castle but again archers can break walls they don't have the best quick falling behind it so I like archers here this is fine and like you said Chinese jack-of-all-trades yeah you know good stuff and this is yo dude yeah you don't have any sheep anymore no I missed I I missed those sheep that are in the fog war out there on the front of my base barely I just found those that's unlucky accident yeah that's not even your fault that's that's just unlucky okay yeah I mean I'm I definitely could have scouted the left side sooner I scouted like I already started scouting way out in the front near the pit yeah I don't think anything to be that far forward if I should have my my other sheep yeah and the district maybe it's a small scouting mistake but I'm gonna tribute that's a bad luck however I will say that I noticed earlier you're moving your sheep like your sheep runs out and then you move your sheep from really far into the castle yeah you had like a cheap every time so like it's less your Chinese that's not a good sign you really need that good sheep transitions with that use shift-click yeah yeah like six bills shift-click the next year out good to go okay housed again go God all right I know man it's brutal she does my point so like I come out of this fetal probably with no advantage at all you basically just lost the resources at the start from Chinese that's all he got out of the sieve yeah oh good alright this is the feels bad movements here I have but the second force coming in I mean you builders still all over the place that yeah like chew on berries yet only two on wood and definitely some builder problems here definitely mmm-hmm yeah this is right - guys welcome to the channel the tour just coming in and we're doing some coaching here he's around 1,300 rating and I think his goal is to ultimately get to 1600 we have a five week program ahead of us I'll talk more about it in between players here but this is game 2 with me and - and uh yeah we're looking at some builder issues but nothing we can work on all right so Chinese versus Indian what are you scared of from your pony here we already know you wanna go archers what's your point is plan he could do wanna toot well he could do a couple things obviously cheap trash so especially if I do go archers I'm looking at maybe an easy sperm response again I'm thinking golden pit especially my yellow a lot of people just go wall and fast castle so I those are the two things I'm thinking about but again I don't you can see my Scouts not to him yet soon yeah so I have zero knowledge of what he's doing yeah so in this case I can actually criticize your scouting too much like especially a map like golden pit you actually still missing these two unlucky sheeps you're on the front he's gonna find them oh did he take them that's citrus that story oh god that's depressing alright so those two bye bye oh yeah yeah that's why I dropped two farms cuz I never found those cheap so I was like I'm about to run out of food again yeah that's actually a good decision that's fine especially Chinese okay actually - near what the team bonuses their team but I don't know what them team bonuses farms plus 45 - yeah there you go okay all right so that's the Chinese jumping farm is actually cool plays with the team bonus so you have a good excuse there and yeah it's a really good adapting to the situation here if you didn't drop those you might not have been able to click up and you would had a rough transition now so that's good alright 23 pop nothing wrong with you build litterer and yours now scouting your opponent so that's you know good timing I'd say we're decent time yeah so I see the barracks from him see stone I see gold oh guy run into his TC here yep oh and there's a town Bell from him I can't even tell what's worse I mean they you got so much out of time for the head Scout that's actually kind of worth it for you I mean yeah he brought a lot of bills back for that yes I did my scout because I I i saw that barracks clicked around so i knew his TC was close i shouldn't have lost that scout yeah that was really poor play yeah I mean I get what he wanted to do ones like running and do like a two around his uh his TC but yeah I wanted to find his wood lines because I saw that neither those two front wood lines like near the barracks were being used so I was like okay if I'm gonna go archers I want to find the wood lines mm-hmm but nap but now I don't have vision of the wood line so I think as soon as I lose my Scout I'm I'm now a little panicked because I don't know what's coming to me mm-hmm yeah you really have no idea oh actually you're starting to wall up so is this something you want to do anyways there was this a reaction to you losing your this is something I wanted to do anyways but as soon as I lost my Scout I was like I need to get these down now okay I'd you like that that's good normally normally I think if I still had my Scout and he's not fetal I would have saved that wood and maybe tried to go immediate two ranges okay instead instead of dropping you know this wall on this side but instead I go wall on the left side first range I actually like this version better and again did Newtown much okay I have to say though with this town watch if your argument if you're planning to fully ball I was recommended not getting town watch this early all right but it'll have to tell help to notify me anyway yeah like the thing is it's good but think of it this way a town watch makes you lose a villager right away because it's not ability like it cost the same it cost more than a villager and it's not a villager you're making so if you do town watch you're basically down a villager which could be good if you're open but if you find us to fully vault which in this case you are I don't think you actually need town watch this early we keep that in mind yeah okay either you play open get sound watch because it's worth it or you wall and then you get don't get town watch because if you wall and get town watch you're investing a resource into the wolves and the resource into town watch and obviously being down that villager because you're using the TC for our town watch right okay so yeah now I know I'm fully walled with that house on the top yeah so now I'm thinking get to five archers get fletching yes that's the correct play again we might start running into like lack of farms but actually these two farms have already made your Builder ten times better than the last games builder because just right farms now you're flooding some food bill production is no problem and you know you're good to go with the archers this is much better than last games okay and I don't think I should have put these archers out in front of the gate I think they should have stayed behind the gate until I had fletching yes yes leiria actually always says never move out without fletching never move out okay so it's he brings his Scouts forward and I lose I lose like these three or four archers which just again it slows me down on my aggression yeah and again one spear with the archers it wouldn't make gate the Scouts to ever be able to take a good fight you got a really exactly a spear in general I mean obviously it shouldn't be hit futile make a spear but like if I'm assuming Scouts pretty like you're saying it's never a bad thing to make one speed like a spear cost like it's like 25 cents bro it's like a quarter like it's like 25 food 35 woods like you just put one in the army and it goes a long way you know it's like kind like when you're going to the grocery store and you're like okay like I don't need the candy at the end of the life or a quarter but I might as well get it you know what I mean like why not I feel in it that's kind of an experiment is for your army here so terrible analogy but no I did get that spirit we need the candy basically oh so this is what happens I clicked fletchling so I was like all right I'm gonna move out I'm gonna start heading towards him cuz he hasn't hit me yet and then I run into his Scouts oh okay you have fletching here so this is not a bad trade yeah you got a micro they got a move no I'm not paying attention I think right now I think I was working on that bill so then I yeah exactly okay I mean it's not even a bad trade all things considered but again if you had a spear he kills he kills the spear and one Archer max but yeah now he kills you alarm you so yeah now chest roasting me they're saying that's the worst analogy of all time listen man I'm doing my best here this is this is what coaching with hair gets you man bad allergies but good tips I can live with that yeah yeah so again I'm like alright well I just lost my army I know he's got better food eco so now I feel like I need to catch up and booty go to eventually go to castle mmhmm yeah still trying to keep just to archery range production going yeah and again still not making the Spears I mean I don't have to change obviously if you make it before not you're not gonna yeah you're not gonna see but we'll make that change starting today yeah yeah for next week exactly okay so now you're probably really scared of moving out by the way your builder is losing track okay you're now sitting farms you know you don't usually when I go more than 10 on wood in futile age here but okay you fixed it you fixed it real quick with the farms run around your middle as well you have two spots there find the finer things all right so now you're finally moving out mmm I mean this is still really risky moving out but I don't mind it because I do you favor aggression in in in most levels and so this is a really risky thing to move out now but I think it's a good move because you want to get those arches out across the map then again recognize that he can have five Scouts here and fear you we can have skirmishes and clear you so it recognizes risk here but other than that it's fine to move out all right I'm thinking that gold oh that's right I'm running - yeah that's ticular vision yeah yeah you see the gold no wood Lance it's a good target you even see the farms as well as some house so that's good as well I don't know why your opponent didn't wall here oh okay just passing yeah I passed up that way so then I think I was like I guess I'll Park it behind this wood line - a hole here as well there is I didn't know it was there originally but I do find it so I go and I don't attack and so I get behind him yeah that's good okay so you're actually getting damage you're all like you know this is all things considered you won the feudal age basically because you're getting villagers he never got bills this is good bill count is in favor of you now by three well get Mike oh oh okay I'm lucky good Mike good huh yeah thought I was gonna get that fourth one but oh well do you want to leave here you really want a mom I I just put Stanground right next to the wood line okay let me see if I let me see what I can stay here there's on one hand I don't mind it because you're playing it safe but on the other hand for for archers here I'd rather see you run into this farm eco what you know is there went to the other wood line which you don't really know but you can kind of explore it and trade them for pills who's gonna happen now is that he's gonna send scouts clean them up and those four arches would kill one scout instead of killing like two bills and just feels obviously are there yeah exactly I don't even know if I kill one scout but you're exactly right yeah hey I mean you'll get the one maybe even two here but I mean thanks to you yeah like two pills I much rather you have to go for them over this and that will need advise that when it's like a small army like this if you have like 20 archers obviously you don't get the hell out but if it's if it's just for archers commit to some you know commit some some bills all right oh oh villagers come forward okay so what are you thinking now as you're approaching Castle age damaged mid control oh I'm thinking I'm sending archers forward because I just want to start getting mid control so I'm in my head I was thinking I want to drop one TC in the middle okay and then I go up to three archery ranges so I'm just thinking to see 2t sees three three archery range expose at the beginning of Castle okay so a hyper aggressive with mid control in mines but with a little bit economy as well I kind of like that yeah go on well I just that's what I'm thinking and then I neglect to drop the second TC just because of the action that happens and I think that that starts to bite me a little bit okay this is this is bad cuz that's the second time it this would be the second time that you don't drop a TC even though you can actually afford it here without any problems I actually don't mind you getting this gold upgrade but you should I say never do that but on this map it's actually finds I'm cool with that I don't think there's many resources therming is cool here though I like them ring here that's good and then I'm also thinking I want ballistic since I'm investing in in three ranges and thumb ring so I know that I'm thinking about that I have the wood to drop a university right now so I don't know why I didn't drop it already but that do you know that I was thinking about it okay today oh actually you do get a TC at home okay that's not bad I don't mind that if someone was asking by the way in the chat why a mining camp and not a town in the center so I was still futile when I dropped that right why not delay it a little bit and go for TC yeah I mean it's something to think about II see in the center like mining camp those bills are exposed TC they're protected so something to consider especially moving out there and IMF or the cross was - with tongue ring and bond kid with on armour you see three stables now what are you thinking here you want to keep going or you want to go back uh I decided to be aggressive because I don't see us Knights right so I don't know where his nights are so I want to punish noisiest Knights so these guys run but I have my second group behind his wood line and I parked between his stables and then I go and I hit the back of his wood line Oh actually you're smurfing here is it yeah actually you actually popping off see like the good positioning of the stable is the a County villagers and parking here that was that was a clean play can we see some collapse in the chat for - yeah for that one that was nice I was gonna criticize you splitting your army because that's super risky but you actually you actually came out on top that was good yeah I mean I do lose my army so this is where this is where things start to go bad for me because I lose my army forward and then I am not prepared for the counter-attack yeah he's gonna come forward with this night when he gets he gets in which is the big mistake okay I mean okay so if you consider the situation now you're up 12 villagers so I have to do now is not die I'm sure you're aware this you know the situation and don't move outside real super far ahead I feel super far ahead okay please don't move out this group you see that group is coming out of the ranges right now yes I I moved him because I was thinking my gold in the center is the only thing that's unprotected okay so that's where I go and this is the problem because he's gonna run his Knights around the top he's gonna kill that gate before I can get my crossbows back yeah yeah I was gonna say that gate might as well not be there burst Knights like that's just a futile if defense basically exactly okay and again this actually stems from the fact that you don't have a TC in the center if you had a TV in the center you wouldn't feel the need to protect us so much right you can really good point yeah you keep your arches at home so I feel like you're just splitting and now the panic quick walls oh I'm terrified now I'm freaking out okay how's that a quick call I've never seen this before okay that was actually legit there's a hole that watch there's a hole I didn't realize this a hole he gets through oh those are the master see can you see that that's okay Microsoft Microsoft that's not a hole that is not a hole yeah that's a disaster this is a half yeah it's like I feel like immediately TC production just stops like every time you watch mid-level players get raided the TC production is the first thing to die it's like it's for some reason like you guys just never want to make feel as when you're getting rated so I guess a quick tip there is like if you get rated just stand like Kendall's in your town said yeah do that at least you can recover okay I mean you cease trading nice reveals now oh you're attacking me with crossbows at the same time okay hmm anything what do I think of this so obviously it's better to attack him now than to keep your army at the middle of the map but it would have been better just to keep your your army at home and prevent this from happening in general but right I do like that you're at least counter attacking him that's good yep I get a lot of damage in it yeah yeah yeah I like how I like how you aggressive with the crossbows I mean potentially a bit too aggressive right like into the TCS but you're getting tons of damage and villages every time so I'd say it's worth it like I'd rather he grows out although my always sees still inside of them you're making nothing I know I need to just hit tab and gee like it's just gonna drop the bills oh god you're making nothing for like solid minutes okay so now it's back on yeah that's it okay thank you reopening the economy man I feel so dying to work okay I like how fast you fixed that those like two seconds it makes you wonder imagine if you did that before microwave this picture real quick all right it's my eye it is I think I'm a general I'm a much better at my decision-making than executing on it yeah yeah like one sight once I arrived at like oh this is what I should be doing okay then I can I can get it done but yeah I see handcart coming at forty three bills again when I see the same mistake place twice that's not a mistake that's a habit it's a habit - all right so handicar early handcart a bit too early keep that in mind I don't mind it's not the worst thing in the world but definitely make it around 70 80 bills is much better okay ooh we got pink word and just coming back to the touch five or three months pink words the home yeah pink board I love ya I saying - Poggi with something quite how's it going then alright Oh horse collar there's a little late yep I clicked on that and I was like oops it's okay yeah sometimes I think about myself I'm like is it better just in dog get it so people don't realize like right I have a reputation on the line like do I care for the Eco no okay I'd be lying if I said I did if I played these games without thinking the whole time Hera's gonna watch it it's like I'm an every mistake I made I'm like that's gonna be criticized yeah he's like you could already see the laughs in the shed after that uh so let me ask you this what is your opinion here like right now I'm basically just back I like just have gotten myself back to where I was before the raid where I'm using on three ranges and yes I'm producing out of three Town Center's but is there something different I should be doing at the moment or am i or is going I'm thinking alright let's just try and get tort simple I keep crossbow production up boom to imp okay so like the idea - boom - imp it's like you can't just skip the rest of castle age at this point your climb is too far from imp like okay you're getting it up cute imp in seven minutes but right in the seven minutes why not see another attack so what I would say isn't you need a mix of eco keep the Eco go going but also attack because you have really good like upgrade army really well up get army but at the same time you're always moving out with no vision of his army so okay you play the you know the in the jungle the most important thing is to keep vision of the enemy jungle right that's how you make your place you can't make up my top side if you don't know whose jungle is because he can counter gank so same thing here if you if you attack him you don't know where his army is you can counter thank you that's exactly what he's doing so yeah how do you fix that what's your solution here do you mind base trader uh base trading is scary since these nights and I'm expose I don't have siege so I can't take out Town Center's like he can so I don't think I'm I'm I should be willing to base trade so I think I need to do one of two things either needed to just send a bill out and put some outposts out so I have an earlier warning system or produce one or two spear just like you've said or even a scout or two and get them out onto the map for one Expo one Expo patrolling on like the right side of my base one Expo patrolling on the left side of my face okay yeah like tons of solutions revision once you like think about it imagine if you're playing all visible that would be broken so why not play as close to all visible as you can get with patrolling cross was around like it's it's such a small investment once your outposts you already have the habit of getting Town watch and so now this army of knights would never do anything if you had your classes but your cost was at his base I will say but you had a really good analysis before where you're saying like Knights can actually kill TCS can idle your entire economy clusters can just pick off bills it's not the same amount of damage sure yeah yeah yeah again he gets a lot of good eco damage in because I don't have my expose at home I mean I am getting some damaging on him as well but yeah it's it's it's not quite the same thing right like I mean is eco still working I'm killing the pigs as e-coat still working and my whole egos idle yeah and again every time you're getting raided everything stops again no production zero production like that can't happened that can't happen you need to yo get into the habit of always producing even though you're getting rated right I have a thousand I've every resource and I'm not getting anything exactly and like completely idle economy so yeah I'm my crowing at his base yes your microwave seven archers over putting three thousand eight like resources to work basically right okay okay and okay so now you're just trying to put the Eco back to micro fails that's fine though it's only seven archers and yeah let's just see how like you get back eco running so quickly as well it just it really is sad like you can easily be doing this while you're getting raided you don't have to wait till it's over you know yeah so at this point I've got my castle up so now I'm thinking we're gonna chant we're gonna swap into chicken ooh it's fine so that those start producing and then at some point here I decide I need I forget why it is so maybe I haven't seen it yet because at some point I feel I put a couple state so okay yeah I don't I don't think you ever nice tables here until the late game where like you're pointing my go skirmishers but right now your point has Knights I mean you can go Campbell's but better would be pikemen the camel like doing camos to make an investment to counter Knights and now my my mid gold with no TC is about to get rekt yeah this is like the punishment that should've came in like years ago is finally coming in now okay well these guys are pretty much dead instantly yeah I think I just force drop once I noticed I just force drop and then let them all die yeah that's the best move here okay so again like you're doing these things that like even that is such a small thing but it's a smart move to force drop because it's the optimal play you do the decision you do the hard stuff right and you do the easy stuff poorly and that so now you're dropping stables again not really a reason why right like what are you thinking you know oh oh I'm thinking I saw Megan else I want to be able to snipe manga nails and then shoe canoes are for the Knights okay yeah so I think I don't think I even build Knights I think I just build I think I go like calves I mean I don't mind like calves because I always say like one goal did it one food in it but it is way too early for like a fear like you need to be getting more cheap you outs probably looking at a second cast of this unit you wanna commit to and getting Imperial aged then consider like calves it's not something getting like passage or at least in this position I think at this point though I'm just super focused on my on my co and that idea of yeah I just clicked Imperial edge mm-hmm okay so by the way all things considered like it did seem like you're taking a lot more damage but your opponent actually has the same amount of villagers and dropped in faster so like I guess a lesson from that is that like even though the score is looking bad just realize that at this level your opponent's always gonna be making mistakes though he's never gonna be playing optimally tonight okay so I like this game I actually have had to pick a position I think I favorite your position right now because you have I think a better grasp with the center better push to the center with faster input trebs and your point is just making a castle on the bottom of the hill so easy to push that down it's a chicken you like to have combination why did you never want to go pike me in this game by the way I really don't know I think I have it in my head that trying Chinese or said like I've got that Chinese are so versatile they can go ranged or they can go night so I'm just like only thinking of those two unit lines okay I also think I think there's a piece of me or I think there's probably a piece of lower you low players that is always thinking in terms of gold units and not where the trash units can be useful in 1v1 right so I think that's also part of it I'm not even thinking about trash units I'm like what well so I guess like I've I'm thinking about but but in general I'm just thinking like how am i what are my powerful units so yeah it just it never occurred to me yeah so actually like from from my experience coaching is you have two types of players those who go full trash like they're not spending a single gold unit ever and then the people who go for gold is and I think like you're you're kind of falling in the trap of thinking only gold but like the Lightcap is a really good unit to mix in here the question is like pikemen transition when your opponent is so heavy in tonight's is so good because right off the bat you know he's not gonna have perfect micro and you did pikemen is still good it still defends your base prevented from getting raided and so definitely something an option to keep in mind in late castle I wouldn't say early castles not good but in mid to late castle pikemen transition is actually legit it's really good okay alright I'm in first immediate trebs as I'm thinking he took me off of the center so he's got to be there now yeah okay yeah also I I scanned with the castle cuz I have enough stone for a castle so I scanned and I could not find a single place in the center to place it so I knew he had things in the center so I placed it on the top of this hill here oh that's really smart yeah really really smart so now you know exactly is pretty much in the center of a fast forwarding by accidents I'm around 47 minutes though myself okay so yeah castle will go down on the top of the hill yeah once I realized those stone stone miners are idle it's what I do it but eventually I do okay oh it's coming out of everything best location actually so it's a perfect location to start wrapping down the center you'll eat chicken do we have a bracer okay upgrades are looking pretty good and your opponent now all right what they want to talk to you about is Reese couting so obviously you have the initial scouting but now you're basically as blind as you started the game because you don't really know your points to me at this point nice right I don't know that he's putting that castle up example you don't know what units he's going for you don't know like I mean do some hints you see like the fletching the TC for example but but I haven't yeah I haven't even seen this archery range or this university yet exactly yeah okay so risk out is it's a it's a really good concept or good thing to keep in mind especially in the mid-game just and once units you don't even care about them just just go read and then look back later to see what you found with that read kind of thing god sure now you see the massive Cavalier and honestly I think you're in a winning position with your army you have a better army because a Byzantine calves are pretty weak but if you just made house it'd be a hundred percent winning combination with like Cabot's a bit suss yeah it gets a little scary here I think I do win the spike because I have the hill but exactly what you're saying I'm thinking oh the cab so I know that my chicken you are the important unit obviously that that's what I need to keep alive yeah okay I like the like have waiting here again upgrades though upgrades on the light calves yeah what are the market prices on I see the market prices ever I don't even think I have a market yet Oh dropping it now yes a I'm just realizing I need um our goals I have 1300 yeah I need golden I have 1300 wood and 15 food food yeah I love this that you're trying to take gold it's actually smart like you're going for the gold because you have kind of like control another and that right side this is good let's see how you think this fight now good to go to the cash I go beautiful yep solid I swear you're like you're like a - key player and a lo you love legend in one player that's I swear like like part of you is competing in boa and party who's being casted on - Unitas Jennifer Louie the legend Tuesdays like this is ridiculous like I sir you have such good plays Anna such bad plays at the same time but this is really good like rated with a black cab chicken - and near the castle and now you're pushing out to set the traps beautiful going back now like what what am I watching this is some solid gameplay now yeah again I think this is similar to that last game where I kind of realized that this is the winning moment of the game like yeah right here so I'm focusing a lot on my micro here a lot less on my eco you can see no more bills at the moment yeah yeah when it's microphones the CC production first thing to do first is to drop yeah we need to work on that just like expand the production then go micro again keeping the chicken do that you know the traps type in the traps like no commentary here no mistakes here with the with the micros perfect almost yeah that's gonna stay here really just continue pressuring okay actually there's one thing to say now I need to get onto the center again because you won the center and you're lacking the gold you need to get into the Senate as fast as possible what I recommend and this is what I've been doing my golden pig games goofy Town Center's put all three in the middle and then just chew bills the center oh no this map is what you do that I need to make that change cuz I'm stuck you know I'm still stuck on like Bloo Blee where I didn't used to control him in control group TCS or anything but I still like I go I go tab a table a table a table a okay watch a cycle but I think you're I need to get in the habit of like control group five or something yes pump bills out of TCC's yeah I know there's plenty of players that do it Viper nilly they got all in the habit of control grouping the town center I actually still don't do this I have to manually select them but like all right either way control control group was obviously I do put this to the center and really make you set it gold basically so at this moment I cleared him out of the center I had the instinct to go to keep pushing forward immediately and then I was like hold on let me rebuild my army because I didn't want to push up the hill without having enough to actually steamroll him so I think I pause for just a minute here my tribes go forward but I think I just pause like a minute year before actually running up this hill okay I'm just throwing it down so I can catch up exactly where you're at okay okay so now you're making a push to this chicken ooh and I guess like you assess the situation like you said and you know you thought you can win this fight and you're definitely right I like that youth pause to think about it because when you're making a push up a hill it's always the riskiest place for your army to be so I like that you know took a second to think about that one I can't tell you the number of games like I think the one we'll watch after this is is where I lose a game I lose the game because I have a winning play and then I try and like end the game but my snowballs not big enough so he ends up defending it and then coming back okay okay yeah okay look at this if your production is nuts now like finally like I feel like when you kick back in the gear you always have units I mean like this there's not a whole lot Sakana Thea this is like perfect like close to perfect like a theory wise how you should play late-game now I should be rushing to 200 pop but you're on a good track to you I will say though that like your your Vil production oh and now you're bringing in most of the center this is good your production needs to always be going oh then you 105 in oh I 105 him because I was running out of time oh my god this man is toxic what can I see some hair what if I sneeze in the chat - come on then nice the nice League host on the cameras and then behind the senior talks like what a five and play like okay look if I'm gonna learn from here I gotta play like him Oh shots fired come on man how are you gonna do me like that that honestly typical League player talks to game toxic community no surprises here what a fiving oh god it's grace but it works it works GG uh dude that's that's I respect that that I respect that okay I guess I didn't lose this one okay I only lose the first this side this last one we're gonna watch but there's still so there's still so much I can learn from this yeah the if we're gonna go back through obviously eco balance was horrible all through Dark Age house first on Chinese start the Seven Veils on sheep was correct but we got to make sure that the sheep are ready and under the TC shift-clicking so that we're not losing time on the food drive for all since that's for also yeah she Chinese yeah all of Dark Age needs to be fixed in terms on Chinese in terms of that eco balance but then once we got to feudal the big notes where if I'm gonna go if I'm going the archers like I was going I didn't need to wall on the left side if I was going to be going I could have gone spear archers fletching and not dropped the wall on the left side and save for that would be hey that I did that yeah exactly like the wall is fine like it's not a big deal it's like just 3040 wood but yeah the spirit should be there wall or not for sure the big mistake was moving out before even while researching fletching yes I got it right before that fight but I left my base before fletching was in theory would be sad yeah serious pounding somewhere but so then after but then the second the second the second push was okay because I got in on his wood lion or I got in on his wood line but that's what you said after this ville pics probably just used those four archers to harass the far Miko cuz we know he's gonna kill him with Scouts anyway so I could have gotten more value out of those yeah and then we were late on on food eco we had too much on wood in feudal so we were floating wood which means we were late to castle I should have waited on the move to mid for ATC and castle instead of a mining camp in feudal which would have allowed me to keep my expose at home to defend that first push from him instead of having them out of position for the gate to go down yeah so yeah that's pretty much like everything there is up to castle age yeah if I was to highlight some points in that it's like obviously the Dark Age stuff needs to get fixed and then the spears in feudal age that's like the big mistakes that I've seen in both games now so that's like the definitely the two things to keep in mind that's for the archer play and then in late castle age I will comment on only a couple things to keep in mind when you get raided your villain stops in fact your real production is just stopping randomly when your microing as well so if your brush needs to continue happening regardless what's going on just like get in the habit of doing that every 30 seconds to spam to Bill's new HTC and then the vision is a big thing also in castle and imperial age so in counting yeah Rhys couting yeah exactly so in feudal age welling up it's got opponents doing once to see what he's doing that's cool nothing else to do there when you get to the mid game that's when you need to be Scouts and also patrol archers to make outposts to see where his army is again keep the league analogy in there you can't make plays a division in that game and it's the same here or at least it should be the same here mm-hmm okay cool all right so good a final game here which is kind of good yeah I'm actually glad we're gonna end on the loss too because this will be the most brutal most embarrassing for me but it's good it's good like the harsher it is the more attendants burn your brain I feel so the
Channel: Hera - Age of Empires
Views: 37,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, aoe2, hera, guide, best, civ overview, how to, daut, aoe2 DE, age, empires, tierlist, age of empires, tatoh, theviper, Definitive Edition, t90official, build order, spirit of the law, So you want to play, coaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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