Venti isn't the only one with a dragon..

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hello hello and welcome back to another video today we're back once again with gentian impact so the plan for today is to continue the zhong li story quests now last time we did chapter one so this time we're gonna do chapter two this is all in preparation to go to inner zuma as you guys have suggested i do the genre story quest first so without further ado let's get back into the game and we're back into the game and we're back in leo haber now what we're going to do is we're just going to jump straight into chapter 2 of the zhong li story quest and see where it takes us go to the lua adventurous guild and talk to catherine catherine of the adventurers guild in leo harbour has a new commission for you you and paymon decide to find out what it's all about okay strange sights stolen souls oh my word okay well let's go and see catherine a lot of you guys did say when i'm doing this to make sure i bring my sort of fighting team because apparently there is going to be some big fights in this so i might end up switching at some point job zoe as a matter of fact there's one that looks perfect for you two uncle die is one of the four men at hueshan hall over in lyre harbour he's hoping the adventurers guild can spare some manpower okay what is it we have to do exactly i believe you'll be looking for workers oh looking for people awesome we're good at that are we gonna get tic-tac-toe again reason to doubt your abilities i'm sure the details can be worked out face to face if you're willing to accept this commission head over to the doc and talk to uncle dai okay can do and there we go we've started no mere stone head to the docks and find uncle dye okay we can do that some of you guys did say last time and i did see a few of you mentioned that the sound was a bit too low in the game so either you heard me screaming my lungs out and it would deafen you or the game was just too quiet so hopefully i have adjusted it a little bit if it's still too quiet after today i know to turn it up a little bit more if it's now too loud i do apologize aha here he is uncle die hello my friend hey are you uncle i am indeed oh then you must be the adventurers of signed by the guild aye aye how could you tell by the clothes on your back and the look on your face experienced adventurers at that all wager yo thank you you're pretty perceptive yeah thank you in this trade you need a sharp eye for people not just rocks uncle dye can see what you're made of from a long way off all right my assistant should be arriving soon so let's just wait here a moment okay that's why we're here now there's someone else taking a cup well to tell you the truth this is a very difficult matter too much for adventurers alone to handle life here oh so there is someone else i can't believe it to the job on it just occurred to me that you don't have all the facts the incident in question happened in a mine and it's a little out of the ordinary to say the least mines are dangerous places as i'm sure you're aware as such i've enlisted an industry expert to cover all contingencies right last time i checked adventurers weren't experts in or appraisal or geological analysis with a professional by your side everything should run smoothly besides this guy's the best in his field no matter the rock he'll tell you it's value to the nearest maura at a glance yep that sounds like someone we know far too well i'd be a fool to not enlist an expert of his caliber ah you're a fool if you think you found tivette's number one rock expert oh oh and why am i that big my mind number one rock expert happens to be a friend of ours you must be talking about perfect i was planning on asking a few questions oh okay didn't expect that didn't you wait here we'll go fetch is listening to the him let's head over okay sounds good yeah that's usually why zhongli likes to hang out there he is there's our man i see him in our last tale rex lapis oh here for a few tales i didn't know you two were connoisseurs oh no no we're here for you um do you have time ah something i'm rarely short of oh we've accepted a commission we need someone who understands geology and ore hmm someone who understands geology and ore take a look around is there anyone into that boar qualified the requester claims i guess we weren't talking about the same post number one rock expert but pieman doesn't believe a word of it nobody understands rocks better than you you appear to have taken his claim quite personally on my behalf oh no no it's just uncle dye doesn't know what he's talking about simon just wants to enlighten him i see well then it will be my pleasure to accompany you nice oh i should inform you that despite my expertise i cannot necessarily claim to be a leading authority we are at all times a drift in a sea of learning new knowledge should be welcomed with open arms still i imagine i will be of help to you in this endeavor if we do encounter an expert i look forward to broadening my own understandings stop being so modest let's head back to uncle all right we're back wow and this must be the friend you spoke of hi yep hyland doesn't know who your rock expert is but he's got nothing on our guy [Laughter] let's not get ahead of ourselves still i do have a claim to some experience in this field uh-huh so you say later my guy gets here then we'll see oh it's no use me singing his praises you'll have to see for yourselves okay i'm trying to think is this the place aha speak of the devil allow me to introduce my assistant kunjun ooh okay our two adventurers assigned to us and it's for this gentleman huh oh this is zhong li a consultant from the funeral parlor funeral parlors consultant mr zhong li i've heard about you they say you're a man of great knowledge and many talents i had no idea i'd be meeting you in person today that is very true i am sure i recognize you have we met at the parlor wait i've never been to the parlor a good day aren't you gonna test them so that's what you were planning huh i i wouldn't know where to start then they can figure out a way to test each other if jean-lee wins he's the assistant if she only loses never mind shawn lee won't lose a contest why it would be my pleasure okay i admire your enthusiasm good sir yeah me too i must say you certainly have the look of an industry expert about you it'll be interesting to see which one of us wins stop talking the talk and start walking i'm just saying it like i see it which is incidentally the only skill i have worth talking about ah so you're an appraiser mr kunjun mm-hmm well no actually i've already forgotten what i'm in liue harbor for oh i was standing by the side of the road one day when uncle dye called me over okay he saw me holding a rock and asked me a few questions he seemed incredibly excited even followed me for a while okay strange to meet here huh how could you forget something like this i saw him on my way over to liu a harbor pouring over rocks and muttering to himself he looked to be very familiar with him i asked him a few questions out of curiosity to my surprise he knew more than me an old mining foreman in any case he didn't have any pressing matters and agreed to help me so this is just some random guy do you have a poor memory not exactly anyway if it's rocks you need help with i can most certainly lend a hand mr zhong li what do you make of this rock hmm a glossy exterior with a fissure that could only have been left in the wake of a volcanic eruption if i'm not mistaken this is a rough gem from another nation ah a keen eye it's no ordinary rough gem fragile surface layer black veining my intuition tells me that there's high quality crystal ore inside oh so like a giant this rock does indeed hail from the vicinity of a volcano i came across it in a market and snapped it straight up the seller thought it was some leftover industrial remnant they had no inkling of the treasure that lay within oh what makes this one so special purity and geological rarity alone aren't enough to make a treasure some of the most precious crystals contain deposits of water or sand in the moment of its formation the crystal hidden within this stone shell captured a pocket of water for water to be hidden in its depths like a moon concealed within a mountain reflecting shafts of daylight that make it through now that's a rare treasure okay such a detailed description yeah almost like he saw it with his own two eyes everything he said is true most crystals are born in high temperature environments heat and water aren't natural bedfellows of course which is why crystals with water deposits are so sought after morocco this particular crystal contains mountain lake water a rare find indeed so it must okay true i've yet to encounter anyone with a judgment as shrewd as yours mr zhongli how did you know exactly what lay within he's just a i was just an expert any such stones in my time i recognized it immediately i hope you didn't mind me flaunting my experience mr kunjun of course not i feel i've met a kindred spirit here today i hope you will accept my friendship uncle die it would be a mistake for mr zhongli not to join us trust me when i say that his level of expertise is unrivaled in the trade you won't come across another of his caliber in your lifetime very well there is strength in numbers after all everyone follow me to the chasm there are men counting on you to find them yeah i was gonna say i don't even know what we're doing yet head to the mining site that uncle dye mentioned okay so by the sounds of it it looks like we're trying to find some trapped miners i guess so i have already gone and switched my team just in case there's any fighting that we need to do again a lot of you guys did warn me to bring my fighting team better safe than sorry hello uncle die this mine is huge this is where the incident occurred okay six days ago a group of us left the site to attend to other matters when we returned the four men we left behind had vanished oh i led a team around the entire mine but found no trace that's when i decided to enlist help so four miners have disappeared yes there were ten of us we lost long bold sen brave son and mao i worked with all of them okay workers in this trade are usually young men in the prime of their lives could it be that the four of them left for another mine good question unlikely there's no other lodging for miles around and we didn't pass any other mines on the way over huh such a huge mine did you really manage to explore every corner underground overground we left no stone unturned we tried everything short of ticking further into the earth itself how could four sturdy young men just vanish into the bedrock we'll need to explore the site ourselves before extracting any conclusions very well i'll wait here please proceed wherever you'd like if you come across any clues let me know straight away okay hmm did they run away from something let's look around first and see if we can find any clues over here what's this a pile of shirts some trousers huh a few everyday items they must belong to uncle dye and his men one two three four huh that seems right ten shirts ten pairs of trousers these must be spares right look uncle dye's clothes are identical all four of them have been gone for six days without a change of clothes there's also a few handkerchiefs and some soap lying around oh and some tool belts items for washing one's face before the dawn shift mining equipment so they didn't take any supplies hmm correct maybe they didn't need them maybe they just forgot i mean it depends on what happened maybe they didn't need them improbable yeah there are four pickaxes missing it seems likely they left with the tools of their trade they had time to take their tools but not their everyday items curious huh why would someone set off with their tools but leave their luggage behind hmm one they were working close by and didn't need to move their personal effects but seeing as they've yet to return this seems an unlikely hypothesis or two they were forced to leave and had no time to think about their supplies hmm oh do you think someone kidnapped them it's certainly a possibility we'll need more clues before any further inference can be made yeah if they didn't leave maybe they were made to leave let's make a note and let uncle die know interesting okay we need to look for more clues what do you have there looks like some amber right on time did you find us there's a chunk of ore here perhaps there are clues within or what does it have to do with the disappearance um let's find out i'll give it a try a moment please okay [Music] okay whoa wait what [Music] huh looks like he's concentrating really hard what's he up to i see four men following someone out of the mine it it looks like a child what a child what's a child doing in a mine i'm not sure huh how did you see yeah that's probably the better question i don't mean c in the traditional sense i i i would appreciate it if what i'm about to tell you remained a secret it's a little odd i've never dared to tell anyone before okay i can perceive the memories of ore oh perceive so there's no conjecture at work you mean you can put your hand on a rock and boom it just happens hmm i've always sensed that ore contains memories sometimes it records events that occur in the surrounding area all i have to do is touch one and focus my attention and the memories come to me oh wow amazing so you can find out everything that ever happened there it depends on the ore some oars have astounding memories others like iron ore and white iron ore aren't up to much their memories are hazy core lapis and crystal memories are much stronger they record more events and in greater detail stone seeing fascinating a rare ability indeed it was prudent of uncle die to recruit you mr kunjun yeah i'm glad i can be of assistance based on what i saw i believe they followed this path okay this will take us north away from the mine north another clue for uncle guy let's make a note of it how bizarre stone seeing is that what he called it excuse me sir are you one of the workers here ah yes yes you must be here about the disappearance please find them if you can i i don't know what happened the weather was gloopy that day the foreman left with a few men i stayed behind the other four after a while i decided to take a break just to catch my breath i ended up falling asleep in the shelter inside when i woke up there was no sight of them i'd only just been speaking with them and suddenly they'd vanished hmm maybe maybe i'm next oh no so the men that were out working disappeared were the only one left to tell the tale having been asleep in a shelter perhaps an accident occurred on site uh what a scary thought hmm an on-site accident we should note that down too okay well we know that they left so i report back to guess die yeah you're back how are the investigations going we found three clues in the vicinity first there are four missing pickaxes yet everyday items are still in their place this suggests that your men didn't leave of their own accord but were forced to forced to but who would kidnap minors who indeed second there were five workers at the mine one of them left the site to take respite when he awoke his colleagues had disappeared without a trace those who kept working all disappeared the one who left early emerged safe and sound it would appear that the incident occurred on site now that you mention it i recall bravo saying that he took a break hmm could someone have entered the site and simply walked away with him this leads me to my third point mr kunjun here made good use of his uh expert techniques to arrive at a conclusion it was a child that took your men away a child yeah there are no settlements here for miles around there's no way a child would have made it over to the mine unlikely as it sounds that's our conclusion your men were following a child where did they go we believe that they followed the road north away from the mine and toward the ruins north right i'll rally my men and head in pursuit do you need help you've been invaluable to the investigation but leave the legwork to us if we set off now and make haste we might be able to catch him i mean this was six days ago the incident occurred six days ago yeah even if they set out on foot they will have covered a lot of ground by now [Music] you're right new plan i'll lead my search party over to the settlements further out and make some inquiries there are only a few settlements around here with lodging for the night we'll go investigate and see if we can come up with anything okay in the meantime you could keep looking for clues if we don't see each other let's reconvene it wong xu in tomorrow evening agreed sounds good all right me and my men will get going all righty so they're gonna talk to the people over at the settlements while we keep investigating here correct but there aren't any more clues at the mine shouldn't we go north wait i believe we're missing someone yeah oh yeah where's kunjun paima betsy's still investigating let's go find him i don't know if i trust kunjun maybe maybe that's just irrational thinking but hello what are you searching for we're all out of clues let's get going ah apologies i'm conducting a quick search for my own benefit i'm looking for a precious stone known as dragonfall dragonfall never heard of it dragonfall is often used in forging what use do you have for it i i don't know i i'm sorry i i don't recall why i'm seeking it i've been feeling very absent lately name and address aside i'm having trouble remembering things in fact i've been feeling extremely anxious as if there's something i've forgotten to finish it's an unpleasant sensation oh prima knows that feeling when you know you've forgotten something but you can't remember exactly what it is yeah i don't even know where to start with it i've been aimlessly wandering that day at the market i overheard a conversation while i was buying something they mentioned dragonfall okay it sounded so familiar to me as if whatever it was i had to do was linked to that stone so i decided to look for some right perhaps if i can retrieve some i'll remember what it is i have to do i see if i am able to during our endeavor i will help you look for this stone really oh thank you mr zhongli oh you're too kind yes think nothing of it shouldn't we get going heading north from the chasm will reach lingju pass if this is indeed the path they chose there will be traces okay great let's have a look okay so this was the staircase that we saw in kunjun's vision okay there's a bunch of bandits hello boys and there we go okay we got the treasure hoarder key now let's open the door alrighty thank you so much i thought it was truly finished that group of treasure hoarders have been following me this entire time just as i'd finally made some progress in my research and was thinking that it might be nice to find the treasure here and take it back with me the treasure hoarders invaded my camp nabbed me and brought me here they kept questioning me as to the treasure's location and threatened to take my life if i refused to tell them but if i had told them just like that that really would have been the end of me i should have listened to soraya zaraya soraya she always insists that archaeologists like us should be focused on academic results instead of treasure but i only get this much funding a few essays won't be enough to break even on my travel expenses i can't for the life of me say how soraya's managed to stay in leoa by herself all this time just looking at her pile of rejected manuscripts makes me feel exhausted what do you plan to do now well what else i've finished gathering my research material as for the treasure well you can have it i'm not repeating the convoluted thought process that brought me here all you need to know is that the treasure is buried underneath that giant golden tree in the middle of lingju pass take it if you want i'll write its description down for you so you don't forget i'll rest for a while and then i'll head back to my camp to gather up my things i have to get out of here as soon as possible lest more treasure holders come here i have no idea how long it will take for me to get from here to wong shu in i can only hope that zaraya hasn't already left by the time i get there oh if only sariah could be my tutor all right well that seems to just be something else so we'll we'll go and get the treasure at another point okay what's this wait there are tracks here these must have been left by the miners let us make our way to the end of lingju pass if there are no footprints there it would suggest that the miners are still within the pass itself however if we find new tracks we can follow them wherever they may lead look for more clues in the area okay so let's go over to that ladder then all right so we've made it to the ladder so if we climb up oh there's a ruin guard oh footprints hey footprints it would appear that they made their way through lingju pass and kept moving hmm if we follow their footprints we should be able to find where they win follow the footprints okay so i'm assuming if i go too close to that it's gonna wake up oh no the footprints end here we should inquire with anyone nearby if the miners came through here they may well have seen them i mean there's a lot of ruined guards just vibing around here so i can't imagine there's many people but oh never mind hello my friend hi there have you seen anyone dressed like a miner around here a miner i'm afraid not ah let's try someone else we might want to state that this was six days ago paimon i'm not gonna lie hello hello have you seen any miners nearby about this town four of them stop bothering me can't you see i'm cloud watching ah jeez a little grumpy aren't we whatever let's go ask someone else enjoy your club watching oh my word where did you come from oh no it's for dewey yeah well yes you did go too far you scared the daylights out of hello ling hey there seen any miners it must have been about four or five days ago there were a few men who came through here carrying baskets and picks i guess that could have been them that was them yeah that's them four or five days ago it appears that they were moving slower than we'd anticipated traversing the geography of lingju pass must have held them up hmm it was so strange four big guys with lifeless expressions it was like they were in some sort of trance and there was a child staggering in front of them huh this child did you see what they look like i caught a glimpse blue hair short i think i think it was a girl she wasn't smiling in fact she looked very serious and they took this road yes they followed it straight from here let's go after them follow the road to keep up with the pursuit okay oh for tui guarding treasure that's got my name written all over it come here you sucrose and there we go good job rosaria precious chest is mine nice there's a person over there there is oh wait hang on hang on help please save me all right give me give me a oh second you first ask questions later okay well no teleport waypoint first then rescue then questions okay hello you lot hang on i want this sweet flower there we go what are you doing crazy boyos oh dear all right all righty there we go aha right good job bennett those monsters were so aggressive they must have noticed me walking through before i knew it they were all over me thank you all for saving me one you no worries i belong to leo paul i head up our human culture and civilization research okay huh are you sure you're not a minor a yeah minor looking for a group of four strong fellas carrying mining equipment i i think i saw those people oh you did really yes i set off from non tienmen the day before yesterday heading for lingju pass about halfway there i came across some people a few men and a child oh wow okay could you be a bit more specific i was in a hurry i didn't get a good look i'm afraid i'm not even sure what they looked like apologies okay i think that's all we needed to do yeah thank you we're on the right track useful to you i'd better get going there's a conference i need to attend again thank you all for your help no problem bye according to the scholar the miners were heading for nantiaman can we be absolutely sure that it was the men that we're looking for a child with a group of adults sounds pretty close yeah i can't imagine there's going to be many of those running around it could easily have been a different group well yeah but uh what yeah i'm on i'm with plymouth on this [ __ ] over there can it looks promising i'll do my best okay off he goes yeah it looks like it's them it's the same group all right they followed this road mr kunjun your stone seeing is something i won't forget in a hurry i suppose it is an asset though i rarely find a use for it but praise for mr zhongli is high praise indeed it's a good thing we brought our kun compass along we would have [Music] you think so i guess it's been a worthwhile trip then it feels like like we're cracking a criminal case it's a lot of fun yeah be that as it may we would do well to keep our guards high four fully grown men in a trance-like state walking ceaselessly day and night over hills and mountains led by a child this is no ordinary incident oh you're quite right mr zhongli we should have our wits about us that's not all our scholar was attacked by geo-bishop hatchlings but the level of aggression they exhibited was unusual we have encountered many clues along the way so far they've pointed us in the right direction the miners headed in the direction of non-tianmen the day before yesterday from here they would have had to navigate a perilous mountain road if their destination is indeed non-tianmin we should be able to catch up with him okay great no time to lose i left a mark in the vicinity just now if uncle dye does pass through here it should guide him to us cool clever thinking a classic looks like we got a waypoint over there so let's just teleport that way hello there's a basket lying here too this must be one of the miners hey ella can you hear it he is alive he's moving judging by his appearance he must have collapsed from exhaustion should we wake him up i can i can still dig oh sounds like he's whispering something he's struggling it seems that he thinks he still has work to do something's not right hmm there's a camp nearby we should take him there and monitor his condition before deciding our next move take the mind into the nearby camp to rest okay how is he he he will die right he's worked himself into a stupor thankfully he's not in serious danger okay how did he get so exhausted him talking about digging for something did he dig himself into the state hmm it's certainly a possibility strange it looks like there's something in his pocket oh are these ore fragments oh wait yeah can you see the oh here we go ah i just witnessed the memories within these ore fragments this person brought these fragments out of the mine he's one of the four that we're searching for yeah how he came to be here is what we need to understand so he was kidnapped and then abandoned here hmm but if they didn't need him why bring him all the way out here unless something happened something that led him to fall behind [Music] this is too mysterious oh wait a moment seeing these fragments has jogged my memory i have something for you oh what is it oh is it a present oh my god something for us as i mentioned before i met uncle die i was in a daze after setting out with you on this case it feels like a fog is lifting i was so happy when uncle dye enlisted you to help i would never have managed to track down these clues by myself these are some crystals that i bought from the market not any old crystals mind you this purity is extraordinarily rare one for each of you a memory if you will oh it's beautiful oh and the colors change as you turn it it's like a different crystal from each angle oh wow looks expensive but of course take it and this one is for mr shangley uh huh is something wrong not to your liking on the contrary i just hadn't anticipated receiving a gift during the current circumstances but thank you i will take good care of it i'm pleased you like them it's nice to be able to give a gift that others can appreciate oh i see more rocks over there you should all get some rest i'm going to scan the surroundings perhaps there are more memories to uncover you sure like rocks huh oars are the crystals of the earth the sediment of time itself i feel at peace among them get some rest and call me when you're ready to set off i won't be far he'll be okay on his own right rest easy i surveyed the area there's no danger here oh however there is something i wanted to discuss with you okay huh what's with the seriousness all of a sudden traveler does dragonfall mean anything to you no you mean the ore that kunjun's looking for what's so special about it dragonfall is an incredibly rare ore used in forging the majority of regular crystals are formed in high temperature environments dragonfall on the other hand is formed as a product of elemental reactions okay elemental reactions can produce material objects indeed they can however only a minority can survive for long periods of time dragonfall first emerged in the midst of a great battle thousands of years ago powerful clashes of elemental energy gave birth to elemental crystals when the fighting ceased these geological remnants were miraculously preserved and yet they are crystal creations all the same few and far between relatively unknown a few hundred years ago they were virtually mined into obscurity why is it then that a citizen of leo now wishes to strike upon orr that has long since vanished from the end yeah yeah if he knows of its existence surely he knows all of it's already been mined weird as i've said already i don't know if i trust him um it's a bit i don't know we'll see we'll see there are those in the mining trade who retain a keen interest in dragonfall but for someone like mr kunjun whose motivations for seeking it are unclear even unto himself it's practically unheard of perhaps he has ulterior motives yeah a conclusion that is presently impossible to reach we must watch and wait yeah don't forget rescuing those miners is the primary objective exactly as for anything else sooner or later the tide will reveal the lie of the land we're drawing closer to our goal i believe we should continue to follow this road through now that we've found one the others won't be far away when you're well rested call mr kunjun over to us we still have more investigation ahead we should ensure this miner is settled here at the camp once we've brought this matter to a close we can return and attend to him i suggest we leave a note for uncle dye if he does find the camp he'll know what to do okay cool archaic stone oh wow okay zhang li you said the area was safe you liar we need to get going no problem i'm done here okay any results mr kunjun there are many beautiful rocks here but nothing out of the ordinary i couldn't find any clues then again the memories of ore can shift with the passage of time and the changing of the environment is there a pattern to it difficult to say i feel that war memories tend to be from the recent past so there's never any ancient memories rocks endure but as eons pass their memories are erased those memories that survive are rooted in powerful emotion or thought that makes sense it is the same for people indeed let's get going head to the ancient tree and investigate whoa i did wonder what this tree was this area is very beautiful i really like it wow look at that wow such an immense tree it really is and there's so many mysterious looking crystals up there too amazing this ancient tree let's conduct separate investigations i'll take that area perhaps you could survey this section sure thing all right then can you see anything worth investigating well there is this stone tablet here oh that doesn't seem very interesting pie man's gonna look over there huh it's worth a try surely let me see hey what's wrong just a bit lightheaded it's past nothing to worry about did you see anything not not yet whatever i'm just going to investigate over there why don't you climb the tree and have a look you sure there'll be clues in the tree if you don't try you won't know anyway that's a good point to get a good look at our surroundings from up there okay no it doesn't seem okay um you think so when has piemon ever come up with a bad idea hmm wait a minute all right primer will go you wait here primal wait you said you can float not fly i mean okay sure all of you come here oh charlie's voice came from behind the tree did he find another clue quick let's go see maybe he found another miner find zhong li okay dude where did you go oh you're down here this has been newly dug it would appear our answer is up ahead oh okay someone else go first compose yourselves i will lead us in okay there is an unusual presence emanating from inside the tunnel prepare yourselves and tread lightly okay okay we went in huh the missing miners are [Music] what here they digging for [Music] i'm afraid that this whole tunnel is the fruit of their strenuous labor whoa they did all of that digging a tunnel to this ancient seal had they not been discovered undoubtedly oh no oh hmm let's go zombies huh who are you what is going on okay [Music] what is happening wait did what what is that um i'm juan lee now what type of monster is this you arrive at my doorstep of your own volition oh my word excellence this thing's health is insane and it's massive the little girl is your power incarnate but if you recall ishta this is not how we intended for events to transpire where's not your words your life is mine who excuse me i'm sorry allow me oh wait we're stuck on one hp how can that focus your efforts more what who quake so much has just happened so kunjun saved us i saw that for like a split second he like blocked the attack now we're fighting a giant thing that zhang li seems to be very familiar with my god this is insane okay okay you look really cool um okay that works oh my god okay the battle music is oh cool benny i'm sorry my man right here okay we get a shield crumble test 6308 stand clear this is absolutely ridiculous if that is what you choose to believe so be it he who bears the weight of memory is destined to shoulder the burden of truth as it ought to be zhang lee you have some serious explaining to do my dude what is going on this is some proper like boss music okay well rosaria and jung lee are definitely our carries in this fight i mean bennett's healing us which is great oh my word okay we're about just under halfway i don't know if i'll keep this whole fight in i might cut it up just because there are moments where i'm just getting knocked about and not doing any damage or running away so um i'll just show the relevant bits okay rosario you just saved jungle's life there you can't run let's heal up from lee yeah i will have order yes he doesn't think he knows there's a difference he just knows things he doesn't think things he knows things you're very cool though i have to say i'll give you a credit where credit's due your design is cool your music's cool quake your moves could use a little bit of work though yeah you're a bit slow everybody's dead oh never mind i have failed that'll teach me for running my mouth won't it oh no ow don't worry i got this punishment you have been it you can't run this is i find it hard to sympathize with the giant death lizard that's trying to kill me all right i want to give you a chance to explain but zhang li has said nothing i don't want to kill you or defeat you or fight you maybe you're just really cool and we got off on the wrong foot i don't know all right amber that's gonna hurt yeah bennett we need your heels my guy oh my god oh my god okay okay everything's fine no amber i'm sorry right as long as rosie can heal we can get zomly back in in a few seconds ow ow come on bennett switch back yo you can't run come on ow let's get this down be back come on there we go okay we got him whoa okay explain what is happening a thousand years after you sealed me underground you returned for the second time uh who you should call it by its name aged fate fate fit what so sheer lies the wisdom of the gods destroy all dim redundant endless tyrants to ravage the wilderness no you have forgotten huh [Music] it's been a while the very same during the battle you imbued us with your power yes it was all i could manage okay then which one is the real age deja forgive me for concealing the truth traveler there were things that only became clear to me upon reaching this tree allow me to elaborate i am not aged aha the hole but a fragment okay heaven and earth yin and yang opposing forces you can consider the existence of me and the aged aha you see there to be a reflection of such polarities we are a schism of the will the will of aged aha um so so there are two ash guys no it can't be that's impossible when the seal loosened your power manifested in this world as a child with this new identity you were able to vent about the forces that suppressed you but would anyone listen would they even care that's when it occurred to you the loosening of the seal constituted an opportunity to strike back kidnapping the miners was all an aid of digging to the entrance to the seal itself your plan was to launch an attack on both ends from outside and within thereby fully destroying the seal the audacity are you insane if you truly are a part of me how is it you find yourself standing on the side of the betrayer i was another power awakened with the loosening of the seal too weak to reincarnate but strong enough to possess a human body i was barely conscious i couldn't remember who i was only the past would elicit a reaction from me but my aim was clear find morax and aid him in stopping you i had sensed that something was amiss when you mentioned dragonfall had your power been but a little stronger i would have recognized you don't blame yourself i have changed beyond all recognition only when i touched the stone tablet did i truly remember okay it's been so long a secret beyond all comprehension of youthful humanity and ancient dragon kind morax do you want to tell the tale please there would be no harm in it the decision is yours you haven't changed then allow me age taha was once a friend and ally of the geo archon morax okay with a lifespan far exceeding that of mankind however that which is derived of the earth is no more or less than the earth itself the memories of rocks do not last long those memories that survive are rooted in powerful emotion but as time passes so these memories fade into obscurity erosion is the world's greatest destroyer of memories erosion erosion ground aegdaha's consciousness into oblivion slowly he forgot the face of his old friend and his memories of defending leo harbor disintegrated aged now incomplete became irratible aggressive what would you expect it was humanity that attacks the ley lines that sustained me this much is true which is why you attacked the chasm why you waged war against morax in the beginning in order to open up new territory and increase production the citizens of liue came to the mountains to mine over exploitation caused the ley lines to quake which brought untold suffering to us erosion made us even more savage no matter how we struggled we lost the ability to coexist with humanity we lost all reason morax shared with us some of his power to prevent further erosion but it was futile everything returns to dust it is the natural order an unstoppable force [Music] and so we became you oh god and from your will i emerged i am your final contract witness the promise between aged ha and morax you can hate me but you cannot deny me no no i am the remnants of aged has benevolence the echo of a contract set in stone i harbor a willingness to go further a willingness to coexist peacefully with mankind no no it is i aged aha forged of elemental crystal bearer of the weight and memories of the earth older than the mountains and the oceans that decides i will not swear allegiance to this insect he's having an identity crisis morax is not an insect a lord over insects is nothing but an insect in turn you forgot yourself nobody held morax in higher regard than you or i that which you have forgotten i hold here in my heart if you are the memory of the earth then i am the memory of coexistence of coexistence with humanity all powers under heaven rise and fall of strange what is this feeling and all this you are spent and i will soon disappear before i do heed these words in the wilderness snow falls on a spring day in an instant it will melt even where it is fleeting and leaves no trace even where it will never fall again no that isn't true i don't accept this as fate perhaps it isn't but it remains an inevitable the little misfortune vanished eroded are you satisfied easter i had to make amends satisfaction had no part in it so morax you call yourself zhang li these days i do well i'm afraid old habits die hard to me you're morax as you please i never did forget your gift of sight i hardly lifted a finger think nothing of it oh and yet you could see you wouldn't know the yearning of a blind dragon searching for the sun a pair of eyes from morax to aside oh this i will remember this your power is nearly spent ah perceptive as always my friend shall we get going you and i surely the pressing matter is still that of the miners trapped outside the seal indeed hence the need to get going to fix the damage left in your wake straight down to business as always let's go oh wow that was really cool i'm kind of speechless as always this looks insanely cool wow it is kind of confusing but it's from what i understand it's very very sweet huh how did we get here we need to go back and check on the miners okay uncle die hello so there you are my men and i found your clues and followed them straight here nice job we found mao in a tent at the campsite unconscious it seems he'll be okay sadly we found no trace of the other three oh no huh jungkoon wha what is nothing pay it no mind those three miners are over there in that cave cave what happened they're exhausted but not in danger don't worry right well thank you all of you i better go and see how they're doing yeah so you're taking them back to leo harbor that's right can i come with you no problem you rescued my men i'll be happy to assist all of you in any way i can i'll be back soon i need to assess their condition we should be calling you ezdahar you're coming back to leela harvard too right that's what he just said die merely this body oh okay once i'm gone the true owner will accompany the miners back to liue hails from a family of famous artisans he too will be famous in time oh that's cool it would be a shame for someone of his talent to go missing you always did have a great admiration for blacksmiths curious how swords and daggers are blind yet their creators see so much perhaps empathy is mankind's proudest achievement after all aged i am no longer the geo archon i can sense it today i am just an ordinary citizen of leo even you met such a fate let's get the difficult part out of the way i cannot guarantee that i won't be awoken a second time no matter if that day comes to pass leo must prepare itself to face you and how will you affair without rex lapis even without a god above this remains a nation of men i was once their god i ought to be here to witness their rise and fall all life is shaped and then ground away by the endless flow of time you were always the strongest among us yet it would seem that even you have been eroded that's unimportant fate is ordained by heaven even if our mission had already concluded it would be cowardly not to strike out on the road of departure you may live forever doomed to a lonely existence yet even this is temporary when you reach the end of time those people those past and future relationships predetermined by fate they will be waiting for you i do not pretend to match your rhetoric when it comes to the subject of a life long lived i fear that the life of an elemental being is longer than any in this world were it not so you would have killed me long ago and would not be having to face me again now you've brought a smile to my face when all is said and done a reunion between old friends is an auspicious occasion that day in the chasm did you hesitate a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless but i am the god of contracts and was for a time a god of the people of leo you chose justice but did not forsake your kindness you came to me not as an assassin and so i was willingly sealed away the movements of the earth dragon can tremble the earth and shake the heavens with your abilities even at my full strength i struggled to confront you let alone seal you away hence my inception do not forget that i was there with liu's founder the face may have changed but the content of the contract remains intact old friend god of contracts i hereby honor our agreement thank you easter my life is nigh on eternal i will go on with the infinite flow of time and you morax you too will live for many a day to come you're leaving if it is fated morax we will meet again [Music] no so this is the real cunyon yes don't be alarmed he's only asleep whoa that was so weird it was spikey suddenly became another person in fact we have yet to meet the real kunjun but what about ashtaha he was a great friend of yours he was centuries may have passed since then but events from a thousand years ago remain crystal clear in my mind hmm in our last tale rex lapis was walking alone in the mountains he heard a remote voice unlike any other coming from a crack in the earth oh most of the ancient geo life forms that live below leo are blind having not seen the sunlight for an age the voice was sometimes sad and song-like other times it was loud and thunderous the lord of geo searched here and there before finally unearthing a strange stone from the bedrock that's how agedaha was why i answered his wish and took him above ground the lord of geo took pity on the rock spirit and whoa into a magnificent work of craftsmanship a vivid representation of a dragon i bestowed him with a pair of eyes to see the world and came to an agreement with him with his fingers he made two eyes quicker than words could tell lightning flesh and thunder roar and a living breathing dragon sword into the clouds wow i agreed to let him live among the people above ground but if the day ever came when he brought ruin to order he would once again be sealed in the dark the dragon accompanied the lord of geo fighting campaigns alongside him in the four corners of the world we have a saying to eulogize these events the crash of a spear brought billowing dust the mountains and waters made way at the sound the sight of a dragon bestowed with a touch the promise of rainwater blessing the ground whoa okay that kind of played up a little bit a thousand years ago aged aha attacked the chasm i tried to obstruct him fighting him tooth and nail down the length and breadth of the mine finally i brought him down and sealed him underground during that battle dragonfall was born aged could sense the stone subconsciously he wanted to use it to find me oh despite being the victor i could not claim to be stronger than he and in his heart he still retained an ounce of good will towards me towards leo towards life above ground okay he was willing to be sealed away but as the erosion set in he forgot oh no have you also been affected by erosion that's a good question even i cannot avoid it but there is something i understand better than most when the door opens it is time to leave the greater the power the greater the danger erosion may bring about the millennia may come and go but even a stone may tire is that why you chose to leave is that why you chose to step down as that you oh my word that's a good way of looking at it actually personally sealing away an old friend this is just one form of erosion i have endured people abandon and surrender the things they love to pursue the right path perhaps this is the erosion imposed on me by the natural order of this world but i was a god of mankind my identity may change but my eyes will bear witness to the history of humanity you still care a lot about leela call it part of my duty i must thank you both no worries okay bye uh hold on i want to ask you something oh about what oh about my sister oh yeah oh my god yeah so not long ago we met a guy called dane he told us about conrier and the punishment of the gods that's when we realized that those events were connected to the person we're searching for this is crucial for me you're a god you've lived through thousands of years of history surely you experienced the incident yeah uh i cannot say uh-huh why hmm you can't even give us a thread of information this is so important to us i understand but i must apologize this is my contract contract with her another past grievance like the incident with ejdah too painful to talk about it was signed before it all began i have always honored the contract and kept my silence okay how can you be like that okay okay i said last time in chapter one why can't like he listen to pymon and like just let it slide and a lot of you guys as i as i knew would happen a lot of you guys were quick to jump to his defense and say he's the god of contract that is the one thing that is his thing you know he can't break contract and in this circumstance i get it pymon as much as i would want him to tell us and as much as i'm relating to traveler right now if he's made a contract to not say anything then i understand that he can't say anything but i want to know who the contract is with is it something to do with celestia you two are friends to me i can assure it brings me no pleasure to disappoint you but as the god of contracts i cannot go back on my word that's a beautiful uh background there you know what i i believe you i i had my doubts before but this i am learning who zhang li is as a person and slowly some of the doubts are getting whittled away so i'm still not 100 but i believe you would you be ready to find out perhaps it appears your understanding of this world continues to grow there are many events of ages past many secrets that lie hidden they have been eroded by time forgotten by the people abandoned but you are capable of finding them and bringing them into the light those who come to witness will witness those who are born to remember will remember if you take the same road as that person there may be more difficulties ahead but as long as you firmly believe that you are on the right path everything has meaning [Music] quest complete i suppose we can speak to zhong li now this tablet was erected by mountain shaper it names aged as a terrible dragon and serves as a warning for later generations to stay away from this place from the seal it's a shame there is a fine line between good and evil if the good and evil within him could be summarized in a single sentence well never mind no admits the choir only the soft sound of the wind can be heard time seems to transform into an invisible river trickling away a fleeting moment a thousand years in the mortal world the rocks feel it and so too does the earth and the gods ah but man that was that was really really cool like i said i'm really starting to understand zhong li a bit more the context isn't all there for a lot of things whether that's with zhong li um situations around hungary and even just other archons that we've met obviously venti and baal will be soon and i think i need to bear that in mind that like until we see all of the context we're very quick to judge and i know that for myself i i do see both sides and i want to get to know both sides better so that i do understand where each side is coming from because obviously one side is our sister and the other side is the archons and we don't know the full situation yet so but there we have it for the chapter two of zhong li's story quest i am very happy with how that went um it's really cool as i've said so many times now just to get to know jean lee as a character a bit more and just to see the story of gentian impact itself like the game has so much lore and i can't wait it just keeps me gripped and i can't wait to see what's next speaking of what's next next time we will be looking into going to inner zuma so look forward to that what we'll do is we will make our way towards the fighting arena we'll just see where that takes us and hopefully we get to go over to innozuma now a lot of you guys have said it's a very long introduction but i'm all for it we'll just see where we end up next time right so as i said we'll leave it there for today guys thank you guys so much for watching as always i'm super super excited to go to innozuma next time and just i can't wait for you guys to come along with me i know a lot of you guys have been waiting patiently because we were ready to go but i wanted to get those um story quests done first just because it gives us a little bit more context into what happened back in conrier while we were still doing those quests once again just before we go i want to give a massive thank you to the channel members who are captain jace bushy potato lu oh helen nix valzad huang li christine pearl labana sun dreamer zeke nicoma vicky f simmons loon arcadia sugoi bakadesu nyanzian kuro d chris wong belzen fredrickson the 96th leah752 manny k ono veni and tulney and an extra special thank you to our full-on wizard member who is sparky007 thank you guys so much and a massive thank you to you for watching we have had so many new people around the channel recently and i really do appreciate all of you guys who come to the streams and just leave comments on the videos you guys are truly wonderful thank you guys ever so much i hope to see you guys on sunday for the sunday stream and i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day i will see you guys next time goodbye my friends
Channel: Abraxos
Views: 20,329
Rating: 4.9857798 out of 5
Keywords: abraxos, genshin impact, family friendly, Non anime fan plays Genshin Impact! (WOW!), funny moments, memes, edits, comedy, free to play, anime, open world, jokes, impressive, intense, genshin impact first time playing, first time, new player, new character, genshin impact wish, Making my first Wishes!, how to, boss fight, discover, combat, mini boss, rosaria, wishes, 5 star, gold, my first, boss, adepti, lore, reaction, story quest, zhongli, azhdaha, Venti isn't the only one with a dragon.., geo
Id: fdav3iYJmWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 38sec (4778 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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