SPEEDRUNNING AR45! Should You Do It? (Genshin Impact)

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hey moglets today we're doing a sort of uh three-part video first the discussion then a bones two account review and finally we're going to be once again helping out bones this all of course does kind of connect all the topics are quite related so bones account here has just recently hit ar45 she's been playing for less than a month i would say closer to three weeks as we can check from her achievements and wonders of the world here let the wind begin obtaining the power of animo on july 8th here at the time of recording it is august 2nd so yeah about three weeks to me that seems pretty crazy but also with the addition of inazuma it's easier than ever to level up because inazuma has its whole own host of world quests and i would say world quests are your best bet to level up quickly and of course talking to anyone you see on the map that has those blue exclamation points over them outside of that of course using resin as soon as you have access to it just you know you can start on some ley lines whatever you're not going to get very much stuff in the beginning for for your resin that's just how it works farming any world bosses you need for your characters etcetera etcetera but yeah the main bulk of your xp is going to come from world quests so you can pull up an interactive map find all the world quests in every area just go do them stick with the main story quest obviously those will give you a lot too and you know once you do all that stuff go throughout the entire story for whatever your ar is capped at then it's basically time to go look for chests chests give you like 20 to 50 xp per chest mostly 20. again interactive map will help with that so chest farming you probably could get to era 45 in like i don't know a week maybe less if you really really wanted to just via chess farming mostly because there are a lot of chess and it adds up uh bones was on holiday she was playing a lot on her little account but yeah if you want to get the air 45 in a short amount of time do prepare to spend a lot of time doing it i would say once you hit ar 40 you can definitely start focusing on the weapon materials because at air 40 you can actually complete the highest level of weapon material so you're not essentially wasting any resin at all in this case that's what bones and i did when she was like at ar 44 and didn't really have much else to do except chest farm and she didn't really want to do that so we're like yeah let's just go ahead and farm some weapon mats for your you know upcoming weapon upgrades and so he did that till ar-45 pretty much at least with whatever resin she had she hasn't been uh refreshing i don't think pretty much at all with primo gyms i think she was doing the 50 every now and then but i don't believe every day so that's pretty much the how the why is essentially artifacts once you hit air 45 your artifact game essentially triples at air 40 you're stuck doing this one and in this one there's only a 33 chance or so about a one and three to get a five-star artifact over here on five you are guaranteed to get a five-star artifact sometimes you'll even get two that's the main reason trying to get to ar-45 quickly of course everything else you know ley lions weekly bosses world bosses everything will give you more too and finally the question is should you granted you have you know all the free time in the world to rush to ar-45 should you even do it yes you can guaranteed to get a five-star artifact everyone in artifact domains and that's really pog but if you rush that hard you're not going to have a ton of strong units because you need resin to raise units you need resin for world bosses to get their level up materials you need to run ley lines for mora and xp books etcetera etcetera and if you rush you're going to have a really really hard time in ar 45 domains bones naturally has an advantage me of course i'm going to help her with the ar 45 domains and it's actually really cool because now i could actually pick up the artifacts too since that air 45 she's doing the same domains as me as the ar-57 but if you're a solo player and you're not ready to struggle a lot i would actually suggest taking your time a bit so that's the long and short of it i wouldn't say there are many tricks leveling up quickly it'll just take a lot of time another thing of course are these domains i overlooked quite a couple of them when i was first running through and they were a good source of that final xp to get me to 45. uh so just go around looking at all these little dot domains they are one time domains but they give you quite a lot of xp so now we're moving on to the section where we're going to do a little bit of a bones to account review again it's a three week old account uh the artifacts aren't going to be that great most of their characters are still 70. i believe it's only ayaka here that is 80. she has also raised razor yin fei rosaria a bit there barbara a bit ninguang not so much and then we get into you know the characters she hasn't messed with much of course her level one mona i don't know when she will do that if ever but um she's there she was really excited to hit air 45 last night so we of course did go for some artifact runs she currently has a full blizzard strayer it's obviously not perfect you know i think i think we did 10 condensed runs so um you can't really expect to get a good full set there we do have an attack sands you know it's only plus 16 but it went to create damage once uh and the hidden stat was great damage as well then you know we got a plume here subs are not the best but you know what can you expect getting a full set at all for tin condensed resin is not bad uh here you know i have energy recharge i actually need quite a bit of energy recharge so that's not bad actually it's not a horrible flower for being at plus 12 you know i could still go to crit rate or attack still rocking a four-star goblet because it's cryo damage bonus i think she did get a five star yes here but the subs are literally as bad as possible so that was unfortunate she was quite lucky with the circlet i know it's attack percent but yeah but look it has 16.7 crit rate on it it's not even 20 yet if it goes to crit rate again that'll be uh higher than the highest crit rate subset i've ever had on my ar-57 account i kind of want to raise it honestly i kind of want to raise it bones i'm sure it'll be fine she won't care yes 2x oh dude 20 crit straight i cannot believe that one of her very first five star artifacts blows every crit-rate sub-set i've ever had out of the water actually this might be an okay circulate because she's going blizzard straight or she doesn't need that much crit rate uh you know crit damage would probably be better but holy hell that's kind of pog good job bones too uh i think my highest is like 17 point something she just literally got it i every single roll went to crit rate this one may have actually started with four i'm not yeah i think it started with four actually but yeah there's her ayaka no plus 20s except for now the uh crown i just broke over 2k attack here create to create damage ratio i think is perfectly fine a little bit more crit damage would be good you know blizzard strayer helps her get a lot of crit rate i'm not going to talk about like the artifacts and stuff on her other characters they'll probably be getting swapped out pretty soon anyway um but yeah you know these are the main characters she is really focusing on i would say these four uh she's not using razer as much in this account although she has raised him as well uh she really does not like the debate club um apparently some kind of animation thing or whatnot she just hates it i don't know why the end face she does use sometimes as well but i'm not really sure what there is else to do in an account review we already kind of went over her summons in a previous video of course they are insane it's bone summoning after all i believe her future plans are to get uh benett up first to 80 and then kazuha i'm not really sure what we're going to be doing once i hop on the game and we're going to be playing together a bit i was thinking artifacts because you know air 45 is kind of the artifact time but uh we'll see i'm gonna go ask her i'm gonna go hop back on my account and i'll be back in a second hello again bones so we were talking for a bit uh she has decided to go for uh bini boy first which means we're probably gonna be heading to the plant i guess also we will need some artifacts some pyro artifacts for benny boy so what we're gonna do is actually go to the fire plant and then while it's responding we're gonna go do some artifacts rinse and repeat so yeah i'm sure she probably could handle oh she's doing like 50 damage well i think her water dude doesn't have the best artifacts she probably could handle the fire plant on her own um but i mean why not take help when it's there so it has gone down now she's gonna go and do kaching's ultier and you see that's much nicer when you have a strong friend now we're heading to the pyro domain in fact i might pick up a couple pyros as well here because again i can't do any higher on you know my own account so bones got three that is pogger yes just one pogger i think you get punished for doing uh overloaded yeah that took actually quite a while we might need to switch up our party a little bit yeah 133. now imagine if she had to do this alone you know that was my argument before like probably possible if you're like a really good player but it would just take so long what do we got here a death goblet and a death sands alrighty yeah i think that was a little bit better with ganyu there not that much better a plume eh not that great and another sans lava walker i'm not super interested in but it's horrible anyway so yeah time to head back to the good old pyro regis vine oh i have kaching again all right now that's fine actually get any good artifacts only lava walker oh well i think we're just gonna use normal resin now i'm not in a massive rush to get more prior artifacts i still want to save most of my resin oh well i still got two anyway i still want to save most my resin for the new artifact domain uh this one is not that great so okay and yeah pretty bad flower also very bad goblets attack percent subzogees back to pyro plant after this run i'm gonna ask her how much more she needs five more plants so i guess maybe two more runs that we if we're lucky and get a three in there back to artifact farming and we got another two just for normal resin why are we so lucky today um a potential flower me maybe i think i have some pretty good flowers already and healing bonus circlet so okay a def and hp sands you hate to see it a goblet power damage animal damage come on three no we have one more chance to get three well i'm not looking too healthy neither with ganyu nor hutao so i'm gonna have to probably leave oh i'm out of artifact inventory space anyway hope bones doesn't mind if i steal all of her statue of the seven healing leave well i stole it anyway oh wait no i have the wrong characters give me the goods haha and she'll never know all of her healing is gone oh god i cannot keep the secret in any longer what does that even mean i dodge what are you dodging bones i'm scared oh i just got it she means she dodges the enemies and i don't what else are you stealing i think i did take a crystal fly now we're going to try benetton gone you because because ganyu isn't affected by benett c6 well i guess we have to raise some crap that i don't want to raise because it's all crap oh yeah i did come across a pretty decent uh plume here i mean it has all pretty good stats unfortunately we went just to energy recharge a bunch which i don't particularly like but we're gonna throw some of our crap in there so we have space at least oh well we did get some crit rate that's pretty cool sorry for the hold up bones just trying to raise this artifact real quick and we got some element to mastery all right not bad it's a decently balanced uh plume there let's see what our artifacts are just one hp all right she's already at the pyroboss waiting for a strong friend [Laughter] this is it this must be the moment of truth three ah jeez it must have been two again where are you at bones ah crafting station perhaps jeez i accidentally went with hutao and ganyu again not the best team honestly i mean who tao is not not that great here there's a bunch of fire dudes ah no my god you what do we got lava walker meh you why are you going bini i have a level 90 bini you can go with yurayaka yuryaka is actually pretty strong already i'm not sure if i'll have any clips of her actually doing damage but i'll try and grab one or two there was an 11k e right there i'm not sure if you could see that very good yeah there goes her old 6k per tick there that's a lot when it ticks 20 times we're all out of resin so we're just gonna leave and we're gonna ask her what's the best artifact you got she said she got one good one which yeah is about par for the course when it comes to artifact farming oh my god the sensor flower with crit rate and create damage and hp percent yeah it's not too bad i mean gotta remember these are her first five stars she's farming so flower with two good subs the two best subs actually and you know an hp percent on there definitely not bad at all yeah and now she gets three that's just how it goes doesn't it well you'll need them for level 90 anyway she's asking if i want to raise him and show the artie's and yeah she had no crimson witch before uh never farmed that domain before so all the ones are gonna be the new ones we got from today we'll quickly go over them and uh we'll try and equip the best ones but not necessarily like raisiny so strange just to be swapping accounts like that i'm gonna let her raise the artifacts on her own uh but let's just check what we got here 20 crimson witch of flames only two flowers this is the one she was talking about creary create damage in hp definitely not bad not bad at all uh obviously better than the other one so we're gonna go ahead and equip that three plumes here this one's not that bad either has energy recharge and crit damage but binny really needs energy recharge also so it's essentially on the same level as the flower and then over here he also actually needs hp you know if you want to if you want him to heal more and almost mastery so pretty good plumes too uh we didn't get a single five star sands unfortunately so we'll come back to that but we do have an attack percent here at least as a four star uh two goblets that'll have to be the off piece yeah she wants to go four piece crimson she really likes uh attacking with benny so i think she'll be able to take advantage of it with that super short cooldown and then finally for circle we have healing bonus and crit damage i don't believe she has any crit rate swords so i don't know i guess she could go healing bonus but that kind of doesn't really make sense i would say crit damage would probably be the best but then she really needs to hope she gets uh some nice subs all in all though i think the set's pretty solid for goblet we're just gonna see what pyro we have we have a total of three a three star four star and five star this one obviously no this is probably gonna be it i mean it does have attack percent and energy recharge not bad at all yeah i think that was really it for pyro so three of them wow though the one she has currently equipped is like perfect crit rate attack elements mastery injury charge i'd probably just hold on to that one for now actually i'd raise this one to four to see what the fourth sub is but again i'm gonna let her raise the artifacts uh but yeah that's that's about the best we could do with those runs but yeah you know i guess that'll pretty much do it ar-45 is good if you have a strong friend or you're super confident in your units and your abilities um to actually handle the ar-45 domains and everything in bone's case i'm sure she could handle the domains they would just take a long-ass time just because of a power limit and yeah when you have to farm that many artifacts to get like an actually solid set it becomes very tiresome and grindy uh when each run takes three four minutes you know make sure to everything in the comments down below dropping a like on this video doing enjoys always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 107,827
Rating: 4.9684534 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact ar45
Id: e0ko-heMhHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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