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hey youtube i just wanted to give a quick disclaimer that this is going to be containing footage and my playthrough of the newest archon quest for 2.0 inazuma so if you guys do not want to get spoiled and ruin it for yourself now is the time to click off the video however with that being said i will be uploading my pov my gameplay for the iaca story quest yo mia story quest and the arkhan quests up on the youtube channel so if any of you guys are new i guess for any reason if you want to subscribe to catch those uploads then feel free like and subscribe if you guys enjoyed etc and here it is how strange it's never this quiet here monka thomas playing his ventriloquist game again huh okay hey you can come out now i'm unseen i'm ready for him to like talk to me such a good guy hello have either of you seen tomah oh no we thought he'd be with you why has something happened then it says i feared on the way here i heard that tomah had been taken away by the tenrio commission i wasn't certain whether it was true so it came right here the fact that he hasn't arrived here as we arranged suggests that it is true a vision hunt uh-oh at the statue of the omnipresent god today to mark the 100th vision seized under the decree and the 100th vision bearer in question the one who will have their vision seized here his toma no why why him though ceremony that thomas said the ten royal commission were busy preparing for that was this vision hunt ceremony and he was the target all along i believe so the shogun and the tenrio commission see the ceremony as a milestone with the 100th vision they wish to mark the success of the vision hunt to create a date this cannot happen i must go and rescue him we're going to bring our dog along uh but you are the [ __ ] soggy he may kimi yeah like it or not you represent the whole yashiro commission so if you go and pull a stunt like that you're basically declaring you and the writing shogun are enemies now right and by doing it so publicly you might be implicating a lot of other people from the ashrae commission too there is no other option i must act with haste the ceremony is about to begin i will not abandon tomah like this he is my friend to think that not long ago we were all eating hot pot together oh he's my friend too i want to save him but you said it yourself no time to delay come on no more talking let's go wait here for your return get back safely don't worry ayaka a friend's life is on the line we ain't about to mess this up i feel like pymon's about to mess this up you know i feel like paimon is about to mess this up ayaka meet ayaka your long-lost twin toma tomo i'm coming man don't let him do that to you hold on oh snap [Music] why him [Music] oh my just rip it right off of him wait i never had abilities like that damn capable of using elemental energy without a vision you are an exception it appears she knows exceptions the enemy of eternity an enemy wait are we are we actually about to fight her right here right now you will be inlaid upon this statue [Applause] wait she actually just did a domain expansion on me what the [ __ ] wait she actually put me in like her own domain expansion what is this jujutsu kaizen oh [ __ ] wait a minute wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down hold on wait we're actually i'm fighting her right now what the [ __ ] you are that which is furthest from eternity exceptional what is this wait a minute hold on now hold on this can't be right wait she's ow into the wind is that a sphere she's using hold on hold on slow down for a second now i don't even have a healer on this team don't i didn't do any damage to her oh my god submit lightning falls on the land of eternity go up the wind knows me stay focused i couldn't even that didn't dodge it what the [ __ ] my apologies there's no way we die here right or a swirl she dodged all right there's no way we die punishment this has to be like part of the script okay my best character kazuha's dead we're not reviving him that's not how we roll but i think this is a part of the script i feel like this is part of the script we are open this has to be is this my final job wait that's not part of the script i have to go back again wait losing's not part of the script okay hold on we're gonna change to my actual og team let's get a little bit of immersion let's show them what the monstat boys are about yeah wait she she's immune to influence let's dig okay we got back up freeze this moment will be frozen let's go kaya whoa now heal up a little bit but you still get energy right wow she's like bursting me do you have to take it barbara you're the one with the most hp no the vision had decrees and fours except for the traveler characters can i use elements to burst their skills i was just about to use my healing when does this go away you're kidding me is it gone you're joking you're joking you're actually kidding me that goes off right why does it remind me of apex legends the revenant he stole my abilities dude or she yo this is [ __ ] dude it's gone right there's a cool down period oh my god wait did i fail what happened oh snap wait i've never lost a cutscene before yo yo what's going on damn thomas damn the leaf can't you just like blink towards us who was that seize her under the decree next time i will strike twice oh okay all right i will strike twice she says why have we stopped here damn dude we got our ass kicked what the [ __ ] i didn't get to finish the fight what happened first domain expansion and then she kicked us out and then she she or well she she claimed our abilities our visions what the [ __ ] she claimed our visions we couldn't use anything i felt powerless it kind of remind that kind of makes me wonder though if you were playing venti or zhong li would you still have your abilities because technically they don't get their abilities from visions right and their visions are fake i wonder if you would have your ability still nopers apparently well [ __ ] in case you've forgotten the kamore tea house is the safest place for me to hide in this area the only thing is i probably won't be able to leave again for some time i'll have to leave the next steps to you we got the vision back though what do you need us to do go to tatarasuna and find the resistance the shogun's army is almost certainly about to issue a warrant for our arrest there are very few parties that will be willing to shelter us but the resistance is an exception hyman's pretty sure ayaka mentioned them before oh yeah sanconomias group the ones who came together to fight the vision hunt decree that's right the resistance was founded by sango nomia the divine priestess of watatsumi island currently it's her subordinate goro who leads them in their war against the shogun's however the yashiro commission is not on especially close terms with the resistance so your dealings with us would normally be frowned upon but you're different so that shouldn't work against you as far as i can see the resistance shouldn't have any reason to turn you away yeah we don't care we can't be sure of the resistance force's current location you'll have to ask around along the way you'll likely pass through territory occupied by the shogun's army at some point so be sure to stay on your guard at all times you as well don't worry about me i can remain hidden when i want to i won't make it easy for them when he wants to then how'd you get caught in the first place let's get out of here how'd you get caught in the first place man what are you talking about i can make it easy if i wanted to but you know all right mister you know you don't have to tell me twice i get it you're trying to act tough in front of front of us we did save you though right i mean i guess it went both ways he saved us after we saved him [Music] i heard they added a couple more people to the wanted list they're high priority targets apparently but most of our forces are out on the front line how are we supposed to effectively prioritize them we'll just have to make sure we keep our eyes peeled when we're out on patrol ambush them i wonder how they're faring on the front line last thing i heard was that we pushed the resistance back to just northwest of musogen gorge i don't know if that's true i doubt it their rear guard isn't far from there we're gaining ground at the moment but i don't think we pushed them back that far anyway we should focus on patrol come on we're up yeah fair point time to go to work the northwestern was sergeant gorge so that's where the resistance forces are based got it we should keep asking around though just to be safe easy and tall easy oh hey you managed to escape too yeah where are you headed higgy village i've heard the rumors but it's still got to be a safer place than a war zone what about you ah don't get me started i was recuperating on nuzuchi beach it's complete chaos over there the resistance aren't having an easy time of it they don't have the manpower for an all-out confrontation so they can't contend with the shogun's army the front line used to be further forward but they had to retreat a couple of times now they're back to nizucci beach that's where i've just come from i was lucky to get out it's much too dangerous their forces are so scattered that no one knows who's who and anyone you run into pulls their weapon um i just dropped my luggage and ran here they're they're they're disclosing like confidential information that i'm not supposed to know but they clearly don't see that i'm literally right there like five steps away listening in you know they're like yeah we're not they're just talk i'm so confused right here i think we need to keep moving things are changing so fast the further away we can get the better agreed why don't we stick together can't hurt to team up with someone sounds like that's where the resistance and the shogun's army are battling it out right now let's head over and take a look all right down to the beach we go are you safe you saved me i thought i was about to die thank you so much for your help i'm tepe of the gobia splatoon i'm with the resistance pepe i was sent to the front line just recently i i was looking forward to doing my part instead it seems i felt the first hurdle so uh you aren't dressed like resistance fighters have you come here looking to sign up uh yeah great just the other day i heard general goh complaining about how desperate we are for more people your support will make a big difference i'll escort you back to our camp but first let me bring you up to speed on our current situation as you can see the resistance are at a constant disadvantage when it comes to open confrontation the goal of the shogun's army is to uphold eternity to this end they have the support of the tenrio commission's general kujosara who commands an exceptionally strong force as for us vision bearers are few and far between as it is and because of the vision hunt decree they're rarer than ever the fact we're even able to hold out is thanks to the brilliant strategic mind of her excellency sangonomia her excellence we're also indebted to the great courage shown by general guro and the resistance troops [Music] if only i had a vision myself not only would i be better placed to share her excellency in general guru's burden but i'd be able to hold my own on the battlefield too i couldn't help but notice that you used elemental energy when saving me just now you must have a vision yourself no she's a special case she doesn't have a vision but she can control the elements anyway are you serious that's incredible i guess that means you're immune to the vision hunt decree you have to let me introduce you to general goro he'll welcome you with open arms perhaps i can also make a worthy contribution this way of course i'd much rather prove my worth by the sword if only taking down shogun at samurai was as easy as you make it look yeah i do make it look easy right let's head off yeah i do make it look easy hear that chat no struggling at all hello goro you can clearly tell that's a geovision on his back this is what happened general goro i was surrounded by shogun at samurai and they came to my rescue they can use the elements without a vision the resistance could really use people with that kind of skill we should bring them in i presume you've heard that the goal of the resistance is to defeat the shogun's army and repeal the vision hunt decree this is no easy task each who sets foot on the battlefield must be ready to sacrifice their life tell me why do you wish to join us the resistance cannot accept any who don't possess a warrior's will you and i must be certain of your decision due to all the voice actors for inazuma so far very good very good let me tell you about the seizure of the 100th vision tomah you're referring to the ceremony to mark the 100th vision seized under the decree right yes we received some news of it here despite it taking place over in inazuma city there was a disturbance allegedly highly unusual considering that the ryden shogun appeared in person why do you wish to discuss this all of a sudden unless you have some information it was me smiley face what yep we had a fight with the writing choken and everything then we grabbed the vision bearer and whisk him off to safety after that they added us to the army's wanted list that's why we came here what just happened to my now that you mention it we did just recover a bounty notice from a shogunate samurai defeated in battle it read reward for the capture of a blonde-haired traveler and their mysterious flying pet so this refers to you two yeah what who are they calling a mysterious flying pet uh oh uh oh they don't know that they don't know that paimon is secretly the unknown god who created the world of tavat and can easily destroy everyone my apologies i understand your situation well enough for now on behalf of the resistance welcome to our ranks her excellency is currently away from the camp we don't know where she went but she instructed us to take care of everything in her absence what the [ __ ] is i will ask tepe here around the camp first and then dispatch you straight to the front line you got it you're ready of course yeah yes sir i used to be in the logistics division so i'm the right person to show you around i know the setup like the back of my hand i'll make sure you get a warm resistance welcome let's start with the field hospital some of my friends are recovering there last time i saw them i promised that i'd introduce any new recruits when they're finally back on the battlefield alongside us we'll all be brothers in arms what was happening i was getting like some particles or something i think follow tepe and help the wounded resistance soldiers okay seems good dude how do you guys just stand still so easily so calmly when it was are you not afraid to get hit by lightning like ah is this a new recruit looks like a strong addition to the troop hopefully someone i can spar with after i've recovered whoa whoa brand new recruiting your first thought is to start sparring with them and getting ahead of yourself that wound of yours isn't something that's going to clear up in a few days tepe did you bring this one in how were things on the front line well the enemy are much stronger than we could have imagined but we're holding our own i've been right in the thick of it at one point there were a horde of enemy troops surging towards us like the tide but i didn't flinch i drew my blade and charged straight into the fray uh-huh four choking it samurai and only one of me but i still managed to defend them when did you grow nerves of salva this lady stole the show though when she saw me tiring and falling back she burst onto the scene and took down a whole group of them in one fell swoop they were no match for her at all i heard she even stormed the vision hunt ceremony and that the ryden shogun herself failed to take her down amazing work wait until that gets word still uh i can believe most of that but her facing off against the ryden shogun i think you might be embellishing the story a little there tepee i mean we've all heard of the muso no hitotachi right either way to tell the truth with all the losses we've sustained recently i was starting to lose hope in our ability to hold out much longer but seeing fresh recruits join our ranks and hearing tepe's exploits i'm itching to get myself better as soon as possible so i can get back out on the front line huh that's a lukewarm epiphany if you ask me well you're lying there itching to get better i'm still out there training hard despite my injury okay dude weird flash first open again yesterday it did well do you need me to get you something to dress it with i heard about a remedy recently that uses wild bugs all you need to do is grind oni kabuto into powder and it makes a very effective dressing they say it feels cool on the skin and acts fast to completely cure flush wounds sure now i'll take one thanks hmm sounds a little strange to me i would have thought wolf hooks would do the trick but it's your decision well how about we let our new recruit decide i'll stay here and make some preparations if you're a fan of weird and wonderful remedies please gather some oni kabuto for me i'll take it from there but if you're more of a wolf hook advocate bring some of those instead personally i recommend we try the new remedy it sounds promising i'm with tepe here i'm i'm definitely with pepe here thanks for your help we got some of this ball bugs all right i knew you'd back me on this i can't guarantee it'll work but if it does everyone will be fighting fit again in no time why don't you hand me the ingredients it's a bit of a chore to prepare so i'll take it from here sure oh ow ow huh just like that the pain stopped now it just feels numb no it's like magic looks like this might actually work not bad type as soon as i'm better we'll have to do some serious barring together to make up for lost time sparring you have a one-track mind seriously but good going tempe he has like this mindset felt like you were rubbing salt into the wound but then the pain disappeared and there was just a cool sensation you only want i swear i can feel my body repairing itself already still i better not start overdoing it quite yet thanks to both of you for looking after us so well the day i'm discharged drinks are on me just glad we were able to help all right i'm gonna continue giving our new recruit the grand tour rest up you guys don't forget to visit the training grounds get some practicing before you hit the front line calm down and get some rest the training grounds that reminds me they should be doing archery training over there right now let's head over me want train me fight you me we sparrow another miss this sucks let's see now i've lost exactly 10 arrows and only one bullseye only one hit the target [Music] this isn't good enough it's evident from these past few days the practice alone isn't enough to improve our marksmanship how hard could it be just draw the bow aim and shoot yeah just draw the bow i underestimated the skill involved with progress like this who knows when we'll be fit for battle i suppose all we can do for now is wait for the drill master's next visit and ask him for more tips seems things have gotten tough on the front line recently all the best drill masters have already been dispatched to fight i guess we'll just have to keep practicing ourselves at this rate who knows if we'll ever become resistance fighters come on guys let's complaining more training huh tepe senpai listen up for a second i've come to introduce our newest recruit in battle she single-handedly slayed multiple shogun at samurai without so much as breaking a sweat and that was interrupting the vision hunt ceremony with the feat of stunning bravery not to mention surviving an encounter with the ryden shogun uh-huh is that true uh perhaps you'd be willing to give us some archery tips archery your boozers not to take too much of your time a quick demonstration would be all we need our previous training was so rushed that we hardly remember the proper technique it would mean a lot okay but watch closely oh you got it we won't let you down [Music] damn we're uh we know how to use a but wait really i get to use archery hold on wait a minute i'm actually a part of this destroy a certain number of blue targets to complete the training exercise watch out though hitting the red targets that represent allied forces or leaving the training area will result in failure so blue targets good red targets bad now the problem is i don't have an archer on my team so i thought for sure they would have you know [Music] it would have given me like a bow for main character amber reporting don't worry outright or amber's here [Music] oh we're in there boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and i missed one it's like valerian i missed hey we're in there you have it i told you our latest recruit is pretty strong incredible i think i understand what i was doing wrong now my posture was off and i didn't draw back with enough force seems i also need to focus on keeping my grip steady and monitoring the external environment if i can get those few down i'll be hitting my mark in no time yup those few huh watching your demonstration was a great help i learned a lot i mean you just need a good gamer chair you know i was able to observe some proper technique as long as i can retain it i know i'll become much stronger honestly before this whole conflict came about i was just another everyday citizen of watsumi island my wife and i were leading a quiet life together war and battles were the last things on our minds that all changed with the vision hunt decree the actions of the shogun's army ignited something inside me that's why i joined the resistance the road ahead of us now seems like a long one indeed and those of us without visions or combat skills really become adept fighters like them there's no use in speculating thank you both for your help we'll keep practicing as much as we can stay focused with us holding the front line you can continue sharpening your skills until you're ready now then let me show you around some other places where should we head next sir we've got trouble the shogun's army is attacking there are still many wounded in the camp we mustn't let the enemy break through we'll need your help to hold them off what impossible how could they have reached us all the way out here we'd better go assess the situation a chance for us to prove our worth in battle i mean i've already proven myself fighting the right in shogun an actual god and living up to to to tell the tell tale but you know well we managed to hold them off but what would the shogun's army be doing here we have sentries and patrols posted all around the perimeter here the enemy should never have been able to reach us this far unnoticed unless we have a traitor in our midst uh-oh they must have an informant feeding them intelligence and helping them to approach unseen that's the only possible explanation our priority is finding the agent and protecting the camp this is my chance to show what i'm made of sir if i may i just returned from inspecting the perimeter it appears that several portions of our defensive walls were already collapsed the shogun's army must have known about this vulnerability and made their way over from the cliffs nearby before attacking through the gaps in our defenses i suggest we repair the walls and double the guard that should keep them from sneaking up on us like this again in that case understood leave the repairs to us we can make use of the wooden rope nearby to patch up the defenses why don't we make this more interesting recruit a contest between the two of us just don't underestimate me if there's anything i know it's logistics you'll see all right collect nearby materials yeah this is our this is our mission so let's collect nearby materials yeah here we go the walls around the encampment ah now we're playing call of duty zombies yahoo really is a great company letting us play multiple games at once i'm gonna board this up all right that should do it the shogun's army will have a hard time getting past this no matter how determined they are seems i've made another valuable contribution to the resistance but why does it always have to be logistics work i thought getting transferred to the front line would be a chance to showcase my abilities and square off with the enemy instead here i am doing what i've always done before why are you so insistent about being on the front line it's just like general guru said we joined the resistance because of our warrior's will there are a multitude of ways to contribute to the resistance but who wouldn't want to take out a few shogunate samurai given the chance anyway we got more than we bargained for inspecting the camp let's report back to general goro if all goes well we might just be assigned a few missions closer to the action strange i don't see general guru anywhere we've had a change of plans the general has been dispatched to the front line to lead our forces into battle the shogun's army is attempting an advance on the main front reports have it that kujosara is now personally leading the enemy forces as for us it's been days since her excellency last made an appearance here we've executed almost all the directive she gave us but have received no further instruction the situation is becoming grim if we retreat any further i fear morale may falter for now we can only pray that general gore will be able to turn the tide however difficult that may seem we should go to the front line our forces need all the help they can get we're no use to them here we mustn't let to tara sooner fall to the enemy yo that's all we had to do in the beginning dude you have me built you have me grabbing planks and building up walls and stuff for if they get here how about you send me the front lines and i push them back so they never get here how about that ah never mind i was the commotion [Music] [Music] so you are the only one here i thought i might get to meet your grand strategist she is the one that's been causing our forces so much trouble the fact the resistance has even held out for this long is thanks to her but soon the resistance will fall they are no match for the might of the shogun's army her schemes mean nothing now well they're talking about already rooted out those behind the resistance all who have dishonored the almighty shogun will be punished i have faith in her excellency and in the soldiers of the resistance the vision hunt decree is a brutal injustice our resistance has only just begun it is futile there is one other thing i'm sure you've seen the recent arrest warrants i trust that the blonde traveler is somewhere among your forces now i will make you a deal hand her over to us whoa buy yourself some time a respite from the bloodshed would be advantageous to both sides would it not don't do it goro that's why you brought reinforcements just to get i was gonna roll is of great importance to the almighty shogun i was gonna roll for you goro when everyone said no me i was going to don't don't don't turn me in but the way i see it she is expendable to the resistance that's where you're wrong she means just as much to us as a member of the resistance she's a comrade i'll never surrender her to you the resistance never betrays its own her excellency made that clear to everyone from the very beginning general goro tepe uh here we go and the traveler what are you doing here we're here to help it would appear our time to fight side by side has finally come well well we meet again this time i won't let you get away i thought that you would seek refuge with the resistance in the hope of receiving asylum that you choose to show up here proves that you have more bravery in you than i had originally thought and now that you're here i have a proposal why not represent the resistance in a fight of honor a fight of honor what's that another fight before the battle begins each side chooses their finest warrior for a match of single combat to the superior force there is little significance in such a duel but to the weaker force victory could constitute an important boost to their morale her motives are clear she wants to use the match as an opportunity to capture you do not feel compelled to participate we could take the fight to them without such a ceremony well what do you think will you fight i took down the ride and show gun and this is her like you think i'm gonna lose wait i am the one fighting right wait this is my opponent this guy this guy is random joe with the spear really really really well this they said we have to one-on-one chat in honor of the duel now you know what let's pop all of our ultimates [ __ ] this dude oh another contender comes remove all threats to eternity by order of the almighty shogun be wary you're up against a powerful opponent barbara take him out boom i won't forget this a third challenger my skills are like ruining the cutscene a third challenger appears you got this you is cujo sara gonna fight herself [Music] like do you really expect me to lose against any of these guys really now oh this guy's a little tankier huh knocked him back though electrocuted oh dodge this all right let's finish this off permafreeze baby hold that pose hold that pose you're looking beautiful you're looking beautiful train harder stronger than i anticipated this contest has served its purpose soldiers attack glory to the shogun and her everlasting reign wow prepare to engage all of you with me oh no was that pepe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold the line i can't tell who's winning oh snap oh i think we know who's coming [Music] now this changes things [Music] the wait is over my comrades now it's our moment call miss the breeze wait godzilla's here no way what the [ __ ] i just hope you can afford all these marks you gathered and beetle what the [ __ ] wait they never returned [Music] we meet again old friend we were in hiding the whole time or something oh this fight is ours all forces retreat oh dude wait kazuo is here what the i did not expect that chat what is this greetings oh this is the first time we've met please allow me to introduce myself so this is your excellent kokomi organizer of the resistance and also the divine priestess of watasumi island perhaps it's the first time you're hearing that title to put it simply i'm the person currently in charge on watasumi island which is also the home front of the resistance i've actually heard all about you from bedo and kazuha i hadn't expected to find you join the resistance though do you have a plan beyond this point um no immediate plans dude this is this is a perfect character for fishy in that case shall we continue our conversation at the shrine of sangonomia although the shogun's army has retreated for now the war is far from over the vision hunt decree has not been repealed and neither the tenbrio commission nor the right in shogun show any sign of stopping in short our problems have yet to be resolved i suggest we move to the shrine to discuss our counter plan what say you uh sure yeah um can i come too i know about sumi island very well i can carry on being your guide if you'd like yeah sure i guess garrel thank you for all you have done our forces are weaker than the shogun's army and my absence can only have made the recent days all the more trying for you i'm afraid i must still ask you to stay a while longer to keep eyes on the shogun's army and also to see to the wounded but i will ask the mercenaries to remain stationed here and casual is here i like how tepe is trying to fit in with all of us this will serve to reduce the pressure you are under i did not expect kazuo to come well receive your excellency i must return to sangonomia now i have a few things to attend to once you're ready please rendezvous with teppay he will escort you there thank you for all your efforts so far from this day on i fight alongside you fight for the future of inazuma okay we know that was it no i thought we were supposed to talk no that can't be it that's the end that's the end oh the rain stopped as well the moment comey left wait i got we got to find out what nice kazu out here on the way here i happen to learn of the bounty on your head as expected you seem to have given them quite the challenge in that regard wait so they never left i hear also that you witnessed the ride in shogun i trust she's as oppressive as ever the muso hitotachi are there truly those who can withstand it one day we will be able to face her oppression head on this is the reason i returned to inazuma kazu has a chad for coming back damn [Music] i guarantee you only the alcor could pull off an ambush as quietly as that all right beto don't eat a flex we get it we get it did we give you a fright i gotta admit i was caught off guard myself when we dropped you off in rito i wasn't expecting tatarasuna would be the next place i'd see you but wherever you might end up you'll always be part of captain beeto's crew if you're ever in a tight spot come and find me i'll have your back pog dude the whole gang's here man girl her excellency never fails us i must say i was certainly surprised to look out and see kazua joining the fray it's been quite some time since we last fought side by side at that time his friend was defeated in a duel before the throne and executed by the ryden shogun kazuwa came to visit the resistance as he was fleeing inazuma with his friend's vision ah hard to believe it's been so long damn what about the guard you want to talk to me where's tepe where's tempe and kokomi i didn't get to talk to them [ __ ] damn dude that quest oh damn dude oh yo that was cool that was such a cool archon quest or whatever we on our conquest right i didn't expect to fight the ride in shogun so early though i also didn't expect to get my ass kicked i thought we would have been able to finish and i'm assuming that she'll be like a weekly boss in the future kind of like tartaglia i got those kind of vibes me hoyo is definitely stepping their game up when it comes to these cut scenes because it feels like a movie you just sit back frozen in place after all it feels like a freaking movie right it's so great yo yo genting impact anime win yeah god mihoyo caught me off guard with this one well done actually well done with this archon quest caught me off guard with the ball fight uh caught me off guard with even kazuha returning you know but i figured he would have done the right thing he has a good heart he would have he would have definitely wanted to come back right
Channel: Enviosity
Views: 410,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, anime, open world, rpg, action, noelle, lisa, xiangling, amber, paimon, liyue, china, quests, treasure hunters, mondstadt, story, closed beta, spear, hydro, geo, electro, pyro, anemo, dendro, cryo, bow, archer, claymore, sword, catalyst, polearm, event, guide, artifacts, 4 star, 5-star, explanation, how to, beginner guide, main stat, sub stats, rng, ios, android, pc, f2p, free-to-play, primogems, GI, twitch, new content, cn obt, china open beta, abilities, character preview, teleport, synergy, starter guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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