Aussie Coin Pusher EP 200ish SO MUCH SILVER !!!

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[Music] jason from aussie coin pusher here well i have totally done all my swearing off camera sort of figured you didn't really want to hear that um that is a big tower that is a very large tower so i've literally studied this for like 10 minutes before i even set the camera the coins are three coins stacked now i have noticed the smaller the stack the tougher they are to get down this one's three and it's huge it's massive um yep i've got the four silver sitting on top but i'm more interested in these back silvers i've never seen a silver coin like that and look how fat they are um they're a lot fatter than the normal silver coins so i'm not sure what's going on with that i'm a little concerned with that because obviously the fatter the coin the heavier the weight the heavier the weight the harder to remove off the top um the coins down the bottom i'd be lying to myself if i said i was happy with that but look you know what's there's what's there so um it was my choice to play it and play it i'm gonna there's 70 coins and yes i'm wearing a jacket it's like five degrees and they've got the bloody air conditions on um playing one half on this is not gonna cut it it's it's just not gonna do anything at all so all i can do is just uh yeah out of those okay top is clearly thirsty talking about thirsty yep i have totally cracked the bourbon oh thank you not much is happening that's worrying me [Music] oh the tower just actually shifted like a millimeter that's good i like well i hope you like long videos because i can't see me knocking this down in half an hour that's right keep them coming [Music] so the picture on those coins up on the top deck it looks like a platypus to me i'm not 100 sure um but it looks like a platypus so that's another australian native a little bit of a funny story for you nothing special um in the comments i had a little while back now probably over 9 months and a half somebody was one of the commenters said that they they came to australia and they saw a platter push out in the wild um but that in itself is quite rare there's not a huge amount of them and they tried to pick it up and i'm i'm like are you serious you know in my head i was saying are you serious so i wrote back to him i said are you aware that platypuses are actually poisonous [Music] i thought that was quite funny [Music] oh i'm not happy but i'm not happy with what's what's going on here i think i'm in some trouble i've only got two coins left that's all the coins i got wow this thing is not moving yikes [Music] okay well i've got about 40 coins and i'm i've got about 46 coins and see more you're paying the ass um and i'm 960 bucks in the red i'll take the 40 bucks though i reckon i can see what he's done here i reckon he's put i mean there's i don't know how much money is up the top there in in form of chips under the silvers he's quite a lot i reckon he's confident that i'm not going to knock that down and i'll tell you what if i don't knock that down i could be in a bit of trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on i need every coin i can get my mitts on oh one coin [Music] you guys probably can't even see over the top of that it's a big bastard [Music] really good news is i don't think we lost any but i really don't think we gained any either so still about 40 coins so oh come on joyce all right the towel is moving a little tiny bit [Music] ah i don't need to be double stacking right now [Music] all right [Music] that was all of them oh boy all right let's tell you it up see what i got i reckon i've got about 35 coins and 110 bucks all right money's good i would have preferred more coins uh oh that could be 40 coins there i suppose [Music] um those plastic things up the top there what those coins are in they're killing me at the moment they're grabbing a hold of the coins and stopping them from coming down [Music] [Music] okay that's my last two coins i think i'm in trouble [Music] 170 bucks and still got about 40 coins i don't mind keeping the same amount of coins but 40 coins can very very very quickly turn into 25 coins and then i'm in trouble [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah come on i got an idea i've got an idea i don't know how well this is going to work i've got to be very careful what if i just play one side and literally try to turn this thing sideways or at least on a 45 and then maybe maybe i can attack that one corner what if that would help get it get it down a bit quicker as i said i've got to be careful because i'm not really playing with playing for these coins here and i need every coin i can get i'm going to give it a go i'm just going to see uh i will be dropping coins on the left hand side but just not very many [Music] because at the moment i'm double stacking way too many coins okay that was all my coins all right let's tell it up see what i got well another 100 bucks but i reckon there's like 25 coins there hey i had to open my big bloody mouth [Music] i totally jinxed myself i'm sure of it all right right hand only [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so okay that was all my coins yeah i think i'm in the here um i may need to play this side just to see if i can't drop like two or three coins on this side here uh obviously i'm still playing this side here uh yeah well i'm actually that's actually a lot better than i was expecting i got 150 bucks and there's probably 35 coins so maybe not as much in the as i thought that's good [Music] but i am giving up on that idea just playing one side [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] that was all my coins um my main problem i've got at the moment is the the rubber or the plastic whatever these things are in at the top is hanging onto the coins i'm not getting the coins falling over so that's a concern but not as big as as concerned as that oh shea yet uh yep i'm in trouble yeah i've been in trouble oh we got like 15 coins all right right hand side only [Music] [Music] i've got one coin left sorry fine i've got to ignore ya [Music] bugger all right let's tell you that's what i got [Applause] okay um that's how many that's how many coins fell nothing nothing full so um i've had to go ahead and use my second thousand this is it this is my last thousand but i've got another 70 coins uh i was really hoping i didn't have to do that because now i have to knock that tower down i have no choice and that just absorbed all those coins so quickly but i don't know if i should do a coin dump and try to remove something from the top while i've got coins i'm thinking that is a good idea and i might try it i'll go to the right hand side because that's the one that looks like it wants to come off but they're holding on to the coins these these plastic things up the top so i think what i'm going to try and do is get one off [Music] it doesn't help that my timing is totally [Music] [Music] all right there's one ah see what happens come on come on timing don't let me down okay i pretty much held my breath oh man i pretty much just held my breath that whole 70 coins um i just took the biggest risk of my gambling career by coin dumping pretty much a thousand dollars at once you might as well say that so um i'm actually too scared to go down and take a look i really am so i'm sort of just up here actually i'll tell you what i'm going to do that's nearly finished i've only cracked that like three just try to turn the camera on i cracked it and it's nearly finished um all right i'm going to tally it up and see what i got take a look at the shakes [Music] yeah i don't ever want to do that again but i did pull hundred so i'm happy about that uh coins i wasn't watching at all what was going on down the bottom and i am absolutely grateful that that came out uh there's got to be like 80 90 coins so i know i started with 70 but i've gained something so oh yeah i don't want to do that again oh that was nerve-wracking [Music] [Music] okay so the one on the far left wants to come off while i've got coins i'll have a crack at that oh wow [Music] i've still got the shapes [Music] oh that one pushed me way past my comfort zone eh so [Music] so come on i don't hear [Music] [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got 10 bucks uh i reckon there's like 95 to 100 coins though i did do a hand uh hand test on it and that's about what i think it is [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so come on thank you another one [Music] all right let's have a quick look at this tower thank you hasn't changed i'm not expecting it to i i don't know what's in the middle of that i can guarantee ya it is strong knowing davey's filled it up full of bloody coins [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh so we just fell over um it's protected it is protected i'm just going to keep going i don't want to lose my rhythm [Music] so [Music] i've got one coin left we're on the guts ish [Music] oh i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what i got take a look at this thing all right i've got 100 bucks [Music] so there is platypuses ah there you go the weight is heavy it is heavy look how thick it is um just trying to nah see i can't like i can't really tell i don't know but that is thick um two ounce coin nah do they even make two ounce coins i don't know i got no idea but that is thicker than a normal one so hopefully you can see it but that's the picture of the toilet uh about there uh so that's a platypus or two of them what we've got there okay queen's head and i've got more of that i like this frosting this frosting on it like on the outside that's really nice i really like that anyway what i might do is the next time i turn my camera off i might ring my son and just ask him about these coins see if he can look them up for me no point me do it i don't even have to turn the internet onto my phone um we got some coins back so that's the main thing it's like 110 115 ish [Music] all right so what i need to do now is i've got to concentrate on getting one of those coins off the top because they are affecting my play hardcore so let's go to the right hand side one left hand side one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so oh come on i don't want to be doing that all right bombs away oh um i made booboo that's not good it's not even funny uh i made big [Music] that's in a bad spot that is so [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh no oh i forgot i was looking down at the bottom i was hoping there's gonna self clearance oh man not now that's my last two coins i gotta go find dave oh thank you yep i can't play with it like that i'll be back okay i have definitely lost coins i'm going to go 80 90 coins so while dave was here i did ask him about that coin and he said yeah he it's a two ounce coin i've never heard of them so yeah i don't really follow the coins or the these little tiny bars i've always wanted one of these little bars but you know and now i've got some so um but i don't follow the i follow like the the big but you know the big ones so a two ounce coin so that's interesting so now i'm sort of a bit interested and see what else they make and what else do they make did i make a three ounce coin i don't know [Music] so i'm doing two things here right now one i'm just speeding the game up because i just want to see if any of those silver coins at the top are interested in coming off that's the first thing i want to do secondly i'm trying to get some coins [Music] back [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so let me just quickly explain to you why i'm targeting the silver at the top it's not because it's silver it's got nothing to do with that it's all got to do with what the silver's in it's that plastic or rubber or whatever that is is holding onto the coins i'm not getting the amount of drops i should be getting so i'm trying to get one off and hopefully i'm getting some coins and some pushes in return [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got oh i nearly dropped it 20 bucks and about 90 coins okay i mean it could be worse [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right if you're wondering what i'm doing um my mind has been darting through the comments uh i know that's probably a little bit hard for you to understand but and for some reason i can remember the comments i can remember comments but i cannot remember what i did yesterday and what i've come up with so far is debbie has said in her comments this has gone back a little bit she said if you're trying to get stuff off the top get it as thin as you can coin wise and then go double stacking behind it but right now it's double triple quadruple i mean there's bloody five of them over this side um i'm never going to get them off they're too heavy so i think what i need to do is try to get the coins out from underneath them somehow i don't even know how to do that i'm trying this [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so oh that was all my coins i sped up because i'm getting build up i'm getting a build up on this side and a little one on that side i don't need one of them to build up all right let's tell it up to what i got okay thank goodness i'm not losing a lot of coins so um i still reckon there's about 90 coins there [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] so come on come on i can't possibly get the coins in any faster oh come on please fall off and then that will free up the right hand side [Music] [Music] oh come on you're balancing there [Music] and back on the top table it slips [Music] that was my last coin huh let's go tilly it up see what i got [Music] probably about 75 coins i'm not surprised i nearly had that bloody thing off and now look at it it slipped all the way back on again um this tower is starting to change a bit of shape though i'm happy about that [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on i'm getting frustrated remember how deep you'll dig a hole for five cents grace oh don't shake back on don't shake back on all right so close it's teetering on the edge come on your favorite oh thank you oh i've got a nice push too that was my last two coins [Music] bloody stress all right i reckon there's about 80 coins uh probably 75 coins maybe 75 or 80 i have cleaned them up just a bit okay so that's one more step towards the final so now i can clean up the right hand side and smash the left hand side [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the old bag's getting a bit sore there's my last two [Applause] i'm not sure what's going on here is that just slipping up over the top of coins or is that the base getting pushed out i'm hoping it's the base getting pushed out i mean the whole thing is leaning a little bit now i'm guessing that's because of the um the bottom lip there it is raised you can see it's definitely going upwards so maybe that's what's leaning it backwards but i mean the rest of it looks pretty good but you think about it you've got four ounces of silver at the top plus all of those chips top heavy it's got to be top heavy so whatever he's got in the middle i don't know so hopefully nothing um i would prefer there'd be nothing in there rather than full of coins or full of chips or something like that because it just makes it so hard to get down when it's got stuff in it um drinks break okay there's probably 90 coins now i'm starting to think maybe what i should be doing is playing the right hand side because that's the side at the top that's clear and about where that hundred is uh that's clear too so i should be able to go there try to miss the two plastic things because they're grabbing a hold of the coins and maybe concentrate on attacking their [Music] [Music] tower [Music] so oh that tower shifted coin dump [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay my last coin oh that is definitely that is definitely shifting take a look at the big bow that's in it oh can you see that front on ah i don't know if you can or not but uh there's a big bow there all right let's tell it up so what i've got i [Music] remember think happened last time i put my hand right in front of the towel filled in don't do that jason um where are we about there um that's about 80 coins 85 coins there's quite a lot of coins there i'm happy with it what do you reckon another coin though i mean it's definitely moving that tower [Music] oh wow i've got a handful of messy coins [Music] oh that's terrible all right that tower just moved on flat load well my butt load anyway [Music] yeah i think uh i think he's on his last legs oh that silver went down um oh what did i do you know what i'm gonna stop and i'm gonna grab that silver out um just because i don't want that to fall on it if it falls i don't even know if it's gonna fall but anyway i'm gonna get out of there [Music] all right two more ounces of silver to the collection oh man that's so cool two ounce coins who would have thought of it i still think i still think coin dumping time is a good thing right now if i get that tower down [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on daddy shake those pom poms okay that was my last coin [Music] [Applause] all right let's tell it up so what i've got well definitely gain coins that time i'm over a hundred uh 110 maybe fish somewhere around there [Music] come on this thing's gotta be top heavy [Music] [Music] so [Music] nope didn't mean to drop that one [Music] [Applause] let's have a quick look i'm getting a build up on that side why is holding this thing up last time i had a towel on that much of an angle he had something inside he had notes inside it is that what he's done did you feel that bloody thing up full of notes [Music] [Music] so [Music] so oh that was moving [Music] oh it's got to be going soon i'm trying to drop in a series of three now and that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i've got [Music] all right um 120 something like that so i just had about a 20 minute break uh walking around outside and just trying to stretch out a bit so now i'm good to go let's get this tower down [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] holy um that filled up my that's it's everything's full i had everything hit in the wood oh my god that scared the out of me oh i'm so glad i don't think i screamed like a little girl then oh what oh what oh no wonder why i wouldn't move i should look at it all [Music] i'm gonna go clean it out because i don't want to jam the machine up um oh man oh i'm so sorry i bet you everybody jumped then well so did i my eyes are wide open holy crap oh that totally made me i mean look what went down all at the same time i mean wow oh man and take a look he's filled it up full of bloody silver that's why it wouldn't move hey i'm happy for that you little ripper oh wow oh i think my blood pressure just went straight through the roof there oh man all right um look at all the coins that's um i'm in a bit of shock at the moment so and plus that generally actually scared the out of me [Music] do i care about double stacking no not at all my only problem is i don't know i'm gonna go get them [Music] i just got five ounces of silver just look at me shaking oh man oh um when i calm down just a little bit um i might be able to start thinking okay i've got one that's got kangaroos on it i've got one that's all right okay yep that one that's one of the queen's head on it that's got a queen head on so that's that one queen head and queen head all right oh [Applause] okay let's keep going [Music] oh man dave would have had to have heard that and i don't know what will set these alarms off [Music] five ounces of silver just like that [Music] oh you're gonna you're gonna hear a lot of that [Music] oh there oh cut it out i'd have to stop and take a bloody heart pill [Music] oh [Music] all right i'm going to concentrate on getting some silvers off at the top i'll tell you what's a lot easier to get them off when you've got 5 000 coins oh i'm getting off this time [Music] damn i wonder how many coins just fell 100 150 coins that's insane [Music] now [Music] come on 100 you just come off too you've been up there just enjoying your ride oh wow what a game best game ever best [Applause] i think i'm running on pure adrenaline right now i would hate to see what my jobs look like [Music] give me a bloody heart attack here oh i do apologize for i think i think i might have sworn um i think i might have sworn a couple of times i'm not too sure i really don't know i can't remember now but if i do i do apologize oh scared absolutely ahead of me oh wow now i could use skill stop on this silver but my problem is my back's already sore and last thing i need to do is pretty much stuff it up and i can't stand anymore so i'm just going to persist in just dropping a ton of coins and just seeing what's gonna happen i mean i might as well it's not like i haven't got the coins for it [Music] listen to it i'm still holding a hundred coins ah seymour i am so sorry my european [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh man i'm not even looking anymore i'm not even looking [Music] oh that hit the door i think i think it hit the door [Music] i'm nearly out of coins oh man best game ever i can't believe it yeah the door is getting slammed i better go and clean it out or i'll get stuck in there i'm gonna have that look [Music] all right battery lights flashing all right i better change that too i think that's official that is the most i've i've actually got out of this machine in one cleaner at 900 oh and i forgot to change my bloody batteries oh man i am just stoked two more kangaroos another two more ounces i mean two yeah two more ounces all right i better change my battery because it's just gonna die [Music] okay we got a new battery um and that's joe all right so joe is fairly full sammy is also fairly full [Music] oh you're kidding me that's about 50 bucks it's coming out of everywhere i have got to get that silver off the top there and that hundred i don't want to leave two ounces of silver then i really don't want to leave 100 there i'm going to attempt skill stop here i know this is going to be a bad idea [Music] i've just got to do whatever it takes now to get that silver off of there and reasonably quickly oh my god what a pretty coin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh thank you [Music] i left the silver's too late [Music] [Music] oh nelly come on you're on your edge listen to it [Music] oh come on please please come off i'm not leaving two ounces of silver in here there's no way in the world i don't care if this is a three-hour video i really don't i've got another battery in there [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] oh thank you oh come on oh man oops drop the coin i mean i've got to keep trying i can't just leave two ounces and a hundred dollars in there [Music] [Music] i'm going to try to get that 100 off thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] ah this is not working this is not funny [Music] oh that's getting closer oh i'm gonna go skill stop again [Music] so [Music] oh man i can see exactly what's going to happen here i'm not happy i mean i'm absolutely static this is the best game ever played but this is putting a big damper on oh close close [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you've got to ask yourself how many coins am i losing trying to win 80 bucks of silver that's about if it's two ounces it's about 40 bucks an ounce oh man i can't believe it i'm gonna be leaving that in there that was all my coins all right let's tell it up here [Music] all right 700 bucks uh yeah very happy with that now what have we got ready let's uh we're going together okay two lots kangaroos that's fine i don't care and we got this big bugger hey nice wow big pot bloody silver up there okay um do you remember joe when i showed you last game he was up about there somewhere um look how many coins i've lost i've lost more coins than that hundred and that silver's worth uh do i keep going yes i'm gonna keep going for that hundred am i gonna leave that that silver in there yes ouch better um am i happy am i content with what i've won no i'm not not going to leave stuff like that in there um i would prefer to leave that no i'd prefer to leave a hundred dollars in there although that's worth more than that then and i prefer to have that silver out uh i feel like as if i've let myself down i can't seem to get that bloody thing off so um yeah i don't know i don't know what i'm going to do though is i'm going to have a crack at that hundred because that shouldn't take too much to get off and maybe i can get some of my coins back but i am not going after that silver unless it looks like as if it wants to come off [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] you know what thinking about it i am happy i mean i'm very happy i mean i'm i'm beyond very happy i'm disappointed that i didn't get that off that's what i meant to say earlier am i content you know i've i've got more than what i came in here with so yeah absolutely but yeah i am just i'm disappointed because of that that's what i meant to say oh i'll take any coin that you want to give me okay um yep that's it i don't know how long i've been playing for feels like about six hours and my back is sore uh i'm gonna tally everything up this is gonna take me some time so um but for you guys it'll be in a second take a look at that 15 bloody ounces oh man no way i feel the weight of it 15 ounces um yeah i'm trying not to swear i'm doing my best if i do i apologize but that oh wow oh um yep ah this guy in here is killing me um try to ignore it as you can see joe is full you sit up there buddy don't you don't pop a valve and sammy is also full tell you that look at them and the coins so um oh wow okay so the telly goes i hope you're sitting down for this i wish i was i'll tell you um i've got 900 in notes over 1 650 in chips 341 tokens i actually thought i might have had a bit more but no 341 tokens 1023 holy um add everything together 3573 man i wish i was going home with that minus the two thousand dollars that i had to pay i did have a buy-in i was hoping so bad that i didn't have to have that second buy-in but i did two thousand bucks um one thousand five hundred and seventy three dollars that's what i got out of that game was it worth it yeah absolutely i got look at all the silver i got there's 600 in silver just in silver alone give or take you know it's not exact um i would have done that just just for the silver don't tell dave um oh yeah as you can tell i am over the moon oh i'm stressed trust me i'm relaxing now um but i got the shakes really bad doing that and a couple of those drops literally scared me to death oh wow i jumped and i reckon when you guys you know uh you guys would have jumped as well so anyway hundred and seventy three dollars now i'm still not going to tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go and do it first and then i'm gonna tell you about it um and the reason for that is because i i want to do it like that i need another bourbon all right um a drinks break all right i just got the weirdest reaction ever um lady behind the bar i've never seen her before i don't even know her name she's new she just came flying around the bar and gave me a big gun makes me feel really uneasy when that sort of thing happens because i've been married for like 27 years and i don't touch other people and i don't like being touched either so um now this is what i've done please don't hate me for this um this is something that i've wanted to do and i will explain to you um i'm hoping this doesn't get back to the club i'm taking a big risk and telling you why i'm doing this but look what i've done [Music] four hundred dollars that's it and that's how i can take my family out to dinner tonight everybody so yep 400 so what i've done 1 173 to the jar i was thinking about giving it to the tin but i've got an alternative motive here um debbie this one's this one came from you mate um i'm still concerned with how much i win from here i know dave's got to be covering for me he has got to be covering for me i know this place wins a lot of money or earns a lot of money i know that for a fact but i yeah i don't know and i'm worried about it if they say that's it stop my youtube channel is gone you guys will never see unless you watch my beach metal detecting channel i'm worried about that so and i've always even when dave says no look don't worry about nothing's been mentioned i'm still worried about it so this might give me some brownie points this is something that i've been thinking about for a while debbie's mentioned it a while ago and i've been thinking about it and thinking about it and think you know what that is a bloody good idea this might give me some leverage so 400 bucks hey i'm happy i came out of this game not only with this oh i can't even pick it all up oh i'm probably just going to drop it on the bloody ground i better not do that yeah all of that that in itself is worth it to me four hundred dollars um i'm starting to think uh that might not have been enough to take oh yeah this should be enough um to take everybody out to dinner tonight um oh i'm stoked i am so stoked it's just ridiculous um yep you should see my face right now i must look so funny um yeah now my mind's going to jelly so um look that's something i wanted to do okay so please don't send me hate for it um it's something i've always wanted to do you know and look it's got an alternative motive too i'm hoping it's going to help me out so i can actually stay here playing this game i mean they can't be happy with what i'm winning but i don't think dave's letting anybody know i'm talking about management now but i know i do get monitored and i don't know who does it so it might be somebody from the you know from the management that monitor me too so and if they hear what i'm saying right now yeah it's not going to be good for me so um anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and yeah i am so stoked it is ridiculous i'm gonna go get a wheelbarrow to carry my silver out to the car you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 41,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iO_RaJRoCI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 3sec (5043 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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