Aussie Coin Pusher EP 104

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[Music] good get eight jason from aussie coin pusher here look at the silvers wow i can see three uh two at the top deck and one in the middle i'm not sure what that little part's supposed to be what's it like a stone hedge that's what it reminds me of um yeah interesting anyway so um three silvers nice um i was actually gonna play the other game until i saw those silvers i didn't see them straight away um and i'm playing this one 50 coins that's what i've got to play this with so um i've got 100 in my car if i need it but i'm really hoping i don't uh i left that card at home i am not bringing that down here no more so um so yeah i was a little disappointed in myself that i actually had to use that and um i mean look it sometimes you got to do what it takes to win but um yeah that's not what it's all about that's how you get um addicted to those games so and i do not want to do that anyway um 50 coins let's see what i can do i got some good news now let's just watch see what it's going to do first oh we've got to push on the first one nice what does that mean no gaps got to be gaps no gaps on that side anyway i can give you that all right what's about this side [Music] totally stuffed that one up didn't i i'm just trying to find out where the gaps are and how the game's going to play because it's different every single time you play it i just want to quickly learn that before i just start smashing coins in okay we've got movement everywhere that's a good thing thank you dave you did not put any gaps in he reckons i was as white as a sheep yesterday after that meeting oh man i tell you put the shits up i just want to say this on every video if that's if that's not too much of a pain in the butt for you guys too if anybody on facebook is watching this and you're not on aussie queen pusher page um you're watching a stolen copy of it and please report the people that stole it thank you all right uh good news i've got some good news i got the shirt back um those are you that don't know what i'm talking about i've got a shirt made up um i'm not going to tell you what it is i'm going to surprise you with it so when i get home this afternoon or you know it depends on how long this game takes and depends if i even play the one next to me which i hope i can um depends if someone someone's already played it so um yeah when i get home i ask my wife if she can actually hold the camera i'm going to have a shower i'll put the shirt on and you guys will get a full view of you know of obviously what i look like so that doesn't bother me in the slightest i already know i'm ugly so and fat so please don't comment those two already no um so yeah and then um yeah this um this thing you know it's uh it's just an experiment that's all it is but yeah i will ask you guys to let me know what you think when you see it come on let's get stuck into this game i think this is going to be a good game everything's moving oh yeah everything's moving great [Music] i would love to get those silvers off there really early okay that's my last two coins all right oh not yet yes there okay let's tell it up see what i got well i definitely don't think we lost any coins i reckon we probably gained maybe five or ten so that's not a bad thing that's always a good thing and we know how the games playing the game's playing really good i'm not going to say this is going to be an easy game because every time i do that it turns out to be a real hard one [Music] i'm dying just to throw coins in there to get those silvers off but i can't that whole bottom tray is overhanging [Music] and i have to say my timing is absolutely smack on i just dropped four coins in and everyone landed flat i love it whoops [Music] okay i got one coin left nice all right that's still overhanging there's heaps of them a couple little gaps there but that's nothing but yeah and there's so many coins over hanging all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay definitely more coins in there they're stacked neatly that's why the pile is smaller but as you can see if you have a look under there all nice and neat i like a good handful of neat coins i reckon there's at least 60 to 65 in that um so yeah definitely and i totally forgot to guess all right slap a quick one in now i reckon about 160 coins i think i'm dreaming but that'd be nice [Music] come on isn't coming [Music] i mean that's just a dollar dollar that's what i'm hearing [Music] all right i'm gonna see if i can get that 50 off the top just the one totally didn't do it still wants to come off though i'm never cracking again [Music] nice holy that gave me a huge push [Laughter] [Music] today has just got to be a good game i just know it another 50 bucks to come off let's have a crack at that 50 with every coin i've got all right that's all right we'll tally it up see what we've got 90 dollars 90 bucks right there yeah nice and that's not the good part that's the good part g'day semi um i'm going to call at least 130 140 coins that was a huge run for me 90 bucks i nearly doubled my coins how can you complain of that oh i can complain about having a handful of messy coins though oh that 100 wants to come off and i want it to come off [Music] i'm just going to wait i'm really holding three coins in my hand that's not a good thing [Music] oh that's it now that's the problem with having messy coins messy coins in your hand like that you miss hope i haven't just missed the opportunity to get that hundred off right now [Music] come on this has got to do it nice come on silver [Music] all right let's make some more swing eh i'm totally not worried about double stacking right now well thank you and that's why [Music] [Music] i love doing that oh that's gotta be loud [Music] [Music] oh yes oh yes in your face [Music] oh i just gotta get one off oh man everything's going right for me today oh i didn't see that but that was that was my last two coins thank you all right let's head up to what we've got all right 70 bucks there nice thank you okay so we definitely lost coins now i'm not surprised take a look at the top deck but that's perfectly fine i've got the coins to lose so what i want what i'm trying to do is i was actually thinking about this last night uh because this is pretty much all i think about um strategies you know just different ways to do things i'm going to use the coins up the top there for later on so that way when i have when i've got stuff all coins i don't need to worry about having to try to do it i can put those those coins on the top in the game anytime i want to no problems at all [Music] come on get something off [Music] oops i missed that [Music] [Music] hahaha so wait [Music] come on push it off [Music] yes i totally missed everything i'm gonna just close my eyes [Music] come on push it off i don't really want to keep throwing coins at it oh i just won't get it this might good they're pretty good oh yeah oh man [Music] all right that was my last three coins and i totally missed it's not as easy as it looks all right let's tell it up see what i got okay i got 50 bucks my hand was totally in the way again see more your pain in the butt cut it out what did i just say um 50 bucks and yeah i was thinking there's about 75 coins there but now including what's just fallen there's probably 80 coins but i'm holding about 74 coins now sorry mike but yeah i just dropped the coin um so yes that's actually good that's that's not not too bad at all take a look at the top the top is stacked some people say that's a bad thing because it doesn't give you very good pushes let me show you so now all i need to do is drop them in series of threes and fours they're still falling that's the reason why i like i like stacking the top like i do i'll only ever do it if i've got a lot of coins you don't do it if you've got 50 coins or it's 80 coins you do it when you got 140 coins and even then you've got to be a bit careful so anyway i'm about to get paid out what i don't want is one to two coins falling down that's how you get your jams there's not enough of a push [Music] [Music] so where's the other silver i've got one silver there i've got one silver at the top where's the other one gone did he fall down no i'm going to take a look i'll be back i don't know can't see it in there anyway i've still got that many coins so i'm going to have to keep a close eye open for it if anybody else can see us let us know where esp it across [Music] all right i got three coins let's get them all in nice all right let's tally it up see what i got how's that for a handful hey hey mike does that make you nervous mate he wants to fall look out buddy um 70 bucks in cash and there's got to be 85 to 90 coins there i'm barely holding them so that was a great run you guys over there you guys up there yeah take a look at that so i'm probably guessing here 80 85 coins and i didn't drop any i've got no idea where the other silver's gone so i'm just going to have to be very very [Music] careful [Music] [Music] so i'm trying to watch everything that's falling down [Music] and unfortunately what it's doing is taking away my timing and it's taken away from me watching the top [Music] thank you oh come on that's got to get something off oh so close all right let's attack again [Music] did not need to do that when you drop another coin in it will vibrate everything that you're trying to get off back onto the top deck oh that is oh no oh jace come on come on come on oh thank you oh what have i done come on come out that is perfect i got that if that comes out in a clump i'll be able to push something off oh man now i've gone and done it all right i do not want to stick another coin on top of that okay that was my last coin hopefully that'll clear itself i hope i hope all right let's have a look can i see the silver yet no i cannot yeah that's concerning me all right let's tell it up so what we got 120 bucks nice dead all right all right let's clean all that up queens yeah i still reckon there's about 80 coins in there i mean they're all nicely tightly packed together so still cannot see the silver and that did not clear itself so yikes this is going to slow me down a little bit because i do not want to show another coin on top of that oh this is gonna be annoying actually oh thank you that sounded chunky [Music] oh i can see the other silver i think yeah definitely he's over there on the right hand side of that 100 chip [Music] [Music] oh now i've gone and done it oh man [Music] oh bugger i might have to go and get dave i don't want too many to fall in there i don't get those back they go into the game but if they don't put in chase if they don't push anything then i'll lose them wow oh my come on [Music] seriously i am not aiming for that oh man maybe i should aim for it i never keep what i'm aiming for anyway oh if you can't laugh what are you going to do oh geez [Music] this thing hasn't blocked up for so long [Music] oops [Music] all right i've got a small handful of coins left i'll get them down that was my last two and i gotta go find dave come on all right so i've got a silver there a silver there and there's still a silver up top got to keep an eye on them all i'll be back [Music] okay that was quite funny um yep i've got a stack of chips right here so dave he came oh my god i mean guys what's up i said you put silver in here again you guys don't know i said well i said you need to come and take a look it's really done it comes looking looks and goes chase i said well you put silver in there i said take a look at where the silver is i said so really mate this is your fault totally blame the whole thing on him that's funny oh so i got 70 bucks here i thought it'd be smart to put the coins into semi because uh if i was trying to hold those trust me mike would have to turn into an alcoholic and i don't want that so see that mike i've got your back buddy hey all right let's keep going at least you took it well i still don't know how to get that silver off of there apart from doing what i just did [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh so close so close everyone hold your breath i stuffed it up [Music] and i totally didn't mean to drop that [Music] oh now i'm holding my breath oh that's close one come on that has got to get it off oh nice not the one i was aiming for don't take it all right that 50 wants to come off so i'm going to convince it that's what it really needs to do stupid little bugger i thought that for sure would have got him off [Music] oh thank you all right that's the top deck sorted out now let's start cleaning the bottom deck out so i'll just change my tactics just slightly i'm now in coin removal mode get coins off of the top i don't need that many coins up there [Music] now [Music] oh that was a nice push not much fill but you could see it moved a long way [Music] [Music] that was all my coins all right sell it up to what i got i'm calling 80 to 85 coins that's what i'm calling so i'll give it a bit of a chance and get them in my hand so i've got a around 50 silver wanting to fall off on the right hand side very quickly [Music] nice oh another nice [Music] boom all right that round 50 is about to fall i just got to keep my eyes on him [Music] oh he's slipping back on the field oh there we go oh this will do it yeah little bloody ripper i'll be back [Music] yeah buddy i got him very nice leave a seat on him geez these are good quality coins i wonder where he got him from what how many more he's got all right he can go up there okay let's refocus there's one coin there and where's the other one i cannot see it but i'm guessing it's under all of this right there that's what i need to keep my eyes the entire bottom tray looks pretty even there's nothing really mounding up so there's nothing really there to concern me right now as long as i keep things moving probably just a little tiny bit in the middle but yeah not too bad [Music] oh is that the coin was that the coin can you guys see underneath the ten chip and on top of the twenty chip he's a hidey little bugger isn't he he's just peeking out [Music] i got one coin left all right the guts all right sort of ish i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what i got does that make you nervous 230 bucks i didn't even see the 104 a nice surprise uh coins lots i'm calling 75 to 80 coins okay what are we doing here [Music] [Music] nice double dice oh that didn't just drop anything that i needed to needed to know about did it [Applause] [Music] nope [Music] i didn't even say it that many coins falling and nothing going into the hopper right now [Music] [Music] i put my serious face on [Music] like i got a serious face oh yeah [Music] i'll take that [Music] all right listen to it [Music] [Music] whoops that was my last coin nice all right let's tell it up to what i got nice 10 bucks um yeah we got a lot a lot of tokens that round okay i record back up to 140 easily all right what do i need to target more the right side than the left but then i don't want the left to build up so i'm just going to target the entire field [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh there's a hundred and 20 is about to follow come on there you go off you go come on are you kidding me thank you [Music] so okay so what i'm noticing right now is i'm getting that mountain back again you've got your line your line not much of a line happening here left hand side is actually working quite nicely this is starting to pile up i need to concentrate my coins more in the middle [Music] oh that's what i was hoping for i think count another one honestly [Music] [Music] oh i nearly dropped them trying to hold too many that's what i'm trying to hold maybe i'll split it in half [Music] there's all my coins [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got 140 bucks nice i love those amounts and that's not bad either so probably 130 i reckon everyone may have lost a couple i'm not really too surprised we are getting a bit of a mountain going on over that side so i need to keep an eye on that i know there's one round 50 there i can't see oh there it is there man i looked everywhere for that and i just saw it all right i reckon i can get both of those 50s off with that [Music] [Music] so all right so we're starting to get bogged down here i need some really really good pushes and the only one i know how to do that is throw in a lot of coins i'm just going to wait for the right timing oh i see that whole bottom tray shift that's what i need [Music] come off you come off you can okay there goes one all right i was gonna get another handful of coins but i don't need to i'll be back in a minute pretty little bugger in it hey hey nice you sit right there with your buddy okay so once again i didn't clean it out i didn't even look in there i'll grab the coin out and keep playing [Music] i'm just trying to break up on the right hand side there's a big mountain there i'm trying to break that up right now because if i don't nice it's going to turn into a problem but i've got to keep an eye on this guy too once again i'm just going to wait [Music] oh so close so close oh come on nice all right i've got a handful of coins i'll be back [Music] third and final piece nice you little bloody ripper i'm there with you buddies sounds like someone's got their dog tied up outside again that is so cruel i hate seeing that all right let's keep going mind your own business [Music] guys [Music] so i think that'll that'll break up quite nicely i think so yeah someone has ah it's so cool next time i stop the video i'm just gonna duck out there just to make sure it's got water [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay there's my last three coins oh that was lucky i did not think that any of this was shifting i just thought it start to mount right up i'll start to get a little concerned with that but that's a good push all right let's tell you that's what i got i'm gonna go and check that dog first okay um yep that's not too bad so still up around 140 mark i reckon that dog did not have any water so it's time to so i gave it uh when we got an ice cream container um dave said i could go get it and fill it up full of water and just set it next to i can't believe people uh makes me sick it really does i mean i just all i want to do is go up to the guy just slap some sense into him but at the end of the day it's none of my business [Music] so dog's got water now so that's the main thing all right let's just keep going get my head back in the game okay so we are definitely getting a little stuck it is not looking good i'm just gonna have to smash it with coins just see what happens i'm expecting to lose quite a lot of coins by doing this rob if i don't break it now yeah i might be in for some trouble a bit later [Music] i'm not worried about double stacking i can get them off [Music] now you can see a line forming on this side as well so i mean that's my fault i've been concentrating mostly on the right hand and in the middle [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on come on oh that helped that helped that got rid of a big chunk [Music] [Music] [Music] i thought i broke it back but i didn't it's still there it's basically that section is is what's causing me the most roof right now but as you can see over there over this side here that's starting to build up right there which that means this isn't going to be shifting too good i just got to keep pushing keep fighting it that was my last three coins oh bugger all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] it totally expected that there's probably a hundred coins i reckon probably lost me on 40 coins then i'm just going to do the old hand [Music] mike sitting there going no [Music] okay probably 90 coins i reckon i probably even i'd even go as low as 85 so that took a very large chunk i knew it was going to but unfortunately i've got no choice but to keep doing it until that when it shifts i'll be right i'll have a lot of coins but i am going to be just a little bit more careful on how i put them in try not to double stack too many of them [Music] so [Music] oh nearly drop it [Music] come on keep keeping those chunks off oh that was a chunk and a half all right i'm quite safe to say the left hand side has been sorted out nicely [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i think you guys are gonna have to go for the old skip button one coin that was my last one you can see what i'm saying nothing's moving um i mean i get drops every now and then but it builds back up again and right now it's building back up i like to call it back building um so it's back building so um which means it's just gonna be like a volcano really it's just it's like the mountain's getting bigger well these piles they're just getting bigger it's the same sort of thing anyway um hopefully i can get it to blow its top let's tell you that okay very very gently um i reckon there's probably 90 coins there maybe 95 but we're doing all right [Music] chunk of chips i think [Music] come on i don't want to come off one at a time that's what builds it [Music] come on [Music] all right [Music] damn it don't jam it chase [Music] so [Music] come on yeah baby that's how you do it so [Applause] okay we're definitely getting closer it's building up on the left again i'll just watch that for a little bit that was my last two coins okay let's tell it up to what i got [Music] 30 bucks nice coins yeah i reckon there's about 100 or very close i don't think we lost any that's for sure all right let's get cracking [Music] [Music] come on i just want to hit some real big [Music] pushes it is second seymour is singing seymour was singing [Music] okay i've got to be very very careful here this is where i can lose a lot of [Music] [Music] coins all right so see how i'm putting in a lot of coins and not much is falling the whole bottom tray is backfielding the whole bottom tray nice that takes a chunk out of that side but let's take a look at this side right here start to get thick that's why i was talking about the volcano you know because they they swell up a lot before they you know obviously um go off so and this sort of thing just reminds me of the same thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay well done um i seem to be hovering around anywhere between 80 and 100 coins so as long as i stay there then that's okay i don't want to go down too close to 50 coins because that will get me very nervous [Music] [Music] so that's a good little push not much foul but a lot of stuff moved [Music] now i'm just going to do a big hail mary yeah i totally stuffed that up on him i'm pretty sure you noticed that oh the faster you're trying to put them in the slower they go in [Music] come on nice that helps [Music] that was all my coins [Music] okay let's tell you that's what i got um yeah 75 coins i don't want to be on a downhill swirl if i start losing coins and nothing's moving i've got no choice but to stop playing and use my coins for the game next to me i don't want to do that [Music] but i might not have a choice [Music] all you can do is wait and see see what the game's gonna do [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] so thank you i think we're getting it i think we're slowly getting it [Music] all right we're starting to get some pushes now [Music] i just gotta keep the coins coming don't stop with the coins that was my last one all right let's tell it up so what i got okay 80 85 coins see if i can keep the momentum going [Music] i need more than two coins come on oh come on chase not time to slap it all that now [Music] [Music] [Music] come on that was either gonna work not work or jam it up i'm going to call it not working [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tally it up so what i got uh maybe 70 coins that's not good not good if i can push that over there's probably 15 or 20 in there there's probably about 10 in there and you can just see how thickly thick all this stuff is stacked that's my problem right now i'll go once more see what the game's doing i just want to get some of these coins off of the top tray i can't go too easy or just fill back up [Music] again all right that's what i wanted [Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay now we're getting some pushes [Music] that was my last coin okay i'm gonna i'm gonna go through once more i'm gonna be very very careful i'm gonna watch exactly what that's doing i'm hoping to get this guy here all right or that little clump there i don't know if i'll get the 50 over there because i've been watching this slide all over the place um i don't want to use too many too many of my coins i don't want to lose too many of my coins on this because they're just building up like this when i can play the game next to me put those coins that i would have potentially had lost into this game and yeah there's more money on it so that's my plan right now all right let's tell you that's what i got so i'm back up to about 80 coins i reckon probably 85 because they're quite neat and i do like a good netcoins i don't know what it is about me and money needs to be neat it has to be necessary nuts if it's not same as dirty windows [Music] so oops come on [Music] well i'm getting a little bit of movement uh what i'm talking about movement is i'm pretty much watching that i mean if i can knock that 60 bucks off of there i don't think i'll get the 20 so that's just gonna roll all over the place [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was my last coin all right so we did get some movement out of this i do believe that we can get that clump so i'm going to tell it up so i got and we've probably got about 75 coins maybe 70 coins [Music] i'm just going to drop them in series of threes until i'm close to the end and then that might get one or two just going to try to drop three in the middle and one and two towards the ends [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] nice that's what i needed to do with another one [Music] not that i'm getting greedy little come on as soon as that falls i can stop i'm watching the 50 on the far right as [Music] well [Music] all right so the 50 on the far right is not moving come on i got one coin left my last coin come on knock it off knock it off [Music] good boy seymour all right let's tell you that's what i got okay got another 60 bucks nice and there's probably there's probably near on 80 queens there so i've got my coins back up i've got the 60 bucks there's not a lot hanging over the edge right now so i can keep playing and try to get that mound off and possibly try to get that 50 off and i could probably do it what i want to do is i want to save these 80 coins or whoever means there and whack them into the game next to me that's where all the money is right now obviously there's 70 bucks on this side plus i mean those tokens are thick don't get me wrong i really do want to play this i want to keep going i'll keep going for two hours um but i want to maximize my profits in those two hours so and there's 70 bucks in there plus a handful of coins so i'm actually going to play the game next to me so i'm stopping on this game right now um i need to i need to have a bit of a break anyway and yeah i want to crank this this one up next me so um it looks pretty sick somebody's already played it there was obviously some sort of a tower in the middle that's that's gone that's fallen over um yeah there's a fair bit of money still on it so um but yeah i'll show you that one tomorrow but anyway this one yeah i think it's smart if i hang on to that and whack it into the game next to me that's just what i'm thinking so um that's what i'm going to do back in a minute okay take a look at these beauties nice they are absolutely beautiful so this is actually the second time i've got to do this so i was nearly finished and my camera turned off so yeah i had to have to put in a new battery anyway three beautiful silvers these are these are circulated coin these are australian 50 50 cent piece it's around australian 50 cent piece there's 10 grams of silver in this in each one 10 grams there's an ounce of silver i'm holding right here [Music] i would never ever melt one of these down i would never sell one and i'd never melt one down they're just so beautiful uh even even the ones i've got that are in rough condition i'll absolutely love them okay sammy is loaded a little bit like mike right now so um yeah nice i love that so um the telly goes i've got 120 in notes i've got 820 dollars in chips nice um i'm up with 77 coins 77 coins what do i say 80 coins not in my guess but that's what i thought that i had so i'm pretty much on the ball um when i've got them in my hand i'm yeah i'm reasonably accurate so if i add everything together that's 1 171 minus the 250 that it cost me to play is 921 if i was to go home right now um i could potentially walk out the door with 921 profit now you you all know that i don't do that but i want to play the game next to me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the 77 coins so i'm going to deduct the 231 dollars that they're worth and the total profit that i'm that i'm getting out of this game right now is 960 next game is paid for free um so yeah i love doing that that is uh because you've got no pressure whatsoever you just play you just want you just do what you want um so yeah so 960 dollars keeping the 77 coins and i'll be back in a minute i'm going to go cash the notes and the chips in i don't know why i like doing that but i just like doing it okay 600 bucks that's what's here 90 bucks to the tin um my pleasure so yep the game next to me is totally for free so what i'm going to do is i'm going to i'm going to play this game obviously i'm going to record everything once i'm finished here i'm going to duck off home have a quick shower i'm going to put that shirt back on and i'm going to get my wife to hold the camera and see not only will you get a full a full you know a body shot of me place basically in my face um please no comments about my fat gut i already know it's fat so unless it's funny i don't care you would take the piss that's fine um i'm more than happy for that nasty ones yeah nah forget it um so yeah these are the new shirts so um well this one's a trial i just need to know what you guys think so um that's what i'm gonna do so yep i'm gonna play this one next to me first i might stop uh i don't think i'll ever burp but i might just have a cool drink uh you guys call it pop over there we just call it coke or soft drink whatever um so yeah if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and the next clip you're going to see is me of that shirt don't laugh too hard all right g'day uh yeah this is what i look like okay all right so as you can see i got aussie coin pusher with my eyes hey i want to make them bloodshot but yeah that might be a bit hard uh the back of my shirt this shirt is a little bit too small for me so um it's just a sample that's all it is uh let me know in the comments uh see what you uh yeah see what you think of it so um all right i'll see you then you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 4,034
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: jackpot, winner, gambling, money, silver, gold, funny
Id: 3uC0b4mM0XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 16sec (4456 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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