Baby Trapped in Boiling Hot Car at Bondi

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we got someone fairly panicked at the back of the lifeguard tell they said there's a child locked in the car in the car park you know pretty critical situation this could go pear-shaped pretty quickly a two-year-old girl has been accidentally locked in a car by her grandmother you really sympathize with her she's probably bought a grant to hold it down on the beach to have an ice cream I had to swim or something like that and honest mistake somehow she's locked the the car door and then put the keys in and slammed the outside temperature is creeping towards 30 degrees inside the car it will be closer to 50 degrees you hear stories of young children passing away from heat exhaustion or heat stroke and stuff like that at these temperatures a two-year-old can die in less than 10 minutes she's already been in the car for 15 the girl in the car was visibly distressed that the heat was building in the car by a second and she had to get out of that car you can see the young girl there and she's crying she's upset she's sweating it's terrifying you know a decision was made for us really we had to smash the window straightaway [Music] after 15 long minutes fresh air finally floods into the car you know it's only a simple accident grandma would have been really relieved [Music] open car and we came around eyes closed it's automatically closed again maybe on this button all of these situations take our attention away from the water but we also have a duty of care to the people of Bondi to our visitors and especially a poor baby there's no one more vulnerable than a young child trapped in a car helpless as long as that doesn't take ourselves away from our you know our core duty which is making sure people are safe in the water
Channel: BondiRescue
Views: 3,629,408
Rating: 4.9534426 out of 5
Keywords: bondi rescue, bondi rescue official, bondi beach australia, lifeguard rescues, best rescues ever, real life rescues, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, first aid training, australian lifeguards, child trapped in boiling car at bondi, child trapped in car, child locked in car, child stuck in car on hot day, toddler trapped in car on hot day, baby trapped in hot car, baby trapped in car, baby locked in car, baby locked in hot car, bondi rescue 2020
Id: s045atrblsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 34sec (154 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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