Draw NEON Animation Blotter Media (for free) ofirshoham_ - DaVinci Resolve Fusion Tutorial

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hey what's up guys my name is Jamie Fenn today you're gonna learn how to do the blotter Media scribble effect it's like a neon looking scribble animation technique that he uses on a lot of his videos so if you want to download DaVinci Resolve it's free and follow along that'd be awesome alright I'll show you how to do it [Music] oh just to put things in perspective the animation on a video is very simple but to make it look smooth and like good for the eyes it actually takes a long time and a lot of technique and practice if you check out blotter Media where I got the inspiration from you'll know exactly what I'm talking about he spends a ton of time creating very good content and one thing that attracted my eyes was the dancing videos that he puts out he does other videos like skateboarding and stuff but I think the dancing videos are really cool because when you see a dancer especially like a freestyle or breakdancer they kind of create and animate something for you to actually see so they maybe do like a punching move and you can kind of think about what it would look like if you know maybe if you drew something in where they punched and so I'm gonna show you what I worked on just quickly this probably took me up to an hour of drawing it all by hand with the mouse so I guess not really by hand but with the mouse and this is what it looks like [Music] you know that's basically what you're gonna be able to create if you spend enough time so the first thing you want to do is grab a clip that you want to animate and make sure the video that you're using is the final exported version so color correction sharpness everything that you want to have done to the clip is finished because if you try to do this animation technique and then do your color correction after it will affect all the layers so make sure you do that beforehand I'm just gonna animate the video that I made for the intro of this video with my fingers so the first thing what I do is click on that clip and then go into fusion now I'm gonna show you the layering it's very simple the first thing you want to do is come click up here and just push shift spacebar type in background then you're gonna do shift spacebar type in paint you're gonna drag paint underneath background you need to do shift spacebar soft glow that's what creates like that glow like a lightsaber glow push enter and then you're gonna do one more thing you're gonna click down here you can also um instead of doing shift spacebar you can come here for a merge node but I get in the habit of doing shift spacebar for merge nodes or any notes for that matter just so I'm more efficient so once you have these 3 in correlation in that order like I just showed you drag that down to your merge clip the soft glow to merge clip now it turns black well that's because we have the background up here which we have not turned the Alpha Channel down so drive that all the way down so the layers show through then what you're going to want to do is click on the paint node now this is where the magic will happen what I do is I kind of just drag up and down with my mouse I've got a Apple Mighty Mouse you can hold command to scroll in and out on the frame now I'm just gonna figure out where I swing my fingers around and maybe draw something so what I'm going to do is adjust the size of the stroke and also the color of the globe that the strokes will have so I click on paint I go to brush controls zoom in and I want something that's not gonna be too big but also like not too small because if it's too small it takes forever to animate so I'm gonna bring the size down maybe draw a little bit that's too small maybe bring it up a little bit still too big three point nine that looks good alright and then I'm going to click on soft glow and change maybe some of this to well have this color maybe not so blue maybe a little bit more green in there and always make sure you have the paint node select or else it won't work and what I'm doing is I'm drawing and then doing command Z and going back and changing the color so now I'm gonna get to the beginning of where I want to draw the frame so I bring my finger forward maybe when I bring my finger up I'll have like a I'm thinking about this in my head before hand I'll have like the power of electricity or something right so as I bring my finger up maybe I'll draw something here and fill it in okay bring it up again now I'm thinking about if something were to like electricity were to be coming out of my finger and you have to think about what that looks like in your head so I'm gonna draw another frame up maybe put it up a little bit further here and like I said the stroke isn't too small therefore it's not gonna take forever to fill in a frame or a part of an object inside of your frame come up again maybe one more and then I'm gonna start drawing in the air so adding frames in and I'm using the arrow keys by the way sorry if I didn't tell you that before if you didn't know that I'm going back and forth with my arrow keys that way you can kind of draw the animation and frame it out properly this is what it looks like with about five minutes I guess of just drawing and I had practice doing this before I'm just gonna go through with my arrow keys and kind of show you what I drew kind of draw it out you can see it frame by frame there's like a teardrop that hits my watch at the same time that things going around my finger I was gonna continue it to my other finger and draw more and one more thing if you want to add a second layer of animation so like a different color of drawing this is the layout that you would need to put in your nodes for it to work so essentially all I did was just put the original what we had here and just connected to the paint node and the soft glow same as I did here I also added just an extra paint node here just because I was practicing around with something but if you want to add in another layer you can do that and then you can also do another one if you want and just keep adding these like so just make sure you always have that merged node down here you can put another merge here do a third fourth fifth and you can add as many layers as you like you can kind of get the idea of what to do it takes a long time but you can see how each frame kind of draws out motion and you kind of have to think about what it's gonna look like in your head if something was to do this and that's where the creativity of one self will take place so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial I hope this was informative I really enjoy putting out tutorials and you know things that a lot of people aren't doing and the reason I put this out is because one I really like this effect it's a really cool animation technique into its individual resolve and it's free and it's very simple to do I'm glad you followed it along this far so hit that like button subscribe let me know in the comments below what you liked what you didn't like I will see you guys later Thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 1,109,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, neon, blotter, media, how to animate neon stokes in davinci resolve, davinciresolvefusion, fusioneffects, neon animation, how to blotter media, neon drawing blotter media, scribble effect davinci resolve, jamie fenn, jamie fenn tutorials, ofirshoham_, Neon animation davinci resolve, free neon davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17 neon glow, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 17 effects, free davinci resolve effects, Draw NEON Animation Blotter Media for free
Id: huUQEnam-FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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