How to track in Davinci Resolve Fusion for 4 different situations

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[Music] hi guys so recently I got a request to do a video about the tracking tool in the fusion type of DaVinci Resolve so today we're going to have a look at about four different situations where we can use different settings in the tracker to do different things for you know well different things you want to do that then can't make too much sense but um anyways I have to say that since I'm using the free version of the Vinci resolve I do not have the camera tracker or the 3d tracker so like in cases where you want to put a CG car in the middle of your scene and kind of walk around it and things like that you would require that tracker which I obviously cannot do in the free version but in lots of situation where you want to track maybe a logo or a text to follow an object or maybe put something on the wall or do some sky replacement the free version is adequately completely fine so today we're gonna have as I said have a look at four different examples so well let's get started for the first example I will start with something simple so let's say you want to track something to stick to this bicycle rider maybe like a logo or some text or something so first of all I'm gonna bring in this Instagram logo which I have kind of downloaded and maybe we could adjust the size and the position roughly first so maybe I just go to inspector tab and reduce its size and move the position maybe reduce its size a little bit more and put it maybe somewhere around here okay so once you roughly set up your scene just highlight all the tracks right-click and go to new fusion clip and then we just go into the fusion tab and wait a little while because my computer is not too powerful okay so it's set up the scene roughly for us but I'm just gonna delete all the connections for now and let's have a look at the media one so I'm just gonna drag into this monitor right here so this is our original video so what we need to do is basically extract the movement information of this bicycle rider so to do that I'm gonna press shift spacebar at a planar tracker and in this planar tracker I'm going to draw a rough mass around the area so you can choose where to track you can just track if you want like a specific point for your logo or text to follow you can just draw a mask around that area carefully but I'll just roughly track it around you know maybe this lower half of the bicycle along with his legs and you go close the mass so the tracker in DaVinci Resolve or diffusion is quite smart so normally it you don't really have to draw it that that precisely now once you've drawn the area you want to track you just go to the inspector and change a few settings so we want the operation mode to be track and the tracker to be point and hybrid area so basically with point tracking it would just only look for you know like areas of contrast maybe like around here where that's like a white dot and black around and maybe around his trouser where there's like shadow and stuff but with the hybrid point area it would look both at the contrast area or contrast points and also how the pixel change within the area so it's a bit more advanced now usually I just start with hybrid point area and if I encounter any problem then I'll come back and try to maybe try to point and usually they both get kind of similar results so I'll just leave it at hybrid point area and again if there's any problem then I'll come back and try to find you the setting for the motion type I just want to track the movement so I just do the translation so the movement left to right and up and down and output I just leave it a background and the track Channel I'll just leave it at luma so basically with some track if you're having problems you might want to try tracking the green or the blue or the red channels because with some footage in the different channels you might get contrasts better contrast and so yeah you can get a better truck but usually luma should be should be fine so again I just leave a luma if that's any problem then I'll try to come back and kind of find unit the settings to see if it helps okay so let's begin now truck now I've I've put the frame at the first frame and so if I click this one is just going to track from my playhead is all the way to the end or if I click this one you attract frame by frame one frame at a time so every time I click you'll track one frame click track another frame so again it's for like more difficult tracks where you are prone to encounter like more problems so you can go frame by frame to move carefully and slowly along but in this case that shouldn't be any problem so I'll just click this one and as you can see the track in DaVinci Resolve actually is very nice and fast so we just check it manually quickly and everything seems to be fine so now we can extract this information out so I'm just going to click create plane and transform and now we get a new node which contains the information of how much the bicyclists move to the right and left or up and down and we're just going to plug in our Instagram logo into this node so it moves along with the bicycle rider as you can see so now all that's left to do is just combine this with this so for our original video I'm going to right click this node and connect it into the merge node and choose background and for the Instagram logo we want to put on top so I'm gonna right click drag it in and put it as a foreground now we look at the merge node and have a quick play as you can see now the Instagram logo is tracked to the bicycle rider now if you want to change the position of the local bit you can of course do that as well you just click on the original Instagram logo node and press shift press shift spacebar and search for the transform node and with the transform node you can just move the logo around maybe move it down up a little bit you know left to right and increase the size if you want things like that and you know well just do whatever you want basically okay so this is like a simple example let's move on to the second example so for the second example let's pretend we want to attach our Instagram logo onto this wall right here as if it's spray painted onto the wall so when the camera kind of pans around the Instagram logo we'll have to shift perspective correctly so you look correctly as if it's spray painted on the wall so okay so for this example is basically exactly the same but I'm just going to right click here and go neolution clip so we don't actually have to bring in the Instagram logo beforehand in the edit tab we'll just go straight into the fusion tab and the scene is kind of just basically set up from input to output so nothing in between and again we're just going to get the planar tracker to extract the movement information so this time you want the movement information of the wall around this area so again I'm just gonna draw a square around this area like the sole and for the setting again I'm gonna use the hybrid Point area and for the motion type this time I'm gonna do perspective because I don't I don't just want the movement from left to right but I want it so that when a camera pans from left to right the perspective shift is also calculated so obviously when you're looking at the wall straight on you can see like a rectangle but as the camera pan and move differently the shape of the world change according to the perspective of the camera so this tracking method is quite good when you want to attach things you like flat surfaces maybe a wall maybe a kind of like the floor to ground things like that so again I'm gonna move to the first frame and using perspective I'll put background tracks on illumise before and I'm gonna start tracking so again the tracker in the fusion tab is pretty fast actually in DaVinci Resolve in general even in the color tab is really quick so let's just check quickly everything seems fine so this time what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna drag in my Instagram logo from the folder I've saved it at so just drag it in you can put it anywhere on your computer and with the Instagram logo I'm just going to drag into the planar track a note I'm gonna right click and drag it in and use it as a corner pin now if I click on the planar tracker node and the operation mode I'm going to change from track to corner pin now corner pin is basically if you have a kind of like a square picture or a square video image or a square logo in this case you have four corners right so we can just place that four corners wherever we want to attach to the our seam basis so right now I've tracked this wall right here so I want to attach my Instagram logo to the wall I'll just place the four corner on the wall so this method you can probably see quite often used when filming screens in movie so in TV screens in movies when you're filming usually they don't actually have anything on the screen they're just have like tracking markers right so once they film it in post-production they will use some program to place a video or an image on the screen that they want so basically you just put these four corners on the four corners of the screen it will just match perfectly so in this case I'm just going to fast forward to to a frame that's kind of front on so the walls kind of nice and rectangle and in this frame I'm just gonna place my Instagram logo so it's nice and square and if you don't want to drag it around here you can also go to the inspector tab open the corner and corner pin options and you can also move the corners around using the X&Y coordinates right here so I'm probably gonna do it roughly because I don't want to waste too much of your time so maybe I move it slightly down like this okay this will do and in this option tab you can also change the blending mode as well so the apply mode well the blending mode in Photoshop and Premiere Pro in in this program will be called apply mode so you can change it to maybe like soft light or overlay so it looks like it's spray-painted onto the wall and now we kind of play it you can see that the perspective of the Instagram logo changes correctly according to how the camera pan so it looks like it's really kind of stuck or painted on to the wall so it's quite actually quite nice and easy to be honest it's not too hard yeah so that's the second example now let's go and have a look at our third example for another situation in the third example let's say we want to track the movement of this scene so that we can replace the sky so obviously the sky we replaced it has to kind of move around and rotate around to match the movement of the foreground so again I'm just going to bring in a sky image right here and just make it the same length as the footage below select both footage right-click go to new fusion clip and again go into the fusion tab and just wait a while because my computer is quite laggy um ok again I'm just going to disconnect all connections and have a look at the original image so this is the image where I want to track the movement so in this case I want to track a movement of something that will move similarly to the sky so I would say this building probably has the same movement as the sky because it's really far away and it's just sitting still so the camera kind of rocks about you know turn left and right and move around it will move excited the same way as the sky would move so again I'm just going to press shift spacebar get the planar tracker and add it to the node and this time I'm gonna draw around this building right here maybe this this wall right here should be fine and again I'm going to use track and the tracker is hybrid point and area motion type this time I just want to track the movement so the translation left right up and down and also the rotation so when the skyline is kind of moving rotating you know clockwise and anti-clockwise our sky would kind of follow the rotation around so I'm going to change the translation and rotation and everything else is the same again go to the first frame and track forward and takes no time at all and just have a quick check manually everything seems fine so again I'm going to extract the information the movement information by clicking this create planar transform so I get this node sorry I get this node with the movement information and I'm just gonna pluck the sky into this node so if we have a quick look now the sky is basically moving in exactly the same way as our scene which is exactly what we want so all we have to do now is just combine the sky into the original image and you can do this several ways but I'm just going to do it quickly just as an example so this is our original image down here I'm gonna right click drag it in and use it as a foreground so I'm just go please in front and for the sky I'm gonna right-click and place it as a background so right now you can't see the sky because this underneath is the background so what we have to do is just remove the original sky you can do this by several method you can just you know draw a mask around here to cut out the old sky or in this case since we want to do it quickly I'm just gonna maybe use something like a chroma keyer and maybe just remove the blue or something just do it very quickly so you don't waste too much time and something like this okay and it's pretty much done so obviously you can maybe blur it out a bit chroma key for me not the best option for this this scene here but we don't want to waste too much time and yeah that's pretty much it and also you can move the sky around again you can use the transform node just after the sky node transform so with this transform node you can you know move the sky around change its size and things like that so it's very much up to you okay so it's pretty simple really um yeah so let's go and have a look at the full example to not waste too much of your time oh and if you're doing this for real don't forget to connect your final result to the media out because if you don't do this when you go back to the editor tab you wouldn't see anything so you have to connect any final result you've done in fusion to the media out so when you go back into the edit tab you will see you know your your final result displayed here okay let's have a look at the final sample so for the final example is nothing complicated really let's say we want to place an Instagram logo next to these windows right here so as the window kind of move closer we want our Instagram logo to get larger as well at the same rate as the window so it's kind of similar to the first example where we want our Instagram logo to move along with the the bicyclists but this time we want the Instagram logo to get larger as well as the window move closer way so we have to also track the scale of the area so again I'm just going to bring in the Instagram logo and place it at the same place and this time I'm just going to leave it as full-size and we're just corrected in the fusion tab itself so again I'm just going to highlight everything and go to new fusion clip and go into the fusion tab and wait a while again because my computer is quite laggy and again disconnect all the connections and let's have a look at our original image so I'm gonna track the window so I'm going to go shift spacebar get a planar tracker and draw a box around the window area right here BAM okay so for the settings I'm gonna use hybrid point area again and the motion type I'm going to track the translation rotation and also the scale and again everything else just be left default and start tracking so everything's going quite fast again let's have a quick check everything seems to be tracking fine so again I'm just gonna go create planar transform so we're going to extract the movement data and I'm gonna pluck my Instagram logo into the movement the data that we just extracted so if you have a quick look now that Instagram logo is getting larger at the same rate as the window right here so this time I'm going to combine them again the original image right click drag it in use it as a background the Instagram logo right click drag it in use it as the foreground on top so we have a look at the merge so Instagram logo is getting larger but obviously it's too large right now so what I'm gonna do is add a transform node just right off the after the the Instagram logo so with the transform node I can reduce the size and maybe just move it around here somewhere let's have a quick play so now the Instagram logo is placed next to the window and gets larger at the same rate as the window move closer so yeah that's pretty much it pretty simple okay so with these four examples I hope it gives a better idea for beginners who's once you try using the tracker' to see kind of what settings it can do and what different settings are used for different situations and why you would use the settings and basically the principle is pretty much exactly the same in every program but the buttons and the names might be slightly different so obviously in after-effects they have the exact same setting so you have translation button after effect you just be called position and it also has like a position rotation and you can choose position rotation and scale so basically the principles are exactly the same but the the button and setting might be slightly different so I hope you have a better idea of how this tracking business work because when I kind of started I kind of had a hard time wrapping my head around it as well now just before we go I want to just add a few tidbits of information so as you can see today we actually use pretty much all the settings except the f-find which is basically if I understand correctly is when you want to track a motion for example if you draw a picture onto a piece of rubber right and if you stretch the rubber around the peak the picture that you've drawn on a piece of rubber will be stretched as well so it will deform as well so if you want to do that in post post-production so let's say you just kind of film a piece of piece of rubber being stretched and you want to simulate having a picture on that piece of rubber you might want to do the f-fine tracking which I actually never used in DaVinci Resolve before because I try to search for like example footage of rubber stretching or I didn't really have time to go film one myself so I couldn't actually show you or demonstrate in this this video but basically that's pretty much what we find tracking would do so you have like cheering and things to track but to be honest I don't really situation where people might need that is pretty specific and not very often but if you do need something like that you can try the affine motion type and also you might notice that on the top there's an operation mode here and that's a reference time so usually when you create an infusion clip right the the frames will start from frames 0 1 2 3 4 5 so as you can see the reference time right now is also 0.0 which is the D so every track always track from this the first frame normally you wouldn't experience any problem but sometimes if you don't actually create a fusion clip you just do you just come into the fusion tab straightaway or in even in the fusion clip if you want to track from let's say in the middle of the footage in frame 47 or something sometime there'll be an error so you have to do set reset the reference time to the frame where you want to start tracking otherwise you know a kind of a box an error box will pop up and say like you know your reference time is off or something like that so you if you get that problem you might want to reset your reference time and that you work and also for the operation mode we've used a track and a corner pin but obviously if we track the movement of the picture we can also stabilize our footage or make a certain point of footage stay completely still so if I let's say they were steady you can see that I tracked the the windowpane right here right so we know the movement of the the windowpane so we have the steady operation the the program will try to make it that the the window frame will stay exactly still pretty much as you can see now so the window frame itself is basically fixed in the same place but the area around it is all kind of kind of being deformed instead so you might see this kind of affected like the nike commercial or the the yep I think the airport commercial where you know the headphones where the headphone is kind of locked right in the middle of the the screen and everything else around it it's kind of like warp arounds you get it kind of like an interesting look and obviously apart from being steady you can also stabilize your footage so if your your footage kind of like really like just furry and rocky and stuff like that you can kind of you know calculate calculate the stabilization and it kind of removed the jitter so basically if your camera is skittering around a lot the picture and your camera will also just up and down left and right as well so if you already track the the chittering the the chittering chittering motion the program can calculate that and kind of contract it to economy your image smoother but obviously in this case the image is pretty much pretty smooth already so you probably don't see much difference between the original and you know after being stabilized you might see less mobile or less kind of rocking motion less rotation so that that might be the difference okay anyway I think I probably any here otherwise the video will just get too long it's probably too long already to be honest so I'll just end it here and I hope it was useful and maybe like it a chance I'll do another video sometime I hope bye [Music]
Channel: thaiphotos
Views: 16,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci, resolve, fusion, track, tracking, tracker, thaiphotos, tutorial, how to
Id: QFi45Y2cj6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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