DRAW NEON ANIMATION SCRIBBLE EFFECT (ofirshoham_) - Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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I see you're a man a of culture and have great resolve tutorials, will follow on YouTube and thank you for sharing your knowledge :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thefeno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Gave this a watch earlier today, great video! keep up the good work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/earpo44 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for the video! Your time and effort is greatly appreciated

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ConradFTW πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 10 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Enjoyed the first one - will check it out later. Thanks πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poetic824 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so as of right now my neon scribble animation tutorial is my most popular video and I figured why not create a new updated version and teach you guys how to be more efficient give you some inspiration on some ideas and you know maybe kind of expand this neon art form here are a few examples in a real quick before we get started I noticed that a lot of you guys are not subscribed to my channel that watch my videos so please make sure to hit that subscribe button and like this video if you liked it that would be greatly appreciated and without further ado let's get started [Music] get shout out to Vladimir Chi my aook I don't know how to say his last name but he let me use this footage for this tutorial so thank you very much ok so the first thing I'm going to teach you how to do is this tract face glowy thing I'm gonna come to this clip it's got no effect on it and so I'm gonna right click create a new fusion clip make sure the playhead is over that clip and let's go into fusion so the first thing we want to do is do some tracking so I'm gonna come to a point where her hands almost cover her face I'm gonna go to a couple frames before and I'm going to click on the median one and just hold down shift and press space bar and type in planner tracker it will automatically add it to this node tree and what we want to do is come up to her face and I'm just gonna select basically just kind of like the middle of her face and I'm also going to come over here to the right I'm gonna set the reference frame to set the starting point of the tracking next I want to come under tracker and select hybrid point area next I want to select under motion type the affine TRS shear this worked best for this type of tracking shot I tried the other ones and they came out kind of weird and this one actually worked really well so what I'm gonna do now is since I started this reference frame at the very end of the clip I'm going to come up here and I'm actually just gonna click on the step tracker to kind of go frame by frame what I've realized is sometimes when you do track to start or tracked it and the computer will go super quick and it won't do a really good track and I've noticed that if you actually sit here and just kind of click once in a while and let the computer kind of catch up it could be my computer or it could just be the tracker but this works best and there are certain times where like if you want to try to speed up the process say by doing that you can just click to the end and hopefully that works out well so far so good awesome ok so it did actually a pretty good track so the next thing I did is I created a planner transform so I'm going to do that that basically creates a new node with the data that we just collected tracking her face I'm gonna click on this planner tracker and delete that and I'm going to put this planner transform over to the side next we want to go to the point of where we want to kind of start our mask or our design or whatever you want to draw and I'm going to hold down a shift spacebar and type in background now if you watch my first video on how to do this it's kind of similar but there are a few changes so I have the background here makes the whole thing turn black we want to then come over to the inspector and under here where it says alpha we want to turn that all the way down next we want to select background hold down shift and press space bar and type in paint and the next thing we want to do is add a soft glow so hold down shift press spacebar soft glow and I noticed in my first video a lot of people are wondering like why they couldn't draw on the clip well it's because I think you didn't have your paint node selected when you need to draw another thing is is right now by default the paint node is on multi stroke so if you look up here on the left hand corner you'll see it's kind of highlighted it says multi stroke what we actually want to do is come over to the actual just stroke that way you'll have the stroke on the frame the whole time and I'm going to show you different ways you can adjust that actually on another clip but for now we want to just have that single stroke icon selected the next thing I want to do is come down to soft glow and just change the color I'm just going to turn the green scale down that'll make a pink color for our paint tool and I'm also going to click on the paint tool and come up to the brush controls and turn the size down because it is quite large by default so as you change the size you can actually see that this green circle that's underneath your mouse button will actually change in size and that represents the size of the actual brush I'm just going to come select her eyes I'm going to draw the same kind of thing I did for the demonstration intro video and I'm gonna do her nose the mouth it's not gonna be super crazy looking good but this is just for the example and now we have one frame done and it's gonna stick to the whole shot and the next thing we want to do so it sticks to her face is take that planner transform node that we created I'm gonna hold down shift and drag it until this line turns green and that will automatically connect it in between the nodes here and as you can see it sticks to her face pretty well but it's a little off sometimes that will happen and so in order to fix that you can actually just add a transform node underneath the planner transform so I'm going to type in transform and to be honest with you guys the first time I did this that actually didn't happen but I'm kind of just correcting it on the fly this is what I would do so if this doesn't happen for you don't worry about it so I'm gonna click on transfer and I'm just going to drag it over her face like that and now we have this thing that kind of sticks to her face like that and if you want to turn the size down you can actually do that as well kind of adjust it to her face so it's a little bit better and you kind of get the idea so that's how you can do that the tracking probably is not as good as I would want it to be but you can always like retrack and do things like that not that big of a deal you can track hands and stuff so the next thing I want to show you is how to do that like glow effect that comes out of the actual soft glow that we have going on right here so in order to do that you actually just come down here to our merge node click on it and I'm gonna hold down shift and press space bar and type in rays just push enter it will automatically connect the node in the appropriate place and by default you'll see it's kind of pretty crazy right now it's just kind of doing its own thing there's a lot of highlights here in the shot that are poking through which I don't want so if you actually click on rays and come up here to the threshold you can turn it up and it will just affect the neon you can also play with the center so you can change the direction of the Rays so I'm going to bring this up to the Y so it's kind of like up here next to her face so it kind of like shines at you and if you want to adjust the intensity or the brightness of it you can change the weight the exposure and also primarily the effect blend so you can make it completely off or on so for example if I come to the end of the clip and she does this thing with her elbows on beat so unfortunately right now by the way there is no music in fusion so you can't really hear the music but I know when they bump their elbows together I want the flare thing to happen so I'm gonna turn this up like that and then kind of turn it down I keyframe that just to kind of go up and down when she hits her elbows together so as you can see here her hands are actually behind the face so if you actually want to add some more depth and make it look a little bit more realistic we can actually mask that out pretty easily all you have to do is come over here to the polygon tool and connect it to the merge node down here like so and what we want to do is just select our hands or just the where her arms are and kind of go out like so and then click invert and you can keyframe the points that we just created by just automatically moving forward with your keys on your keyboard and then just dragging this to the appropriate positions and so as you can see now it's like keyframed out a masking is showing her arms in front which is kind of cool I did that for the example and so that kind of cells the effect a little bit more as well and it's cool because the light rays actually come through it's kind of it's kind of a neat way to make it look more realistic so in order to do the rectangle or any geometric shape you can come here we're going to do the same layout as before you can kind of apply the first steps of these examples to anything to really make them glow but in order to do it with geometric shapes it's actually a little different first I want to come up here and click on the rectangle that'll create a node for a rectangle next I want to add a background so we're actually going to attach the rectangle to the background this time next I want to add a soft glow and then a merge node I'm going to connect that down and by default the rectangle is a solid so we all have a rectangle solid here which is not what we want we actually want it to be like a line so in order to do that we want to click on the rectangle node and come over here and click on the solid so it's not selected then we want to turn up the border width a little bit or as big as you like depending on what you're trying to go for next on the background we're actually going to turn up the red green and blue to make it white at its core and I'm gonna leave the Alpha up all the way you can probably turn it down doesn't really matter there's a little bit of a difference but honestly it doesn't really matter so again if you want to change the size of the actual rectangle you can just play with the border width here if you actually click on the number instead of dragging this slider you can get a little bit more of a fine-tuned adjustment you can also come down to soft glow and play with the parameters here so if you want to you know make it a green or blue that works great and then you can also play with the glow sighs I didn't really show you guys that on those first two examples but depending on what you're trying to go for you can do something like that now in order to animate this to give it some life what I'm gonna do is come to a point in the clip where maybe it's oom Zin like that on her and what I'll have is the whole rectangle kind of zoom in on her it'll come from the outside in so what I'm gonna do is actually add a transform in between the soft glow and the merged and I'm gonna make the size super big then I'm going to keyframe so I'm gonna click on the keyframe diamond icon right here and I'm gonna move into the point where it seems into her and I'm gonna turn the size down all the way so now we have that animation effects so when it zooms in and if you want to change it to be faster you can come up to the spline and for the specific parameters since that's the only node tree that we have if we come in here and click on transform and if you use the plus and minus buttons on your keyboard you can zoom in and out to see better on what we're trying to look at and if you click on the keyframes here and you want to just round them out real quick you can just select a keyframe and push F and that will kind of give it a little bit more of an ease and so for example if you want to replicate this you can just copy and paste all the nodes I just highlighted all of them put the merge node in here and say you want to adjust just one of these and you want maybe the same speed or you want to have it at a different time what you can do is come into the spline tool and select the transform number two which we've just added and selected the two points and just move them over so now you have two I kind of go like this and yeah so that's just a super easy and efficient way to kind of multiply what you just did and you can copy and paste and you know put as many as you'd like another cool thing that you can do is we can keyframe the color so for example this is our second one that's coming in so if we want a keyframe it starting here with the color what we can do is come down to soft glow and over here on the right odd next to the color scale we can change any of these to pretty much kind of change color until like you know keyframes and goes to the point of not existing in the shot I'll just key frame these and I'll get to the point where this rectangle basically disappears and I could just change the color to do its thing maybe something like you know something kind of extreme so now as you can see the color is changing and if you want to go quick with the colors you can just go a couple frames move these blue scales and red scales around and now you kind of get this like retro looking color changing thing and what's cool is like you can just play around and just play with like the glow size you can keyframe the glow size so for example you can start here and go big and then change the glow size to be small towards the end you can also play with the game so you could flash this on and off gain is default at 2:00 but it's coming in and you could sit here and click on the keyframe button go frame turn it up go frame turn it down go frame turn it up repeat just mess around with this I'm just going back and forth just trying to mess with it just to see what its gonna look like and now we have something that's changing colors and flashing it is pretty quick but if you want to you know keyframe it to be a little bit slower feel free I'm just doing that for the example another fun thing that we could do is basically just copy and paste what we have here and instead of doing a rectangle you can add in an ellipse so you could just do something like that and do the same thing click on the solid and make the border with a little bit bigger make sure there's a merge node to connect the two so now we have a merge node in a transform node kind of doing its thing at the same time I just copied and pasted the settings so it's kind of cool I didn't even expect to do that but that's what's fun about this is that you can kind of play around and just mess with things you can mess with the size you can keyframe pretty much anything you'd like using the same techniques as I just showed you so the next thing I want to show you is you can do this with text so if you actually just copy and paste this tree or for example I'm just gonna get rid of that Eclipse node and I'm just gonna come over here and click on text and add it to the background so now when it comes in I can just put my name Jamie fun but as you can see you can't even make out what you just typed in if you want to play with the glow settings you can come to the glow and I'm just going to reset the whole glow node by coming up here and pushing the reset button I'm gonna turn the glow down just a little bit and maybe change the scale to be something like teal maybe change the glow size to be something like that I don't know you can just play around with it so since I copied and pasted the settings from one of these notes here it's actually doing the same thing as the other node so for example say you have an intro and you want to put your name and then you know it's your doing your thing and then it zooms in and then it follows that keyframe boom it's kind of a cool intro idea again I'm just playing around with this I didn't even plan on doing that so feel free to kind of just have fun and create so in my first video I did a neon scribble effect by the way if you haven't seen it feel free to click on this link here above I'll link it right now and in that video I basically showed you guys how to animate this neon scribble effect and animation is done frame by frame it's pretty time-consuming but if you practice you kind of get a hang of it and so this next effect I'm going to show you how to do is somewhat similar but it is way more efficient and you literally can draw and basically kind of keyframe out what you're gonna do how you want it to be on the clip it's really fun it's way faster than actually you know drawing frame by frame it is a little bit different you don't get the same effect but it is a really fun and easy way to kind of get some handwriting effect on the screen so I created another fusion clip let's go in here and so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna do the same layout before and what I'm gonna do is click on the paint node and I'm actually gonna come up here make sure you select stroke now if you select stroke it gives you a few options down here in the inspector on the right hand side under stroke controls for the previous examples I was just showing you we had stroke animation all frames but when you click on this down arrow there's a bunch of options here and it's actually really cool you can select right on we can do right off you can do right on then off and trail so if you want to have some fun with these this is how they work for example I'm gonna select right on then off I'm gonna look at the brush again by default it's pretty big and the color I'm gonna just change to be I don't know something like blue so what's cool is I'm starting at the beginning of the frame this is a pretty still shot this is the end of the video if I wanted to get just draw I'm just drawing with my mouse I'm just holding the mouse down that just created a bunch of keyframes for this whole clip now if I play this through DaVinci actually recorded my drawing throughout this whole clip and right now it's playing back at like probably 10 frames a second because my computer is not super fast but now you get the idea this is what it looks like at full speed so as you can see it's drawing it on and then it trails and it draws it off now say you want to adjust the speed of the right on or the right off of when it shows up and disappears on the screen you can come up here to the keyframes and you can click on the down arrow for the paint and click on stroke 1 and this will show start in and if you actually highlight both of them and right click and click on time stretching I'm going to zoom in pushing Plus on my keyboard you can actually drag this to be faster or slower and you can actually adjust these individual keyframes as well so you want to you know highlight all these again and turn off time stretching you can highlight these and you can move them around like you can click and like move specific parts of these keyframes that you have drawn you can highlight all of them and then click on one of the keyframes and drag them and if you look in the viewer window it's actually showing the change in what you're doing it's pretty fun you can mess around with that and just kind of play with it ok so say you want to do a different effect so I'm gonna come over here to the paint delete that node I'm gonna add a new paint and make sure you click on stroke because the options for Multi stroke they won't really be there they only have certain options for certain icons so click on stroke and you can also do this with the polyline tool you can click two points and have it draw so now as you can see under the same thing with the polyline tool with the right on and it's just gonna stay on the frame that's basically just right on but that time I use the polygon tool pretty fun it's a different way you can approach things another really fun thing you can do is I'm just gonna just going to add another paint node just to start fresh come up here make sure that this is selected and I'm going to select trail now I'm gonna start at the beginning of the clip and I'm just gonna go whee again and now you can see it has like this like I don't know this is ball that you didn't really even have to draw and it also didn't start at the beginning of the clip so but you'll have to do is come into the keyframes and I'm gonna zoom in come down to the paint come down to stroke and what we can do is you can just highlight these this is the start so I put this at the very beginning and then the ending so I'm just going to readjust these I'm gonna highlight both of them and I'm gonna do time stretching and what that'll do is stretch the whole drawing process of what we created over the whole time line as you can see here this is the fusion clip so it's all it's only 158 frames and now you can see that we've adjusted this to kind of have a life of its own and you didn't have to draw it in frame by frame much faster you can play with this and do things where you know people are throwing their hands up in the air and you can do this multiple times and edit them if you like these kinds of videos please make sure to subscribe you guys are awesome I really was excited to make this follow-up video because I know a lot of you guys like this so feel free to comment down below and let me know what you think if there's anything else I could add maybe in a future third edition of this video that would be super helpful feel free to DM me on Instagram and if you have any other ideas feel free to DM me there as well I'm open to any type of inspiration that you guys may have and I'll try to help you out and if you guys create anything cool on Instagram post it tag me I'll check it out and let you know what I think thanks again and I'll see you in my next video hey just need to show you something that just can't wait hey maybe well maybe you'll stay but hey the sockets are only been thinking four things how to say
Channel: Jamie Fenn
Views: 137,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neon animation, draw animation davinci resolve, neon animation davinci resolve, neon scribble, neon effects davinci resolve, drawing davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve effects tutorial, davinci resolve effects free, neon scribble effect davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion tutorial, davinci resolve fusion animation, animation in davinci resolve, how to draw neon animation in davinci resolve, blotter media, blotter media davinci resolve, ofirshoham_
Id: S5R2ZmAmeFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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