Assurance of Salvation

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welcome back I'm Robert breaker and today I've got a message for you it about assurance assurance of salvation I wasn't a preacher on this for some time I've had this on my list of things to preach on probably for several years and this is something that I've just never gotten to yet until now and I'm preaching this I believe in a timely manner I believe this is something that needs to be given and it needs to be preached on needs to be spoken about I believe that we are in the last days I've said that many times and I'm not the only one how people contact me all the time saying brother breaker I really do think that we're in the last days and so we are almost right here we are right here almost to the time of the rapture and as I preached this we are in May of 2018 and Israel has just finished celebrating their 70th anniversary of when they started themselves as a nation on May 14th so I think that's exciting I think that's exciting and I'm looking up amen but the Bible says that in this time period right before the rapture it'll be a time of apostasy apostasy means a falling away and I am seeing it and many many other people are seeing it there are so many today that claim to be Christians that are falling away from the true doctrine of salvation they have changed what they used to preach and they're teaching a bloodless gospel instead of the true blood-stained gospel of salvation and so I believe that it's so important I was thinking what if what if this is my last message huh what if Jesus is coming and this will be the last message what I thought well I want to be be faithful and preaching the gospel of salvation by faith so that someone could get saved and go at the rapture and not be left behind now I'm not setting the date of the rapture I don't know what it will be but I do believe it's soon and because of that I have more of a desire to want to see people save so they'll go with the rapture but I'm finding more and more and more and more and more people that are instead of preaching the gospel and teaching the word of truth they're deceiving people I give email after email after email of people saying brother breaker I aren't they preaching the blood anymore brother breaker why aren't they preaching the gospel anymore correctly as the Bible says it bro breaker what's the problem why are so many falling away and this all ties in with salvation over the years and even in the last year or so I've gotten so many emails from people that said brother I used to watch this guy on YouTube and I do not watch him anymore because he had a lordship salvation message he was telling us the salvation was by what we did or didn't do and it works basically and and they said we were deceived and we always doubted if we were saved or not and many of those same people have emailed and said brother breaker I watched some of your videos and you give the gospel so plainly we've gotten saved by watching your videos you know they'll tell me they all say and I've never doubted ever since whether I was saved or not well we watch this fellow we always doubt it and now that we've seen the true gospel or spending fifty one through four that we've seen salvation is through faith in the blood Romans 3:25 while we've never doubted so I think that's a blessing and that's what salvation is all about salvation is getting saved and knowing you're saved it's all about having assurance that you're saved or not now I'm not going to take all the credit for this message my dad passed away in 2010 and before that several years before he rubbed a little gospel tract entitled blessed assurance and I took that little track that he wrote and I went through and it changed a little bit made it my own tract and so I hand this out to people sometimes it's called blessed assurance and what my dad did was he looked up the word assurance in the King James Bible and you know what he found he found that the word assurance appears seven times in the King James Bible so assurance shows up seven times now you know what seven is why seven is the number of perfection God always seems to use that number seven over and over and over and I find it's quite interesting that the term assurance is used seven times so what I want to do today I want to take you to the scriptures we're gonna look at what the Bible says I'm going to show you these seven verses and I'm going to write them up here on assurance so we'll know what assurance is and I want you to search your heart and see if you know for sure if you're saved or not you see if you don't know if you're saved or not and you're you're always well I don't know if I've got salvation you know I doubt it all the time I worry about it I wonder then let's get it right today let's get it right today where you know that you're saved so let's go to Romans chapter 14 and I wanna read Romans 14 22 and 23 Romans chapter 14 verse 22 says how stealth faith you see that's what all boils down to faith is what saves we're saved by faith so the question is do you have faith if you don't then that's probably why you don't have assurance of salvation that's most likely the reason why you worry about whether you're saved or not because you're lacking faith in something it says has that faith have it dice have it to thyself before God happy is he that condemneth not himself in the thing which he hath allowed it's a blessing when we don't condemn ourselves when we see Christ and we see the gospel we say wow he's forgiven me I have no doubt that I'm saved because he's the one that saves me you see the problem with people that doubt their salvation oftentimes they're trusting in what they do rather than what Jesus did and when we trust in what we did no wonder we doubt because we always say well I wonder if I did enough so you'll always wonder if you did enough if you think that that's what gets you to heaven something you did but when we see Christ as our Savior trusting in his finished work for us how can we doubt that to doubt that is the doubt that Jesus died in the put in our place for us and I don't doubt that I know he did I believe you get I know I'm saved because he did it for me and I've trusted I believe I've faith in what he's done if my faith is in him and what he's done for me on the cross his precious shed blood the gospel of what Jesus did now look in verse 23 and he that doubted is damned isn't that what people do that don't have assurance of salvation they doubt if I talk to people before and they say well brother breaker I don't know if I'm saved or not I doubt it all the time and I always have this doubt and I always think well am i saved am I not am i saved and they doubt it doubt is the opposite of faith so I always ask them so what's your faith in you see if you're saved you're trusting in something and you don't doubt it you have assurance because you're trusting in what God said to trust then to be saved in almost every single time someone says they have doubt it's always because their faith was not in what God said for it to be and that's why they doubt it says here in verse 23 and heat it down at this damn defeat because he eateth not of faith for whatsoever is not of faith is sin God demands faith Hebrews 11:6 says without faith is impossible to please him God will ask one thing of all men faith belief trust in what what he did for them on the cross the shedding of his blood trust that blood for the forgiveness of sins so the reason that many people doubt if they're saved or not it's because they're not trusting in that many times they're trusting and what they do rather than what Jesus did for them let's go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 so I'm not coming today to try to talk you out of your salvation if you are truly saved I am coming to you to ask do you have assurance do you know for sure you're saved 2nd Corinthians 13:5 look at what it says the Apostle Paul tells us examine yourselves whether you be in the faith prove your own selves it says know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates what's a reprobate a lost person so look at yourself examine yourself ask yourself this question am I in the faith am i trusting in what Jesus said now when you preach a message like this automatically these these so called Christians that that are liberal that don't follow the scriptures that have the newfangled gospel but the Bloodless gospel they come out of the woodwork and they say oh well you're trying to do is talk people out of their salvation no I'm not no I'm not and these same people they say no a Christian can doubt and I've even heard him say things like it's healthy for a person to doubt their salvation why well if you're saved you ought to doubt it that proves our safe and I'm thinking about some how could someone make such an idiotic statement doubt is the opposite of faith so the fact that you have doubt proves that you're saved that makes no sense to me no you need to come to God for salvation and when you're saved he gives you assurance so if you have no assurance and you're doubting your salvation then most likely it's because you're lost now I didn't say it was I said it's most likely now it could be that a Christian doubts if they're saved not because they got into some sin and because of that they start to doubt and I'm going to tell you what the remedy for that is today but I've heard people say if you doubt your salvation why it's just the devil trying to make you doubt and I listen to that now look at that ago no no maybe possibly that could be that the devil tries to attack a Christian and makes him doubt if you saved or not but what if a person is not saved and the Holy Spirit of God is the one that's trying to make them doubt they're saved so that they will get saved and he's trying to knock on the hearts door and say hey you're a self-righteous Pharisee and you're lost and you think you're a Christian but you don't have faith in what I said to put your faith in and so it's the Holy Spirit convicting them and that's why they doubt oh no they never think that but I find many times that's who it is that makes a person down if they're saved or not it's the Holy Spirit knocking on their door saying hey hey come on over to my side the side of faith because doubt is the opposite of faith so if you doubt your salvation you've got problems and I want to say that and I will not say dogmatically 100 cent it's because you're lost you couldn't can be a Christian and have some doubts at times but those will quickly be absolved as you read the scriptures the more you read the Bible the less doubt you'll have but let me say this if you claim to be a Christian and you doubt whether you're saved and you don't know if you're saved or not then most likely it's because you are lost and that's what you need you need assurance of salvation now I don't want to give you assurance from the scripture so I'm going to take you through the seven different verses in the Bible about assurance but before I do let me explain something to you salvation is by faith it's by believing it's by trusting we're gonna get into this in this sermon after I give you these seven different places but I want you to know something I've seen some things in my life that just that make me cringe that are just so sad there are people out there today that are telling people a false gospel of salvation rather than pointing them to Christ crucified and telling them trust what Jesus did for you they tell people that salvation is will you just do this and oftentimes it's the one two three pray after me oftentimes it's the sinner's prayer thing and they go to a sinner and I said well if you want to be saved just ask God to save you just tell God please save me and they say say this prayer and then they give you a prayer to repeat and then they the man tries to assure you that you're saved because you prayed and so they say the assurance is you be assured you're saved because I said so I wish I could find a book that I found years ago by a guy named Doug shorn entitled zeal without knowledge and he goes into this he used to have a big gigantic church seven eight nine hundred people and every year he'd have seven or eight hundred baptisms and he'd always have so many people out soul-winning and they'd always say oh we had 800 people so when I saved in soul-winning this year and all this stuff and then one day he woke up and he realized this is all based on a lie all we're doing is trying to get people to repeat a prayer and we're claiming all these people got saved he says but the church hasn't even grown we're going out and baptizing all these people but the church isn't growing we're doing something wrong and he started to look into what they were doing wrong because we're doing it all in our own of ourselves bragging on ourselves and we're not pointing sinners to Christ and so we realized the right gospel is to preach the blood for salvation and tell people how to be saved because what they were doing is we're just going out and saying hey you want to get saved repeat after me and they were getting people to repeat a prayer after them but those people weren't getting saved and I've seen this and this really bothers me this really bothers me many of your churches they tell people if you'll just repeat this prayer you'll be safe and they say that the prayer saves now I am NOT against prayer I believe a person can get saved when they pray but it's not the prayer itself that's the saving medium you are not saved by a prayer you're saved by faith the Bible is very clear in teaching that but I've heard people say well repeat this prayer after me and the person does that and then later they go well I don't know if I'm saved or not and the preacher says we'll just say the prayer all over again and pray a prayer of assurance that's the term they call it and you say in the prayer Oh God I'm a sinner please save me amen and you say alright I'm saving he says yeah you're safe because I say so and the person goes away they go wow I'm saving and then they start thinking about it am i saved I mean he says I am but I don't feel safe I don't I don't know if I'm saving and so he goes back to the preacher and the preacher says oh we'll just pray the prayer of assurance again and so he prays oh god please save me all over again and they says but I don't feel say I don't know if I'm saying and what's the problem the problem is the person has no assurance of salvation and the reason is they think they're saved by the prayer and that's why they're trusting in the prayer rather than in the propitiation I've written a book years ago called the heresy of the sinner's prayer and I just ordered myself a copy I have this on the website for sale and I talked about in this how oftentimes people get into this mindset of being taught hey just repeat a sinner's prayer and you go to heaven that they actually think that the prayer is what saves them and so whenever they say the prayer and then they don't have any assurance of salvation they saw what I do and the person says we'll just say the prayer all over again and then you can be assured that you're safe pray the prayer of assurance and so they say that salvation is the prayer and when you don't have assurance then do it again and then do it again here's what happens happened to me happened to my wife after my dad you get down by your bed every night and pray the prayer over and over Oh God please save me Oh God please save from the age thirteen to age eighteen every single night of my life before I went to bed I had no assurance of salvation I did not know if I was safe I hoped I was safe and I'd go to bed every night crying out to God oh god please save me and don't let me wake up in hell by not waking up from my sleep my thought was the prayer safe so I kept saying the prayer over and over and over hoping that the prayer would save me and I had no assurance of salvation so it's for these people that I want to present this message because I'm sure there's many people out there just like I was and the answer is not a prayer it is not the prayer that saves you know you can't pray but the prayer itself isn't what saves it's what Jesus did and it's through faith or trusting in what Jesus did for you that saves and then when you believe in that that's when you have assurance I've given my testimony before on YouTube I've told how before I was told just repeat this prayer and I always thought well the prayer saves me so I'd have to do it over and over though it wasn't till my dad sent me down and showed me the gospel then I believed in the gospel I trusted the gospel that's when I understood and believed and that's when I got safe and I can honestly say honestly from July 29th 1992 when I first heard the gospel and understood and believed the blood of Christ for salvation and I trusted the blood of Christ I have never doubted whether I was saved or not how many years ago was that this is 2018 that was 1992 what is that 20-some years ago however long ago that was I have not doubted once whether I was saved or not I am assured that I have a place in heaven because of what Jesus did for me and I trust what he did I'm not trusting in what I do my wife the other day I was talking my wife and she goes honey I just want to tell you something I go what's that baby she goes since I got saved in 2000 six she goes I've never doubted if I was save her mind she said before that I doubted all the time she says but I'm not doubted once I said hey man honey it did a blessing that when you're truly saved by trusting and what God said to trust in how you never doubt it but when you're a false convert then you always doubt perpetual doubt that's what the sinner's prayer heresy does you see the sinner's prayer teaching is a teaching that the prayer saves so save the prayer to be safe but what if you say the prayer with your mouth but you don't believe from the heart what if you ask God to save you with your mouth but you don't trust God to save you do you see the problem see a false convert is someone that said something and asked for forgiveness and repeated a prayer but they've never by faith trusted in the finished work of Christ that's why they doubt because they're trusting in what they did rather than what Jesus did for them so that's what it all boils down to salvation is by trusting in what Jesus did it's not what we do you see lost people they trust in what they do or say in many times they say oh I'm saved by the prayer so if I just say the prayer well I'm and so they repeat the prayer over and okay look I'm not against the prayer I am NOT against prayer you can pray when you want to but the prayer doesn't save you can't you see that and most of your so-called modern day Christianity today tells you no if you want to be saved say the prayer it's the prayer that saves say the sinner's prayer and many people do that without faith in the blood and that's why they're still lost because they have no faith in what Jesus did they're trusting and what they did or what they said it's amazing to me how so many people still don't get that but when you do when you see that when you understand that and you realize that and then you say oh I've been lost all these years trusting what I did I give up all what I've done I trust solely on what Jesus did I trust the blood that's when you get saved so it's all about that blood of Jesus are you trusting in the blood atonement of Christ if so you'll have assurance if not you won't all right so let's get started here dinner on me chapter 28 and verse 66 so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to show you the seven places in the Bible that talk about assurance Deuteronomy 2666 will be the first Deuteronomy 28 scuse me I said 26 28 66 what is Deuteronomy 28 66 a and I want you to see what the Bible itself says about assurance because I think it's so revealing it's so amazing so interesting because when you go by what God says then you have assurance I want you to have assurance based upon what God says not Robert breaker I don't ever want to hear someone say I'm safe because Robert breaker said so no no I want people to say I'm saved because the Bible says so and I'm trusting in the very thing that God said to believe in for me to be saved it's all about what God said so the first time the word assurance appears in the Bible is in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 66 and it says and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee and thou shalt fear day and night and thou shalt have none assurance of thy life you know again there are some people in this life that say they're Christians but they doubt if they're safe day and night they have a fear I don't know but saved or not usually it's because they've got the false gospel it's not because they're trusting in the true gospel the blood-stained gospel of trust what Jesus D but notice what it says here you have none assurance of thy life according to the Bible there's no assurance of life that means we're all gonna die someday the Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment except except for those that go with the rapture praise God for that that's what we're waiting for that's the thing that's an exception that's an amazing thing that we can go without dying but the Bible says be assured that some day you're gonna die if Jesus doesn't come soon and throughout the history of the world people have died and that's one of the scariest things in the world for people is not knowing where they go when they die as I preach this message if I were to look at you and ask you a question how would you answer that question what if I were to ask you if you were to die right now where would you go heaven or hell why how would you answer that some people say well I don't want to think about it it scares me too much because it hell's real than I do I'd go to hell I don't want to think about well I don't know what to tell you except be assured that you're gonna die there's no way to live forever in this life but you can live forever with Jesus in the afterlife it's all up to you be assured that you will die the Bible says in Romans 5:12 wherefore as by one man centered in or entered into the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for all have sinned because of sin we all die are you a sinner I'm looking for a few good sinners so they can get saved you know the first thing you have to understand before you can get saved is that you're lost that you're a sinner you see Christ Jesus came to the world to save sinners if you're not a sinner well I guess you can't get saved I've met people that told me well I'm not a sinner I've never sinned and I just laughs no Bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God no you're a sinner and you need to be saved and if you're not be assured you will die someday and go to hell 1st Corinthians 15:22 says for as in Adam all die even so in Christ shall all be made alive you see we all come from our Father Adam and we're all gonna die someday unless we come to Christ and then he will give us eternal life so the first thing I want to say is assurance the Bible first time the Bible and gives the word assurance it tells men be assured that death is going to come on everyone everyone will die I want to show you of that God says in the scriptures I say 3217 is our next verse and I'm gonna go in in order I'd say 30 to 70 now this verse is amazing isaiah 32 17 he's an Old Testament I believe I'm gonna call this a prophecy of New Testament salvation I think when Isaiah wrote this he didn't understand what he was writing exactly many things that he wrote like Isaiah 53 were future events of Christ on the cross and I think Isaiah is writing in Isaiah chapter 32 in verse 17 about salvation for us today in a prophetic way because he says in Isaiah 32 17 and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietest quietness and assurance notice what it says for ever when we're saved the Bible says we're saved and we have peace through the blood of his cross today this is salvation for today and this verse says the work of righteousness what does Jesus do he was the righteous the just who died for the unjust and when we come to Jesus and we trust his righteousness guess what we get saved and we have peace with God through the blood of the Cross it says in the book of Romans and he's saying here in Isaiah Isaiah is saying about the church age and about church age salvation and the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance forever when you're saved you know that you're saved and you know you're saved for ever so if you're saved you shouldn't doubt it if you're truly saved that's why I say if you continually doubt if you're saved or not then you're probably like one of these guys who's not saved you're trusting on what you do rather than what Jesus did so the work of righteousness is peace quietness and assurance for an farm like I told you and I'm not lying I told you earlier and I'll tell you again I never doubted whether I was saved or not after I got saved on July 29th 1992 never doubted why because before I lived in doubt thinking oh I've got to do this I've got to do this it's all what I do and I always wondered did I do enough but when I realized it's not what I do so what Christ has done for me and I trusted what he's done I had peace and assurance forever how about you in Romans chapter 5 verse 17 talks about this and in Romans 5:17 says for it by one man one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ when we're saved we get the gift of God's righteousness verse 18 therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men into justification of life now look at verse 21 that as sin hath reigned unto death even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord we have assurance forever when we're saved today and what God's given us is his righteousness as a free gift I'm saved and God has imputed his righteousness to me how did I get that imputed to me by faith Romans chapter 10 we're in Romans 10 Romans 10 for what does it say for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth see under the Old Testament law it was all about you and your righteousness you livin right you're doing right is all what you did and you never had insurance of salvation under that law never you always wondered and hoped I hope I did enough for God to accept me thank God we don't live under that today when we have to live in continual doubt and worry thank God that in the New Testament in the church age salvation is by grace salvation is by faith but leaving and when we believe or trust we put our faith in the finished work of Christ while we have peace and assurance forever what a blessing what a blessing so that's the second time let's get one more verse let's go to second Corinthians 5:21 2nd Corinthians 5:21 for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin whose that God the Father made Jesus Christ God the Son to be sin for us who knew no sin jesus never sinned that we might be made the righteousness of God in him when our faith is in what Jesus did when we trust the blood atonement why guess what God gives us his righteousness and in God's eyes we are fully forgiven and we are clean and we are righteous in this sight the third time the word assurance shows up is acts 17:31 Acts chapter 17 and verse 31 here's the Apostle Paul speaking to a bunch of lost people actually I guess I could call them what they were lost religious people and further I'll call them even more what they were they were lost pagan religious people who worshiped false gods now notice what he says in acts 17:31 Acts chapter 17 and verse 31 the Apostle Paul says because he hath appointed a day in the which she will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained who's this God the Father he's talking about Jesus God the son whom God the Father hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men and that he hath raised him from the dead I find two things in this passage of scriptures be assured that God will judge you someday and be assured that Jesus rose from the dead do you see that their God will judge all men someday and be assured that Jesus has risen from the dead if you were to go to Jerusalem now and I've never been there I really honestly don't have any desire to be there because it's all sandy sandy dusty place I'm reading now Samuel Clemens aren't Mark Twain's I guess you'd call it more of a diary of when he went to Jerusalem and I'm following his steps as he's writing about what he saw when he went to Jerusalem the eighteen 1860s or something like that it's called innocence abroad if you want to get the book it's quite interesting of his trip to Israel and it doesn't sound like the kind of place I want to go I I will be happy just reading about it through what he wrote but you go to Acts chapter 2 look at what it says if you go over to Jerusalem you will find the tomb of Jesus Christ and you know what you won't find the bones because Jesus rose again I think that's interesting and it says in Acts chapter 2 in verse 23 and 24 him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God have you taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain he's talking about Jesus of Nazareth verse 22 verse 24 whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be holding event you go to Jerusalem today you look at the tomb of Christ and it's empty he's not there because he's risen be assured of that fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead everybody in the world ought to know that but yet many people in the world they deny Christ what a sad thing now let's go to the cautions chapter 2 and verse 2 and here's one of two verses in which we have a word used in front of the word assurance but I think is wonderful we find this in the seventh one as well and this is the term full assurance I think it's so neat that he says full assurance full assurance of what let's look at this verse Colossians 2 2 Colossians chapter 2 and verse 2 what does the Bible say I'm just going through it showing you every time the Bible uses the word assurance Colossians chapter 2 verse 2 that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and into all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ you know the Trinity God God the Holy Spirit God the Father the Christ the Son and it says here the full assurance of understanding see salvation there's some understanding involved and the reason that there's so many people today that claim to be Christians and they doubt their salvation is because they're misunderstanding something they're not understanding what the Bible teaches they have a false understanding of salvation that's why they're trusting is something they did rather than what Christ did for them so this is the full understanding look at Acts chapter 28 I'm going to show another verse here later but this is a verse that Jesus spoke that the Apostle Paul quotes Acts chapter 28 verse 26 and 27 acts 28 26 and 27 saying going to this people and say hearing you shall hear and shall not understand is saying you shall see and not perceive for the heart of this people is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing in their eyes that they close lists they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them there's understanding that comes along with salvation there's some things that you need to understand before you can be saved and what happens all too often in modern Christianity in their zeal to go win souls many people will run out and say what's so bad to win somebody to Jesus so I'm gonna go to them with the Romans Road one two three pray after me and they don't care if the person understands anything about the gospel they just wanted to say that prayer and you know maybe their hearts in the right place maybe they they really do want to win souls but they're not thinking what if the person says the prayer without understanding the gospel and without trusting in the blood atonement or what Jesus did or the gospel then that person is thinking they're saved because of the prayer and so when they have no assurance they say well I'm just going to say the prayer again and so they say the prayer over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and they never know if they're safe why don't they know because they don't have the understanding what does the Bible say Ephesians chapter 1 verse 13 in whom you also trusted after that ye heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in Africa also after that she believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory 15 wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and love it's all the Saints ceased not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our Lord Jesus Christ and the father of glory the father of glory amen may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints you've got to have the eyes of your understanding enlightened you've got to understand something in order to be safe what do you need to understand well that takes us to the next one first Thessalonians 1:5 first Thessalonians 1:5 here's the fifth time we come across the word assurance in the Bible first Thessalonians 1:5 the Apostle Paul again and notice what he says in first Thessalonians 1:5 for our gospel came not up to you and word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and then much assurance as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake so look what he says here we came to you with the gospel with power with the Holy Ghost we came with much assurance what was it that gave the assurance the gospel what is the gospel the gospel is 1st Corinthians 15 one through four that's the gospel the gospel is how that Christ died for our sins how did he do it through a blood atonement that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures it was all for our sins and it says by which ye are saved how by believing by believing the gospel you're saved alright so what happens when you go to somebody who's lost and you tell that person hey man you want to get saved and they say yeah I don't want to go hell and you say well you're a sinner and you know because you're a sinner well you need Jesus so come to Jesus and repeat this prayer oh Jesus I'm a sinner please save me a mint and a person does that but you didn't even give them the gospel how can they understand the gospel and place their faith in the gospel if you haven't even presented the gospel I've told you this before and I'll tell you again I've been to over 200 churches preaching in my lifetime and one of the things I like to do is when I'm in a church the first thing I like to do is say hey how many here could tell me what the gospel is because the Bible tells us we're supposed to preach the gospel to the lost world so who here can tell me where it is in the Bible only about 10 times has anyone ever said the right answer I was aghast I was I was surprised and I was saddened how few people that claim to be Christians today even know what the gospel is some people answer well it's Matthew Mark Luke and John and I said no those are called Gospels because they talk about the good news of Christ but I'm asking where in the scripture doesn't say this is the gospel most of the churches I've preached in and they were King James Bible believing only churches even knew what the gospel was how can we preach the lost and dying world of gospel if we don't even know where it is in the Bible how do we win souls to Christ without the gospel it's the gospel that saves and he says here the Apostle Paul said he went with the gospel in the Holy Ghost and empower and in much assurance and he came unto them with the true gospel of salvation and you know what they had they had much assurance the early church knew they were saved you don't find one account of Scripture anywhere in the Bible of the early church saying and then we doubt if we were saved or not no the contrary is true while you read Paul saying I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day I know that I'm saved and I have assurance here the church had much assurance how about you well if you're trusting the gospel then you're sure you have assurance the gospel is the gospel of assurance because the gospel is Jesus Christ is God who died for you he doesn't mess things up God never makes mistakes so if he paid for your sins and you're saved by what he did and you trust that then you can rely on that because God cannot lie the Bible says and he said you trust him and his blood atonement you trust the gospel the blood you shed then you're saying God can't lie I'm assured of my salvation because I trust that now Hebrews 6 11 look at this here we find again the term full assurance I like that term full assurance and you know what's so funny and sad at the same time what we're a shirred of in this verse is the very thing that so many today are attacking he's talking about the rapture look at what it says here in Hebrews 6 11 and we desire that every one of you to show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end the full assurance of hope here's an assurance of full assurance of hope alright I look at Paul's other epistles and I say what does Paul call his hope and then I said well yeah that's right that's right Titus 2:13 the Blessed hope the Blessed hope yet today all over YouTube it's so disgusting to me there's so many people making videos saying the rapture is alive there's no such thing as in the rapture there'll be no rapture other people say there's no pre-tribulation rapture there's just a mid-trib rapture or a post-trib rapture and all these people are attacking the rapture and yet we're supposed to have full assurance of the hope that Jesus Christ is coming back for us to rapture us out why are they trying to steal our sermons I'm fully assured that Jesus is coming again I am fully assured that Jesus is coming back for me at the rapture we're told in first Thessalonians 4 13 through 18 about it and how we're to comfort wanna know another with those words so the Blessed hope is the rapture and I'm fully assured that Jesus is coming back now the last one here is Hebrews 10:22 and I hope this has been a Bible study that's a blessing to you I just like to go to the Bible itself I'm a King James Bible believer so it's not what I say it's what the Bible says so let's look at the scriptures Hebrews 10:22 we find the term full assurance again I think I said it earlier that twice does it say full assurance well I was wrong there it was three times the Bible says full assurance somehow I'll try to highlight that a little bit differently because three times the Bible talks about full assurance full assurance of understanding full assurance of hope now look at this one full assurance of what let's go to Hebrews 10:22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water verse 23 let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering for he is faithful that promised you see salvation is by faith we can be fully assured that if our faith is in the finished work of Christ then we're saved I trust the blood that is what it says there from the heart so faith from the heart and faith in what the blood atonement of Christ so when you're saved you're saved by faith and when you have faith in what God said to place your faith in the blood atonement of Christ the gospel then you have full assurance that you're saved again every single time that I dealt with a person that says I don't know if I'm saved or not it all boils down to the fact of whether or not they were trusting in the blood of Christ and they doubted because their faith was not in the finished work of Christ their faith was always in something else well I go to church so I must be saved I'm a good person well I don't sin I don't drink I don't smoke I don't shoe I don't run I do this I do that I said the prayer I and they were always trusting in something they did then we're not trusting in what Jesus did for them they had no full assurance of salvation because their faith was not in what God said their faith should be so let's look at this let's go to Ephesians chapter 2 it's baffling to me baffling to me I've been watching YouTube little by little and I don't have time to watch YouTube videos so I've been watching this thing between four or five different people on YouTube going back and forth and I don't even watch their videos I've been watching it in the sense that people been emailing me and say brother breaker this guy said this brother hey this guy said that and so they're telling me this fight that's going on on YouTube between people that claim to be Bible believers claimed to be Christians and they say there's this man that's been on YouTube for many years who claims he's the King James Bible believer and teacher and yet he's turned against the doctrine of faith for salvation he's preached videos against salvation by faith he's begin teaching a bloodless gospel he tells people if you want to be saved why just ask God to save you or just repeat the prayer or do this or do that he's turning from the doctrine that he used to teach that a sound Bible doctrine Twitter false doctrine and they tell me all about this and how this man is against so by faith and I just look at that and I said well that's that's sad that's sad cuz that's not what the Bible teaches and he's gone so far I believe he's what you call one of those uh lordship salvation type people uh he calls salvation by faith easy believe ISM and he says it's not by faith alone that you're Satan and all these things that he begins to say and your ears just go whoa that is so not scriptural and so I begin getting emails from people that used to be a part of his ministry and they say brother breaker we used to watch him we don't watch him anymore because we always doubted if we were saved or not based upon what he preached for salvation then we saw the true gospel we trusted the blood from of Christ now we don't doubt and I say praise God that you don't doubt but they say would you please mention that band would you please talk about would you please expose him for who he is that I know no no I'm not gonna deal with the man I'm gonna deal with the issue the issue is this fella whoever he is god bless them says that faith alone is not enough to be saved that you're not saved by faith is that biblical or is that falling away from the truth well let's look at some scriptures Ephesians 2:8 9 says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast this fella is teaching that it's not enough to just believe he's taking and telling people you have to repent to be safe and you say oh okay well what does repent mean because we look up the definition of repentance we look at repentance repentance isn't a work in the Bible in the sense of salvation repentance is a change of mind to be saved you have to have a change of mind you have to have an understanding that hey it's not what I do oh I trust what Jesus did you repent you change direction from trusting in your righteousness to trusting Christ's righteousness to trust in what you do and the prayer you said to trusting solely upon the blood Jesus shed to trusting what man told you to trusting what God said and the Bible says it's by faith that you're saved you see many people will say a sinner's prayer with their mouths but there's no faith from the heart they're not trusting in the blood of Christ when they repeat that prayer they're lost and this fella is propagating that teaching and he's continually helping people to have no assurance of salvation and so what do they do we'll just say the prayer over again just so why don't you take them to the blood you see when you trust the blood the work of righteousness is what peace forever salvation is a full understanding and you're fully assured I'm washed in the blood when I trust the but it's through faith that I'm safe Romans 1:16 what does it say Romans 1:16 for I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek so we're saved by faith even verse 17 for there and is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith it's faith that saves Romans 3:20 - how anybody can come out and say it's not faith you're not saved by faith that's easy believe ISM and attack the Bible teaching of faith for salvation I cannot understand and yet by doing that they're strengthening the false gospel and the people that follow them continually think I don't know if I'm saved or not I don't have assurance you see how they're helping those / people to be lost it's sad and some of them have gotten saved and contacted me and said thank you so much for teaching the truth I'm no longer lost I've watched your videos and I've seen the gospel and I'm safe I've got over their stack of testimonies of people that say I got saved watching your videos I debated on whether or not to read that today but I said I just don't have time Romans 3:20 - even the righteousness of God which is a faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all of them that believe for there is no difference verse 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law how are we saved today by faith it's not works it's not what we do it's by believing in what Jesus did faith is believing and is trusting so it's by believing what is Romans and I have here Romans 51 1 probably wrote that wrong Romans 5 11 what is Romans 5:11 say and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement you have to receive the atonement how do you receive the atonement why galatians chapter 3 verse 22 tells us galatians 322 is paul writing and he tells us that it's your faith that you receive something galatians 322 says but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe all right so faith and believing are the same thing now look at verse 24 where of the law was our schoolmaster to raise to Christ that we might be justified by faith ephesians 3:17 that christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that she being rooted and grounded in love so by faith we receive Jesus into our hearts yet this modern newfangled gospel that isn't even a gospel at all oh you want Jesus come in your heart ask him to come into your heart that's not in the Bible you can ask God to save you or ask God into your heart but if you do so without faith in the gospel the blood of Christ you're still lost and there were many within Christianity today that are like that many today who are trusting in what they did and they've never trusted by faith in what Jesus Christ did for them yeah back to the galatians 2:20 - it says that the promise by faith might be given to them that belief so by believing we receive something so we're not saved by works we're saved by faith after you're saved by faith then you should have assurance you should know you're saved this one two three repeat after me doesn't offer knowing you're safe oftentimes the people that do that without believing they do so now so I don't know saved or not and rather than taking people to the gospel to be saved false ministers say we'll just say the prayer all over again well wait a minute if it didn't say the first time why would you expect it to save the second or the third or the fourth that's a false gospel salvation according to the Bible is by faith I like to call it a no so salvation when you're saved you know it you know salvation is like two different things in the Bible salvation is like being born because when you're saved you're born again and salvation is like being married your spouse to Christ now I've never met anyone that told me well I don't know if I'm born or not I mean I guess I was because I'm here but I always del I just don't know when those know when you're born you know you've been born you know you you exist therefore you've been born no one never ever doubts if they were born or not if they're alive so how come when it comes to salvation which is being born again preachers preach things like what's okay to doubt okay so it's okay to doubt that you were born in the first place see how they don't marriage when yours when you're married you don't doubt whether you're married or not if your wife is right there with you and you took the vows and you have the paper and all that while you know you're you're married how can you doubt it salvation is not something you're supposed to doubt it's something you know how do we know if we're saved first John 5:13 says these things that I written unto you but believe on the name of the Son of God that she may know that you have eternal life and that she may believe on the name of the Son of God you can know you're saved if you don't know you're saved you have no assurance of salvation most likely I'm not saying that this is for every case you know like I said earlier someone could be saved to have some doubt because of some sin in their life but then quickly that would go over that'll be passed you don't you don't live continually in doubt as a Christian you do know you're safe but if you are doubting if you're saved or not and you don't know for sure could it because you're lost when you're saved you know how do you know you're safe well the Bible says faith comes by hearing here by the Word of God he says here in first John 5:13 these things are written that you may know so it's the Word of God that tells us if you're saved or not not the word of me so the way to know that you're safe is to go to the scriptures what a second timothy 3:15 say you see I get so so sad when I see people and you come upon them and you say hey man you're Christian you claim to be a Christian tell me how you got saved they said oh when I was five years old I repeated the prayer and you say yeah but can you show me that in the Bible oh and I don't have to I'm saved and my mommy said I was and you say yeah but have you ever you know now did it Oh a green eye so I just say the prayer over and over and say well can you tell me that in about no no but it doesn't matter my pastor told me that's how I'm safe so he assured me that I'm saved because I did you're trusting in man the Bible says we're supposed to trust in the Word of God can you imagine dying and going to hell and then going before God at the judgment and then trying to tell God God I don't know why you put me in hell that pastor told me this and I did what he said I know I'm saved because he said so could you imagine that and God just kind of goes nope I told you the way to heaven and to have peace and assurance forever was through the blood of the Cross trust the blood by faith by believing by trusting and what I did and you were supposed to follow what I wrote what I said not what some man says see the problem with some preachers today they want to be higher than God wasn't that the sin of Satan didn't he say I will ascend him then Satan want His Word to be more important than the Word of God see the Bible tells us it's through faith that were saved it tells us what our face should be in but first where do we go to find that information well in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 verse 14 says but continue thou in the things which thou hast learn and has been assured of who is the one doing the assuring the scriptures Paul giving them the scriptures and it says knowing of whom God has learned them who they learn them from the Apostle Paul the Scriptures verse 15 and that from a child that has known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise in the salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so we're saved by the Word of God they've come from hearing hearing by the Word of God the Word of God tells us that salvation is by faith and faith in what faith in the blood Romans 3:25 whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood so salvation is by faith if anybody ever tells you otherwise they are a liar and a deceiver and they are trying to give you a false sense of assurance they're giving you a false plan of salvation Galatians 3:14 what does it say Galatians 3:14 says that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith well that means that when we trust when we believe when our faith is the thing God says that's when we receive salvation we receive something by faith this fellow I was telling you about earlier he attacked me on YouTube saying oh this guy he teaches that you can steal salvation from God because he says you go to salvation you just take it you just receive it and I looked at that and I said you know that's not even worthy of responding to the Bible says over and over and over in Romans chapter 5 that salvation is a free gift that she received by faith if I give you a gift and you take that from me that gift the last thing I'm going to do is say you thief you stole that from me you can't steal a gift if someone gives you a gift then you receive it that's not stealing that just shows you the mindset of the man his mindset is not Bible his mindset is what I say well what you say is not what the Bible says and a lot of people of email being said they were deceived by you mister and you were giving them a false gospel and they said they've gotten saved and I praise God for it and they all say the same thing and I've never doubted if I was saved or not since you see the blood gets rid of all doubt we are saved by faith Ephesians 2:8 9 acts 16:30 what would I do to be saved he says verse 31 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ salvation is by faith by believing or by trusting peices 1:13 says you trust and whom you also trusted the gospel of your salvation salvation is by trusting the gospel what is the gospel the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ how he did it why he did it why did Jesus died to shed his blood without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins one of these people on YouTube they follow this man of whom I'm speaking and they recently came out and made a video entitled the blood of Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation and I look at that I just want to cry what is that person doing they're attacking the true biblical doctrine of salvation by faith in the blood and I don't know for sure so I can't say for sure but I would almost bet on it that they're doing that just to hold on to their little testimony of and I said the prayer so that's when I got saved so they're wanting to hold onto their false profession of faith and because of that they attack the true doctrine of salvation it's so that they don't have to admit you know what I'm probably not saved and rather than me admit that I'm lost I would rather kick against the pricks I would rather preach against this gospel because I want so much to hold on to my own self-righteousness you know what a person like that needs to do they need to repent they need to change their mind and realize I can't come to God in my own I must come by faith trusting and what he's done first of 80237 first Timothy chapter two verse three through seven look what it says here for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior verse poor who will have all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth you see there's a knowledge that you have to have and it's the truth and the knowledge of the truth is that salvation is by faith and what Jesus did not what you do and to be saved you've got to come to that saving knowledge of the truth and then it says there in verse five for there's one God and one mediator between God and men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified a new time where do I am ordained a preacher in an apostle I speak the truth in Christ I lie not a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and Verity the Apostle Paul says look I preach the knowledge of the truth I preach salvation what is the knowledge of the truth it's that you're saved by trusting the gospel the gospel must be true preached and these people that are go to you and tell you if you'll just many of them go to Romans 10:13 and they take Romans 10:13 completely out of context and they say whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and they say and that means and this is where they change the scripture that means you go to God and ask him to save you know doesn't it does not say ask no where in that passage does it say ask a matter of fact there's no verse of scripture in the Bible that tells us to ask God to save us in the church age and then we're saved by asking no one in the Bible doesn't say you ask God to come in your heart and come in these are people that are inventing their own teachings their own doctors and they want to hold on to their own profession of faith and their own twisting of Scripture and they want so bad to think that they're right that they preach against the truth of salvation what does it mean to call upon the name of Lord we have to look at the companion passages 2nd Timothy 2:22 I believe it is then to call pon the Lord of a pure heart you look at the chapter 10 of Romans and what does it say the righteousness which is of faith speaking on this wise if calling is speaking that it's speaking from a heart and it's my faith in the gospel and when your faith isn't the thing God said to put your faith in that calls out to God and God says all right that's the same man cuz he's trusting in what I said what the Word of God says to trust him but if all you've ever done is come to God and say Oh God saved me and you're not trusting by faith you're still lost I'm not going to say that Phil is lost or not I don't know but I do know one thing there's something wrong with someone that preaches against faith when the Bible tells us that it's faith that saves something terribly wrong with a person like that Romans 1520 what does he possible says say yes oh I have strived to preach the gospel not where Christ was named lest I should build upon another man's foundation but as it is written to whom he was not spoken of they shall see and they that have not heard shall under stand the gospel must be preached heard and understood faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God have you ever heard the gospel all too often today in modern Christianity there are people that go around it's like they ignore the gospel completely and they say whatever you do don't mention that no don't mention the blood it's not essential don't talk about the like no no no no just tell somebody repeat this prayer after me once you've produced is a person who's trusting in something they did and they will always lack assurance of salvation the only way to get that person assurance is to take them to the blood atonement of Christ to take them to the gospel when a person understands that and then by faith believes in that that's when they get saved so that's what I've done today I've tried to give you the gospel it's first Corinthians 15 it's how that Christ died how did he die he had to shed his blood yes the blood of Christ is essential for something now I've gone long I'm sorry I just want to get this out there first Thessalonians 2 and I want to get this out here before the rapture because I want people to get saved if you're left behind at the rapture you better take a long look at yourself because you're gonna find out you were probably trusting in something you did and that's why you were left behind you're not trusting by faith in what Jesus did boy is it gonna be hard because the rapture when it comes things will be different things will be way different when the rapture comes let's go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 13 let me tell you how Paul speaks let me show you what Paul the Apostle says you see Paul never went anywhere and told people now just repeat this / after me and you'll go to heaven that was never the gospel that Paul gave Paul went and told people it's all about Christ crucified look at him on the cross look at his blood look at the atonement receive the atonement believe by faith in what Jesus did trust the blood faith in the blood that's why wouldn't read 1st Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1 through 13 we read these words 1st Thessalonians 2 1 through 13 says for yourselves brother no our entrance in in unto you that it was not in vain but even after we had suffered before and were treated shame shamefully entreated as you know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention Apostle Paul says whenever we preach the gospel there's always going to be contention and those contentious people on YouTube while they're trying to stir up contention but what for to give you assurance are they trying to give you the false gospel which never gives assurance of salvation he says the gospel of God was must contention about Paul for Paul it's all about bringing the gospel preaching the gospel verse 3 for our exhortation was not a deceit nor of uncleanness northern guile but as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel even so we speak not as pleasing men but God which tries our hearts my desire is it to please men my desire is to preach the gospel say what it says verse 5 for neither at any time usually flattering words as you know nor a cloak of covetousness God is witness God is watching God is witness Paul saying God is witness that I preached this gospel to you that I preach salvation through faith in the gospel not a bloodless gospel like many preached today verse 6 nor of men sought we glory neither of you nor yet of others we might have been burdensome as the apostles of Christ but we were gentle among you even as a nurse nurse chair Sethe cherish with it children pasta Paul says a true Christian a true preacher of the gospel is someone who is gentle not angry mean-spirited hateful attacking man calling putting down now now someone who cares about people enough that he's willing to stand up and tell the truth and say now that person is telling a lie come to the truth that's what Paul was like so being affectionately desirous of you verse 8 we were willing to have imparted into you not o not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto us you see a true gospel minister loves people that's why he tells them the truth see I don't hate people I don't make videos such-and-such exposed I can't make videos where I'm mean and hateful and attacking other people I've never wanted to do that all that wanted to do is from the heart give you the gospel because I love you and I want to see you get saved if you're lost I want you to have assurance of salvation if you don't already verse 9 where you remember a brother in our labour and travail for labouring night and day because we would not be chargeable unto any of you we preached unto you the gospel of God verse 10 ye are witnesses and God also how wholly and justly and unblameable we behaved ourselves among you that believed as you know how we exhorted and comforted and charged every one of you as a father death is children and he would walk worthy of God who have called you unto his kingdom and glory now verse 13 for this cause also think we God without ceasing because when you receive the Word of God which you heard of us you see that not as the word of men but as it is in truth the Word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe you see it's the Word of God that works in your heart we are saved by faith faith in what faith in the Word of God faith in what God says not what man says faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:17 I have given you what the Word of God says I've showed you the seven places in the Bible if the word assurance shows up you know it's amazing be assured you're gonna die someday but if you come to the work of righteousness which is Christ on the cross while you'll have peace and assurance forever be assured that God will judge you someday also be assured that Jesus rose what you need is a full assurance of understanding if you tell me well I think I'm saved but I'm not assured of it I don't have much assurance then maybe you don't understand maybe you need to understand in order to come to this truth and be saved the gospel gives us much assurance we have a full assurance of hope of the rapture coming and we have a full assurance that salvation is by faith from the heart I want to close with Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 through 23 I'm sorry I went long but this is important your eternal soul your internal destiny depends upon this are you saved Hebrews chapter 10 verse 19 through 23 having therefore brethren boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus I am bold in my preaching because I can be I don't sit around go well I think this is the gospel so I'm gonna throw it out there and I just I hope I'm right no I have assurance I am assured by God in His Word that when I preach this for salvation I am preaching the true gospel and the true doctrine and the true way to be saved so I can come boldly with the truth and I can enter boldly into heaven only through the blood of Jesus I'm not gonna get to heaven and say God you better let me in because I did this and I did that and I did this and I demand heaven because of what I did no no I come to God and say God I come boldly through the blood because you said that's the thing that forgives our sins and that's the thing that allows us to enter into the holiest into heaven the blood of Christ verse 20 by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh 21 having a high priest over the house of God verse 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water how are we to draw near to God in full assurance of I can't for the life of me understand how there are men on YouTube making videos in which they say that salvation is not by faith and they tried to deceive you into thinking that they are King James Bible believers I don't understand that because that is not what my King James Bible says the King James Bible says we are to come to God through faith and when our faith is in what God said to put the faith in Romans 3:25 the blood well then we have full assurance of salvation we know that we're safe again I wish I could read you all the emails that I get from people many of those emails go like this well brother breaker I used to watch so and so on YouTube he had me so deceived and fouled up and confused because I was thinking it was something that I did or I said with my mouth that saved me and I continually doubted my salvation and every night before bed I get down and I just cry out to God oh god I don't want to go to hell please save me and every single night they do that prayer over and over they said brother breaker I can't tell you how glad I am that you told me the gospel cuz I understood that it's through faith in the blood of Christ when I trust in what Jesus did for me this is what they say I knew I was saved and I've never doubted it once why because they got saved and this other fella he's damaged souls to hell with a false perverted lordship salvation do this do that repentance gospel oh you got to repeat this and asked it and what's even worse is the man's testimony you'd ask him how he got saved well when I was eight years old I repeated this prayer and I said the sinner's prayer and that's when I got saved you go oh well where's that in the Bible and then yet later he comes out with another video how do you get saved then I when I was 20-something you know what I did I repeated the sinner's prayer over again if it didn't save you the first time why would I think it'd save you the second time what's the difference well according to him he repented he quit sinning he did this he did that also his his his his repented his works are what saved him I guess he helped God save him no it doesn't work that way you're either saved by faith by receiving the free gift by faith or you say about what you do if you're trusting and what you do you will always have a lack of assurance because you'll always wonder did I do enough that's the works gospel but the gospel of salvation by grace through faith is Jesus did it all he did enough and when I trust what he did then I know I'm saved so are you saved I sure hope you get saved the rapture is coming soon and I believe if you're left behind it'll be too late I want to see you safe Jesus safe thank you for watching
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 62,705
Rating: 4.8935575 out of 5
Keywords: Assurance of Salvation, knowing you are saved, doubting your salvation, how to know you are saved
Id: n-PSTN6_eBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 17sec (4577 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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