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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dope_Denim_Club πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why does Felix kinda look like an angry russian dad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] guys I have a confession to make on a Florida Gator bar it's hard a floor gang hurt mental then why my butt feels so good what's up everyone I'm back on my old set up social distancing is at the edge of the seat literally quick question is it for gang if the chair touches the floor yeah yeah we're still yeah I dip I still feel it oh I'll be back on the floor before you know it don't you worry but now we're doing it my assumption about me video I've been seeing these on trending so let's hope this one gets on trending guys come on smash like can we get it what do you guys assume about me I asked my members become member subscribe join member epic join member army nation but before we begin quick word from our sponsor party I've been playing a lot of rocket League lately and in game matchmaking can sometimes be amazing and sometimes be their worst experience ever this guy's said I'll tell you what I'll lose your mom's effing fanny what a great teammate I love to play more with him so I know all about ending up with the wrong kind of players but the fact is there's a ton of great players out there and especially in rocket League as well sometimes I end up with people that are so nice that it makes me regain respect for Humanity so why not just play with good players every time well there's a new app for that cold party that way in any game not just rocket League you get the perfect squad you get to play games and you unlock achievements together even better you can actually make money from hosting parties and helping gamers that's activate now that's a gamer right there highly recommend check out party Lincoln's in new description and use the code pewdiepie to sign up anyone can sign up to party and earn money it's not about how good you are as a gamer Armellini followers you have it's about contributing positive to the gaming community and I think it's a great service that I'm so happy to I'm able to support check it out link is in description and I'll see you guys in game make some friends in online why not it's cool ok now back to assumptions ok number one you can't go outside because you'll get stopped everywhere that's not true I don't get stop that off there I think it's that every time I go outside I have to be conscious that it's gonna happen I think that's more that's annoying then the fact that it does usually I like it it's just it changes your perspective on going outside which I don't always like okay heard this crazy one where they said PewDiePie does have no next what is this garbage come on people think you are uninformed about the world beyond Kings and memes I mean yeah you're not wrong I think the world I don't know much about the world but I do have a good understanding of myself which is my world which is all that matters thank you you seem well educated humble and and I thought I read genius first yes and generous your wealth has an inflated your ego and you seem to be passionate about what you do look at Timmy you're supposed to be going on leaves not to be so nice Jesus I don't know where I go on this now money hasn't inflate my ego because I don't value it that much anyway I think when people put more importance on money than it is that's when that sort of thing happened educated no I don't really think so humble yeah maybe generous and that could be more I could be more generous let's get real here you really hate compliments yes but they're meaningful to you I don't know if meaningful that's right word I do appreciate it of course who doesn't like compliments but they do generally make me feel uncomfortable most of the time and I think I also am aware that I like to compliment people because I want them to feel good I mean maybe it doesn't come across as hundred percent genuine even though I wanted to so I feel like in the back of my mind when I receive money I'm projecting my own way of approaching compliments unto other people ah you're really smart and an intellectual yeah actually kin pal I feel like I'm very dumb I'm not gonna I feel like I'm dumb smart if I really put my mind I'm more of a slow thinker I would say and I think that's why I like philosophy I'm not so snappy as I'd like to be but thank you I always thought you were a genuine guy but often we'd go through an existential crisis when things go wrong no not when things go wrong just my well being and how how things seem online are not the same thing I would say but not anymore no more existential crises yeah I wanted to do something like dab ironically but I feel like even that doesn't count as ironic anymore but I'll do it anyway who cares it's 20/20 anything can happen I think some people think you are overrated because you're just at home recording videos but they don't understand the immense work you went through and stuff I think hmm I don't know about that it's not like its immense work I'm gonna use that adjective but if anything I think people under assumed or evaluate the risk I took going into YouTube during that time when it wasn't even a job at all it's something that I wanted to pursue so the risk involved with approaching it and the consistency required to perform and constantly change and adapt in the platform to keep things fresh which is ironic flora gag oh I think it's my point is it's easier to just look at one of my latest videos and be like I don't really get it this is not that big of a deal and I agree yes but there's this whole catalogue of years and years alright it takes time all right obvious one is that you're right leeming I hear that a lot whenever I watch your videos what from me not from me who is telling you from watching my videos I don't know where my political views are and I don't care to state them online anyway because it doesn't matter that's not why I make videos do you feel that when you were in office in the office I'm like another political goddammit so I used to have an office a few years ago and they assumed that I had a battle and State at the time it seemed like as a youtuber it was like okay we're gonna build like a team and we're gonna have like an office and we're gonna like make this a production and all of a blah and I'm like yeah I guess that makes sense from a natural progression standpoint but from what I like about YouTube no I and I think it's the same with you guys that's the charm of YouTube aside it's not necessarily these big productions big words helped me at least that's what I enjoy I can enjoy production stuff as well I think the multitude of YouTube is what makes it fun there's no right and wrong but is this going from what I prefer that's what I learned bad mental state always it's like I did a video celebrating my 10 years and I'm like oh that was a tough year oh my god that wasn't even tougher year oh my god it's like I I think for the first time in a long time I'm right I'm really glad to be making videos and just doing my thing and not dealing with all this drama for once everyone thinks you're really humble but you've actually had to think about and deal with your fame and money through a philosophical approach and you'd had ups and downs with the ups and downs absolutely I think my interesting philosophy doesn't necessarily have anything to do with my situation on YouTube it's just something I enjoy and I like to draw parallels between it from my own experiences but it's not something that I did because to deal with fame and money know on how to deal with it I'd like to think you act just as crazy off-camera and that might send was some time like to stab you in the back because she can't have - no that's not true I think myself is says I'm way too serious off-camera which I don't like but I don't like when people are always crazy I think a lot of youtubers that our act crazy are actually crazy but I I'm not the case and I think that's why I like about my personality is that I can have different sides of the same personality I think that it's more interesting you're a proper introvert that would be a really good friend once you are close enough to someone well I like to think I am but I don't have that many close friends I would say I'm in ambivert both introvert necks extroverted but probably more introvert I assume you don't have a skincare routine hey I do I'm oyster right my skin gets very dry thank you very much I tried skincare at teens and I can't tell a difference I'm like I feel like this is just expensive you're self aware of your attractive qualities narcissistically mm-hmm well I do know what I like about myself but I know if I wanted to look the best I had to look I wouldn't be rocking this haircut and this beard okay I'm well aware of that so I wouldn't say I'm that narcissistic about my attractive qualities the floor gang is a cult no it's a religion come on that I hate the spotlight whatever let's make this fake I'm just thinking I guess I don't like speaking unless I feel very confident that I have something to contribute so if I'm put in the spotlight on deliberately I don't thrive on the attention that that generates that I think a lot of people get energy from that doesn't mean there's a right and wrong it's just how I am at big that you were actually Felix check know that guy Hayden we need to cancel Felix Kjellberg he always gets away with it it's always PewDiePie does this PewDiePie to say no one talks about Felix Kjellberg huh people are seeing assume you're still the old PewDiePie and haven't changed for the better after your controversies yeah it's been pretty clear that the people that have made up their mind about me are just gonna think that way forever and I'm okay with that that's their problem not mine your choice of clothing is an expensive and unrealistic for some people check out the merch guys buy it yes I think you're right I try to avoid fast fashion because it's not good for the environment but it's not something that I judge out there for if they don't or wear expensive clothing to sort of boasts about status or something I just think it's better okay it's better better quality better design it lasts longer better for environment more ethically produced since I have the choice to do it then why shouldn't I people think you play horror games as your main content yeah it's funny this happens all the time especially when I get recognized that's how I know I don't need that whole what it would we had a code word before if you were gonna meet me on the street what would say if math related to science I don't need it I can tell ya I mean I yeah I do are you just want to be polite and reply as well it's so it's so weird some people I know think that you're petrified wouldn't thinking about letting go of YouTube like you don't know what next I think the break that I had this January was a very good in Decatur because I wasn't sure as well but I definitely learned that I'm I don't have to make it to videos I was really happy not doing it as well but it's just something I enjoy I'm not afraid of letting go that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop I'm not I'm not planning on it okay calm down if anything I enjoy YouTube now like these past months has been the most fun I had in a long time especially building members that's been really fun you're shy but won't admit it yeah I'm shy what do you want huh thank you god damn Mike I hate to setup no I'm shy but I don't like it that that's the truth I try to push myself to not be but it's really hard and it comes to them people kick when it stays and it comes across very obvious when they interact with other people online sometimes and I hate it and that makes it worse the fact that I'm aware of it it's like oh god I got a hiccup sign if he doesn't need the money why is it so worried about monetizing his videos clearly you just care about money that's an assumption people make I'm not gonna stand in line and say I don't like money of course if I have to the choice of having money and not having it I will choose to rather have it thank you very much however it's not a driving factor for me it's not what makes me want to make more videos it does help and having YouTube as a job has helped me be more consistent with it so it has some factor I would say but for example with memberships all the money goes to charity and I really really like kind of starting from scratch and building a community again from the bottom and that's it's been really motivating and fun for me and I don't make money out of the members anyway so I think it's clear where to me at least where my motivation is that it doesn't make it less motivating for me highly self-aware I'd say yeah I think you took kind of forces you to become more self-aware it forces you to be self-aware especially when you're on there's a lot of scrutiny because you have to just be honest with yourself a lot of times when people online get upset about things you really have to examine it sounds like I'm excusing my past behaviour it's not what I meant but when so many people hate you online you just have to understand what is actual ate and what is actual criticism and do actually really take in a lot of criticism but because I'm forced to learn how to be self-aware I have to I've learned to make the distinction of okay what is actual criticism and what is actual just random hate and I think that's how I become more self-aware it feels a bit cringy to say oh I'm so self self-aware which me recognizing that is kind of self-aware this guy's famous just because he's handsome this guy is number two and under most handsome faces just because he's famous oh you walked in your own trap a loophole just like when I drink while peeing good comment very nice I have nothing to sex you really dislike most of YouTube which is why you don't collab with anyone new it's not true a collab with ninja I could live with James Charles and that was fun and I'm not necessarily the biggest fan but I still enjoy it I think it's more the fact that I don't like asking people hey you want to collab that feels weird to me I don't know why I really hate asking people for stuff probably because people ask me for stuff all the time for that I'm just kidding I do enjoy it that's what I'm saying I just don't like asking my assumption you enjoy interacting with fans even if you can't do it often yeah absolutely absolutely I hold the meeting Greeks and everyday stuff are always super fun Adam see how I know one can just like that you're uninterested in life now no I think for the first time in a long time I feel very enthusiastic about the future my life and where things are gonna go next so I'm happy I've seen a few people assume you're bisexual what you said a few times in lives and stuff but a lot of time I honestly can't tell every joking or not because you do use a lot of sarcasm all right well let me clear this up I'm not bisexual how where do people make that assumption I find men to be very gross and I don't even understand how women can like men but each to their own I guess you have a habit like you are being recorded all the time for example and you like talking with yourself while playing games even though you're not recording know what the hell I know how to switch it on and up it's very easy for me I you script a lot of videos in my head though if they're supposed to be scripted I most of them aren't but if there's a bigger video I usually don't have to write notes before I'd Sisley boom I have it in my head I always assumed you were super short yeah and guess what I'm 9 usually people that seem you're tall because they don't see you on camera what the hell all right there you go there you go everyone confirm I'm 180 by the way stop assuming otherwise why is it even a thing even though I say it 179 okay fine I think you sometimes actually die no no no you do like drugs like weed and stuff no god I keep getting hiccups sorry I just had lunch it's not me lying I don't hiccup when I look didn't have a whiskey face though you like Ben Shapiro Paul Joseph Watson ed Trump although we all know you clearly don't yeah it seems like a lot of people wants to impose political views onto me especially better up here because he was on meme review personally I don't like their whole oh you can't interact with someone just cuz you engaged with someone means to share their political opinions which isn't true and I hate that idea that you can't even talk to each other what's the point I just find that very toxic how do you change people's mind if you don't engage with each other that's not why I did the collab a for anything I did it just because I thought it was really funny that's the sole reason and I feel like that's a good explanation of all my controversies because I've always just proved okay this is funny to me some people might misunderstand this but it's really funny that's what's putting me in trouble for most things you are action NOLA no 179 I'm alright I'll measure myself like at some point subscribe and come member join the member gang and then we'll settle it once and for all alright you still want to literally your channel and start over again because you like warm since their communities well not anymore now that we can build members I keep chilling for members but it's been so fun I really really really enjoy that that's really was reminding me of what I enjoy by YouTube it's not like I have to be forced or surrounded by obviously super fans but who doesn't like to be around positive people I don't know I do I mean I don't I do I do a lot of people have the assumption that you don't work much is that true I would say I have worked a lot yeah I work a lot I work a lot - ever definitely say it - I guess I compare myself to other jobs and I know there's so many harder jobs out there especially with with how much you work so it feels a bit mean to say I work a lot but at the same time I feel like I figured out how to be very effective with YouTube and that saves me a lot of time and sometimes I can be frustrating too because I making videos is what I really enjoy and a lot of times like 90 percent of the work I do doesn't show because it's not in videos and you know like I said sometimes that can be frustrating because it's like on talking to all these different people about all these different things that doesn't feel like this is not what I signed up for but it's necessary for me to maintain my business I guess you know what I mean you know what I mean that's why I like live streams it's more time to engage with you guys so become a more Vicki description you had a STONER face whisky face whisky face for sure now you're annoying dude who do question of things for views and fame I've actually seen a lot of people assume this like I some have deliberately got into all these controversies which to me so silly I know some people do obviously create controversies deliberately but I'm just really dumb I've said it as many times two things consistent floor gang me very dumb reckless is the right word why am i wearing headphones I don't need more views and I don't need more fame why would I deliberately cause a bunch of controversy so many people start so strongly believing that there's no such thing as bad publicity he clearly did this on purpose there's definitely something called bad publicity a schlub and Paul this is the best example you are tired of political correctness we have this day and age you would love doing more dark humor again if it wouldn't immediately result in shite reporting the comedy a lot of times is walking that balance of where it's okay to joke about and where it's not and there can be a lot of stress and tension around that and I think that's why people like to laugh at the dark humor because it alleviates that where the line goes I don't think really matters it's not like darker is better I think it's more of how you approach that line it's something I've learned way too late way too late dark over ng stuff to me now it's just kind of cringing you want to speak about some hot topics or things that happen around the world but you can't be honest because in that case it will harm your reputation so it's the same thing except I had talking about topics I think it's fun to see both try and at least understand both perspective of different ideas and I like to play devil's advocate so even if I don't agree with something I like to try and understand okay well how do they come to this conclusion or is there something good in their approach that's not allowed to do online you cannot do that people just immediately say oh you're defending this or oh yeah it's it's not a big deal but it's that's frustrating to me more than the whole oh you've been TPT or whatever people assume you're racist well this is great because now I can say flat out I'm not racist I don't know the time and energy to raise this and it if I had the time and energy though was kidding dice shouldn't joke got that me your understand what I mean I'm just saying like it doesn't even make sense you are an extreme clean freak you hate and feel unproductive when your house is a mess that your perfection is and all your videos have to be perfect have you seen my camera quality I'm not a perfectionist whatsoever although it does look kind of nicer and because I have the lights on that's why you can see them clean free yeah yeah I would say I think if you take care of the things you have and make sure they're clean you'll appreciate them much more as opposed to maybe you have a lot but it's really messy and crazy I would much rather have fewer things and really care for them and I don't know if that has as much to do with clean freak as how I look in items you never give up you always strive to be either next time that's right if you never give up you can never fail remember that gamers that was a all right that was fun a lot nicer than I thought it would be but thank you Thank You members best a memory effect right there I feel like if I if I asked in the general chat people would just make a bunch of troll once yeah I feel like that would be a good time to just say thank you like I said before I think for the first time in a long time I'm I'm just genuinely happy with everything in my life obviously there's things I wish would change you know me and my sister were supposed to move yada yada yada but I think it's important to remember then things will never be perfect and you just need to be happy in the moment and that's how I feel so and I feel very grateful for my audience to have them so thank you so much see you tomorrow in another video epic brofist yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] exclusively at
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 6,644,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 8CsLB43xvQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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