I Got A Giant Creeper Computer in the Mail! - LWIAY #00115

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/siouxsie_siouxv2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The shipping didn't handle the pc properly

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 159 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thoursthien πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He can finally frick a creeper

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thatgiantonion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow Linus really sent it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KBubla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He didn’t even use the remote that pops the head up. Linus is gonna be very sad.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NBMarc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Broke my heart that it got damaged, Linus even stepped it up to freight shipping and they still messed it up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheMatt561 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now I’m not saying it’s gonna happen, but he is probably gonna frick that computer.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/H_yrule πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The loose/possibly broken motherboard :(.. F

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tanmayub πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He didn't make the head pop off

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DisposablePanda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay what's up everyone I'm Beauty pie up floor gang if your ceiling gang get that flip out of here let's dig into the memes oh my god oh my god what is happening the floor again boys okay fine so may the second version okay this is the top rated one oh it's so small also out of the bulge nice now this is what actually happened because people keep using these photos in case your ceiling anger you're new here to reference that I'm short that's just a running joke on this channel I'm not short I'm extremely tall and very comfortable about my height I feel very large at all times thank you this is actually behind-the-scenes footage they were like sorry Felix we don't have any we don't have any chairs and I was like don't worry fam I got you I don't normally do this but I let you sit but wait there's more oh my god rhett and Link skipping out on cabs are you skipping out of leg day courage Oh God without that pathetic Breton link I'm sorry the secret is out we have more than once evidence oh look there's more there's more it never stopped in case you're stealing anger or new here flip off there's a running joke that I don't have any likes and when in reality I do have links I know the secret is out it's just that the air pollution has cleared out now and you can finally see them it continues all the way baby all the way creative and accurate how it should be I almost did that I thought you were stealing for a second if I see a ceiling you better not you better not decided to sculpt pizza - he is our animal crossing characters okay self is worth it seriously the song is still poppin new I wasn't like oh my god that looks amazing the details well done well done I'm surprised how many people love that Animal Crossing episode we'll have to make a new one in the future once we have something of the show I got married in an online RPG once her name was Demon Slayer 64 Demon Slayer 64 you can't just pretend that I don't exist in the more Felix okay if you're stealing gang and you snitch it better not better not you better not snitch no more snitching every time I say don't tell Matt yeah what are you alright okay guys hear me out I think I'm on to something alright another theory okay false legs holding floor I'm not gonna say if it's right or wrong but it is 100% accurate when your wife's boyfriend says it's bedtime every gamer has been there at least once and you know it sad floor getting noises when your wife boyfriend says he's opening up and only fans account please save Felix finger oh my god what is that what excuse me I don't what was happening it's not that time again what it must have been like low pressure or something that's crazy low - your fan art that will be berry they knew I well I don't think so god damn I like that Hey look I purposely didn't include the leg cards I like it you know why because it's so powerful you don't need them you instantly win right arm of the simp left art another simp forbidden left arm sealed by magic whoever breaks this will know infinite power correct you are a simple all right I'll take it I'll take it Felix Mars Dan Oh Rick No Demon Slayer you punished you said you wouldn't do it huh come on everyone's got married once in an in an RPG everyone you know I remember I gotta say it was probably do you mean Slayer most likely a guy let's get real here I remember in World of Warcraft that's when I knew that's when I learned that sexism was real because I create as soon as I create a female character and I hit slash dance everyone is nice to me no one's ever been nice to me in my entire life until then hey can I give you gold like no gosh Felix flora gang Australians who see Felix hanging from the ceiling oh my god this confirms they never even thought about it Australia is ceiling gang you better be watching from the ceiling if you're in the side of the hemisphere there's so much amazing fare out this week Jesus Christ it where the beer dad bro very nice amazing you got your katana and you got your mind diamond minecraft pickaxe and your bro you're ready for anything those are prosthetics by the way fine art of Felix and might see an animal crossing look at that that's so cute I regret having that outfit now Fleur gang Tambourine gang Tambourine gang it's much like subscribe if your tambourine gang I have to buy a tambourine now don't a floor gang I knew it I ordered this it hasn't arrived I don't want to before a gang anymore listen every movie Leonardo DiCaprio is in he's a scent Great Gatsby massive simply quintessential scent Titanic the biggest simple all time all right he could have easily fed on that thing you know that right but maybe now she will have sex with me if I die all right well that's two examples so I rest my case Romeo Juliet Matt's Ebsen wait he was an Akita that's coming out he's producing it they looked so happy because we're floor gang smash like subscribers for floor gang you'll be happy as well yes that's how that works my cell looks like she's 10 years younger than peers but Pierce also looks like a 13 what the hell what the hell what the hell she's beautiful though come on I'm a lucky guy oh you're not a virgin so you had meat inside of you okay that's not me truth truth is anything vegan nothing's vegan if you think about it clients are have feelings too everyone knows this leaked photo of Felix and Marcia very accurate do not post this guys I have a reputation to uphold I'm flora gang I would never stand on floor never okay we got more Dan seriously amazing fan art this week so wholesome so nice I look forward to see it if you don't mind of course of course flora gang wait a minute Fleur Fleur spelled backward is Rolf Rolf literal again confirm like that five-star Island nice outfits lots of emotes Animal Crossing boyfriend Marcia Felix tampering gang that's right for life for life I would never I know I had a lot of running jokes and memes tambourine is gonna say Sims when the twitch spot forgets to read their hundred dollar donation message well I hope you learned the lesson mr. simpie seemed like I it looks like he came straight out of a our YouTube Nintendo analysis essay so anyway guys my favorite game it young me looking at my reflection in the spoon while doing the haha reflection funny no you can't laugh at that student I'm short and my dad is high teacher Paul not high the dad you're not supposed to take my thumbnails stop it that's illegal hi I'm Emily from oh my god it's her virgin from non-virgins video if what can it can't believe you ready to react is it but offence so oh okay I'm glad I didn't say anything bad about her I knew I knew ask me anything I got all the behind okay all right what do we got how do you feel when Sean said I believe you but start istic aliy we get more money for eliminate you pretty much knew I was toast I actually thought Emanuel with the rich in was Sean as annoying as they made him out to be he was really playing it up for the cabins for sure trying to get more screen time it's not a bad guy some of us went out to lunch after filming and they were nice well how about that I hope they didn't go out with a vegan girl that sounds that sounds like bad times I'm really good Sean been she's been watching since 2012 epic brofist tambourine gang right to you that's tambourine gang right there teacher okay class we need to sit on the floor for this activity girls you know boys I've always been flora gang people call me out saying I'm fake flora gang if you watch all my videos it's all there the evidence is there look it up it's consistent you got nothing on me ceiling gang cringe nothing I watched Phineas and Ferb if this video gets a million likes my alt accounts it's like I was made for this all right what do we got why don't we got did we hit the number oh my god I have to watch fitness and Ferb okay that's funny wait that I only upload four videos last week I realize what the hell my bad gamers wait someone use your fan art and got up votes no way I'm sorry shout out to tip bun yet very cool stop reposting fan hours do dips nice ceiling gang I know they're out there the evidence is there the science is there 200 parts let's play incoming liar well if this video gets I'm not gonna do that you were ready were you floored gag after sitting on the floor for a week I broke my ass imagine everyone that bought the PewDiePie chair be like everyone that everyone that bought the pretty pie chair be like I'm gone that go back guys I promise I'm gonna go bank it's okay double clicks to fetch all nineteen-year-olds I reach that boy what can I say I'm a I'm a fast learner and if the auntie not least I just suck it up like a twitch talk i bought then three paradise I bought the 399 30pi chair Laura game listen you cannot be floor gang unless you have the Peter pie chair it's the greatest it's a test of the resilience and self-control because obviously the 399 chair is the most comfortable chair of all time so to still commit to the religion that's right it's a religion now old flora gang that really means that you were truly committed and giving up what is the most valuable to you bro PewDiePie came to my Island what when what desert island we relocated that's not my that's not me he's serious about turnips I did go to a fine account because I did sell my turn it but I don't think it was I made four million that's right I'm rich I'm a millionaire in in real life and Animal Crossing gamers that's what it truly means to be flora gang if you subscribe to my 10 step Laura game program you can be extremely rich to having no legs having extremely long legs it makes sense if you truly understand if you dwell deep in the floor Ganges ism you would understand this wouldn't exist this is probably made by fourth the ceiling gang cringe absolute cringe small pp downloaded by today I'm here with the lovely beautiful me see I've been practicing in the non-stem pre for year I'm telling you guys it's consistent you got nothing on me sailing game nothing you got nothing I remember this kid this is him now feel old yet I saw people pointing out he look like Peter Griffin wife's boyfriend poor kids I mean to be fair I think we have more memes going on in the summer now than ever as I at least related to me the most rarest thing in the world the PewDiePie like that's right I do read comments it's painful but it has to be done we did it boys Felix not watching finish and Ferb is not the case all right all right it might take a little longer if I have to get through the copyright of it but I'll I'll see what I can do all right a promise is a promise and I've always kept them another thing that I've been consistent with you got nothing Ohio god damn it I did not laugh at that god damn it small people delete this Felix start flora gained 19 year olds I don't want to sit on you anymore you still want to sin okay but it's the commitment of this life we have chosen on the floor all right I got the merge immediately respect smooth smooth big peepee energy right there Felix are you reading a book yeah dude it's called the art of seduction later hey Marcia so I would never ever call Marzia the B word unless it's buck masya show something Felix Wow damn Iringa tambri gangers a little less exclusive I'll give you that my sister like how I judge the game too from people playing the instrument saying it was the lamest it's amazing brick floor gang I'm all about cabinet game you dead I throw my G feel at you disgusting cabinet gang is respectable as well if an alliance is necessary to take out sailing gang I am willing to cooperate if your if your cabinet gang let me know Africa now stop it this should not be making me laugh up awful there it is there it is blower game a lot much my alright alright I want to comment on April 29th Pierce channel won't be nine years old anymore oh no [Music] that's alright I'll just create a new channel no big deal no big deal say something nice about the ending haha tambourine goats tambourine games no delete this right now he only has one nether right helmet he only has an ED the right helmet cringe Selena Gomez liked then unlike to Justin Bieber photos on Instagram keep searching boys we gotta find who the TF ass this is stuff like an algorithm li yeah I use big words suggested to you like right stop it stop it I don't care I do not care enemy pewds subnautica terraria minecraft with marcia if enough people joins floor gang i'm willing to consider once i given the heart emoji to random guy Felix god damn I'm so today what is happening pills reads Diogenes pewds one month later bloggers see who needs materialistic goods table useless this is really the floor gang philosophy right there gamers this is my fishing bridge join me this is my fishing bridge the word doc see now let there's a dark cringe what the blip dark this is ceiling angling well petition for Pierce to do and who set that door okay speaking of a set up tour I got the computer from Linna so why don't we do show that big box finally came you know what's inside I know what how am I gonna get it I actually got it like a week ago I just haven't I've been dreading doing this that's not the thing damn she look good I know my China gonna kill mine Mario Kart look that is insane [Music] so this is a computer this feels wrong it's like we should never meet your enemies what is this what did you buy me a car you bought me a car as well thank you linens I don't think that's the pose it's okay I know how to fix computers I think it will work you might just explode that's his guts that's what's inside a creeper in case anyone was wondering added computer that's tiny I don't mean hdmi cable i don't have the display cable hey guys I need tech support hey you came to help thank you I'm not a hurricane you know so that cable goes to be motherboard but the motherboard doesn't have any power dude look at I saw this look at that dent how did it get that in that box look at that that's awful dude creeper what did they do to you oh my god petition prepares to watch this masterpiece after finished I've seen it I haven't finished it but it is great ceiling gang when Felix calls him I'm taking them out one by one no stop sacred it's cringe to say cringe haha cringe she cheated on me so I keyed her car Jesus Christ dude Carson be like nuking the car am right am i right when was chairs invented people at the timeless philosophy gamers it's a timeless philosophy hey Felix don't forget you have a shelter boxes they are kind of like backpacks and you can have more storage helpful 19 well thank you I actually completely forgot about that I'll light it to my minecraft list mom watch out kids the food is really hot me and the boys it's that a mother flipping Jojo spoiler oh god I'm never doing that again the sauce was so strong that it it stained the stone what is it called counterbored or whatever it's called the stone dark yeah for Rockets left not enough to get home probably no other storage and where should they go extra stacks comes out of nowhere and he got home super early easy the heck now give big peepee or I tell that this is some sealing gang snitching right here I walk okay through lava and ice and this is that ceiling stopping stop snitching stop searching if spiders work together they could eat all humans in the air are you serious dude I woke up with a spider in the bed today it was the most shocking thing I've ever been through it was this size I lift up the sheet because Edgar's sleep next to me I know cringe and I thought it was like a tiny little egg get the spawned out awful black demon edgar dark magic that is so cool I love this style that's so dope oh my god stop stop oh wait there's some more shortcuts okay I thought I did something wrong all right what else tips that we have all right what do we get all right stop doing that when you put an item into a chest you can simply hold shift when clicking it okay fair if you have multiple stacks of an item shift and double click oh nice oh my god oh my god Thank You Adrian I already know all this of course because I'm a Minecraft veteran come on don't make me look fat when you realize I feel like sat on a pillow making him pillow gang in that floor Logan its CGI come on it likes to start slow because you are not right-clicking when you are holding oh my god I wish I knew that when I walked back all the way Ricardo Marcia Felix Felix Marcia demons there 64 on stage hearing your husband scream flora gang every funny girl accidentally touches my hand oh there we go that's flora gang dudes fan art finally father turntables huh goodbye my fellow ninety roads F's in the chat bros ex in the chat another fallen one enjoy the ceiling cringe happy birthday cringe amazing Photoshop I don't understand why it took three times for this to get in there making names in English Creole mmm in italiano queenie felix a dev a vita meant a hospital a monster a pinch the way the leg what that flip my head ceiling game this is how the first time pyramids they went that completely accurate this is at the airport though but yeah pretty much pierce by himself no i'm super edgy and super hardcore at all times and you can never touch me cuz I'm flirting and nothing wrong oh god stop stop it stop it stop it Felix needs to stop before it's due Atlantic we were a gift for McCann ba island what can the island will accept thank you that's the Flying Saucer trick with my yo-yo every woman in the ten-mile radius oh you're not virgin have sex right now what your floor gang huh prove it you're not flow again seven the full right now alright gamers that was it for this week's subscribe if you're flowe again smash like of your tambourine gang I see you guys tomorrow hey Toph [Music] [Music] I wanna have the best of the beefy to crush the rest and get a fee Jennifer very sleepy Mary Stefano found on Shannon sponsee Edgar Maya Tuskegee sword bill thorry crushing boiling what you're collecting it makes the lid some will cross the world looking from dusk till dawn and I borrow your power cord my folders down Aquino Terrace but I gotta commit Burke Kober comma holy Claudia Rudy roll the King coochie for estoppel is polish balling what you're calling pixal is no one is stronger than me how many pictures show you from breath down to crush your polish this is my song as you notice big bad love will soon be gone gusto RC Ted NASA up to Roxy meant for the Sally pink slips the greatest game of all time download it now before to it commercial I'm spoiling spoiling what you'd call a king in I'm spoil these fallen spoiling weren't you calling singing boys boys falling more Czech Republic big sur lazy
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,930,777
Rating: 4.9451995 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: PUe-BLqeFwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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