Untitled Goose Game. is epic

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I feel like i'm mudda fucking stuck, in this duck..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 74 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DoggyDog699 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So do you guys know the difference between a goose and a geese?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chimcharfan1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s avoiding the minecraft series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SHR3KWazowski πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dolan simulator

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExtraDip412 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw the creator of this post it on r/gaming 2 years ago I think saying it was in development. Good for him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bushdiid911 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Demifiendish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

this goose is felix spirit animal

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoldNarwhal80 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Sandwich belong in wΓΆter..dip it mmm now it tast better

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrYE3T πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’ve been a fan of it for a while and it blows my mind that Felix is playing it, also r/untitledgoosegame

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
press space to honk honk honk honk honk oh yes I really love this game double click to run let's go gamer stolen dark simulator if he doesn't play this game I don't know what I won't get everything Hong Kong Hong Kong to use my beak I can do stuff bling bling bling bling bling bend down to pick things up of the ground press ctrl - yes oh I have little can honk honk i can't honk with the cannon mouth sad and then let it go let it go honker let it go let's grab this so cute he's so adorable it's a fakie simulator why am I doing this I don't know oh I got it don't get it maybe that will change hey I did it I must be some sort of duck genius am i a duck ah what's the difference between a goose and the geese that's right controls are a little strange I'm not gonna lie what oh here it comes oh boy I didn't do it but whatever I thought I was gonna fly sandwich mine now honk-honk sandwich belong in water dip it now it tastes better now we give it back whoever finds it will be happy what is this give me this Hong Kong let's hide it in the water let's give what give it a little bath there you go honk honk you're a live track like this if you're a goose that's just life everyone knows same hey can we oh I don't want to play the radio to zoom in zoom out okay all right I keep wanting to move with wasd yeah yes listen up soldiers it's a new regime happening are there no people in this game honking there's nothing shut follow me follow me dum-dum this way this way here it is you want this no no no no get it back oh now I'm pissed you suck peepee oh okay okay fine well sneak well sneak in sneak after him mine I hate you I'm friendly I swear I'm so friendly now I miss give it give it to me give it to this like Dark Souls fine I'm in the guard you'll regret this why am I not grabbing it oh it's right click I keep forgetting hello you want gift very well [Music] mine bye bye I never burst I never take it again bye bye bye bye so fast you can never catch it's really hard to run with it stop you're not my real father can activate the hose hose man hose man ha ha god you're stinky stinky dinky smell like pee pee dummy dumb dumb you should steal his boots my boot let's hide it underneath share yes where am I supposed to go you'll never get me alive haha yeah what are you gonna do Oh God he follows me know whatever yes I locked them out haha and now for the best bait my garden my garland BB bubble you want these you'd cease what you want you cannot that stupid stinky [Music] my garden my rules say you're sorry then that will forgive oh yeah my garden rules heck yeah this card is awesome oh I like my baby that my goblin Deborah day fine actually I don't know how to open for you okay so apparently there's a to-do list make grande keeper where his Sun Hat raking the lake have a picnic raking the lake shouldn't be too hard come here rake rake to the lake here we go oh god we're in a stealth mission we got to be careful yes the radio serves as excellent decoy rake in the lake raking the lake gamers we did it next up we I gotta have a picnic okay mmm moist sandwich my favorite my favorite flavor moist tastes so good is this all I have today just grab them from there is that nice I'm having a picnic guys what else do you use a picnic for boot maybe the picnic basket yeah that would make sense yeah this has to be it what oh I need a blanket pumpkin carrot Jam and sir oh wow I need a lot of things I didn't see there sorry if I'm illiterate I'm an actual duck wow I have to steal so many things good thing I'm an excellent thief Jam thermos pumpkin and bullying hey hey not doing anything hey hey I'm not suspicious at all mmm delicious Jam follow me Jam you're my new best friend Jam was like a father to me what will I even do with this Jam I can't even open it doesn't matter the picnic needs to happen such a cute game I brought their music that's a bonus alright so thermos and I think pumpkin and blanket hey hey not doing anything bad Thermage yo Inc he's so dumb dumb dumb dumb okay now just a pumpkin I don't know who the heck has a pumpkin picnic but you know I'm not judging your pumpkins stop fighting my god you're so heavy what would I find a blanket I don't know if I've seen a blanket do they mean the actual blanket because I am sitting on a blanket okay that was a yes if I keep my mouse here it looks like I had swallowed a stone or something okay make grunt keeper hammer his thumb what that's the mean I love it honk-honk honk-honk Chang Qing yang yang Yang Chang Qing is our national anthem in Sweden actually yang yang Yang what that is bigoted racist and not epically stop it stop that sign mine abuse abuse at the oh Sh animal abuse this is rat oh my god how do I make him hammer his thumb oh I by turning down the sign you like this this is what I think of your sign huh I don't make him hammer his sign his thumb Walli hammers me scare him or something [Music] I'm sorry am i disturbing you he's gonna do it oh my god I'd I kill them dum dum dum dum don't like you anyway alright we progressed awesome hello just secured moving downtown trying to make it in this world where should he go Oh nerd nerd make you play for tonight bet you played uh me fourth night go cry to your mama go cry my mama my mama cry cry cry cry cry dum-dum you sewed all my ugly or what you have stupid stinky nose stinking those stinky nose think zing zing zing zing zing zing zing zing oh I want your sneeze give me your knees yes mine hi your shoelace is untied ha ha ha ha dum dum oh my god yes oh you can't see big mommy mommy mommy mom sophisticated good librarian goose don't touch me don't touch me why am I so mean I'm an actual bully oh this is his toy dump toy bet he doesn't even know how to fly it okay break broom Wow trap the boy in the phone booth make the boy wear the wrong glasses okay that's cool let's do that since we're already kind of on to that always put this down the sewer there we are no illegal illegal illegal hey hey up on them take him aah oh my god he's a zombie [Music] take here you go child you're welcome that will be 50 bucks dumb child okay what else can we do to the boy cuz he's more fun trap the boy in the phone booth okay not the music ah where's the phone booth oh so we're in England where's the phone boy phone then wha dokoni it should be pretty distinct cuz the hell of this here it is when you K now how would I trap him play play with me play play play play or you can play football hello child hey hey that's a nice little toy you have there would be a shame if anything happened [Music] how would I possibly do that Oh get on TV what go shopping pudding basket toothbrush and lube paper I'm going shopping [Music] oh we have to steal her stinky broom how do I break the broom then it's like an actual puzzle game can I not Oh God go go go go go yes now we need to break it dumb kid runaway child zips up sticks up tips up sticks up sticks epic I know I'm not very good at this game by the way but it's fun anyway how do I get on TV tinned food fruit and vegetable with a carrot count this fruit I mean vegetable come on I'm just shopping no will she take it out oh you stink you're a sneaky person let him man I mean goose shop around alright I'll have to put it further away [Music] one day in society gooses can shop all they want shop shop dumb child she took everything from me you took everything from me I don't even know who you are chop chop [Music] yeah what are you gonna do use your broom stink but that it that they let it aaaa how do you break the broom let's check out over here maybe I can open the garage nope I can use the I use this a shield [Music] listen up ghost's people George people will rise what are you gonna do I have a shield no fine I'll steal potatoes now stop okay here's the broom what about these Gameboy stuff I just walkie-talkies oh I get it I can throw her off by making goose noises there oh I can kill the electricity the one why would I do that [Music] yeah where's your broom b-word and now I yell in walkie-talkie this is goose over haha scared her [Music] okay so that confuses the child he wants his football but how do I get him inside there I have to break the glass or something oh maybe I can trick them with a walkie-talkie let's try that I need my walkie-talkie bang will that make them come out it's working it's working it's working yes you fell for the old trick no I was so close oh now he's locked in stop looking at me child damn let me sign III said there's a button here isn't it oh [Music] I'm on TV I'm on TV I'm on TV I'm on TV I'm famous famous YouTube subscribe it I mean don't do it I mean do it yeah whatever yeah yes right subscribe check out my youtube channel check out YouTube channel that got Bo Dollis why is being the worst person the greatest thing ever the developers of this game truly understood all right let's do the shopping thing really quick that's kind of boring actually the fun stuff make someone buy back their own stuff also if I steal his toy plane will he have to buy it back Oh virgin virgin but you don't know how to dribble bet you don't know to dribble virgin bet you don't let her dribble what she's moves run out though slot done oh yeah oh yes and always your plane oh hey your plane is over here you're stinky plane is over here oh there's your plane wow he just took it that's illegal oh he's flying it he's buying it back dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb no no no no no no he's lying that's right buy it back by it yeah bargain bargain smells are stinky stinky stinky all right well they're preoccupied I should probably take some canned foods delicious nutritious nothing more nutritious yes I'm a responsible duck what can I say now she's now you're free alright whatever let's grab the haberdashery there we go very nice how would I break that how would I break the broom [Music] and how do I get him in the phone booth I know I open the phone can I pull the car now mine stink stinky stinky Oh where'd he go the bushes speaking to you impossible how could you find me impossible where's the stinky boy hey you are stinky stinky stinky pinky pinky yeah yeah yeah go in there go in their stink stink stink you smell like potatoes you're locked in aren't you ha ha ha is that his parents trap the shopkeeper in the garage how what how do I even open the garage no she put up a sign it's so good oh here's the garage oh I just have to trap her in okay hey stinky stinky follow me stinky that's right that's why polos think you think you think you thinking now got him trapped I need to yeah come on haha thanks thanks eh hold him to go shopping what you like it oh this one looks good yes yes go play somewhere else virgin I love letters let us so good it is not letters what oh I need it I definitely need a hairbrush I've been looking for a perfect everything is free that's such a great price amazing okay hairbrush yes look what else do we have toothbrush I'm pretty sure that's at night that's definitely in no it isn't there we go tinned food and cleaner that should be easy all the cleaning spray alright I know where that is you better not mess this up for me boy better not call your mom on me again stinky boy oh she has two cleaner dammit sorry I wasn't meaning to say that out loud you better not you better not she better not she's looking for it I'm not taking any chances I'm not the strongest geese in the Wild West but I am the most persistent one okay this is gonna take forever I need that spray maybe I need to use the walkie-talkies she holding it no she's not don't mind me keep doing your job yes that was the garage many spiders well she better not oh come on come on I'm just a duck in a lonely world joint mother-fricker yes blocks the loo paper fell out I need a lot of paper yes go away child go away hey joy Thank You blinky alright what's next make it dinner all great I locked myself in the garage all the gate is open now no not like this I'm sorry I don't have thumbs hello oh please some of the gate is same yeah it's all same later fatty tuna I love fatty tuna never mind here we go bleep blop blip blop blip blop blip blop blip blop honk honk big flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop Hong Kong flip flop flip what there's nowhere to go here oh never mind yes yes hello everyone what's happening oh they're playing cricket can i play crap yes of course here we go I just want to play cricket leave me alone leave me alone just want to play cricket this is racist or what this neighs Oh oopsie this looks valuable I'm gonna take it yeah I'm in your garden oh my god what is this this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life I want it for me Oh Mykel buddy she has an odd tasting statues I'll I'll say that hahaha young iOS my to-do list make someone break the fancy base help woman dress up the bust make the man spit out his tea get dressed up with a ribbon let's get this out of the way now it's stuck dang it I'll have to steal some bring up can we draw can we draw painting [Music] I need to distract her to go far away I said a bong yes I need to be quicker now let's place let's place that there this place at ourselves here yes yes do it know what they did nothing what oh yes grab it please please do it come on just a normal little duck with this little tiny plug you sit down use a stinky flip-flop Piplup Piplup LUP Piplup LUP LUP LUP LUP LUP LUP LUP ah stink wow that's the most basic fan art I've ever seen in my life all right let's wait for him to take a slurp of his tea and then we're gonna slam the Frick out of him look at him he's so ready yes tickler drink drink drink yes drink yes drink drink drink hahahaha xxx think think think think think think think think think think think think think think I want to go back I can't go back how do I go back in Oh oh wow okay so that's how you doing man I'm starting to feel bad I'm so mean okay we're back in gamers I have I look cuter than ever you like this no you cannot take away my bow that's my most precious item in the whole world know what stink you suck you'll pay for this you'll pay dearly for this I'm gonna you'll pay for the ah there it is there it is [Music] damnit I have to sneak them off I understand I'm not doing anything not doing anything okay maybe I need to sneak better yes how he's good he's good I'll give it to him out he's good yes yes no he saw me oh he doesn't know where he went stinky stinky oh oh I see oh I see yeah what that's so cute Sherlock Holmes ah come on I didn't hey hey sorry continue enjoy your afternoon sir my apologies how's your tea bing-bong bing-bong barefoot he's barefoot yeah Big Mike mmmm I don't care you can have it I get threw it away so he can't oh there it is never mind I was next help woman dress the bust very well sometimes you gotta help gamers [Music] hurry run duck run no it's trapped I'm trapped dang it I'll get you one day that must be it right he knows I'm about to do something [Music] Scott better bury me whatever David everything ding ding ah sad Sherlock Holmes coming through no again are you I so close yes yes where did it go ha ha right on wrong side okay we gotta hurry up before she closes stupid dingdong your dingdong lady all right where's the bust there you go you're welcome oh she's doing something grab it honk honk honk yes yes my child yes yes yes ok we I guess we need more items you did something right for once all right here we go hey hey hey Sherlock Holmes coming through [Music] don't look at me dammit don't got him hey hey oops that's the fancy vase of course I thought I was a bone all right drop it doom Rambam up up up up up up how do I break the fancy base and then I suppose we need the glasses as well yunk wrong side of the hood mother-fricker it's better not all my every time how nifty is she give it give it back sophisticated duck haha giving up Dom making my way downtown walking how did she get that in his mouth in legal so the vase how did we break the vase I gotta escape with the vase you can't follow doc up here [Music] my oh he's gonna try and take it dang it [Music] don't do it oh my gum dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb through the washing with a bra pair of socks Slifer at a bar of soap okay um he broke your vase it wasn't me I swore I swore okay I see a bar of soap here and how do I wash me excuse me I'm trying to do dishes over here fine you can have it you can have it legit you can you're looking for your vase dum-dum you have a toilet in your backyard by the way get up walk over here maybe later all right so it's our water anywhere ah yes here's the bra [Music] hey yes I got it no why would you steal it where's some water help woman dress up the bus okay finally in it nice that gives us a new make someone room the price rose oh she's gonna do this revenge that's hilarious [Music] yes follow me Chad oh here's the water okay excellent sock sock on these socks blip blop blip blop blip blop blip blop blip blip you'll never catch me a live woman you never catch me alive yes that's how it's done watch time hello watch time he better not there it is watch time so cute all right we got are you enjoying this I'm having fun at least yeah let's do the shortcut this summer and have time to walk around every time not bad not bad at all actually man I need both the socks okay [Music] was something I could do a pro-gamer move hopefully she follows me here instead yes follow me child hey hey I didn't do anything I'm innocence no don't worry about don't worry about that right now luckily she's slow as a blob blob that's a word yes um oh no don't don't tattletale I'll take your stuff then I'll take your stuff ah come on I just need slipper and a pro soap right I put the borrow slip again there it is do I need to hide them from him maybe that makes it a lot harder you see like clearing it out how we could do it I might as well go for it because if I drag this oh oh I see I thought she was gonna deliberately do it there's something in the bushes I don't push me out whoa that's a pro-gamer move oh my god there's something in the bush you better cut it better cut it done yes do it do it yes don't deny she did it where's your titties I mean bra voice or bra I seriously need it where is it [Music] see that pervert take her bra where is it where's her bra ah yes it worked yes now we just need his slipper excellent okay we've done this before hello hey hey I'm just looking over here going no no no no no no no and it's we did it oh he's rose Oh for me Senor oh come on it was a joke it was a joke get over yourself it was a joke did we do it all I think so oh he's pissed yes yes keep fighting yes yes what are you gonna do with that pervert pervert bling blong Bing bong Bing bong bong bling blong bling blong oh nice catch buddy what's wrong with you so we did everything does not unlock a new area I think it does automatically so maybe I should just leave alright it's been real gamers be pop pop pop I love this game so fun we pop it but it's out for the switches well I think Marcy would like it we're gonna be flying soon so ah she fixed surveys that's cute I might get it for her oh oh strut strut strut are you talking to huh oh wow that is an bad sign oh so now I can go through here that was what the sign was hahaha that's hilarious I don't know if you guys saw that that's funny I have no one to play with this is so sad I had one of those goals oh my god sorry gives me a PR made it did anyone make delivery yes this way make delivery can you go Medicare or solid on this one can i yes you can yes it's a box grab the box yes dumb you're dumb we got into the pop gamers what's up no no no no I'm just a duck I'm just a doctor sheesh bling blong bling blang blang all right we're in the pub oh yes do you want to play this guy doesn't want to play with the dang this guy's a very slow all right you can have it back I don't care well can we play darts please all right so what are our new missions break the dartboard get the toy boat make the old man full dollars bump be awarded a flower look still the pint glass drop it in the canal set the table okay this can all be done ooh this is a grill can we grill some duck [Music] food please hungry hello Hungary Hungary please food hey hey Oh it's sneaky time yes why am I doing this for all the boat the boat will escape the boat will rise [Music] you're free my boat [Music] now [Music] I can add under the tables you'll never catch me old lady can I unscrew the cork come on gotta pull it there it is beer is free everyone you're welcome I love these sort of open world type of puzzle games we mix exploration and it reminds them b-movie @d s actually do it Punk ah do it do it do it do it Oh lame get the toy boat I thought we had a chance well maybe now we do actually she better not have turn off the tap why am i why do I make it harder for my huh rice to my glorious rice yes mine mine mine lalala please please please where did he go he cannot possibly be found mine oh come on Lady you stink no that was my chance I ruined it yeah yeah I get it now I got it nice nice you are forever mine little but forever mine I will play with you a little bit I will play with you over here blip blop blip blop blip blop blip blop but you can't even hit a bling blang one two three sorry at it did I say something today something bad honk honk ah ha ha why you want to fight come at me bro come at me bro oh you want something you want something what is this what are you thinking we're gonna pull out a knife on me make the old man fall on his bum be awarded a flower still a pint and drop it in the canal that should be easy No she is on there on the job sorry listen look like oh is this the canal no this is not the canal this is just say I'm a ding-dong now I really done it no I want that pint I'm drowning the pint glass she's thinking where to go sorry it was me I'll take the full blame what are you gonna do put me in goose jail there's no such thing guru seems like the kind of animals that you think would be fun to have as a pet but in reality not epic you know I'm saying can I be awarded for setting the table perhaps I might have to reset because I think I need that pint glass [Music] there it is there it is yes yes that was so hard I struggled so bad I'm sorry actually I'm not on my couch don't care honk-honk alright can i impress you ladies can I do something for you hello hey hey oh you like it hey Hong flex winks yeah lay like this what does he like thanks ladies wink wink still a pint glass and drop it in the canal looking for your chair old man dog yeah I'm gonna have to resit this one just to get the pint glass back no I dropped the pop glass oh come on dude there must be more than one yes there is okay thank God we must distract him dum-dum cheese for the drink my cheese oh god he's after me I know we're almost at the canal no you suck so much peepee you have to be kidding me we were so close stink there better not be just two pint glasses what kind of published this where you have two glasses maybe over here yes there is a last one [Music] some of these are a lot harder than the others [Music] where the guard go oh god he's there [Music] sneaking duck noises we did it yes why did I do this because I'm a mother bye bye yeah all right what do we have left set a table okay drop bucket on the burly man's head what's a burly man the entrance guy hey hey it's kind of hard to get into the pub honestly yeah actually it's very easy just untie your shoes ha ha ha dum dum hope you break your stupid face oh they're putting up signs now discrimination alright we'll help them make them feel better so we need to pepper candle knife and fork all right there's a knife did it how am I gonna reach and what table am i setting there's the pepper maybe the one in the garden perhaps yeah there must be one in the garden oh here it is of course it's like lady in the isn't it could that be it yeah it has to be it all right so we have pepper I think I saw a plate back here yes oh god do I need a glass plate Kendall nice okay thank God I'm out of those spices yeah you're not gonna stop me don't even try I'm a duck I get hungry as well ain't my problem ain't my problem you're stinky dinky all right let's get the pepper [Music] mission will be easy compared to the glass in the frickin river one are in the candle as well I don't know what the candle Isis but it shouldn't be too hard that lady better not mess up my game like the Biergarten guy did I bet it yeah where's your pepper dumb-dumb yeah this is it oh yeah pepper redux we do like our pepper not candle no no no no no no no no no I mean it's a [Music] oh I saw the candle who's the no duck sign for for ducks come on Lady this is the last piece just let a duck enjoy his dinner without his food just the table all alone there we go I got to bend my neck for this one and it's beautiful no maybe not oh oh you better not mess with this I I forgot the knife where have I seen a knife and if a duck should be running around with a knife that sounds like a military death situation ah there it is never seen you don't come near me I will cut you don't come near me don't come here okay okay Kay I'm sorry sorry sorry sorry ah come on give me mine don't care what you say I will enjoy my dinner look how beautiful I set this table guys thank you oh yeah drop a bucket on the burly man's hand so I seen the bucket there it is we just need to go on top here wait for the burly man clearly this burger man has very low regard where I got to put them where do you go oh there is oh okay that explains it it's the burly man the guy on the front oh oh no I made a mistake no not like this [Music] follow me haha thank you take a follow me is he giving up you got bullies so hard he could oh he's still tying his shoes [Music] gotta make him come through here yes Tom Joe job oh what a mess it created Oh God she's not gonna mess up my game I have achieved epicness ha ha thanks exact same thing ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ha ha ha ha yes even better than expected maybe he goes and washes up now is that what happens let me go crying to his mama how do I get to the other area I'm so confused oh maybe now I can oh I see it of course he opened the trash I'm absolutely 9,000 IQ which makes me the smartest goose alive big brain I'll keep moving that by accident sorry let's sound like this for other fellow gooses in the future yes blip blop blip blop blip blop blip blop blip 'ln hello what is this tedious tenant Engel Appy through the water are we where are we my flower I swim I flap my wings I'm in the model marriage I'm Gizella haha yeah feel my wrath oh oh wow that's heavy I hate to stinky oh this is a minimum this is how we walk through the city oh yeah this is the house who made this and why oh this is matter oh wow hmm well of reckoning this truly is Dark Souls take back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back drag that buh buh buh buh buh buh buh yes yes it will be mine yes yes it will be mine it will be mine almost almost hours hours although my I have achieved well still the bell of golden excuse me and take it all the way back home yes yes oh can I run oh it rings if I run okay this should be interesting I can't even find my way back home nice I swear it's here ding-ding-ding Thapa morning jack would love this game there it is alright so now we know the route at least since instances okay alright blip blop blip blop I assume as soon as I run a ring someone's gonna mess with me hey lucky me I opened the gate for my son okay [Music] just a goose coming through without it shoes oh they see the bell of reckoning they want it but you cannot have a look it's potato man I'm taking no chances [Music] mine mine it will never be yours where am I [Music] where is this I've I've been here oh of course oh okay but where's the lady oh there she is don't touch me oh no she fixed her stupid thing oh I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you you better give me back that thing or else they would be sued mine they're mine understand I've to open the gate of reckoning don't know I can't shoot let's hide it there she will never know bail of reckoning yes I hate you dummy that's a bail how you like that Apple bells bottom jeans books with yes she better not be fixing that shell thing hey know what they did nothing mine give it back [Music] stole stole I made the stole so how do I escape from the old man he had a hole in his fence he fixed his fence oh god how do I get out get out of my sight oh god I can hold everything what'd I do how do I get past it [Music] not looking not looking this is what you do all day being a stinky peepee poo-poo alright fine I'll grab your magazine looks what's in the news you're a dummy dumb yeah that's in the news if I read about that dummy dumb looks what look like it's taking the belt of Isengard illegal illegal mine by gamers see you never gamer bye-bye you cannot stop me I am invincible okay now we watch normal flip flop flip flop flip flop that shop lady better not cost me any problems or if she oh we got a locker in the garage don't we it's gotta be done gamers I'm going for it oh wow it's such good oh wait who are you hello I take what I learn and I apply to real life's baho get the rekt noob [Music] stealth I am thus tell the boy better not go near mix I'll keep freaking choppers NECA into tiny love virgin pieces are you snake how do we get past him how about we just bark at him hey get out of my sight get out a nice a get out here shush go me cry to your mama you stinky mama you're a stinky stink stinking pool hold on you're not virgin you're just pathetic bling bling bling bling bling bling no you do not go near me I kill you Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily no one touches me Oh God oh we gotta stop here gamers I don't like this guy I like this guy one bit we're stealthy oh he's waiting for us huh well I know his weaknesses sis being a fool being a damn for put you down what does he hate the most water gross oh I get it we got it we got to do this this is the way the sacred Scrolls it will be mine justice will be mine yes sweet savory Bell no one can touch you I love you so much you are my child you are like father to me I love you yes escape victory near Oh Oh everything not as planned we made it sweet and we are free at last ding ding ding ding couple morning where is our home remember it was across the river down by the river [Music] give me crusted yes yes we're almost our gamers very subtle here at their final lap this is it or was it here I don't remember exactly where we started this is the greatest backtracking mission of all no that's so funny oh my god is great honk-honk great game oh so fun I love that that may be life [Music] I hope you guys had fun watching check out the game yourself I highly recommend it super fun to play and have a great time I have a great life and goodbye [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,987,123
Rating: 4.9437985 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: q2cbCsy9gRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 35sec (4775 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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