Asmongold's Fifth Stream of Dark Souls 3 | FULL VOD

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guys it's been a while it's been some time but it's back it's time and the time is now guys last time that we played I succeeded on such an incredible level people were mad well I intend to make you mad today as well I'm gonna complete everything in the game I'm gonna kill every boss and that's all it's gonna be [Music] the dark souls literal god when 13 - no in PvP never died I got beat after that but that was lag I never died legitimately every every time I died was like every time I killed somebody else they were bad that's the truth people call me over level doing level that I have is too high it's my skill level that's why so many people are frustrated they're mad they're like man this boss is for sure gonna hold him back this is gonna for sure be the time that we're gonna stop asmin Gold's crusade from r1 spamming and reading chat while he's killing the boss that took me four hours to do over the course of three days I'll show you guys right now just a taste of how good I am you see that guy right there okay so basically all right so that wasn't really that that wasn't really going as well as it could go all right just a second let me kill a couple of these guys and I'll start it up okay I'm gonna see that I avoid see that I avoid okay all right he said I'm gonna kill one more guy and then we're gonna start go over to the Arango area I I did update the section it should be fine now this is the hardest boss in the game right here this guy he's an elite monster watch what he does I thought I'd get out of that see that see that see that avoid that's only the beginning okay all right okay I was just like see that that basically I just wanted to show you guys that I can die I wanted to get that death out of the way and now we'll go ahead and we'll start this up okay yeah that was just that was just for practice okay so how do I get over the profane capital right okay and I'm gonna go let me go over here this is where I need to go yeah even God so yeah back to Gary well me obviously me used a hammer right it was practice yes is practice okay okay so I need to be here and there's a boss here but I don't know where the boss is so what we're gonna do is we're gonna randomly run around until I read something from chat with my peripheral vision that tells me where to go and I pretend like I discovered it myself so let's go over here we'll kill this guy and then we'll see where else we need to go okay all right so we'll go over here and that's where the twinkle boys we're at I can go down here maybe but I don't think that's like a good idea so I went around here go over here okay I don't know how that hit me that was stupid okay good all right and I'll go around in here there's a sparkle boy over here this is actually why I want to go over here let's get these two Sparkle boys it's not a big deal I got a Poisson Jim and there's one other item over here that I can get to first bite ring okay that's good let's go over here alright I'll heal myself up real quick since I'm already toxic it doesn't even matter if I go through the water god okay so I think I went up yeah I went up the ladder over here this is where I need to go I'll just ignore that guy doesn't matter so I'm over here can I get rid of this toxic [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] noise let's see toxic there's poison and toxic okay I'm just gonna use this right here it's just annoying to me okay so I went over here and I went all the way through there and I went up through here so this is where I need to be at okay and I killed the guy that was up there and then I go up to here alright now we're making progress but was I thought I was here today not today okay so they're not over here and I already went back over there that's where the respawning rats were at so let's go back around okay I'm just so confused as to where to go is there an elevator up here no I can't go back over there can i I don't think I even can I'll go back to the bonfire let me go back and I'll use the homeward bone where are they okay I'll use that right there bonfire last rest of that let's go back over there camera died okay let me fix that right now I'll set up the other camera and I'll just use that for now okay sorry about that this is obviously not ideal but I'll give the camera some time to like recharge I guess okay um so let's see [Music] see I just I don't know okay let's look up here there's nothing up there I'll go back towards the beginning oh maybe it's up here maybe it's up here okay let me check over here I'm looking at exploring so I'm watching out for this dick-sucker right here okay here we go see this guy I knew he was gonna try and suck my dick so that's why I have to get ready for him okay I just get that guy out of the way and okay when I get around cargile point darg I'll flame spear oh wow it's wait wait what's all that wait what the [ __ ] is that the Lord vessel holy [ __ ] oh my god like I I didn't even see that area how did I not look in the other direction I actually I do feel kind of stupid right now let me look at the spear okay gargoyle flame spear here it is so it does flame damage not what I would have expected Stone torte [ __ ] stone torch wielded by the gargoyles of the profane cap of a profane flame which never goes out imbues this weapon with a fire attack holds for your waste and charge it foe that's okay I don't really like using spears though okay let's go down that's not where I want to go okay let's go down this way okay can I kill these No okay wait I'm stuck oh I see I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] okay how the [ __ ] do I get over there but then do I have to jump that's a long jump man I'm gonna go for it it's probably not how it's supposed to do Oh what does this say right here jumping but don't you dare oh I can jump down there okay all right let me look around here real quick nothing else were to look at here okay and let's keep going wait who's this wait what's going on oh it's a dick boy there's two dick boys okay let's go I'll fight this guy myself let's do it you ready yes how is he so fast okay all right hitting him here what the [ __ ] is going on okay all right all right got it one more one more no more got him okay who is hitting me with fireballs with a ward vessel itself is hitting me okay I'm gonna say a great arrow okay great let's go down here all right I'll avoid that and we'll keep going everything's fine why are Silva wait for your warrior okay I'll kill myself ah okay where do I need to go now I don't think I can kill these guys why aren't they doing two things are they not able to do the thing oh they can't oh wow they don't decrease my help I was being like super conservative here okay oh great easy easy game all right the [ __ ] is this a bunch of garbage okay let's go [ __ ] okay he said good we got him what's this here kept it [ __ ] you okay let's keep going all right so now we I'm gonna kill these all right easy game can see white they're all dead okay and so that was a was that a waste of time oh wait no it's not no there's no way these are actually like there's no what all right they're not going to attack me okay we're fine we're good we're good and I would this right here listen coin awesome okay great so we got a few nice little things that's good is there anything worth looking at over here and no there's not all right let's go back around I was worried those gargoyles would come and attack me but I guess they won't okay that's good let's keep going everything's fine everything's good okay so there's the lord vessel and oh okay let me kill these guys first but there's a lot of these all right let's go I'm your boy Tom no boy okay okay they're never flamethrower on me okay okay I'm really I've really got it I've really got to get on or just to say I'm so bad right now I'm actually so bad right now I'm really just doing this nice okay that's what we were waiting to do right there they're all dead okay good handmaidens dagger all right great yeah that was really scuffed [ __ ] [ __ ] let's go he's dead good I can tell this one - are you [ __ ] serious man I'm embarrassing myself right now like I'm legitimately embarrassing myself right now I I died the trash like that was actually pathetic a guy I I i really feel stupid like I'm not even I'm not even like trolling or anything like I feel okay do I have to fight this gargoyle again yeah I do I think is gonna do it just go down here if he fights be in here that's fine okay let's go let's go okay that guy's dead all right you know what guys that's the last hit I'm gonna take I'm not gonna take any more hits I don't want to have any more [ __ ] happen I don't want to [ __ ] anything up I've obviously been making a fool out of myself I can't take any more hips I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna kill all these mobs it's gonna be nothing I'm not gonna get hit at all here wait what I forgot about him besides that okay alright moving back okay okay yes yes get him out of here okay good all right that that this is embarrassing okay I'm playing very badly right now it's fine though everybody knows this isn't normal and everybody knows I usually play a lot better than this okay no more [ __ ] guys no more [ __ ] okay rusted gold coin we've got one of those let's go and heal myself up on the deal of this [ __ ] right now I'm gonna charge this [ __ ] up hold right there [ __ ] you in the ass all right here we go right there right there that's the finish right there fourteen thousand damage get them out of here great whoa what's this great shield of luring this is the best one that I have holy [ __ ] that's a big shield oh my god this is Seconal because it's a boast highest stability of such shield that worth reduced stamina the highest stability of such shield shield bash oh wow this is actually really good I might use that but it does lower my stamina so I might not be able to attack as much so I don't know if that'd really be worth it okay wait I don't know if I even hit that one okay I did okay let's see what's in here ember okay great alright boys let's go this is probably I don't know if it's a boss room we haven't fought a boss for a while so I'm going to assume that it is here we go board ascender ahead [ __ ] right all right I really gotta watch out for that keep sitting your diet right okay obviously long fight I'll just I think maybe I could use like one of those resin things like because that could go through his armor fire down I'm gonna use one of these charcoal pine resin we're gonna try fire actually you know what let's try whitening damage yeah let's write whitening yeah I'll try to avoid these right here I'll actually go inside and just apply it there okay here we go going down here okay all right I'll use the resin we'll be fine but I can't use it I can't use the resin it doesn't let me use it [ __ ] why do I keep getting different as the only attacker meaning in life like I'm so bad why am i getting hit by that what the [ __ ] okay okay all right we're making progress okay what okay okay all right okay all right okay there he is give me that dick I don't know how the nimac okay good wait oh oh oh oh here we go here we go here we go okay never mind okay Curtis get out no hips [Music] okay yes it's really annoying fighting okay I can't get hit I get hit I die he moves so fast there's no way so here's something I'm gonna do basically I need to be able to run circles around this guy I might try I have a couple of other ideas he could be we like magic damage so we could try that but we'll see what happens okay here we go do it see what happens do it see what happens see what happens this is [ __ ] ridiculous look my armor back on that didn't work why would I have that where's my biggest legs okay perfect I just use those right there okay we're good I'm a beefy boy let's go that other [ __ ] this year what the [ __ ] was that alright more attempts I'll do one more attempt of me fighting em just naturally and if that doesn't work we will we will look into other strategies ok I feel like I can beat them I just have to not die that's what I'm missing Beast ahead ok where does this one say [ __ ] read it alright boys let's get him do it I should use the sword that's why I'm not beat I'll beat him with the sword dude [ __ ] what don't worry I get it I get get confused you don't even know where I am dude okay there it is there it is there it is dirty I wish I could zoom out okay I can't see his feet Oh today do it see what happens okay good what the [ __ ] Oh No I use the sort I use the sword the sword does more damage just a second let's use that one I'm gonna have to put I'm have to take off my pants yeah here's I'm thinking we do okay so I use the sword the sword will do more damage now obviously if this doesn't work I will I will start employing other strategies and other right so we'll see what happens okay actually remember me to do my camp reality this cuz I'll up it on the good camera for this I want you guys to see me beat this guy with a good camera on okay here we go all right boys big dicks or let's go to work all right dude 145 that's better there it is there it is there it is there in 400 how do you do that nope Wow if I get him against the wall he won't be able to hit me from behind I'll bug him out like there's no way he's that hard there's no way like I see there's no there's no way we're the [ __ ] am i oh there we go I'm gonna put on two good cameras you guys sense to me beat them in HD just a second [ __ ] we're good okay alright let's go so where does a little bit more damage we'll use the store easy boy all right I just beat his ass no problems I beat his ass so hard I could get that sparkle next door this is like there's no way dude got him wow that was a lot of damage so I can kill him now that's making him take more damage way to fight this fight him right here it was perfect he's bugged out this is awesome shitty turned around right in the dick right in the dick give me that dick give me that dick it's mine theirs that's my dick do it see what happens [ __ ] it's a sword right it's a great sword Bert's worth the broken blade also known as a giant slayer for residual strength of storm that brings Giants their knees Urim the giant once held two of these but gave one to the humans who doubted him enough the other a dear friend before facing his fate as or descender most effective when facing Giants is he a giant like I I guess I can try it like I mean why not I might as well see what this does what else am I gonna [ __ ] do what does it does mat does it does magic damage no it just does physical let's see what happens one hit that's it one hit that's it that's it one hit all right let's go I don't like I don't like this sword I think it's stupid just a piece the head weapon acquired oh okay I guess I'm scratch right I'll be right back I need use a bathroom sorry all right got it again let me see assume stance to imbue weapon with storm okay okay let's try that it's the second we might have to upgrade the weapon to maybe that's why it's not working I have no idea Boyd never get hit I'll see if this is going to work this is such horseshit all right so okay so he's right there but it doesn't do anything right not with hurt the charger I wait for it to charge up so I have to make sure that he doesn't hit me with the charger or he doesn't hit me why charge it up that's all you need to do I tried that if that doesn't work I legitimately don't even know what the [ __ ] to do this boss is like like why do I need a special sword this is ridiculous so I have to hold it for long enough and then I hit him with it see if I can handle that all right let's go okay let me see how this is gonna work so I charge it up I don't know how long it's gonna be like okay like I don't know I'll try that and I'll see if I can do that okay if the range attacks works I don't know how long the range is at all I also like I think I'm gonna run out of mana cuz I can only do like three of these I'm probably gonna miss at least one of them you know we'll see what happens here we go cuz I'm the easiest boss dude and this is the hardest boss right down abyss Watchers was the easiest boss that bosses a [ __ ] joke this one is hard okay so I charge it up and I walk in on me watch how does he know ow running okay one more one more again one more again one more again come here [ __ ] Nicole smash here we go [Music] easy the fire fades - wait please okay first thing I want to say I did amazing okay let's get that out of the way right now I'm [ __ ] awesome Oh is he your hands who the [ __ ] is that please save his soul tell him what he must be basin about I guess I'll read that that does place basin at statue of the heading night I'm not ready I had to search my weapon [Music] Wow okay let's go over to this guy I don't know what the [ __ ] that was we'll see if I can beat it okay should be easy all right so now where do I go so I go up here wait happen plate okay alright I'll try and go over there I don't I don't want to like just waste my time looking around okay fine I don't care if you guys think that's helped I don't want to just run around randomly until I'm well I'm lost I hate being lost [ __ ] computers making noise is this it the Cathedral okay all right let's go to the Cathedral yeah I thought so okay ass [ __ ] off okay okay all right I understand the boss now so basically what happened there is I didn't know what I was doing and because I it's like weird to predict I don't know why how our abilities supposed all right so here's my plan now is I'll go in and I'll just kill her those last wife we're gonna have let's go [Music] okay my computer is making this really weird noise it's really distracting [Music] so what's weird is like I don't understand like how how I'm supposed to like tell like when her abilities are gonna happen that's the only thing that I'm confused up as soon as I figure that out I'll be fine all right here we go let's get it done after the Skippy now [Music] [Music] I can't see anything [Music] okay all right well III don't know I don't know like what's expect right I I could just try to face tanker but I was trying to actually like know what was going on I probably could have won that if I had just fully committed to face thinking but III didn't okay yeah that was just like a hundred to zero [Music] whenever she gets close to the edge like that it's always scoped [Music] I'm just having I'm having trouble predicting with what she's gonna do there okay I'm just gonna kill her this time like I'm not gonna worry about like predicting anything I'm gonna do it the way I think I'm gonna do it and I'll get it done okay I can do it the more scuffed way but I think this will work all right no mistakes we'll just kill her that's gonna be it let's go Gundu think you're onto 20 subs man appreciate it [Music] this is really hard like cuz like I don't know what she's like what she does it's very hard for me to like predict her behavior because like the way that like her character moves or her model moves and that's why I'm having so much trouble okay here we go yeah I don't think this boss is hard it's just it's hard for me to predict it and that's why I'm having I'm having so much trouble if I could predict the abilities I'd have [Music] okay there's a three attack there [Music] I'll play a little bit sorry she's never done that before okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't actually killed her there okay good someone have to [ __ ] @s [ __ ] up there okay wow that was down to the [ __ ] wire that like that boss reminded me a lot of like there's this one boss I fought against in not boss it's like a character in soul copper called Baldo or Volvo or something like that it reminded me a lot of that because like I didn't know what the [ __ ] I was doing like ever at all and like you couldn't it was really hard to predict what was going on and that's kind of like what it was with this it's like I really just wasn't used to the play style at all I think that's why it took me a little bit longer to figure out like what to do hello again okay i messing Darkmoon loyalty if you should have caught don't [ __ ] about that if you should have blessing wait what oh I was talking to the wrong person this is the this is the one loss person okay alright let's see let's go with will go with endurance no we're gonna go with strength and we'll go with vigor yeah I don't know it only gives me 19 more health I don't think that's way worth it let's go with I'll go with vitality that way I can hold a little bit more stuff let's go with that will go with endurance and vitality okay perfect let me go back oh can I heal the dark schedule yet nope can't all right let's see let me see what I can love up with the boss Souls - all right begin transposition okay so soul of the dancer resource I HP oh wow that's actually really [ __ ] good I could go with that let's see what else I can get all right sold the dancer dancers enchanted swords that seems like [ __ ] to me I don't really want that okay your arms great machete whoo there's 185 plus 115 I don't really ever see myself upgrading this so I don't think I'm gonna go with that right now let's see what else here you're a giant well I can't skip fish that's a big boy shield right there Oh Macey should item info great shield used long ago by yarn vagina Wow without lowering your guards strike your enemy with the shield to knock them back or stagger them works while equipped in either hand that can be really good actually I don't know if I'm gonna use it or not but we'll see what happens okay let me go back here I also should change my armor because I'm using the wrong armor right now let's see if rig and I'm supposed to be using these right yeah those right there and let me go back and that's eleven right that's fourteen percent I can go fourteen over here that I can change these back to this right here and I'll gain overall I'll gain more let's see two point three [Music] actually all the recipes suck too I guess I'll just use that one right there for now okay let's go okay let me see if I can purchase a pair of gloves that's even better than that one point seven four point four wait five point one though I don't know if I can use that let me take a look and see if I can use that or not Oh actually I may just go where we purchase item I wanted to see that one more time this one right here 6.9 seventeen point three and six point nine let me see what that does compared to mine okay Wow Wow that could be really [ __ ] good okay just a second here reinforce that's the sauce okay I can't do that a lot that's this okay confirming that okay let's look at reinforced weapon I cannot reinforce my my hammer I don't think I can yeah I only have two scales I need eight of them all right let's go back now I guess I need to go back to I don't know where the [ __ ] I need to go actually I have no idea let's see okay I guess I can go over here to dancer I'm not sure it's usually where it takes me it's the next area after that are these open no oh we're late Oh can I go up here no okay do I kneel here again Oh what okay okay here we go oh [ __ ] [Music] all righty boys all righty boys here we [ __ ] go let's do it [Music] I want to do one thing before I leave this guy right up here this guy gave me so much trouble before I want to kill him there we go there we go that feels good I just wanted to do that to see how easy it would be now Rick night legs I don't really need that okay let's go back over there obviously would have been better if I kill them in one hit but you know we can't all be winners let's go up here I'll kill myself up no reason to to waste my stuff let's leave so I put more points into into vigor and then I can hold more stuff that's what I'm planning on doing all right Warrick special who's this [ __ ] [Music] you got him there it is boys there it is okay what does he say try stealth for what I just beat his ass it's easy what do you mean that was a joke okay large titanite chart or good I took around in here time for stealth yeah right okay um let's go down yeah let's go down in here okay here we go let's make some progress so I need to put more points in to where I can hold more stuff and that way I can get all the best armor in the game wait wait I want to go in there he's gonna try and did you think right what okay idiot okay goddamn ez game ez life okay I need to make sure that I avoid all of these these are like really hard to kill right I'm kind of assuming they are [Music] I'll see if I can kill one okay um I do not want to [ __ ] with those dark gym okay getting that oh they're slugs I want to get those items down there okay that thing's dead but it's not dead what the [ __ ] okay now it's dead I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna get poison to man like [ __ ] out this gonna get poison who cares there's white fire bomb human pine resin okay good dilute everything I'm missing that one I'm missing that one way to know that I thought that was I thought I wasn't sparking why would a snail sparkler okay let's go down here good okay avoiding him okay there's one right down there human pine resin okay I guess I should use that then titanite chunk that's a good one we need chunks I make sure I looted everything here before I will you don't ever want to have to do this area again there should be good we go ahead and use my my cleansing thing and I'll be fine okay let's go cRIO ahead [Music] okay I'll go kill this [ __ ] no I can't kill her that coffee come on come on down dude come on down come on okay fine don't all right I was close that was really close I need to watch out for the great sword guys those are the most dangerous okay oh [ __ ] there's two of them let me go across okay wait oh I was just here okay all right [Music] the greatsword mobs are really hard for me to kill like that that those are like those are my [ __ ] kryptonite every other mob is easy as [ __ ] but like those those are it what that's an invisible wall it's not alright so those are the mobs that I have trouble with killing this guy I don't know why I tried to kick him there okay obviously that was sloppy it doesn't matter though who cares okay I'll wait here I'll pull back up I just got to get better I can try to use the bombs on them because I tried that with the other one that could work again I just I don't want have to like waste my fire bombs let's only have so many of those I don't know where I could buy them [Music] double chunks okay glory have a bug what's above pointless is it seems like it is I can't see anything cuz it's [ __ ] tree I'll go back over there I'm gonna get poisoned ton of your time okay never mind alright I'll fight this guy up here let's go how does he move so fast okay there that's how it's supposed to be right there right there see that okay that could have been a lot better but it wasn't alright that was pretty bad okay let's go down this way this is pretty hard for me to deal with you go around going through here I don't think I'll get poison okay I didn't alright so we have to fight two great sword guys at the same time we're not the same time but you know okay let me heal myself up [Music] all right so I run in I can't [ __ ] I knew the next one with sacrum all right all right first one down I get around the stuff yeah I can okay I'll loot this real quick okay I run out of my hit him oh my god I'm gonna die too this more than I did to the boss but as I said dude these are the these mobs right here are my [ __ ] kryptonite like I cannot handle these mobs everything else is fine these guys are the [ __ ] because I think it's so easy for them to combo me man we house he's still alive we're getting better we are getting a lot better okay I just need to make sure I keep doing this right I I am improving obviously it's not very quickly but with the greatsword guys I think that I can handle it the problem is like as soon as I take the hit like my brain just goes haywire and I don't I don't know what to do I got panic that's why I need to stop doing and I'll be able to beat him like every other mob in the game has been easy for me besides this mob [Music] okay we're good we're good we're good we're fine we're good I use the thing I'll get rid of the toxic we'll be okay that's the last one I have so I don't want to let that happen again I'm gonna heal myself up right now this is the easy one this is so [ __ ] like why this is embarrassing I can't kill these guys like this is the heart Deezer I've actually had more wipes to these moms and I have the boss like there's nothing else in a game that's like it's hard to be hard hard like I [ __ ] man okay all right keep going maybe I should use the the perseverance thing we're like I don't get knocked back and that could help me kill them like I probably am gonna do that if I fight the the other mob again yeah I mean that's probably gonna help me a lot more because like with these mobs they're just so hard for me to kill and I get a knock back like every attack basically my entire build is like built around like staggering mobs and I can't do that okay let's keep going let's keep going I've got toxic I don't have anything else to get rid of it with we're just gonna have to deal with it okay let's go I figured out what I need to do I need to circle around them that one just taught me okay here we go [Music] this is so [ __ ] stupid man like I'm having so much trouble like I don't even I okay I don't even get it okay least I killed him without taking a hit this is very frustrating just keep trying man just keep trying like this is I understand that I'm like I'm [ __ ] up right now I just I need to know like how to handle these mobs then because right now I'm just like I take one hit and like my brain just goes haywire I'm gonna wait for that mob to move away I don't want a groom this time I want to go in through here with like no problems whatsoever actually can I just use a fire bomb and kill it yeah yeah I'll try that [Music] we're fine Jesus Christ that's loud okay I'll fight this guy next good not good at all but at least I'm not toxic III would say that we're making improvements okay let's go all right no more mistakes no more mistakes we're gonna get them down right now one down this is embarrassing man like every other mob like literally every other mob in the game I've had no trouble one mob like these guys are kind of annoying right but I get through it like the other mobs like I'm gonna am broke with this next one okay if I can get through the first guy I'm gonna amber for the next one okay because I I just I'm this is [ __ ] embarrassing another break like that's exactly what happened to me before those like that that boss with like all the ads I think like every other type of like mob I'm really easy to tow it's easy for me to beat but whenever I fight something that basically mirrors my own play style I don't really know what to do and I think that's a big weakness that I have I need to get better like knowing how to handle those types of mobs because like right now like that those are the main things that are holding me back and like and you can even see out with PvP like almost all the people that were playing like smaller or like builds that I could like easily stagger like I was able to beat them easily but whenever I had to play against something that was similar like what I do we're good okay we're good we're good we're good we're good okay everything's fine all right so if I get through the second this first guy I'm gonna use the thing on the second guy all right try it again okay I don't even know what I can do differently like it's just it's so frustrating for me man because like I just can't I just get stunlock then I die and I can't get out of the stunlock I'm just like I'm not even getting a hit on them like I feel like these mobs are like my perfect [ __ ] kryptonite because like they stunned me in the exact ways that I'm like really weak at dealing with it and like I don't know what to do because this is as I said this is the only thing that's like even given me any trouble at all [Music] okay all right Shannon's gonna loop that over there okay all right I'm getting away from these mobs all right I'll kill this guy we'll be fine yeah these mobs are like the hardness for me to kill the problem that I have is like I like I double-click too much and like that's also like a really big problem that I'm having right now is am i double clicking unlike a lot of my abilities I can't do it like I have to get her I have to go around him like I mean I'm wasting my time like I'm just gonna run around them cuz like if I if I just keep doing this like I'm just gonna keep dying over and over and I don't want to just keep doing that yeah I'm gonna just run around them like for whatever reason like that mob like I don't know if I'm psyching myself out or what okay just this a mob you come before it well I mean like it doesn't matter like I can't do it like I mean that's all it comes down to like I'm failing over and over and over and like I could sit here and beat my head against the wall and maybe after like 20 attempts I could get it right but I don't want to waste that time like I'll give this one more I'll give this one more like real try and then after that I'm just gonna run around it's a waste of time all right here we go last attempt [Music] magic stone creases magic damage absorption nobody cares about that alright let's keep going [Music] all right let's go let's beat his ass I really hope I one-shot this guy because I don't want to have to deal with this [ __ ] [Applause] alright let's beat his ass let's go what does that [Music] [Music] okay yes Oh why's he mad wasn't that he's mad okay he's really mad okay little break bro through the break okay no brakes Jesus Christ man [Music] [Music] how could I have expected that he would randomly hit me three times and instantly kill me I mean that's not what I was predicting would happen considering it had never happened before he'd never used that ability it's fine I'm just gonna skip the other big boys just go right through all the [ __ ] no point wasting my time I did really well on the first poll which means that I'm gonna do a lot worse on this one let's get them done all right I'm gonna try to go over to the left and see if there's a because I saw a sparkle boy and I want to go take a look at that and maybe that'll be like a better path for me to take here titanite chunk okay that's good we jump down okay all right now I need to avoid the big boys [Music] good so much [Applause] [Applause] but to be honest I was lucky [Applause] okay okay do it do it see what happens one more one more one more one more Radames you just get in his dick balls and you hit him until he's dead that's it he's the game that was [ __ ] easy let's be honest I was a joke there's [ __ ] those giant mobs man that's all that's my far as I said man it's my [ __ ] kryptonite that's the one thing that I can't handle easy game easy here's my plan I'm gonna get so much poise that those mobs won't be able to knock me back and I just beat him down they're dead that is my plan okay cuz I level up right and like so I got 19 points for the last level up I do one of these I didn't even click that that's a good idea okay alright I'm gonna do vitality vitality okay I'll do get a little bit more points okay I'll do one vitality one strength okay that way if cuz if I hit more damage than I'm gonna do more damage see I'm saying okay so let me go back I'll use some of these Souls here too okay I'll use I'll use that one right there okay good well bubble up again alright and now I'll put this point into into I guess vitality again perfect okay let me go back the champ me I know dude I know I know it's easy okay I had a bad time on that out of that trash mop it was it sucked but unless something has like that exact same like play styled I have to deal with I'm not gonna have any trouble okay let's see what do i what can I fight or what can I get here wait I get anything out of that oh consumed a serous okay what does he give me moonlight greatsword show item info legendary dragon weapon associated with seethe the pale Drake this is the one that you get from cutting off his tail charge strong attacked a woman its unleash moonlight wave us word back that's actually pretty [ __ ] badass what can we go back oops not very good if you look at the damage is very very mediocre not sure if I'm gonna go with that or not I don't think that I will but we'll see what happens but I know you guys say a tow beam but it doesn't matter oh I have the asset shard I forgot about that let me go back I'll turn that in an Andre - it's an intellect weapon okay be careful let's keep going next boss is probably gonna be easy to like I don't know what it is but the truth is like every boss that I fight is easy for me the only time that I ever die is whenever some kind of [ __ ] happens got'em that's only the beginning boys that's only the beginning okay path to the dragon that's some sort of like Easter I think I don't care about that okay it's good tight Knights oh I need those look at what is this a visions of a dark spot okay I don't know if I want to go there yeah so let me turn back around but I'll see where else I can go first okay I don't want to miss out on anything wait oh so you had to roll through that wall well how would anybody even know that I'm gonna stare just randomly plain okay all right let's go is this poison water untended graves all right verbally in stone oh well this is a nice area Wow okay so I got to pay attention with those guys let's fill this thing over here good all right that was pretty embarrassing guys let's be honest [ __ ] [ __ ] losing a lot of losing a lot of stuff here okay let's go wait what did I just suit there I was looking at chat I didn't see what I would I sunk was it a good chunk or a bad show a good chunk nice taking a lot of damage here guys this is really kind of scuffed is this what I think it is okay got one all right that's good okay all right [ __ ] it's fine I'll kill him on my own I'm just rolling here at this point okay here we go so did I get enough height how many titanite skills do I have now you need one more dude I get one more I level up my [ __ ] weapon again that's all I need to do level up that weapon again I'm a [ __ ] god all right here we go I can't believe I I need to find more of those mobs so I can kill them and get their stuff okay I'm looking around here I don't know where the hell I'm supposed to go this is like the same outlay or overlay as the as the game at the beginning okay all right I'm fine he's sooo hard to kill got him there we go there we go there we go one more he's dead one more he's dead that's it he's done what I get nice strike what I didn't get anything why didn't getting what the [ __ ] all right this is exact same area easy game very very easy game to [ __ ] easy there it is boys there it is okay let me check and see if there's anything else I need to lose because like at the beginning area like there's a bunch of like do it I've lost a lotta Estus flasks so that's not necessarily a good thing guys really is not helping me hidden blessing let me see what that does hidden blessing for your stores AFP nobody cares about that I don't even know what FP is I think it's Stampin Up I'm not a hundred percent sure okay um let me take back there let me go back here make sure I didn't miss anything wait these things respawn what the [ __ ] okay well let me go back around here and make actually you know what I'll just explore I'll just explore if I have to go back okay let's get this done try Ember I have it are you ready Oh all right so let me get back there with a lot more let me get back there with a lot more Estus flasks and everything because obviously that was not very good let me try this again I let him win Wow okay I need to do a better job avoiding those mobs okay I'll do two hits on this guy then these guys don't even give me a break okay got him all right we're good so I'm gonna run through the rest of these mobs those are the only ones that I was worried about getting hit by run through everything else you're gonna be fine all right let's go no mistakes guys no mistakes zero mistakes okay so I want to talk about what happened there I was expecting because this is obviously the first boss again I was expecting him to go into like the demon face again and because I was expecting to go into the demon face I didn't heal or move back because I thought I could trigger it and heal while my stamina was recovering in between the phases now that didn't happen but that was my plan why are these so hard to do okay we're good that was why I did what I did it wasn't just like some kind of like dumb decision I'll beat him this time I just didn't understand why I needed to do I don't know if he's going to go into the other phase or if there's gonna be two phases if his health is going to recover I have no [ __ ] idea so we'll see what's gonna happen all right let's go give me a [ __ ] break it's an odd fact that really gets me all right yeah like the shoulder knock-back is what's really problem if I can feed them here I'll be honest like that that um that mob at the beginning like really kind of threw me off my game what am I doing wrong against these guys I feel like I'm really I'm just like I'm not playing well today man I'm really not yeah maybe I'll put more points in stamina that's a good idea they're so hard for me to deal with for like really no reason we got we'll beat him this time I only had to use one heal I'm completely prepared I know everything that he's going to do I'm not gonna make any mistakes I might not even get hit here okay so let's just try to get this done this could be a very easy kill I like the games like maybe I'm not as responsive like my brains not responsive right now but I really feel like the games like not responsive to me as much that's probably just like me I'm playing like [ __ ] okay somehow I actually hit one of those without taking any damage I'm [ __ ] impressing myself okay I'm amazing okay good no more mistakes so that was not my dart so that was obviously it was my fault that I died there but I did it I did I dot well I didn't die on purpose but like what I did was intentional and III misjudged what was going to happen which was different than theirs like a normal mistake because I don't think that okay here we go I hate how I regress on every boss like that's honestly like one of the most frustrating things for me it's a player is it like I have so much there's like so much obsession that I make like on every boss cuz like the first couple pulls I'll do or gonna be like really good and then after that I just start playing like trash okay here we go so I've got the beginning down I just need to understand like the way is like his movements working ok here we go let's get it done no more mistakes let's kill them [Music] [Music] I'm not gonna target the boss anymore this happens to me all the time is I targeted the boss and I move in a way that I didn't intend to I'm not gonna target bosses anymore that I always [ __ ] it up man like I had targeting on I would have moved out of that hundred percent I didn't because of the targeting not my fault at all what was my fault for targeting but I didn't plan on doing that to be an easy boss for me to beat it's just like he moves fast and that's it that's the main thing that's hard is he moves fast what's so frustrating to me right now is that I had so many good attempts at the beginning where I got him into the red face and now I'm not getting him into the red bay I'm a my dying unlike the first combo it's frustrating you can't face take him well not with that attitude you can't know like I can face it it'll be easy dude trust me it'll be easy play all I need to do is know what he does well I'm getting better obviously I'm getting better like you guys might not might be right oh no he's not getting better I'm getting better here we go [Music] okay let's keep going I'm thinking how I want to handle that part I'm not sure yet the reason I died there is because I was worried about getting knocked off the edge so I was like what all my thinking went into okay this time I'm gonna clear my mind I'm just gonna kill the boss okay no more mistakes no more [ __ ] no more clown garbage like I'm just gonna get in there I'm gonna kill the boss I'm not gonna think about anything else except for killing the boss all right let's go [Music] okay so five hits puts it into the next phase limit let me double-check that here and make sure that I'm a hundred percent certain on that five hits puts me into the next phase so if I can damage him down enough if I can damage him down enough before that and I'll wait for the fifth hit and then I can I can damage them down during the transition a lot more and that'll give me like a more breathing room and like an awards our margin of error I'm just gonna heal whenever I get inside I mean I died without the blast anyway doesn't matter right yeah okay stuck stuck in a trap stuck in a wall I can't move great that's awesome I can't believe I've died on this Boston times is it 10 this is actually 10 times let's keep trying all right might as well he'll the full everybody knows I'm never gonna use those glass anyway especially Judy did that I just can't even get a [ __ ] hit on him all right that's what's so frustrating is I can't even get a hit on like that second phase I'm just trying to figure out how I want to how I can trigger that second phase maybe I should just try to push him maybe that would be a better idea push him like earlier and that way like with like a stagger maybe that would be smarter okay all right all right we're getting better we're making progress this boss is a bit of a [ __ ] I'll be honest alright that was actually a big improvement like I got them into Phase two and a pretty good pretty good timing I just need to I'm doing pretty well okay I'm doing very well what [Music] [Music] [Music] you just can't get this is really like I just get combo'd man this is gonna be a really hard boss for me to be okay just keep going hey I will beat this boss I need to understand like his so like phase one I'm getting phase one down a lot more the problem is phase two because it's hard really like it feels like like his abilities are like peace he holds his hand up hasn't like there's a delay she never holds his hand up and actually swings and like that's why I think is throwing me off I'll get it like that like I'm just I'm on the ground so much man like that's the problem is I'm just I'm on the ground constantly and I can't recover like if I could recover I'd be fine but I just feel like there's no time for me to recover at all like as soon as I understand like how the how the the Dodgers are supposed to work I'll be able to kill this loss probably without even like getting hit well actually I've at least in the face - I won't even get hit but it's like just getting there is the problem if I cough I had like infinite stamina I probably be able to kill this boss a lot faster but it's like having to wait for my attacks really sucks okay here we go my role [Music] [Music] yo you just be disaster till he's dead everybody is like oh wow you're so lucky you're right I'm lucky I was born that's good I really was like that's the fact that's the fact boys I just go in there I beat him everybody's upset you should be that's how good I really am dude combo breaker I just cuz I figured out what he was gonna do I knew how to bait his attacks I waited for that and I killed him it was [ __ ] easy I just needed to have practice that's all it took man that's all what [ __ ] took just [ __ ] in his mouth I'm gonna put two points and endurance yeah I'm gonna do more endurance because like if I have endurance that's more rolls and I already have like I might do some more other things but I'm gonna go endurance okay okay I mean let's can we get can we be honest here think I'm [ __ ] amazing oh my god I'm [ __ ] amazing like that that's that's just the truth and I know some people be upset about that right you're mad because I'm this good listen man I'd be mad too but that's the facts I'm just going through these bosses like it's it ain't [ __ ] all right let's go what is this the Legend of Zelda am I in the shadow world am I gonna go into like evil Firelink shrine the [ __ ] is going on [ __ ] how let that happen how the [ __ ] am I supposed to beat these guys Mike okay let's go I'm gonna get it right this time I need to upgrade my [ __ ] hammer I'll beat in this on video and then after I know what to do and I learned what to do I can beat them every time it's not even gonna be hard okay alright yeah some of these mobs are black night leggings I needed that I don't even know what those are I'll see actually if those are good let me see here black night leggings that's only nine point five points [ __ ] garbage okay I don't want that let's go around through here the better not be any more of these [ __ ] mobs man those are so annoying to deal with it makes me so mad okay let's go down this way [ __ ] how did he know I just can't calm the boat man okay let's go try it again see I just can't [ __ ] do it like I get knocked back every [ __ ] time dude oh yeah I can't even get through the mobs like why do I even have the armor if it doesn't work like I'm have to change everything that I'm [ __ ] doing if this isn't gonna work because I art maybe if I I have to do that like I don't know cuz like why do I have that like that's the only reason I have the armor so I can avoid that at least I was built around like that I didn't [ __ ] mean I can't even get I can't even get through here this is [ __ ] embarrassing alright alright I'm not gonna get hit the stunt I'm gonna just play it smart I'm gonna play it smart I'm gonna kill these mobs it's not gonna be a big deal okay all right two down two down all right let's get the third one down okay all right got him down got him down I just I I just got can't face tanking man that's the problem is I'm trying to face thank him and it just goes wrong every [ __ ] time okay what's the Hornet ring who gives a [ __ ] dude okay yeah I've got to upgrade my mace so I can kill these guys more easily like right now this is just way too [ __ ] hard okay what's up here [ __ ] okay all right holy [ __ ] god damn these mobs are annoying to deal with I need to be able to do more damage man like that's so that's that's that's my weakness mad as I can't do enough damage okay around here like if I could do more damage I've never done okay [Music] well it's basically like I do a lot of damage yeah but like in order for me to do an attack like I have to risk a lot and like I risk more than they risk basically I need to be able to do more damage so it's not the case also I'm bad at timing okay let's go over here coiled sword fragment okay blacksmith hammer okay so what am i doing I just like going around like Firelink I'm so confused it's like some kind of like [ __ ] Shadow Realm [ __ ] I don't even know what's happening did everybody die what's this okay that guy isn't over there so let's go back up to the top okay nothing over here go up to the top again have I been here before yeah I've been here before okay okay nothing happened there let's go down this way if I can go up and through here there's a ladder there no can I jump over there no examine what is this seed of a giant tree the [ __ ] does that do enemies react to invader who gives a [ __ ] about that okay um maybe I can try up here that's the guy that I talked to I killed that guy holy king lothric I haven't killed him yet Watchers did to be abyss I beat their ass you arm the Giant okay and I killed him I don't know what to do like I mean how long do you guys want me to run around aimlessly I just like let me go over here I guess I go look over here maybe a wall here eyes of a fire keeper what the [ __ ] what is that okay just a second eyes whoa fire oh there it is reveals horrors to the sightless Firekeeper illusion ahead illusion made the flames guide thee what the [ __ ] but there is no NPC's there oh well I see that a lost lamb wander at him with nary a peep from the Bell well now it's my purpose no what can this old hand me provide thee what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with that wait yeah that's the artorias armor yeah you're right best not Terri alone I'll try over here oh here's something okay look what is this do hollows ashes the [ __ ] is that shrine handmade premiers oh okay let me take that over to her perfect okay we're good what now what am I gonna get but I can't even but she's not selling anything new wait to skirt the cursors grasp Terry not for long it is dark for now and not a soul stirrers but remember fires are known to fade in quiet Oh Pabst thought captive already like the poor girl to scourge the cursors graves tear it is dark oh like what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean like [ __ ] is this what about this time for tears there's nothing here all right the [ __ ] am I supposed to do like read message okay ways to say it's time for parrying not quite okay okay what I get here black night glaive well that's [ __ ] awesome okay what is that black night glaive [Music] that's kind of good spin sweep [Music] okay [ __ ] my god I don't know what to do alright I'll go back there I hate being lost man okay I'm not gonna kill the old lady now what go back up here maybe maybe I go straight instead of to decide oh okay here's some new stuff okay here we go [Music] what happened no what happened because because I was doing so well and now every [ __ ] mob did I fight has this [ __ ] that had that like I can't stagger them and do I need more police I think I do [Music] it I think I need to kill the caster because he's like empowering room or some kind of [ __ ] so I'll try and kill him okay yeah it's just really weird because like the whole time like up until those giant guys right the to the the big sword guys I was having like no trouble with anything and like now it seems like every mob is like a challenge it's just it's weird alright this guy that guy was hard to kill alright hopefully I want to kill him again well I think tonight gauntlets okay that could actually be good let me see if those are all right Walter ignite gauntlets I can use those okay good let me go back well I I need to get I need to get like more heavier armor dude that's the only thing I need is like if I if my armor is so heavy they can't hit me that's why I need to do [ __ ] [ __ ] okay let's go up here yeah I didn't know that was gonna happen let's go back up here so here's what I think I need to do I need to go get that small garmr so I'm even more beefy that's what I think I need to start farming and like getting that armor and that way nobody will be able to get me it'll be impossible for me to get God so I just get I get heavy armor and I don't high like that's the that's the secret here voice I only want to fight one of these guys at a time this time I don't have any other kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] happen okay all right let's go got him there it is there it is there it is got him all right boys there it is we're getting better see that guy what's he doing wait why didn't he die okay he's dead now we're good oh I didn't even see that one nice okay let me let me deal myself up here Wow okay great I'm not even gonna [ __ ] with him okay all right is there anything here for me to look at and no there's not I could jump down there but I don't want to okay let's go back up to here do it see what happens see what happens I need to upgrade my hammer man what the [ __ ] was that okay let's go okay I'm not playing it these are not okay okay well it's not yet oh whoa whoa where all these mobs coming from holy [ __ ] what the hell is going on Kevin healing myself all right we're good I'm safe all right I'll fight this guy now what am I getting hit by like who's shooting fire arrows at my [ __ ] head what but why I can't use my flaps the [ __ ] is going on so I can't flash oh wait now I can getting better I'm getting better we had a couple of complications but now we're back to work okay the [ __ ] was that I need to get one more mob and I'll be fine okay like night Chuck I need one more of the special of the special ones and I need a right let me check how many I have seven [ __ ] what okay all right we're good alright let's hook around here that's it I said he's done I was a close one boys I was a really really close one he was waiting there trying to eat me all right twinkling titanite I don't need that okay let's go back up to the top wing tonight oh those are the fat guys alright sacred one shield nice try jumping what the [ __ ] would I try that okay I'm looking around making sure I'm not missing anything okay let me try it let me see what this armor is that's really deep this is suffering where is it five I'm gonna use those XLE where's the beefy boy Lakes you know those are not as good as mine okay and then what about the helmet not as good as mine either okay about chest piece 24 look guys I mean if I'm gonna be fat rolling all the time I've got it actually be fat right or it's like what's that thing watch this watch this watch this I'll kill all three of them looking around okay there's nothing down here all right I'll kill that guy up at the top in a minute that's a dragon wait no that's a that's a dragon wait I don't want to go up there I'm gonna go up there okay just a second let me go back to the we go back to fire link I'm going to put another point in okay I'm gonna go back to fire link I'm going to come back over we're doing great we're doing amazing we're doing incredible well okay devised of a fire ashin one are these are these eyes how gracious of the ashen one the very things we firekeepers have been missing very well well give up nourishment from these sovereignist souls okay wait I can't even level up what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] okay just a second I'm gonna see what I can give I'm bro ash what does that give hot ashes passing finance there's given let this actually stolen nourishment okay I don't give a [ __ ] about her she gives me armor okay what's the beefiest helmet that I can get that's a beefy [ __ ] helmet oh my god that is a massive [ __ ] helmet I can buy the gun deers armor - okay just a minute I'm gonna go back I'm gonna use my soul she's mine you sure I'm gonna buy the horse fingers buy the whole [ __ ] thing I'm gonna be the biggest [ __ ] there is alright just a second okay use all of these 912 Wow okay I'm not even gonna use the other one it's a waste of my [ __ ] time to even click the button okay let's see nameless soldier let's use that one right there two thousand six thousand Wow okay let's use you selected we'll use three of these twenty four thousand oh my god okay let's go the next one here crestfallen night these are going to be the big ones boy okay all right I'm gonna buy the full armor okay guys let's see this is the heaviest biggest armor that I can get all right I'm gonna buy the helmet I'll buy the chest piece right here I'll buy the gloves and I'll buy the legs so I am a max beefiness ashen one whoa dude I don't get there I don't it takes me a while to get there man it does okay just a second my thanks for the ice that was given but firekeepers are not meant to have eyes it is forbidden these will reveal through a sliver of light frightful images of betrayal a world without fire ashen one is this truly thy wish is he do I do it or not of course I serve thee and will do is they'll bits this will be our private affair no one else may know of this stay thy path find Lords to link the fire and I will blindly tend to the flame until the day of thy grand betrayal ashin wanna forgive me if this sounded strange the ice show a world without fire a vast stretch of darkness but is different to what is seen when stripped of vision in the far distant I sense the presence of tiny flames like precious embers left to us but past the awards blinkers of the fire could this be what draws me to this strangely enticing darkness ashen one if thine heart should Bend kill me and strip these eyes from my person I will return as the fire keeper I once was as it has always been ashen one if fine hard kill me I will requisite it okay then taken maximum beefiness I'm gonna be mad I'm [ __ ] massive okay guys farewell passion one okay let's go all right let's go can I take this shield off does that actually change it let me see no it doesn't it didn't do anything dude I'm still 116 percent let me put my shield back on oh wait okay all right where am I trying to go I need to go up there just a minute was this is it like nobody's gonna be able to beat me now miss dragon alright let's test out the armor and we'll see we'll see how this works ok again it's an actual against an actual combat come on all right let's go let's see what this is going to be alright we got ourselves a temper good let's keep going we'll get there when we get there I just want to fight a couple of mobs and see what this is like what didn't even help wait I'm sue I'm using the Havel ring brawl like what do you mean wait this is stupid dude like I got all this armor for no [ __ ] reason like the whole reason I got this was I would never fake and he's knocking me back I thought this would make me [ __ ] invincible let me try and fight these guys okay all right I'm on my way like why did I even put on this armor to begin with is it sunny wait it's like stuff because I've moved so slow they can't even hear me all right let's go just a second let me go ahead and take a couple of these pieces off because obviously they're too [ __ ] heavy and I have to go all the way down to that what the [ __ ] okay let me go back I'll use maybe this helmet here and I'll go back I I don't want it like this is so dumb man I hate this game okay let me let me use that right there alright I'm gonna go back and what about that 17% that's a lie okay what if I put this one back on okay I can put that one back on can I put the helmet back on no I can't put the helmet back on but I can put the gloves back on right [ __ ] okay alright this is a little bit better but I don't want to be fat no no I'm not gonna put on the fat Armour it looks stupid okay let's put that on right there and then I'll put on the other helmet and then I'll take that off and I'm gonna put on these this pair of gloves alright perfect dude 99.4 okay we are actually [ __ ] perfect guys I look great everything is ready to go let's go okay so how do I deal with these dragons trying to roll through this okay it didn't work all right I bet I could get across how that I can do it fine I can get all these items dude it's gonna be easy okay let's go it'd take me a couple tries but I'll get it I'll get it right here watch what the [ __ ] okay I gotta put a black firebomb on wait he's a game that's really really loud I don't know why he has to be so loud okay we got a twenty nine we're good making progress doing work titanite junk there it is a little little okay all right I'm gonna get right here right here right here what [Applause] I'm getting it this time nope alright alright here's what we do hear him listen to him right now listen talk do it see what happens see what happens suck my dick okay we're good well who's this okay we're fine Hey / locks I'm getting attacked out of [ __ ] nowhere wait what's this sound patty not today fat ass okay there it is okay sniper crossbow I don't need that okay fog wall head but what do you mean play watch this [ __ ] do it again see what happens that's right that's right that's right okay good now that was a bard or something I don't know okay so now what let's go do it see what happens do what see what happens oh there it is there it is no mistakes today boys zero do not mistakes today none of them we got a great Lance let's see how great it really is it's not okay let's look around Oh big progress do it see what happens [ __ ] man wait I'm dead my souls back watch I will approach this with what am I getting hit by oh it's that I'm trying to wait for my stuff to come out come on I need to be able to heal [ __ ] this is so stupid okay coming around here they're all dead perfect excellent very good looking around exploring seeing what's available who cares I could go over there but I'm not going to all right I'm gonna kill this guy right here what [Applause] he's got a long boy he's got a long boy finished as long as I can stagger him I can kill him that's all it takes where did I get out of here they get anything no nothing okay I got a tight night chunk I have too many chunks too many chunks let's look up here around here right now I give him a second wait that was for an ember okay guys I got a call today I take a break boys I I want to keep going I want to see what would happen to get that last item and I plan on being back online tomorrow that it's currently what I what I do am planning so I will be doing that everybody please go ahead and follow my stream click the follow button up above if you're confused as to what that button is it says follow but if you really don't know anything about this website please go ahead and click on the subscribe button and see if you have a free twitch prime sub and that's even better than a following you can give me that as well so guys please give me your Twitter Prime's follow the sub sorry follow the stream you guys know what it's gonna take okay guys let make sure that I miss any ties will help you a fantastic day would have seamount off again I'll do one pretty soon man don't worry about it I'm have you beaten the twin Prince's or nameless King I don't know what that is yet so I guess not know it's the second make sure I read the rest of these say my name that's okay man thanks to the five appreciate it you need to bring in your weight ratio for 70% yeah everybody has advice what they want me to do when's the deathless t3d one charity stream if you're actually doing it really looking forward to it very very soon I don't know probably after I beat dark souls 3 that's what I'm thinking man I can't help hope that you remind me of the young le Friedrich Sun with the hair of Charlie Brown keep it up Charlie Brown Charlie Brown is [ __ ] bald what do you mean okay guys everybody follow my stream everybody click follow everybody give me your give me your subs and everything like that guys so make sure I didn't miss anybody else I didn't okay thank you guys very much for watching and until next time boys oh I'm gonna run ads until next time peace Oh follow my Twitter - don't forget about following me on Twitter everybody follow me on twitter follow my Twitter let me get my souls back I know it's off I know it's off I'm gonna get myself back right now I've lost so many soldiers I come over here pretty boy maximum progress boys oh if you can't see the the ads right now that's because you have adblock on so please donate the money it's in order to make up for that guys just I mean just whenever you get a chance it's not for your right now just like maybe in like sooner you get a chance that was [ __ ] they both walk there that [ __ ] smoke pot music okay let me get my souls back boys okay thanks for watching today really [ __ ] appreciate it I'll see you later okay
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 250,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, dark souls, dark souls remastered, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, mcconnell
Id: CEaLnQtY0Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 42sec (12762 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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