Asmongold's Fourth Stream of Dark Souls Remastered | FULL VOD

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guys yesterday I embarrassed myself that will not happen again today that will not happen again today okay let's get your on it's a very good intro for this say what yeah sure yeah that's right alright let's go let's get this [ __ ] done so this is where we left off I practice a little bit of combat I should be ready to go three flap with the tin subs thank you very much man I [ __ ] appreciate that your video is a nerd okay good that's a good start let's go I'm gonna get these items right over here there's a little Chester I'm gonna pick it up I'm gonna kill these guys real quick okay let's go let's go I'm gonna eat your dick right now yeah yeah link the link the video and chat somebody let's go I'm afk dude let's get intersection that was mistake dude that was a really stupid mistake I I double attacked and I double attack then do it [ __ ] you alright that's one down good I made a [ __ ] I made a [ __ ] boys that's the way go all right I'm gonna eat his dick he's a big dick I got a big mouth all right come at me bro let's do it let's do it okay that was mistake I had to get away from okay all right all right one more one more I beat his ass one more I beat his ass one more what a piece of [ __ ] sword what a piece of [ __ ] alright notice just me actually house me okay dot that was I'm having a lot of trouble right now I don't know what performance anxiety okay not hit him there alright I did I did I did I did okay I might get that in just a second okay oh yeah what did you think you guys right there it is two mobs down easy game please again when we open this up what do I have demon tight night you know what that does meet either alright let's go I'm gonna heal up real quick and that way I can I'll use my souls and then I'll fight the guys up there and we'll make some progress what you're scary with that transfer game okay so I'm sick of people telling me what to do so I look this up I'm gonna get this I'm gonna get that okay like these are the best choices I probably should go for 24 but I'll go for that one next all right I'm gonna go with endurance and vitality actually should I go what do you guys think should I really go strength what do y'all think yes or no 24 strength you know what yeah let's try to make that soft cap we're not soft guys with the okay yeah we're gonna go in that I mean I'm gonna get the endurance anyway it's not a big deal okay yeah we want strength anyway it's fine okay guys let's farm it out yeah just like if I cuz there's no way for me really to know like what the best stats were so I had to figure it out we're gonna get those two chests right there let's go I'm not gonna get hit the stuff there's gonna be zero mistakes watch watch watch do it again do it again come here come here do it again I'll bunk up there alright first okay that was just purely up that was just like 100% okay I thought it under okay that one's dead good I'll pay them I'll bathe it's gonna go for me okay all right that's good that's good try good try there we go oh no way it didn't happen oh I got him okay nice let me run away let me run away why do I keep doing that like I'm like right next and it just doesn't hit him I'm having a lot of trouble targeting [Applause] there's a different power you know they call that guy Bruce ooh holy [ __ ] okay I didn't know he's good oh wow okay I got a new item just a second look what that is all right Chris that's a big [ __ ] dick weapon dude holy [ __ ] I don't know if I can use that though like I kind of like my sword a little bit more I feel like the halberd like the play style the halberd doesn't really match with what I'm into but we'll try it out okay did you I know I say this every sure Bucky Turner my cup did twinkling titanite turn my mic up please yeah sure just a second I've got a turn I'll just I can't turn my mic up actually I'll turn down the audio and everything else a little bit down lower okay and that should indirectly solve the problem okay that should be good yeah sorry guys but it only has 20 durability let me see how this works okay 300 300 300 dude you gotta [ __ ] use this [ __ ] pokey boy right there holy yeah that's really good but it's so it can break oh whatever it's fine who cares oh wait I think I can buy another upgrade let me go do that real quick I'm gonna buy another upgrade one more get it again okay change commit so that already has its twenty you know what I'm gonna use the I'm gonna use my sword for now and this is gonna be my my secret weapon so if I need to use it I use it All Right see ya okay let's go yeah so like if I get into like a thing that I need to worry about I just get them done okay all right let's go no more mistakes guys I'm done with mistakes I'm done with clown gameplay you can one hand as we handler now really why would I want to do that it seems like a little bit uh I don't know will but weird you can one hand a weapon it says two hand it's called two n can I hit him here like a good right all right so that's a no guys thanks for letting me know about that all right that's a hit okay we try to get pop around all you want I'm gonna beat your dick in I do that every [ __ ] time man got him okay good that's one hit nice try [ __ ] okay good let's go up to the top okay Esmond why don't you look around around Aspen gold is not chest what can I get to the ship that's a walk that's not a chest that's a rock okay nevermind alright we're looking around right now what do we see a bunch of [ __ ] Oh examine the brilliant light that's pretty let's see so sealed by the great Ward's power this is really stupid I don't know why I'm even trying this okay big surprise the the sword did not destroy the barrier okay so let's turn back around what do I have that will open so I really just can't go up here around that way maybe it's over in there no I don't know where to go I'm actually confused okay so it's not in this area here right it doesn't seem like it is so we'll turn back around fine go over here I don't know if this is good or not the [ __ ] is this okay oh I remember this area I didn't want to go over here because I didn't want to start a cinematic quit or that okay let's go there's nothing over there I don't oh I didn't see the tail what give me a break oh well you can't handle a little lightning [ __ ] you can't handle a big sword I'll tell you that I'll just beat his dick and that's easy man yeah nice job okay come on you can make that jump dude do you think so are you kidding me [ __ ] yeah you can make that jump that's easy I have to get it all right you know what you see that turn back around okay let me go around here I don't know what that sound is that's the elevator nevermind I was getting upset alright let's go down now where the hell am I here okay I'll go down here alright okay Wow that's really something this is the thing two unlocks it wait it's not I mean diamond tighten it-it's pretty good I think probability P I don't either okay let's go on this way I don't want I don't know where that is maybe actually trying to open the door again oh wait the titanite no no because like the gargoyle died and the gargoyle was yellow right true and the door resort so we should build up in the door because yeah why I do a quick sword right here that's what I've been practicing guys right there the [ __ ] asthma under which King okay hopefully this is going to work I'm not sure if it will no I'm not just gonna tell him I'm not doing that yo guys how badass was it da beat the gargoyle first try no deaths zero deaths I'm impressed this is a zero death run okay let's go up here ready well the doors still here let me try and click it again it's gonna open didn't open it ok that's that's what I expected let's go back to the the gargoyle I can try to make the jump McConnell do you think I should make the jump I mean like I feel like if I make the jump there's nowhere else to go you've explored every Avenue the only other thing I can I can think of it's like remember how in zelda sometimes there were like those invisible things you could jump on I think this is one of those invisible ledges you can jump on or jump across I think you should be good so like you get right to the edge and it's like it's like the Ordos bridge in WoW yep alright I'll take your word for it let's do what we can all right guys watch the top pop them off so I have a question for chat because I don't fully understand the way that the the weight works at 25 percent I'm fast at 50 percent I am the media and at 75 percent I'm fat right so does that scale it all burns that just purely like is it like if I have 49% am i still or sorry not point a percent I feel like if I jump onto there no not the ledge below it I'm saying get it running start and just jump off the ledge man just [ __ ] jump off there and like either you'll hit an invisible ledge that cares you across or like some magic will pop out or like some [ __ ] magical wind or some [ __ ] okay you really I mean well you think I lied to you let me just there's a door down there but how the [ __ ] do I get down there there's no way I can do that jump man there's no way okay let me go around all right this is where the thing was but if I jump down there there's nowhere for me to go down there because I can make that jump hundred percent don't like it's just an empty area let's go down this way if I jump all the way down there I die I I know for a fact I die okay let's keep going let's go give it a try dude give it a try there's no way like if I let me practice a jump okay good idea right there we go I ten feet man yeah but when you jump off the ledge here's what's gonna happen you're gonna jump off and you're gonna hit that bottom ledge there or that staircase is and you're gonna be able to walk up like the gravity is just gonna carry you the momentum plus gravity equals distance and that's gonna carry you to the next [ __ ] ledge and that's assuming that there's no like magical power that boosts you over there I don't see where else I could go like I I am just say I'll be honest I'm lost right now I'm completely lost I don't know where the [ __ ] to go because I beat all the guys The Gargoyle is dead I feel like there's something in here that I need to do like something has to do with this area but I don't know like I mean dude that's a door down there there's got to be some type of [ __ ] invisible [ __ ] [ __ ] dude like you're just you're not taking risks okay this game is all about taking risks you just gotta take a risk and you know [Music] just give it let's give it a try let's give it a little I think I can make it I uh I think you can too is like so I'll be like this and like here's the door like that I just I'm really worried that this is a mistake though I mean there's nowhere else to go no I think kidding no I think I think yeah that's not good okay yeah that's too small you have a better chance of getting that door from that corner than you do on the ledge because if you walk forward people say it for me to go on the roof do I do that yeah yeah this is my first bit of chat advice and if it works I'm gonna put it in emote only mode all right boys take care what do you mean dude whoa where'd he come from whoa where'd he come from Night Fury don't take it out till he's done with this area he's just getting too much help today it's not fun okay [Music] this why is he so fast man okay good all right I've got it I've got to do better against those guys don't mistake massive mistakes okay McConnell can we uh I think you might need to take it an emote Owen maybe I'll go the other way yeah you need some help - yeah oh oh yeah I didn't see the ladder man there's one of these [ __ ] gonna come down on me again oh boy okay all right okay so let's talk about we practice some swings okay so it has to be directly in front my heavy swing okay so I can't target him because my target him it's gonna change my trajectory of my sword and it's gonna move me in the wrong way okay I can get that too [ __ ] okay hey hey hey [ __ ] [Music] we might have to use the halberd there dude you got your cheeks clapped well I was just in such a confined area I wasn't able to like really hit distance on them all right I can try that better okay I might have to use a faster sword this is just not really doing the job right this guy is just too [ __ ] fast for me like let me try this one more time and if this doesn't work I'll use something else cuz obviously I got my ass beat I don't have to fight the gargoyle again do I know okay let's go do it see that's all we need to do right there he just seems to not attack me and I beat his ass every time man that's all it takes okay let's go back up here I'll get my souls back see I just need the momentum man he's ready he's been a growed all right come here why is he throw those man I hate it whenever he does that okay moving out of that all right let's keep going that's one there's three I feel like I should go after that thing but if I go after that thing then like what's over on the other side okay there's those guys do you think it's worth it McConnell uh you know what why don't you just take chats advice okay dude all right fine I'm have to fight this guy on the wedge this is gonna be hard I thought I'd be out of huh do it do it what you should do yeah is if you'll remember if you'll recall in Super Mario RPG yeah if you if you hit the chains remember when you were hurt that you would hit the chain and then the thing would fall down the chandelier at the beginning is yes remember that how you do could attack the chandelier or Bowser correct okay all right I can do that I can handle that let's go let's do our best boys let's do what we can okay oh oh now you guys are mad cuz I'm helping oh okay and mate oh it's only okay when chat helps them not me okay why don't you go go suck a fat [ __ ] okay all of you Wow pieces of [ __ ] okay that guy's dead all right I just need to work on killing these guys in like my momentum with killing them I hit bingo okay Jesus Christ that okay this is so [ __ ] bad okay okay got him all right good that could have obviously gone a lot better but we did what we could now let me practice fighting this other guy on the on the ledge here because I don't know if I can kite them all the way back okay he's on his way he's coming good here but he's going that way now I'm not ready for that fatal error okay let's keep going we're almost there the souls have been retreat what happened oh it fell down nice honestly man like I feel like I should just run cuz I fighting these wizards this is really really hard cuz if I run I can get to right right there and I jump off right there [ __ ] [Applause] final wizard the shop so ass don't say anything nah-nah okay let's go some way she goes boys the way she goes just keep going alright I I thought I forgot I need spacebar it's like weird because spacebar makes me feel like I'm like I'm jumping right because like every game has spacebar to jump so like my muscle memory made me think that spacebar would make me jump and I got a little bit overconfident and I did the wrong thing because of that that's basically what happened okay alright let's try it again we're gonna get all the way across this time 100% don't worry about it alright we're getting better voice let me get that stuff back throwing knife thank God I have that okay let's climb up I kind of want to kite this guy all the way back but I'm also impatient and so my impatience is never it's never led me astray before with this game so I don't think I should worry okay come here not today not today okay I have to get these souls back perfect poor food get them out of here oh can I go back around actually I I forgot to go down there and get my thing come here come on down imagine being that dumb dude okay alright let's go down here yeah I'm okay good that's another one down we're getting my thing all right okay wait what guys shy jump down I don't look good to me papaya no I don't think I'll make it what's that just a second people want me to look at every item that I get all right let's do what I got okay so we've got a painting Guardian sword thank God a 76% speed weapon that's amazing okay let's pull this contraption does not move okay that's good I didn't want to move this looks like a boss room okay what's this oh my god it made its what Wow rocks it there's another go everyone I got deal come on come on I really don't want to fight you over there you want me to look good oh come the [ __ ] on like I knew you could do that he's bad - he's really bad what a dummy you're so mad right now okay oh yeah right give me a [ __ ] break what a [ __ ] game jeez this role no bad like I I'm having so much trouble against this guy for no reason okay that's it all right so that that could have been a lot better but uh [ __ ] it okay let me go down here first and I'll go over to the other side wait I don't know if I should pull that yet I don't know who I never should have told you about that sword why I'm having so much fun like this is the best sword in the game man like my timing unique doing [ __ ] okay I'm good I'm a line of sight that guy see that you didn't see me one at a time boys one at a time one at a time flawless never get hit never died that's my mount right there where is he coming where is he coming always coming over the other side good was he happy throwing knife I don't want that I don't use ranged attacks I'm not a [ __ ] should I kill all these I guess I should right cuz I can just reach it really I guess there should be because these guys look like they're from the KKK let's go come on I knew that was a mistake the distance which is wrong come on man give me a break I'm tired too let's just walk around man give it a nice - all right great let's keep going all right I will pull I'll pull that guy am I gonna agree with him I don't think oh [ __ ] okay I got it okay there he is what the hell is he doing is he dancing come here [Music] okay I've only got a couple more to go let me get this guy down right now okay what do I get out of this black iron and the great shield okay boys now we're progress why can't you hear me I'll make some noise oh they're deaf too that's good and Rwanda is an equal opportunity employer that will allow people that are deaf into their their ranks alright let's keep going okay alright one more one more get a little bit overconfident you know what happens over that happened [Applause] [Music] there it is okay all right let's see why I gotta have this sorcery green magic weapon I don't need that I don't know how to cast spells yet I'm pretty sure it's not till later in the game I got throwing knife okay let's see what I got for my items all right everybody wants to see okay so we have what is my weight right now okay my equip load is 19 I have 61 so that means that I'm above 25% so if I get these other items let me put them on okay I have a sack that's really good Wow Wow holy [ __ ] this is big wait so what I'm gonna put anymo only and all I'm gonna say is exploring is good okay okay dude this is second let me see where I'm at now I have 23 so I can go to 30 where are my gloves okay have really good gloves these black gloves though 9.2 that's all that's a big helmet okay black legs I'm gonna use some things no wait I don't want those because they don't make me look good nevermind I'm putting those away put that on and I'll use the other gloves okay what's my weight now 31 out of sets [ __ ] okay I'm too fat wait how does it cuz is it 75% let me see how I roll right now oh yeah yeah right okay I'm too fat right there that's 100% fat all right let me take that off okay I'll put it in the gold that's way too heavy there's no way I can wear them okay and then let's see no way let's see if I can put on the legs [Music] okay all right we're good boys let me go and use this all right contraption does not move let's go up to the top boy stur we're making serious massive big dick progress right now okay should I go back and use my soles what do you think I kind of feel like I should everybody says explore okay fun I'll explore let me go back down there and I'll walk around every single nook and cranny of this room okay guys McConnell there's not like a secret block eh I just I thought I just discovered something okay never mind I'm going to look all the way around okay guys okay so for the Alliance it's still exploring where does he be what's his painting oh I know this one this is by Picasso examine contraption yeah I [ __ ] bet it doesn't move how could I move that well that was the guy that I got the thing from oh he's the guy with the black armor okay looking around yo McConnell way how good am I at killing these guys that's good I am right there the best I want to just go ahead and show you guys real quick the leper does not know see you know how I know it doesn't move it's because when our I press the button to move it nothing happens that's how I know it doesn't move I'll look around here again okay there's nothing in this area let me go back to the soul area okay this place is really nice I don't like how there's no music though that's what's so frustrating and weird I pulled this again I can I don't think that I want to let me go back I'm gonna go ahead and upgrade my souls real quick that way we can go into the next room 100% good all right look at greatsword okay so as you see there's my sword right there and I don't have any other oh this one right here this is not very good that's much weaker than mine it's a hundred and thirty right there and I'll show you guys what it does house actually pretty cool yeah I don't really the in second I could use the other one instead let me just use this moment it seems to be substantially better okay I'm gonna go in and upgrade my ship yeah but you've upgraded yours 100 well I have but this will handle or a baseline that was higher than the greatsword baseline and also the greatsword is slower than this wall handler so it seems like the great sword is just a universal downgrade from the soil handler so we're gonna stick with this for now okay and it's also look at two and er stance okay just a second let me let me upgrade myself to hitting stats so if you don't get this right here okay I'll click on it where is there toggle display there it is 130 plus 72 why is it supposed to me too oh because that's a downgrade from the current one that I have okay right because blue is up or blue is better red is worse okay that makes sense the stat scaling my understanding with the stat scaling is that the stat scaling is right here the param gona's right because the blue doesn't have anything to do with that alright I'm gonna go and rest right now now I can level up endurance or I could level up strength good choice I'm gonna go with endurance alright let's go we're making amazing progress I got a I got a host oh [ __ ] my bad just a second who hosted me [ __ ] man thank you so much for the host who was it hosting me I want to make sure that I say I say thank you it was an ASMR Channel okay I hosted you I got it okay I understand India damn okay well thank you guys I really appreciate it either way thank you thank you thank you man I really really started really started watching me because my girlfriend watches who she really hates you and you woo can we get some spam in the chat that's too bad man thanks to $2 I appreciate that thank you thank you shadowboxing mark says $7 in 77 cents spending money to ensure that did sure that you have a longtime followers so nice to see you change things up the place will be challenging and fresh that you're clearly enjoying I actually like as soon as I ended my stream the only thing I thought about was my next stream because I just wanted to play Dark Souls again 100% man it's been fun as [ __ ] what do you about radio stations banning baby it's cold outside for being an offensive Christmas song well I mean obviously they can do that if they want but I don't think that radio stations were doing it for any other reason than advertisers write radios make your advertise advertisers are what drives censorship and political correctness nobody else cares about it beyond that because the people did care about it then people would be worried about doing it to begin with because they alienate the original audience the reason why people's audiences are attacked an advertiser excuse me are attacked instead of the actual audience itself is because the audience organically is not going to stop watching somebody because they do something that's politically could incorrect that's it's kind of obvious whenever you look at it thank you very much for the five I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you for asthma direction of stream but we love watching you dude regards to the game thank grouches some darts prettier than ever be patient I am man my little brother understood this game better than you okay your little brothers very smart thank you very much shadow walks English the five I appreciated that glaze Mew thank you everybody he has meant resistible thank you really enjoy your content special thanks to McConnell he's underappreciated true thank you very much for the for the 25-man I [ __ ] thank you so much okay let's go down this way oh those are the guys that pick me up let's see if this one's going to work Oh wowie okay contraption does not move I'm so worried about those guys coming to me please do not [ __ ] me please do not [ __ ] me you're good are gonna [ __ ] me they're looking at me they're friendly oh why is he do why is he trying to attack me that's weak I really don't want to fight too at the time really don't want to fight two at a time sneaky double attack how could I have expected that this guy backpedals more than a 1400 warriors get mad get mad right now big mistake oh man like come on like really it's a second let me go ahead and double heel that was just really stupid like I don't know how that happened yes you do you knew they could do that food with the shield no no but I I could walk through his legs like I've fought like 50 of these mobs before like I fully intended on the plate okay there's one down all right good that was not a good idea okay [Music] that's a girl chat shut the [ __ ] up got him alright okay so there's this hot boy over here who's really mad he wants to kill me okay it's too bad he's not gonna be able to alright oh [ __ ] dude these contraceptions are crazy oh [ __ ] okay let's go let's go all right Jesus Christ okay that was actually really [ __ ] hard I'm assuming they're very weak though because they don't have any armor so I just need to get one hit on him but he just he hundred owed me like nothing man alright I've got a practice against these mobs bro those are endgame mobs that you do you farm formats how am I supposed let me try and fight them one more time okay and if I can't beat them this time around I'll try to just skip them but I want to give it a chance they say that they say yes and they say no they're there trust me those mobs are endgame okay this is a big castle alright so here's basically my strategy this time around so he's gonna do the the spear and then I don't get hit by the spear that's basically what I'm gonna do I don't know how well that's gonna work but we'll see what happens all right let me get my souls I'm gonna make sure he leaves me alone okay good they're right there got him okay there's one down these are dangerous enemies ferocious fiends [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yes good job [ __ ] okay so I have to reek ill those guys I know up right there with these dummies they can't even go through a okay [Music] maybe I'll go this way that doesn't leave me anywhere okay let's go down this way he turned off he mode on Windows literally never put it any moment it's just annoying I don't like it never it's a no stop okay somehow I lived through that all right where's dick sucker number two wait what I heard him uh-oh there's this guy well [ __ ] that guy I need to worry about him at all okay let's go [Music] oh man okay imagine dying to a shootie boy but I mean like I didn't even really die like I mean that's yeah I did but like what I mean is it like okay so I that wasn't my fault number one that wasn't my fault number two that was [ __ ] number three why the [ __ ] did that happen like I don't understand because I rolled right through the [ __ ] arrow and I guess I can't do that I swear to God if those dick sucking [ __ ] are back I'm gonna be so upset please do not [ __ ] spawn okay all right let's give this another try I don't know if I can run past them actually I think I can I'm pretty sure I could just run past these guys I mean it's a bit risky but I think I can do it coming [Applause] I mean some people just they're not cut out for this game you know what I mean I mean like alright let's just go back we'll kill the three guys we'll kill the two guys we'll just do the same thing over again okay that's just kind of stupid yeah I don't know how I should handle these guys though I mean like yeah people say use crossbow or something like that I don't I don't want to do that because if I do that then I'll run out of ammo because the crossbow doesn't do that much damage so I don't want to use the crossbow unless I absolutely have to I could try and use the lightning spear or like the danger spear with the the new shield that I got maybe that would be good I don't know I still can't believe these [ __ ] things respawned man what nope I didn't think you'd respawn no this guy is like bad friend skip two hours okay okay I see how it is I see let's go I'm just gonna skip this mob up here go right around them see this guy today I'll fight one at a time not to one at a time not to running at me for no reason oh this is making things very exciting just go get up dude [Applause] done there you go that was that was probably the most the worst way that it could have gone and I still got him Wow stay safe what the [ __ ] dude what not his son are you kidding me okay good all right we got him [Applause] alrighty so I don't know how I should handle these mobs should I kite them back or what cuz like alright so if I go in to there and I kill him [Applause] that was a [ __ ] mistake all right running back running back running back running back running back running back okay go back up to the top Rick see thank you for gifting this up to Stacey okay let's go back up here running away okay hopefully that will despawn them a little bit the Nazis spawned them at all okay I'll move back a little bit more okay going back around okay there's one at least one all right perfect hey wait a second you're not using the live attacks are you okay good all right so for some reason these birds brought me all the way over here ten died from falling down I don't really understand how that's supposed to work but it does okay let's go all right Zach I'll wait for them to stop take a second let me get a drink I will tell you this there these are the only two archers in the entire game once you're past this you're good okay okay you'll have to worry about them anymore all right officer just get past this little speed bump and you're all good buddy all right okay [Music] sometimes that happens there you're gonna have to use the spear I mean like there's no I mean this weapon is too slow and I just keep getting killed like there's no way I can do this without using this fear I don't think the bow is a good idea I can try the bow I mean [ __ ] it like let's try the bow who cares like yeah I mean why not why not just try the bow I mean everybody in shot they've always got these great ideas so let's just go let's try the [ __ ] boat why not dude are you getting mad no not mad I'm gonna go back I'm gonna no I'm gonna go back I'm gonna [ __ ] kill them and then they're gonna be dead yeah come on now that's gonna be it I'm not gonna let some dick-sucking archer beat me it's not gonna happen I've gotten this far with this sword and it might be time to use the pokeball and if that's what I have to do that's what I have to do I don't want to have to fight this piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] again though I've got to run away from him okay so I'm gonna try to de-spawn that guy and then I'll go away can I go down here no okay I mean - cite this guy okay alright he's backpedaling away he's afraid he should be get out of here okay okay there's one right there all right I had to practice on these guys these buzzards it's rough it's a rough game dude I I think I think if I aggro two of them it's basically over like there I got really lucky with the double hit but I couldn't recover from it maybe I should have like tried to run away but I didn't think I'd be able to like replicate that again and I tried to go for a kill on one of them then I just died okay I'll try to do better this time okay let's do our best you know what they're telling me to use the longsword hey you know I mean it's a good item what can I say yeah I'm gonna have to use the pokey boy next time we get up to there I'll use the pokey boy on them now these guys here I should be able to easily kill with the sword as long as I don't add grow two at the same time let's go now let me ask you this question okay what about I'm just gonna throw this out okay all right what about a shield no like I mean maybe when we try it one more time with the pokey board now see if that's gonna help me okay when I grow that one right there okay we've gotten one all right that's one big boy down four more to go so you know and Zelda how if your kid when you have a shield right you like kind of crouch down and the shield protects your body well it's kind of the same thing in this game when you have a two-handed weapon you just kind of crouch down and you let the shield ooh that was bad [ __ ] [Applause] okay all right that's one down one down two down two down one more to go I'm really bad it okay all right three down hopefully one more to go oh my god they're saying three hours now why they say that dude so I need to get one of them can walk off the edge that's the secret [Music] [Laughter] [Music] boys about above 4 hours [Laughter] just ignore the damn demons so I'm supposed to let's go ahead and just put this into perspective here so there are the giant flying demons that I am somehow supposed to just ignore even though whenever I try to ignore them they killed me yeah that's exactly what I should do just ignore them I don't think that's going to work like if I thought I could do that I would do it trust me like I hate fighting these [ __ ] things do you guys think I should do one more run where I tried actually just one outrun them yes okay I'll try where's my shield I'm just gonna use this that's you and I'm gonna use the the pokey political for this where is it disturbed by knows he is using a keyboard a mouse so don't know don't don't rag on them to harder n okay all right let's do it we can okay that's a fast roll but like I thought it said 25% can I not use the shield I mean what if I use the wooden shield 16 this is just a what if I ran without the weapon what if I took the weapon off wait all right let's listen all right what if I took the weapon off and see how fast I am now [Applause] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] let's go dude practice just like that just like that let's go baby no no you got this you got this you got this you slid off let the arrow hit you so hard you lived off the ledge no here's what happened is I went to I went to block but I had down I parried instead of blocked so I did that wrong yeah I know I [ __ ] die dude I'm not gonna fight again that's the last time I died that's the last time I die look how fast I'm going right now you see this they're never gonna [ __ ] touch me let's go there's no way I'm gonna fight all five of those dick suckers every goddamn pull okay let's go no mistakes guys no mistakes they say that I can't block the arrows I actually kinda I'm going to assume they're telling the truth because I mean like you think about how big that arrow is like they're basically shooting Spears and not even arrows alright you know what this is the same chat that told me to delete my Firekeeper soul okay so I'm not going to take it too seriously okay good we're good we're good all right I'll wait for them to stop shooting all right here we go next attempt he's so mad right now [Music] what no you oh my god I used to play whenever I was a really really young kid yeah it was called what was it called Dragon Quest like what was it called guys you know the game dry is it that Dragon Quest and and it would start off and you would be this [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of garbage dumbass and you would run around and you'd basically just die like somebody could spit on your [ __ ] toe and your character would fall over and just collapse dead alright and the game's difficulty was not even necessarily the game it was just how [ __ ] up and precise that it had to be dragon a dragon's lair yes dragon's lair there it is now I'll have to show you guys this game I hated that [ __ ] game but I loved it too and this is what reminds me of it so I used this fear again I killed the first guy he's dead and do I have to kill both archers no that was it like if you had not slipped off there you were in the [ __ ] clear because there's only those two okay all right here we go let's get up there right now how am i feat so fast this cuz I'm not wearing shoes alright you know that again did you know that boo-boos level 11 - is called Maelstrom yep okay dude you're good you're good get the hell out of there there we [ __ ] go boys there we [ __ ] go it's over I might just it's over why ring chat dude I'm not okay arrests I don't know if I should Kindle this bonfire Oh what's this dick boy one there you are you've been quiet these days smooth summoning out there anytime you see my brilliantly shining signature do not hesitate to call upon me you've left me with quite an impression I would benefit job to assist you listen I'm not a hunter this isn't wow I don't need non-combat pets [ __ ] out of here yeah I don't need help I'm gonna try and beat this dudes ass real quick what up dog what up bro good so the mimic chests have a different color this is not a mimic chest sunlight metal that's perfect I need five of those just get out of the humming okay let's look around okay all right let's look around see let's see what's in here what's behind door number three oh great a bunch of [ __ ] I don't need any of this okay the side that's the secret door you can't go in that one let's go up here this is it wait what what chat what the [ __ ] if you're just gonna reach out I'm out of here okay fine all right you know what I don't know if this is even a good idea guys if he doesn't want [ __ ] emote only mode how about some anti advice spam yeah where the [ __ ] you guys at that's fine if you guys if they start giving me advice I will let you know what's accept oh my god yeah there can be anti if I spam whenever people I'm just gonna do it I feel like is this cheating should I even be able to look to use these items yeah you [ __ ] cheated man are you kidding me well I mean like yeah I feel like I shouldn't even use the items like you think you would have known about this [ __ ] if you hadn't read chat how are you still alive I should just have you think stupid okay good he said yeah I won't use those items for a while I feel like that wouldn't be fair it would be unethical for me to use those items if anything I lost by going in there because I had to use two flasks okay let's go we'll go up to the top okay you don't have to spam it all the time guys just whenever they start giving me advice because if I see it I feel like I kind of hat like can't get to him I feel like what should i do McConnell if they give me a buy I just not staring there see that one that's a bad guy Oh God that's how it's done boys just not easy [ __ ] [ __ ] then dead gone out of it get him out of here that's another bad boy right there see you oh look at him that's a bad boy dummy okay let's see what he had where's he get a gold coin that's a good one y'all here I see you come on bro I go I see you let's go okay I really need to upgrade my sword again okay silver Knight shield I'll never get hit again okay all right that guys down okay let's see what's over here nothing okay let's go up to the top up to the top up to the top [ __ ] ass McConnell McConnell are you there McConnel [ __ ] lied to me give me a [ __ ] break Jesus Christ Wow okay all right I've got to do better against that guy next time [Music] they're a lot faster let's go back up to the top I don't want to [ __ ] with that guy over there hopefully will go after me alright where are you where are you let's go where are you just do it you're so stupid like everything about you is stupid literally like you never do isn't that the most pathetic thing you've ever seen I think I just got his ass beat like it was nothing okay let's go back over to where we were first actually you know what let's go I hear let's kill this guy first there's so much faster these are like the elite mops so after he does his first swing he's vulnerable okay all right that enemy has been mastered oh thank god it doesn't open outside I know what the [ __ ] with him okay let's go back up here this is where the [ __ ] boys at no cops today [Music] every time perfect timing perfect timing every time I'm gonna walk up on the slope come on down come on down let's go come into my house come into my house all right I heal up I go in watch watch I never you know what sometimes I don't really know what I was thinking okay yes okay he's dead all right let me heal up again let me actually check over here first cuz that's where the other guy came from what's over here okay okay there's no way you did an agro man come on how many of these are there let's go boys come on alright next mob that was almost a mistake okay let's destroy this wait a second wait a second voice it's good what's in here demon titanite okay that doesn't do anything let's go never mind okay wait oh this is where I was at okay should I I feel like I should level up right now yeah I'm gonna go level up right now okay it wasn't that way it's this way okay let's go down this way there's bill I don't want to talk to Bill right alright let's go with vitality I'm just gonna put another quality okay yeah it should be good and I saw six thousand so how much do I need for the next one let me see okay so we'll see if we get up to fourteen thousand again by doubted so at this point I don't know if I should just like wait which door that I go through that was the door that was it I found the door come on oh great bonus mops two and one earnest there it is there it is Yetta Maddy alright let's dig some big [ __ ] idiot I hate you so much okay actually I love these mobs does he make okay oh okay come on man come on come on come in to come into my basement you guys know how bad at this game I can do a double attack you just put your you take your dick and you put it in our mouth and then they're dead alright why is that one so hard to kill man like I Jesus Christ okay um let me go back up to the top I'm gonna see if I can just no I don't think I couldn't skip the other mobs what if I go the other way around though maybe I'd be able to avoid more mobs overall so if I go this way I could avoid like maybe two mobs and I wouldn't have to kill them because I think there's like there's that guy right there why am I so bad most upsetting and frustrating things like what was my best case scenario there like what could I'm not ready I'm not ready dude like stop that's [ __ ] rude okay I'm gonna double heel actually I don't really feel confident doing the the Archer guy again without to healing I really need to to get a little bit more help though or a little bit more damage let me angrily are is one of their owners older than the other one is like I [Music] that's what's happening since this guy so his combos are really strong but I can bait the combo and then kill him like that let me go around here see if there's anything interesting okay there's a wall all right that's great yeah let's see if there's a wall on the other side too wow I would have never expected that okay let's go down oh that's a that's a pole boy okay that was almost a mistake should I try and kill the other guy if I get a thing I will do it but I don't want to do it my second a thing all right there's only two mobs what is this guy afk stupid net why this guy's reaction times worse than mine wait a second wait a second wait a second one down two down okay these are good boy chess everything is fine silver Knight [ __ ] yeah dude all right let's go over this way okay what up bro what up bro let's go how mad are you right now there it is 30 30 30 okay all righty and I will go with I'm gonna go with vitality again I feel like vitality is actually really helping out a lot and so I want to stick with that I actually you know what I probably should have gone with strength because strength would have helped me get those guys down in two hits instead of three is they're gonna [ __ ] I go second hit is there gonna be a black ninja Viking go sue because I really Oh okay what a dummy should I try to kill the demon I don't know guys seems like a pretty big mistake yes think so okay all right I'll do it I will do it the second this guy's what running into the wall okay all right let's go try to fight the demon great I can't guys really grad yeah thank you so much everybody's just being so supportive even mean all these good ideas of what I should do and just helps out a lot I could have obviously done better there it was not entirely like it's not I guess the chats fault that I did that wrong but like I'm not really used to fighting that mob so I don't know what to do oh okay good all right one more one more one more I really need to get the the more damage this isn't it vice I would say this is vice is there a blacksmith in here that I I can talk to just to make my my items better yes okay cool I guess I'll be doing that in a minute that was my father's unit done that this is stupid okay let's go up this way to be fair that's like the first time I've died to those guys in a while I'm regressing really really bad right now okay myself and then we'll kill these other guys yeah now it's not about rolling man like honestly I just played like [ __ ] they're like nothing to do with rolling everything to do with [ __ ] playing like that that has nothing to do with a roll I could have rolled that was better I could've actually just moved away and I wouldn't have gotten hit to begin with they can look at non [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you know what let's just go right up those big stairs and we'll go do whatever the [ __ ] that is next hopefully a boss we have to kill the boss today I could just hit the demon once and then run out of the room and then I could just run back in in a few minutes okay let's go yeah I don't think that's gonna happen once the bet I could beat his ass who wants to bet I beat his ass right shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up don't don't say anything [Music] - ooh what a mistake wait he's not dead I need a new weapon I thought that was like a shield blast or something I got nervous all right one dick boy down 3,000 points for one guy okay all right okay all right okay okay dude you're so fat and slow [Music] Wow I am [ __ ] terrible I'm actually just dog [ __ ] man okay just a second alright next come on man he jumped off the edge with a dummy okay all right so remember bait the combo bait the combo I have to bait him I was just he was too stupid and it was fine okay one more beat combo bait combo bait combo idiot all right okay if you guys ruin this fight for me I'm gonna be really [ __ ] mad all right boys it's time this is my mouth you guys want me to pick that up what do you think I've some got a bow and arrow [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here let's go [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] okay so I need to kill I need to kill the big guy last because he doesn't move as fast and I can kite him around and I can kite him around while I deal with the small guy because he does that charge I can just want to run that was pretty I think it's gonna be an easy boss for me to beat okay here we go sigh hideous so I run over and then this guy should teleport to me right oh the fact I can't [Music] I think that might need to use another weapon because like III there's like such a small window that I can damage them without taking damage I just I don't feel like I can really make it sure you know what [ __ ] that I don't even need to kill him let's go okay let's try this again yeah if I can't kill them in a couple of attempts I will explore okay guys I think that I can I want to be able to just do this on my own but I don't know if that's gonna be possible so at the beginning what's gonna happen is they're gonna the small guys gonna run to me and I can use that time to damage him at least a couple of times and then by that time the big guy will go into me then I'll remember their side and I'll repeat the process okay here we go [Music] [Music] too much damage there was a mistake [Music] [Music] we're just trying to recover right now [Music] [Music] is this a smart AI where the big one protects a little one [Music] I didn't know he could do a slash [Music] like I actually have a really really bad problem with like choking on things that's what happened I just choked I'll get him this time it's gonna be like one of those things where I get to kill him same time her light the other one in rages am I so bad like I was like I don't even need to kill this guy let's do it again no okay good I wasn't really sure but I kind of figured that might be the case just because it seems like it's kind of easy like it's not even like it's it's counterintuitive right the fat one's really slow and then you kill the little one then you kill the fat one I mean that's pretty simple okay let's go all right if this doesn't work I probably I probably just go saw my gear like I'm I'm kind of going in this [Music] like I still need to get used to like their abilities because so the little guy has a he has like a and impale and he also has a gonna overhead slash and every single time he's like done the run at me he's used to impale so I didn't know he could use to run at me with the overhead slash and that's what I've obviously got to figure out also if I have if I have trouble with this for more than like maybe 10 minutes I never I beat this boss on a couple of tries i will kindle the bonfire and I'll use the flask and do all that you know ya know it have nothing to with flasks like I basically have to beat I have to beat the first guy without needing to take the amp because if I do I mean not really but it's like if I do that maybe this weapons too slow [Music] okay all right all right we've recovered [Music] okay all right they're stuck in each other's head boxes [Music] like that was stupid I hit him there okay I'll be saturated [Music] so I guess I can't fight them over there at the altar because if I do that then they'll I can't use the pillars to line a site the guys charge okay let's try it again there's no one Rach shut the [ __ ] up all right one more pull one more pull then I go over there I look [ __ ] up I figure it out okay unless I have like a really really promising pull I'm gonna just go ahead and change up on here get everything ready to go I got that [Music] man like so that guy hit me from the back like I like that started out it was already scuff so I'm gonna do it again okay here we go Jesus twice and this is going so badly right now okay let me rest let me do up okay this is all right all right let me just get one good pull so I can say that I had a good pole please I hate how I can't run and like look in another direction because that would help me a lot because I don't know what that guy's charging me or not okay here we go not the best not the best way to start off but we'll do what we can I just got [Music] okay how did I get hit by that how am I getting hit right would you just like to recover a time between each attack is so high okay I should be good here [Music] I thought [Music] how many do I have that to [Music] [Music] wait no III didn't even click to make that ability go off like I'm no I I didn't even hit the button like this has happened with me a lot like right I do a second attack from like and I don't mean to do a second attack this is so [ __ ] stupid man I don't know if it's just like my hands not being responsive or what but I don't remember [ __ ] hitting that button because there's no way I would have done that on purpose whatever okay we'll do it again do it again okay after this one I'm gonna go ahead and upgrade my stuff here we go [Music] not work that damage but right now without a cover hopefully I can get away [Music] right now I'm just fighting on this fighting for time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I just I I just throw it so hard man like I don't know why I do that okay let's see I guess I'll use this the helmet and a silver Knight armor that's 12 points so can I afford 12 I don't think I can tell me Ted let me see where are my gloves silver Knight gloves that's probably about the same we're gonna switch over those see where I'm at now okay what about legs legs no it's a little too much okay I'll take off the gloves Scott think the gloves gonna be like a comparatively smaller game let's see okay I can't go black iron I'll just do my mother it was and that should be enough okay so I'll try this maybe this will help me a little bit more you know what if I have a five another good pole I will I'll Kindle the bonfire and maybe I'll help it's just trying to play like with everything behind me it's just like so weird okay I aim to take a second than just like kind of get the jitters out of me and just play the game like honestly I've had so many times when I play games where I could have beat the boss at the very beginning but I don't do that because I just get like I get like the jitters man and it's like buck fever it's so bad okay here we go recovering recovery [Music] I swear to God I don't know what this is [Music] okay [Music] [Music] I'm not hitting this like why is this happening like I come on [Music] [Music] [Music] that was my fault [Music] all right just give me like one minute I'm just gonna sit here for a second and just relax and just get the jitters out of me and just get another pole in okay why am I even doing this like I'm just gonna kid a little bonfire right now [Music] like I mean I obviously should do that like this boss is kind of hard to do I'm just gonna do it right now okay that's one and then I can Kindle because I guess that makes sense right because if if I have two of them one way to Kindle and the other one would reverse Halloween all right guys let's get this done I just need to get the jitters out of me I didn't think you'd have that wider range okay all right well you know what I've got nine which is four more than I had before so [ __ ] yeah I'm doing I'm already doing better than I ever have before guys I'm going into the fight with nine okay let's do it this sort is I feel like it's really bad for this fight [Music] [Music] but he can he can jump with that [Music] [Music] okay [Music] alright back in the game guys [Music] [Music] I just don't see how okay all right going over this way [Music] [Applause] why does this happen to me it's not time to greedy it's not that at all like I just I I can't [ __ ] like get this out of myself man okay all right we're gonna have to get the longsword that's a that's the solution here make you up right now I might have to I might have to use another weapon because I feel like this weapon is like the only good thing is it like it staggers [Music] [Music] this might have been too much let's see if I can survive [Music] okay all right we're back at it all right [Music] [Music] I'll take that I'll take that [Music] [Music] just a second let me reset that silly reset I'm resetting right now [Music] [Music] that the weapon is just too slow and like I'm not going to use this anymore it's not working I'm going to use the spear I mean it's very clear this is not working okay let's go because I hit him like twice okay all right let's let's go bold they cancel combo like I might do that but like why does it like am i just jittering and hitting the mouse button twice like I don't know what's causing these combos to happen I'm actually hitting it twice so it's so [ __ ] it like this is why I like this is what actually triggers me is like whenever I feel like I'm like literally just doing something I can't control that's like just hurting me okay stop [ __ ] [Music] you have no idea how frustrating this is for me like this is my office man like every game dude this is same with like like other like shooting games like ever yeah just start shaking like whenever anything serious happens and like my nerves just like can't [ __ ] handle it okay alright alright let's go let's go [Music] well okay I won't take that which I recovered [Music] Oh [Music] how did that hit me I was born [Music] [Music] [Music] 3d Andy let's go there we go that always really helps me whenever I attack three times really makes it a lot better for me [Music] I just got away from together I didn't hit that button [Music] I have a feeling it's not over [Music] alright let me see what this guy does [Music] so he really likes to charge is it you any ranged attacks [Music] [Music] [Music] start shaking and I [ __ ] I get the shakes I can't shake fine no mistakes [Music] but I didn't I didn't even hit that button [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] hopefully I should be better why is this happening to me like I I don't I don't get it like I'm not mad at all like I like who the [ __ ] cares like this is like Donny is the last boss we get it like the only way I can ever do things like this is if I don't care like if I care about anything I'll fail let's go [Music] here [Music] do they heal [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I didn't [Music] [Music] I just have to I can't fight him the hours my [Applause] [Music] let me see if I can do this better all right I just need to like the beginning there was so good and everything else beyond that was not as good how much more durability this is have 17 okay so I've got plenty of holes all right everything's perfect let's get this done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go again okay do they heal and whenever one dies does the other one heal yes n-no okay so nobody knows [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I might have to play this with a controller because I'm its I feel like I keep hitting buttons that I'm not I'm not hitting and I that's that's the problem okay so basically like I don't really know exactly what I can do really do improve exactly just keep hiding more that's probably the main thing I need to work on [Music] [Music] [Applause] I don't know if I can do this I feel like I'm probably just gonna be here forever you owe me gotta make it to the boss first [Music] [Music] around I just I can't get the shakes out of here like why [Music] hey man maybe Wow is more your speed okay it's not about like that and it's the same thing that would happen to me with the mage counter stuff like I had to go through like I had to get into Phase two for parole quite ten times before I could just do it normally like that's the problem is it like I have to get to the point to where it's embarrassing that I've been there for so long and then I'll do it perfectly because I don't care about the outcome because I get out of my own head okay [Music] like this is honestly like this controller stuff is like really or that this keyboard and mouse thing like I don't know if it's like just me being jittery or what but like I until like to cast spells and stuff and like do abilities that I'm not I have no intention on actually casting like this is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] you're gonna kill the boss or what probably not honestly like I don't think I'm gonna be able to like I won't be able to do it unless I've got so many poles on it that I have absolutely no anxiety and like adrenaline whenever I get into it because it's just it's like completely distorting like my thought process and it's maybe that's where I just I can't think properly like I'm making I'm just making bad decisions cool [Music] where no one on your face is surprises [Music] I'm not going to do the faster roll like this is so this is honestly I don't know like maybe I should just turn off the I could just like take off my headphones and do it without the bezel jesus [ __ ] christ I think the music's [ __ ] me up boys he's having a really tough biggest [ __ ] frogs in the chat bad hair look at that hair [Music] [Music] she's both thinking of the five get the table stood [Music] holy [ __ ] he's doing it he's doing it [Music] this is opposes the polka kill right here [Music] an anonymous give to a five gifted subs thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm hitting the bus I'm hitting the button it's nothing's happening I'm at full stamina [Music] wishmaker 50 with the 5 gets its up as well thank you Dad [Music] let's go chat let's go support our boy let's go right here beany daddy what the meanie ten gifted subs you're a champion [Music] [Music] [Music] this is it Dragon Slayer dies right here [Music] all right okay [Music] this is [ __ ] it boys you're witnessing history right here [Music] what is usually considered the hardest boss of ds1 he's got mission 100% [Music] [Music] get your [ __ ] Paul goos ready get your [ __ ] pogs ready get your [ __ ] monkeys ready let's go boys that's the same thing happened to his fighter [Music] [Music] [Music] this is [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wow wow twitch prime's gifted subs bit right now boys holy [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus Christ that was so like that was so close I I can't even believe it I'm I I can't believe it yeah Wow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you guys wish maker thank you very much the ten look at that [ __ ] dude Wow oh my god you're on Thank You Veronica ten I appreciate that I'm telling you man like honestly as soon as I get that out of my system I just I play like a not like it just makes me a [ __ ] it just makes me a [ __ ] man and I play like an idiot I play stupidly I make bad mistakes and that's the truth and that's what was happening to me there I made bad mistakes and I'm not gonna let that happen again wait a second speaking of the home nice [ __ ] job this is a very very nice weapon man oh my god that's a good weapon I just need to sometimes man I just need to get out of my own head and just start paying attention and playing well that's all it is okay go ahead all right let me go up to here let's see what this is now you're about to be rewarded with the greatest gift you could receive big old titties titties oh my god yes dude yeah the [ __ ] y'all talking about Neal hell yeah chosen undead I am Guinevere daughter of Lord Queen and Queen of sunlight since the day your father I have hmm [Music] that's [ __ ] it dude that's [ __ ] it and look at your souls yes dude yes that's how it's done boys succeed Lord and inherited a fire thou shalt ended this eternal Twilight and over on their devices she's got some big ol milkers dude hey can you do me a favor or show [Music] we go for this angle it doesn't work well that's good enough dude that's that's more than good enough man that's good enough yeah alrighty boys so how do I work between bonfires let me figure this out real quick ok alright now we're gonna go one vitality one endurance one strength I think that's a smart thing to do let's just do one of each one okay perfect and let me warp anor londo depths undead parish okay so I'll go back down below here and I'll see what I'm not gonna kill her bro wait there's no way I'm gonna kill her like that I gonna kill someone with that big that's like that's just wrong that's a crime against humanity or whatever the [ __ ] she is okay you have to not gonna kill her man not gonna happen see guys I told you like once I'm in the right frame of mind I just do it it's easy and it's everything as Roy just getting me in that frame of mind and then everything else beyond that is easy I think you guys can probably tell that by now let me kill this guy real quick I got stuff to do with the archer yeah I do okay let me kill this guy and I'll go up and kill the archer stupid by the way because he didn't guys thank you so [ __ ] much for all the twitch crimes the bits and the subs thank you guys very [ __ ] much man [Applause] yeah thank you guys so much like I really do appreciate all the support like the support from the Dark Souls streams has been and I honestly I feel like this game tells a better story than Wow ever could and it tells it in the best kind of way where it's like the person has a story about themselves playing the game I think that's the way what means the most there it is as I said what story well the story of success in overcoming adversity that's what really makes you remember things it's what makes you feel good about successes and feel bad about failures is that sense of permanence and value of what you do so if you if you feel like you're actually like earning something and you've you know like earn to success you know good about that that means a lot more than you know like something is some kind of thing that right I kind of want to just run around these guys I don't want to fight both done at the same time this is like a mini version of the boss fight okay let's go up here what is up here I think this my dealer the blacksmith is - I'm not sure you know it's it's own thing but I think that it certainly is it makes it special right here that here that [ __ ] [Music] okay let's go ahead and reinforce I'm gonna reinforce this one probably I just want to look at what the other options are so I can upgrade the crystal Holabird I don't think that's worth my time though personally let's say kill him he's fake nah dude I'm gonna do this guy right here I'm gonna land or cuz that's who I use oh no I just randomly hit that button whatever who cares okay let me purchase item I'll buy I just one of these and I'll buy maybe you know I'll buy another one okay and let's see modify equipments [Music] so holy [ __ ] 408 18k upvotes 625,000 down votes on the rewind what oh look a nice turn what a trash [ __ ] surprise you need to go the other black wait what go to Andre better much better I might kill one more just for fun so much fun I actually feel like I'm starting to play the game you know it feels it feels better cuz that's the door that was that before like I'm actually making some legitimate progress and I'm starting to get the ropes of the game wait oh we got dick boy on the loose can you hear me without your headphones take a second take your headphones off turn around okay I got asked Chad a question okay you guys made him use a fire keeper soul so do I do I tell him to kill her so he can get the fire keeper soul or not what'd you tell him mmm nothing continue on really so there's nothing nothing special nothing I should know about just uh nope do an oval okay yep hmm I see okay let me go over here so I need to go over to Andre to upgrade my longsword is that right so let me go over to the other bonfire and I'll see how where it where it takes me because I'm kind of like I really just want to like I wanted to just play like after I beat this game I'm gonna play it again off stream because I I legitimately have fun playing this game like this is probably one of the most enjoyable games I've played in a long time I mean oh I'm not saying I'm not gonna play like I'm gonna do both of them right I'm gonna play Dark Souls 2 & 3 now I'm gonna play blood-borne and there's a lot of other games like Red Dead Redemption which are three god of war some of those other games I'm gonna go through - it's just Dark Souls is the one that I wanted to start with right okay you know what you know let's just let's just not let's just not guys so it's not okay I think I go down here right yeah okay I I knew it was gonna happen let me see if I can to hit these guys now Wow there is Dark Souls porn that's a WoW for you is that really a Wow interesting if there wasn't that would be a WoW okay so it's one hint and this should kill him right I knew I should want to pick that up earlier that's so useful okay I'm just gonna heal myself real quick okay good good glorious victory alright let me go ahead and use this bonfire and I'll see if I can teleport me around and that's the other thing people are wondering about okay rest at bonfire came burger the princess was the one that we were just at an Orlando I'm assuming this is the one that's in between like the thing and then depths let me just go ahead I'm just going to walk over there and see where it takes me cuz I just want to get an idea of what what all this is I'm not going to kill her okay okay that's the one where I fought the dragon warp again Firelink shrine I know exactly what that is Tamara the princess undead parish I think this is the one where you fight the first boss it's on the left let me see [Music] oh but this is the other blacksmith this is a good thing okay well okay all right here we go seem to be doing all right there's no firing bonfire look I know that I don't know what happened okay [Music] okay so tell us wait tell who there sir spamming tell him I'm not gonna tell him shut the [ __ ] up you're lucky I don't put it in [ __ ] emote only mode you [ __ ] [ __ ] so I don't know if this is going to be better I shouldn't go raw no you always go raw here you got a raw dog it I don't know apparently I've got too many kids already so many people calling me Dad and chat I don't need another one true [ __ ] dude I'm trying to figure out this is actually better maybe actually this upgrade uh I'm gonna Google this man I'm sorry wait what what the [ __ ] no I'm fine I won't Google it I'm just gonna you know what you're right I'm not gonna do it I didn't Google it all right let's go back I'm gonna upgrade it up from my opinion so this is a 195 to 208 and this is what [Music] see it at the end to see the sea [Music] this is actually really hard for me to decide all right that way and that way is ten [Music] boys I think I'm gonna just hit it I'm gonna just hit it with the plus five man I'm gonna just plus five - [ __ ] [ __ ] it [Music] what I can't do it again why can't I do it again I'll get you so why can't I do it again you can try it again what the [ __ ] you doing it right okay yeah I am dude I just killed the boss it's great how many time that sharks do you have are you could you trade those in or something or what [Music] yeah damn damn oh yes oh my god just a minute so that means I can go by another words tight nights are dry just a second let me try this out okay so I rested the bonfire again came for the princess [Music] [Music] I got things to do what kind of idiot are you man the thing that happened there is not my fault all right okay how the [ __ ] did the the pillars are back how the [ __ ] did that happen you rebuilt it man like they've got a they've got a good thing going on here what kind of [ __ ] Oh what while you're getting it in both holes dude I sure AM I'm alright you know what I had enough of this guy's trouble well I I really don't like this guy I don't want to see him I don't want to look at him I don't want to think about him I'm done okay let's go down this way and let's see what the blacksmith has to offer me you guys I'll be honest if I didn't have all crafts I have to go to in just a minute I would play this game all day all [ __ ] day what yep gotta go do all craft how are you gonna play this and then [ __ ] go immediately talk about Wow all I'm saying is blizzard came out with their [ __ ] Survival Guide today did you see this [ __ ] okay alright three more I'll farm out maybe a few souls so I can get that ready and then we can start so next time around I want to tell you guys what's gonna happen number one we're gonna go into that forest we're gonna beat this [ __ ] out of everything in the forest we're gonna kill everything so give me a vice not kill if I Boston to coral content as the game goes immediately into a new game after defeating I'm okay thank you for the five dollars I will take that in mind nope um accounts content but you have asperger's shadow ever seen like ninja viewer level skip the kick-ass content don't appreciate it man yeah we probably need to cut down a little bit on that but everything's ok I know no one fights this point there are two options or in progress and already kill big lay and document censoring I don't know what that's gonna be okay and I'm gonna figure that out next time I'm on right tomorrow I'm not gonna be able to be on because I have to thank my dog my mom to a doctor's appointment it's unfortunate but there it is and that's basically it guys please go ahead and follow the stream everybody go ahead and follow the stream everybody followed the stream please go ahead and follow the stream everybody follow the stream also give me your twitch Prime subs if you haven't already and follow me on twitter slash asmin gold so on inventory yeah I'm gonna go through all those I would what and there's something else you want to say about your Twitter not that I'm aware of good what do you want me what do you want me to say nothing okay alright sounds good alright so anyway thank you guys very much for watching really [ __ ] appreciate it please go ahead and stick around for all crafts if you want to to show the idea with hot enrich and our guest today is going to be Bagheera and so thank you guys so much for watching really [ __ ] appreciated until next time please please
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 430,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, dark souls, dark souls remastered, mcconnell, asmongold highlights, twitch chat
Id: r9AucvTnOeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 44sec (13124 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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