Asmongold's Second Stream of Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin | FULL VOD (Quits the Game)

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yesterday we began this game we made a lot of progress we got a lot of [ __ ] done but it proved to be slightly more challenging than I would have originally believed and here we are again today on the second day ready to come back and fight and succeed all right give me one second here watch the punk rap video I've already seen that man play offline I have to play offline hackers are gonna come in to my games if I don't I literally have no option but to play offline alright so I'm gonna go over to here I'm gonna go over the original area and then we're gonna go from there okay you have to finish it I don't have to finish it I don't the thing is whenever I started playing these other games right and everything I we gotten into like this weird thing we're like every game was this like big commitment or whatever I'll play the game until I'm done playing the game that's it I I don't want to have like these like weird [ __ ] people telling me what I can and can't do like just relax okay okay let me go back down this way alright I've got to figure out where the hell I need to go so I've gone all the way down here but I never explored these other areas and I want to explore these other areas I don't know where the [ __ ] I need to go though so I'm gonna explore a little bit around okay so I don't have the key for this place I've already checked there that's good okay um perfect all right there these [ __ ] gonna shoot yeah I know listen dude I get it man alright one second I'm gonna put down just to early really good son do it listen dude people always say that I'm gonna really get into a game the only game never really gotten into was Wow like I've never been able to get into another game besides wow like on a serious level wait how did I get here yeah how the [ __ ] did I even get here was it this way I don't even [ __ ] know yeah it's been so goddamn long I don't remember at all okay alright well let's keep looking around okay nothing in this area here I don't like how do I run with this I hold this sword like such a [ __ ] man like okay so ty go this way a statue walks your way okay so I can't go this way and I think I quite oh my god yo I don't know how the [ __ ] dude I almost got killed by that like alright give me one second I'll turn on the other cam ride I don't know why the cameras keeps dying but uh I guess that's the way wait the webcams not working why the [ __ ] is it not working where's my webcam not working okay let me turn this on and off again and then you see if this is gonna work any better okay and there we go all right perfect sorry about that voice we should be good 5k cam by the way I know that man now I borrowed to fix it for two months listen dude I can't fix things it's just not it's not anything okay so what's this area easy easy oh wait I have to jump this oh okay I got lucky there I got fast feet dude what's this area here Oh what the [ __ ] is this so examine these things what are these while following wait is this a starter area wait this is a starter area I'll give a [ __ ] about starter area why didn't I do this at the start then I feel like a [ __ ] idiot okay alright I'll pick this up right here come on come on come on you can do it amber herb I I don't I don't like doing jump Smith Mike they actually get me so upset wait wait there's a middle level here isn't there I'm pretty sure there is yeah I didn't see this place before so how the [ __ ] do I get down there do I jump oh yeah I do jump okay that was easy what's down here open the door first I always like I I check everywhere except for the cracked rat I wore okay that's great I needed that so this is a boss no well then what is this oh wow what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude okay how the [ __ ] do I get down there wait that's the place with the statue there I can't even go that way so I could go up to there umm I don't know what the [ __ ] to do I can't do anything with this thing I'm just kind of exploring around like a [ __ ] [ __ ] now I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do like it was worth a try okay so I went here do I go down this way I just want to make sure that I explored all the other areas because like the place that I was out was really hard I'm honestly so dumb I'm literally the dumbest person in the whole world that's great okay so I can go up to there and I can maybe go up to here and this is where I originally came from right let me run back to here and then get my bearings again okay I go into this way I'm like 90% sure I've been this way before yeah I think that I've been here let me double-check by walking down this way and it should be like one guy to the right here right yeah okay all right so I've been here before I'm trying to I'm trying to get my bearings here and get an idea of what the hell I'm doing okay okay so try and go down this way let me go up the elevator I'll go up the elevator and see what's up there okay alrighty this will give me a bird's eye okay I've been here before shut the [ __ ] up okay I've already been this way so I've been there I've been here and how the hell do I get down there though so I'll circle around this way I'll see if I can go this way here Oh what's this have I been here before yeah I've been here before well then how the [ __ ] am I supposed to get over to the other points hey this is C trolling no I I just like I don't really have like short-term memory anymore sorry to explain it but I don't have short-term memory okay so I went here and I went there and I can't go here and I've been up there so that means that the only place for me to go is forward so I've cleared out all these areas I've done all this okay yeah I'm either no I I don't have any boutique on any of this we said no changes yeah well Blizzard wanted to do a few changes to classic wow this is classic Wow now this is actually scarlet monastery which is the crazy thing man it is completely went with a completely different direction okay so I've been here I've done this and what was down here again I know I know what's down here I just don't remember what's down here that's right that's right the key okay the key area was down here okay so go down here maybe I'll go to where those oh I know where to go I know exactly where to go all right this could be a bad decision but so I'm up here remember these [ __ ] boys I didn't go this way Oh that's a dragon boys we're gonna go after the dragon all right let's go let's go let's go let's go all right I don't know if I even want to wait for this guy oh wait why there's two guys here oh he left his area okay why do you do that okay uh F Kim okay I got it I got it all right just give me a minute guys I'm a little bit distracted okay all right what I have to fight both of them at the same time okay okay Jesus Christ man I'm getting destroyed how's this guy so fast with his [ __ ] with his sword oh wait if I have I just learned how to outplay this mob I think I think I just beat the game man bro I think I just beat the game [ __ ] idiot idiot dick boy get your ass beat do it see what happens see what happens do it see what happens oh why is he trying to hit me like what did I ever do to him like why would he like really why would I do that okay alright I got him he knows about I know about the [ __ ] I know about the [ __ ] camera okay I got it I'm gonna turn it off and turn it back on I don't know why it's doing this I do apologize this is the it's the way it goes for whatever other reason my webcam isn't working either okay who here wants to kill a [ __ ] dragon watch those two rich wait I have to fight two of them at the same time man this is not that's not like this is not fair man like this is this is complete [ __ ] like how the [ __ ] am I supposed to do after the [ __ ] man let's just run by everything I guess that's what I have to do wait oh I know how to deal I know how to deal with the [ __ ] caster I don't how to deal with the Contin - I've just thought of this where's ya I'm gonna deal with [ __ ] ass first come here [ __ ] ass watch this long day what the [ __ ] all I have to do is long dick a man yeah I'm trying clicking on him it doesn't want to do anything okay is bugging out there can only be one Highlander okay all right that guy's dead do it see what happens can't beat the little dog Wow Wow I'm terrible there's like there's like III went to hit him there what's a double clicking thing again yeah what's the double clicking thing I think that's what it was no there's no like you really think I just stood right there and got it got hit by him okay yeah I'm gonna turn on again okay I think that's the solution I don't know but I heard that's the solution so should I just run past these guys the reason I recalde them as I forgot about the chest I need to get this chest try the mace against armor what do you think I am a [ __ ] bring a binding what the [ __ ] is a ring a binding ring of binding limits HP reduction when hollow sounds good okay that's good right oh what's this I'm gonna run past everything okay I got past all these guys and these guys gonna wake up on me I'm getting past him now where's the dragon dude come here you ready gray to fight the literal God okay let's go Oh double mobs that's good I like that it makes it more it makes it more interesting okay he's got the double swing okay I didn't expect that this seems a little bit uh okay all right so so it's me and the dragon it's me and the dragon we tell you something about dragons I'll take care of it I'm gonna take real quick care come here I don't want to fight two at a time I know there's one oh my god come here I know you're here we all know you're here okay you have to fight with precision and force and r2 all right so I got through him that's good now this guy should reset what's this [ __ ] doing okay okay okay do it see what happens can't beat the literal God okay never mind alright alright okay that okay so I have to beat the dragon and I only have one Estes I don't know man buts good thing I wasn't close or anything you know [Music] one more attempt one more attempt one more attempt this has to be perfect I'm gonna go I'm gonna go full in I'm gonna go full in no mistakes nothing if I can't kill them here I'm gonna go somewhere else all right got one good this guy's not gonna chase me he's afraid of me wait what okay okay great hey that's great now I have to aggro him without our hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you you over there that [ __ ] [ __ ] yep houses whoa what's this [ __ ] okay all right I'm gonna heal up let's go come on I'm a [ __ ] Samurai dude okay all right all right there we go oh no no oh that's new got him okay all right that's good next we fight our way up and we defeat the dragon there's never been a dragon I've ever been afraid of okay I'm gonna play this one really safe okay I'm not gonna do anything stupid I'm not gonna do anything silly he does a three and then I go back into him I hit him once one two three then I go back into him I could have killed them there but I'm playing it very safe because I know that I'm good player and I don't need any handicap there we go all right good and that's another dead point all right now I fight this guy and this guy okay I did not expect that [ __ ] I think this is not gonna happen then like I'm just getting destroyed like if I take one more hit on dad okay all right inventory what do I have would I have the heel what do I have a divine blessing no he's fine that guy's going doesn't goes fine okay so I'd use a divine blessing I will use the divine blessing if I can kill this guy without taking damage if I can I'm not good enough I don't deserve to use it I'm not divinely I'm not divine actually should I just no no I'm good at this game okay like I shouldn't need to watch I will play this super safe okay my middle name is safety so I could have easily gone for the shot I didn't because I'm a good player and I know my limits even whenever he goes for the four doesn't matter all right good so far my camera keeps dying I don't know why I why that keeps dying I'm gonna turn it off and back on hopefully it's gonna work I'm sorry guys I am completely it I I don't do like the only thing I can do is stream okay wait I got Lou [ __ ] bout that alright I'm gonna use the divine blessing now this is a long boy so I don't know if I can handle this I've never fought this guy before I'm actually really nervous about this okay so it is one of those all right so let's see where else can I go I can try maybe here let me see if there's any areas here I will try that people say yes okay hopefully it is yes now that's how to [ __ ] somebody in the ass if you want to know all right so can I just ah you know what I'm not gonna ask for help I'm not gonna ask for help I won't I don't want any help so I've been here before okay I've done this I've gone down there this is why I fought that one guy and oops okay so this guy's dead yeah and there's this pathway here and then this led me down to some [ __ ] that's up there that I can't [ __ ] figure out who the hell that is so I'll go up to here oh no what do it see what happens try to beat the literal God you can okay maybe I need to go that way no I don't even know like Oh without the door these are the [ __ ] boys from Delp from door is a Diablo Dark Souls 1 he terrible I'm so bad I'm actually the worst player of this game okay everything's fine and then just make some space come here I'm gonna make some space I'm gonna use this - all right that's one hey I'm dude these guys never run out of energy okay got him alright that was a bit a bit difficult all right I got a torch I don't need that I don't open doors doors open me okay I open the store all right good this is a that's loud isn't it all right that guy whoa whoa okay that guy's dead too man these mobs are easier these are away [ __ ] easier this is a joke open up this door I don't want to fight my way through it again who's the guy on the side I know he is okay okay so we've got Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle on me do it exciting and variable game point that was actually very exciting because I didn't expect that to happen that okay got these guys perfect and I hear some [ __ ] I don't know where it is I'm gonna kill this guy first where is the [ __ ] on hearing wait Dennis who the [ __ ] is Dennis what this is a lot of [ __ ] for me to deal with at the same time you know this guy's sucks nevermind [Music] okay on the positive side at least now we know where to go F cam okay just a second I'm gonna go ahead and fix my camera again okay hopefully that should work everything should be fine right no issues buy a new one anyway I don't know how to fix like listen man I literally I cannot fix problems like I I don't want to think about it like III cannot fix problems it doesn't happen it's [ __ ] I know it's [ __ ] but that I am [ __ ] okay okay this guy's dead now I'll fight this guy who's also dead and then there's this guy too oh this guy who also needs today okay good did he kill pursuer I don't know who pursuer is bottom okay so these guys are dead and now I just get to move forward and not have any problem okay I can find it I don't know where the hell pursuer is I don't know what the hell that is wait maybe I just shouldn't go here what if I just go up to the top instead Oh [Music] let's go to the bottom okay so are they going to come after me like I don't know alright that guy's dead that was pretty easy to deal with I'll open this up and then there's this guy right here and there's a guy next to me so I'll deal with this guy first the big boy so wait for this there we go hit him once oh my god dude why am I getting so stupid about this oh my god I can't move okay all right we'll try it again it's just [ __ ] this is this a really good start guys a really good start all right try and kill these guys again got it got him this guy's last okay so now I fight the group of three good all right so all I need to do is go through this whole thing without getting hit okay that was good now we're making progress so we're just not even gonna go in that house I'm not gonna deal with that at all okay it's Dennis again where's Dennis there's Dennis all right avoiding that oh my god am I supposed to only have like one heel man oh my [ __ ] god camera died again okay can I get my kind of skip my webcam to [ __ ] work like let me see if I can get my webcam to work all right why is it not like it says deactivate like why does it say act like deactivate activate configure video it's not it's not registering the webcam unplug it and plug it back in hopefully this will get it to work [Music] I don't know what to do it's not plugged down so if I go to OBS click on my webcam I go properties deactivate and activate the weapon I don't know what okay there we go all right thank [ __ ] god I'm actually amazed that it worked like this that's probably the first time I've ever done something on my stream like that's technically related and have it work okay let me change this to here all right okay yeah I'm not a I'm not a problem-solver man okay so I don't know what the [ __ ] to do I feel like I'm just gonna I'm gonna die to these guys every time man like I just get slowly whittled down and then like that guy spawns he kills me and I don't know how to stop that guy from killing me like he just gets me every [ __ ] time okay let me try and go and I'll do this again okay all righty this guy here I'll ship them spawning kill this guy next nice jeez dude this guy just keeps going man it just keeps going why not from chat to find more flasks I don't know if I want to do that man that seems like kind of I don't know okay I'm gonna avoid this get out of that avoid this kill this guy okay damn [ __ ] there this guy's destroying me I'm getting my ass beat by a [ __ ] turtle okay I'll kill this guy now that guy is easy to deal with pick up item okay I don't even know why I picked up okay so this guy should be over in this way right okay where'd he go okay he's right there [ __ ] Oh what the [ __ ] is that okay got him [ __ ] got him holy [ __ ] okay now let's go let's move forward all right what is this a bunch of [ __ ] nothing not a surprise there alrighty oh oh these are my souls I forgot about these ok ok dude ok ok I got really lucky there holy [ __ ] I got lucky alright one second I'm gonna go and repair and get ready before I move forward at all ok I'm getting [ __ ] destroyed by these mobs man okay let's see and yeah I should be good alright talk to her yeah yeah yeah all right so I'm gonna level up my vigor to only 20 more points you know what I'm gonna get this ATP that people say to good okay ADP let's go with that and I'll be a I'll be a rolling boil I'll be a Rollie pollie okay no as to slash shards it's the way she goes traveling and now I need to go over to hear soldiers rest now we're moving progress now we're moving and now we're making progress this is what we've been waiting on good pickup item what did they drop a bunch of [ __ ] garbage so what's up here chest Oh what's this large soul of a proud night now I get hunters here okay I guess that's cool no not really nothing for me to go after here whoa whoa hey okay that guy's just showing up what up dude how you doing wait does that mean that I have to go up to the top [ __ ] I think I have to go up to the top Oh No Oh Oh come on this one I do oh come here see what happens [Music] damn that was a mistake so wow that was another mistake another mistake all I gotta do is wait for them to do that and they die all right I'm gonna pick this up I get a whip okay great these guys are a little bit kinky and a bastard sword great another one of those I've needed that solvent same soul of a nameless soldier and what is this here and wait so I went up here for nothing well how the [ __ ] do I get over there so I look over here is nothing over here I went down here oh okay I've been here before that's not good it's not good at all this is not good that's I told you guys it's not good I knew that was not good [Music] okay okay that guy's dead so I jump over to here go over to here I'm gonna get my souls back first things first I'm gonna get the souls back that's the number one priority here okay so I got the souls back now this guy that I deal with okay okay to cleave God dude all right got him doesn't matter so then I got to deal with this guy there it is oh wait what's in here nothing okay so [ __ ] so if I go up to here if I go up to here I'll get a bird's-eye view on where the [ __ ] the castle is so I feel like I should go in this area right ok so there's nothing in here and there's nothing in here I think I've been I've done everything here it seems like I've done everything or like I've done I've gone through everything in this area I'm gonna leave this area like I there's no reason to me and still stay here okay so I'm just gonna avoid all these mobs go up through here but then I went through but wait so is it up here maybe it's up here because I'm higher up in the air you know what's over there okay it's that guy because he hits the explosion barrels I don't want to have these potion barrels okay okay so I'm down here and now I'm safe deal myself up good so I've already wait I thought it was already here he already did these I already went there and already one here got him okay this guy's dead Jesus Christ how the [ __ ] did that help me I was in a wall what's up [Music] okay [ __ ] this [ __ ] nope I'm nope I'm done I'm going over there I'm gonna go I'm gonna take the other direction it's faster that way anyway I'm gonna go the middle area okay so see if I can go down here and kill these guys and then go to the same area that I was at before that's what I need to do I killed these guys and I move over here so I go to this place here I jump to there how about I can oh I didn't mean to do that whoa okay okay okay okay okay that's great always a good game always a good game now I fell down like an idiot I don't know how the [ __ ] I fell down like an idiot but I did got him okay I'm gonna climb up now and see if I can go this way so I don't think I've gone this way before what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] why everybody I deal with this got arrows that are somehow like they're like heat-seeking arrows like I'm in the [ __ ] matrix I've got to figure out where to go I've got hard people shooting arrows at me telling me where it okay I'm gonna go this way getting out of that one alright good now I go down to here good and what what's what's going on over here oh okay alright that was a little bit risky oh I'm sorry I was just daydreaming I think my name is kale I'm a traveller like yourself you push that Boulder down on continent to create a map why can't talk Rafi he wants well that's a good question when I first came into this forsaken land it was yes something about it was embarrassing I seem to have lost like the focus I can relate but I do know one thing for certain I have always been very fond of Mouse I came to this lands drangleic the lost kingdom it sounded so romantic have you seen the truth let's wrap it up tell me there's a rule this species Michigan oh I've made it my temporary home what has something of a squatter I'm free so this guy's just breaking into people's houses and living there mention I found a strange man I believe that it's a man of truth now I'm traveling the land to prove it yes that's why I came to the king right no that wasn't it then what I don't seem to recall were you looking for that map wonderful then you are fascinated by Matt I don't need a map I've Google okay where the [ __ ] do I go now I don't want to I don't want to hear any more of a [ __ ] [Music] all right I planned that yeah I planned that I knew that was gonna happen don't worry about it guys that was completely this is all part of the plan boys all part of the plan so I go over to here I do this jump yeah I can okay dad you that jump okay and then I go I do this jump okay and I'll get my soles where's the boulder so it's the guy up there again see he pushed the boulder on me yeah he pushed the boulder on me because the first time there was the boulder and knowers him the second time there's no boulder and he's not here either he put two and two together the [ __ ] pushed the boulder on me and people were saying I did something wrong listen I didn't do [ __ ] wrong I didn't do a damn thing wrong do it see what happens little God okay there we go wait I'll just go over here for nothing okay so oh maybe it's down there hey hey the hell was that for okay that guy's dead got him [ __ ] idiot use ass beat there it is okay good alright so I'm over in this spot here no I'm not I'm I'm too prideful to admit that I need help I do not need help I am not lost at all not lost [Music] go Bella jump the [ __ ] way what the [ __ ] oh wow torch okay that's great team an F who's this the [ __ ] this is a boss that's [ __ ] I'd like to heal okay now I'm gonna have to heal [Music] that's good uh we learned something all right I can kill him that's easy that's not a big deal [ __ ] out his bees ass why would I even go worried about that I watch watch I beat his ass right now you guys honestly think I'm not gonna be able to beat his ass I am the premiere ass beater in this game okay see that guy what he does get he got his ass beat Oh premier ass Peter actually doesn't sound as good as I thought it did yeah now that I think about it okay all right where's my souls cool kill this guy okay okay we're off to a really good start [Music] that's like three like I don't even know where they came from honestly I have no [ __ ] idea where they came from that is [ __ ] and everybody knows it like that is absolutely [ __ ] I'm not gonna I'm not I will not take that I will not take that as a death take that off the counter I'm gonna kill this guy and then I'll kill the next guy always attack with force and speed go to the top here see how this is gonna work all right here we go okay so I'm gonna kill this guy right now okay this one's dead and I fight these two guys here okay I killed them okay this guy's dead okay the guy isn't spawned yet okay all right let's do it wait esta wait what's that was that Estus flask then I'd say Estus flask no [ __ ] way where's the boss go over here so wait the boss got layered no we did the boss didn't get layered like he didn't get layered okay like where the [ __ ] did he go if I hadn't known this I'd have taken it more seriously I'm not gonna hit the [ __ ] barrels I already did that before I know what happens you get the barrels you die they blow you up nice try boys nice try okay so I don't need to go here this is [ __ ] this is [ __ ] why I literally can't even all wait wasn't I here before you know whatever happened to braking poise okay that guy's dad good great now I have a lot of health left so this is gonna be very fun for me okay so I don't go down do I good wait what's over here oh I can't go over here it's only one guy that's fine I can kill one guy this is just triple hit alright that guy's dead easy so I can't really kill this guy can i Oh what yeah I can't just come up here wait and see that got him alright so I'm assuming this is a boss I like a life gym I got a white gym ok ok ok um wife gym all right I will use one life gym this is it boys and I will quit my wife gyms as well good alrighty this is going to be quite an experience let's go ready it's not the guy isn't how does he do that Wow if he could fly why do you need the bird who's this [ __ ] why you attacked me don't attack me don't do that why would he attack Wow two attack combos that's impressive that's one more than most of the bosses oh that's the third one right there okay I got it ah [ __ ] [Music] I'm getting better with that what the [ __ ] okay so I expected them to not be able to move that far with the distance there but apparently that's not how it works okay all right here we go all right [Music] okay he's gonna do a pokey boys haha yeah right I think one thing we can all agree on is that I think very good times to heal [Music] I'm sorry in the panic I need to make sure that I don't panic okay calming down that was pathetic that was absolutely cuz I started panicking man like I got it in you know how like you get it inside you and you [ __ ] like you got that anxiety [ __ ] that's like [ __ ] just straight-up buck fever man straight-up [ __ ] buck fever like that's all it was like I completely embarrassed my eye there is no reason for me to of what that happened that was terrible like this guy this is the easiest boss in the game and I I died to him absolute [ __ ] whatever I'll do it this time it'll be fine three attack Andy and I lose okay go down this way I'm just trying to avoid as many of these mobs as I can hopefully I can get around this guy it's up here yep okay all right let's go let's go come on haha Wow there we go okay I'm tilted all right no more damage ciao nice shot duck duck [ __ ] one more more one more then I'm gonna buff up and tire way so I can beat him I'm so trash I'm so bad at this game like how did I like my hands are shaking III hate this man like why like why would my head why would I get [ __ ] anxious about such an easy boss by just about like getting anxiety about killing hall girl 3 attack combo Andi all I have to do is wait for him to [ __ ] do something that I just okay who gives a [ __ ] it doesn't matter I'm not gonna get hit by a boss anyone doesn't matter [Music] and seeing myself right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] ridiculous man [ __ ] ridiculous III can't I almost beat him on the first try I could've beat him on first by to see however okay let me just give the [ __ ] shark [Music] okay we level up might as well I'm [ __ ] dog [ __ ] anyway I needed I don't many [ __ ] souls is this one right yes this one okay let's go it should be fine now everything's gonna be okay I just I can't believe I have to use two of these now like if I lose now I'm just completely terrible okay all I need to do is play without making any mistakes I just need to I need to not choke right that's the only thing like I am literally like the hardest boss in Dark Souls is me I am the hardest boss get out of there okay I know how I avoided that I wish it cause this game I can write alright slow and steady when [ __ ] slow and steady wins the race [Applause] this is so instead II right just kidding just kill me III see this is what happens to me man is I go and I [ __ ] okay alright I just need to relax that's all I need to do is just relax and do it normally like I just relax and I'll be just fine okay [Music] okay so the idea of trying to kill them there was a bad idea let's go I can't believe I I just I feel so stupid now I feel so [ __ ] stupid right now and now I feel even stupider okay so I just need to do everything and not [ __ ] this up they seem to pay attention to the patterns and not start shaking if I start shaking its deaf okay here we go no mistakes [Music] that is not what I had wanted to happen try it again don't enough energy for role and do two hits I really I didn't know that okay I'll go up to here go around this hopefully I'm not gonna get killed by the same [ __ ] guys I've got killed by before it's this [ __ ] guy that [ __ ] me sometimes not this time not this time I'm gonna heal myself up and then we're gonna kill him all right here we go [Applause] a point where I know I'm [ __ ] embarrassed about shitty I got it up [ __ ] is this it's not that hard like I could have beat them the first [ __ ] time I played like [ __ ] literal [ __ ] [ __ ] okay where's this ring increases physical attack sounds pretty good okay common fruit oh boy it's exactly what I wanted common fruit Oh delicious okay so where's the where's the rest of this the hell do I do now I guess I should kill these guys right okay let's examine this alas nothing happened yeah a big [ __ ] surprise okay so I'll go up to the top see what's up here this better not be another birdhouse okay who gives a [ __ ] about that maybe I'll go down I guess I'll try and go down okay okay drain l'exil oh wow okay just a second let me see equipment oh what's drain Lake okay it wasn't apparently alright let me go back alright so drain like sword oh that's actually really good god damn that's really good holy [ __ ] yeah that's [ __ ] insane oops I need done okay so I might actually use that item wait did I go the wrong place maybe I'll go up toward the boss was that again okay no I'll go up toward the bosses on I have to fight fat ass here really come on [Music] I have 17,000 souls on the line to get back over there 17,000 no no pressure no pressure at all okay I'm just fine okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] you go up here come on please please please please please bottom so all I need to do wife Jim oh wow you're gonna like trim from that okay that's really good that's good for me go up to here oh I forgot about this guy okay well this guy did not forget about me easy easy do it see what happens this got him alright so I'll go through here again wait could I use the ballistas I've used this on the boss I could have right [ __ ] dude oh okay okay okay now what threw me on the [ __ ] ground like a [ __ ] now what the lost bastille we'll see what this has for me first you guys want me to use the armor i mean don't you guys think like a heart is an armored kind of like a crutch like let me see what it looks like first before i I don't want to go and I feel like armor is in a way a crutch it's all looks yeah there's no real reason to have armor I mean I guess alright people want me to use the armor alright let's go we'll use the armor people are really opinionated about this alright drain look me ok this seems pretty good so is 70% bad in Dark Souls 3 there's our souls - I don't even know like obviously this is really is it's bad ok so I can't use it because it's too [ __ ] heavy so like there's no reason even to think about it let me see what else can I use drain lit gloves ok I'll use this and then I'll use the while it's 71 ok I can't use that all right so all the rest of these things suck so I'm just not going to use any of this I'll just use the gloves and let's see if there's anything else that I can go with here alright this seems like mostly blues and kales homeless oh I like that I look really good with that sword so I'm gonna go ahead and use that remove shield Oh [Music] remove got it Oh 70 point for all right I can fix that I'll just go back to the original helmet the other helmets not really that bad oh damn yo I look good [Music] I think I know what I'm ready for my okay let me see you level up alrighty so let's see leveling up alright I'll get two points of vigor three and so I guess adaptation and then I'll get one point into strength okay this should be good perfect and now we begin and now we begin traveling the tower apartment what does adaptation do it does that thing or it gets the chat to stop spamming the [ __ ] thing whenever I I look at chat that's the main thing that it does is it gets people to stop [ __ ] annoying me about it besides that I don't know who gives a [ __ ] that's literally the only thing that I give a [ __ ] about okay yeah it's traffic quit complaining all right where do I go here I hate get what's the stupid-ass [ __ ] how the hell will I get around here do I have to jump [Music] what the [ __ ] do i do litoral god hi who's this what's that girl you haven't changed a bit a wretched place without good that's what she means to say it's sex this is for you human way a human effigy our land of mirrors surrounded by enemies and constantly at war yeah there is only one way up in the mirror joining the order improve selphie I've already done that my family had little fortune you know me I had to carve out a piece of the world for myself incredible two things my sword and my loyalty to my lord this is Brienne of Tarth I was raised to wield a sword from birth life was hard but I never gave it a second thought I had quickly attained respectable stature incredible and then I came here no I've never heard of them at all never yeah interesting interesting you bring that up and praise the hollow can never be human again they can't just use the thing one can skirt this wicked effect only with the help of the souls found here yeah I heard that this an amount of clothes that the legends are true I can only hope that they are oh well that's her face I'm sorry to burden you would talk of my feet I suppose I've grown weary these days crew I'm sorry thank God okay uh don't - keep listening this [ __ ] okay so basically nobody gives a [ __ ] and I don't care so let's go this way okay it looks like he's gonna attack me all right yeah actually old like he was all right funny I should ask I'll go and he'll hear he's too bad too bad boys easy another wife Jim of course this statue blocks your way all right all right that's I'm out of ideas that was literally my only idea okay so we go down a wall so this guy is probably not going to be happy about what's about to happen here neither am i neither am i okay so can't go down there so I guess we have to go down this way seems good enough I hate I don't like fighting two mobs a time dudes annoying all right and yeah I hate doing this too okay hit the barrels bro like I've hit don't you think I've had enough barrels why did I do that why did I do that so it's not down over here and it's not down over here is it the black barrel sort of the bad ones and is it over here maybe no like I don't want to run around just blowing up barrels oh okay that doesn't help me either oh oh we got him boys I suggest for that piece of [ __ ] yeah great I get to upgrade my weapon I don't give a [ __ ] about that okay about upgrading my weapon well how do I get out of the area is it's not weighted I go down here no I didn't okay so this is going to be a really really fun area here okay when I die I don't know how I didn't die there I do not know how I didn't die that was [ __ ] ridiculous okay I guess we'll keep moving this way as long as it's not for mobs that [ __ ] some bullsh it's gonna happen everybody knows it's gonna happen alright see I thought I just killed you why didn't we do this like a minute don't you remember why okay so I hate this game and it's [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I feel like Tsar Fang against Sylvanas let's go I know I do I did that again that's fine with me I'll do it again no really I do this that's some [ __ ] man you all know some other [ __ ] the fact that this dude didn't drop the sword he's using man that's some [ __ ] like it drop the sword man I don't know if I want to kill these guys without healing I figure I think doing that to mistake they're gone okay got him all righty let's go okay do it like come on man okay I didn't actually mean for him to do it okay okay okay dude okay dude so okay you know what that's um that's grime happy I'm happy that happened I really am you know what I'm gonna I'm happy I'm gonna go over here you know what I got like the large [ __ ] tight night [ __ ] I'm gonna use it I'm gonna upgrade my goddamn sword and then I'm gonna go back on Abby's dick off all right that's what's gonna happen where the [ __ ] is the blacksmith where's the [ __ ] blacksmith okay all right repair reinforce weapon so I need one large titanite chart and a thousand of the things okay so I'll go ahead yeah I know that okay all right so equipments items all right where the [ __ ] are they so large soul of a crowd night I'll use this as will probably give me a thousand mm great okay let's go back and reinforce weapon upgrading fire longsword is this the right item to upgrade though like I don't know yeah I feel saying it's not I don't think it is either 20 coin tight knife [Music] okay what else could I use so this is one this is 200 [Music] um but why is it not good because this sword seems like it's really good Halla bard I don't want to use that I'm pretty sure I can't buy twinkling titanite by item now there's no way I can buy that okay so [Music] what if I use the greatsword let me see how much let me see what the great store does okay just a second great sword [ __ ] is it where's the or is it to drain Luxor oh okay so unable to use it so what if I go to hand so I still can't even use it now or not alright so this doesn't matter okay I'm just gonna use the fiery sword for now okay and I don't really need to worry about that anyway actually you know what shai just upgrade the sword man [Music] I don't know what to do I'm just gonna upgrade this sword dude I don't give a [ __ ] man like the sword is I mean I've used this the whole time it's really good I'm gonna just go with that okay like am i if I'm a dumbass I'm gonna dumbass alright it is what it is this is after all an asmin golf playthrough so it wouldn't make sense for me to do it and not be completely ruined so this is okay alright give me a second all right now I'm gonna beat this dude's ass this time no more clown shift at a certain point you just begin to expect things all right here we go he's spawning I'm gonna heal up right now slow and steady wins the race but the hitboxes make you lose anyway then dodge will I press the spacebar it just didn't go off I don't know why it could have been my fault or something else I don't know I did press the spacebar for that okay it doesn't matter it doesn't matter I was gonna have to use one anyway it's not a big deal it's not a big deal okay this time we kill him this time he [ __ ] dies okay okay okay okay okay you just get him wait that was the thing that I did a bit okay who cares that was a first try guys that's what's crazy about it man it's like I got on my first try that wasn't easy quiet like let's be real that was an easy clap like it was not that hard I just just doing it wrong man I always play I was [ __ ] playing like an idiot oh oh wait oh I can't go up there go up here okay so what I'll go back we'll go back and somebody'll you want to start some [ __ ] with me I forgot all about him he didn't forget about me though apparently okay so maybe I should go kill these guys now again that guy got me see I didn't see him but he saw me that's great so I think if I just wait for a second before I hit him I can just keep him in a stun lock and I just let a little bit stamina recover in between swing and that way I'll be fine okay this guy's pretty far away now I'll be okay dude I'm so bad at range in this game like there's no no reason I should have made that [ __ ] mistake dude okay this same [ __ ] guy is here wait what fragrant branch of your okay okay how do I get over here shouldn't we got hit by those last ones but that's okay all right good now where are these guys over here I think I killed all these right nope it's right minus 16 K minus 16,000 that's great okay I am getting I am getting these souls back I think guarantee you I'm gonna get these [ __ ] souls back if you think that I'm gonna sit there I'm gonna lose my goddamn souls over this [ __ ] there's not a [ __ ] chance dude I'm not even gonna get hit by these guys that was not that fish you know disappear okay wait they're not all gonna respawn on me right wait there is for last night I was five that was my fault that probably helped me yeah that actually probably helped me okay these are like the easiest mobs in the [ __ ] game dude okay there we go all right royal swordsman whoops got him okay damn I'm getting all the Royal swordsman [ __ ] okay great I guess that means I'm a royal swordsman all right [ __ ] that worked real well okay I'm not gonna I'll just open this up this would be easy got him come on wait others two of them why am I not surprised they're running away hard they run away okay [ __ ] that so I want to go down here because I don't wanna have to fight through this area again got him pickup item wife Jim again I guess I should use some of these life gem song okay oh this is where I was that before I kill this guy [ __ ] em dude so I picked this up so love a proud night in the human after G okay that's good yeah he's in his house well it's my house now oh okay yeah we're not gonna go we're not gonna go that way that that's a mistake all right so I guess obviously the way that we go through the we have to go towards the white light that's clearly the the direction okay what about this how about this radiant life Jim I'll probably need that as well [ __ ] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put like [ __ ] I did a really good job isolating the first I guess I kind of have to keep going here to get my souls back but this is already looking like a already looking like a problem I need to get my souls back I also don't have any life gems now like this is really bad well that's the way it goes I guess I'll get these souls back I'm just gonna skip these mops okay so I go through here avoiding this got'em fast feet fast feet fast feet all right that was a little bit annoying but I got it [Music] wasn't an inn not like [Music] I was I wasn't even in that like III don't get it like I wasn't even in the attack it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense to me man all right I just have to fight through these guys I'll be okay I'm gonna try to skip as much of this as possible all right [Music] that's that's the way she goes that's the way she goes okay we're already off to a very very very good start just keep going [Music] okay so I just avoid these guys and I fight them one at a time I do it one at a time I can avoid these guys no [ __ ] problem let's go swing at me okay there we go all right perfect here we go keep it cool that's all I have to do is keep it cool and just be relaxed all I have to do is be relaxed and I'll be just fine got him okay do I have any more of the heels looks like I don't all righty so I'm assuming [Music] for that all right no pressure I got plenty of help everything's gonna be just fine okay why don't they hit each other I don't know I have no idea now if I can go into here with two heels I should be fine assuming I don't get a little bit too overconfident all right it should be no issue no problem nothing at all okay for some reason I pressed ctrl to jump there for literally no reason all right let's get this done [Music] come on back up come back up into my domain [Music] that was my fault okay okay I'm gonna make sure I do not get the shakes do not get the shakes no shaking nothing just play the game I have to avoid it's obvious what I need to do and how I need to do it I just need to execute the eyes have to execute the screen all right that you guys know what I'm saying even if I don't which I clearly don't okay [Music] [Music] okay one down one down another one to go [Music] they're afraid they don't want to come into my domain I don't blame them honestly [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna give this one more try just one more try one more 100% try one more try hard no it's not hard like the boss is not hard like the only thing that [ __ ] is me like as I said the hardest boss for me and Dark Souls is asmin gold that is the hardest boss everything else is easy okay there we go avoiding this yeah I I I [ __ ] my own [ __ ] up cuz I psyched myself out you know okay own heart was me well that that's basically what it is I don't know where that guy came from I didn't expect him to be there but hey it is what it is all right it's probably getting a stager yep it's good that you know his weapon just has a full full range you're not I mean okay let's go next come into my domain okay [Music] that was a mistake [Music] okay one at a time a wee damage I'm a wee farming that was a mistake I'm deaf I'm done I'm done I'm done the game gives me the [ __ ] shakes I get stressed out whenever I'm playing it I'm done we had a good time I enjoyed it but I don't like playing the game that gives me like that makes me feel like that that's all there is to it yeah I'm just I'm shitty at the game and that's it I don't wanna deal with it too much listen it was fun thank you guys very much for watching I appreciate it and until next time that's darksouls baby well it's just like I I get the shakes man and I can't like get them out unless I like go lay down for like an hour and that's what I'm gonna do one last try I'm not doing one last try that was my one last right thank you guys very much for watching I really appreciate it we had a good time and I'm gonna tell you guys something I'm very excited for Bee Gees to come out man just to sucks it's not really dad it's just that I can't say hey I just get I get the shakes man I don't know what it is about me but I just can't I can't get it out of my [ __ ] head you know and it just makes it like really weird and unpleasant for me to play it makes me feel weird uncomfortable and like just anxious and nervous I don't know like whatever it is man anybody guys thank you guys very much for watching I really [ __ ] appreciate it until next time [ __ ] oh whatever do don't give a [ __ ] alright anyway next time I guess I'll run some ads yeah I'll run some ads I forgot about that until next time boys please I'll be honest dude one of the [ __ ] most annoying goddamn things annoying goddamn things is I [ __ ] play and I do a boss and my first try is the best run because at that point I don't I don't have the buildup of adrenaline in me yet and I just I just do it I just do it and I don't think about it and then by like the third or fourth time I'm always [ __ ] thinking about it I've got it in my head I'm anxious and [ __ ] pissed off about the last time I died I get tilted really easily man I can get so mad so fast and I got to make sure that doesn't happen that that that's all there is to it Dark Souls 1 so much you hate Dark Souls 2 and 3 this is just a good game man that's all there is to it why I didn't want to like the thing is that there's so stream and what you talking about yeah but like at the cost of like that's all that stress anxiety people talking [ __ ] to me the whole time like what do I really get out of that you know what I mean like it I get a lot of people think that's like kind of cool or whatever but okay okay well how do I close the game there we go all right that's good Dark Souls 2 is so easy though it's not about being easy like I know it's easy that's why one shot the first two bosses but uh it's more that I just get stressed out about it that's all there's two men during some of the boss understand yeah yeah I can't really take a break like that's the way that I solve problems like that is I take breaks and if I can't take breaks the [ __ ] is this now [ __ ] did this happen well there we go the [ __ ] oh oh there it is I know it's good I don't know how the hell that happened so I palpitations no I don't think it's very palpitations like I just [ __ ] it it's just called choking dude like it's really that simple it's just called choking like III choke on [ __ ] I'm just dog [ __ ] at that how much harm do I get yesterday 20,000 holy [ __ ] god damn man yeah I did fine I just yeah I I I get that like anxiety inside of myself and I can't get it out and I don't like to I don't like to show weakness like that on stream it makes me uncomfortable I'm out of no more Dark Souls - go [ __ ] yourself okay nightmare okay all right all right I'll see you I'll see you next time I'll see you next time
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 56,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat, world of warcraft, dark souls 2
Id: cmfaMC-aPnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 55sec (8995 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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