Dark Souls 3 Randomizer, but you HAVE to equip every terrible item you find

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hello Gamers and today I am finally playing Dark Souls 3 and for my first DS3 challenge run I thought it'd be a good idea to start out with a nice and easy use what you get randomizing the way it works is that every time I pick up an item if it's a weapon ring or piece of armor the game automatically equips it and I literally cannot take it off like the function is straight up disabled by the mods that I'm using so basically my build is completely random constantly changing and if I for example get stuck with a sh weapon and some stupid 20 lb Shield that makes me vat roll then too bad cuz I can't change it until I find some new hopefully better stuff to replace it with and yeah that's pretty much it if you want to know the exact details on the random settings I used here they are on screen now also before we get started I have a very exciting announcement the little Aggie plush is here it's finally happening definitive proof that I am not a furry and that this is in fact fact just a cute little cat mascot character if you want one for yourself head over to my makeship page and Order him for $29.99 the thing is they only get sent out if at least 200 of you do it so please just do it dude look at them he's cute and stuff put them on your desk give them to your dog use them as a punching bag I don't know do whatever you want to do with it just buy it thanks anyways yeah shout outs to makeship for making this cute little guy and yeah go buy it okay enjoy the Run bye all right we're doing a Dark Souls 3 use what you get randomizer I've got the enemies randomize and the items randomize I've also got the auto equip mod so that it will literally instantaneously equip anything I pick up and my inventory is locked so I can't unequip it even if I wanted to also uh I installed poorly translated and it will be very confusing without further Ado uh let's start a new games your name invalid input the situation Canada category okay this is class that's a katana yeah I'm going Katana let's begin the end of the can I play the game with this character yes Ash bricks [ __ ] okay I'm good at DS3 I promise this is going to be deathless boom we got him hoay oh good nine D night night shopping malls that's just what we needed man all right who's our first boss oh God this guy oh my God okay before the stream I was testing this and I got this guy like every single scene like I was exclusively getting this guy here yeah do the fire easy damage oh I'm so dead use a man good fire again okay thanks fire again what is he stupid yeah I'm just going to hit him right the dick see him yeah the mod Auto equips and I I don't know why I didn't demonstrate this earlier but we cannot change the item at this time so whatever it gives me I'm I'm stuck with it talk to a longterm marble I can't wield it great yo it's Firelink Shrine hello fire not merciless happy one I Ranger I love banners and I love you the Lord therefore left all of his own existence which may be submitted to them for this reason I am around you yeah the poorly translated maada gives them all TTS voices I'm coming my name is Andre not really something that you open up a conversation with Andre okay now we're ready to Embark I don't have a coil uhoh oh there it is thank you okay there there we go to the high torso wall all right yo the km Sai geek cleric oh rip my 20 deck thing this may have been a bad idea okay bro there's no way that I couldn't roll past him though okay we got to get through this did he back up and up oh go go go go go go go go go onire doing real good Titanite more Titanite okay now we have a plus two which means Future Weapons should be plus two as well why is madir there I'm I'm going this way all right who we got are the bosses randomized in the cut scenes nope okay who is it actually then dancer of the valley of Bal you did not move very far she was feeling lazy dude DS3 bosses are so good actually let you hit them what a concept who okay nice Freeze Frame f a that was almost cool all right round two if we can second try every boss in this play through I'll be very satisfied oh God it's fine we're we're alive clut it please got it oh good sometimes you just got to greeted CH Banner is not on the list uhoh go to the dancer boss then hiar just let me squeeze by here who's this what is the world what is the world truly hey thank you yo did sparkling Titanite I don't have the bowl I don't have the [ __ ] Bowl oh sweet Christ check this out Boom the Quin cured well let's see who's it going to be the hold mine oh the final boss well that's good bro I'm kind of kicking his ass okay get I'm getting lazy oh God [ __ ] A that's pretty bad we just need to find a weapon okay find a weapon winning a raw hand axe look all I got to do is beat Soul of Cinder with a plus one how hard can that really be do it man I'm so dead why did I do that progress Z definite [Music] progress woohoo here we go again okay dude no kicking kicking is lame what did I say h gu [Music] C oh if I didn't resident maybe could have got there in time yes yes finally Jesus bro oh my Lord storm ruler oh my Lord he didn't even give us the ban no I guess we're going to Lo Castle a [ __ ] now what Roth Lake Castle I died ow oh that's just [ __ ] great just drain my HP forever why don't you oh my God I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] screwed and I just cycled out my H's ring and now I'm fat it's never been more over nice so mask oh thank God so uh is the game try to tell me that I need to go to Lo and lauran oh there's DSA right here right got to do DSA first well here goes nothing oh boy this game hates me huh this game game hates me that's not happening that's probably a chest great the key for after Madar so the banner might be after him I actually can't believe how [ __ ] this seed is this Shield is 21 lb lb The Shield is 21 lb all right here's the deal we're going to go to Osiris uh if it seems like something that's doable we'll do it all right we got four okay well that's about as easy as it can be still pretty awkward the fat one small shortcuts and come do not be afraid here we go ow buto I can't even move bro [ __ ] [Music] bro go go remember blast GG that was not the banner they're not key items they're not going to be the banner dob what is that oh hello Crystal cream if this boss is anything harder than like a basic [ __ ] rat I'm screwed what do we got good alrich the god of love you know what I did more damage than I thought I would at least ow ow ow [ __ ] that hurts that's for the best here we go yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep I the arrows I no one loves them Ambert we can win this no why would you do that right now I hate you ow come on why did she heal from that oh it's [ __ ] up stop [ __ ] doing this beat this [ __ ] right now I swear to God if she arrows again I just need her to not Arrow one [Music] time yes wo okay good stuff I still didn't get the banner Jailer Keys sure okay uh that was it the only option I think I have left now is to kill Mader and uh I have a plus zero weapon okay let's just attempt to fight madir and see how poorly it goes oh God that was Omega early [ __ ] I could kill this crab over and over again oh he dropped something please a shield that's huge we only have 32 weight now thank you crab and now the damage is the issue it feels a little wrong to just Farm enemies for drops but I don't think I have a choice King King Cathedral uh that works all right let's see how good this thing is 219 in the head she all right that's the ticket dude that was yellow damage not the double tub this is definitely the winning build [Music] what's happening oh face two oh [ __ ] oh my God as soon as as I finally kind of figured out how to handle mere we got the [ __ ] butterfly too this is [ __ ] crazy it's just my damage is so low it's just like it it gives meder enough time to eventually do some random [ __ ] one hit KO shove me off the ledge thing you know like it's inevitable that it happens eventually okay okay okay good boy keep doing these attacks we like these attacks not that one I me the ball well guess I'll die or not wow look at that careful the ledge oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no yes meatball no oh no what that's not the direction I said yes yes yes my God it's over it's over oh thank [Music] God we did it we did it holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that was the worst thing ever also he didn't give the banner yeah the banner is going to be on Twin princes we all know it is into the great archive surely the banner is here somewhere what the [ __ ] what what is that bro holy [ __ ] but I mind sending you your DS3 random ao. Tex to see something something soft lock not the soft lock all right there you go sir I sent it to him you're waiting for Matt to come back and tell me that I'm [ __ ] he's not going to say that I have full confidence well don't okay don't say well like that Matt why would you say that yo plus three holy [ __ ] what kind of weapon is this it's a normal one wait I can totally level it up then that's huge Plus seven that means Future Weapons will be up to plus seven check DMS okay Matt's Matt's giving me some info oh God oh God oh God so from what I'm reading according to Matt it's basically so I'm running two randomizers right the autoquip randomizer does not consider the shop ashes as key items whereas Matt's randomizer does consider them as key items so in one of those shop ashes is the banner and we were supposed to get that shop ash from Champion Gunder but the way the other randomizer works is that it's just got a giant list of items that it'll sequentially give you and so the zantis ashes which is the one that has the banner in it is like the 900th item in said list so we can kill the crab 900 times and it it'll eventually give us the thing based on the item we got last I am 658 drops away oh well uh oh there it is we found it well that was just stupid anyway I guess that means uh no twin princess for us for now so we we'll be back later I'm going to go have fun dude all that time wasted vers mere and I could have just come back later with like a way higher level weapon y this is where you normally get the great scyth oh no way no [ __ ] way what are the chances of that this is actually unironically my favorite weapon in the game all right who we got Abyss Watcher unexpected password close up oh my God look at that beautiful damage get him boys just want to use the real dirty oh Dam all right phase two actually the easiest video game of all time we are about to fly through the rest of this randomizer okay so can someone uh jog my memory here and tell me what exactly I need to find to finish the game yo dancer dancer I love these things I just need to find the Ford Lord senders and they could they could just be anywhere so like I I could get them from the next three bosses or I could have to go through all the DLCs yeah so far we have lothric Lord Cinder soul thing there he goes rip that guy can be honest guys I have no idea how to get through the swamp so this might take a hot minute protect furland let's see up next is normally this Watchers who we got oh the champ or is this Udu no this is Udu isn't it even better Good Old Judge Gandhi can I Parry oh I can check this out B bro I'm sick with it and boom yo the ring ring plus three oh [ __ ] yes just zooming on along into the catac com coladas this is the dumbest [ __ ] in Dark Souls 3 by the way [ __ ] climbing down the broken bridge [ __ ] that oh well rip every evening well now what I could go to waler or we could just search around oh yo POG bad error plus one there we go she God's water oh wait wait I actually needed that oh my God that was one of the Cinders dude thank God I bothered do you have any idea how much of a headache that could have been okay so we are officially halfway done with this Rando infinite chunks oh my God infinite chunks I can get this to plus 10 boom boom boom boom let's go oh and I can go to the twin princes which I probably should while I have a maxed weapon wait should I just do that now instead of this yes all right who we got Sage well that's going to be easy is he even going to cast a spell oh see I'm looking for purple magic one right and N [Music] nice oh oh it's two phases oh okay well good thing that phase one is super easy so even if this is bad oh that is why our curse is so oh God oh God I mean it'll just be this phase of it right it's not going to be the really bad phase this one you just play keep away with freedom just beat up her dad yeah we do big big damage I'm kind of getting smoked though all I'm going to say is thank God we figured out that Banner thing before I subjected myself to beating this with a plus one weapon boom Oh [Applause] [Music] okay wait I have to do free to phase 3 too oh oh I was I thought it was like a separate thing okay I would have been a little more careful if I knew that dude I was I wasn't even [ __ ] trying right this will be fine we can handle this I thought it was oh well there I go one flash going a dream jet oh yeah dude that's cake easy [Music] dck [Music] boom should I man I'm going to man [ __ ] it whatever it was [Music] worth okay one more yes do this stupid [Music] [Applause] move ow oh God I'm dying to the stupid [Music] move how did I know the back slab wasn't going to work Green Green Let's Go okay death quills Joo plus nine turns out we did not need to do that but it was cool GG's the sea oh hello nameless King okay here's the truth about nameless King chat this boss is actually so easy he's a fun boss I like him but he's he's definitely pretty easy [Music] boom GG what a boss unnamed ID who we got someone's glowing down there Rich son suicide battery oh hello DSA is it insane if I say dragon slayer armor is a top three boss in Dark Souls 3 ow ow I missed oh my God I went for the cool guy jump attack finisher and I missed [ __ ] it I'm doing it again ha let's go GG algorithm we got the algorithm this is sure to be a YouTube Banger now I guess we'll get the athl bonfire and then I say we double back for pontiff it's crazy to think that this could be like 10 more minutes till we get the last two Lord souls or it could be 10 more hours it just depends on the luck of the draw really rather not 10 more hours okay this is already much longer than it was supposed to be sorry Josh oh not half light oh God Hello Goodbye tall man ow oh look who oh boy everybody loves half life see you all right you and me bub ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow why why what run it back ow ow just spamming R1 is incredibly effective vers those guys oh yo we poisoned him nice he's already dead there's nothing he can do bye-bye see you later a so sad GG okay aldd here we go oh oh I was like halflight we've already done a halflight oh it's this [ __ ] oh this kind of [Music] sucks oh my God this boss sucks he literally just sits on Shield kick him I I just just remember that there's a counter to this right number one worst from soft boss of all time wow that's a bold statement parking this guy's definitely pretty bad though there's the doggy hello doggy oh good the doggy doesn't have any sound effects that's helpful yep yep yep yep yep yep wow what a fight another Frum off m Masterpiece what was that okay would really help if the dog had sound effects boom you me doggy boy ow Good Start okay literally what is the dog doing it's just like insane Zoomies the whole time oh my God go for it I'm so dead unless please GG let's see there's like one item up here right and if this isn't something important this was a total waste of our time this was a total waste of our time so now if we kill yor then the grand archives key thing spawn so maybe we should do that I think I do actually have like all the Jailer Keys though so I should be able to check everything here ow shut up stop who asked for that hi Carla sure you see you are not a normal person and there she goes good plus four I don't think it's good at all this thing's 18 lb I don't actually have the gesture do I no I do not have the dragon gesture I don't know at what point I'll get that but we kind of need it colored knights with wings Eastern sillen divy all right let's check our shops oh God's water that's three okay dude suddenly we're almost done with this [ __ ] Carla had a key was that a key Contraption key Paul give me that all right who we got for y g godamn team oh it's this guy again okay hi champ now wait can this Parry NOP oh [Music] God okay not the greatest start of all time it's fine W yo I'm sick with it that was clean let's see Crystal sagge I guess Crystal sagge oh wait hold up before we do this uh the grand archives key is there now yeah bam oh it's the other Banner for ringed City okay I think we're going to go to Crystal stage now oh it's deacons wow this is really creepy and just a bunch of bros in the middle of the Woods oh big boy here okay okay okay okay just Spam we almost got him no no healing [ __ ] you GG what a fight truly one of the Dark Souls 3 bosses you good the then you must be Asian you must huh well that's racist my husband is in cool and the land not right now buddy dude why is my ass so fat what does he you doing with all that that's like an abnormal amount of ass yeah red hammer Place 60 oh my god dude what are you insane who the [ __ ] has 60 strength do anyone else drop an item dude let's just go to the boss maybe maybe this will do enough damage anyway loud Zoo who the [ __ ] oh it's you I probably need a weapon I can wield for this though I wonder if the shield would be better probably not actually yes yes it is that's more damage and way faster well now the only problem is that I'm fat rolling but I think we can handle up he dude this guy is scaled way down he's not hitting very hard I'm pretty sure this is just going to be laurian I don't I don't think lothric will be here that'll be a separate thing cuz there's a cut scene in between [Music] them oh okay I guess he's dead GG now what do we go with Gail oh that is not what he was wearing a second ago people do not fail did he say something racist again I wasn't even paying attention God damn it Gil well okay you slurp this up hello oh you just came this new hold on no no no no no no no no no what okay I'm going to run away as quickly as possible oh oh finally come get a good no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh it's vill anybody bro I'm sick with it holy oh it would have been so cool if I did it twice in a row oh [Music] [ __ ] okay I got over confident what the [ __ ] was that what did I just do I just ran up and sat on him and now I'm buff I I guess sorry my wife oh the crank hello sir what you got there Old Devil King easy peasy oh look how squishy this dude is actually wait this is going to be two bosses though isn't it okay well we're getting pretty lucky on easy vase one bosses at least hey greet it greet it greet it come back wherever you are these are the same things they do not belong to okay kill him bam Dam oh [ __ ] me great and my favorite boss how do I always get the two-phase boss in the two-phase boss [Music] boom all right the devil's Prince yeah that's pretty accurate honestly ow oh right the Sun yeah this dudee [ __ ] just Spirit bombs you okay I'm going to say the sun one is a bad time I I think we want laser one so I should kill the devil's pain first [Music] huge all right there's one okay oh is he lasering he's lasering okay well time to hit him in the crotch for 5 minutes oh or [Music] that oh God he's doing it he's all the way over there though [ __ ] I disagree come on bam yo GG that's only like third try not bad it was totally unnecessary we did not get anything important from that oh oh is that how you get here yeah I've played Dark Souls 3 before Oh I haven't done grav tender in the in the first DLC though I should maybe do that first all right who we got oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I can't I can't plunge attack actually that damage is pretty good the randomizer reduces his health to 5% I mean he's he's really not doing jack [ __ ] this is the easiest boss of all time this dude really has no answer for just hitting his ankles huh GG which bosses remain gaale pontiff and yorm oh and lothric plus lauran wait and the Greatwood okay here we go here [Music] oh okay there's the Bros hey guys oh God I forgot I have a whip okay this still shouldn't be that bad I just want to know the thought process behind why whips are the way they are in this game like they excel at literally nothing and they don't even feel like whips they're just [ __ ] also wow they are not doing much [Music] huh all right get him whip him [Music] good ow I forgot that did damage also why are these guys Chinese I mean I guess that's what Gail was saying he just didn't mention that he had two husbands yo he stood up good for him why are they doing [ __ ] all of a sudden it's a bit late for that dude just just let me have my win please boom Oh [ __ ] boom there we go [Music] GG rip the whip ring aesti that almost sounds like it could be a real place honestly okay so I'm trying to remember what exactly the critical path here even is can't be that hard to figure out though just just keep going where you haven't gone and you'll eventually get to the end bro right ow ow I just took that fireball straight to the face huh I didn't even attempt to dodge it old snake I'm dead see we want to go over there and then theer shows up oh god oh the best ring is finally here I swear they put that in specifically to [ __ ] with use what you get runs I'm dead I got to find four more Rings before that gets cycled out I probably just have that [ __ ] for the rest of the run this is really bad okay there's one ring that didn't take long where do you normally hide is it here oh God get in the cave there is madir going to come back or oh no right this Mader is at Loth so we just get this guy instead okay oh there he goes goodbye my friend there we go okay well we're going into the madir placement with four heals and a ring that makes me deal or take double damage surely it'll be fine who we got there's only like four potential bosses left it's frea phase one hello Freda phase [Music] one where did woman go [Music] a b her so I'm going to look around some before we do that seems like a good idea to me let's see halflight it's really either just one or the other boss huh or we just go somewhere else entirely who this pontiff pontiff Fen okay uh fun fact about me I [ __ ] hate ponti and I suck at him so I'm not super pleased about this like this part's fine okay that's when he gets the shadow clone out okay thank you P it's when he gets the shadow clone out that it's problem okay yeah uh let's go somewhere else circle of life oh wait yeah that's a ring I didn't even think about that okay two more Rings until we're free oh here's a bunch of items help me carp okay ring yes yes yes yes yes one more yes oh my God that's so lucky that was almost three consecutive Rings dude frankly if I was the viewer and not the streamer I would say that the streamer is cheating let's go back Pon for Freedom what a choice let's do Freedom First all bring it on lady [Music] and [ __ ] GG freedom and we got another whip great just in time for pontiff all right check this out I missed I'm sorry my whip did how little damage it's plus 10 I don't know why there's no music but it's pretty awkward okay yeah another thing I don't really love about pontiff is it's never your [ __ ] turn imagine not liking pontiff this is what Dark Souls 3 is all about right here wow mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm mhm [Music] mhm the [ __ ] silly meme I should have known that was going to turn into the blender oh he's not even really that close to dead no blend no blend no blend what you got to be kidding me ain't no [ __ ] way bro die thank you oh my God what a mess and there's the dragon Jester oh good wow this seit is so cursed is a knock out Gail real quick and then get going ARS Dragon Peak who we got who we got who we got who we got this is going to be two- fa boss I think so the black ons dude attract bro what is this dude's problem with race oh hi Osiris I forgot this is a boss wow he's tanky as [ __ ] oh no that's bad baby smash in time there it goes Jesus this dude might be a problem ow nice Stacker boom please let me get this repost his face is in the ground okay cool oh whatever it was still good damage okay phase two I would love a yor here yor would be pretty chill assuming it gave you the storm ruler who else could it even be this Blood dark blood uh the tree of course the tree comes with the guys any ball poppers no we should pop his hand ball first there we go boom it's a very awkward boss there we go does he get new balls down cuz normally this is where you'd fall underground yeah yeah new balls hooray why is he so loud this guy is like stupidly loud right big Damage Big damage oh yes and dead GG just give me the last Lord cender please of course not there we go oh Gail hi Gail Roo FL wa okay well there he goes just run my ass to aess King are there actually chests here oh God the hollow that guy the weakest dude here oh my God oh my God thank you we're free get me out of here at long last it's not all bosses it's all bosses minus one put them in put him in put them in one two three and four the first oven so our final weapon is going to be a plus five dagger huh oh it's Y no it's not our last weap is going to be storm ruler [Music] baby Why didn't it give me storm ruler oh well that's just [ __ ] great all right we're doing it the hard way how bad could have possibly been pretty [ __ ] bad okay surely a better weapon would be better right extremely fried knife that's got to be good let's do this [ __ ] 88 damage on the leg 221 on the arm damn that's what I'm talking about okay now I just need to not be an idiot oh there it is Holy okay D you really got to hit the arm I mean one would think that the head would be better but apparently not oh phase two oh [Music] God PL plin pla boom boom boom nearly there who big [Music] jump like one more yes oh my God it's done oh man uh the file is a fire please do I have a fire truck yes yes I do this file is a fire honestly [ __ ] dumpster fire blazing fast 26-hour randomizer use what you get speedrun the best to ever do it GG [Music] [Music] GG
Channel: LilAggy
Views: 781,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, dark souls 3, ds3, randomizer, use what you get, ds3 randomizer, dark souls 3 randomizer, use what you get randomizer, use what you see, use what you see randomizer
Id: 6_luquIyQLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 48sec (3588 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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