Asmongold Reacts to DS3 Any% Speedrun World Record [33:23] by Nemz38

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is Jesus all right here we go all right this is one week ago man show new fresh content completely new anime I haven't stuff it's fine the netsuke I think this is probably gonna be the fastest one right and unless somebody beat his record this week which is really unlikely okay here we go so he's starting off he takes off his gear this is for completing the game any percentage whatsoever all right so the beginning here is probably gonna be battles same okay so he runs around that guy he gets the flask right there I don't know why he got the flask I guess that's for like manna or some kind of [ __ ] I don't have mana so I don't understand that part of the game I don't know him so let me go down here okay yes but yeah I turned it down a slight bit okay I think this should be good yeah so he goes around here he rolls right past that guy that guy falls off the edge he's probably gonna get the souls from that guy never mind no he didn't I have no idea what I'm talking about okay so he goes I'm the first boss here so he has to pull the sword out of the first boss hey Stevie now he's mad so he's doing a little he's doing the pokey boys on him right there and then there's the big guys waiting for stamina Oh what what come on what the [ __ ] what the what hey onyx he just bet he means money he parried what saw total mmm instead rope howdy that's crazy okay so city uses the amber he's run away he's going so fast there's guys on the left guys on the right he has to avoid both of them so he's going up to fire link he goes oh wow look at that that [ __ ] ninja [ __ ] he didn't even get near that arrow actually arrow did get pretty close to him there he's immediately going over here talking to him right there purchasing item so he gets the homeward bone and that way he can teleport back over there he's immediately using the sword while he's using a sword he's changing up his armor to make it exactly the way that you want to protect area this dude is playing the game so [ __ ] fast look at this secret must be on earth was pretty rng dependent I mean they all look at that orange a dependent really hey blame 6 for mom I'm free subdued my mom's are blocking POG all right so now what that's with glitches ok we'll see what happens ok so he's going out of here he's gonna start back up again [ __ ] backs kill Emma wait what's what why are you asking pardon there's a stream of 26k viewers hey just a big streamer playing the game wait what who's he talking about me no just a second what the [ __ ] Oh [ __ ] backs Kellerman that's that's so weird dude if that's true what there's a streamer with 26 K viewers hey just a big streamer Flanagan Wow dude this is so weird they're actually talking about me in the video I'm watching what the [ __ ] [Applause] place oh he's running down there he's picking up the resin oh wow okay my husband he landed right there so we didn't take any fall damage going around here and this is where the dragons at and he's gonna do the [ __ ] breath okay yeah okay so you go around there look he's just god damn man and they just he's gonna fight this I [ __ ] hate that mob man like that was the hardest thing for me to get through okay so he goes around here and you shouldn't get right to buy this watch just to be feather okay okay I'm dropping so many frames when I stream well with that guy said NIMS should i watch your skill or as mond who's about to be raped by abyss watchers I wonder what's gonna happen oh boy okay two tries boys it's insane oh boy I know he's bad at the game but still like when you're so level do you should be able to do it especially with like a heavy weapon audience to watch as pontiff and dancer how did you teleport down to the bottom or what yeah how did that happen I mean yeah I mean of course I'm bad I started so well I thought you had to go fight bored after this oh he's not he's going over here oh wait maybe I didn't go over here I don't even remember I think wait what oh wow wait what the hot drink too much soda oh my god okay a dream damn that that's easy okay so he's going down to the bottom here avoiding that attack will get that perfect [ __ ] avoid and he goes down to the bottom here and this is where it's gonna fight the boss okay yeah now he's gonna fight bored okay where is he oh okay alright this is this is the beefy boy hide in them this guy was hard for me to deal with okay moving out of that well he's doing a lot of did Wow so he just gets right up Jesus Christ man he's just going apeshit on this guy okay I think he rolls out of the I never how is he rolling okay so he gets he literally just poked this dude to death with the bet with a the starting weapon he poked him to death with a [ __ ] starting weapon he's weak to lightning I could have used that okay all right so he's not already at the undead settlement I'd already know I never think this part took me like two hours it doesn't like to come hits really okay so going around here and then notice of the dogs he just runs right by the dogs oh he killed one of them maybe a full water conducts electricity yeah but even talking about ice not water that's two different things so we're getting around here okay okay picks up charcoal bye oh he's getting a lot now I don't want which to have any money so here's the equivalent of two subs hi squidgy thanks for a 5-pound man that's annoy f1 switch to happen ripped alright thanks oh five pounds man so oh just got hit Jesus come on wait taught in 1 seconds wait what oh man I didn't get it [ __ ] wait what I never went over here oh my god this is completely like this is totally different oh this is wrong there's a bunch of Spooks Bentley [ __ ] so it oh it's a law arrest inside of them so ok alright so he's going through here talking this way he's going to a special area just to touch this girl okay Ellen so we got prayer okay yeah opening up the gate she's good I never figured that part out I thought if you jump down there you die Wow hey Dad I okay it's okay we're getting we're getting through all righty um time where are they talking about me whoo okay so he jumped down there oh this is where the guy is remember this guy I spent so long trying to kill this boss right here watch check it out there's this beefy boy right there that guy was such a [ __ ] hey just runs fine okay okay he just runs by him okay that's great so I I spent like three hours a night [ __ ] okay when you're that big of a stream I very much need something just rolled right right through there that's great okay let's keep going I find it extremely meta that they're actually talking about me in a video it's so crazy okay so he's going down here and this is where he fights the abyss Watchers right let me see I'm charging so he goes right around here he just he just skips I cannot I just I can't get over like how much does this [ __ ] like you just completely skip it's crazy okay hey just Walt okay it is rolling dude hey just knows where all the sparkle boys are at he doesn't click on the ones that you don't need to click on he just cooks on the correct sparkle boys and none of the wrong Sparkle boys only good Sparkle boys is even gonna get the bonfire ok he got the bonfire alright at least that's somethin are you surprised he's like super leveled he does what's he doing why is he killing her oh she's gonna lead them off the edge okay dude oh okay Wow okay so we just let them run off the edge after him that's smart that's what I should do wait he got a sword of that oh what the [ __ ] okay purchase item oh well what the [ __ ] okay tell me that all right got it Wow and he's really good cuz I have to sell the MPUs he's using the teleport to get over like 10 feet because it's gonna save him time overall gotcha it's time okay okay alright let's keep going we'll see where he's gonna go now alright here comes ooo in reset the reset okay so he's going around yeah these are the mobs that I was dealing with these guys took me a long time to kill but I actually did you believe I can do it's nothing to do with believing this skip is just [ __ ] what the [ __ ] nice wait let's go what he's just puttin the weapon on and off I don't even is this a cheating Andy Nikki what are you doing I'm supposed to be on the [ __ ] plane what what about the abyss Watchers what why'd you have to kill a knife I know you so well I wouldn't call that 100% oh you're asking for a hundred percent oh okay okay it's any person you know I get that it's just insane I'll watch the DLC and boss boss runs after this okay cuz I do want to see the other bosses I don't really care about going from point A to point B but I just wanna see the ball go out to the Apple swear yeah you said you're talking about some sure and he just goes underwater and and this way he doesn't take any of the poison he's just going through everything this seems like almost I don't know guys is this I don't think this was intended because he's he's he's under to the ground right and usually if somebody's like under the ground like this that they're not supposed to be under the ground like this you know what I mean like I've never seen a point where this is like what you're supposed to do and he just like the thing about this is like there's like a pathway in his head that he's doing it in and that's what's so weird is that you have like this idea it's insane okay okay dude oh okay okay dude all right okay so I'm stream I'm just focusing he's just focusing he's good wow what the [ __ ] dude so he's just literally wait this is where pontiff was that right and you're a thought yeah this is it but where is he where's that all his characters invisible most of its PvE yeah yes but he okay okay okay so he what how did he just go through the wall he just he just walked through that he just watched and he just walked through the wall because I can't do the no collision we expect me to talk about during this stream today I'm not gonna be okay I'm focused so he just avoids everything and he's going down here I don't even know where the hell he's at um yeah I'm actually confused as to where he is right now I don't think I ever went to this there oh yeah yeah I did I did okay so it's just way too ain't just immediately into the game so I guess he could avoid the spirit I can't even fuss no silly no I'm not solely just focused he's not salty okay it's just [ __ ] stupid see ya see how that buddy she probably stopped watching speedruns if you think Lich's and [ __ ] bad cuz that's literally every speedrun oh boy oh boy happened yesterday too many things happen Esther Wow okay so finally opens up the gate and this is actually alright so there's no more glitches or anything like that and he casts a spooky thing and that way he doesn't take any damage she's even gonna kill a sparkle boy no damage on sparkle boy avoiding Sparkle boy now that didn't sound like it was okay so you just end the game as soon as you die and it doesn't even matter okay so he's just going right back over here alright and this is oh wait so he's already so he's already at your I did how does he get over it okay only took fall damage with spook okay all bosses is way better spirit well yeah but it's an hour it's it's an hour long video I I think that's too much man okay so is he gonna try to jump all the way down there why am I not [ __ ] surprised like honestly why am I not [ __ ] surprised to just skip the bosses in the video I'll skip two bosses I'll look at all the bosses in the speedrun after I do this one okay and that way I don't have to watch through the whole thing because that would just be way too much Wow okay alright so we're through the cheese we are through the cheese he's actually gonna have to do the bosses normally okay this is this is very difficult boss okay so here we go so he's gonna do the slam he just runs right under it he picks up the sword puts it on Wow never [ __ ] Mitchell's gonna step now Wow I wanted to stand right there ever was a time they just kill him over and over you know uh easy like let me get one there so [ __ ] alright okay and he's he's dead the boss is the boss insisted the boss is okay the boss is dead just killed the boss alright I mean to be fair I killed that boss pretty fast too okay look I mean come on you know it's not really that hard but still ya know I I did as soon as I figured out about the source I beat his ass dude hundred percent like it was a joke so what's he doing now what what is he trying to show off now he's trying to show off how lucky he is okay and only I think like well what the [ __ ] how does that even happen okay whatever alright so now what are we doing okay so he's going down here and you just exits the game am i slide off here I jumped off her ele let's see so now what it's a bleed build wait what luck increases blood damage that doesn't make any [ __ ] sense so he's sitting on that wait so he ran directly on the tree okay okay so now he's gonna have to go upstairs I'm assuming okay and who's he gonna fight after this he has to fight Aldridge here's funny hair so pointless but okay sighs you'd if you get hit by an hour so so it's just it's kind of not pointless you guys are they doing position Jesus I did it so easily it was long a joke I don't think I even got hit this entire room that's crazy how good I was at that room let's say you go up there no he's not cheating but this place is actually insane but no joke you guys I'm 14 seconds away from my some of us right now like how's that cheating if you're walking through walls and avoiding bosses and not even having to kill them like since when is that cheating guys like come on grow up and he's just sweet wait is that an Orlando what yeah it's pretty worth it full C you can survival them your money Dom I can't remember okay I know you survived on that what the [ __ ] dude cover usage of game mechanics yeah this is the game mechanic of being invisible and walking through walls that's one of my favorite once I want to see whenever you put all the points in the luck I thought he was just trying to showboat you know show how good he was but know it that's actually a strategy what oh so if he goes to any elevation he can walk over the he can walk anywhere as long as he's at the same elevation so we can't go directly yes okay that's what makes sense oh boy oh boy I need us to run to that Wow that was a close one holy [ __ ] that was a close one okay let's go up to the top right and there he is yeah so it's like any L oh now he's going over to Aldrich so in any elevation he could just walk directly it doesn't matter he's like Superman walked on air BAM ended up in with it Jesus so yeah he's like Jesus he's really lucky - Jesus was lucky - I mean what the hell besides the crucifixion thing like that was a flash try yeah you know can't get a can't win them all right but just overall if you wanted to like take an average oh he's pretty lucky guy wait what oh oh of course walking through the wall how could I forget give me money mugging me okay now he's gonna fight the boss right wait is this the time of the year again guys we need another new controller donation goal can we do it donating now to be part of world history control friends that he funded the controller that killed the any percent category in Dark Souls 3 oh no thanks for the 5 pound on there Wow um damn this guy is really good at doing this boss Wow what the [ __ ] is this I I think this is really funny actually and this is [ __ ] hilarious oh wait he's dead Lord of citta award of cinder has fallen he's been vanquished by them oh he's using that for the souls and he's gonna go back let's see if he's gonna put more points in to luck okay let's find out he's a very lucky guy weapons scales with luck yeah it's just not what I would expect right okay so now what so he's going up is this where the library is oh he walks over them because if you walk over them they can't hit you because you're like an airplane so this guy's like an airplane drive like I would make another joke about airplanes but I won't do that so he goes - no no it was about the Paramore song every [ __ ] time I'd never make a joke about 9/11 that's terrible yeah that's disgusting I would never never do that yeah absolutely just vile thing to do so it just goes right up through there oh and this is where the Dragons are at what nice try nice try okay so he just he randomly put on a hat so how's he going to avoid the dragon wait so he rolled the breath since when can you do that wait what the [ __ ] dude I'm dropping so many frames is insane he just okay um he rolls it you always could oh oh oh okay okay I I see that now didn't know that invisible so is aggro range is lower oh and this is where the boss the Dragon Slayer guy is at Santa walk no Michael Jesus tonight walk right by welcome dude I mean why deal with the boss I mean there's no reason to deal with the ball why even spend your time killing the boss okay have you seen a demon hunter dungeons runs yeah I've seen that okay so he just picked up that item how Olli gets the key okay he got the last bonfire yesterday needs to be done yeah what's upsetting to me about this is the fact that it took me a while to understand him like basically every five minutes segment is a day for me like an entire [ __ ] day okay so then he's just and he kills that that to have that sparkle boy intentionally he goes all the way up here avoids a chi if they have the fire thing on their head that means they're dangerous okay so he's getting more twinkling titanite and that's so I guess he can upgrade his weapon a little bit more boy oh boy okay all right let's go I could see my framerate right now it's actually so bad I'm probably like I'm honestly like at further FPS right now this is so [ __ ] bad okay so bad wait why do you knock over that thing he's trying to BM the library okay so what's the plus three for TL o plus three on the weapon and forty luck I'm assuming let's see okay so he's going down this way and this is where those three guys that I had to fight we're at and these guys are actually really hard for me to deal with okay let's see how he's gonna deal with them holy [ __ ] okay she's alright and then that's that weapon ah got it okay shrine bonfire oh and he takes the elevator down so we can okay this is I mean guys just sit down again at a certain point I mean you don't [ __ ] okay let's look at the rest of these okay so he's getting alright so he goes 39 walk oh wait I thought he was going for 40 I'm gonna lose so much time because of that man yep that's right run is [ __ ] over it's done okay I actually no joy that [ __ ] Thomas a lot of that is a swear to goddess frame right whenever I die it's the same [ __ ] thing dude every time like if I ever die it's the [ __ ] frame rate man like whenever I died on a nameless King those 39 times [ __ ] frame rate it's absolutely disgusting so what is this here okay okay so you forget to send the collisions the whole feelings of mobs and give that [ __ ] and he's just yeah oh is he gonna have to fight wather ik oh okay okay this is an actual boss here we go oh I got such insane fire up there I feel him fine the flame okay all right here we go yeah all right this is a boss it's boss time now let's see how he's gonna do it welcome fly in the [ __ ] game rather than actually playing the game so stupid yeah okay here we go so he's putting out he's meet he did this thing what you just walk around him what but yep so you're telling me I could just walked around them the whole time I okay so he says oh boy okay so he rolled right out a dam okay immediate avoid right there and he's hitting both of them at the same time how the [ __ ] oh he can only do that from the back I guess wait what the [ __ ] oh my god okay okay all right that's the way it goes you know that's the way it goes that's 39 luck right there so he just damages him down and it's [ __ ] nothing okay so he goes back artist who's gonna have to fair and keep perimeter okay got it action is coming yeah yeah anybody that does better than me is lucky that's right um yeah all those attacks was lucky you dude trust me like if he had had to deal with my combo he would have been dead hundred percent okay so now what so he's going around here he rolls that guy that guy does the breath it doesn't even matter and he just goes right through but he didn't like the things but now he's always doing how he's gonna fight the abyss Watchers ok watch see that wait he's just staggering him every attack see that's smart I told you guys that's how you handle it ok and then there's this guy here we threw a bomb at him Wow ok jeez dude I should have used that I would have killed him on the first [ __ ] try oh my god but dude this was like my attempt except for I got hit by everything yeah like I killed him but I got hit by all the attacks ok so now what so he's lighting the fire got it I don't know why he did that but who cares and come on wait is he where he already wait this is its wait he's about to go this is why was that today I just did this boss wait what the hell is he doing I definitely didn't follow that [ __ ] time and if I did this game's [ __ ] trolling okay so oh my god what the [ __ ] it's [ __ ] gari man Wow [ __ ] Wow all right that's what happens when I'm quiet dude my focus let's go that's so ridiculous here here's a video here's the video everybody go like the video what in the [ __ ] man the literal God I thought you free 23 33 23 it's time Wow okay looks like it's holy [ __ ] god damn that's actually crazy could've been bad that was good time I was a good room so how many bosses did he beat legitimately I was the first boss board and abyss Watchers right oh and lothric so no I I guess yeah he only teased a couple of bosses that was pretty good I don't know really what to say man it's pretty [ __ ] ridiculous that somebody can do that like III don't even know what to say man it's just insane
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 820,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, nemz38, dark souls, dark souls 3, asmongold reacts, reaction, asmongold highlights, asmongold watches, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Id: VIK6vjTcWxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 23sec (2483 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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