Asmongold's Seventh Stream of Dark Souls 3 | FULL VOD

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last time we failed I won't make any excuses I won't make any jokes I won't make any rationalizations we failed my stubbornness got the best of me I refused to adapt and I failed [Music] guys it's time to beat the nameless king if I cannot defeat this boss [Music] I will quit the game [Music] but there's something you guys should know about me I want to finish the game and whenever I bet on myself I'm always betting on a sure thing [Music] yeah I took off my armor I did a couple attempts on them I'm ready to be him I think I can do it [Music] I'm not gonna do submode or anything right now you're gonna sit here every single one of you is going to sit here and you're gonna watch me kill this boss there's not gonna be any kind of [ __ ] we might do something ugh later on but I want everyone to be here whenever I slay this boss [Music] [Music] as you can see my armor has changed that's what I'm gonna do right there you see that see this you see that that's right let me turn it down a little bit I think that actually that that volume should be good see that I don't get hit I'm not getting hit anymore let's go and [ __ ] up no excuses there [Applause] see boys it's just not easy the fact is I didn't start rolling I didn't start rolling at the beginning I could have beat him so much earlier I had done things this way if I had chosen not to it's easy rolling didn't make the game hard for me made it too easy I don't make mistakes I don't do anything wrong going to be the literal god I have to learn that fine steaks it's not that good got perfect not that good if I can do this time I've ever seen what do you think you stab me what a joke it's not going to get it by that Oh that's why I didn't roll make the game too easy would I lack in dexterity I make up for in knowledge is it better to be able to avoid things whenever they happen or to know what's already going to happen I knew everything that could happen I just beat it let's go let's make some progress I will continue fat rolling for a lily I don't know do you guys think you know what I'll let you guys have a little I didn't think I'd get it that early it's just right there all right I won't fat roll reinforced weapon to the highest level so what do you guys think I'm gonna take it back obviously the fire link should I should I level up the mace or the sword what do you guys think the macer this sword a lot of people say sword oh ho all right which one's better 347 okay 260 fume sword or the ultra heavy I don't know man like I really like playing with the mace though that's the thing but I think the mace like I've used the mace for a while let me use fume sword right now I'm just gonna practice with it a little bit and I'll see what it's like and after I do that I'll get an idea of like kind of what to expect and if I'll enjoy playing with it right let's see I'll put the sword on let's just do a little bit of practice and we'll go from there how about that guys I think that's what kind of makes sense let's go with old sorcerer Orko shadow garb that's pretty [ __ ] shitty but we'll use that anyway I really actually I don't like that chess piece what other helmets can I use let's see is that and then go back and then maybe use this other check oh no it's just it's way too heavy I don't know man it's really hard for me to decide but I want to do here look what do I have on right now let me just put on neither a helmet that's 19 an isoquant 4 who gives a [ __ ] okay let's just practice the sort okay so it has the exact same moon set as the other sort but is it longer that's the concern I have is that the sword might not be long enough for me to like it [Music] let's see how long it really is actually let me use the the ability and see what that does to imagine if I hit somebody with that dude holy [ __ ] dude what's this sake it's like a dream praise the Sun that's right let me just I'm gonna use up my man I'm gonna get my mana back here oh let me level up traveling I'll travel back over to fire boy and we'll get this here good Oh guys here's the thing right it's like I get upset like I the thing is I'm very stubborn and I don't like changing what I'm doing and it's very hard for me to decide that like do I want to do what other people say or do I want to do what I want to do and like these types of things really like annoy me and like get me mad so it's very hard for me to like kind of take that and be be reasonable and I understand it's like it's not really a it's not a good trait that I have but it's just who I am right check the boss eyes oh [ __ ] dude okay let me go check the boss items right now okay you're not stubborn you're artistic well I'm very stubborn okay like for like I have planned I had planned originally to kill the boss fat rolling just to show everybody that I can [ __ ] do it just to show them [ __ ] you I can do it but then I was like that's gonna take a long time I'm not going to get it right I'm gonna mess it up on stream and it's gonna be embarrassing you know so I decided not to do that okay what do I get from the guy alright umm nameless King prisoners Shane Dragon Slayer great spear okay what else can I get oh wow this is storm curved sword [Music] what's this what does gun-deer also allow me to make gun tears Halliburton I don't really want that let's see what else can I make with gun deer okay that's it so this could be a really good ring what is that's vigor right and endurance and vitality but take more damage does it show how much I take more a prisoner who has stocked everything and believe should I use this this is a rhetorical question of course money [ __ ] use it okay let's see demons fist I don't care about that let's go back let's go back I don't I don't know guys it seems like kind of a stupid thing to do to go with this but we will anyway increases maximum HP you know what let's go ahead and just use this other ring instead where does it called there it is wow that's a long health bar holy [ __ ] look at that okay alright let's try this out boys let's try it out okay let's go back over to the nameless King and I'll make some progress I don't know if I'm gonna use I don't know what I want to use his spirit on yeah I'm not really sure yeah we'll see what happens okay everybody's spamming me to do something I'll look around behind me okay and if I don't find something I'm not gonna find it I will look around do not tell me where to go I will figure it out myself okay I'll practice on this guy right here okay we'll see how good the sword is what the sword Wow these are kind of hard to deal with maybe I shouldn't use the ring that makes me take more damage I don't know if this is really better than what I was using though we'll hold on to it for now okay let's look around and we'll see if we can find something okay there's nothing that seems to be over here let's keep looking around okay there's that say I don't see anything over here I'll just kill this guy right now see before with the other weapon I was able to come in one hip and now I'm not able to do that so it's pretty disappointing okay oh I never went up is this the dick-sucker with it hey hey hey hey hey hey hey okay here we go that was a real dangerous one there all right let's see we've got I might have to actually use the hammer for this what of this is the afk I can't trade okay and he just rolls this guy just wore our one spam than me this is impressive [Music] okay [Music] and he's he just Wow I don't know if I can beat this guy what guy throw a bomb at him I him 426 okay there his armors off okay good okay all right all right we're learning now okay nice fly [ __ ] okay all right no more mistakes no more mistakes I just I arranged them see that he's gonna go for it I'm gonna go for it there it is there it is there it is here's the dick right now no I'm in hitting them right now let's go let's go face to face face to face [ __ ] that's right dragon - what does that obviously I did kind of play badly there I you know I'd never fought him before I could have done a lot better there okay let's say dragons [Music] that's a big boy that's a big boy okay let me see what the shield does let's see additional effects raised this shield in silent prayer turning users body into a solid acids - massive stone that's pretty good actually perseverance wield their resistance to magic and fire yeah that's pretty good this guy real yeah he's afraid okay let me lick this here another tightening slab [ __ ] yeah okay yo yo should I upgrade the sword or should I upgrade the sword there are [ __ ] is boys okay I'm gonna upgrade the sword and the mace let me look over here if there's anything for me to check no there's not Hewett that was actually a pretty difficult fight I so basically let's go where is he he's afraid dude I don't blame him I'd be afraid to I'll give him one second to get over here okay let's go come up to me I'm waiting take off the shitty shield the shield helps me a lot with stamina regeneration that's why I use it I don't know if there's any other shield that would be more useful where is it [Music] call me the nameless king all right let's go so I'll go back over okay I'll go back over and now I love Lupton mace and I'll level up the the other thing why even juice let's just do both of them actually scripted yeah that was impressive though the guy was using the exact same armor that I was using my boss I don't know I mean like the thing is I'm just gonna play the game the way I'm gonna play the game right so I have you attack a few sort I have let's go over here and I'll see what I can do for upgrading both of my weapons like why even choose now let's reinforce oh wow wow that's a beefy boy right there holy [ __ ] that's big let's go with the mace oh well there it is look at those numbers okay be careful all right from now on you guys want to see some mace gameplay or some sword gameplay I'm more comfortable playing with the mace but I will play with the sword if people want to see it everybody wants the [ __ ] sword alright I'll give the people what they want I'll use the sword okay the mace is really good though because it's CeCe's enemies with like the Frostbite so I don't know if I'm always gonna use it but we'll try this out okay all right here we go let's look around and see if I'm missing anything there's nothing really here let's keep looking around I'm worried there's gonna be something that like spawns in the middle here or something like that okay by the way like doing nameless King with the two-handed weapon it's really hard because there's like almost no windows that I can hit him in unless I have to be like super precise Dragonslayer armor oh that's the that's the armor from the guy right yeah that's the boss from the first game Oh wall here that's obviously not a wall okay so not a wall there that was a that was a confuse use it okay I'll look at it guys just a second okay show item info Golden Lion helmet associated with Dragonslayer Ornstein from the age of gods that was whenever I was playing the game and imbued with the strength of lightning and the dragon was aged to the nine who long gilded guarded the Rouen Cathedral left in the hand and searched the nameless key so it's a hide item info yeah I mean that actually seems like an overall it seems like an overall better item damn okay let me see the other ones Wow ah that's a little bit too heavy yeah that's way too heavy for me okay let me see what else I can do for the other pieces dragons there's gauntlets sure I'll use that and let's see what about the legs nope too heavy I'm the Lion King let's go invisible wall here all right okay let's keep going [ __ ] gotta okay I'll fight this stick boy coming over here right now let's go come on you know you want it why are you trying to hit imagine trying to hit me like what a rude person do it there it is I don't want to look at him anymore okay read message pilgrim ahead okay sweet message a pointless okay so let's see pilgrim ahead I think they want me to use the gesture but I don't [ __ ] know let's get out of there jeez yeah this is why I wanted to use the the mace the mace is a lot easier for me to like kill two enemies at a time but Yugi I don't fight two enemies so it should be fine I'll just keep using the sword since that's what people want okay where did I get out of here wait nothing ok I'd even see this titanite scale great ok so there's nothing in here dual wield you mean I can do wield swords there's no way this seems pretty stupid guys like I don't know about this because I'm not even using the other weapon like when do I use the other sword I don't it's literally just in my hand okay I'm just gonna put on the shield guys this is that that's stupid wait oh l1 oh I see okay so how would it work so then but that's blog oh but what's the point I mean I could just hit them with what I don't know I feel like it's just yeah it's so dumb I can explain okay I can explain I clicked off the screen and I ran off the edge okay like that's what happened I clicked off the screen I ran off the edge it was stupid but there it is let's go get my [ __ ] back I don't want to fight the the little dick suckers again either they make things really hard to deal with okay I don't know where I'm going hey guy I really don't know where to go here let's go kill the the necromancer I'll kill them often a necromancer and then we'll get I've got the dick boy here what's up bro do it do it oh [ __ ] he's trying to parent imagine trying to parry as a gold my sword is so big all right let's go where's my where's my soul's okay I got him back great okay I've gotta fight this mob here do it roll up I think that I already know where I'm at though because so I was already right here and wait a second this is a starting area and the gate just opened and this is that gauntlet area so I should be going back here right area complete okay all right great let's keep going I had no idea that was easy dude like I do feel a little bit silly using this ring that makes me take more damage though I don't know if it's a good choice alright so let's look at where I need to go now Travel Dragon Slayer armor wather at castle let's see okay I guess I'll go back time okay all right I didn't seem to know where to go all right no more hints guys we will continue doing what - no all right no DLC I don't know where like I mean you guys have to you guys have to guide me come in the right direction like I don't wanna have it be like chat please Dark Souls or something but I also don't want to be as Minh gets lost for three hours either so let's see I'll just explore around here because I don't think I've done this yet Oh tight night chunk okay so yeah don't don't help me right now don't help me right now let me just export this on my own okay this is an invisible wall guys right here see it it just it's so invisible I can't even see it okay nothing over there nothing over here maybe there's something up wow this is a nice area Oh there's another bonfire alrighty what's this here so guys I want you to answer a question with a warmer or colder answer whenever I saw a Dark Souls PvP video I saw a guy who is dueling great sorts and doing whirlwind am I getting warmer or colder to getting that item good I need to get another Titan slab let's see I actually need to get a lot of souls and farm those out it's like an level weapon up okay what's this huh oh yeah there's a is it just better not be a sword boy can we fight this guy why am i why my soul like on the ground these these things are aggressive these are wild animals yeah I just got known okay where am I getting attacked from hey let me go up here I can't get that item that was lucky I'll be honest that was totally lucky okay let's go up here okay um can I go on here catch him by surprise what surprise all right there's a sparkle boy nearby I hear him that's not a sparkle boy do it do it see what happens I'm terrible I don't know why I didn't I didn't sagar him on the second hit I guess maybe I staggered him too much okay let's see crystal chime that's I'm like 90% sure it's a caster weapon this by looking at the name I hear on that where is the sparkle boy maybe he's up above oh these are like the polls except for there these are danger folks that's holy water Wow a lot of help okay got him who's this Montgomery monk not right now Montgomery I'm in the middle of a very important chase okay 10:8 skill that's good it took around is there anything for me to look at here and no there's not okay god I'm so Chris one night that's great that's a twenty thousand souls or something yeah no more fat rolling I was too fat this is not good give me what where is it there it is got him yes so do I hit these nope don't hit them okay is this thing gonna grab it they keep spawning where they go away okay [Music] so if I go near the bookshelves they attack me that's good I never like to read anyway okay here's the idea we run in he does the thing and we kill him before he died okay okay so we basically we run in and we kill him before he does the thing okay here we go scale okay perfect killing myself Sparkle boy that's a sparkle boy down well ok avoiding that ok going over here alright I'm gonna go in on right after this ok wait another Sparkle boy where is he who cares let me go up towards that guy I didn't expect the two guys behind me honestly like in retrospect that was just a bad play on my part is stupid I shouldn't have done that yeah I mean hundred percent I kind of want to use the mace a little bit let me try and use the mace for these mobs because they're so small the mace makes it a lot easier for me to handle them all so I want to see how the Mesa changes my gameplay a little bit now that it's a little bit stronger and we'll just go back and forth so I was basically hitting for like mm I mean like how are you gonna say that's not good like that wasn't that damage was [ __ ] ridiculous let's keep walking around like I mean mm yeah okay so it doesn't really do as much damage per attack but with this look at this dick-sucker look at this dick-sucker [ __ ] this guy okay let's go up here and then we have the Pope's up here right no it's not to later on okay this place is disoriented me I guess that's up to here sorry I confuse myself so the red ones have more help there it is there it is okay so the mace does less damage but it has much stronger crowd control abilities so I'm not sure what I'm gonna use right now I'm gonna stick with the mace for now and Oh pudding think two or five much thank you very much for the 5 subs man thank you very much I don't think I need to worry about the guy behind me alrighty so at this point I need to make sure that I have I almost want to just run up there and try to film her I don't think that's a good idea [Music] whoa that was not good luckily he stuck to bottom okay after he's very very very proactive with these mobs okay I can't let them I can't let them get in on me Wow Wow after all that I still died I feel like this ring that I'm using is a bad idea like I don't think I should be using this ring okay let's keep trying okay it's 4% it's good the ring is only four percent damage taken okay then I'll keep using it I guess probably it was my fault because I didn't all right so I'll just keep fighting this mob and this time around maybe you know what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna run up there I'm not even gonna worry at all mobs are so weird like sometimes they'll run at me sometimes they won't I'm just gonna go around the other way okay let's hook up this way okay then I went this way that's right yeah I get lost pretty easily in these games got him easy game bottom easy game easy game okay I'll kill this guy easy easy easy easy okay now all I need to do is be really smart about avoiding these attacks and killing the smaller mobs perfect alrighty so I'm gonna go down here turn around okay and that'll bring them down below me and then I'll be able to kill the mood ships okay we're fine we're fine obviously a scuff start but it's okay okay let's look out over here visions and sevens oh it's just a guy that's dead I'm gonna heal again I want to make sure I have the best chance possible going into this so I have to fight that guy up there really aggressive like yeah that's why I want to use the mace there okay okay that's fine doesn't matter okay that was [ __ ] annoying but we're fine now good all right killing him good let's get this item down here scale perfect let's keep going is it ember up I don't want to ember up right now NEADS I mean they just do so much damage maybe I'm just playing this wrong I think that I probably am but it's okay by the way that kick was completely unintentional let's be honest I wasn't trying to do that perfect let's keep going oh this is great and scale getting everything this is actually kind of scary this is obvious invisible wall okay good oh oh boy I'm gonna use an ember for this like I'm not confident being able to kill these are really hard media what okay good if we can stagger it we can kill it yeah these roles actually make a big difference okay let's look this here what I thought that guy was asleep or something hmm let's look around so we're exploring in the library and that's how you can tell this is a fantasy game is I would never go to a library in real life so oh oh I think it's over there yeah I don't think I came in from here alright alright we just get him look it up hold it my feet [ __ ] that's a roll that's not hey hey don't even think about it bro respect the 1v1 okay alright just a second let me heal up okay ready where are we all right [ __ ] dude come on come with me for the bonfire okay just just coming into the pie notes don't don't dude like I don't have to do this part again thank you then i'll 1v1 you let's go [ __ ] how do you get away okay we got him everything's fine Titan height scale we got two of those let's just go back up around let's see pillage corpse oh wait I didn't leave that guy okay good there's nothing here right what the [ __ ] is this dunk head in wax Oh we'll do that in the minimun let's go back up to the top okay I will do no I'm gonna do it but I want to make sure that I explore all the way up here because I don't want to have to reek leer everything I'll come back around the wax boys everybody go into relaxed mode okay relaxed mode thing you guys need to know about me is that whenever I play this game like I I think I know that might be surprising after people watch watch my watch my playthroughs right but I do actually think sometimes and I don't want to accidentally do something that's gonna mess me up okay I don't think we got every single other spark oh boy didn't we yeah I think we did okay let's keep making some progress alrighty that's an elevator let's check let's go over here first okay well there's two of them there's two of them I didn't realize that let's just hold off it I'll be there in a minute I'm busy I'm busy right now would we give me a second girl okay getting out there would like watch out I'll protect you I'll protect you all right moving around here is there another great yep wow that's a lot of things something that's so many dick suckers I'm getting my dick sucked no okay Ludwick almost got me killed whoa that was unpleasant okay did I go out here I don't think I did you know this place is oh yeah I did I got my I got myself turned around oh I'm out of flasks okay I've got to start paying attention here I'm going to use embers that I have to see that okay all right flush fight ring what does that do okay flush buy it ring raises poi bleezin and curse and frost resist it I'll hold on to that for now I'm not going to use it immediately though okay oh there's an there's an elevator down there okay that that's fine let's look around here come down that didn't work all right let's go back down oh I know this has got to be the place with the thing on the other side thank you bro thank you for we did it we did it okay those are the this evil spirits the evil spirits of death I hear it you guys hear it listen to the sparkles she's afraid Udai would be too go wait come on move out of the way okay that's the dick Gargoyle flame hammer check this [ __ ] out right here look at that see how many that is you don't nothin to do with that I've already got the fume cost five alright I want this okay let's look around I'm sure it's a good item oh yeah wait I have a million souls we're not a million what's what's what's a million but one 0s that was I was really kind of bad I had to make sure that I wait I can't use another ember what how much to divine blessings cost eight thousand how many kill him to restore health Barrois will you sacrifice yourself gesture if you'll sacrifice yourself no Honda come on dude come on dude man you're scaring me scary man come on I'm so afraid right now come on should I kill him Barrois I don't know what where's this over here titanite chunk okay we got this all right if another all right yo if another gargoyle comes you have to kill it okay man can I even take that fall without dying like I don't even know if I can let's go around through here bro I think I'm just gonna use the divine blessing I'm gonna use it because you can buy these at the at the vendor right Oh bro I know what I should do just a second let me put on this ring and then I'll put on okay we'll go back all right I'm gonna regen my HP I'll be right back guys I need to take a piss it's okay okay dude okay just a minute let me get [ __ ] dude where's my the ring that I was using there it is okay good and I'll put on my other shield all right [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dude Oh actually you know what every little bit counts here's what all I just want to run back up there and get my [ __ ] I think I can run past pretty much everything let me see if I can at least I thought I believe you did that [ __ ] dude wait where's it oh it doesn't respawn nice well that makes things a lot easier I was really worried about that okay wait was I here I'm so stupid okay uh let me go let me go over here again I'm sorry wait I don't know what it isn't this game i like but navigation is really not my strong suit okay let's go down this way paid actor probably mcconnell i wanna see that [ __ ] was kind of funny wait did i just do it again yeah I do okay um so we go up here and then over here stop stop stop I'm not even gonna worry about those guys right now okay I'm gonna skip as much as I can because I just want to get right back to where I was at and fight the gargoyles they're gargoyles are gonna be my main challenge because of how how much they're the reason they're challenging is because they're gargoyles and [Music] matter okay I've got to roll through the great sword guy alright moving out of there geez this guy doesn't want to quit okay fine let's go idiot okay he's dead man yo I found out like what was that like a hundred K souls in like five minutes that was ridiculous okay let's go back around I went to the speaking of idiots I went to the wrong place yeah yeah I have to go down here okay and then that's where that dick boy was that I do not want to deal with him right now I mean he was easy for me to kill it's just I don't feel like I have to show off again right I mean I'd be kind of like bad form for me to show off so much right okay so the challenge here wait oh no its sister I forgot all about this area I just skip all this yeah yet I just lost $100,000 geez that sucks yeah actually that's kind of suck it's not a big deal right I mean like I don't need to level up like I'm already max level to begin with so she is how did I get hit by that - I I guess maybe I got a little bit mad I wasn't paying attention let's move that up there so basically they throw up like what is this like some kind of like acidic dude that routes you in place I'm just gonna kill him because I want to let me try and use the elevator because maybe the elevator is a shortcut kids like I saw it because like whenever I went inside there were two entries there was like the do it see what happens there were two entry areas do it see what happens okay so let's go all the way back there and I'll turn around I'll kill this great sword dick boy okay where's he at that's right he's afraid this time oh I need to go back there and never mind okay and then I go up here and I'm gonna try the elevator it was 100 K shut the [ __ ] up do it again see what happens don't make me come over there alright let's try and see where this is gonna take me because there I went in there's an entrance to the right and like maybe it might be at the entrances right this is confusing oh I didn't click this thing tell me helo do it do it go to bed perfection and timing is just one of my many traits of skill I know where that is that's the entry area it's over to the right so this actually is a shortcut that was a good idea no bro wait no wait no dude like not right now like I mean I don't need anybody else sabotaging me right now I want to see if I can get up here and get this stuff done okay after I get past this area because there's like so many things any oh whoa wait they just let me open them wow that was easy okay alright so now we get back to the easy part the gargoyles are really easy for me to deal with okay let's go down here and we'll start exploring the rooftops Souls no I mean I have like maybe 50 souls who cares [Music] oh there's the gargoyle okay let's go let me aggro okay he's asleep this makes me a little bit uneasy oh wait is he gonna come up here you can't know what up bro what's going on down there oh man nice Friday I'll see you later okay um oh and then there's Umi this guy come down so my my biggest worry is that let's be honest I kind of lucked through the the double gargoyle area and I don't want to have to fight them again because I feel like if I do I'm gonna die okay so that's why I just came in from and this is where the double gargoyles are at right they just make height this guy back okay come over to me he can't see me through that he'll die goodbye he'll die goodbye I'll die okay got it perfect healing up that's a roll right there as I said guys it just makes the game too easy if I start rolling because I never take damage but you know what just you know for a little bit of fanservice I'll keep rolling to make you guys happy let's see so I guess we'll jump down the Sun I could have survived what's this what's this [ __ ] ass attacking me for what is this okay with that undead bull undone bone shark those are good okay dumb cat and wax I don't want to do that right now try eliminating one at a time visions of shreya okay just a second let me look up [ __ ] here's an idea I'm gonna run in on him and I'm gonna hit him until it's dead yeah I'm gonna try and hit me with your sword [ __ ] you okay says you see like I roll a lot of like rolling just makes again too easy okay so now we fight the tree oh this is a really really hard place for me to do because of how because of how many like how long I have to go without like a heel or anything all right let's do it is it three gargoyles just these guys why would having worried about this I'm throwing this away that's right that's right oh wow that was bad that wasn't luck I heard him huh okay good yeah I heard his I heard the cast a flower oh that was pretty that wasn't very good I could have done that without taking as much damage what did I just get there I got a shield didn't I there's something golden let's see golden dragon crest shield golden wing crest shield yeah here we go the shield is exceptional amongst enchanted Blue Shield's not only does it boast magic absorption but also enables its wielder to parry spells cool well it's a good thing I never parry spells all right sorry I don't parry anything okay yeah that was a pretty easy fight but I think the reason I did so well on that is the fact that I was able to win a site the mage oh let's take this elevator and see where it where it goes maybe this might help me get back to this area faster oh wow Oh pull lever okay for a second I thought it wasn't gonna work let me go back over I'm gonna heal up I'm gonna put already up sixty Souls I'm gonna put some more points in strength let's put more points in strength and then I'll use all my souls and everything and we'll keep going let me check something else too if I can buy these divine blessings let's see hidden blessing Ember I don't need embers let's see Bunning green blossom why are these only worth 10 oh I can only buy one of them I see I already have like I already have some of those let's see oh firebombs I'm gonna buy like I'm gonna buy 30 fire bombs okay let's see what else can I get here through it foes purging stone you just as poison and toxic don't need that dump I I really don't want that making sure I'm not missing anything here that I could buy a soapstone reinforced weapon I don't need that right now I actually doing to start farming these though that is one thing that I might actually do off stream if I get those swords I'll just farm out the souls to upgrade the swords off stream but I'm not sure if I'll do that or not no promises or you know plans for that it's just it could happen subscription degradation there's nothing upon death but ring dies okay let's see nameless armor what's it called because it seems like Ferrum armor under the legion armor yeah yeah there's no nameless armor it seems wined golden crown am I really that dumb I'm not seeing it Eastern helm let me just look at armor specifically Oh ashen one okay be sure wait I really only have 52% wait really Wow okay I'll just put on the Knights armor then I really kind of don't like this I don't like the way I look and here's why it reminds me a lot of like as a balding man you know like you see Don and gives you a false hope it's it's depressing just is ok let's upgrade we'll do two upgrades and let's see again guys let's see we could put a point into strength or we could put it into I'm thinking strength we just strength or strength actually should I should be stamina yeah I think I'm actually gonna do stamina there looks like no reason not to okay because I want to have like more rolls and and more attacks okay burn that bone shard there we go Oh actually let me see if I can get enough Souls to do another upgrade how many do I have left here warrior very 5000 right if I lose those souls that really okay let's see where was I grand archives okay so we're ready to go we'll make some progress and we'll keep fighting by the full set uh you know what man I don't really want to buy the full set I only like the face mask part of it and because the helmet doesn't on the face mask I just look like a crazy [ __ ] you know who's this ready for round two Gwyn we'll get that hammer we'll get that massive [ __ ] hammer dude all right I'll give him a second to spawn in okay who's this oh he's summit okay where's yet where is it move back a little bit so I can see both entrances alright I'm gonna go out of my way I'm gonna find them what hey you ready okay what hammers that because I wouldn't roll I didn't know it would do that much that's a dlc hammer okay so we need to get that hammer wow that was incredible I had no idea could yet because I thought I'd be able to stagger him with that hit but I guess since he was in the middle of his a his swing I wasn't able to that's too bad see that's like one thing that I like about this game is like you learn things like that and it has like the same depth and everything that wow you used to have and I wish that Wow had like that same level of depth and knowledge that this game has now I feel like that kind of stuff really makes the game more interesting and more fun okay let's keep going this looks like it's gonna be a boss area there is there you think they're gonna fool me oh wow look at all the look at what's up there you know let me loot this right now sold across one night that's twenty thousand souls that's great I could go level up again but I think that'd be redundant I don't want to deal with that right now one at a time fatty my body body man these cameras are so like yeah we got ambushed by the ggx gang [ __ ] man all right let's try to hear it well I didn't know what was happening it's like honestly I feel like a lot of my deaths it's really annoying to like have to fight mobs like that that have really big hit boxes and like one thing that Wow has like makes the game in my opinion less frustrating is you're not able to get body blogs and it's something like path of Exile on Diablo have and it really makes the game like annoying and frustrating for me because I don't know like what's happening obviously I'm not saying it's necessarily not my call it's just a frustrating part of the game that I don't like and like not being able to run through mobs creates that okay so I guess I'm gonna keep them at the edge here rather than trying to fight all of them all right so that went a lot worse than the first time just who's phasing in PUA well I mean like yeah I can it's just like it's a matter of like preference and enjoyment not necessarily like and like I guess everybody likes things that are different but to me personally I don't really like whenever I get stuck in a wall and like mobs are surrounding me and I just you you get in a situation where you can't like move your character and you just die and I understand like yeah obviously it's like the players fault for like putting themselves in that situation it's just like I feel kind of like helpless and it makes the game not fun and it's like a personal preference for me you don't like physics well yeah I mean I guess not in a game that has like dragons and fireballs yeah I guess I don't like physics okay see here see if I can beat these guys this time I'm gonna get two hits on the first guy Wow yeah he had like one HP left I didn't know it would hit me like that I thought it was like a random thing and so I kind of like all right Jesus Christ this is [ __ ] annoying that wasn't like anything it's just a matter of like not understanding what to do I might turn down the sound actually I think it really kind of jarred my mind whenever I was fighting him there I do want to kill them okay like if for no other reason than to prove that I can [ __ ] do it okay these fat pieces of [ __ ] are not going to beat me I'm gonna try this kite away right now okay good alright one down I'm gonna heal up just make sure I'm absolutely completely safe here okay this is the this is a spinny boy right here let's go it's good thing we got those fire bombs okay okay okay all right so wait is he gone did he spawn but he actually just despawn okay there it is nervous nervous okay so that was uh I just want to make a guide there on how not to play the game okay so let's look around here hopefully there's only gonna be three of them if I had to kill those [ __ ] mobs I'm gonna make sure that I loot everything around in this area let's see there's one right there that's this shard okay well [ __ ] yeah I actually got something out of this it's useful not supposed to go up there and I am gonna go up through the top it's just the last place I'm gonna go about down here is there anything useful down here it doesn't seem to be let's do one circle around to make sure that I didn't miss anything they kill him yeah I killed him it's just kind of a it was kind of a scuff thing because I had to fight a lot of mobs I didn't know what they were gonna do like I almost the funny thing is almost killed him on the first try and then after that I started I don't know like playing [ __ ] okay so yeah now let's go up to top oh it's a quips alright we'll do one circle around here what's the point of this maybe you can only unlock it from the other way around it seems we've been debated okay Hunter's ring increases dexterity okay um so I already went down there what a waste of time well it's good though it's good though that those guys had the the ring though like I kind of feel bad for taking it from them because it's very clear that they needed as much dexterity as possible okay um should I go back and get a level or should I just keep progressing I'm gonna keep progressing right now actually I'm not gonna worry about it I've only got four flasks let me just go back and get a level real quick it just seems like the smart thing to do yeah oh [ __ ] I didn't see that it's right there in front of me damn it I killed Velasco oh [ __ ] okay guys let me let me go back and I'll I don't have to fight them again do i there's no way right I do all right if I can't kill them on this try I'll get the I'll get the slab later on I don't even need it right now I'll just need it later on whenever I get the dual wielding swords I think this is 20,000 okay I'll have to kill them again and getting stuff my traveling back back there from one kind archives yeah good knockers oh I forgot to use the Estes chardon who cares who cares let's keep going bone shard - can I pull them can I burn a bone shard here I can't I'm not gonna worry about it too much right now I'm already like my flasks are already like super ope to begin with I can wait a little bit longer if I die again though I will go back and do it I'm probably like watch I'm gonna use up all my heels I'm gonna feel like a [ __ ] idiot but we'll see what happens did you did you beat the nameless King you could say that yeah yeah I yeah I mean now pitas asked I didn't beat him I beat his ass okay so hawkman okay all right let's go not in the other dang killing up now I have to play this really really carefully okay he's dead wait how are you not dead okay good I said guys rolling is too easy for me like that's why I don't like to do it it just it trivializes the entire game okay okay that's another one dead alright and this should be easy oh this is actually this is the danger boy didn't expect that okay let's go oh I might die I might I might die Wow that was honestly that was just miss play on my part I should have healed up and played it smarter but I didn't I want to show off and I died wait that's really all there was to it - that was a mistake well it wasn't that I didn't stagger him it's it after my stagger I should have tried to recover but I chose not to because I thought I'd be able to just like to do it without staggering like I mean I wasn't because I I knew that was gonna happen because the first mob in the entire game like the big fat guy that I fought the beginning the game like he did that too so it's not like that's something that was unknown to me I already knew that like the these mobs had like a like their last attack was their heaviest attack I'm not even gonna get my souls here if I don't kill these guys I don't deserve them okay here we go okay let's be honest oh I got incredibly lucky there right there okay there's one down all right second beefy boy Oh he's gonna pad around them Wow that was terrible Wow that was really weird like so yeah that that could have been a lot better I I guess like so some of these mobs like the way they work is they like to lay their first attack their second attack you know and that's what really kind of made it confusing slab oh I got the slab like stop like I already got the slab let's watch okay let's go ahead and put one more point instead let's put two points in stamina actually let's put another point of strength let's let's be honest here okay get the slab guys I have this slab I'll show you see you look okay so if I open up my inventory and I have this right here so I have this slab which so if I have the slab that means I don't need this lab because if I needed the slab then I wouldn't have it but because I have it that means I don't need it okay guys this reinforced the s2 shirt okay well I Estes confirm 13 okay okay and now we need to burn the shard and then we actually make some progress yeah guys so hopefully that makes sense don't give up don't worry I won't all right Wow so I literally can't even get any more good than I am because I've gotten so good I'm too good I'm good I'm just too good I've got so many shards that it's just not even a big deal where's the other bosses have we fought any other boss besides nameless King like I'm [ __ ] bored let's kill a box-like now that i'm rolling around it's gonna be easy but still like let's go soon I hope so man let's pop off you missed one Estes sharp I mean I've already got enough flasks like if I need more flats than what I'm using right now I don't deserve to kill the mama okay so [Applause] that was rude okay that was just pathetic okay this is like the first area in the game okay let's see say oh I've got the blue guy here - all right these guys are pretty hard for us all I didn't think this range would be that long bottom alright wait your turn guys wait your turn alright that's your turn good and never hit more than twice all right okay boys clean them up clean them up let's see is that all the other moms yeah looks like it is okay let's heal myself up all right I'd only want to fight one of these at a time if I can do that there we go okay come on come on you know you want to he changed his mind there Mike doesn't want it okay so he's got a different pathing I don't think I mislead that I oh yeah I did thank you maater ik night sword I bet that's probably good oh he would see that guy I don't have to fight both of these at the same time as I said guys sometimes this game gets too easy for me and I have to make a little bit harder I don't know why I just sat there trying to face Hank him with no stamina but you know sometimes I like to make the game fun all right let's move up here let's see that was all the Knights wasn't it yeah it was look over to the side look up here what's up here nothing let's look over to the other side we'll be good I'm assuming that there's a boss in this next room and I just want to see if there's a shortcut or something that I can okay yeah I thought I thought there was that I can use to get to it faster without having to deal with so many mobs okay where is this where the hell am i oh wow this is where the Dragon Slayer boss is that oh this is whoa Wow okay so I guess I could just run up here if I wanted which place would be faster I think the Sun would be so I wouldn't have to run through the like the whole phalanx or whatever of the mobs okay good wow wow wow okay let's do it oh dear another dogged contender welcome unkennel one further winner of Sanders my dear the mantle of Lord interests me none oh great the fire linking cut all great news oh good now have your list I don't yeah I didn't realize I made that hip [Music] oh that's my fault my fault I thought I could roll really [Music] that was lucky I was really lucky okay pores are brain but you may rest here too I thought I'd be able to move out of that I guess not yeah that was pretty hard to do let's see I'll travel over to I guess Dragon's Lair maybe that'd be the fastest way to get there okay so it looks like he hasn't impale a double swing and then what I really need to watch out for is getting away from him after he teleports because I think sometimes you might even have to like if you don't see the impale you have to roll before you even see his body because he's gonna immediately do a slash so I'm gonna try and roll backwards for that but if I rolled four words that could be better because I'd be able to okay it's a good way I could get a hit off on him I think a lot of my weaknesses and my mistakes there were the fact that I didn't even get a like a lot of the hits I tried to to get on him didn't go through I swear to God that wasn't switch action at the focuses yeah I didn't Google I mean even if I did like I don't even need any more of those slaps I wish I had known about that ahead of time I might go to using so how do I make it go up thank because I came out through here [Music] okay that happened before at the beginning whenever I was going at that castle to the like the dungeon guy all righty at least this is a pretty simple run back so I just need to be a lot smarter with dealing with the first oh man like I need to so okay I can't really expect the stagger yeah so I can't expect the Sakurai I kept trying to hit him to try to like force the stagger I can't expect that to happen okay let's just try it I'm just gonna try and get get to the next base I'm also like let me see if I even get a I even proc my mace on this guy because I don't proc my mace on him I'm just gonna use the sword there's no reason not to use the sword if the mace isn't working next phase well yeah I mean of course I know like they said it 2 Duo ahead everybody is saying oh wow you're you don't even know like it's obvious that there's gonna be a second phase like come on ok I think you really think that's going to be the whole boss let's go I don't know when I know how service got it okay [Music] do you have brother oh good you think so no thanks I know what's gonna happen just do it yep there we go great awesome for that is our curse [Music] okay so I think I'm gonna try and kill the second guy first because I can kite the first guy around a lot the first guy really only has five abilities forward slash side slash and pale getting up and doing the big slash and then sitting down doing the big slash let's see only wait what [Music] he's fast I'm so stupid I had that okay okay I got hit by one of those why I do now you're gonna do something bad oh I see I didn't expect that I do deserve that okay Oh I should have I should have gone for a hit there okay he's gonna teleport here no he's not I'll run second /q okay okay already okay I'll do one one all right okay I can't afford any mistakes before boom there it is there it is boys there's the mistake there's the mistake right there okay so obviously I have to kill him that was that was like those bad on my end I'm gonna use the sword so yeah let's use the sword [ __ ] that's why I was using the other armor Pontiff Knight armor the [ __ ] is this looks like I'm look slick I'm a drag queen yes girl let's lay let's go [ __ ] it I don't care it's 2019 okay so basically the sort does more damage it doesn't feel like I'm propping frostbite on the boss I didn't think that the the younger brother would I thought I would actually have to reduce the health to zero and I did the math in my head of like how much I would hit him for I thought I'd be able to hit him for just enough to where the next hit would take him in and I would wild my stamina bar to regenerate and then hit him the second time with full stamina bar and then go into the the face of the brother with a full stamina bar and be able to triple hit him and then roll out of the explosion like that was what my plan was but because he he went into the next phase earlier than I had thought just you know it kind of messed up my plan okay let's see how I can do with the sword do it Wow okay I can't move out I can put a lot of that we have to roll side I got lucky so so the sword was good right it does seem like maybe that was a slower weapon and that's what kind of threw me off I'm gonna do one more attempt with with this weapon and then I'll probably just go back to the mace because I feel more comfortable using it I don't know like I said you know what I'm just gonna amber up you're right like there's no reason not to I mean I'm really I'm like one pool away from killing it it's just I need to make sure that I'm avoiding his abilities the mistake I made there is that didn't realize that the fire slash had a a cone effect to it and because I had always been in like a melee range so I'd never seen that so that was kind of a surprise okay turn up music I'll turn the music up one more let's see music took it up to two seven I'm not going to use it because I feel like it would be unfair but I do want to see what the resin would do I don't think I even have the resin yeah I don't even have resin oh yeah yeah I do I guess yeah I could use that if I wanted to but I don't really want to do that right now I don't think I need to I just need to get good and make sure that I'm avoiding these attacks it's just like sometimes like I don't know like where the windows are for me to take damage and I think I can heal through all my mistakes though okay all right time to pay attention I need to move away from that faster because I was so close to the light I didn't I wasn't able to like accurately see his hands and I couldn't predict the attack yeah that was again my fault okay I kind of want to yeah I'm just gonna go back and use the nice right it's what I'm more comfortable with it's what I'm used to using I'm gonna use the nice because again it's just it's a matter of comfort let's go back and I'm probably gonna [ __ ] myself by doing this though yeah I mean the reason I think I'm gonna [ __ ] myself is because I don't think I can to faze the brother guy right I think I have to do it in three phases so I basically have to use only three flasks per phase and I need to utilize like the de line-of-sight better and then also I'm gonna try to end the fight for sorry in the first fight at the altar that way I can get more damage in at the beginning because it seems like he always channels those those orbs at the beginning and I can probably get two hits in there at the beginning there too it's a matter of frost pool no no I understand like frostbite I didn't I didn't hear at Brocken so I assumed that it wasn't able to because I know some bosses are probably like immune to it or something [Music] unfortunately [Music] okay here we go let's focus [Music] I'm gonna find out so his name [Music] that's not working okay so I I was able to to practice the strategy that I was using it's just it ended up that it didn't it didn't work okay let's try this again so I think from now on I'm going to always predictably roll to the right or the left whenever he does the teleport because that way the impale is delayed so the roll to the left or right will always avoid the impale because it will move my character out of the direction that it will be in and also if he does the rough the right / I should be able to avoid that - your shadow is fine to restaurants with personnel well that's because I did from my perspective I thought that I already I already like kind of through the run away right because I'd gotten hit so many times in the first phase so I want to test out my strategy of maybe being able to stagger or stop the boss from doing something in that phase by hitting him a lot at the beginning while the brother was channeling the orbs and so I kind of like expected that to go badly I want to get to my own school [Music] over here [Applause] watch out yeah I'm gonna amber every pool I think that's a smart thing to do you got greedy I didn't get greedy like all right this time I'm gonna legitimately I'm just gonna actually like try to kill the boss cuz I do a thing where like after I wipe a couple of times I stop really trying to kill the boss and I start trying to just like learn what it does and this time I'll play a lot more I'll play a little bit more aggressively maybe like that doesn't make sense but that's kind of what I do the teleports really difficult yeah it's pretty hard also I feel like a lot of times I can only really get it hit on cuz like so basically the way it works like my role I'll show you after this so I can roll and then swing right out of that and that's a faster attack than naturally just rolling or running rolling and then attacking and because there's no delay between the animations that's what I have to do if I want to hit him in between his combos besides the flame sword or the the workers [Music] yeah I'm regressing a lot right now yeah that that's the thing is like so they're okay so I can't I can't hit him if he jumps up I just have to roll around I hate whenever I do this this is like my biggest weakness is like a player is that I regress so much and like it's kind of like a like a you you know we're like I start off really good and then I kept really bad and then at the end I'm like I'm good you know that's usually like what my skill my skill growth is ok let's get it done because you till I get mad really really really easily like honestly like there are time I get mad like over nothing and it's actually like my like a big weakness is a player turned on the sound like I lose my cool really really easily that's probably as I said like a huge weakness all right let's do what we can it's really confusing [Music] I was so bad lucky boys lucky boys lucky boys lucky boys very lucky boys [Music] okay so I yeah I didn't know how to do the riposte there and I I got like was that really lucky because obviously it did something right so here's why I was able to do that is because I was able to avoid the knock back from the brother and because I was able to do that I was able to cleave down the big guy twice and because his stamina hadn't fully recovered from me knocking him out of the first phase into the second one it immediately brought him into the like the recovery phase then I was able to hit him again and immediately knock him out of that recovery phase again and then kill him right so that's that's what happened okay not lucky at all it wasn't necessarily lucky but it was something that I didn't intend on doing let's go back over to the Firelink shrine - we got there DLC snow area okay let's do DLC use snow area let's do it so okay okay I want to go with endurance again I'm gonna go for 50 strength after this I'm gonna see if I can use any of my souls everybody wants me to do something differently I'm gonna do DLC does this give me 5000 please meet back up [ __ ] let me see if I can sell anything right sell item what can I that's it oh [ __ ] I thought I'd be able to get something out of this let's see yeah oh okay I can sell these weapons uh I don't even want to like I feel like that's stupid for me to sell the weapons because I might want to use them later on okay welcome home oh I don't know I did that this mistake okay I don't need to do that let's go we'll make some [ __ ] progress boys here we go dude I can't believe I popped off so hard man like I didn't even think that would be possible like for somebody to pop off on that level okay yeah these guys are hard to kill whoa why aren't they hitting me okay dad these are annoying how's easy dude wait I didn't get any I heard we got anything out of that is that a mom why is this guy throwing spears at me man what did I do to deserve this okay he's dead is this it wake up no it's just a random effigy okay let's look around yeah these have a lot of help kids you skip fire bus well I mean like I want to do the the DLC first and then I'll do the final blocks after that destroy okay good man let's go down this way Twitch Prime and talk oh yeah yeah you're right guys take it off sub mode after this but what's ironic Lee yeah if you guys want to to talk and chat let's get some twitch crimes guys come on final boss is easier then I then I should do this first because that would be more of a challenge I'm trapped you can take it off submode it's okay don't be good boys guys be good boys what's that Liam Neeson newbie that's me right now [Music] into the gray yeah I didn't like that movie actually why is there something why is there something lines calm the [ __ ] down like these guys are going crazy these lions okay wait God really how's embarrassing okay them do these things even do damage now why does he do this why does he move away from me okay good he's dead god damn there it is why did he do that huh me Michael Vick all right wake the [ __ ] up whoa this is a lion do it see what happens there it is that's a snow lion it looks like a wolf otherwise known as a wolf let's look over here and see what he was guarding it looks like this is where I need to go I'll turn back around make sure I don't miss anything how can I get up there do i school all the way around let's see if I do we'll do some we'll do some exploring here's what I'll do for the final boss okay that way nobody will will be concerned with me being out leveled I will get one more point of strength because that I've got 50 points of strength and then I will no longer level up my character oh oh oh he's summoning those I said I'm not gonna live up anymore so that way that's not good is it oh wow why am I even fighting those it seems like this is a mistake people fight these mobs like I could kill them but it will cost me a lot of flasks and I don't know whenever the next what do you call it whenever the next bonfire is so I don't want to take that risk right now okay let's go back around see if you'll change your mind well why would I change my mind like I was able to beat that other boss really easily I don't plan on changing my mind at all okay let's go back girl wait what did I just lose just a second guys what did I just loot I wasn't paying attention souls okay got the tree on me to three trees on me okay let's turn back around all right one more time okay that guy's dead good okay instead okay I had to pull back I got really overwhelmed there there's one more attack tree I'm gonna go kill the attack tree right now okay so if I fought all three of these I'm probably gonna get knocked back I'm gonna do it come on guys why they this is what's so frustrating sometimes like I have these mobs that try to attack me and it really just ruins my day you know what I mean like cuz I'm just trying to play the game and then I have these people that are just like [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're just hitting me meanwhile I'm sitting here just trying to have fun and play the game it's just [ __ ] rude okay I was already there ah [ __ ] let's go okay that's where the other intz and like spirit creatures were so let's go down this way and I'll be able to circle back round and kill that guy the the wolf master or whatever the [ __ ] he is NPCs are invaders yeah we actually we've only gotten one invader today usually we get a lot more actually like no maybe today is the best thing we've ever had because I almost never get them now that I think about it I get up on top of here No okay we've got to go around let's go around this guy sucks this is the worst Viking I've ever seen in my life whoa take that back momentum speed violence and momentum okay I didn't realize I was a charge like the champion gun-deer greedy you ever had a tree suck you big I almost just did there's a bad time all righty let's look around here okay there's those guys they look around I'm worried that I won't see any of the sparkle boys what the hell ROI oh this is another beefy boy okay let's go okay I really need to avoid these [ __ ] skiers all right I'm gonna go after that guy yeah I'm gonna go kill him [ __ ] this guy you know myself up okay yeah these guys are actually pretty hard to fight all right let's go up sets up Sparkle boy sparkle boy Sparkle boy where is he yes okay I should have healed before I went up here so what we're gonna do is we're going to go in there how do I walk how do I walk [ __ ] idiot get the [ __ ] out of here okay let's go down here Sparkle boy there he is twinkling titanite do you know me those I need zero because they're useless and I don't need them okay let's see ethereal Oak shield what did I just get their show item info the shield appears that slowly regenerates HP enchant weapon skill who gives a [ __ ] I think having the stamina is more important for my build honestly okay let's go back up to the top that shield no I'm sure it's a good shield it's just um actually you know what let me put on my put on CL how much I heal because it could help since my uh my stamina is already pretty well right now okay where does this say it better not say jump ahead oh wow yeah it is damn that's nice yeah that's [ __ ] nice okay um yeah all that that was lucky so I'm just using the shield to heal up I'm gonna use the other shield soon okay we should be fine here large soul okay I don't need those captain's asses so where do I I really want to get that those dual wielding great swords like would it be bad if I just asked where they work at where they came from because I really I want to try them out and I worried it like if I try them out okay do I have okay it's the last deal see do I have to do this deal see to unlock that DLC yes no okay well why don't we get to a closing point here and I'd really like to go try the other DLC then because I'd really like to to get those items it's the only thing that I was actually excited to do in the game let's kill this guy though just for actually you know what why would we even waste our time I'll cut this guy oh what a disaster Oh I didn't know he's gonna do that yeah [Music] did not know that was gonna happen okay let's go back over I'll use the other shield okay where's the grass green shield alright let's go and I'm just gonna skip these mobs over here there's no real reason for me to fight them it would take me like 20 minutes to get over let's go down this way I'll avoid them and we have all the rules [Music] it's a lot of wolves boys so it's a lot of wolves the big one better not respawn please don't let the big one respawn I want to practice against a couple of these Vikings again just so I can idea on how to deal with them okay whenever I get over there I'll turn around then I'll fight all the wolves that come to me because the wolves really interrupted me so against those mobs it's really easy to stagger them but the weakness that I'm running into is purely like my own mistake of spending too much time trying to attack and I think that's you know a affects my fault because I don't I don't leave my time leave myself time to recover so I need to do better with that and I'll be able to kill them like without taking a hit yeah let's turn down here did he beat nameless yeah man [ __ ] you kick you in the [ __ ] head how about that I didn't expect the trade with them they're actually okay it seems like they're all gone let's go so I should be able to trade with them here he'll go for raising shields okay there we go I hit him maybe I should just do this I think that's a much better idea instead of trying to like base thank him like that it was just stupid okay oh I didn't go up here oh those are the guys okay Kevin try to fight these guys okay Jesus Christ I don't really know what that was like rekt I mean like it's kind of like stupid right that happened it's oh man I really it's frustrating to me like whenever I feel like I'm like part of the difficulty of the games like the camera and again I'm not saying like this is like this will give me time though to practice against the Vikings again I'll see if I can kill them with like more efficiency it's made for controller well maybe it is like to me I'm much more comfortable playing with the mouse and keyboard group well apparently I just got 200 souls alright I'll fight these one time I'm taking too many of these hits okay last one come on yeah this seems like a much better way of handling these guys it's almost a bad way though okay so yeah I just need to Elise for those specifically I just need to face some like one at a time I guess yeah dude we got the suck all right we've got to fight him one at a time this one should be alive right Oh yep I just someone have anything like overwhelming while I'm fighting this guy whoa relax boys okay yeah good boy good boy now you're dead what I just randomly swing until they move into my hitbox and when they died pretty easy strategy actually works every time okay it's kind of want to get all these out of the way okay we're there anymore yep there's one right there what the [ __ ] hit me well I was really really good amazing on my part okay kill this one bottom all right we've made progress oh what's that guy this guy too it's gonna happen nope okay these away oh man now I that's really frustrating I can't believe I lost to a dog it's kind of bad what why am I even going over there and trying to kill those guys anyway let me just go loot the item and leave this seems like a waste of time yeah I'm just wasting my time I don't even want to sit there and try to like fight the two giant guys at the same time it's just going to be a blank the Wolves are like these moms are really easy to deal with if you have a shield because you can just hold up your shield and don't like basically stagger themselves by attacking your shield okay here we go is the second one I feel like these mobs just got buffed randomly maybe that's because I'm not rolling and like avoiding them oh I didn't even see that before because everything's like so white like I can't see anything okay that was an improvement so this time around I'm just gonna run over there I'm gonna get the item and I'm gonna run away I'll actually kill myself up right now that guy's trying to shoot at me okay so I just run in there I get the item I get the [ __ ] out if I die I die it's not a big deal get my souls back so I can not use them [Music] somehow I didn't even get hit holy [ __ ] the literal God alright I guess you have to go down this way right yeah it seems like that's not really a path okay [ __ ] not again I'll come down good oh no I lost that that's too bad [ __ ] what you gonna thief what do you mean okay yeah I wasn't paying attention I'll go back up there and get it alright that was apparently a huge waste of time okay we're looking around there it is boys there it is okay let me see what that what this is oh it's not a sparkle boy yep okay suck my [ __ ] alright we've got them so why did I come over here oh it's this whole area okay should we take the high road or the low road we go up towards the keep or down towards the the fortress alright we'll take the high road let me check over here to him I didn't know sir both directions okay what's whoa I hate bugs man I [ __ ] hate him okay let's go back up to the top did I beat nameless see I did okay um be wary of trap it's not gonna be a trap what trout dude I didn't even see him wait wow I just got lucky by randomly hitting the button was this the trap well wow you look to be on Kindle no Bell Tolls and yet you've slipped into the painting that's right oh no matter if you've lost your way the words of Lady Frida will guide you now go on inside show respect and listen carefully okay before I go inside let me just look around here there it is hallo Jim awesome alright let's go inside Oh another bonfire okay talking to the painted world of ariamis I am Frieda I have long stood beside our Blessed father and the rest although but for long thou seemeth not ashen one I know not the missteps which led me to this painted world but thy duty is born and thy Duty lieth elsewhere return from whence thou canst I presume it visible to the the bonfire here in this room no in fate he never seen it but will guide thee nonetheless I don't want the bonfire oh yes there is a thing thousands by rights possess ours is a chance encounter to be sure but perhaps it was meant to be Oh let this be a remembrance of this old world I think to help thee bear thy duty she'll bite ring now return from whence thou caves perhaps to place in that world and that alone is cause to rejoice let's see what the other ring does I miss to me it just increases for Ostia now vows to place ok queen ahead oh all righty oh let's go up there see what they have for me what's up here seems like a bunch of [ __ ] garbage let there be rolling if only I had a tail [Music] we're gonna roll everywhere there's an invisible wall in here I just know it I just don't know where it is but it's here for sure all right so I [ __ ] up her house that's right [ __ ] yeah give me a frost resistance ring that's the last thing I need okay let's go okay that's a waste of time and we already went here when we talked to this guy again sir he says lady Frida and Terry no longer and big R is one for inside the cold painting curiosity could be your cross stray from the withering flame and the snow will swallow you whole this Wow I like how it does this there it is boys mm okay oh [ __ ] this seems like a terrible time this reminds me of that Ash Lake area in the first game okay I'm gonna try and kill these one at a time so I need to get all the way down there I made it great guys I made it how about that easy disappointing let's be honest very disappointing sometimes you get it and sometimes you get got all right let's see let's go back over there and we'll try to do this a little bit better so I guess I can lunge attack on a lot of these mobs these even attack they don't do that no okay good well I have to kill this every time that's annoying come on guys let's go I'm gonna kill these just because I'm bored and [ __ ] you although only to 200 that's a waste of my time alright come on let's go so I have to get all the way down there that seems really [ __ ] annoying I'll see how long this is gonna take how we boyfriend's only if you suck my dick okay I'll just lunch attack this guy let's go again it's fine guys it's fine everything's going great so I could go down there but let me just try and go down here again maybe I'll be smarter and I won't get knocked off I'm actually thinking of putting on putting on heavy armor again so I have more poise to wear the bow and arrow guy doesn't knock me down I'm not sure if I'll do that or not I'll try and just avoid the attacks whenever I hear them though he's still will I mean I don't know okay got him okay [ __ ] all right one at a time boys one at a time let me just look around make sure I didn't miss anything I probably did down there but it's too risky I don't want to handle it okay let's keep going oh ho ho relax bro all right we got him I hate like golfing areas like this it's already I hate him it's just our heart there it's that dick sucker right there fine with me completely fine with me you know what after all this I was gonna just kill my firebox but he wasn't having it okay this is a boss isn't it who cares so let me heal up before I fight this thing it seems like it is just like a random item oh did I forget loot I'm dumb okay wait hey hey alright let me use the bonfire then I'll go fight the guy I had their yeah I'm afraid of a [ __ ] crab all right double crabs the last thing I worry about is a crab dude I've been to Long John Silver's before tastes like [ __ ] [ __ ] goddamn it [ __ ] crabs dude because there's two of a man Hakan the [ __ ] ass [ __ ] goddamnit piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] crap okay alright I'm gonna try that I'm gonna try that strategy again where I just [ __ ] go in on one of them and I just [ __ ] kill them and yes I've died more the crabs today than the nameless king yes I I know that please please remind me three hits do the XP okay this little jump there it is I don't have time for crabs boys it's a waste of my [ __ ] time I hate crabs disgusting Oh give me a [ __ ] break really if I ever get a break in this game get out of you okay and then this is gonna be another mob all right - oh are you [ __ ] serious dude talk in the ass [Applause] let's shoot this one over here maybe I just got lucky on the first mob okay nothing else over in this area all right let's go that was a spell I didn't I don't need spells that's nice an elevator okay let's look around first before we go over to the elevator now I'll check over how many how many crabs do I need to fight like like imagine spending your whole life killing crap I guess you don't have to imagine that boy yeah you don't want to imagine that all right there's another crab I'm gonna kill it pop up pop up again see what happens pop up again see what happens crabs that's right they're afraid does he respond supposed to be a boss [Music] after killing before the world what's easy I don't know how I didn't hit him I feel like two of those attacks just missed like I don't know it's weird I couldn't really see him maybe is it on a timer or on on a health pool maybe I'll use I could use a sword for this it could be better or I could just cleave him down at the beginning yeah I was kind of thinking healthful - okay let's go all right there's four dogs okay one more dog I guess not okay [Music] okay well it's weird because like okay so let me figure out what his health pool is gonna be cuz I really want to just try to get a kill on them without having to worry about like hiding around I'll try one more with the sloppy method and if that doesn't work I'll go back and I'll use an actual like working method everything's fine right okay good yeah cuz I can just kite him around and kill the wolf but I feel like that's just it's so silly to do that whenever he's solo he'll all right good I'll full heel whoa I see him there okay [Music] this early okay I have to run Jesus Christ I staggered him there but I was able to take advantage of it [Music] [Music] walk I was a real [ __ ] let me go back would I get i got'em called valor heart what is that oh here it is um it's interesting to have but I don't think I'm gonna use it there let's see DLC boss yeah I don't know about that that was a pretty easy boss to kill though now where do I go oh we leveled by the way yeah it felt like that was pretty easy okay let me get my stuff here I was a good like little boss fine can I go up there no I think I'm to see you see Homer Duncan I'm gonna call the day guys that was the last thing that I was gonna do I was actually gonna end it a little bit earlier but I'm gonna call today take a break chill out for a bit and tomorrow I plan on being back online and just going back to work boys that's always gonna be well I think honestly guys we made so much [ __ ] progress today we made a lot of progress and we made so much of it that we progressed a lot and I'm really happy about that I want to say thank you everybody Mike we popped off we killed nameless King and one try we did a lot of [ __ ] okay the way I'm guys strikes okay like I'll I'll do everything okay like and I'm not oh okay I want to get one more point of strength this is the last that I level up there will be no more leveling up until I finish the DLC okay and I will kill the last boss that way I won't be any more over leveled for the last boss than I am right now because I want to finish everything with the last boss you know it just kind of makes sense anyway boys anyway until next time I wanted to run ads right okay just a second when we run ads until next time this I gotta take a piss abit back if y'all can't see time to play off stream and farm some Souls I'm actually I'm not a farm out like [ __ ] probably like 200k souls that way as soon as I get that weapon I can [ __ ] upgrade it like would you guys be cool with that like I I think that'd be good I feel like it'd be like really boring to do it on stream okay yeah yeah so I'm not gonna make any progress I'm just gonna go back to that like library and just farm out mobs cuz I can get like 200 K because I feel like Gorge titanite how many of these doing [ __ ] need we've got ten so I think I need like what so it's like one to four and then eight and then this than this right and that's assuming I don't need chunks and I have more than enough chunks so yeah that should be no big deal gold GTX mobs yeah I just want to fight them cuz it's just like really risky anyway guys you know I really [ __ ] appreciate it weapons in deal so yeah I just want to get it though like that might be what I do tomorrow like straight straight up I really really want to [ __ ] farm that weapon out I don't know what happened with make the stream earlier guys my bad but that's the way it goes oh follow my twitter to such as mingle it's a second okay alright yo I'm gonna host my boy Mikkel Rumi so if you guys didn't give me your twitch Prime subs fine go give your twitch problem subs to him he's one of my best friends I've known him for a long time and it was one of he was like one of the first people they like helped me he actually helped me start and like set up my streaming for the first time so go ahead and give him a follow give him a host or a host which prime sub etc I'll see you guys there peace
Channel: Assertonsin [Asmongold Stream Reactions]
Views: 247,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, dark souls, dark souls 3, asmongold highlights, best of asmongold, twitch chat
Id: 6aQVcphOaB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 17sec (12257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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